
Dedicated to aunty Aydahhh 😗😗 chiickadeee ❤❤ check out her books wallahi you won't regret it😉

Nigeria, Gombe state.
Haneesa's POV.

                The sun shines brightly as I walk around my house admiring each and every furniture and piece. Maami really did go overboard with the furniture and all, my side has a three master bedroom, spacious kitchen, two living room, lobby and all was of great high quality of furniture. My favourite is the kitchen cause it was red and black. The backyard too was breath taking with well trimmed flowers (roses to be specific) and a swing just for enjoying a breezy evening and getting lost in your thoughts.

Now someone will say I'm famzing just cause I'm married.. Oya nah go and get a loaded man and marry too, who is stopping you.

I bought out my phone and logged into Snapchat taking snaps of the backyard. Yauwah! Immediately after I posted it people started congratulations me wishing me a married life, some who I rarely talk to said they would visit soon and I laugh rolling my eyes, loooool sunga gida mai kyau. Shegu! Sai kunzo.. adda and my friends left immediately after eating breakfast, surprisingly I didn't cry but I was so sad. Adda Hayri gifted me a box full of 'dangerous' lingerie according to her, I made scene saying I don't need it and she winked saying you will thank me later.

As if, kiss my ass Adda na.

The door bell rings and I jeyjelly walk to the door in my best composed new bride manner, yes I practiced how to walk when Ahmaad went out earlier. Naji laugh all you want but what was I suppose to do? I was bored and I know no one yet.

"Amaryaaaaaaa!" The person yelled jumping himself on me, I laugh nervously trying to breathe cause the person's hold on me was too tight.


"Hey" I coughed awkwardly as she let's me go.

"Sorry, sowieeee. I didn't mean to strangle you to death" she laughed entering even before I invited her in and I smile being nice shrugging it off with 'it's okay' I take into the woman's appearance, she is a bit taller than I with chapped lips, cute smile and chubby cheeks, she was slim and if you looked closer it would seem as if she is glowing.. You kekuma Haneesa, uwar sa Ido.

"Amarya I've been talking since where are you lost at?" She snapped her fingers across my face and I smile shyly.

"Sorry, inna wuni"

"Lafia dear and if Ahmaad haven't shown you my picture already and told you my name let me introduce myself, I am Inbihaj, Salman's wife, his cousin" she explained and I ohh-ed.

"So you are the famous Inbihaj" I teased and she flip her imaginary hair.

"Yesoo, nobody badder then Inbihaj.."

"I have a feeling we will click"

"Oh darling munriga da munyi clicking, sisto let's go and eat, I bought masa and miyan taushe.. Before that your husband come let's finish it" she joked and that's when I noticed the basket by the door. I laughed and we went to the kitchen where I grabbed plates for us, the masa was very delicious and she offered to teach me one day In Shaa Allah.

"Hmm, you have a beautiful name Ma Shaa Allah, I think I will name my daughter after you" she joked as we cleared our plates

"You are pregnant?" I gasped and she laughed.. "Ehn na, you didn't notice. Sha i'm two months along so it doesn't show that much"

"No wonder you are glowing"


"Allah ya raba lafia"

"Ameen, thanks. Now, let's go and greet Ummah I'n sure you haven't greeted her koo?"

"Yes wallahi, I was waiting for Ahmaad to come back and show me her side, this place is so huge and confusing that I'm afraid I will get lost"

"You will get used to it Jare, ina jiran ki grab your veil" she said and I nod my head running to my room, I grabbed a white veil to complete my atampha skirt and blouse (Maami wai I have to wear this regularly cause I am a newly wedded) I wrap it on my head and spray my perfume before grabbing my flap shoes and joining Inbihaj. The walk was a ten-fifteen minutes walk to Ummah's side. (when I was telling you, you think say this girl they lie koo? Hmm na big house)

"Assalam Alaikum" Inbihaj enter before me pushing the front door open, the house was a three story building house unlike mine. It was the definition of beauty.. Ayy my husband's family is loaded oo but the guy no wan talk about his family too much)

"Adda Inbihaj!!!!!!" Zubaina yelled hugging her tightly.

"Keh Zuby careful my baby" she said pushing her backwards slightly.

"Oh na manta, sowieeee" she laughed befoee hugging me too. "Adda Haneesa amarya, sorry I wanted to visit you wallahi but Rakiya was taking too long to get ready kuma we had to go together"

"It's okay but just cause I'm here doesn't mean you guys won't come later"

"We will even sleep there if you like but our brother will pursue us" she laughed along with Inbihaj while I just blush. This girls are something else Allah..

"Oyah enough now, where is Ummah?" Inbihaj asked

"She is in the kitchen fah, her darling husband is coming back today from his never ending trip so she is making beta for him" she said eyes focused on her iPhone six while Inbihaj poke her forehead.

"Uban naki"

"Ahaps!" She laughed walking away while we proceed to the kitchen.

"Ummah inyanli jam?" Inbihaj greet squatting and Ummah envelope her in a hug, they talk in fulfulde while I stand like the dummy I am staring at them as if they are aliens.

"Haneesa won't you greet your dearest mother in law?" Inbihaj said and I got on my knees greeting her but she ignore me. Inbihaj stare at the weird encounter between me and my mother in law and I wish the ground would open up and eat me cause the embarrassment was too much for me to handle..

"Inbihaj please excuse us" Ummah said and she nod her head exiting the kitchen.

"Hanee waye? What is your name seff?" She snapped when Inbihaj was out of sight. if I said I was taken aback it would be an understatement.


"I know your true colours all this city girls, so you have finally trapped my son into your deadly trap koo? Thinking shege ni ganinan na aura dangidan mai kudi! Toh let me make this clear once and for all, I despise you! No despise is a small word, I loathe you! You don't know me yet.. You think I am one of those naive mother in law right? Well let me tell you something you made a big mistake by marrying my son cause he is not your class. Ahmaad might feel like he is in love with you but it's only a matter of time before I make him snap out of your witch craft!! I will show him what happens to one when he goes against his mother. I was never in agreement of your wedding, didn't your beloved husband tell you that? Maybe he is afraid if you know you won't marry him well it's too late to back out now, the deed has been done. You want trouble then you will have trouble. Shebi you are the only girl with guts to marry my son? Okay ooh! This is just the beginning.." She continued but I couldn't bring myself to hear more, it hurts, I ran from the house crying heavily and didn't stop until I reached my little bundle of peace, Inbihaj was knocking heavily but I couldn't let her see me like this, so broken. And with one loud thud on the ground, I cried my eyes our until I had not a single ounce of energy left in me.

***    ***
Ghen! Ghen!
Haneesa don land trouble😪 shikenan😭 wayooo💔

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And hey if your husband did what Ahmaad did to Haneesa what would you do to him? (Azin the part when he doesn't tell you his mother is against the marriage until after marriage, you grab💁)

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