|49| Madison

One by one, Maddy went to each room and freed the werewolves. There were five rooms in total and by the time Maddy was done with the third room, she had run out of nitric acid. Maddy had to run up to the third floor and find more nitric acid. Luckily, she didn't run into any guards. All of them were either knocked out, locked in a room or too scared that she was a demonic witch to approach her.

It was in the fourth room that something amazing happened. Maddy had finished pouring the acid on all the cages and was waiting for all the cages to dissolve. One by one the werewolves jumped out of their cages as the cages dissolved and they joined the other werewolves who were already free. However, when the werewolf in the third cage jumped out, she immediately ran towards the eighth cage and waited in front of that cage.

Curious, Maddy watched them. When the eighth cage finally dissolved into a puddle, the werewolf jumped out. Maddy watched as the two werewolves regarded each other and then with a small bark they started nuzzling each other. When the other werewolves saw that, they started howling loudly.

"Uh... did I just watch a werewolf find her mate?" Maddy asked excitedly to one of the werewolves next to her. "Nod you head if I am right."

The werewolf nodded. Maddy grinned. She watched the two werewolves who were still in their own bubble. All the other wolves were giving them space and were talking among themselves, behaving like one pack. Maddy decided that it was best not to disturb them. She walked outside alone, leaving all the werewolves in the fourth room.

Maddy walked out of the room. One last room to go. That would definitely be the room where Maddy found Leia. Maddy refused to believe that Leia was dead. She couldn't find Leia in any of the four rooms. At least she didn't think she found Leia. Since all the werewolves were in their wolf room and Maddy had never seen Leia shift, Maddy couldn't be sure about not finding Leia. Since all the werewolves had growled and snarled at her at first Maddy assumed that Leia wasn't among them. Leia wouldn't growl and snarl at her.

Just as Maddy unlocked the door and turned the handle, she heard some shuffling behind her. Maddy whirled around but before she could react to the person standing behind her, something hit her head and then she passed out.


Maddy groaned as she opened her eyes. It took her a minute to start functioning properly. Her eyes were too heavy and her head hurt bad. It felt like she was repeatedly banging her head against the wall. Maddy slowly rubbed the back of her head with her palm.

The first thing that saw when she opened her eyes was the muzzle of a gun being pointed at her. It took a minute for her sleep addled brain to realize what was happening but when her brain finally did catch up with reality, Maddy jumped up from the chair she was sitting in.

"Sit back down," a voice ordered her.

Maddy glared at Krithika. She should have killed Krithika when she had the chance. Now that mistake was going to come back and bite her in the ass.

Maddy looked around herself. She was in one of the rooms where the werewolves were trapped. Judging by the looks of the room, Maddy guessed that it was the second room that Maddy had entered.

"Hey," Maddy said nervously as she sat down. "You could have just tied me to the chair if you wanted me to sit still, you know?"

The moment the words left her mouth, Maddy wanted to slap herself. That was the second time she had given the bad guys ideas on how to become better bad guys. First tooth-necklace lady and now Krithika.

"Who do you work for?" Krithika asked as she moved closer with her gun.

"What am I supposed to say? Jesus?" Maddy replied, grinning at the Avengers reference. Having a gun pointed at her head made all rational thoughts evaporate from her brain and all that was left was a bunch of books and movies references.

"I don't have time for jokes," Krithika barked. "Answer me now or die."

That got Maddy to focus.

"Why should I answer?" Maddy asked as she tried to distract Krithika. If Maddy had luck, Krithika might even launch into the cliched villain's monologue. All she needed was time. She was sure that Xander and the others were on their way.

"Why should I answer?" Krithika repeated mockingly. "Because I am holding a gun to your head!"

"If you wanted to kill me, you would have already killed me while I was unconscious. You want the answers," Maddy pointed out.

After a second, Maddy continued. "Tell you what, I'll answer your questions only if you answer some of mine. It will be like 21 questions except for the fact that you are going to kill me after I answer."

"I am not obliged to answer anything," Krithika said as she gritted her teeth.

Maddy shrugged. "Fine. Then you won't get your answers."

Krithika walked over to a table on one corner of the room while making sure that the gun was still pointed towards Maddy. Maddy could have made a run for it at that point of time, but she stayed put. She wanted answers from Krithika first. Maddy's eyes widened when she saw Krithika gesture to her silver dagger from the table.

"If you don't answer, I'll pick up this dagger and stab all the werewolves in the building."

Maddy froze for a second. Where were all the werewolves anyway? Then, she smirked and made sure to sit back, relaxedly. Just channel your inner Xander, she reminded herself. "Go ahead pick up that dagger. I'd like to see you do it."

"I'm doing it," Krithika called out as she made a huge show of moving her hands towards the dagger.

"Go ahead! I'd like to see you try."

Doubt flickered on Krithika's face. Just as she was about touch the hilt of the dagger, she drew her hand back.

"What happens when I touch the dagger?" she demanded.

"I'll only answer if you answer my question first."

Maddy could see that she was effectively pissing off Krithika. Krithika looked to be two seconds away from tearing her own hair off because of frustration. When strength didn't work, pissing the hell out of the enemy was the best strategy.

"Fine," Krithika spat out. "I'll answer your stupid questions.

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