t h i r t e e n

"Vilu just went into the delivery room!" Francesca ran into the waiting room. Everyone was in there, except Violetta and Diego, of course. Diego was currently in the delivery room with Violetta as she was giving birth.

Herman, Angie, and Gregorio were sitting closest to the door, waiting for Diego to come out saying that their grandchild was born. León was sitting down on a small couch, with María asleep in his lap. Sofia was listening to Marco reading a kid's book to her, Andres was also quietly listening.

Camila and Naty were quietly discussing what they thought the baby's name was going to be. Broduey and Maxi left to get everyone some coffee and snacks from the gift shop halfway across the hospital and a few floors down. Ana was currently playing whatever game her dad had on his phone. Camila and Broduey had found a babysitter for Antonio and Valeria before coming to the hospital because they thought two toddlers would not like waiting.

The new parents were half asleep on the hospital chairs. Federico was sleeping with Noah on his chest, Ludmila was half-asleep rocking Emma's carseat back and forth softly acting as a rocker.

"Really, Fran? You just woke Emma up!" Ludmila groaned when her daughter started crying. The new parents were both exhausted, but Ludmila didn't want to miss the birth of Violetta's newest child. None of their friends had missed a child's birth.

"Sorry," Francesca quickly apologized, and sat beside Marco. "But he's going to be here soon!" Francesca quietly squealed.

"Tia Ludmi, why is Emma crying so loud?" Sofia asked. "I can't hear the story."

"Before you reply, remember that's my daughter you're talking to," León stopped Ludmila from talking. Ludmila turned and glared at León. "And she's five."

"Ay, Ludmila, give me Emma, and you take a nap," Angie interrupted León's and Ludmila's stare-off. Angie carefully grabbed Emma from her carseat, and slowly bounced her back to sleep. Angie went back to her chair, with Emma in her arms. Before anything else happened, Ludmila had fallen asleep.

"Thank you, abuela," Sofia gave a toothy grin to Angie. "Can you finish the book, Tio Marco?" Sofia gave her full attention to Marco as he kept reading the Dr Seuss book.

"We got coffee!" Maxi announced when he carried in two drink carriers, while Broduey carried one, and a plastic bag.

"And snacks!" Broduey added. Maxi was walking around letting everyone grab the coffee.

"What about me?" Ana pouted when she didn't get coffee. "You always get me coffee, dad!"

"What?" Naty questioned. "Maximiliano, you give our daughter coffee?"

"Oh! Don't tell mom. Oops," Ana gave her dad a quick apologetic smile. "Did you at least get me orange juice?"

"Ooh, orange juice?" Sofia questioned turning around.

"They didn't have orange juice, but they had grape juice," Broduey answered, handing the small plastic bottles to the girls.

"Thank you," Ana smiled.

"Any news yet?" Maxi asked as he sat beside his wife. Everyone shook their head.

"They just went into the delivery room a few minutes ago," Francesca told Maxi. "If he was out already, they would play— oh my god!" The little speaker in the maternity ward played a soft melody signaling a baby being born. As on cue, everyone turned around and face the door— everyone except the sleeping couple— and waited for Diego to come announce.

Minutes later, Diego, still dressed in scrubs, came walking towards the waiting room with a big smile on his face. "Dad, Angie, Herman, would you like to meet your grandson?"

The three of them followed Diego into Violetta's hospital room. Violetta was laying on the bed exhausted, but was holding a baby in her arms.

"Oh my!" Angie smiled. "He's so handsome!"

"C– Can I hold him?" Gregorio asked. Violetta gave a tired chuckle, and nodded. She carefully placed the baby into his grandfather's arms.

"Did you guys choose a name?" Herman asked.

"Diego?" Violetta looked at him, letting Diego tell them the name of their son.

"Meet Mateo, your grandson," Diego smiled. "Mateo Gabriel Hernández Castillo," Diego added.

"I want to see him already," Camila complained.

"We all want to see him, Cami," Ludmila rolled her eyes. She had woken up shortly after Diego came. Excitement kept her awake.

"I wonder who's next to see him," Maxi said. "Angie, Herman and Gregorio have been in there for awhile."

