Seventy six🌸


My heart is just beating fast Kaman ana daka sakwara😂💔 toh bismillahi.. Ayi hakuri da ni fa.


Maami watched as the two bruised men sit with her on the gazebo panting heavily. If not that she decided to walk by the balcony and enjoy the breeze air, she wouldn't have witnessed Mukhtar trying to murder another person's child. She ran down quickly and after much efforts, the gateman was able to separate the two men. Now they sat down quietly with Maami giving Mukky a disappointed look.

"Mukhtar go and pray naa'fillah then you sleep" she informed and he sighed standing up, glaring at Ahmaad, he walked away leaving the son in law and mother in law alone.

"Maami I am sorry, I know Ane- Haneesa told you what happened but wallahi, if only she will hear me out then she will know I never wished for all this to happen. I know I haven't been the best husband but I try, I know I didn't give your daughter the life I promised her and I understand if you don't want me near her anymore. DanAllah ki yafe mun" he said smothering his forehead as the worry lines appear. he waited for her to say something, anything but when she didn't, he stood up.

"I'll take your leave now" He turned around and she called his name. "Na'aam"

"You hurt my daughter and I think you have broken her beyond repair but give her some days to cool down, InshaAllah she will come around."

"Thank you Maami" and with that he walked away broken, only one person is the cause of all his problems and that person is his mother.

Without hesitation, he picked up his phone and dialled a number. "Hello mutumina kwana biyu. (My guy long time)"

"Salman is Hajiya in Dukku or Gombe?" He asked instead and sensing his voice Salman was quick to ask what was wrong.

"I am doomed Salman, my life is ruined. She left and I have this strong feeling.. Very strong" he sighed parking the car in front of his empty house. "she is not coming back"


That night she didn't sleep, not even did her eyes attempt to close. She spent the night crying and thinking about her life and how she ended up here and the fact that Aslam kept rolling and crying made her more worried, she had to carry him in her arms and rock him around the room but to no avail, he kept crying. It wasn't until after she fed him that's when he went back to sleep.

She had just stepped her foot out of the bathroom after performing ablution for Fajr prayers when she met Aslam wide awake rubbing his small, chubby hands over his eyes. She sighed walking over to him and when her hands touched his body, she gasped. He was running a very high fever. Quickly pulling his overall off his body, she carried him and rushed out of the room to Maami's room where she was praying. She paced up and down holding her baby with her heart pounding in her chest.

"Haneesa are you okay? And why is he naked!?" Maami asked immediately after she concluded her prayers.

"Maami his body, I think he is sick" she handed him over and Maami gasped standing up quickly.

"We have to rush him to the hospital. innalilahi wa'ina ilaihi rajiun"

It happened in a blink of an eye, one minute Haneesa was rushing to the boys quarters to call Raliya so she will stay with Aslaha and the other minute she was in the backseat with Maami beside her as Ya Mukky drove to the hospital.

Tears were rolling down her eyes as she held her baby boy close to her chest hugging him. He was now crying and his breathing was coming out in shallow breaths, she watched as his chest rise up and down.

"Innalilahi wa'ina ilaihi rajiun.. Maami he is closing his eyes!!" She cried and before she knew it Ya Mukky helped her out of the car and they ran to the emergency side.

She paced back and forth by the A&E (accident and emergency) theater, she felt like someone was ripping out her soul. The pain she is going through is nothing compared to what Ummah made her go through for the past two years. This time she felt trapped! She felt helpless! She felt like dying. She will never forgive herself if something happens to her baby, never.

They spent the next half an hour waiting for the doctor to come out of the theater but when Maami noticed it will take longer, she forced Haneesa to go and pray in the Masjid since she missed Fajr.

She bowed in sujood, praying for her baby, for her kids. praying for them to have a good future, praying for them to live a happy life.. A life they will love not like her. she didn't know when she broke down right there when she salaamed. Everything came crashing down right there, she hugged her knees to her chest crying heavily.

SubhanaAllah. Only a mother can understand the pain of having your seven months old in the theater, by six o'clock in the morning while the doctors hover over him. Only a mother can understand the fear of loosing her child.

Only Allah knows how long she stayed in the mosque until she heard the door creak open and Ya Mukky popped his head. "I know I'm not suppose to be in here but please come out" he said quickly before closing the door after him.

