Sixty eight🌸
Gombe state.
Dedicated to each and everyone of you who voted and commented on the previous chapter💗💗
Haneesa was crying hysterically.
Immediately they ran to the room and found their son on the ground crying for his dear life Ahmaad carried him in hand and rushed to the look for his car keys, Haneesa on the other hand was confused, she started crying and throwing her clothes from her wardrobe on the floor looking for something to wear. Finally she grabbed an open abaya and a purple veil she saw, draping it over her body, she carried Aslaha and rushed to meet her husband and child in the car. She had to hold both babies as Ahmaad drove to the hospital full speed.
They arrived soon and took Aslam to E&A (emergency and accident ward), Aslaha kept on crying due to the way her mother was crying heavily. Ahmaad collected the little girl and kept pacing forth and back worriedly.
It wasn't until twenty minutes later when the doctor on duty stepped out from the ward. "He is fine, Thank God it wasn't a serious hit he will be fine. I will just prescribe some paracetamol for him and make sure you feed him some milk" he said and they nod their heads.
"Nothing to worry about, just keep an eye on him. Kids at this age are very fragile, be careful please" he advice before walking away. Ahmaad paid the bills and they went back home. He prayed two naafilaah's to thank Allah for his child's wellbeing. he will never forgive himself if anything happens to his children, they are his amanah (promise) from Allah and his reason to live.
Still dressed in his jallabiyya, he walked inside Haneesa's room were she had Aslam cradled to her chest as she cried silently. Aslaha was back to sleep beside her and he sighed, "How is he?" He asked sitting beside her on the bed.
"I just gave him the paracetamol and some milk.." She sniffed back her tears.
"Shh Habibty, it's okay" he circled her waist and pulled her closer to him. She didn't object rather she laid her head on his shoulder and cried more. She was still in shock over what happened, she can vividly remember her frantically looking for something to wear over her night ware. She can remember seeing the little boy on the floor as he cried really hard, he must have been in so much pain.
"Anee please it's enough, he is fine now. instead of crying you can use that opportunity to thank Allah that he is fine okay?" He cooed rubbing his hand on her back.
She had long forgotten about their silky fight, all that matters is her children's wellbeing. "Ahmaad I'm sorry"
He sighed before collecting a sleeping Aslam and laying him beside Aslaha. After making sure the babies were snuggled in bed and a pillow was begin each of them, he grabbed her hand and sat her down on the floor with him. "I'm sorry too Anee, I shouldn't have neglected your feelings, I should have been more careful with you, you are my fragile hearted wife who needs to be treated with lots of patience and love. I just lost my temper and said a lot of hurtful words to you and I am deeply sorry. I didn't mean any of that but wallahi Anee you pushed me so far.. You hurt me even after I tried to win over you heart. I guess the cake and Chinese was just a waste of time and efforts"
Her heart skyrocketed. She could feel new set of hot, fresh tears rolling down her cheek. "I'm sorry Ahmadidi, it's all my fault. I was being irrational and inconsiderate and also stupid and I was acting very foolish. I promise I will never bring up Hajara again or anything that will hurt you and also I really enjoyed the cake and Chinese, wallahi'l azeem that little gesture of yours wins my heart every time" she kissed his cheek.
"It's all in the past. We are not perfect and so is our marriage. I can't promise you that I won't fight or argue with you cause that is what makes up our marriage but I promise you I will always patch things up between us even though you are very stubborn" he kissed her wet eyes lids making her to pout.
"I'm not stubborn!"
"You are"
"Okay fine, maybe a little bit stubborn" she admitted laying her head on his chest. "You are a really good husband Ahmaad, I love you"
"And you my darling, your the best wife I could ever wish for, I love you too" He took her hand in his before placing a soft kiss on her hand, "you're also the best mom"
She chuckled, "I'm not so sure about that, I almost murdered my own child" she glanced at Aslam who was sleeping peacefully, Aslaha stirred before letting out a soft sound which Haneesa thought was a satisfaction sound.
"SubhanaAllah, don't say that! and he is fine now so say Alhamdulilah"
"Alhamdulilah" she muttered under her breath. The stayed in each other's warmth for a really long time before Ahmaad called out her name.
"Hmm?" She asked absentmindedly. her eyes were focused on her kids as they slept. she was afraid that if she takes her eyes off them, even for a minute something bad will happen to them.
"I love you and all but I am hungryyy" he whined making her to laugh as she pulled away from his hold grip.
"Ya Allah! I'm so sorry.." She kissed his lips before getting up and he followed right after. She removed the purple veil around her neck and abaya and put them away in the wardrobe meanwhile Ahmaad was blowing dua's on the twins, she smiled.
"It's almost two am, what can you eat now? Something light" she said as they walked to the kitchen. He sat on the counter even though there was a stool and she glared at him for his 'improper' act.
