Chapter 9 Back to Your Roots
Keep going.
You huffed, the sound of your own hurried steps mixed with another's at your side reached your ears. You glanced back in a rush. Heart pounding so hard you could feel it on your teeth.
Don't stop keep moving!
The walls of the employee tunnels felt smaller now than they used to be. You felt as though there wasn't enough space to be running. You could hear them far down the hallway. Gaining.
You gripped the hand in your own tightly yanking it forward. You've got to protect him. You're in over your head.
"Slow down! If we keep running like this the others are gonna hear you!" The boy that ran along your side gasped sharply. Irritation in his voice.
You looked down at him, his tossed brown hair pushed back from the gust of wind caused from your hastiness. You glanced to the side, looking for a place to hide.
"I know, I know." You were frazzled, with out thinking you scooped the 10 year old up, holding him close as you ducked into a corner. Crouching to the ground keeping to the shadows. After all the shadows were your friend now.
"Hey what are you doing?! They'll see us here!" The boy whispered harshly wanting to struggle in your grasp. You kept him close, letting the shadows swallow the two of you whole.
"Shh, I know what I'm doing kid." You lifted an arm to shush him softly. Finger pressed into your lip as you did so. He looked back and forth between the hall and you, then ultimately nodded.
The other pair of steps got louder, in his fear he held you close. Arms wrapping around your neck hiding his face in your shoulder. He was tough, living on the streets made him that way, but he was still just a kid.
You shrunk back as much as you could holding your breath. (Even though it felt like agony. You were still trying to catch it from all that running.)
"Little boy!" A feminine voice called out, you held onto him tighter.
Keep us safe. Please.
You begged the shadows to continue concealing the two of you as the footsteps stopped just before the corner you two were tucked into.
"Henry! I know you're with him! Come on out old friend! This is hardly the reunion I expected!" The woman laughed. She sounded manic.
You clenched your eyes shut.
You killed his daughter. Why would he want to see you? Why would I want to see you?
You shook your head slightly. You hoped your heart beat wasn't too loud. Could she hear it? You won't let her take him. Even if it means your life.
I will protect you.
There it was. That voice. The voice you trusted in the back of your mind, pushing its self up to the front. To be heard.
You are help. I will be help.
It's grammar as always wasn't exactly perfect. But it was a relief to hear the voice. You peeked an eye open, glancing down to the boy in your arms holding on tightly to you.
The boy and you will end the glitch.
The voice reassured you. You hid your face now in his shoulder closing your eyes again.
Keep going.
A groan left your lips. Irritated at being disturbed from your slumber by the repetitive beeping that came from your phone. You lazily stuck an arm out, lifting your head off your desk to look at the bright light that immediately from the screen.
You squinted trying to adjusted to the screen until finally it came into view. You sighed at the sight sitting up from the desk you were hunched over at.
You winced in your head as your muscles strained. Your body was sore from falling asleep against a wooden surface. (You shouldn't have stayed up all night looking up Fazbear Entertainment and the name henry attached to it. You realized why the name had been so familiar though. He was the other founder of Fazbear Entertainment.)
Guess I gotta get ready for work.
You hummed at the thought brushing your hair back from your face. You've got to stop falling asleep at your desk. You grinned amused at the thought trying to stretch out your sore muscles.
Your body moved on auto pilot, but your mind was racing down all sorts of paths. You had a lot to think about, could Vanessa be the rabbit?
You had the thought earlier, but if she was the rabbit this problem would of arisen sooner than this. Right? You tucked in your work shirt, clasping your belt before looking up at the mirror.
The string. The string you're looking for, is in the doctors.
You gazed at your reflection hearing the voice nagging the back of your mind. The doctors? You frowned staring a bit longer at your reflection. Her therapist? You don't have enough to connect her to the case, you doubt they'd be willing to discuss Vanessa's issues with you. Friend or PI. It was an invasion of privacy.