She sighed, cleaning her tears before standing up and removing the Hijab, she folded it neatly and dropped it where she found it before carrying Maami's black kaska veil which she grabbed unknowingly from home and draping it on her body.

Stepping out she met the last person she was expecting on earth but lo and behold there he was hands in his blue kaftan pocket. She couldn't help but roll her eyes at him, one day without her and he was already wearing a different kaftan trouser with a T-shirt and bathroom slippers.

Immediately he noticed her, he walked over her and wrapped her in a hug. She stood there awkwardly, she doesn't want him getting the wrong message that she has already forgiven him so stood there with her hands limply standing beside her.

"Please keep our differences aside, only for today, for our child" he whispered in her ear and a sob escape her mouth unknowingly.

"Ahmaad I don't want to loose him. Ya Rabb" she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling herself closer to his body.

"Shh, he will be fine InshaAllah" he rubbed her back kissing her cheek. They stood there together in each other's embrace for a long time before Ya Mukky interrupted them by informing the doctor was out. quickly letting go of each other, they rushed to the theater where the doctor was standing with Maami.

"He has a severe case of bacteria infection, there is very low fluid in his body thank God you brought him in soon.." the doctor explained and Haneesa muttered 'Alhamdulilah' under her breath. "we will move him to a ward, he needs to be on drip for some days and we will proceed to curing the infection"

"Thank you" Ahmaad shook hands with him before excusing himself to pay the bills and get the necessary paper works done.

"I'll head home and get his stuffs with Mukhtar. Will you be okay? Hayrah will be here soon" Maami said to Haneesa as the entered the ward her baby was transferred to.

"Yes" she weakly smiled.

"Do you need anything?" Ya Mukky asked concerned and she shook her head negatively. Hugging her, they both left as she sat by the chair near her baby. He was naked with tubes on his chest and nose, a tube was tangling from his left hand and her heart breaks at the sight.

Slowly, she placed a kiss on his forehead before holding his small hand in her own. she rubbed it softly while muttering dua's over him.

"How is he?" She heard his deep voice as he walked inside the room. She turned to look at him with tears in her eyes, how does he expect her to answer that question?

"He will be fine InshaAllah" he said standing beside him before reciting some prayers in his ears. "He is our little prince after all, he will be fine"

"This is all my fault..if only I was more attentive and not caught up in my wrecked life he wouldn't have been here" she whispered that he almost didn't her.

"You are a Muslim An- Haneesa," he faked a cough, he doesn't want to cross his limits. Not now when she is talking to him at least and sharing her sorrow with him.

"And we Muslims believe in qadr (destiny) whether good or bad. This is not the time to loose to your Imaan (Faith) in Allah, take this as a test and InshaAllah (by God's willing) we will pass this test together.." my love. He wanted to add but restrained himself.

"InshaAllah, thank you for being here" she smiled locking their eyes for only a couple of seconds before pulling away.

They sat down in silence, looking at their creation of love with many unspoken words between them. With a huge barrier between them even though they were few feet away, it felt like they are thousand miles away from each other. But that was it, the love is there clearly, but circumstances made it such, and that is the beginning of the end of their lives.


It has been two weeks of torture, two weeks of staying in the hospital, two long, painful weeks of staring at her baby in pain.. She watched him cry when the nurse injects him, or when she refills the drip, that's when her own waterworks will start. If she is lucky, Maami will be with her in the hospital, Amtullah, Adda Hayrah, Nabiila or even Ahmaad. Everyone was very supportive and caring, everyone was by her side and her baby's side and that alone made her feel very loved and overwhelmed.

Backing Aslaha, she wrapped her veil around her head before turning around to go back inside the ward. When Aslam was admitted, Ahmaad insisted his twin should be checked and luckily for her the baby was perfectly normal except for the fact she usually gets high temperature, or bites every thing she finds because she is teething.

Walking inside the hospital, she smiled at the kind nurse who was waving at her before walking to her baby's ward. She gasped at the visitors before her, "you guys!"

"Adda Haneesaaa" Zubaina shrieked hugging her tightly.

"Zuby I missed you, Ya Allah!" She hugged her back.

"Yayyy sisters reunion" Inbihaj joked joining the hug and they all laughed pulling away and exchanging pleasantries.

