

My eyes opened and I was immediately greeted by the light making my head throb. I felt something move under me and I looked to see I was on top of Jungkook. I smiled to myself as his face scrunched up and turned his head. I moved to lift myself up but felt Jungkooks arm around me and pull me down. Soon I found myself face to face with the bunny.
He smiled at me and kissed the tip of my nose, immediately making me groan,

"Good morning Carrot."

"Don't you think it's too early for affection?"

My hand rubbed my eye and before I could do it for a decent amount of time, his own hand-pulled mine away.

"Don't do that it's bad for your eyes."

"Yeah but it feels good and my eyes itch."

(I can't be the only person who gets itchy eyes...)

He chuckled and squeezed me tighter.

"So what are we doing today?"

"Well I need to finish sending those emails I was meant to do like yesterday, Jinnie has work today and I think Jimin and Joonie are working too. I think Yoongi is going to meet with someone but hasn't told us exactly who. And you, Taehyung and Hoseok are all here today too. "

He looked at me shocked.

"How'd you remember all of that after well what happened yesterday and the day before?"

"I always ask at the start of the week what's happening."

He smiled and turned to face Namjoon who stood up rubbing his eyes.
Once the sleep left him, he looked over everyone then to us to which he smiled.

"Good morning."

We smiled up at him and watched as he made his way over to Jimin to wake him up. Eventually, he got the cat hybrid out of Taehyung's arms (much to the cats dislike) and lead him to the bathroom where they would both start freshening up.
Jin also arose and said his good morning by merely mumbling as he walked past.

"And let the day begin."

I sighed and forcefully removed myself from the giant bunny's arms.
I immediately headed to the kitchen to grab a drink and start on something for the boys before they left for work.
After debating with myself for like two minutes, I decided on toast because it required the smallest amount of effort.
As I gathered everything I needed, I heard a groan and a grumpy Taehyung enter the kitchen. He walked over to me and backhugged while I continued like he wasn't there.

"Pups Joonie hyung took Jiminie from me."

He pouted.

"Well they do need to work Tae."

"Yeah but still."

I chuckled at him and nudged him to help me to which he obliged.
With an extra set of hands, I was able to finish all of the food in time and like time itself didn't exist, the boys were off to work leaving myself, Hoseok, Taehyung and Jungkook together.

"I'll clean up the kitchen Y/N,you get ready for the day."

Hoseok smiled at me.
I nodded in return and went to the bathroom to freshen up.


"Hyuny what are we gonna do today?"

Jungkook asked as he helped me clean, drying and packing the dishes away.

"Not sure Kookie, probably lounge around the house if I'm being honest."

He nodded and continued drying.

"Carrot said she has some work to do too, so Taehyung, you and me are going to have to entertain ourselves for a bit."

I turned to him and smiled,

"Look at you maturing, you're actually going to let Y/N do her work without trying to get her out of it somehow."

He rolled his eyes to which I just laughed at. Once we finished up, we headed into the lounge where we found Taehyung flipping through the TV channels.
Jungkook quickly jumped onto him and pretty much knocked the air out of him. They both immediately started to wrestling with each other which allowed me the opportunity to grab the remote and find something I wanted to watch.
Soon both of them stopped and watched as I flipped through the channels.

"Pups said she's going to work in the bedroom on her laptop. She said she'll be about an hour maybe two."

"So what are we going to do?"

"Video games?"

"I'm going to destroy you."

I watched as Jungkook and Taehyung tried to make each other lose as they were tied with each other in their game.
I picked up the sound of footsteps and turned to see Y/N entering the lounge with a smile on her face as she shook her head at the two boys.

"How long have they been at it?"

"About ten minutes now."

"Ha! I win!"

"Ugh no fair"

Jungkook celebrated his victory as Taehyung pouted and glared at the dancing bunny.

"Come on Jungkookie you know better than to rub it in."

Y/N said and that immediately caught both of their attention.
Taehyung quickly placed himself on the couch and grabbed her, hugging her close to him.
Jungkook tried to squeeze in which ultimately lead to half of his body being on top of me.

"Now that pups is out, what should we do?"

After a minute of silence, Jungkook gasped and shot up,

"Let's play truth or dare!"

"Oo yes!"

We placed ourselves in a circle on the floor and quickly played a short game to figure out what order it would go in.

"Okay Taehyung, truth or dare?"

Jungkook spoke.

"Hmm, dare."

"I dare you to wake Namjoon hyung up in the middle of the night for no reason."

"Okay I can do that, I've been working on my running skills."

We all laughed at the image of Namjoon chasing after Taehyung. Said hybrid then continued,

"Okay Hoseok hyung, truth or dare?"


"Where did you hide my stash of sweets."

"I didn't hide them, Yoongi hyung did."

"I'll never find it at this point."

"Why did we hide that again?"

Y/N asked.

"Hyung kept getting a sugar high and then a huge crash, which involved a lot of time besides the toilet."

I frowned at the memory of Taehyung spilling his guts in the toilet and decided to quickly move on from it,

"Okay Jungkookie, truth or dare?"


"What are you most afraid of?"

Both Y/N and Taehyung "ooh'ed" at the question and looked intrigued to hear Jungkook's answer.

"I'm most afraid of microwaves."


"It's just something about them."

We all laughed at his answer and then Taehyung spoke up,

"Actually hyung, that was a good questions, let's all answer it! I'll go first, I'm most afraid of forgetting my most valuable memories. Hyung?"

I thought for a moment before speaking,

"Being forgotten, Y/N?"

She didn't speak for a moment then widened her eyes (as if she came to a self discovery).

"I'm afraid of losing all of you."

There was silence before we all 'awwed' and moved over to embraced her into a hug.

"We love you too Y/N."

Jungkookie spoke.

She laughed and hugged us back (as best she could) and then escaped our embrace and got up.


We all nodded and got up following her to the kitchen.

"Just wait until I brag to Jiminie hyung that I got to her Y/N say that!"

Taehyung cheered.

Did I once again not know what the hell I was doing with this chapter? Yes, yes I did. This chapter is basically a filler because I need to make this book a decent length before I decide to end it. Don't worry I don't like this chapter either but eh

Also keep reading because double update.



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