
(Gif's aren't working so imagine someone working:])

"Y/N you've been working for like five hours."

Jungkook complained as he watched me from his spot on the couch. I looked up from my work and smiled at the bunny.

"Sorry kook, but I need to finish up this assignment before I head off to work."

Taehyung walked in and placed himself next to Jungkook, giving the same adorable pout,

"I agree with Jungkookie, you've been working too much and for too long."

I was about to speak up till someone else did it for me,

"Come on you two, leave the girl alone. She made it very clear to us that we needed to give her privacy and not complain when she has to do her work and go to her job."

Jin spoke to the two youngest. The fox had seemed to come from the kitchen which I assumed he was making some snacks for us.

" You're one to talk Jin Hyung, you always complain when carrot leaves."

"Why you little-"


All three looked at me with wide eyes.
I sighed and put my head in my hands,

"You know I love you guys but I still have my own personal life too. I need to finish college and work so I can have enough money to pay for food plus rent-"

As I was speaking Namjoon and Yoongi entered the room with Hoseok and Jimin trailing behind them.

" - I'm under alot of pressure and I'm sorry I can't divide my time every single day so I can spend time with you guys. Trust me I would love to but I just can't so can you please just leave me to work in peace."

I looked up from my hands to see Taehyung and Jungkook pouting. Jungkook had his ears pointed down while Taehyungs were flat against his head. My heart burnt as I saw the pain that I caused my hybrids to have.

Namjoon seemed to notice that the situation had gotten bad and being the alpha he is, he decided he needed to step in and try to fix the problem.

"Okay guys, I'm sure any words that Y/N said that hurt you wasn't meant to. You two must leave her alone when she's working. She has all the right to be upset and a little mad that you won't leave her alone to work."

The two youngest nodded at the wolf.

"You two go help Jin hyung in the kitchen, Yoongi Hyung, Hoseok Hyung, Jimin and I will talk with Y/N."

Jungkook and Taehyung picked themselves off the couch and towards the kitchen where Jin waited for them.

The four remaining hybrids sat themselves around me, obviously to scold me or comfort me.

" Y/N I know you're stressed but you didn't have to take it out on Kookie and Tae."

Hoseok said.

"I know."

I whispered back.

"Y/N we want you to talk to us if something is bothering you. We want to help you too just as well as you help us."

I groaned and put my head in my arms as I laid on the table.

"I feel so guilty."

"It's fine Y/N, they were kind of pushing you but we just want to make sure that you are doing okay."

Yoongi spoke.

I sighed and sat back up,

"I've just been stressed with school and work. Plus a hard day is coming up and everyday I look at the calendar it makes me more and more upset."

Jimin's eyes went wide.
He knew just how difficult this day could be for me. He had spent a year with me before all the other boys. He held me close as I cried my eyes out on the day.

"What is wrong with that day?"

Namjoon asked.

"Just a difficult one."

I responded with a simple answer,hoping he wouldn't ask more.

"I'm not excepting that answer Y/N, we can't help you if you don't talk to us."

Yoongi quickly spoke.

I stayed quiet for a bit before I nodded my head and said,

"I need everyone to be here for this."

Before anyone could respond Jimin quickly spoke,

"Y/N are you sure?"

I looked to him and gave him a smile,


"I'll go call them then."

Hoseok stood up and walked to the kitchen. The rest of us got up to sit on the couch.

Before I could sit I heard footsteps rushing towards me and then found myself being tackled back onto the couch.

"Pup we're so sorry."

Taehyung spoke.

"So very sorry carrot."

I laughed and hugged them back,

"It's okay guys, it wasn't your fault I was in a bad mood."

They nodded and hugged me back quickly before they got off me and let me sit up. They sat next to me and soon I had all seven boys attentions.

"First off, I want you guys to know that this happened years ago and doesn't effect me so much as it used to."

I looked over to Jimin who had a straight face on. He knew I was lying. Well in a way I was but in a way I wasn't. I hadn't cried as much as I used to.

"Kitten, with all due respect, please get to the point."

Yoongi said.

He wasn't one for sugar coating things. He didn't like it. He always said he'd rather have the hard truth than a bitter lie.

"When I was seventeen years old, my parents and I were in a car accident. My father had died on impact while my mother and I managed to stay alive however we were in comas. I managed to be awake within a week. I had gotten out of hospital after another two weeks. My mother was still in coma at this time. I lived with a friend as I had no other family to go to. After about five months of being in a coma, the doctors said that my mother would not wake up and had to pull the plug. I couldn't keep on life support as I had no money."

My eyes already had tears running out them by now.

"It was so difficult to say goodbye and not receive one back. I remember feel so guilty that I just let my mother die. So it's hard every year when it comes to her death anniversary, but I manage to get through it even if it hurts."

I looked to the boys to see tears in their own eyes. Jungkook quickly grabbed me into a hug.

"You were just like us Y/N."

"What do you mean?"

"You were a stray, well not really, but you were alone just like all of us."

Now that I thought about it, it kind of did make sense. We all didn't have families or we did but not anymore.

Maybe that's why I never turned any of them away. So I could create a family. Give them a family. Give them hope for the future.

" I think you're right Kookie."

Soon all the boys joined in on the hug and we all silently cried in each other's embraces.

We had each other.
We weren't alone in the big, wide world anymore.
We were each others Utopia.
Each other's Euphoria.

"Y/N we promise we'll be there to help you through this. All together."

I smiled.

"I know you will."


Well a little bit of Y/N's past was revealed.


I hope you enjoyed.
Thank you for waiting for my lazy ass to update.
*throws my love for all of you*

Have a good day
Hope you enjoyed


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