"Aww baby Ajma. See how pretty she is looking, oh Allah. She is just a replica of you Inbihaj!" Haneesa cooed collecting the baby from Nabiila, she was dressed in a red wine dress with black shoes.

"Don't baby her! Do you know my princess will be one in three weeks time. She is a big girl oo" Inbihaj said and they all laughed.


"How is Aslam feeling? Mommy sends her regards. Daddy and Abba with hubby are coming tomorrow to check on him" Inbihaj said as they all sat on the couch. Thank God it was a private room so its big enough to occupy all of them.

"He is better Alhamdulilah, that's not necessary wallahi. Their prayers are all we need.."

"You know they must come so don't even waste your time Adda" Biila said making Haneesa to sigh.

"And Zubaina what are you doing here!? Are you not suppose to be in school?" She glared at her and she smiled sheepishly.

"My baby is sick Adda and you expect me to be in school. ai ko bangon duniya nake sai na zo ganin baby na. (Even if I am in China I must come and see my baby)" she said slapping her thighs dramatically and they all laughed at her drama.

Zubaina is such a case!

They talked for a while and Haneesa couldn't be more grateful for their company but it ended when Ahmaad walked inside the ward by four pm. All the girls took their leave saying they were knackered out leaving the distant couple with the babies.

"How is he feeling?" He asked kissing his forehead before collecting Aslaha from Haneesa.

"Alhamdulilah" she simply replied returning her gaze to him. "The doctor will be discharging him soon hopefully"

"Allah ya sa" he replied and then silence. It has been like that everyday and he is gradually getting used to it. slowly.

"I'll take my leave now" he said glancing at his watch, it was almost Maghrib.


"Who will stay with you?"

"Maami will be here soon" she replied collecting Aslaha from him, "thank you" and with that he left after one painful glance at her.


In four days time, Aslam was discharged. All the girls were back to their respective homes except for Nabiila who was still staying in Aunty Husnah's house, she sensed something fishy was going on between her brother and his wife but she never got the time to talk to either of them mostly because they were both so worried about Aslam so she decided to talk to them when he is better but when she visited the house one weekend to find Haneesa and the twins missing only her dearest brother drowning in sorrow, she knew it was time to involve the elders in their matter. But who can she turn to? If she tells Abba, Ummah will certainly know and Ummah is not the last person she wants to find out. She decided to talk to Daddy since he was in Abuja for a work project with Salman.

"Nabiila are you okay? You look so distress!" Daddy asked as they entered the guest chalet. She hailed a cab and drove straight to the guest chalet everyone normally stays when they come in from Gombe.

"Daddy I'm fine. It's just.." She trailed off sitting on the rug while considering her decision. Is she doing the right thing? But again she simply cannot sit down and watch her brother's marriage life crumble right before her.

"Nabiila I am like your father okay? Or don't you consider me to be your father anymore?" He asked.

"No daddy, it's nothing like that"

"Then what is it?"

She sighed, it's now or never, "It's Ya Haidar. I think they fought with Adda Haneesa, I am not really sure but they are not on good terms and they don't live together. daddy I think you have to interfere in this matter.. I didn't tell Abba because Ummah might know and I don't want her to interfere in this. I just wish for my brother's happiness and nothing else but Daddy wallahi he is losing his mind.."

He paused before taking a deep breath. "I'm suppose to meet some clients now but this is more important. I'll call both of them now and InshaAllah we will resolve this issue, I know you want the best for your brother Nabiila but you have to understand we plan and Allah plans and surely HE is the best of planners. We just have to keep praying for the best and for your brother and sister in law's happiness. That's what matter here"

"Thank you Daddy and please don't tell Abba yet.." He smiled at her before asking Salman to drop her at aunty Husnah's house and she couldn't be more grateful for Daddy in her life. Truly an uncle is just like a father.

"Thank you Ya Salman. Please tell me how it goes" she said getting down the car.

"InshaAllah I will, just take care of yourself" he smiled at his cousin before driving away.

It took Ahmaad and Haneesa at least thirty minutes before they arrived at the guest chalet. Ya Mukky insisted on staying with her at the meeting even though she tried to reason with him to let her handle everything alone. He was just so stubborn.

