"You want to go bike riding?"
All the boys have expressed how excited they had been for our day together, Namjoon being one of the most excited (after Taehyung of course)
Namjoon has never been a selfish person nor did he really seek out attention. But even so, I'm sure even he would need it at some point. Due to this nature, he is often selfless, sometimes too selfless. I'm not saying it's a bad thing to be selfless, but sometimes it's okay to be selfish. Whenever the small amount of time I had to give the wolf hybrid attention, it was often stolen by the others. Of course the others meant no harm.
That just never really thought that it would affect Namjoon,he wouldn't show it if it did.
"Yeah! But at night though so we can cycle under the stars."
"You and your obsession with the stars."
It was settled.
Tonight I would be cycling under the stars with Namjoon.
The whole day Namjoon stuck by me, but didn't really care if the others would come. Of course they knew their boundaries as they had been left alone when they had their time with me, however that didn't stop them from 'checking up on us' a little bit too often.
Honestly, I would of thought Namjoon would chase them away, but he just minded his own business.
Finally, the time arrived where we would leave.
"We'll rent two bikes from the bike shop."
I said as we got into the car.
The drive wasn't long and soon we arrived at said bike shop. We got out, checking that the car was locked first, before renting two bikes for about two hours.
By this time the sun had created a mixture of different colors in the sky ranging from red to purple.
Both Namjoon and I started from the shop and ended up riding next to a river. There were some people walking and even cycling along the road too.
Finally we stopped at a bench and took a break.
Sitting down, Namjoon quickly grabbed my hand and held it in his own. However, it looked like he had been wanting to do it for a long time.
"Namjoon, why do you never seek out attention?"
He seemed a bit taken a back by the question but answered anyway,
"I've just never felt the need to. I knew you were there and that's all I needed. Well, sort of what I needed. Of course there are some days I just want to keep you to myself and not let the others near you but that would be selfish."
"Namjoon, wanting my attention isn't selfish. The others get it plenty of times, you're also aloud it too."
He smiled at me.
"I know but I like seeing the others happy. I'm willing to deal with having a small amount of attention if it's for them."
"You really care about them that much?"
He chuckled and started playing with our hands.
"If you haven't noticed, I'm a wolf hybrid. More specifically an Alpha. I feel the need to constantly look out for you guys and care for you more than myself. Sometimes it gets annoying but that's just who I am. I can't control it but I can work with it. Plus, it's not like I don't get your attention, I just have a little less than the others."
There are times where you can and can't read a person.
Namjoon is someone who one could find difficult to read. I for one can never tell if what he is saying is what he truly feels.
"I'm not sure if you're speaking the truth Namjoon, of course I know some of it is the truth, but it's okay if that's not how you feel."
Without saying much after, we decided to return the bikes and head back.
As we were walking up to the door, I stopped Namjoon,
"Tonight you're sleeping with me."
"But wouldn't Taehyung want to-"
"As much as I love Taehyung, he for once can sleep without me."
Opening the door we were immediately greeted with the others, Jungkook running to great us as fast as he could. With all the greetings out of the way, I quickly stated that Namjoon would be with me tonight. Some were about to make a fuss but Jin quickly shot them down.
With that we made it to my room where we both agreed that I would shower first them him. After that we would just tuck up in bed and enjoy each other's company.
After getting all the hygiene out the way, we quickly cuddled next to each other in bed.
His fingers slowly threaded through my hair as we layed next to each other in a comfortable silence.
Although I was content,something was still bothering me. I could simply not accept that Namjoon was willing to accept that he was the one who would get the least amount of attention.
It irritated me.
Without much of a thought, I looked up to Namjoon who looked down at me with questioning eyes.
I looked to his lips them back to him.
Somehow he understood what was wanted and slowly leaned in, capturing my lips with his.
While the kiss was meant to be sweet and lighthearted, it quickly became heated.
Soon he was on top of me, taking as much affection as he could. It was almost like he was deprived. In a way he was.
His lips moved from my lips to my jaw and soon to my neck. I couldn't help but let out a sound of pleasure. Understandable, Namjoon needed this, but I never knew just how much I needed it. I never knew that I was craving his affection too.
His hands began to wonder however soon they stopped and his lips pulled away from my neck.
I looked to him in confusion.
"As much as I would love to continue baby girl, it would be wrong. I am not going to allow something like this to happen without the others being okay with it. As well as you being okay with it."
"Why do the others need to know?"
"Because we're a family Y/N. And although it sounds weird, I would not do it without their permission as well as yours. We're in a relationship and with that we need to be open with each other."
As much as my body screamed for whatever was happening to continue,i agreed.
He pushed himself off me and quickly pulled me into his arms as he laid next to me.
"Thank you for tonight, I've enjoyed every second of it."
"Me too and Namjoon?"
"Please know that I'm always here if you ever feel like affection."
"I know don't worry."
I wrote all of this only to remember when I finished that Jin was met before Namjoon 🤧
So this is basically chapter 26 so I'll change it later.
Anyway this one was basically diolouge but I'm happy with it.
Also sorry if my updating is not consistent
My exams are earlier this year and I'm STRESSING
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