"Ooh! Here they are!" Francesca said as they saw the three older adults and grandparents walk towards the waiting room. "How is he? Is he cute? What's his name?"

"You'll all find out eventually," Angie told everyone. "But I think it's time for María and Sofia to meet their baby brother."

"Baby brother?" María asked. She had waken up a little before the hospital announced a baby being born with the soft melody. "C'mon Sofia!" María was waiting for her younger sister at the door.

Sofia and María quietly followed Angie into their mother's hospital room. Diego was standing by Violetta's bed holding Mateo.

"Do you girls want to meet your baby brother?" Diego asked, the both nodded and slowly walked towards Diego.

"He's soo tiny, like Emma and Noah!" Sofia exclaimed. "Is he going to cry like them too?" Sofia asked her mom. Violetta laughed.

"What's his name?" María asked, looking at her baby brother with big eyes. "I hope you guys named him Gabriel like I told you to," María quickly added.

"María, his name is Mateo," Violetta told her oldest. "His middle name is Gabriel. You two named your baby brother."

"We did?" Sofia asked. "Can we call him Matty?"

"If that's what you want to call him," Diego replied. The girls both nodded.

"I don't mean to interrupt this cute and adorable family moment, but you have a waiting room full of annoying adults that want to see Mateo before visiting hours are over," Angie told Violetta and Diego.

Exactly two minutes after Angie left to let everyone know that could see the baby, every one of their friends had walked into the room.

"Everyone meet Mateo Gabriel Hernández Castillo," Diego announced.

"I want another baby," Naty whispered to Maxi.

"Me too," Maxi replied.

"Let's have another baby," Camila told Broduey. Broduey's eyes went wide, but didn't say anything.

"Did you two finally decide on godparents?" Ludmila asked. Violetta nodded. "Who?"

"We haven't asked them yet," Diego said, he was swaying side to side, calming Mateo. "But, we want Fran and Marco to be the godparents. Where are they?"

"She got a call, she said she'll be in here soon," Camila answered.

"We were almost kicked out saying visiting hours were over, we had to show the security guards that there was still five minutes until eight," Francesca said walking in beside Marco. "Oh my gosh, Mateo is so cute."

"How'd you know his name?" Camila asked. "They just told us."

"María told me," Francesca replied. "She can't keep anything from her godmother," Francesca smiled.

"Speaking of godparents," Violetta spoke. "Diego and I would like you and Marco to be his."

"Really?" Marco replied.

"I'm sorry for interrupting, but visiting hours are over," a nurse came in. "You are all welcome to come back tomorrow. I can bring you an extra blanket and pillow," she told Diego who replied with a polite nod and a thank you.

"Why does Diego get to—"

"He's the dad, Marco," Maxi interrupted Marco's question. "You'll get to stay when Fran has a baby, too." Marco replied with a small yeah, looking back at Francesca winking. She gave Marco a small smile.

When everyone left, Diego had laid Mateo back into the hospital's bassinet. "How are we going to do this? Raise him together, but living in two different houses?" Diego asked Violetta.

"It's not like we're hours away from each other," Violetta replied. "León and I actually bought the house beside yours."

"What?" Diego responded.

"I don't want to flaunt or show off León and I in front of you, but it's about the girls and him," Violetta gestured to Mateo. "The girls love you Diego, and you are a big part of their lives. And Mateo, he won't have to going back and forth between the two of us. Whenever you or I want to see him, we can just walked across the yard."

"You didn't have to do that," Diego told Violetta.

"I don't have to do anything, I wanted to. And plus, the old place was smaller," Violetta replied, smiling.

"You're amazing, Vilu."

Yay! I updated.

Also I may love the name Mateo. If you read this book, and my other leonetta book, you'd see that the name Mateo appears in both.

Diego is officially a father. :)

Most of this chapter was written in an hour. :)

Next chapter is going to be about Fran and Marco's wedding but it's mainly going to be their wedding reception since they're already married. :)

Still deciding if there's gonna be a sequel or not.

Q: Favorite part of the book? (Since it's almost ending🙁)
A: i liked the leonetta flashbacks.

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