His breath hitched when he sighted her, she was wearing her lemon green beaded abaya and matching veil, she had eye bags under her eyes and her eyes were slightly swollen probably from crying or lack of sleep but either ways she looked stunning, he just couldn't take his eyes off her. He remembered her last words to him, the last time they met that was when Aslam was discharged and what was her exact words... Yes!.. "you can see the kids but please give me space" He can clearly remember the way her eyes stared at him deadpan and utter those words, it felt like she doesn't have the slightest bit of her love for him. It felt like they never had a relationship nor did they share a bond together or stay for two long years sharing a union bond.

They exchanged pleasantries with Daddy and sat on the rug all waiting for him to say something and when he started Haneesa felt like crying right there. So instead of coming to confront her he asked his uncle to interfere!? She thought angrily unknowingly to her he is just as shocked as she is.

"Daddy it's nothing serious, fights are normal between couples. We just had a small misunderstanding and that's it" she heard him say beside her and she jerked her head up to look at him.

How can he say small misunderstanding!? She must be dreaming.

"If you say so. I just hope you guys will resolve every issue in peace and soon, you both are not kids. I believe you are old enough and wise enough to know that marriage is not a play and this is not about you two alone anymore. It is also about your kids. Think about them and their future in all your decision making" he advice and they thank him before taking their leave.

After much persuasion, Ya Mukky finally decided to leave when she told him she has to talk with Ahmaad. He left them and they both slowly enter his car with silence floating around them.

"I know there is nothing I can say that will change your mind. Your mind is already made up Anee, I know you better than anyone else" he stated and the first tear drop roll down her cheek. Then they came flowing, hard and fast.

"I swear I can't do this anymore, we can't do this anymore.. and you know that Ahmaad. You heard what daddy said, it's not me and you anymore. It's you, me, Aslam and Aslaha. We can't be selfish" she cried palming her face.

"I know baby, I know" he simply replied watching out the window, he doesn't want her to see him cry or break down but the moment he felt the hot glands of tears rolling down his cheek, he found himself crying in her arms while she hugged him tightly.

"Come on Habibi, your suppose to pacify me not make this more hard on me, your the man here" she teased.

"Babu ruwanki da ni (you don't have any business with me)" he teased back snuggling closer into her.

"Take care of yourself for me" she smiled against her tears.

"Promise me something.." He said pulling away from the hug.


"Promise me you will wait for me, promise me you will wait for the day I'll take you back home and that day will be the day Ummah will like you, that day she will hug you and smile at you and tell you 'welcome home' that day she will agree of our union and she will bless us and we will be one big happy family InshaAllah"

"I promise Ahmadidi but the day Ummah will like me I think it's the same day I will graduate from fulfulde school" she laughed while he rolled his eyes holding her hand in his.

She leaned in and locked their lips in a soft, delicate, tender kiss.

This it it. She thought.

No more Ahmaadidi and Anee moments,

No more waking up to see Ahmaad beside her,

No more kisses, no more hugs, no more silly fights, no more Chinese foods or dinner date.

No more Sundays outing, no more fighting over who will take put the kids to sleep.. Oh Ya Allah! No more Ahmaad and Haneesa..

She felt her heart tighten as she slowly wiped away his tears.

After all the patience, after being a good daughter in law, after making lots of sacrifices, Ummah finally got what she wanted right from day one. It's not even fair on her but such is life!

"Remember when we first met?" He asked and she chuckled.

"How can I forget the dashing dude I crashed into with my car"

He smiled before kissing her one more time and letting her slip away from him. Just like that he let her go helplessly.

It took them thirty, painful minutes before they arrived at Maami's house where he parked by the gate.

They sat down in silence, just staring at each other and thinking about all the good and bad moments, all the Anee and Ahmaadidi moments.

Ya Rabb!!

when she couldn't take it anymore, she averted her gaze from him and said, "I should get going. The twins might be crying by now"

She held the door with one hand and stepped out but when he called her name she turned around and whispered a small, "Na'am? (Yes?)"

"I divorce you with Allah as my witness"

Never in her life has she imagined Ahmaad will ever utter those words to her but he did and it hurts so bad.

Ummah has won.

"It's not you Ahmaad, it's Ummah, it has always been Ummah." and with that she walked away with a broken heart.







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