Thirty four🌸

To everyone who asked a question and supported me💕😍 biko thank you we had such a great time. I will be live tomorrow hopefully, you don't wanna miss it trust me😉

Look💃💃 I kept my promise oo.. Oya clap for me🎉😂

Even though I am tired but I promised lots of people and I can't let y'all down😏 so shower this chapter with love naa😅😅

Not EDITED I was in a hurry soooooooo



That is the only thing that best describes me now, I turn around on the bed to come in contact with an empty bed..oh Allah!! What happened to my husband?!

I quickly sit up groaning in pain, all my muscles hurt but I managed to stand up on my two feet.

What if aliens abducted Ahmaad?

Shikeenan na shiga uku!

I've been telling him to shave his beard but he won't listen to me now those disturbing aliens have kidnapped him. Tears start to brim in my eyes, what should I do now?

"Ahmaad? Ahmaad?!" I yelled hoping maybe just maybe he is playing a prank on me but I got no response.

Putting on my Hijab over my night dress, I walk out of our house to look for Baaba maigadi (gateman) yes! We got our own house in Abuja a week ago after meeting ya Mukky.

Oh I forgot to tell you guys how it went, he refused to meet us. He said he was ashamed to meet us, his words not mine. I cried begging him to at least spare us a glance, Maami cried too but he refused. He told us to leave him and go and enjoy life, he has to pay for his own doing. As if we can enjoy life when he is locked up in jail..

"Baaba!! Baaba!!" I called hands akimbo.

"Naam Hajiya?" He called rushing, I blush in embarrassment. This man is as old as daddy but no matter how many tines I tell him to stop calling me Hajiya he won't budge

"Good morning baaba"

"Good morning Hajiya, an tashi lafiya?"

"Alhamdulilah. Did Ahmaad go out?"

"No, I don't think so" he said and my heart beat increased. Oh My God!

"Tohhhh" I paused "thank you baaba" and with that I turn on my heels and enter the house. I run to the room and carry my phone dialing Amtullah's number

"Why are you calling me so early in the morning?" She groaned

"Amtullah they kidnapped him! I am dead, they kidnapped my husband." I cried wiping my tears with my Hijab but the tears won't stop pouring.

"Subhanallah! Who? What happened?"

"Aliens!! sun tafi da Ahmaad, na mutu wallahi. (They left with Ahmaad, I am dead I swear)" she kept mum for a while before hissing loudly.

"Haneesa did you hit your head or what? You have lost it completely I am telling you, is it the pregnancy or what?"

"Amtullah help me, I am worried here and your joking. Msstw" I snapped angrily.

"Calm down missy and did you try calling him?" She asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Do you think the kidnappers are mad to let him use his phone?! No I did not call"

"Please madam call him and stop disturbing my beauty sleep.. All this couples drama I am not getting married seff" she sigh sleepily

"Thank you for nothing" I hiss ending the call. Throwing my phone on the bed I slumped on the ground crying, I have lost him to the world.

Now what to do? Absolutely nothing but pray for him so I lazily dragged my feet to the bathroom, took a refreshing bath and performed ablution to pray nafilah.

It was past twelve when I checked my phone, Ya Salaam! my stomach grumbled reminding me I didn't eat anything this morning.

Adda will kill me if she finds out, oh my poor baby. She said it's not good to be skipping meals cause I am eating for two now, it won't be fair on my baby.

I decided to make two eggs sandwich and a cup of tea. The door to the study opens and I jumped in horror, first Ahmaad goes missing and now a thief entered my house?! Shikeenan!

"Baaba!! Inalilahi wa'ina ilaihi rajiun!!" I yelled throwing my food on the floor and running for my poor life.

"What happened? Why are you shouting?!" Someone yelled following me and I turned to see Ahmaad in his pajamas worry evidence on his face.

"Oh my God Ahmaadudu" I cried jumping on him.

"Babe what happened?"

"Thank God you are safe, I told you to shave your beard but your too stubborn now the aliens-"

"Which Aliens kuma?"

"The one that kidnapped you mana" I said wiping away my tears with the back of my hand. he burst out into laughter, clutching onto his stomach as he rolled on the floor. What is so funny now?

"I shouldn't have let you watch that movie yesterday night now you think aliens are real.. Anee what is wrong with you? Goddd what a wife I have" he said in between laughter

"After Fajr prayers I couldn't sleep so I went to the study to work and then around seven something I fell asleep there, I kind of overslept" he explained standing up from the ground, he is still laughing but the glare I sent him made him shut up.

