Her Fulani Prince

Beacause i am over the moon today. Ya Rabb i am so happy and i feel so blessed and loved.. I am tearing up. Thank you for 1k followers

By the time Nabiila's sobs subsided, Ahmaad wrapped his hand around his sister hugging her and reminiscing about old days. Days when they were kids, days when their mother was the epitome of perfect. Days when Ummah will do anything for her babies, days when Ummah wasn't so blinded by the world and it's contents. Ya Rabb days then were so beautiful. So wonderful that Ahmad felt his eyes getting moist. What happened to his mother?

"Fainna ma'alu usri usrah. Indeed with ever hardship comes ease Aisha Nabiila, you just have to turn to Allah during this time of hardship. InshaAllah all will be well" he said to his crying sister who was shivering.

"I asked Zubaina to come here, she will be here soon. We shouldn't have ran away, even if Ummah made it clear she will not allow us to marry anyone who is not Fulani we shouldn't have ran away. W-we have you Ya Haidar.." She broke down into more tears.

"Nabiila please it's enough, I can understand the pain of not ending up with the one you love, have you forgotten? I am a victim of that too. I know how it feels" he said glancing at his wife who was trying so hard to fight back her own tears. their eyes locked and he smiled at her, his killer smile, the smile, the Ahmadidi smile making her breath to hitch. she quickly looked away feeling the heat on her cheeks and he chuckled turning his attention to his weeping sister.

"I am sorry for running away"

"It's okay Nabiila, I am just happy you are back home"

She sat up and quickly wiped her tears before turning to Haneesa. "how did you cope living with a mother in law who hates the sight of you?"

Haneesa was taken aback but she quickly composed herself. "It wasn't easy Nabiila but I stayed. prayer, that was the only thing that kept me sane" she replied.

"Why did you stay Adda Haneesa? Why didn't you go back to your father's house? you were brought up like a princess in your house and suddenly when you got married and you became a slave, you were always at the receiving side but you stayed and endured everything. Why?"

"I have thought about that everyday, every second of my marriage life. why i'm i still here? I'm that stupid? im i not a human being? So many thoughts Nabiila, so many wallaahi. Every day I make up my mind to leave, I set my eyes on Ahmaad and then suddenly I discard the thought. I think about the man who loves me so much, who will do anything for me, the man who makes me happy.." By now Haneesa was crying as she held her sister in law's hand. "Ya Allah! He is my happy place Nabiila. If I leave I know I'll never be able to marry anyone else, I know I'll ruin my life so why not stay and make the best of it. Ummah was the only problem but Ya Allah! Your brother.. He is the best. He is all I asked for Alhamdulilah. So Nabiila love made me stay, people might call me crazy or stupid or naive but find that one thing you love so much and tell me if you will like to be seprated from that thing? And also destiny, qadaran Allah ne and nothing came temper with that"

"SubhanaAllah! I made a big mistake by leaving him. I hurt him Adda Haneesa, even when he pleaded with me to stay with him because this is our test I still left him.."

"If he loves you just like Ahmaad loves his Anee, then wallahi he will take you back and forgive you. he will make this work. He will come back for you! Yes your brother was that adamant, he never let me go, never. Sai nacin bala'i" they chuckled admist their tears while Ahmaad was leaning on the couch staring at his wife with nothing but pure love and obsession.

"Even when Ummah threatened to seprate you from your kids you stayed. Adda Haneesa you have a heart of gold, by Allah you are very patient. I don't think I can be like you.. Tabdijam!"

Haneesa laughed. "Who told you I stayed? I begged your brother to divorce me, I left because my kids are world"

"But still you came back, why?"

"The feeling when you set your eyes on your babies, your own kids you carried in your womb for nine months, the kids you went into labour for, the one you pushed out of you womb with every ounce of strength left in you.. The kids you held in your arms when they were so tiny obviously you will want the best for them Nabiila. You want to give your children all the happiness in the world, you want to make them happy and being happy is when you are with your father and mother. It is when you live together under one roof as a family having Sunday outings or going to cold stone for a treat, or having your father give you piggy rides or watching your parents argue who will bathe the kids.. that is happiness and I don't want to take that away from my babies. They deserve to grow up with their father, it's not fair on them or Ahmaad. That's why I came back, for my kids and my sanity"

He just wants to reach out to his wife and kiss her so hard until they both run out of breath but he composed himself. How did he even end up with with a wife like Haneesa? How? Alhamdulilah is all he can say.

