Chapter 5 Confused Feelings
You're not here today. You won't be here tonight. Were you taking his advice seriously? Are you resting? Taking care of yourself as he suggested?
Freddy was consumed in his worry, his mind replaying the last time he saw you. Your small hand gently holding the side of his face. Tired eyes crinkling with your smile.
"Sure, now get some rest." Your fingers had delicately patted his face plate. Was it affectionate?
Freddy felt his face hearing up, mechanical gears whirling with the steam that rose up in his system. It was nothing. He's not sure why he feels that way about you. But he worries about you, almost as much as he worries about his friends.
His mind continued its pace of swirling anxieties on how you were as a handler escorted him down in the employee tunnels. (A place that ran all along the pizzaplex making it easier to get from point A to point B with out any issues.)
He was on his way to another birthday party, he had just finished one and now he was marching towards another. It didn't matter how many children flocked to him, how many tried to get his attention. His mind was always back on you. Are you okay after your nightmare? He's never seen you so spooked.
He was so concerned he mentioned it to a manager for you. Suggesting that your responsibilities lessen to allow you time to recover. Of course they gave him odd looks, like they wondered why he cared so much about you, but promised and reassured him that they'd see what they could do for you.
It wasn't enough though. It wanted to ensure it got done. But for now he can't do anything about it except do his job and see the kids. Just like you'd focus at your job at hand.
You worked this job as if it was the most important thing. There was something about you that made Freddy curious. Maybe the reason why you're such a hard worker is due to your past jobs. You were a cop at one point. You must have been a good one.
Maybe that's why you have those nightmares. He really hoped you were resting and okay now. He likes you more than he could explain. It was something that escaped him, if he was asked to elaborate Freddy just couldn't find the words even if he'd like to.
You're just so kind and patient with him. You always ask him how he is doing, or how his day was. Not because you were instructed to, with a bored tone like many other employees, but because you genuinely care about him.
Freddy stopped in his tracks reflecting on everything. You're something else. Something wonderful. Something complex and kind and good. Something just so beautiful-
"Hey!" Monty's voice startled Freddy. His blue eyes snapped to the dark shades that stared at him. Their handlers were up ahead chatting with one another unaware that their animatronics now lagged behind standing in place.
"What gives? You just stopped in the middle of no where."
Freddy blinked seeming to think over Monty's irritated words before he became flushed smiling nervously.
"I am sorry I got lost in thought." He gently tugged at his bow tie. Monty lowered his shades eyeing Freddy up and down trying to see what was really going on, then crossed his arms.
"What's got your panties in a wad then?" He scoffed. He sounded like he was asking out of formality than really wanting to know. But Freddy just smiled taking it as a stepping stone. At least Monty wanted to listen to him right now. (Even if what he said was crude. Naturally of course Freddy made a face at it unamused at the expression.)
"You know Monty, you should not be using language like that. Especially in front of the children." Freddy continued to fiddle with his bow tie. He glanced to the side nervously. (Why was he thinking about you for a moment? That doesn't make sense. Maybe it's because Monty mentioned clothes. Yes that's it naturally. Freddy would never think inappropriately, especially about a friend.)
Monty scoffed at Freddy leaning back, he rolled his eyes under his tinted shades baring his teeth in frustration. He muttered something Freddy didn't quite catch under his breath, pressing his glasses up the bridge of his snout more.
"Calm down would ya," as Monty talked the handlers came down fussing over the two of them to get a move on neither of them listened though, "I'm just asking what the hell is the matter with ya. You're spaced out."
Freddy sighed his ears drooping slightly at the top of his head.
"Well to tell you the truth Monty, I am very worried about (Y/N). She was not herself last night. I fear she may be getting sick." Freddy began to walk like his handler kept asking, letting them lead. Naturally Monty followed his handler struggling to catch up in shock at first.
"Maybe she was just embarrassed," Monty shrugged before a smirk graced his lips, "you took her to your room man. You know how women are."
