Sixty six🌸


Yep.. It's longer than usual💃🎉


It wasn't until sixty-twenty am when Inbihaj knocked on Haneesa and Ahmaad's door ready to go and start their morning duty when Haneesa stirred on the bed. Innalilahi wa'ina ilaihi rajiun. She chant jumping out from bed and waking Ahmaad up. They had missed Fajr prayers and now she has to make up a silly excuse for Inbihaj. Ahmaad ran inside the bathroom while Haneesa explained to Inbihaj that they overslept which she shrugged off saying it was fine before walking to the main kitchen to supervise breakfast.

Sighing she walked back to the room and knocked on the door wondering what was taking him so long but when she remembered he has to bathe first before taking his ablution she inwardly groaned. She turned around only to find Aslaha throwing her little hands and legs while squinting her eyes.

"Don't wakeup, don't wakeup, please habibty" she whispered praying while crossing her fingers but it seems like luck was not on her side cause the little girl woke up in the process hitting Aslam who woke up also. She cried mentally.

"Haba Aslala baby.. See you woke your brother in the process of stretching your small, cute body" she gushed jumping on the bed and immediately they started smiling at her and throwing their hands up. it still surprises her how they recognize her but either ways it was the cutest thing.

The bathroom door flew open and Ahmaad walked out in his towel, he quickly grabbed the nearest Jallabiyya he saw and spread the prayer mat. he didn't even spare her a glance before he proceeded to pray while she contemplated on entering the bathroom and leaving the twins alone or staying with them until Ahmaad is done. She chose the latter, she can't have them rolling on the bed and hitting their heads in the process. so she laid in bed with them until Ahmaad was done and he took over.

It wasn't until eight thirty when Haneesa was dressed up in her lilac blouse and skirt, she applied little makeup before grabbing her veil and wrapping it around her head.

"Anee who will bathe the twins?" Ahmaad asked holding Aslaha as she stared at him while Aslam was on the bed his attention on a rattle.

"I..I don't know. I'm already late and it's all your fault" she stomped her feet.

"Don't act as if you didn't enjoy last night" he smirked

"Pervert" she muttered under her breath before making a quick decision, "let's go. We are already late" she grabbed Aslam while he carried Aslaha, together they walked to the main living room were breakfast is to be served. Everyone turned their attention to them and Haneesa wished she can just magically disappear, the look Ummah is giving her is enough but no, Inna Naana must open her mouth to say nonsense.

"So Inbihaj is a machine right? She can wakeup since six am to make sure breakfast is ready but you since you don't have sense you will just come here and eat until you quench your hunger!" She sparked.

"Inna Naana It seems like you are getting old. Haneesa helped with breakfast yesterday and all the chores but just because she is late once you are finding fault in her.." Ahmaad replied before she could even open her mouth to apologize. Something fluttered in her heart, ya Rabb! Is this for real? Is Ahmaad really standing up for her!?.

"So now you are saying I don't have a right to correct your wife?" Inna Naana being herself yelled.

"Naana why are you making a big deal out of this? Please have your breakfast quietly" Abba who was fed up of all the drama ordered and she glared at Haneesa raging with hatred.

Haseeba collected Aslam from Haneesa insisting she should eat while she will make a bottle of milk for him and she flashed her a grateful smile.

"Burdah serve your husband.." Hajiya insist and she nods her head. Different food flask were arranged in the middle of the parlor, plates were stacked in one side, tea cups, beverages and cutleries. She opened the first warmer only for her nostrils to be hit with the amazing scent of miyan taushe, the other warmer holds fluffy masa, another was yam with egg sauce, puff-puff and Danwake. Knowing Ahmaad she decided to go with the masa for him and Danwake for her. She served him and made two cups of tea for them.

"Thank you" he smiled as she sits on the fluffy carpet beside him. Everyone was sitting on the floor expect Hajiya, Abba and Daddy. (Salman's father)

They kept trying to eat but Aslaha was getting in the way trying to dip her hand inside the pipping cup of tea. "I'll hold her, you eat" Haneesa volunteered collecting her and placing her on her lap.

"What about you?"

"I will eat later" she whispered back, not like anyone will hear them since everyone was engaged in a different conversation but still.

"No, open your mouth, I will feed you.." He insist

"But.. Ahmaad not here" she pout glancing at everyone in the living room. They were all engaged in something, Inbihaj was even feeding Salman the puff-puff. She sighed, "okay"

He smiled triumphantly before feeding her. "I think I am ditching my masa for this danwake" Ahmaad teased taking a mouthful.

"But it's my food"

"Sharing is caring" he winked and she rolled her eyes.

