

I have been meaning to post this and express my gratitude towards you guys but I have been so engrossed with the story.😂💔

Not long ago Her Fulani Prince was ranked 1 in #hers out of 186 stories. 1 in #fulani out of 74 stories and #prince ranked 291 out of 23.6k stories

Thank you guys so much💗

Let's hit #1 in everything InshaaAllah.

Oya read on...


Two months flew by quickly and there was still no sign of Mukhtar. The family had contacted all of his friends and everyone replied with saying 'they don't know', it was hard for the family.. Especially Maami who felt as if she broke an amanah. She felt as if she failed as a second mother to Mukhtar. Fateemah, his fiance dropped by two days ago in Maami's house and replied by saying she talked to Mukhtar and he was fine but after that she revealed nothing more and took her leave. The family were devastated but prayed for his wellbeing, they know how Mukhtar always gets into trouble and they hope this time he can save himself.

"Babe!" Ahmaad yelled from the living room and Haneesa groan, "Just a minute!" She yelled back before applying her matte long lasting lip stick, she twirled a little bit making her floral sleeveless white dress to flay, she was dressed in her straight black skirt, black long sleeves body hug top and a sleeveless white Balerow dress. She wrapped her black, sequence veil around her head and sprayed her perfume.

"ANEE!" She heard her husband yell again and she roll her eyes at his impatience, "I'm coming! CHILL" she yelled back grabbing the twins baby bag and stuffing her phone, power bank and small makeup kit. She crosschecked over thing and smiled contented, Insha'Allah she has packed everything the twins will need.

Switching off the lights in her room and running to the parlor were three of her babies were waiting for her, she gave Ahmaad a cheeky, innocent smile and he glared at her. Slumping on the couch, she clasped her wedge on her feet before carrying Aslam who was on his rocker.

"Habibi Ahmaadidi" she teased as he carried the baby bag in one hand and hold Aslaha in the other hand. He glared at her again before walking outside, she laughed. After switching off the lights and locking the house she followed him to the car were he was strapping Aslaha to her car seat.

Aslaha was dressed in a plain white floral dress with polka dots and black pantyhose, her hair was brushed and a black hair band was on her head. she looked adorable with her black cover shoe even though she is just six months old, Haneesa managed to grab those when she was baby shopping one time.

Aslam on the other hand was dressed in a baby white plain shirt and black pants, a black bowtie was on his neck and every time he noticed he tried pulling it off with his hand. He was wearing a black baby boy's shoe also and he looked handsome with his silky hair brushed making him to look like a guy with afro.

They finally clasped the twins in their duo car seats and hand them some toys to keep them busy. After getting in the car, Haneesa turned to check out her husband who was dressed casually in a plain black jeans and white plain T-shirt, just like his son. He looked drop dead gorgeous as he drove them out of the house,

"I told you to wear that bowtie Ahmaad! Look at how adorable my Aslam is looking and you're just.. Plain" she groaned.

"I am not Aslam Habibty, I'm a grown man, I can't be wearing bowtie on a Sunday when I am out with my family for some family time" he muttered


"You were just checking me out a minute ago Anee.. with a weird grin on your face. I'm not sure I look that plain" he winked at her briefly before turning his attention on the road and she blushed.

Well he looked handsome but she will never admit that to him.

"I hope we are going to make it to Adda Hayri's house for the dinner party?" She asked as she retrieved her phone from the baby bag.

"Insha'Allah" he interlocked their hands together smiling at her.

"You are driving!" She gasped

"But I want to kiss you" he whined as she rolled her eyes.

"Ahmaad drive, by the way where are we going to?" She asked curiously, it became his little tradition every Sunday to dedicate his day to his family. They will have brunch, dressed lazily in their pajamas then they will bathe the twins, dress them up and also get ready before he will take them out just to have fun. It was this little gesture of his that wins Haneesa's heart over and over and over again.. It makes her so happy to see him with the kids, playing and dedicating his free time to them, he is such a good dad.

"First we are going to have ice cream.."

"Cold stone" she yelled happily making the kids to gurgle a laughter while throwing their hands in the air. "See even the twins agree with me. That's right! Cold stone is bae" she turned around to gush at her babies who laughed some more.

"No! Don't listen to your mother, she is addicted" Ahmaad chirped in making them to laugh some more. They find everything their parents say funny, it's like constantly hyping both their mother and father when they are arguing which will lead to a fight but they always makeup not less than five minutes after.

They arrived soon and Haneesa unclasped Aslam while Ahmaad did the same to Aslaha, they walked inside the ice cream parlor side by side as Ahmaad ordered their usual. "don't give my baby ice cream" Ahmaad warn and she smiled at him goofily.