"And the fact that I'll never have my own kids breaks my heart Adda"

"Aoozibillahi don't say that Nabiila, where is your tawakal in Allah? Don't you trust him anymore? Have faith and InshaAllah Khair"

"Astaghfirullah, thank you Adda Haneesa, may Allah bless you and reward you with Al-Jannatul Firdaus. May he give you more patience and may happiness reign in your family"

"Ameen and you too Nabiila. do you care for tea? You've been crying since you didn't even get time to meet the twins you babysat" Haneesa wiped her tears standing up.

"I'm sure they are all grown up now I can't wait to meet them"

"They should be back soon, why don't you rest, I'll bring your tea soon. Habieeby come help please.." Haneesa pouted and after directing Nabiila to the guest room seeing she has never been to their new house, Ahmaad joined her in the kitchen.

"By Allah you are the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me my Anee" he whispered into her ear circling her waist with his hands.

"I love you Ahmaadidi thank you for never giving up on me" she turned around so she was facing him and he immediately placed his lips on hers kissing her so hard her feet left the ground and rested around his waist.

"I love you too" his hot breath fanned her face.

She can never get enough of him, never.


"Zubaina!" Haneesa screeched holding her chin with her right hand. She couldn't believe the sight before, what is that bulging thing under her big veil. Zubaina blushed covering her face with her hands.

"Ya Allah! You can see it right?" She asked and Haneesa nod her head making her to blush hard.

"Is it that obvious? It's only two months old fah. Ya Rabb! I don't want ya Haidar to see me" she groaned and Haneesa laughed.

"Dole ki ji kunya" she teased hugging her. "I missed you my Zuby, come in please and where is your husband? Why didn't he come in?" She bombarded her with questions as they walked further inside the house.

"I missed you too Adda, he will be back later to greet you and Ya Haidar InshaAllah" she smiled as they sat on the couch.

"Where are the twins? I believe they are big now ko?" she asked excitedly and Haneesa nod her head calling out to Aslaha who came down running almost immediately.

"Na'am Ammiey?" She said standing before her mother dressed in her black leggings and pink t-shirt with her two shuku bouncing up and down making the beads to jiggle. Aslaha and beads different love story.

"This is aunty Zubaina but you can call her aunt Zuby" she introduced and small Aslaha turn to look at her aunt who was crying staring at her with love.

"But you said aunty Biila is my aunty" Aslaha pouted confused and Haneesa laughed.

"Yes i know and aunty Zuby is your other aunt, Abbiey's sister"


"Aslaha they are both abbiey's sisters now please say hi then go and call your sister and brother" Haneesa caught her off. "Haba yarinya sai shegen tambayoyi!! This girl you like asking too much questions!! Zuby let me bring juice for you" she excused the aunt and niece.

When she arranged her famous zobo (hibiscus drink) and some snacks on the tray, she walked back to the living room where all the kids were talking with Zubaina. They seemed to be free with her and Aslaha was already blabbing about her school friends. shaking her head sideways, Haneesa joined them as they all talked waiting for Ahmaad to come back from the mosque.

"Aunty Zuby lemme show you my baribie doll. Wait for me!!" Aslaha said running up the stairs

"Aslaha please be careful!" Haneesa yelled but the girl paid no attention to her mother.

"Assalam Alaikum" Ahmaad said walking in and Aslam was quick to jump on his father while Hajara has excused herself to finish her homework before the lesson teacher arrives.

"What is that!?" Ahmaad freaked when they finished explaining pleasantries.

"Ya Haidar manaaa" Zubaina whine closing her face while Haneesa laughed.

"Our small Zuby is no more small, she is a big woman now. Can't you see habiby? She is ready to bring a human inside this world. A human being!" Haneesa teased.

"I need to talk to your husband Zubaina what is that? How old is it? But your my baby sister, how dare he?!"

"Haba Ya Haidar you can't expect me to have this talk with you, Aslam come and take me to your room" she replied dragging the clueless boy's hand as they walked inside the house. "It's TWO MONTHS OLD BY THE WAY" she yelled making Haneesa to laugh.

"I don't know what's so funny? He got my baby sister pregnant and your laughing?" Ahmaad glared at his wife who wrapped her hands around his neck slowly kissing him.