"Anything you make"
"Some sandwich and milk, chicken sandwich?" she asked hands on her hips and he frowned.
"Why milk? I'm not Aslam please, I prefer juice. Orange juice!"
"We will see about that. Now seat on the stool, the counter is cold" she turned as she started making the chicken sandwich.
"I prefer sitting here"
"Ahmaaaaad" she gave him 'the eye' and he threw his hand up in surrender before doing as told.
"Good boy" she grinned
"I'm your husband woman, show some respect, I'm a man not a boy at least you can testify that right habibty?" He winked making her to gasp.
"I'm done with you.. Shut up and let me work"
"If only your lips will do the honor" he wiggled his eyebrows and she blushed. This is going to be a long night. She thought.
By morning the next day, the news of Aslam falling off the bed spread like wildfire, Ahmaad has gone to greet Ummah in the morning and when she noticed the eye bags under his eyes she asked if he slept well and he told her the little accident that happened last night. And before you can say 'Abraham Lincoln' everyone in the household is talking about what happened.
Hajiya who received the news by Inna Naana was worried, she ordered for Haneesa to come with the twins and when she held them in her hands she was finally at peace.
"Hajiya she wants to kill your great grand children for you.. Which type of irresponsibility is this?" Inna Naana created a scene as usual.
"Alhamdulilah since he is fine" Hajiya replied.
"No! This is not acceptable! Bilkisu you can't allow this woman to kill your grandkids for you. She is very clumsy, only God knows what she will do next. Drown the kids?" Inna Naana asked shaking her head in disbelief.
"Inna Naana don't worry, this will not happen again cause I am taking matters into my hands" Ummah replied glaring at Haneesa who was holding Aslaha and staring at the ground. She had tears in her eyes and one more hurtful words the tears will start rolling down.
"Good.. I suggest that kids stay with you for sometime, we don't want something like this to occur in the future" Inna Naana suggest.
"Gaskia Ummah, I can even volunteer to stay back here for sometime, I can help you with the kids. This woman is not to be trusted" Maryama chirped in and the tears starting flowing from Haneesa's eyes.
"Yes that is very kind of you Maryama, thank you" Ummah beamed
Hajiya who was silent all this while decided to intervene "And do you think it is appropriate for you to separate a mother from her kids?!"
"When the mother is unable to take care of her kids then yes" Maryama replied
"Hajiya we are just concerned about the kids we are just concerned about the kids wellbeing here" Inna Naana added
"Why is she crying? Are we not doing her a favor by making sure her kids are alive.." Sadiya hissed and Haneesa quickly wipe away her tears.
"Keh Sadiya ta shi ki bar wajen nan. (Stand up and leave this place)" Hajiya scolded and she unwillingly stood up.
"Nothing like that is happening unless the parents give their consent" Hajiya said in a final tone.
"But Hajiya Haidar has already agreed to this!" Ummah declared making Haneesa to look up in shock.
"He said there is no problem at all, they kids can stay with me until they are matured enough.."
All the time Ummah was talking Haneesa zoned out..
How can he agree to this?!
She breathe in and out before excusing herself. Handing Aslaha to Haseeba while Aslam was with Hajiya, she walked back to her side were Ahmaad was sleeping in his room.
Turning on the lights, He groaned, "Anee please turn off the lights"
"Is it true?" She asked the tears now flowing really fast.
He sat up staring at her in confusion. "Is it true you agreed that the twins can stay with Ummah until they are 'matured enough'" she quoted and he sighed.
"Anee I-"
"Yes or no?" She questioned running out of patience.
"Yes" he whispered and that was enough to unleash her inner demons.
She has had enough of Ummah and her troubles. She is tires of Ummah interfering in her martial life and she won't take it anymore.
She is fed up of Ummah telling her how to live or life or how to bring up her kids.
She is tired of everything that has to do with Ummah.. Even her son.
Grabbing her ringing phone, she placed it on her ear and listen to the person on the other line speak. Nodding and hmm-ing, she ended the call and wait for the caller to arrive. That person is none other than Inbihaj.
After her mini fight with Ahmaad she had texted Inbihaj to call her as soon as possible, she needed someone to talk to so bad. Haseeba dropped by some minutes ago she said Ummah sent her to carry the twins baby bag and necessities, before she could say no Ahmaad popped out of nowhere and asked Haseeba to take whatever she deemed necessary. She didn't say a word to him rather she went back to her room and locked herself up.
What happened to the 'your the best mom ever'? she thought.
The door to her room flew open and Nabiila walked in. "Adda Haneesaaa" she hugged her. "DanAllah stop crying. Everything will be fine InshaAllah"
"Nabiila your mother separated me from my three months old babies and you are telling me it will be fine?" She asked wiping away her tears.