You know that feeling when you are super mad and someone doesn't take you seriously instead they laugh it off and you just want to rip their head off their body? That's how I am feeling right now. Tears of anger roll down my cheek, how could he do this to me? Doesn't he know I was dead worried?

"Come on Anee don't tell me your crying over this small matter"

"Wallahi Ahmaad if you touch me I'll bite you" I growled annoyed walking to where I spilled my breakfast.

"Haba baby wait now"

"Leave me alone!" I said carrying the broken mug, great. Just wonderful!

"Suits yourself" he shrug his shoulders off..mssstw so he won't even beg me to forgive him? Urghhhh. I tidy the mess Ahmaad made- yes he made the mess before making my way to the kitchen to make breakfast for me and my baby. Only the two of us.

All this while I made my breakfast, Ahmaad was sitting on the counter watching me probably wondering where the hell his breakfast is, abii lunch since it's already one. I ignored him humming and eating my sandwich and gulping my tea, after then I rinsed everything then grabbed my tube of ice cream, my love for ice cream ehnn especially Cold stone. Ahh that one na bae

"Ahmaadu I was wondering if we can go to Cold stone later" I said pouting ignoring his glare.


"And maybe get some cupcakes from Chloe's, God I am already drooling" I continue licking the spoon clean. I don't care if it's disgusting I am just glad Ahmaad is getting more and more irritated with me.

"Anee I'm hungry you know" he said after a while when his stomach cried in hunger

"Suits yourself" I mimicked sticking out my tongue for him..

"Hmm we will see who will get that ice cream for you later, you will see" he threatened.. Oh no my ice cream. Knowing fully well he won't buy me my ice cream I quickly made something for him and he beamed at me digging into his food.

"Now will we get the ice cream?" I asked and he sigh.

"After we meet Mubarak, get ready"


"No we are going home and that's final!" Maa argued and Ahmaad sigh while Mubarak tried to suppress his laughter.

"And you stop laughing don't think just because your a patient I won't beat you" she glared and this time Ahmaad is the one trying to suppress his laugher..


"Maa we will come another day, I promise"

"Ahmaad I am not hearing a word from you! Ever since you got married you promised to bring your wife home but you didn't, if not I met her in this hospital I will never know her" she scold and I bite my lip to stop my laughter.

"Exactly!" Mubarak add feigning hurt.

"I had to beg him to bring me to the hospital seff wallahi Maa he is too Stubborn" I add with a sad expression and she blared more with anger.. I love Maa already even though I met her today.

"Haba Ahmaad, I am disappointed in you" she add while he hung his head low in shame. "Come here my daughter, how are you even coping with this man? Does he allow you to go out at all?" She said hugging me. Motherly hug.. Ahh.

"Sometimes" I said truthfully and she sent him one of her famous glares before the door to the hospital room opened.

"Walaikum Salaam.." We all chorused as Amtullah entered the room with a basket in her hand. I couldn't hide my shock, what is she doing here? Maa forbade her from seeing Mubarak then what I'm I seeing?

"I have been waiting for you since, just because it's Mubarak's food you were busy wasting time koo?" Maa scold playfully. "Toh we must eat that food today come and serve me"

To say I am shocked will be an understatement.. Warris happening? Hanty... Huncle I'm I the only one surprised?!

"It's not like that Maa, I overslept cause someone's call woke me up early in the morning" she said glaring at me.

"Hmm toh since you are here, stay with this naughty patient. The rest of us will be going home"

"Okay" and then we all stood up, Ahmaad walked out first and Maa followed him reprimanding him while I looked at Mubarak and then Amtullah.

"Young lady you have a lot of explaining to do later" I whispered at her and she blush pushing me.

"Don't do anything haram btw, remember your in the hospital" I yelled running to join the two.

Throughout our journey to Mubarak's house, Ahmaad didn't utter a word to me. Maybe he is still mad, oho for him. Maa kept talking to me as if I am her long lost daughter, she is a really easy going woman.

Their house is a beautiful three stepped well furnished place, I met her daughters. Adda Safiya (the eldest) followed by Mubarak (her only boy) then Hadiza (who is my age mate) and Yusra who is Zubaina's age mate.

Adda Safiya has three kids, all boys actually they are triplets (I can't differentiate them they are so identical)

Mubarak is yet to be married and Hadiza got married few months before her brother's accident then Yusra is the exact replica of Zuby aswear, they talk too much.

Talking of Zubaina, I miss her so much and Nabila. I talk to them almost everyday.

"Will you like to eat aunty Haneesa?" Yusra asked

"Of course, is that a question?" Adda Safiya butted in.