"Just a tiny taste.."

"Anee no!"

"But he is craving ice cream, look at this innocent chipmunk.. So cute and hungry for ice cream"

He sighed looking at his poor child who his wife was trying to feed ice cream, "his attention is not even there. He is trying to remove this rope around his neck"

"What rope!?" She questioned looking down at Aslam, "did you just call this cute bowtie a rope?" She attacked him.

"I didn't mean to.." He defended knowing how she will go on and on about the matter

"But you did. My baby looks so cute and you are attacking him?" she was now making the matter a big deal and he knows he triggered her, he sighed. His wife is just something else.

"People are staring" he mumbled

"Let them stare!" she shrieked, okay she is now embarrassing him!

"Anee Habibty, calm down okay, I'm sorry. Aslam looks handsome with his rope around his neck" he held her hand but she gripped it away from his hold.

"It's not a rope, you're still calling this bowtie a rope Ahmaad. You don't mean your sorry"

Damn! He messed up again, "Slip of tongue darling"

"It was intentional" she replied sadly dropping her cup of ice cream on the table, "I want to go back home"

"But Anee.. I'm-"

"Please take me home" she caught him off and he sighed standing up to pay the bills, "and make sure you package my ice cream" she informed and he mentally rolled his eyes, she is angry but still concerned about her ice cream.

She watched as he carried the ice cream and left with Aslaha in her hand, she took out her phone to kill time just then someone touched her hand. "What!?" She yelled turning to face the person and when she noticed it was not Ahmaad rather a young lady, she blushed embarrassed.

"I'm so sorry, I thought it was my husband" she said apologetically.

"It's fine, I saw you from afar and noticed this cute baby in your hand. MaashaaAllah he is adorable!" She pinched Aslam's cheek playfully and Haneesa smiled. She got that a lot that's why she rarely went out with the twins, to avoid people 's baki (bad mouth)

"Tabaraka'Allah! Thank you" she replied and just then Ahmaad came back with Aslaha in his hand, the woman literally freaked out when she saw Aslam had a twin she moved forward to carry Aslaha when she let out a loud wail.

"Aslahaaa" I gasped, she just hated new faces, strangers and visitors. Sometimes it was nice to see her clutching away from strangers but other days it's just embarrassing and annoying, Haneesa will hold her for hours when they go to Adda's house but immediately she drops her on the bed she will start crying and she won't let anybody hold her except if Ahmaad was around then she will jump out from her hand to his.

"I'm so sorry, this is embarrassing" Haneesa said to the woman as Ahmaad excused himself to wait in the car, he was still trying to calm his daughter down.

"No it's fine, they are so cute MaaShaaAllah"

"Thank you, bye" Haneesa waved clasping Aslam to her hips as she walked to the car were Ahmaad was waiting. They buckled the twins in their car seat and it wasn't until when Haneesa pushed a sucker inside Aslaha's mouth that she kept shut.

"You shouldn't be talking to strangers like that, you know how cranky she gets" Ahmaad started a conversation when he drove out of the ice cream parlor.

"It's called curtsey and being nice" she mumbled under her breath.

"I'm sorry baby, don't be mad okay? I love you" he interlocked their hands as he placed a firm kiss in her palm sending shivers down her spine.

"I love you too" she placed a kiss on his cheek making him to laugh. "Don't let me park the car right here"

"You are on the highway!" She yelled scared.

"Then stop distracting me! Shut up and stop pouting your lips. Don't even look at me.. Your turning me on"

She laughed. "Excuse me if you think that I am drop dead gorgeous"

"You are more than that baby" he purred softly.

"Where are we going now?" She asked opening her wrapped ice cream.

"I thought you wanted to go home?" He teased.

"I was obviously joking"

"In case you didn't notice our babies turned six months old this month and they deserve a photoshoot.."

She smiled in awe, "They grow up so fast. We need to capture time and make memories"

"I know babe" he flashed her his billion dollar smile. How did she even end up with a sweet man like Ahmaad?


By six forty in the evening, the family arrived in Adda's House, Ahmaad rushed to the mosque with Hamid while Haneesa joins her sister and nieces in the living room. She was glad she was off salaat if not Aslaha would not even let her pray, since they arrived she clutched onto Haneesa's clothes and gripped her veil in her tight fist, Aslam was with Adda Hayrah as he smiled and laughed at the big twins who were playing at him. She groaned, Aslaha was making things hard for her.