"I know it's not easy but Allah will bring a way out, the twins are not alone Adda Haneesa, I'm with them. If you don't trust Ummah and Maryama with your babies you can at least trust me with them right?" She asked and Haneesa sighed.
"Biila I know you will take care of them but this is not fair! They are my kids. My own kids fah fisabillilahi.."
"I don't know what to say to make you feel better other than I am sorry.." She said sadly. They kept quiet for awhile before the door flew open and Inbihaj barged in.
"What is this nonsense? What is wrong with you Haneesa!? Are you okay? I mean are you suffering from any memory loss!?" Inbihaj yelled throwing her handbag and veil on the bed.
"Inbihaj help me"
"Help!? No one can help you Haneesa! You are the only person that can help yourself. There is a limit to everything! You can't keep silence.." She yelled again.
"What do you want me to say? Ahmaad is in this too, there is no way I can say no to Ummah when Ahmaad is in this"
"They are your kids Haneesa. Your own! You carried them in your stomach for nine months so why will someone take care of them for you!? this is the twenty first century.. Not those days when you can leave your child to grow up with their so called grandma and someone like Maryama. What does she even know about kids?!"
Haneesa sighed, "This is already so hard on me Inbi... What should I do? Take my kids and run away with them!?"
"You have to do anything to save them. Anything at all. I mean it" Inbihaj hugged her. "They are your kids Haneesa. Talk Ahmaad out of this first then you will deal with Ummah after"
"Thank you"
"Don't mention and Biila I'm sorry but your mother is.. Just so.. I don't even know the word but please don't take offence" Inbihaj pout making Nabiila to laugh.
"Trust me, I know better than you do. None taken by the way"
"I have to get going now, take care of yourself and go get your kids back" Inbihaj hugged both of them before walking away.
she was sitting on the couch dressed in a Ahmaad's plain shirt and her black straight skirt. Out of frustration she didn't even know how she ended up dressing like that rather she found herself waiting for her husband in the living room who asked her to wait. After Inbihaj's speech, she walked to Ahmaad and confronted him and he asked her to trust him. He kissed her forehead and left since then she has been waiting for him, she even contemplated going to Ummah's side but not wanting to complicate things more she decided to wait for Ahmaad.
A knock on the door brought her to reality and she quickly ran to open the door. "Where are they?" She asked peeping from behind him where she searched for Aslam and Aslaha.
"Habibty come, let's seat" he replied instead closing the door behind him.
Her heart fell in the pit of her stomach, literally. She followed him to the couch like a robot and sat behind him. He sighed,
"Do you trust me?" He asked taking her hand in his and she burst into tears.
"Bring back my babies.. DanAllah.."
"I promise you I will bring them back. Ummah is being hard to reason right now, let's give her some time in the mean time I want you to pray to Allah SWT to change her mindset. The twins are in good hands, Nabiila is with them" he explained gently.
"This is not fair! This is not right!" she chant jumping away from his touch as if it burned her. "I can't stay the night without feeling their warmth, I have become so attached don't you understand?"
He got on his knees before her. Placing a hot, lingering kiss on her forehead, he merged their lips together and kissed the daylights out of her until her sobs subsided. He could feel her finally give up as she wrapped her hand around his neck and hugged him, he could feel her breathing getting heavy and when he was sure she is asleep he carried her in his arms and made way to his room. He laid her on the bed and covered her body with the quilt before walking inside the bathroom to perform ablution.
He prayed to Allah and asked him for a way out, he doesn't know what is wrong with his mother but he prays she finally opens her eyes and accept the fact that what she is doing is wrong.
After praying for as long as he could, he laid beside his wife and wrapped his hand around her waist. He pulled her closer, close enough to hear her heartbeat. she was asleep but a frown was on her face and at that moment he wanted nothing but to kiss away her frown and bring an end to her sorrows.
The fact that Ummah separated his wife from his kids is not what is bothering him but the fact that she is compromising with him..
He had two choices; either he divorces Haneesa and she would give her back her kids
Or he stays with Haneesa and the twins will stay with Ummah until they are older.
He sighed as a tear escaped his left eye, why is his mother making things difficult on him!?
GROUP HUG!!!!!!!
Assalam Alaikum peeps! Thank you all for the big Ameen😂 (some people are dashing me their grandfathers because he fits my description 😭💔) let me add this; 'I WANT A YOUNG MAN PLEASE NOT AN OLD MAN'😂😂
Allah ya bamu nagari! Ameen.
Back to the story; your Ummah is back at it again😒
I need your opinion on this.. oya oya let's interact.
Ahmaad is confused.. What should he do?
I love you all so much.
Vote, comment and share💗
Jazakhaallahu Khairan.
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