"Oyah open your mouth..." He brought his hand closer to her mouth and she slowly ate the food in the process biting his hand intentionally.

"Ouch Aneeee" he yelped quietly and she chuckled.

"That is for eating my food"

"Aslaha see what mommy is doing to your poor daddy" he pout and the little girl smiled.

"Awwwn look at her smile, She is always smiling and when she smiles she smiles really widely unlike Aslam, have you noticed?" Haneesa rambled while Ahmaad just look at her talk fondly about their babies.

"Oh Allah! Isn't she just adorable?" She gushed placing a kiss on her soft cheek.

"She is MaashaAllah" he replied absentmindedly while chanting 'Alhamdulilah' over and over in his head.

"Ahmaadu feed me..." she brought him out of his thoughts.

"Oh sorry" he proceeded to feed her the danwake. it wasn't until they cleared both plates before they looked at their surrounding noticing everyone has disappeared expect Maryama who was eating slowly and Inbihaj and Salman who were talking in hushed tones. It was so obvious that Maryama was eavesdropping on Haneesa's and Ahmaad's conversation, when she stood up to exit the parlor she muttered something like 'aikin banza wai su soyayya'

"Ikon Allah. (Wonders shall never end)" Inbihaj laughed at the fuming Maryama that left the living room in the process hitting a tea cup which shattered into pieces. She didn't even stop.. she walked away hastily.

"Envy will kill some people" Ahmaad shake his head in disappointment.

"Allah ya kyauta, let's go Ahmaad, Abba said we should meet him after breakfast." Salman said standing up and they all followed his action. He placed a chaste kiss on Inbihaj's forehead before turning around and leaving with Ahmaad who did the same to his wife.

"Yalla let's go and bathe the twins and dress them up, today is the sakun lalle event" Inbihaj collected Aslaha as she instruct the maids to tidy up the living room.

"I'm sorry I left you all alone today.."

"It's nothing, Nabiila was there to help and also Sadiya"

Haneesa gasped, "what? How?"

"I sent the maids to wake her up, she can't expect her elders to be working while she is sleeping like a log did she?"

"Oh Inbi, have I ever told you that I love you so much"

She laughed, "well you did now"


The sakun lalle event ended in joy, Rakiya looked stunning with her hands and legs covered in black and red henna. She had a wide smile on her face, her whole body was glowing from the gyaran jiki as her long, thick Fulani hair was dangling on her back. Inbihaj had called the hair stylist earlier and she arrived plaiting both Haneesa and Inbihaj's hair. She was quick and she plaited their hairs in a beautiful way.

It was past Maghrib, everyone was eating dinner when Hajiya announced everyone will be going back to Gombe next tomorrow, they were organizing the Kamu event the following day after they all go to Gombe, including Hajiya who insisted on going.

"Tomorrow a small ceremony will be held, we all have to wake up as early as five am so that we won't get late. It's like Eid, Hajiya organizes the event every time a wedding is held.. You know all this royalty stuffs. It is like we are jubilating and telling people that someone from the royal family is getting married. We call it sadaqah trip" Inbihaj explained as they retired for this night in her room. Ajma was all over the twins as the played on the bed while the two were sitting by the bed keeping an eye on them.

"Wow. Including the men?" She asked.

"Yes everyone, the elders will stay back and receive some elderly guests while we will go and distribute the sweets, goro, other traditional snacks, clothes, food items, shoes, story books, stationeries, token of money and many more items. it's just Sadaqa (alms giving). You will get to see Dukku and the people and their way of living. It is tiring but fun wallahi. I am so glad I am doing this with you"

"I'm glad too, I can't wait. It's going to be fun"

They talked for a while before the two best friends came back from their yawo, they met some of their friends and well... They lost track of time. Ahmaad picked Aslaha while Haneesa carried her twin.

"Goodnight and don't be late, no having fun tonight. Please guys" Inbihaj teased

"Inbihaj" Haneesa gasped and she laughed waving her hand in the air.

"I've been there" she smiled and they left for their room with Ahmaad roaring with laughter.


The next day went by smoothly, Inbihaj was right.. Dukku is such a fun and Jovial place. She met many people, both young and old and all were nice. She met lots of kids, wearing old tattered clothes, torn hijabs and a pair of rusty slippers, her heart fell in the pit of her stomach literally. She even shed tears when a girl of seven years old of age hugged her and asked her what it was like outside Dukku, it was a heartbreaking sight she couldn't help but say 'Alhamdulilah'. all her life she grew up as her father's princess, she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth but when she married Ahmaad she saw a new side of the world, a side she never imagined was true. She couldn't be more grateful for Ahmaad in her life, he increased her faith in Allah, her tawakall. Now as the girl, Hajara as she learned sat on her lap, she smiled with love brimming in her eyes.