"DanAllah this child should let me be. Haba!" she tried placing Aslaha on the couch but she let out a loud shriek and she quickly carried her.

"Try changing her diaper, or feed her! maybe she is hungry" Adda suggest placing Aslam on her hip as she crosschecked dinner. She had invited Amtullah and Mubarak, Mubarak's sisters and their husbands, her neighbor and her spouse and Mukhtar's fiancé even though she had reluctantly agreed since Adda was being adamant.

"Trust me, this is just normal Aslaha for you" Haneesa groaned.

"Assalam Alaikum" they heard Ahmaad and Hamid voices as they walked inside the living room and Haneesa was quick to hand Ahmaad his daughter.

"Aww princess. why does she have tears on her cheek?" he inquired as Aslaha placed her head on his shoulder and he tenderly pat her head. "Anee what did you do to my princess huhn?" He slumped beside her placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Keep your princess with you, I have to help Adda Hayrah" she excused herself as she walked to the kitchen were her sister was finishing the final touches of the food. "This much food!" She gasped raking her eyes on the dishes arranged on the dining table.

"I'm Maami's biological daughter for a reason" she rolled her eyes and they laughed. The door bell rang and Haneesa quickly opened it revealing Amtullah holding a warmer while Mubarak was beside her holding her hand bag. she laughed hugging her best friend.. they are just too adorable!

"oooh what's that?" She wiggled her eyebrows trying to peek inside the warmer.

Amtullah swatted her hand and as she collected Aslam from Adda, "glutton. Shift!"

"Mubarak your girl is harassing me" she yelled so he can hear her from were he was.

"Ya Rabb! Not again.." She heard him groan and they both laughed. "Your giving him a hard time" Haneesa accused as the door bell rang again and this time Adda was quick to get it.

"I'm not.. In fact I'm giving him a huge gift, he should be thankful.."

She paused, "don't tell me.."

She leaned in and whispered, "I'm twelve weeks along" and that was all Haneesa needed to let out a loud shriek that alerted everyone. She was jumping along with Amtullah who was yelling in joy also.

"I'm guessing you told her, babe I said after dinner" Mubarak rubbed the back of his head shyly.

"What happened?" Safiya asked confused.

"Amtullah is pregnant" Haneesa informed and everyone hugged her showering them with congrats. After the jubilation, Adda urged everyone to seat and have dinner. Only two people were yet to arrive, Adda's neighbor and Fateemah so they started off without them since it was getting late.

"Don't let her dip her hand!" Haneesa cautioned Ahmaad who was holding his princess, she was trying to dip her hand inside his bowl of chicken soup, he sighed shifting her to the other side before trying to eat. Usually when they eat they buckle the twins to their rocker but since they are not at home it is hard for them eat with the kids in the way.

"You know what? I'll hold them and you eat.." She smiled at her husband collecting Aslaha and holding both babies.

"Just like in Dukku" he winked and she blushed. He scooped a spoonful of spicy, vegetable rice and positioned it towards her mouth, "open up queen" he dangerously whispered in her ear sending shivers down her spin, her heart skyrocketed, she could feel the goosebumps erupting on her skin.. The type of effect this guy has on her.

"Ehem ehem!!" Someone coughed bring the two of of their little world and they both parted their eyes away from each other in embarrassment.

"Addddaaa" she whined and everyone laughed. The door bell rang and this time Fateemah walked in holding a tray of snacks, they served her and conversed with her. at first she was extremely uncomfortable but with time she relaxed. "Our last couple are here.. Finally. Ammah you are late!" Adda accused as two beautiful couple entered, Haneesa looked up and gasped, she is the woman she met earlier in coldstone.

"It's all Faisal's fault, ask him what he was doing" the woman glared at her husband as she hugged Adda.

"Oh My God. You are the woman with the twins, Faisal she is the woman with the cute babies I was telling you earlier" the girl gushed greeting everyone and collecting Aslam while Aslaha clutch onto her mother burying her face in her chest.

"She was not even planning on carrying you! Ya Rabb" Haneesa gasped at her baby and everyone laughed. They all ate and conversed and when everyone was done the men rushed to pray Isha prayers in the masjid while the girls moved to the room to offer their prayers. Yusrah was holding Aslam while Haneesa was changing Aslaha's diaper in the living room

"MaaaShaaAllah. Adda Haneesa they grow up so fast.. They used to be so small" Yusrah wiped away her imaginary tears and Haneesa laughed at her being dramatic.

"I know right, TabarakaAllah. My babies are growing.." She cooed, Yusrah left to pray since Fateemah finished praying so she collected Aslam.

