Fifty four🌸

I couldn't fulfil my promise,

Something gnawed in me today.. It was guilt😩 I was like, 'haba Ammah you must update today kam! No laziness! Nothing, nothing!!!' So here I am...



Teemah glance at the envelope before her, she was elated.. Beyond happy.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and looking up she met her mother's glossy eyes; wrapping her hands around her she let herself break down.

"Fatimatu why are you crying? Don't you want this? Isn't this what you have been wishing for all your life?" Her mother asked concerned.

"Yes Mama, this is everything I wanted.." She wept.

"Then why are you crying my dear?"

"Mama it is just so, so.. Surreal. I mean all my life I had one aim, to be a successful lawyer and I did it by Allah's grace" she hiccupped

"Mama I am finally freeing you from embarrassment of having keeping a daughter who is still unmarried at the age of twenty six when the society expected me to be married by eighteen or so"

"Oh ya Allah! Who told you I care about what the society thinks Fatima? If I cared do you think I will be where I am now? Or do you think your father and I would have let you be a lawyer?" She questioned "We don't and what matters is you're happy and you are doing the right thing, society doesn't matter they can all die for all we care. If our princess is happy then we are"

"I love you Mama, thank you for your abundant support"

"I love you too Fatima sarauniyar Mukhtar" she teased making her blush.

"Maaamaaa. We are not even married! He just proposed!!!!" She whined.

"Whatever" her mother pushed away exiting her room. When the door jammed, she laid on her bed properly and opened the letter to read for the hundredth time.

She couldn't get enough of the letter, and every time she read it her heart will skip in her chest and butterflies will fill her stomach.

She loved that feeling,

She loves what Mukhtar is making her do and she loves how cheesy and thoughtful he is.

A wide grin broke on her chapped lips as she read once again;

"Once the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was sitting in the room with Aisha (RA) and fixing his shoes. It was very warm and Aisha looked to his blessed forehead and noticed that there were beads of sweats on it. She became overwhelmed by the majesty of that sight and was staring at him long enough for him to notice.

He said, "what's the matter?" she replied, "If Abu Bukair Al-Huthali, the poet, saw you he would know that his poem was written for you."

The prophet (pbuh) asked, "what did he say?" She replied, "Abu Bukair said if you looked to the majesty of the moons, it twinkles and lights to up the world for everybody to see"

So the prophet (pbuh) got up, walked to Aisha, kissed her between her eyes and said, "wallahi ya Aisha you are like that to me and much more"

Dear Fatimah,

if only you will accept my proposal then I promise to be a good and caring husband as the prophet was to Aisha, I will not promise you a drama free and luxurious wife ya Fatima but I promise you a comfortable life full of happiness and love.

I won't propose on my knees rather I will propose to you by telling you one of the tales of the prophet and our beloved Aisha.

"Wallahi ya Fatimah, you are like that to me and much more" (yes, I quoted the prophet).

Marry me? Please.

For the sake of Allah, I love you and I would want to spend the rest of my life with you.

Just say yes to your father and everything will be finalized, I have already asked for your hand in marriage.. The rest is up to you.

With love,

Your Mukky.

She would say yes over and over again if she was given the chance. She closed the envelope and hid it under her pillow before washing her face and wearing her hijab.

She walked to her father's chamber were he was laying down relaxing, he has been doing a lot of that lately ever since he retired.

"To what do I owe this visit Barrista Fatimah?" He teased, he already knew what brought her to his room and seeing from her facial expression he also knew her answer.


"He is a nice guy, He will keep you happy my dear Fatiti! May Allah bless your union"

"But Baba I didn't even say yes!" She gasped

"Oh really? I thought I heard a yes! Well okay no problem, you can say it now"

"Oh Babaaa! I'm your only child at least shed some tears and protest when a random guy wants to steal your daughter right under your nose"

"Fatiti I am old for all this drama, he should take you away. Your mother and I need some alone time, you hardly let us rest" he joke as his wife entered the room.

She laughed sitting beside her husband on the bed, Fatima who was sitting by the bed pout.

"I will call Mukhtar, he should come and take me right away since I am not needed here anymore. and also i will take you to court baba! How can you tell your daughter that?" She threw a tantrum standing up.

"Your nothing compared to me, your just a lawyer while I am a retired judge good luck with your case"

"I am not just a lawyer Baba, the best female lawyer in Nigeria"

"I am a retired well known judge.."

"Mama talk to your husband! I am gone" she said running out of the room and her parents laugh.

Fatima was happy,

Finally her parents will be at peace.


