Seventy five🌸


My heart is bleeding..

This chapter is just.. 😭😭💔 you asked for it shaaaa

Dedicated to MaryamYusif 💗


She stares at him for a really long time trying to figure out if he was joking but when he broke their staring competition she felt the electric shock that escalated through her veins. "What did you just say?" She whispered still not wanting to believe him.

"It's no big deal-"

She caught him off by screaming 'NO' which shocked the life out of him.

"I said NO! What did I say? No!!" She yelled moving backwards while placing her hand on her head.

"Stop yelling, you will frighten the kids, they are just down the hall" he tried walking to her but she held up her hand motioning for him to stop.

"Au'zubillahi minna shaydanin rajeem" she recited.

"Can you even hear what your saying to me for God's sake!?" She questioned. Maybe she misheard him! Yeah. It has to be that.

"Habibty I told you I was even planning on throwing it away, I forgot"

"So your telling me not to freak out even though your mother was trying to get rid of me literally." hearing her say those words makes her cringe. She could feel the tears rolling down her cheek. Even for Ummah, that's a low move.

"It happened the day we went to bid them goodbye. When I went back in again she called me and gave me the stuff, I had no choice but to collect even though I knew deep down I was never, ever going to use it on you" he explained calmly even though he was freaking out, he has never seen her this mad. Never.

"Did you really think I will use it on you?" He asked and she avoided his gaze.

"So tell me what was it suppose to do to me? Kill me, make me disappear, make me run mad or what!?" She asked instead.

He sighed. "I'm done with this conversation" he tried walking away but she was quick to stop him.

"Your mother is trying to kill me and your telling me your done with this conversation!? Who knows maybe she will try to murder our kids next.."

"HANEESA!" He yelled making her to take a step backwards as her body shivered. He has never yelled his voice this high at her until today!

"Wallahi bi'llahil azeem one more word about this or Ummah, I will be beyond mad at you. Don't let the angels curse you over this madness of yours. Don't let anger take over your emotions, this is simply not you" he said dangerously before walking to the bathroom and banging the door behind him.

She could feel the tears rushing down her cheek, hot and fast, burning her, killing her and slowly ripping her soul out of her body.

She was done with all this. She is done with everything! No matter what Ummah has ever done to her she has always looked past everything, she always forgive and forget but not this time. This time she isn't letting go because things are just getting out of hand.

The door of the bathroom banged open and Ahmaad walked out dressed in his Ash Jallabiyya, he didn't even spare her a glance instead he walked out of the room and left the house.

It wasn't until she heard a knock on the door that's when she wiped her tears and opened the door. "Aunty I've finished" Zuwaira informed her.

"Just lay the table, for one person only then you can go. thank you" she replied before returning to the room and looking for her phone. It's almost Maghrib time, maybe few minutes left, if she is lucky she can reach Ya Mukhtar's number now. she dialled the number praying he will answer, she needs to get out of here fast.

"I'll call you after Maghr-"

"Ya Mukky please come and pick me up, DanAllah.. Please, please.. I'll die if you don't come now. He will be back after Maghreb, I want to leave before he comes back.. I-" she caught him off crying hysterically.

"I'll be on my way, ten minutes tops" he ended the call and she exhaled deeply. Running out of the room she called Raliya who she informed to get the twins baby bag, she carried Aslaha in her hand and rushed to grab her veil, handbag and phone.

"Aunty I have packed everything" Raliya informed colliding with her in the living room

"What about their feeding bottles?"

"Yes, it's inside"

"Okay go and carry Aslam and pack your clothes. Be fast!"

She glanced at the clock nervously and just then she heard the honking of a car and she quickly opened the door to meet a distress ya Mukky.

"I'll explain later, please take me home" she wipe away her tears but it was just impossible.

"Get in the car" he opened the door for her and Raliya entered the back seat with Aslam and little of their belongings.

She watched out the window, looking at the wide open house.

Today Ahmaad will get the biggest shock of his life and maybe, just maybe It's for the best.


"Assalamu Alaikum warahmatullah, assalamu Alaikum warahmatullah.." The Imaam (leader) recited and they all repeated after him. The mosque was then quite, only the murmuring of people reciting their adhkhars, some were already flying out the door immediately after the salaam as if they were sent out, someone were praying na'fillah (voluntary prayer) while he was praying. Praying to Allah to ease his pain, praying to Allah to mend his broken family, praying to Allah to grant his wife patience, praying to Allah to guide his mother onto the right part. Praying to peace to reign in his family and asking for forgiveness for shouting at his wife.

He had never felt the much heartbreak, even when she left him for America he didn't feel this much heartbreak knowing his marriage is in jeopardize. he has never seen his wife this mad, she has always been the patient one, the one to leave everything in the hands of Allah, the one to pray to ease her affairs but this time around she wasn't herself. she became a very angry Anee who was ready to give Ummah a piece of her mind. It scared him to death, this isn't his habibty. she is not his Anee.

He looked around the mosque and noticed almost everyone was gone, only few people were left, some were reading the Qur'an waiting for Isha'i prayers while some were praying Na'fillah.

