
Jordan woke up in a unfamiliar bedroom. Then she realized she stayed the night at Rakeem house. She had a good sleep. Plus the bed was much more comfortable then hers. She stretched and sat up. She got out the bed and walked out and walked to the bathroom. She looked around the bathroom. It looked nice, and was decorated in peach colors. Whoever decorated it, have  good taste (I am still in the process of finding the perfect house for him.)

She grabbed her extra toothbrush and toothpaste and started brushing her teeth. After she was done in the bathroom, she was in need of some coffee. She gathered her things together and walked out the room. She would shower at home.

She walked downstairs where she heard laughing. She stepped in the living room and saw her sister and Hakeem on the couch watching Cartoons with Rakeem daughter, but she didn't saw Rakeem.

"Well hey there sister. I thought I saw your car outside. Hmm." Jessica laughed, as Jordan rolled her eyes.

"Cut it out, it's nothing like that. I slept in the guest bedroom. He told me I could stay since We went to sleep late last night."

"Why are you explaining yourself to me. You grown gal. Do you boo." Jessica smiled, as Hakeem shook his head.

"She doesn't have it all." Hakeem told Jordan.

"Trust me, you not telling me anything new." Jordan said. "Well I'm about to go. See you at home Jess, if you come back home today." Jordan said and walked outside to her car. As she was getting in her car, Rakeem was pulling up. He cut his car off, got out carrying a cup holder from Starbucks and a bag from Dunkin Donut.

"Where you off to so early? I got you some breakfast." He told her. Jordan mouth open and close.

"Well I guess I'll come back in the house and eat with you then." Jordan said, getting back out her car. They walked back in the house.

"Then he brought her breakfast. He's sweet." Jessica said, and Hakeem just stared at her.

"I don't know you right now." He said to her.

Jessica just laughed. Roslyn walked up to Jordan and hold out her arms, for Jordan to pick her up. Jordan picked her up, and Roslyn played in her hair.

"She going to be a hair dresser when she grow up. She always playing in someone hair." Jessica said.

Jordan sat down at the kitchen table with Roslyn on her lap. Rakeem pulled out the bagel, and hand it to her, and gave her the iced coffee.

"Thank you for this." Jordan said and started eating. Roslyn pointed to her iced coffee. Jordan shook her head no. "It will have you bouncing off the walls. I'm sure your dad don't want that." Jordan told her, like Roslyn understood her.

Roslyn stared at her, then looked at her father.

"No Ro." Rakeem shook his head no too. Roslyn started crying and got off Jordan's lap. She went to Jessica and Jessica pick her up, and rocked her, and she laid her head on Jessica chest.

"You going to stop spoiling her Jessica." Rakeem said.

"I'm not. I can't help it if she comes to me." Jessica said.

The door bell rings.

"Why do I got a feeling it's Whitney?" Hakeem told Jessica.

A look of annoyance went across Jessica face.

"I got my Vaseline with me this time." She said, and Hakeem started laughing.  Rakeem went to open the door.

"What you doing here?" He asked his guest at the door. His guest was Roslyn mother Whitney. Hakeem was right.

"I came to see my daughter." Whitney walked in the house. She stopped walking when she saw Jessica holding Roslyn again. "And you still have this bitch holding my daughter!" She yelled at Rakeem.

"You not about to come in my house, and disrespect my guest." Rakeem snapped at her.

Whitney walked over to Jessica and snatched Roslyn out her arms. Roslyn started crying.

"Shut up Roslyn!" Whitney snapped.

"You not about to yell at my daughter like that!" Rakeem snapped at Whitney. "Matter of fact, give her here. You scaring her." Rakeem walked closer to them.

"No I'm taking my daughter with me!" Whitney yelled, as Roslyn screamed at the top of her lungs. Jordan felt so heartbroken for the baby. It wasn't her business, she felt like she needed to leave, but she not leaving without her sister. She still wanted to punch the lady in  her throat for calling Jessica a bitch.

"You going to far with this. I will call the police on you. Give me my daughter!" Rakeem yelled. Whitney stood holding Roslyn with tears in her eyes.

"You can't take my child away from me." She cried.

"I'm not trying too, but you are scaring her. You can't just come in here and scare her like that. Look at her, she's scared." Rakeem said, as Roslyn cried trying to get down, and away from Whitney.

