Fifty two🌸

Thank you for the motivation.

I love you by Allah.


Opening her eyes slowly, she break into fits of cries shaking and clutching onto her mother tightly. "Maami.."

"My baby" she replied kissing her on her forehead and wiping away her beads of sweat. One look at her you will know she is in so much pain, this pregnancy is getting the best of her.

"Don't cry Haneesa, oh Allah" she sighed trying her best not to break down. It was hurting her to see her daughter in agonizing pain.

"Maami it hurts, everything hurts. Ya Salaam!" She wept wailing. Adda was quick to be by her side pushing her hair that was cascading her eye sight.

"Where does it hurt?"

"Under my abdomen, Adda I can't take it. Tell them to remove the baby please.."

"Haneesa please calm down, breathe in and out. And stop crying please, everything will be fine InshaAllah" she replied massaging her thighs. After a while, the wailing stopped but she was breathing heavily holding on her mother's hand with force.

"This baby is giving my daughter a hard time, Hayrah what did the doctor say?" Maami said in a cracked voice looking at her blotted Haneesa who was in so much pain.

"I think she should just induce her, the baby can stay in the incubator. The pain she is going through is so much.." Adda Hayri concluded standing up.

"I'll get the doctor" she inform exiting the room.

The doctor came rushing in the room with two nurses behind her, seeing the condition Haneesa was in, she quickly ordered the nurse to rush her to the labour room where she would be induced.

Maami was quick to follow the doctor to the labour room waiting area, after a short while Adda Hayrah arrived informing the doctor that she has signed the papers.

"She will be okay by God's will, just pray for her" the doctor advice before closing the door shut on their faces.

They could hear Haneesa's yells from behind the door which crushed their hearts.


Munayarh drives the car in full speed not caring that she was about to hit a passerby or that the police was following her yelling for her to stop.

Her vision was blurring her with tears but she managed to wipe them and drive to the hospital. She just got a call from Inbihaj crying and summoning her to the hospital saying something about her baby admitted.

She was getting a bad feeling, ever since she left her daughter with Ahmaad promising to return for her later in the day she has been getting a bad feeling, as if something was about to go wrong and now everything has been confirmed to her.

Parking recklessly in the parking lot, she got off and walk inside the hospital where she was directed to the emergency ward. There she met Ahmaad pacing up and down, Zubaina was crying heavily holding on to Inbihaj who was backing Asma and Abba was on a phone call.

"What happened to Na'eema? What happened to my little baby?!" She cried walking to Ahmaad who gave her an ashamed look.

"Assalam Alaikum Munayarh, I didn't see you walk in" he replied avoiding her gaze.

"Walaikum Salaam please don't avoid my question, what happened to my baby Ahmaad!?"

"I am sorry Munayarh, it is all my fault"he said heartbroken.

Her heart was pounding heavily in her chest, "tell please! I knew I shouldn't have agreed to your stupid rule. I shouldn't have let her with you. You don't like her! I forgot she is just a mistake to you! Oh Allah save my daughter" she cried angrily.

"SubhanAllah stop saying that Munayarh! Na'eema is not a mistake, she is my daughter also don't forget that!" He growled in anger, Abba who noticed the heated argument between the two quickly end his call with his brother and walked over to the two of them.

"Munayarh please calm down, this is not the time for you two to be arguing when your daughter is fighting for her life" he said calmly.

"Fighting for her life!?" She snapped confused.

"I know what happened is unfortunate, but please let's put everything behind us for now. If Na'eema gets better then we will solve the issue" he continues helplessly.

"Abba please pardon me but what exactly happened to my daughter?"

"Ahmaad you didn't tell her?" he turns to his son who head was casted down in shame and pain.

"No Abba, I will tell her right away" he said motioning for Munayarh to follow him outside.

"sit!" He said and she silently obliged sitting beside him on the bench.

"I want you to know that what I am about to tell you was not planned by me and by Allah I regret not stopping you when you left without Na'eema" he sighed tensed.

