| Sakura Haruno |
I knocked on the door and waited. I sighed heavily waiting for the door to open. Once it did, a tall raven haired man greeted me.
"Sakura," He looks surprised. "M-my brother's not here."
I cleared my throat. "Good." I purse my lips together. "I-I have to talk to you anyway."
His eyebrows furrow together. "C-Come in."
I stepped inside and the both of us walked to the couch and tool a seat.
"What's going on?" He asked.
"Sasuke hates me." I say. "I've been MIA for two weeks and I lied to him about why."
He cleared his throat. "Yes, he told me about that."
"So I came here to tell you because you're rational." I look at him as his eyebrows raise in surprise. "Sasuke isn't. Once I tell him he'll lose his mind."
"O-okay." His lips purse together in a thin line. "I'm listening."
I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes. Was I really going to do this? Just say it Sakura. SAY IT!
"My dad has been forcing sex on me since I was fourteen." I say. My eyes open as tears spill from them. "M-my mom doesnt know. I can't ruin her happy life like that. S-she loves my dad so much." I coughed trying to steady my breathing. "I can't bring myself to tell her. I can't stand to be the reason she's not smiling anymore."
"Sakura." Itachi shifted towards me and pulled me in his arms. I broke.
"I'm tired Itachi!" I found myself screaming. "I'm so tired."
Itachi held on to me. "I know you are."
"And I feel so disgusting dating Sasuke knowing that is my life!" I yell. "He's not gonna stop....he's not g-onna stop."
I broke to the lowest of the low. I couldn't see anything through my tears. I couldn't breath. My chest was tight.
"Yes he is." Itachi coos as he strokes my head. "I promise. But first, we need to tell your mom."
I shook my head. "I can't ruin her life like this."
"Sakura you are her child." Itachi pulls away from me and looks me in the eye. "She loves you more than life. More than your father. The longer you hold this from her, the more it will hurt when she finds out. You need to tell her Sakura. Now."
I looked down. Itachi grabbed for his phone and touched at the screen a few times before placing it to his ear. It ranged. By the fourth ring, the voice on the other end scared me.
"Sasuke, I need you home." Itachi says sternly. There was silence on the other end.
"W-what's going on?" His voice trembling. I've never heard true fear till just now.
"Just get here Sasuke." Itachi ended the call. "Here's how this will go, we will tell Sasuke." I looked over at him like he was crazy but he quickly stopped me from talking. "After about an hour and a half of calming him down, we'll head to your home and tell your mom. And you're pressing charges."
"-I'm not taking no for an answer." He looks at me.
| Sasuke Uchiha |
I swerved through traffic trying to get back home. The last time my brother told me to come home, our parents were dead.
Please, please don't let anything be wrong.
I pulled alongside the curb and parked before getting out. I ran through the gate and up to the door. Unlocking my door I threw it open seeing my brother and my girlfriend on the couch. Tears uncontrollably spilling from her eyes. What's going on?
"10 minutes. A new record." He says. I slam the door. "What's going on?" I asked walking towards them.
Sakura refused to look at me. I slid next to her.
"Why are you crying?" I whisper. I reached out to her but she flinched. I looked up at Itachi as he sighed.
"Go on Sakura." He says softly. "Tell Sasuke." Itachi got up and walked around the couch on my side. He pulled himself up a chair from the dinner table and sat directly behind me.
Whatever Sakura was gonna say, Itachi knew it'd piss me off.
I slipped my hands into Sakura's as she trembled.
"Talk to me." I tell her. "I promise I wont be mad."
Itachi whistled. "Good luck." He mumbles.
Sakura took in a deep breath.
"My father's been forcing himself on me since I was fourteen." She says lowly. "That's what I couldnt te...."
Sakura's voice faded away as I felt my anger rising. Next thing I knew I was up against the wall with Itachi's forearm to my neck.
"Sasuke listen to me." He says calmly. "In order to have a solid case, I need you calm. Meaning when we go over there, you are not to attack this man. Is that understood?"
I didn't say anything. All I saw was red as my brother and Sakura's forms are black.
"Sasuke, say something." Itachi says.
I couldn't respond. I wasnt in control of myself anymore. Whatever, whoever this was, wouldn't allow me to talk.
| Sakura Haruno |
I stared at Sasuke. To say he was upset would be an understatement. I was terrified. Truly. What makes this even scarier, he looks so calm. As Itachi spoke to him his eyes looked as if he had the intent to kill. Like a Python waiting to strike. Sasuke was a ticking time bomb.
"Sasuke, I need you calm." Itachi says. Sasuke didn't answer.
"Is he really that upset?" I ask. Itachi looks back at me shortly.
"On a scale of one to 100," He breathes out. "This is a 150. Sasuke isn't going to calm down untill he sees your father's blood on his hands."
I flinched. "And you wanted to tell him?"
"I was expecting a 80 put of 100." He replies. "This is going to take longer than I thought."
He looked at Sasuke who stares blankly at nothing. His eyes never blinking.
"This is, scary." Itachi admits. "I'm afraid that I can't calm him at this point."
"W-what?" I say.
"He can't hear me." His brother says. "If I let him go, he's gone."
I sigh. "Let him go Itachi."