"He is her husband darling and she is not a baby anymore, please drop this topic and kiss me"

"She will always be my baby sister"

"Ohh naji toh now kiss me" she poured and he chuckled.


"Haba Ahmadidi"


"Don't except any dinner today cause I'm not cooking" and that did the trick as he sealed their lips together.

"food munger" she laughed when they pulled away for air

"yalla let's go to the room, i don't want to risk having the kids walk in on us" he stood up pulling her up.


Haneesa smiled at her family before whispering a small Alhamdulilah. She couldn't believe all the revalions before her, truly Allah is the best of planners. How on earth did Zubaina marry Sadiq. Sadiq, Sadiq.. Amtullah's Sadiq? MaashaAllah! And the way he treats his wife and stare at her as if she will disappear is something Haneesa will never get tired of watching. Amtullah was beaming at the cute couple with her arms around her best friend.

"Alhamdulilah bezzz frenn. alhamdulilah. Thank you for being a part of my crazy, crazy life. I love you Allah ya saka" she whispered into Haneesa's ear.

"Thank you for being a sister to me Ammatu, I love you too bestie" she hugged her tightly.

"Haneesa please leave my wife alone!" They heard Mubarak's voice behind them and they laughed pulling away from the hug.

"She was mine first"

"And now she is mine"

Before they can continue bickering, Maami sent them their famous glare and they suddenly kept shut stiffling their laughter. "I wish you guys a safe trip, I'll miss my grandkids" Maami said hugging the kids and they all yelled 'i'll miss you maami'. Finally when the kids and Ahmaad walked to the boarding gate, Haneesa wrapped her hands around her mother hugging her tightly.

"Haba Haneesa are you a baby?" Maami asked as she Sniffed back her tears. "Be a good girl and respect her no matter what okay? Your father will be very proud of you. For staying and not running home, for getting through your marriage life, for being brave and strong because we did not raise a weak girl"

"InshaAllah. May his soul rest in peace, Allah ya bashi Al-Jannah. I'm very sure daddy is proud of his better half too. For being strong, very strong. Maami you are my role model, i love you"

With that they part away. Haneesa smiled her mother before following her family to Gombe where they will spend some days and then go to Dukku to spend the summer with Hajiya. She thinks about all what her mother has been through with her uncles who showed up one day demamding for their house claiming it's the right. Even though Adda Hayrah and Ya Mukhtar were all against it, Maami willingly gave them the house and used her savings to buy a small house not so far from Adda Hayrah's house. With a heavy heart, she left the house her husband built with so much love, the one her kids grew up in and started a new life with her da'awah still going on. For that Maami is a strong woman, very strong.

"I want to sit with ammiey" Aslaha whine when they all settled in the plane.

"Baby, sit with aunty Biila okay? I'm sitting with Abbiey and adda Haajar" after much pampering and sweet words, she finally agreed. Haneesa sighed before turning to the father and daughter beside her who were arguing about something so she chuckled and brought out her novel to read; 'joys of motherhood'


"It will be fine InshaAllah, i've got you Anee" he whispered soothing her as they entered Ummah's side. The kids were already running inside the house to meet their grandad and grandma while Nabiila followed behind them with Sadiq and Zubaina by her side.

"InshaAllah, I love you no matter what" she smiled at her husband as they followed the rest. Lo and behold, Ummah was in her parlor sitting with Inna Naana and Sadiya, little she heard from Inbihaj when they last talked, Sadiya got herself pregnant and kicked out from university.

"Who gave you the right to enter my house with this man Zubaina?" Ummah yelled immediately she set her eyes on Sadiq who was taken aback, he has heard stories about Ummah countless times and he has been warned but just seeing her act like that to her own kids will never cease to amaze him.

"Um-" Zubaina started but Ahmaad cut her off. "I'll do the talking, everyone should sit down please" he informed and everyone did as told. his father walkeed inside the room and after exchanging pleasantries with the adults all sitting on the couch while the rest sat on the carpet he started.

"Allah said we should love and respect him and next we should give our gratitude and thanks to the prophet then our mother. Ummah Allah is our witness we have always respected and love you, we always obeyed you and followed your orders and commands even though we don't want to. We do it because we respect you but Ummah you made us who we are today, it is because of you we are all here seated willing to tell you all the cries of our heart, Ummah you were not like this. I don't know what changed you or what happened but Ummah we pray to Allah to get you back on the right track.