"Just tell me, I beg of you." she cried and he slowly tell her all that happened. He told her how he tried to run after his mother while recovering from ten stitches on the head, how he carried his little girl whose head was bleeding continuously, how he yelled at the driver to start the car, how he held her close to his chest ignoring the fact that his hands and body was stained with blood, how he watched he wail until her eyes slowly closed and everything stopped working. He couldn't move, he couldn't talk.. He was just staring at her holding her tight until the driver pulled the car over and the nurses take her away inside the emergency ward.

Munayarh broke down right there, she was crying so hard her body was shaking. Ahmaad didn't know what to do, he had tears falling from his eyes also. Moving closer he drape his hand over her and let her place her head on his chest, he couldn't understand what she was feeling. Munayarh loved her with her all.. Oh ya Salaam.

"Umm Na'eema please stop crying, InshaAllah she will be fine" he cooed feeling sad for her, for himself and for the situation they were in. Munayarh didn't care about the fact that he was hugging her and that he just called her Umm Na'eema, she was feeling it in her that nothing will be alright.

"No Ahmaad! We lost her!!"

"Ya Rahman! What are you saying Munayarh?!"

"Yes Ahmaad, you heard me right. We lost my Na'eema, she is gone! She is never coming back.." She muffled her words out

"Don't say that, please, I beg of you" his heart ached and yearned to hold his little blessing again.

"You won't understand Ahmaad, it is over, I have no purpose of living again. I.. I just.. Need to see her one last time. I need to say goodbye Ahmaad" she hiccupped pulling away from the hug as she stand up.

He watch as she walk back into the hospital and he wipe his tears while following her steps.

On arriving he met Zubaina who looked ten time worse than he last saw her, "Yaaya go and meet her one last time. Go before it's too late" she said dragging his hand and inside the room where his little baby was covered in different bandage and wires. Munayarh was sitting beside her holding her petite hand; she was whimpering silently taking in her appearance for the last time.

"Innalilahi wa'ina ilaihi rajiun. (Indeed to Allah we are from and to him we shall return)" he prayed silently under his breath moving closer to his baby. He crouched beside her bed placing a lingering kiss on her forehead. She was breathing heavily as she opened her eyes and let out another wail.

"Shh my baby.. Oh Ya Rabb. I can't take this.." Munayarh cried running out if the room.

Inbihaj ran after her while Zubaina slowly kiss Na'eema; "I will miss you baby, May Allah make it easy on your parents and grant you paradise." She whispered before slowly leaving the room.

Ahmaad seat on the bed and gently carry her in his hands, he blew some duas on her and cried until he could no longer feel her slow heartbeat against his chest...


Fateemah glared at Fadilarh who was all over Mukhtar right across her, ever since her cousin showed up with her Mukhtar totally ignored her as he talked about everything and nothing with her. He didn't even attempt to make her join the conversation, heck he didn't even introduced her.

She had tried everything to get his attention but his mind was just not there. Ayman on the other hand had made a silly excuse to go do something which made her more furious and mad.

Hissing loudly she scrolled through her news feed thinking maybe he will acknowledge her presence but he didn't. She decided to send him a text but when he decided not to check him phone she was beyond mad at Fadilarh and even him.

"Mukky" she called but he didn't hear her.

"Mukhtar!" She called a little bit louder and he turned to face her.

"Yes? Just give me few minutes Teemah, I'll get back to you..." He said turning his attention to Fadilarh.

Those few minutes turned to almost an hour and when she got fed up, she stood up and left.

He didn't even notice.

And she thought it was suppose to be a nice evening, just the two of them but stupid Ayman had ruin everything.

Entering her car, she zoomed off angrily.

"Now she hates me already" Fadilarh pout and Mukhtar laugh.

"She will like you when she gets to know everything" she smirked.

"You really like her don't you?" She asked sipping her smoothie.

"I do, you can't even begin to imagine. I just hope everything turns out great.."

"InshaAllah, now I have to run. Ayman disappeared again! I really don't know what's up with him. I feel like he is not happy to see me or something" she said sadly.

"I promise I will find out what's up with him, don't stress yourself too much, I bet it's something stupid"

"I hope so"

"Bye Fadilarh, thank you for helping me out" he smiled and she smiled back walking away.

Now all that's left is the big surprise.

Some of you probably hate me now because baby Na'eema is gone but sorry I had it all planned out even before I wrote it😞 it was just meant to happen! 💔

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