"Why can't we be a family again? Is it because of this bitch right here?" She pointed at Jessica, who was obviously sitting close to Hakeem.

Jordan stood up and walked over to them.

"Okay, not to be rude or anything, but you will not disrespect my little sister. You getting a little to friendly with that B word." Jordan said.

"Tell her again sis." Jessica said.

"Shut up Jess." Jordan said.

"I am shutting up now." Jessica said. Hakeem smirked.

"And who the hell are you?" Whitney asked Jordan.

"I am none of your concern, let's go Jessica, now." Jordan said to Jessica. Jessica huffed and stood up. Hakeem stood up too, and walked to his room with her.

"I'll be outside Jess, and Rakeem thank you for the food and your nice hospitality. I'll see you at work in the morning." Jordan smiled and walked away.

Rakeem turned to Whitney again. "Hand her over." He took out his cell phone.

"No, I want to take her with me." Whitney said.

"Are you out your damn mind. You have her scared of you, and you think I'm going to let her go anywhere with you? Are you serious right now?" Rakeem shook his head in disbelief.

"Yes I am, and I am walking out this door with my daughter in my arms." Whitney told him straight up.

Rakeem got on the phone and dialed 911. "Yes I have a crazy ass ex girlfriend in my house, trying to take my child away from here. She is also scaring my baby. No I have full custody over her...5213 Mark Lane St. Columbia Sc...Thank you."

Jessica and Hakeem made their way downstairs. Hakeem hold her bags for her.

"Bye Rakeem, I'll see you later tonight...Hopefully." She mumbled, as Hakeem pushed her from behind.

"Alright Jessica." Rakeem said.

"Da da." Roslyn sniffed and reached for him. Rakeem walked closer to them, and got Roslyn from Whitney, who sat down and started to cry. Roslyn hold tight to her father.

"You never treated me this way." She cried.

"You deserve it Whit, you really do. You coming in here scaring our baby like a mad woman. What is wrong with you?" Rakeem shook his head.

"You are what's wrong with me. You won't be with me, I want to be here with you and Roslyn." She wiped at her tears, as her legs shook.

"How you going to say you want to be with me, and Ro in one sentence, next thing you know you will be some other man. Oh wait, have you forgot you slept with some other nigga in my bed Whitney? Huh? You want to talk about family, when you bringing different niggas around me. How are you going to set an example for Ro?" Rakeem sighed deeply, trying to calm down.

Hakeem walked back in the house with two police officers.

"Good morning, I'm Officer Reed, and this is my partner Officer Jennings, what seems to be the problem?" He asked pulling out his notepad.

"My child's mother doesn't want to leave. She have scared my baby, and she won't leave. She keep saying if she leaves, she taking the baby with her. I don't have a problem with her getting our baby. But the point is she scared her, and Ro don't want to go to her right now." Rakeem said.

"That is not true. He have different women around my child, and have drugs in and out his house." Whitney lied. Rakeem eyes bugged out at the lie Whitney just told.

The polices looked between Whitney and Rakeem.

"We going to send for backup to search the house, in the mean time, we going to have to call for  child services." Officer Reed said walking out the house.

Rakeem was just going to cooperate with the polices officers. He had nothing to hide, he just have a lot to lose. Not just his daughter either. His business. He could lose clients from this.

"Okay that's fine, we can do that. Uhh, can I call my mom to come pick up my daughter, or do you have to call child services?" Rakeem asked them.

The officers exchange looks.

"Call your mother Mr. Jackson. Those are some nice houses you have building. The newest one have style." Officer Reed said. Rakeem smiled his Thank you, while Whitney rolled her eyes upward.

"You know what just keep the little brat, I'll be back later when she calms down. I lied about the whole thing." Whitney stood up.

The officers turned to her.

"You know we could have arrested you for lying, but it seem like we all have had a long morning so far. Mr. Jackson keep up the good work with your work man, you doing it up on west side." Officer Jennings said, and walked Whitney out.

Rakeem looked at his daughter and sighed deeply.

"I love you baby girl." He kissed her cheek, while she hugged him tight.

"Da da." She called, and pointed to her stomach. Rakeem smiled.

"Let's get you something to eat in that small tummy then, then we can go out for ice cream later." Rakeem kissed her cheek again, and walked in the kitchen.



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