Shrugging it off you walked out of the bathroom, taking a quick glance at the mirror almost like you half expected to see eyes staring back at you that were not your own in its reflection. Satisfied nothing was there you continued on your way to get ready for work.
The car ride was quite. You couldn't turn on any music, instead just listening to the sound of the vehicle against the road. You gripped the steering wheel tightly in thought.
What is Vanessa up to? You don't want to suspect her, you felt bad your kind circled back to the thought twice but who else could it be? Either she knew something or she was the rabbit.
Those eyes. They didn't look like hers the other day.
You frowned. Logic felt as though it was slowly falling between your fingers replaced with the supernatural. But there's nothing supernatural going on here! There's always a logical explanation.
But what about that voice in the back of my mind. Am I going crazy? And my dreams? That shadow Bonnie, I've never seen him before.
You lowered your head as you came to a red light. A shaky breath parted from your lips.
"Take care of yourself superstar." You jolted as Freddy's words echoed in your mind. You drive forward once the light turned green. You felt stiff.
What is wrong with me?
You huffed at the thought feeling your face burning remembering how he said his classic nickname. What was bothering you so much about it? Maybe it's because he's never called you that before.
His hands on your shoulders, gently squeezing them to ensure you were okay. You pulled into the parking lot turning the car off after stopping and sat there. Arms crossed glaring out across the lot.
You flushed more seeing his ears wiggling at the top of his head. Happy.
I am not crushing on a robot.
You covered your face shaking your head. That's not what's going on. Obviously. You've got more important things to worry about anyway. Sliding out of the car, bag in hand, you walked towards the entrance.
You wondered, after forcing yourself to think about Vanessa, if freddy found anything. The doors slid open, motion a vibrates upon your arrival, and you found no Vanessa in sight.
How could she be here though? The pizzaplex opens at 7 am. Her shift ends at 6, why would she linger? Unless you wanted her to linger to catch her in some sort of act.
You brushed off the thought walking on towards the employee locker room. People were already inside the pizzaplex as soon as it opened. But open isn't nearly as busy as the afternoon. You smiled at people as you passed, but your mind was elsewhere again.
You swallowed thickly staring at the carpeted floor. Stop thinking about him.
Your shift officially began now, all you could do was work. If the opportunity presented itself to get more information on the white rabbit you'd leap for it. But for now you had to act like this was all that mattered.
You went through your normal cycle of opening duties. Pick up any trash that guest started to leave around. Help anyone that looked lost. Help out at customer services and get them ready for the day.
You sighed coming to the last, but definitely important, part of your opening duties. Waking up the glamrocks.
Now people have been in here since 6 am dealing with them. Normally maintenance staff, doing a daily polish and check on each individual animatronic. Your job at open was to get them out of their charging stations and bring them towards the main stage from the back room to preform the first song of the day.
You did this everyday. So why did today feel so different? You slipped past a few guests to walk into Roxanne's room. It was empty when you entered, it was clear someone had come in here earlier to make it more presentable to guests.
You walked towards the door in the back watching it slide open, before seeing the charging pod. Her eyes opened at the sound of your footsteps. Yellow eyes immediately meeting your (E/C) in an instant. She had great hearing, she did this every morning.
The door to the charging station opened and out she came, stomping like a child being awoken from a good nap. She yawned as if she was actually tired stretching.
"Yeah yeah, show time." She mumbled rubbing her eyes. You smiled at her.
"Your fans are waiting for you so don't keep them waiting too long roxy." You laughed lightly. Her ears perked up, tail swooshing behind her happily, to your words.
"You're right. I am the best aren't I?" She hummed gazing at her nails. She knew the way from here, walking to the very back to the door that led to the employee tunnels. (She'd wait for you there.)
You left her room, careful not to attract any guests as you slipped out walking towards Monty's room. It's different today. The windows are dimmed, not letting any guests peek inside, there were signs around on the windows too.