Ahmaad walked out of the hospital, he had just concluded his checkup with the doctor and he was ecstatically happy when the doctor told him he can go back home, he was recovering perfectly alright only that he needs to be taking his medicines on time and he shouldn't be thinking too much, it was affecting him.

How does the doctor expect him to stop thinking too much when he lost his daughter two days ago..

How does he not worry when his wife is across the country heavily pregnant with their child and she is not even picking up his calls..

How can he be at rest when everyday he wakes up to see the face of the woman who is behind his sorrow?

How should he not worry when his father is not talking to his mother because of him? When he is the cause of the rift between his parents?!


he doesn't know how to not worry! He doesn't even know what to do anymore! He needed Hajiya, he needed to see her soon.

Grabbing his phone which was ringing in his pocket, he grinned at the ID before placing the phone on his ear so he could talk to the caller.

"Assalam Alaikum to the world's worst friend! Do you remember me? Even my name at least?"

He sigh,

"Walaikum Salaam, Mubarak! Pardon me please! I received your message I just couldn't reply things are messed up over here"

"Was it that difficult to type a simple 'happy married life dude' I will be lying if i don't say I am offended"

Getting into the car where the driver was waiting, Ahmaad motioned for him to drive him home. "Mubarak please forgive me, You don't know how bad things are here"

"You are forgiven only because I heard what happened.."

"Who told you.."



"Meet me in Murtala Square, I'm in Kaduna and you better be fast, I have to go back home to my wife in Abuja. I miss her already.." He sulk as Ahmaad tell the driver to change the way.

"Don't be all lovey dovey please"

"I will try not to" he laughed before ending the call.

In less then thirty minutes he arrived, there he met Mubarak who was patiently waiting for him.

"See how tattered you've become. Ahmaad what have you done to yourself?" He questioned worriedly.

"Mubarak I am torn, is it because there is no more a bandage wrapped around my head? You should be thankful for that"

"May her soul rest in peace, InshaAllah things will fall into place soon. Allah does everything for a reason Ahmaad, don't work yourself too much. Look at me.. See where I ended up, happy! Contented with life Alhamdulilah. Who would have thought so Ahmaad? Who would have thought I would survive the ghastly accident I was engaged in and be married to the love of my life? Absolutely no one but Allah! He is the best of planners and InshaAllah if you believe in him you will be surprised how your life will turn out in a blink of an eye."

"Alhamdulilah for a friend like you Mubarak, JazakaAllah I really needed that." he smiled thankfully.

"Thank Ummah not me, if it wasn't for her I wouldn't have known what was happening since you no longer tell me anything"

"Is that all she told you? Didn't she tell you she is the reason behind my sorrow? Or that-"

"Whatever happens don't forget she is your mother Ahmaad" he cut him off, "sort things out between the two of you, it starts from there"

Before Ahmaad could reply, Mubarak's phone rang and he excused himself before picking up the call. After a while, he returned grinning at Ahmaad as if he just won a lottery.

"You are scaring me Mubarak. What happened?"

"Amtullah just called"

"Oh okay, I hope all is well?"

"When were you planning on telling me? Your such a bad friend wallah, I had to hear the news from my own wife" he hissed.

"Telling you what? Wallahi I don't know what you are saying"

"So now you are saying you don't know your wife has given birth to twins? That's what you want to tell me huhn!?"

Ahmaad could swear everything stopped for a minute,

He could see Mubarak's lips moving but he would be lying if he said he knew what he was saying.


"MaShaaAllah Tabarakallah!" He exclaimed happily. "Thank you for breaking the news to me Mubarak, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have known. Haneesa no longer picks up my call"

"She gave birth two days ago and you're just knowing now?!" He yelled "You better sort things out fast Ahmaad, you are now a father of two, you have responsibilities" He concluded before taking his car keys, and then he left.


Ummah paced up and down in her room anxiously,

She ruined her relationship with her son.. the one person she vowed to love with her all now she lost him?

No! She possibly cannot seat back and watch Ahmaad treat her like nothing! She is his mother, no matter how sad he is over the death of his daughter he has no right to treat her that way.

After devising a new plan on how to get Ahmaad back on her side, she walked down the stairs where she heard chattering in the living room.

Thinking it was Inbihaj, Zubaina and Nabila who were gushing over Asma, she placed a smile on her face and moved closer only to stop dead in tracks.

Placing a hand on her chest for she was in so much shock, she muttered her dua's under her breath.

She wouldn't be the dead of her.

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Who is our surprise guest? Any guesses?😆😂

I bet no one can guess this sooooo byeeee byeee

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