He decided to read the Qur'an, maybe then he will get peace of mind and it's better to give Haneesa some space, to think.

In no time he heard the call to prayer for Isha'i prayers, he didn't even notice how time flew by. He was so lost in the Qur'an and it's beauty.. By the time he concluded his prayers, he has long forgotten what they were fighting over. He just wanted to go home to his kids, play around, ask forgiveness from his wife, kiss her, cuddle with her and sleep with no worries in the world but when he met the door wide open his heart fell in the pit of his stomach.

"Assalam Alaikum" he greeted locking the door behind him but he received nothing but silence.

He walked further inside the house. are the kids already sleeping? He walked to the room down the hall where he last saw that kids with their nanny but it was empty.



His heart was beating really fast as he ran to his room only to find it empty.

He ran to her room but it was also empty.

The guest room was also empty.

Nabiila's room was empty.

Innalilahi wa'ina ilaihi rajiun!

"Habibty!?" He yelled but silence.

It can't be. He thought.

He stopped by the kitchen but it was sparking and spotless and there also he found no one.

Stopping by the dinning table he realized the table was set for only one person.

His body trembled.

She didn't..

And in a blink of an eye he was in the back of his wheels pressing the gas really hard until he found himself in front of Maami's house.


She felt like someone had just drenched her body with ice. Every part of her body, every muscle in her body felt heavy. Her head was hurting, she just wanted to sleep with her babies or rather escape with her babies. Maybe she should run to American again or England or maybe even better Spain.

"No Maami she won't go back to that bastard!" Ya Mukhtar yelled pacing up and down in the living room. Maami sent him a deathly glare which he ignored.

"Did you even hear what she said!? His mother has been torturing her. She has been torturing her ever since she married her big of a waste bag excuse of a son!" He yelled.

"And it has been going on for what.. two years. TWO BLOODY YEARS MAAMI" he threw the bowl of sweets on the center table which fell on the floor and shattered into pieces making the sweets to fly all over the floor.

"Mukhtar!" Maami yelled sternly and he placed his hand over his head taking deep breaths.

"I am sorry" he muttered slumping on the couch while Haneesa swallowed another big lump in her throat.

"We are sensible human beings so we are going to act like one and talk like one so we will understand each other" Maami said slowly, "yelling and breaking things is not the solution Mukhtar"

"I know and I am genuinely sorry for my behavior! This is bullshit Maami! Bullshit! She should leave this marriage-"

"Ya Mukky shut up please!" Haneesa yelled making them to look at her wondering if she was okay to yell like that out of the blue.

"Shut up and let me think!!" She yelled again standing up, her body was trembling, shaking uncontrollably then her surrounding started turning around. She could feel her head pounding even more. She could feel her slowly slipping away.

"Breath in and out and calm down, your fine okay" she felt a familiar warmth as someone engulfed her in a hug. "I've got you baby. You will be fine. Your okay, please just calm down"

"I want to leave" she said before she could register what the hell she meant.

"Leave? Where do you want to go?" He asked and she hugged him tightly.

"Somewhere, anywhere just please take me away. I don't want him to find me"

"Even if he comes here I won't let him touch you"

She sighed, "you don't understand.. He will come looking for me and he will change my mind and I will fall for him again and I'll just end up getting hurt again and putting my kids life and my life in danger"

"Just go and rest. I'll book our tickets" he kissed her forehead before directing her to her room when he laid her down and covered her with her blanket.

As he was jogging downstairs, he heard the call to prayer for Isha'i prayers and he quickly muttered 'astaghfirullah' he missed Maghrib because of all the commotion.

Exiting the house his phone rang indicating that his fiance was calling him so he silenced the phone with the intention of calling her after prayers.


"Hey gorgeous" he grinned placing the phone on his right ear as he walked out of the mosque.

"Assalam Alaikum Mukhtar" she replied instead and he cursed under his breath replying her salaam.

"I forgot, sorry, it's just that everything is new to me" he said guilty.

"I know baby, we will get there don't beat yourself to it" he smiled.

"You see why I love you.."

"I called earlier" she swiftly changed the topic after a soft chuckle from her end.

"Yeah I was about to go to the mosque"

He could practically feel her smile through the phone and that alone made him feel like the luckiest man on earth. Gosh he will do anything, literally anything for his girl.

"Mama is dragging me to Dubai this week" she brought him out of his thoughts.

"For what?"

"House shopping, she is just so excited. I am trying to convince her to go with my aunt or someone, I'll miss you"

He smiled, "aww babyyy" he was almost home, just few more steps and he will be by the gate but when a black Mercedes drove by the gate in no time he was yanking the door of the car open.

"I'll call you later" he said ending the call and stuffed it in his pocket before landing on the other person.

"I'll kill you today! Na ranse kashe ka zanyi"


Dedicated to everyone who commented on the previous chapter💗 nagode masoyana. even if I wasn't planning on updating today I would have updated.. All the pleas😭😭 all the emotional blackmail. Ya Allah!!

Anyways your Ummah is back at it again😑

Warris happening? So team Anee or team Ahmaad!?

Ta gudu neh ko to yafe💔?

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