Some said Sorry Monty's busy! While others said he needed to sleep. You cautiously slipped inside, only to gasp at the sight of his room. You've never seen it this bad. (Monty was a hit head, and expressed his anger through tossing things or breaking them. But he never hit any children or adults. The only time he lost it was when he was alone. Or towards a perverted man messing with guests.)
This was different than anything you've ever seen in your time here. The couch was shredded, leaving behind the white Cotten insides trailed along the floors. The stuffed versions of him suffered a similar fate, one half of them torn away from the other leaving a messy trail of insides between the two.
The glass was shattered from the mirror at his vanity, and a few bulbs were busted around the scene. Claw marks adorned the walls, digging in at least an inch deep. You ran your fingers over the gashes feeling anxious.
What if that had been someone?
You swallowed thickly. You didn't want to think about that sort of damage. Hesitantly you slipped into the back room. Finding that it looked like less of a fight broke out in the dimly lit hall.
Monty resided in the charging station untouched. Not a scrape or scratch that you could see on his body. You almost didn't want to wake him, but you had to.
Cautiously you opened the pod, expecting him to wake up as he normally did. (Grumpy and complaining.) but not this time. As soon as it slid open his eyes shot open. His hand reached towards your arm and yanked it almost jerking you up in the air. You gasped in surprise tears burning the rim of your eyes from the pain he had caused.
"Monty! It's me!" You gasped desperately, too afraid to move too much. In case it might provoke him. Monty's grip shook, for a moment he seemed out of sorts.
"(Y/N)?" He lowered you letting you stand normally. You rubbed your arm, that was definitely bruised now.
"What-what time is it?"
Monty's glasses lowered as he turned his head. A startled and worried expression in his eyes. You frowned at the sight. He looked perturbed.
"It's um, 8am? It's almost time for your morning performance." You steadied your voice swallowing down the fear that consumed you. (You had forgotten that they're animatronics. They're different to you. They're stronger than you.)
"Man." Monty shook his head lifting a hand to rest at its side.
"I-I don't remember much from last night."
You looked up at him confused.
"What?" You were now standing at a safe distance.
"Do don't remember anything at all?"
"I'm drawing a blank." He shook his head again then seemed to notice your slight fear.
"Ah shit, did I hurt you or somethin'?"
You looked at your arm. It was fine it wasn't bleeding.
"I'm gonna be okay. Are you though? If you're having issues I can always get a mechanic." You rubbed your sore arm a bit. Monty looked around as you spoke trying to get a better sense of what was going on.
"Nah I'm-im good I think. Just a weird night last night I guess." He shrugged before he went to pat your head. His way of saying sorry. But stopped midway as you stiffened. Your eyes didn't look afraid. Your smile was reassuring.
But your body betrayed you in your slight fear of being hurt again. Monty lowered his arm and simply nodded at you leaving to go towards the staff tunnel. You watched him go rubbing your arm.
What happened last night? Does Freddy know anything?
You quickly rushed out of Monty's room. You had to talk to freddy, but before you did that you had to wake Chica up. She was always a morning person, already awake and ready by the time you got there. She beamed at you and went to the back to wait with the others a pep in her step.
You were in a rush to get to Freddy now. Haste in your step as you came to the door. You didn't expect him to be awake already, which you really should have guessed. His room was dark as you entered it. Someone had turned out the lights leaving it consumed by the darkness.
You cautiously stepped in, careful not to drag attention to yourself in case any guests walked by, before you noticed it. Now you were alone surrounded by the shadows gazing up at bright blue eyes that stared at you in the darkness.
Their gaze was piercing, and in your anxiety after dealing with Monty, made you afraid. You almost screamed until realizing it was just Freddy.
"Oh no! Do not be afraid! I am sorry!" Freddy reached for your shoulder gently pulling you close to him. You could see him better now, there was nothing to fear.
"Why is the light out?" You wheezed finally. Your heart was racing in your chest.
"It blew this morning I'm afraid. They said it would be fixed after todays first performance." Freddy gently squeezed your shoulder. Leaning down to filled examine you.