"I know you are aware of Ya Mukky's whereabout" Haneesa started a conversation as she clasped Aslaha's body suit and Teemah stiffened.


"Don't even lie. I know you know were he is and I hope he is safe. Ya Mukky is the troublesome type, everywhere he goes trouble follows him. He can be very irrational but please be patience with my brother.. He might act strong but he is so fragile inside wallahi.." She hand Aslaha to her and surprisingly she didn't cry rather she placed with the beads on Fateemah's abaya.

As Haneesa changed Aslam's diaper she heard Fateemah's reply, "InshaAllah. Thank you and I promise you he is safe, I am going to be his wife for a reason. I vow to protect Mukhtar no matter what trouble is after him if it's in my power"

She beamed at her. "I can't believe Aslaha is not crying in your hold. Your going to be my new nanny.." She teased lightly and Teemah laughed.



Haneesa walked inside the room holding two bottles of milk for the twins, when she noticed Aslaha on Ahmaads neck while Aslam was hitting her husband with a toy, she panicked. "That's dangerous. Stop! And Aslam why are you beating your daddy?" She exclaimed as she snatched the toy from him and but he let out a loud wail.

"I'm sorry baby, I don't want you to injure daddy okay" she cooed hugging him and when he saw the bottle of milk he immediately kept shut. "Ahmaad drop her so she can eat" Haneesa said placing Aslam's head on the white pillow so he wouldn't choke.

"Okay.. We are landing in three, two, one..." He ran around the room and dived right on Haneesa's lap were the baby girl was laughing so hard as she clutch onto her daughter.

"Ahmaad!" She yelled worriedly.

"You worry too much, see she is laughing" she placed a kiss on her forehead and she shake her head at him, placing Aslaha beside her brother she hand her the milk and watch as they drink it hungrily as if she starved them for two days but in reality she just finished breastfeeding them thirty minutes ago.

It still shocks her how the kids try to sit on their own, how they prop themselves on their hands first and try but fall on their stomach. She would watch them from afar recording the moment on her phone and laughing at their cuteness, then they will roll from their backs to their stomachs and vice versa.

"Babe why did you pick out a white body suit for princess?" She yelled as Ahmaad walked out from the shower a towel wrapped around his torso.

"That was the first thing I saw when I opened their closet.."

"Babeeee" she whine and he chuckled wearing a plain white T-shirt and boxers before jumping on the bed. "Don't babe me and give me a kiss" he purred placing his head on her lap and she ran her hand through his hair.

"Have some shame. The kids are here!"

"So? I want my kids to grow up knowing how much daddy loves mommy.." he sighed in satisfaction.

"Aw.." she kissed his cheek brewing with happiness.

"So I brought this little cute ribbons for Aslaha and I need you to help me with styling her hair" she said she they both fell silence lost in thoughts.

"anything for my Anee" she sleepily replied. "I'm tired, your kids work me out and I have to go to work tomorrow and I'll miss you, and you don't even show me affection nowadays it's always the twins.." He complained nuzzling closer into sleepy Aslaha. Haneesa retrieved their empty bottles and drop them on the bedside table.

"It's our kids remember? And as much as I want you to stay at home all day, everyday, you have to work.." She switched off the lights. "and that's not true baby, I shower you with love" she hugged Aslam to her chest.

"It's not enough" he mumbled under his breath.

"Okay then, I will try harder" she rolled her eyes in the dark. "Goodnight, I love you Ahmaadidi. thank you for today"

"I love you too Anee and today is nothing compared to how much you sacrifice for me"

She smiled in the dark.

"I forgot to mention, Nabiila and Abba are coming tomorrow" Ahmaad muttered in the dark.

"Everything okay?" Deep down in her heart she wanted to ask if they were Coming along with Ummah but she stopped herself.

"Yeah. Biila is coming for her NYSC service and Abba is coming to check on the office, I'm nervous. I hope I'm living up to his expectations"

She knows how he has been working so hard ever since his father handed the company to him and the mere thought of Abba supervising his work scares him but she has faith in him. "You'll be great, I trust my Fulani prince"

He laughed. "And you Habibty, you're my true queen"

Finally pure, happy, eternal bliss.

*sighs* our Anee you deserve this much happiness. You are too brave kiddo. 😍😭

don't even think about it.. I know you are thinking about it so stop.. ITS NOT THE END!

Vote, comment and share please💗

I don't think I will be able update anytime soon, bare with me and keep me in your dua's. 🙏

follow me on IG: ammarhhh_
(InshaAllah I will keep y'all updated on IG. Not here)

Love, Ammah💗💗

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