"-Let him go." I say again. "He isn't going to calm down. So it's no purpose in holding him here. He's lashing out in my defense anyway. Just make sure he doesn't kill him."
Itachi let out a shaky breath before releasing Sasuke, he didn't miss a beat. He removed himself from the wall and turned to open the front door. We followed. Sasuke opened his car doors and we quickly filed in or we knew he would leave us.
He began driving.
"This is a bad idea." Itachi says. "I have no idea what my brother is capable of doing at this point. And thats what scares me."
I took in a deep breath as we pulled into my driveway. Sasuke turned off the car and exited. He stood by the door waiting for me to open it. I fumble with my keys before opening the door. We walked inside.
"Sakura, is that you?" My mother called from the kitchen.
"Ye-yeah ma, it's me." I answered. I turned to Sasuke and Itachi. "Remove your shoes." They did. We walked into the kitchen where my parents were. My dad sitting at the table. A flicker went off in Sasuke's eyes and he wasted no time pulling me behind him, and attacking my father. My mother screamed and Itachi grabbed her to stand her back.
Sasuke beat my father something crazy before picking him up and slamming him against the wall.
"She's your daughter you sick bastard!" Sasuke; for the first time since I told him spoke. His tone sending a shiver down my spine.
"Sakura what is going on?!" My mother asks frantically seeing her husband battered.
"You're even hiding this from your wife?!" Sasuke chuckles bitterly before he hits my dad again sending him to the floor. Sasuke kneeled down pressing his knee to my dad's throat.
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you, you waste of chromosomes." Sasuke's eyes narrowed as he smirked evilly at my father. Itachi took that as his cue to pull Sasuke away.
"What the hell is going on?!" My mom yelled again.
Sasuke laughed menacingly. "Oh, poor Mrs. Haruno." He says. "Your good-for-nothing Husband has beem raping your daughter since she was Fourteen! His own flesh and blood!" Sasuke tried to get out of Itachi's grasp but it only caused Itachi to throw Sasuke on the ground and sit on him.
"I-is this true?" My mother asked looking between my father and I.
"Of course not I love Sakura!" My dad yelled.
"Liar!" Sasuke struggled to get from under Itachi. Itacho sighed.
"Let's try this the way I actually wanted this to go." He clears his throat before turning to my mom. "Mrs. Haruno, I'm Itachi Uchiha. This is my little brother Sasuke. It was bought to our attention that your Husband has indeed been forcing himself on Sakura. She has fresh bruises on her wrist she tries to cover up with those bracelets. Sakura has been afraid to tell you because you love your husband and she didnt want to take that from you. She felt if she continued to deal with it, he would stop. But enough is enough and I convinced her to come clean and well, things took a turn for the worse. I apologize for my brother's actions."
My mother looked over at me and I couldn't stop myself from crying. My mom picked up a frying pan before walking over and smacking my dad in the face with it.
"Well, okay." Itachi says.
"You bastard!" My mom yelled hitting him. "How could you do that to your daughter?!"
"I didnt do anything to her!" My sad spat. "She's a slut! Look a-"
Next thing I know Itachi went flying an Sasuke was right back to attacking my father. I jumped as Itachi scrambled to his feet to get his brother. This time, my dad fought back. They tussled around the kitchen Sasuke being victorious. My dad was on the ground with Sasuke's foot in his throat. He looked down his nose at my dad.
"You dont deserve to live." He says. "Sakura."
Him calling my name caused me to freeze as I watched my dad cough up blood.
"Y-yes?" I answer.
"Can I kill him?" He asked pressed his foot harder on my father's neck. His eyes almost bulging out the sockets. Sasuke smirked.
"His life is in your hands Sakura, chose wisely." Itachi whispered to me. "My dad used to teach Sasuke and I hand to hand combat from the Police Academy. Let me give you a heads up; Sasuke is a half an inch from crushing your father's windpipe."
My head shot over to Itachi who stood there. "He's not gonna stop unless you say so."
My dad's loud gasping is the only thing heard.
"N-no Sasuke, dont kill him." I say. Sasuke slowly removed his foot off of my dad before kicking him in the ribs.
"Thank her for saving your life." Sasuke orders.
"T-thank you, Sakura!" My dad cries as he tries to breath. There was a knock on the door and Itachi walked to answer it. A swarm of police officers march in, taking my dad away.
My mother hugged me tightly as we watched them put my battered and bloody father inthe back of a police car.
"Dont ever try to make happy ever again." She grabs my face. "I loved him but I love you more and I would kill for you. I need you to understand stand that."
"I'm sorry." I tell her.
"No sweetie, I'm sorry."
She hugged me tightly again. Itachi pulled my mother aside to talk to her and I scanned everywhere for Sasuke. I found him sitting in the middle of the driveway indian style and looking at his knuckles. I sat next to him.
"Hi." I say weakly.
"I'm sorry." He says. "I-I acted out."
"You blacked out." I corrected. He looked away from me and chewed on his lip. I kissed his cheek.
"Thank you Sasuke." I tell him. "I love you."
"I-I love you too." He says. "So much. I wanted to kill him Sakura. So bad and I shouldn't have gon crazy like that."
"I'm sorry." I tell him.
"No, it's not your fault." He replies with a sigh. His arm then snakes around me. "Just know when I say 'i will kill for you' I mean it."
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