María and Sofia were sitting impatiently across from their mother. Violetta checked the time on her phone again, two minutes until noon. The bell on top of the entrance sounded, and Violetta turned around seeing her ex husband.
"Dad!" Maria and Sofia chorused, Violetta stopped them before they ran across the entire cafe. It was busy around this time. León easily spotted the three of them sitting in a corner table.
"Good morning," León told the three of them, giving them each a kiss on the cheek, before he sat in the empty chair beside Violetta. Violetta had agreed to have lunch all together for the sake of both of their daughters to have family time with both parents, and she was hungry.
"It's noon," Violetta replied. León rolled his eyes, and the girls giggled to themselves. "I'm just stating the truth," Violetta shrugged, before grabbing the water cup. The sun was shining through the window, shining against the engagement ring on Violetta's hand.
"You don't always have to be right," León whispered. This time, Violetta rolled her eyes. "I'm just stating the truth," León shrugged.
"We're almost thirty, León. Let's act our age, and not copy one another, okay?" Violetta snapped quietly enough so the girls couldn't hear her. "I already ordered your favorite since the girls are restless and hungry."
After the waiter had brought their lunch to the table, María began to tell about her day that she spent with her grandparents Herman and Angie, and how Olga made her favorite deserts. After her sister finished talking, Sofía told everyone about her day with her tia Ludmi and their shopping adventure.
"Tia Ludmi has a two babies in her tummy," Sofía whispered, or tried to whisper, thinking it was a secret, but the blonde was almost into her third trimester. Ludmila and Federico have been trying to get pregnant for the past four years, never succeeded until months ago, getting lucky with a set of twins.
"So does mama," María smiled. León choked on his water, and Violetta dropped her fork. Before Violetta could say anything, her phone began to ring. She excused herself, and walked towards the back bathrooms, and answered the call.
"Hello?" Violetta answered without reading the caller id.
"Vilu, I'm back and I miss your two little munchkins," Maxi said through the phone. "Could Naty and I watch them for the day? Ana also missed the girls."
"I'll have to ask León, since he's back in Bueno Aires, and was supposed to take them after lunch," Violetta told Maxi.
"He's back and didn't tell me? Whatever, I can call him and ask if you don't want to talk to him," Maxi replied.
"Actually, I'm at lunch with him and the girls—"
"Are you two getting back togeth—"
"No, Maxi. I'm still with Diego. We just wanted the girls to spend time with the both of us together. I'll ask him about you and Naty, he'll probably say yes, I'll tell you otherwise. Besitos."
Violetta made her way back to the table, and sat back down in her seat. "Maxi and Naty want to see the girls. Ana needs some play time with the girls," Violetta told León.
"Why didn't he ask me?" León questioned, clearly irritated.
"Because last week, no one knew you were coming back to Bueno Aires, or taking a pause from your career," Violetta replied. León sighed, but agreed to having Maxi and Naty take the girls for the day. "Good, Maxi said to meet him at the park after lunch," Violetta smiled. "Do you girls want to see Ana?" María and Sofía nodded. Ana is Maxi and Naty's daughter, a year older than Sofía, and a year and a half younger than María. Their only child, whether that was Maxi or Naty's plan, everyone thought they would end up with the biggest family, but they are content with Ana, for now.
After finishing their lunch, and León paying for it, the family began to walk to the park, which was two blocks down from the diner.
"Tio Maxi!" María yelled, startling the man, who was whispering in Naty's ear, and Naty smiling from ear to ear. The two of them were still in love as they were while in the studio. "Tia Naty," María hugged the woman.
"Vilu!" Maxi wrapped his arms tightly around Violetta.
"Maxi, I can't breathe," Violetta replied, but hugged him back.
"Maxi, you shouldn't squeeze a pregnant woman that tight," León replied.
"You're pregnant? ¡Felicidades! And engaged?" Maxi asked Violetta, he had caught the small glare on her hand.
Violetta gave Maxi a smile, "Excuse me. León, can we talk in private?" Violetta asked, before León had a chance to reply yes or no, Violetta grabbed his forearm and walked far enough so people couldn't hear their conversation. "What are you doing?"
"You don't want people to know you're engaged to Diego, or having his baby?" León asked, shocked. "Because you were just flaunting your ring like it was nothing."
"I wasn't flaunting my ring, if I was I would've done this–" Violetta held her hand up in front of Leon's face, "Did you see the ring my fiancé proposed to me with? It's beautiful isn't it," Violetta smiled, looking at the ring on her finger. "Oh, did I mention, I'm carrying his baby? Because if I was flaunting my engagement ring, I would be flaunting my baby bump and wear tighter clothes to people can see the baby bump better."
"Shouldn't I have learned about you and Diego from you, instead of our daughters?" León asked. "This isn't about you and Diego. It's about Diego becoming María and Sofia's stepfather. And how Diego left you heartbroken in Spain. Out of everyone, you let Diego have the chance to be my daughters stepfather?"
"Diego's changed, you know he did. And guess what? I fell in love with him again, what's wrong with that?"
"Because people like Diego can easily go back to the person they used to be, no matter how much they claim to have changed," León said.
"You know what, León? That isn't why you don't like the idea of Diego becoming my husband. You're jealous because I moved on from you, I hope one day you'll be able to do the same," Violetta replied, before walking back the the group. Violetta stopped in front of Naty, and hugged her. "When Fran gets back from Italy, Cami, Fran, and I are having a girls night, Ludmila too. You're coming, right?"
"Yes! It's very much needed, Vilu. Also congratulations on your engagement and baby number three," Naty smiled. Violetta hugged Natalia one more time before walking towards her car.
"What was that about?" Maxi asked León, once he joined them again.
"I made a huge mistake five years ago, and it's too late to fix it," León told Maxi. León sat on the bench, and sighed.
"León, it's never late for you and Violetta. She may not see it right now, but you two splitting up was a huge mistake. But one day she'll realize it," Maxi replied. "You just have to be patient, mi amigo."
So sorry for the long wait for this update. I had so many chapter two's started but chose this one to finish and update. :-)
Also, sad news, Violetta is not on Netflix in the US anymore, so I basically watched the entire third season in two and a half weeks(thankful for unlimited data for the month, and christmas break)
Also, León finally realized his mistake, and what is his real reason to come back to Bueno Aires? And is León really jealous of Violetta moving on faster than him?
And does Maxi still support Leonetta? Here's a clue for the rest of the book, mostly everyone supports leonetta. Fran is the captain of the ship in the book, bc she made them see each other again. Maybe Maxi, too. Also don't worry, Ludmila, Camila, Broduey, Federico, Andres, Clement, Gery and everyone else will eventually make their way into the book. :)
Also using some spanish words in the book bc it kind of helps me, but the book will be in english since I'm not fluent in Spanish but can understand bits and pieces of it.
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