"I sense something is wrong with your arm. Did you hurt it?"
"I'm fine." You muttered softly.
"You just gave me a bit of a fright there."
You laughed. Freddy didn't look convinced, but played along for you nodding his head.
"If you insist. I am sorry I frightened you though." Freddy smiled leaning back to gently brush your hair from your face. His touch was delicate as he tucked the loose strands behind your ears.
"I will go join the others now."
Freddy moved to step away, but you were quicker grabbing his arm.
"Wait!" You felt him pull back looking down at you concerned.
"Did anything unusual happen last night?"
"Unusual?" Freddy echoed your question back slightly. He raised a hand to tap his nail against the painted blue part of his chin.
"I do recall something out of place."
You urged him to continue letting go of his wrist. Freddy turned towards you fully once again.
"Officer Vanessa seemed more energetic than normal last night, exactly how you described. It was odd for her given previous behavior. I had followed her around most of the night, everything seemed fine up until we came to the main office. She was fiddling with the computers, though I didn't catch a glimpse of what she was doing. She told me to leave and go back into my room."
You frowned listening to him. It's not what you wanted to hear, but at the same time it was enough. What was she up to?
"Did she talk to monty at all last night?" You crossed your arms gazing up at the glowing blue eyes that stared back down at you.
"Not that i can recall. I could not leave my room most of the night, she had stationed a staff bot outside to keep me from going out. But I did notice a mechanic was visiting monty a bit too early in the morning. I did not think much of it, after all they come and go as they please in early morning hours." Freddy hummed as he spoke.
Vanessa stationed a staff bot to keep Freddy from leaving? What was she hiding?
You looked to the floor playing the scenarios Freddy had given you inside your head.
"What time did you see the mechanic?" You looked back up at him. Freddy looked to the side in thought.
"I do not recall. I sense a gap in my memory. This is startling. I should remember." Freddy shifted on his feet looking worried.
Someone was in here messing with the animatronics last night.
You furrowed your brows at the thought.
And Vanessa must have let them in just before her shift.
You forced a smile on your lips having to ignore your findings for now.
"Thank you Freddy. I know you couldn't do too much last night but you were a great help." You reached to pat his arm. Freddy wiggled his ears.
"No problem superstar! I am worried about my memory, perhaps if we can figure out what happened to it, we can find what Vanessa was up to?" Freddy tilted his head to the side. You didn't have the heart to decline.
"They're definitely connected." You hummed.
"But you've got a show to get to, I can't keep you here too much longer."
You walked with him to the back room, pushing open the back door for him that led into the staff tunnels. Freddy walked out with a nod finding the others talking quietly to monty who seemed distressed. He walked towards them all in a hurry to see what the problem was.
You casted one last glance towards all four of them, hearing Chica faintly retelling Freddy what monty had done this morning. As well as his gap in memory from last night.
You slipped away and out of Freddy's room to walk the floor. Their handlers would meet them soon. But you had other things to attend to.
The main security office was the biggest one in the whole pizzaplex. You've been there only once, but you could still see it in your mind. All the people that worked here during the day sat cramped against one another keeping tabs on the main show area. The stage was their main priority, as well as the area just beyond it.
If you wanted to get in there unnoticed you'd have to do it in the cover of night. Which means you'll have to sneak inside tonight. If you did that you'd only have 3 hours to look around. That is if you get in right at 8. Which you won't do for safety reasons.
Vanessa was only one of the obstacles that would be in your way tonight. You had staff bots to worry about too. The safest way in would be through the back door of the employee tunnel, if you make it in there and then exit to the food court you'll be closer to the main office.
With your thoughts collected you realized you'll have to break in to the pizzaplex tonight if you want to find the truth. What ever is going on here it can't be good. Is it connected to the missing person case and the white rabbit?
You guessed you'll find out tonight. It's time to return to your roots, and do some actual private investigative work.
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