

"This has got to be the best idea we've had yet hyung!"

Jungkook smiled as we both walked into a artist shop.
After hybrids were allowed basic rights (standards aren't high enough) Y/N encouraged us to go out more together, obviously while still being cautious, and try and find hobbies that we may enjoy.
After watching countless videos of people painting, Jungkook and I wanted to try it for ourselves. So after figuring out when we would both free, we both decided to buy some art supplies and try painting out.

"Okay we must remember to not buy anything too expensive, if we like painting then we'll consider purchasing more professional stuff."

Jungkook nodded and we both headed our separate ways for supplies.


"So how did we do this?"

I asked as we stared at the supplies in front of us on the table. First off there was a big box filled with different colour paints, then about fifteen different paintbrushes, two "artist" water cans, two large canvases, paint holders and glitter.

"Why did you want glitter?"

I turned to Jungkook.
He shrugged his shoulders,

"Hobi hyung likes glitter so I thought I would do a picture with it."

I nodded my head and looked back to the mildy expensive objects.

"Okay I say we paint our pictures before everyone else gets home and then hide everything."

He hummed in agreement and started to take the paints he wanted (not forgetting his glitter). After we both settled down we looked at each other and nodded.

"Alright, we've watched people do this, it can't be that hard, what could possibly go wrong?"


"Everything went so horribly wrong!"

Jungkook cried as we tried to scrub the paint off the walls.

"None of this would of happened if you didn't fling paint at me!"

"For the last time it was an accident! You were the one that started this!"

While we had been painting, Jungkook had somehow flicked his brush which caused paint to splash onto my face. I flicked some paint onto him as revenge and from there, it got a little out of hand.

"Namjoon Hyung is gonna have our heads for this!"

"You think Namjoon hyung is scaring when he's mad, wait until Hoseok hyung sees the mess we've created, he'll murder us and they'll never find our bodies!"

After some stressful scrubbing, we both stepped back and sighed in relief that the paint was all gone.

"Thank goodness."

I dropped into the chair behind me and immediately regretted it as it slid back and knocked the table and ultimately, whatever was fall'able'.
Both our ears went back as we heard the crash of the water cans hit the floor as well as our paint trays and the sound of Jungkooks glitter container ( as well as a couple of the paintbrushes and paints).
We didn't dare turn around when we heard the front door open and the rest of our mates voices. There was laughter and chatting but soon it came to a holt, then replaced by gasps and some growls.

"Taehyung and Jungkook, care to explain why there is water and glitter as well as paint and paintbrushes on the floor?"

Namjoon hyungs voice sounded as if he was about to explode.

We both turned around slowly and looked at all them. Then we turned to each other and back to them.

"It was an honest mistake hyung we didn't mean to-"

Jungkook started,

"Taehyung hyung and I accidentally got some paint on the wall so we cleaned it up and then hyung accidentally sat down in the chair too fast which made it slide back and hit the table which caused everything to fall off."

"Oh you cleaned the whole wall?"


I replied.

"What about that one?"

Hoseok stared at us in anger and didn't look away while he pointed to the wall opposite the other just cleaned wall.

I chuckled awkwardly,


"Both of you are going to clean this whole area until there is not a spot of paint left then you're going to make a formal apology to all of us after dinner. Understood?"

Namjoon spoke strictly.

We both nodded our heads and replied with a "yes hyung" before they all walked out except for Y/N.
We both kept our heads down in shame as she walked up to us (while avoiding stepping in the mess).

"Come on guys look at me."

She asked.

We both looked up at her with not so happy faces.

"We're sorry Carrot."

"Sorry pups."

She shook her head and smiled abit,

"Guys it's okay, it's not the worse thing that could of happened. Granted Hoseok did just clean this area, you guys didn't mean for this to happen. The only thing I am quite confused about is why did you buy so much stuff, I thought you guys said you were only going to by the simple things fist or what you called beginners tools?"

"We just got so excited I guess and didn't think."

I nodded in agreement with Jungkook.

"Well, sometimes I guess that's okay. And don't worry about the others staying mad at you, frankly I think it was a bit of an overreaction, for the most part, but you guys just clean this as quick as you can while I go and talk to them okay?"

We both nodded and she left to find the others. We both immediately started to get to work.


I walked into the lounge and saw the rest of them sitting there, Namjoon and Hoseok with poetically mad looks on their faces.
I sighed and shook my head which made them all look at me.

"You think treating them like they're five year olds was necessary?"

Namjoon put his head down while Hoseok avoiding eye contact. Jimin and Yoongi looked to each other then back to me. Jin only sighed and stood up, walking over to stand next to me.

"Yeah, frankly it was a bit of an overreaction for something that could of happened to any of us."

Namjoon rubbed the back of his neck.

"I know I overreacted a little and probably shouldn't of talked to them like they were five. I think my fear turned to anger after I saw that they hadn't seriously injured themselves. After hearing that crash outside the door, I thought one of them was badly hurt and I couldn't help but feel angry after seeing that I assumed the worse too quickly."

I walked over and sat next to Namjoon giving him a bit of a hug.

"I understand your emotions Joonie but you need to keep them more under control, they didn't mean to scare you and they certainly didn't deserve to be spoken to like that. It was an honest mistake and they owned up to it."

Jin said.
The rest of us nodded in agreement and then I looked to Hoseok who just huffed,

"I was honestly mad at the mess, I did just clean there the other day."

I laughed a little at his response.

"I think once they're done cleaning, just before dinner, they can apologize to us and then you guys can apologize to them. Then we move on from it, no holding grudges."

They all responded by nodding their heads.

"I just want to know how they got paint on the wall?"

Jimin asked outloud.

"Did you just flick paint at me!?"

"No I accidentally gripped the tube to hard!"

"Oh really?!"


"Well here's some payback!"


"Oh it's on!"

We all laughed at the shouts of Taehyung and Jungkook.

"I guess that's how."

Yoongi said.

"No they're making even more of a mess!"

Hoseok jumped up and ran to the two young hybrids.

I felt like writing about Jungkook and Taehyung getting up to no good, so I did.
And no these chapters aren't late you are.
If you think about it, time is relative so these chapters are actually early

Hope you enjoyed!


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