Hey! I exist.
"She is too weak to travel to Kaduna, I suggest she stays back. Insha Allah he'll be fine" Hajiya spoke grabbing her big veil (lafaya)
"But Hajiya don't you think if she sees him, maybe.. Just maybe she will talk" Adda tried to change her mind but to no avail. She is just wasting her time.
"I don't think that's a good idea" Maami cut in. "She has just been discharged from the hospital, it's not advisable for her to travel seeing that she is still not talking" her voice cracking in the end.
Haneesa cries painfully.
Here she is laying on the bed helplessly, unable to talk.. And unable to voice out her decision. She watches as they all try to take a decision for her, as they plan her own life not caring about what she feels towards the whole thing.
Slowly peeling the drip from her hand, she walks out of the room seeing adda Hayrah, Maami and Hajiya were absentmindedly talking. She finds herself walking to daddy's room.. A place she hasn't been to since he died.
A wave of sadness hit her as she push the door open, the room was dusty.. Clearly stating no one has step foot inside since the owner's demise.
Tears roll down her cheek, she won't be surprised if her tears finish seeing she has been crying her eyes ever since she got married. It's always one problem or the other but this is her destiny.
The pens have been lifted, the ink has dried off therefore there is nothing that can be changed.
Looking around the room, she wipes away a lone tear and walks to his study. She remembers the time she will meet him there working on his laptop with his reading glasses on the edge of his nose.. She would always rant about her day to him while he will nod in the appropriate place and work at the same time.
There is always one thing about daddy, writing about his day, family and things he cherish on his laptop. She rummages through his study looking for that personal laptop.. The one he never lets anyone touch.
Finally she found it buried under his piles of papers. legs shaking, She sits on the chair and wipe off the dust on the laptop.
It's now or never.
Password? It required password and she has no idea what it is, the hint says 'hint' is it that personal that he won't even hint his password?
She tried 'better half', but it didn't work. She tried her name.. Still didn't work. She tried Adda Hayri's name, the twins name, Mukhtar's name but still it failed. She was on the verge of giving up, what on earth could be the password.
She gave up. After a while of cracking her brain and crying, she gave up.
The blooming voices of her family members were coming closer, they are looking for her and she is in no mood to see them so she dips lower on the bed and let sleep take over her.
*🍭 * 🍭 * 🍭
For a fifty three years old woman, Hajiya has physically and emotionally exhausted her energy which is not good for her health. Though she tends to be strong for the family cause she is the head and strongest pillar of the family.. she deserves a break from all the drama.
Breaking her knuckles while muttering some dua's. Hajiya and Zubaina step out from the four wheeled vehicle, it has been a long two hour journey from Abuja to Kaduna.
"Call Salman and tell him we are in front of the hospital" Hajiya command and Zubaina does as told.
"Yes, mun iso. okay.. Which room? Till you come. By the gate." She concluded ending the call.
"He is coming" she informed as they stood there both lost in their thoughts. They have been informed that Ahmaad's condition is critical but there is this hope left in them that when they enter the hospital they will find him doing perfectly alright.
"Hajiya, Subhannallah. What happened to you?" Salman gasped taking the old fragile lady in an embrace. "You look malnourished and sick" a lone tear escaped her eye as she swallowed the bitter lump in her throat. She can't afford to fall now. even though Ahmaad has been her greatest weakness, she has to be strong for the rest of the family members.
"Silly boy, I am fine" she laughed, the type of laugh that is used to mask away your pains.
"See how thin you've gotten, you look older than your age. I would never forgive myself if anything bad happens to you, for Allah's sake you are under my care"
"What do you mean I am under your care?"
"I promised Abba (Ahmaad's dad) that I'll look after his mother, he wanted to follow me to Kaduna to see his son but somehow I managed to get him to stay back with Inbihaj"
"He'll be fine Insha Allah" she said consoling both him and herself. "Any news about your parents? When will they come back from Makkah? Are they aware of what's going on at all?"
"They are having issues with their passports, unknown to them it will be expiring soon. They will be home soon, everything will be back to normal Bi'iz niLlah." He pacified kissing her hands.
"Can we go see ya Haidar now? P-please" Zubaina chocked wiping away her tears that fell effortlessly.
"Let's go but first promise me no more tears" Salman tried his luck, he knew it was impossible for them not to shed tears after seeing the condition Ahmaad is.
"I'll try" she feigned a smile.
He led them into the hospital and straight to the private ward where Ahmaad has been moved to. Then the gasps came, the cries, the duas, the cries again and then he couldn't take it anymore so he silently left the room. It hurts to see his family in agony and pain but this is their destiny and there is nothing he can do about it unless to pray to Allah to lessen their pains.
"Habibty I can take it, I cant bear the pain" he cried into the phone walking out for fresh air.
"Shh Abu Asma, In Sha Allah everything will be fine" Inbihaj consoled her husband from the other line.
"Allahuma Ameen. How is Abba doing?" He changed the topic using his handkerchief to clean his wet eyes.
"Alhamdulilah, he is much better. The doctors said they will discharge him tomorrow hopefully"
"And my princess?"
"She is here giving mommy a hard time also she missies her Daddy" she smiled rocking Asma to sleep who was having a hard time taking a nap.
"I miss her too"
"Aunty Haneesaaaa" the two enthusiastic girls yelled running to where she is as they enclosed her in a big bear hug. The missed having their aunt around, ever since she left they barely saw her. The only time they get to see her is when their father takes them along to the hospital which is rarely.
"Aunty Hanee how are you? Daddy said your feeling better now that's why your home. Is it true?" Bahiyya asked, or what is Hadiyah? She was having a hard time figuring out who is who as they have grown to look so much like each other.
"Is it true your having a baby" the other asked.
"Is it a girl or a boy?
Will your baby call me Adda also?
Can you give birth now?
Tell us pleaseeeee" the bombarded her with questions which she is unable to answer. Not that she can't talk also because she doesn't want to answer any question regarding the baby cause it reminds her of her husband. Someone she is not ready to remember now.
"Princesses come here, leave aunty Hanee to rest" Hamid came to her rescue, she flashed him a thank you smile and he nod his head dragging the girls after them protesting either ways.
That's what she needed. Silence. Utmost silence.
She lays on the bed her eyes facing the white ceiling of her room, closing her eyes she let her hand roam around her abdomen. Where her baby lives.
She doesn't want her child to grow up in such a life, she wants her child to grow up the way she grew up. In a comfortable and happy family, when he/she will lack nothing, where he/she will have freedom but is that really possible in a family like Ahmaad's?
Will Umma even accept her child?
What of Ahmaad is he in any condition to take care of her baby and herself?
She jerked off from bed beads of sweat rolling down her forehead, even though the AC was on full blasting mode, she is still sweating whilst her heart is beating willy against her chest.
She has to do something and soon.
So she contacted the only person that will help her even though she has lots of apologizing to do she will still do it in other to receive the best and honest advice.
"Best friend I'm sorry" she cried into the phone, her throat was burning but it was worth it. suits one right for not talking for almost four weeks now.
"Silly girl, I knew you will come around"
"Amatullah what should I do? Please help me."
"I'll be over soon" and with that she end the call.
Assalam Alaikum beautiful people.
Yes, I know I've woefully wronged you all but I did warn you before you started reading this book, updates might be slow😞.
I'm genuinely sorry for that, but when you have to go to school and your also a patient things are not easy on you😪
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