"Anti bani labarin Habuja. (Tell me about Abuja)" the girl said playing with Haneesa's veil. She smiled..

"Hajara what do you want to know about Abuja?" She asked in the language the girl conversed her with.

"Everything" she replied "Do they eat tuwo in Abuja?" She bombarded her with another question making Haneesa to laugh.

"Of course. Hajara do you go to school?"

"Yes, Ummah said primary school is free so I can as well learn the basics but after that no more school for me.." She pout "that's why I don't want to grow up, if I become big I can't go to school anymore. Have you seen my elder sister, Binta? She is big now so she doesn't go to school, Mama said she is getting married in a month"


"Yes.. Look at her there with that Aunty" she pointed at were a thirteen year old was standing with Inbihaj, the girl looked lost in thoughts as Inbihaj tried to talk to her but it was as if she wasn't listening.

"She is still sad because Mama said she is getting married, that is why she is like this. She doesn't even play with me anymore.." Hajara continued.

"But why? she is so young" Haneesa was on the verge of tears again.

"No she is big! Mama said she can't feed her anymore.. Eight kids are too much for her" Hajara replied sadly, Haneesa pulled the girl in a big embrace.

"Hajara do you want to go to Abuja?" She asked the question that she has been dreading to ask. The girl pulled away from the embrace and bulged her eyes at her

"Da gaske? (Really?"

"Yes or no?"

"Yes aunty, yes! will you take me to Abuja with you?" She yelled in joy.

"If you want to go then I will see what I can do" she smiled

"Nagode (thank you) aunty. I will tell Mama that I am going to Abuja that means Binta doesn't have to get married. She can take my place.."

Just how smart is this girl? Haneesa thought. "Hajara I have to be sure first, so don't tell anyone"

"Okay, it's our secret" she smiled at her before Inbihaj announced that it was late and they should probably head back to the palace.

"Aunty don't forget me please.." Hajara cried when they were about to leave.

"InshaAllah Hajara, I won't. Bye" she kissed her cheek and turned to leave not before giving some money to Hajara's mother, they dropped the food items they were sharing in the last house before leaving.


That night Haneesa has finished packing the twins bag, hers and Ahmaad when she found Ahmaad in the room playing with Aslaha, Aslam was fast asleep while the father and daughter were wide awake playing. She sighed before sitting by the bed and Ahmaad turned to look at her, she has been like that since they came back from their 'sadaqah journey' (alms giving).

"Anee what's wrong?" He asked placing his hand on her shoulder and she turned to look at him with teary eyes. His heart broke at the sight of tears rolling down her cheek.

"SubhanaAllah! Habibty why are you crying? Did anyone say something to you?" He asked worriedly, he is hundred percent sure she didn't spend time with his mother nor aunties today so who might have said something to her. Maybe Maryama and Sadiya? He thought but shrugged that thought off, they wouldn't dare.

"Ahmaad is it possible to take a girl with me to Abuja?" She asked taking him off guard.

"Is this about Hajara?" He asked and she nod her head. He noticed how close she was with Hajara immediately they arrived at their small mud house. They were eight kids in the house and one mother but her heart collided with Hajara.

"Anee to be honest I don't know, you have to ask Hajiya first and then her mother. You can't just take away her seven years old daughter from her. It's not done that way.." He explained

"I know.. But.."

"And where do you plan on keeping her? She is just seven Anee, she needs attention also and you can't give her that. You have two babies to take care of and you want another additional responsibility?"

She kept shut for a minute before wiping away her tears, "you are right Ahmaad, I can't take care of her. I don't know what is wrong with me. I'm sorry.. I feel stupid"

"It's okay, you have never been on this alms giving trip so you might get attached to the kids out there but remember you can't save everyone. What will happen if you take Hajara? What about other kids? She has younger siblings don't forget"

"I didn't think of that. You are right, I am such an emotional wreck"

"It's okay darling, I've got you. Get some rest, we have to wake up early tomorrow. We will be going back to Gombe"

"Thank you. goodnight" she placed a kiss on his cheek before slipping under the covers. That night she didn't sleep, rather she kept thinking about Hajara and the promise she made to her.

She deceived her.

Assalam Alaikum. This is worth the wait huh? 😊 nayi qoqari wallahi👏
(Yabon Kai😂😂)

They are many kids like Hajara out there😭 let's strengthen our Ibaadah by donating for charity. (May Allah give us the ability to do so) Ameen

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I am just becoming Haneesa day by day😭

Such an emotional wreck..

Let me not bore you,

see you soon InshaAllah💗

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