This is Haneesa, daughter of late Abba Gorge, the mother of my kids, my wife also know as Mrs Haneesa Ahmaad. She is your daughter in law, the only reason your son is still holding on and hoping you will change because she has thought me patience, verily Allah is with ths patient"

The living room was quiet, dead quiet as Ahmaad talked. Ummah herself is speechless while Inna Naana was holding her chin with her hand in shock.

"Your daughter, Zubaina is here also. She is married to Sadiq, an indigene of Kano, he is not Fulani Ummah but he is amazing and he loves Zubaina very much MashaAllah. I have done my research on him Ummah, even before Zubaina married him. I have done my research and MashaAllah he is a good man"

Zubaina was shocked at the revelation. He knew all along. He was keeping tracks on them even when they ran away, he was aware. Just Alhamdulilah for an elder brother like Ahmaad.

"Aisha Nabiila is married to Ja'affar, Ummah you will be amazed to know that Ja'affar is Haneesa's long lost brother, he grew up with his adopted family who are from Katsina and yes, he is not Fulani but he has been with Nabiila ever since her university days. MashaAllah he is a good person, very pure and he will be here soon to resolve his little conflict with his wife"

Nabiila gasped, when? How? Her jay is Adda Haneesa's long lost brother? She was so confused and in tears as she stared at her brother in awe.

"Nabiila stop crying, you heard me, your Jay will be here soon. And I knew, he knows he is Haneesa's brother even though they are yet to officially meet" Ahmaad said to his sister who beamed at him.

"If you care to know Ummah, Rakiya's marriage ended a year after the marriage. Her mother in law hated her so much she made her lose her pregnancy twice, I was on tracks with her life and when I found out, we filed for divorce and she begged me to let her go abroad to get her mind off things. The point is, Rakiya met a guy in Makkah, Abdulhakeem who married her even after knowing what she has been through. He was there for her and they will arrive in two days InshaAllah. He is amazing MashaAllah, you will love him and yes Ummah, he is not Fulani, infact he is not a Nigerian"

Haneesa herself was shocked at everything her husband was saying. He didn't even tell her. Ya Rabb!

"Ummah I have been working on our new office branch in Dubai for six months now, incase you were interested I wanted to inform you that my family will move there after summer"

That is it! How dare he? He didn't even tell her! Haneesa was beyond shocked.

"Ummah this is who we choose to be with and spend the rest of our lives with and InshaAllah reunite with in Jannah, if you don't respect that then I am sorry. I don't know what to say or do more, Thank you for raising us and brining us into this world. We hold no grudge against you Ummah, how can we? SubhanaAllah! We can't even. We love you despite everything ummah because we know this is not the real you. May Allah forgive us all and guide us to the right path"

Everyone chorused ameen before his father cleeared his throat. "Alhamdulilah. Haidar you have proved today that you are indeed the man we raised, may Allah bless you and guide you in all your affairs now I can die in peace knowing my girls will always have their elder brother by their side and I pray you all pass your test.

As for you Bilkisu, Allah ya shirye ki shiryuwan addinin musulunci. Kinja makan ki kunya dai yau, agaban yaran ki da surkunayen ki. May Allah guide you to the right path, today you have disgraced yourself in front of your kids and in laws!" Abba snapped at a crying Ummah who silently stood up and left the living room.

Everyone silently did the same while Haneesa stayed behind with her husband.

"Do you think Ummah will change?" she asked sitting beside him and he smiled.

"InshaAllah she will change"

"About moving to Dubai?" She raised her eyebrow at him.

"Yes habibty, we are moving"

"About meeting my long lost brother today?"

"InshaAllah he will be here soon, he stopped by to meet his biological mother, I gave him the address"

She could feel the tears threatening to fall as she stared at Ahmaad with. nothing but love.

"I love you Anee, always and forever"

"I love you too my Fulani prince"

There she said.. For he is Her Fulani Prince.


Alhamdulilah! Alhamdulilah! Alhamdulilah. Sealed. Thank you*breaks into sobs* for *cries harder* sticking by me *takes a deep breath* jazakhaAllah *cries hard again* i'll try again later, let me cry in peace for now😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

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