"Please go and get her something to eat" Hadiza add warmly.

"No she just ate before we left home" Ahmaad said, he was talking to Maa but his amebo is too much. I glared at him annoyed.

"But I'm hungry now" he widened his eyes in horror, I can't blame him cause the food I ate at home baa.. Let me just keep quiet.

"Anee a-are you sure?" He gasped

"I am eating for two remember?" I rolled my eyes annoyed and everyone gasped.

OhMyGod. I didn't just say that did I?

"Your PREGNANT?!" they all yelled making me close my face in embarrassment.

"Ya Salaam, how did I not notice?" Maa said smiling widely. "Alhamdulilah!!" She prayed.

"Please go and get her something to eat Yusra.. I brought one chicken wings from my house, bring it for her" Adda Safiya said "you like pepper right?"

"Yes please, is it extra spicy?" I asked my mouth already watering.

"Extra, extra spicy" she confirmed.

"Yusra be fast before I lose my baby" I said too over dramatic and she ran.

"Now Ya Ahmaad if she didn't tell us by mistake you wouldn't have told us right?" Hadiza asked and we both blush in embarrassment.

"Leave him alone, silly boy" Maa add.

"If I stay here for another minute all of you will kill me" he said throwing his hands up in the air. "I have somewhere to go, I'll pick you after Maghreb Insha Allah" he said and I nod my head, he bid them goodbye and then left.

"Stand up and go after him" Maa pushed me and I pout following him where he was leaning by his car.

"Don't think I have forgotten what you did to me back in the hospital.. Anee you must pay for making Maa scold me" he pout making his lips look inviting.

"Haba babe I'm sorry and don't think I have forgotten my cold stone"

"You and this cold stone.." he laughed

"It's bae" we both said at the same time and we laughed it off.

"Will you be fine here?"

"Ehn na please mallam do and go, I want to eat my spicy chicken wings" I whine

"This woman. Oyah be safe for me and take care of my baby"

"I will and you too" I smiled and he lean to kiss my cheek.

"Now shoo" I said as he enter his car.

"I love you"

"I love you more" and with that I entered the house only to meet my spicy chicken wings waiting for me. Shit is about to get down.


"Don't forget to always eat even if your not hungry, remember your eating for two" Adda Safiya concluded her speech, she was giving me pregnancy tips.

"Insha Allah... Gosh now you sound like my Adda" I laughed.

"In that case I would love to meet your Adda"

"Oh trust me you guys will click"

"Mommy daddy is here" one of her cute seven year old son said.

"Okay tell him I am coming downstairs now" she shooed grabbing her hand bag. Her husband is here so they are leaving.

"Bye sweetie Allah ya raba lafia"

"Ameen thank you Adda Safiya"

"Anytime, and bye to you sisters" she said blowing them a kiss.

"Bye" they chorused, we were all seated in Maa's room talking about everything and nothing. Hadiza is spending the night here cause her husband traveled and she is afraid to sleep alone in her house, her words not mine.

Maa went back to the hospital, she is sleeping with Mubarak leaving us home alone with only the maids in the boys quarters.

My phone buzzed and I picked up realizing it's Ahmaad.

"Hey are you here?" I asked..

"No babe, listen I am on my way to Gombe" my heart beat fastened.

Inalilahi wa'ina ilaihi rajiun.

"Why? What happened?" I panicked.

"Calm down.. It's Ummah, she is sick wai and she is requesting for me"

Ummah.. Wow no matter all the pain she has caused for me I can't help but care for her. I mean she is my mother in law.

"Is it that serious?"

"I don't know, abba called me and summoned for me."

"But it's late Ahmaad why don't you wait till tomorrow morning? It's risky, you know this kaduna road" I said swallowing the lump in my throat.

"Anee it's my mother were talking about here" he snapped "I won't forgive myself if anything bad happens to her bacause of me"

"Okay" I simply sigh.

"I'll stop by Kaduna and sleep over and continue the journey tomorrow" he said now calming down. "I have called Hamid (Adda Hayri's husband) he will pick you up now you can spend the night in your sister place right?"

"Yeah sure. Safe trip and please call me when you reach Kaduna"

"Insha Allah darling, just keep praying for me"

"Always. Bye" and with that he ended the call. I couldn't help but let the tears fall from my eyes, Ya Allah guide and protect him for me..

Ahamaadu why are you so stubborn na😭😭

What will happen now😱

Vote, comment and share to find out.

Me will come back very, very, very soon. I promise😌💕

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