Freddy stared at his friend confused. Does he know how women are? He's not sure he understands what monty means.
"Are you referring to Chica and Roxanne? Aside from them I do not understand how women are. Let alone human women." Freddy thought over Monty's words as they walked. His eyes narrowing thoughtfully.
"Perhaps she was bothered by something I did not notice. Since I do not know how human women are there is no way I could tell for sure."
Monty stared at Freddy, so stunned he stopped walking again ignoring the disgruntled shouts of his handler as he did so. Freddy stopped beside him looking at him curiously. Why did he stop? Then he startled moving, his shoulders moved first then his whole upper body followed after laughter roared from his jaw.
"Oh wow freddy!" Monty howled in his laughter clutching his stomach with one hand using the other to slap freddy on his shoulder. Freddy jerked slightly at the sheer strength of his friend laughing nervously with him.
"God you're fucking oblivious!"
Freddy frowned a bit at the cuss, but continued his nervous laugh, scratching his jaw with his index finger. Nail dragging against his face plate confused.
"I do not understand." Freddy muttered quietly and soon the two of them were walking again. After all freddy didn't want to be late to the party even if he was listening closely to his friend. Though all that left him for now was laughter.
After a while monty calmed down. Still shaking with chuckles as he lifted his glasses up to wipe his eyes. He laughed so hard he had produced synthetic tears.
"Whew," he sighed then he smirked gazing at Freddy, "thanks for the laugh man. Thinking about (Y/N)'s behavior though maybe I should talk to her. Since I know "how women are" I could probably get an answer out of her. One way or another."
Monty was teasing Freddy, wiggling his eyebrows licking his lips. Freddy tilted his head to the side, a confused and upset expression stretched against his face. The idea of monty talking to you alone made Freddy feel weird. He was...angry at the thought. But why? (The poor bear had no idea he was jealous of the idea. But monty knew, he could see it as clear as day.)
"Do not worry about it," Freddy stiffened relaxing his face to its neutral expression, "I am sure I can get to the root of her problem myself. But thank you for the suggestion. She is probably just exhausted. She is a very busy woman, she just needs to rest."
Monty stared at Freddy rolling his eyes with a playful scoff this time.
"Yeah but will she?" Monty draped his arm against Freddy's shoulder as they walked.
"I am..not sure. She did not want to listen to me last night about resting at first." Freddy sighed disappointed. He just wished you'd rest you seemed so tired.
"Well," Monty dragged out the word, "if she's not listening you could always make her sleep."
"How would I do that?" Freddy turned to look more at Monty watching him lean back no longer leaning against his body. The gator lifted his hand smirking.
"You know exhaust her to the point she has to sleep, like this." Monty slid his tongue out between his index and middle finger ignoring the disgusted and shock gasps of the handlers who were partially ease dropping on the conversation.
Freddy frowned confused. His eyes looked to his hand as he lifted it at a loss for words.
"I'm afraid I do not understand." He shook his head. Monty chuckled again.
"You know eating out?" Monty redid the motion only to stop midway through as the handlers shouted at him. He gave them an exaggerated eye roll in the process.
"Eating...out?" Freddy echoed Monty's words back to him gazing intensely at his fingers. Was Monty saying all he had to do was stick his tongue between his fingers at you? That would make you tired? How was that possible.
Monty erupted into loud laughter only getting louder as Freddy's handler tried to distract him.
"Don't listen to him Freddy! He's just being a pervert." They huffed towards Monty but all Freddy could do was think over his words.
"That will make her tired?" Freddy turned to look at his friend who calmed down again. He nodded smirking.
"Absolutely. She'll thank you for it too." Monty chuckled a bit more under his breath.
"How about it "big guy" are you going to make her tired?"
Monty was clearly teasing Freddy for the nickname you gave him. But Freddy chose to ignore that. Maybe Monty didn't mean that the motion itself would make you tired. Perhaps he meant literally taking you out to a restaurant to eat. Yes that must be it. Chica gets tired after eating so much, that is a reasonable explanation.
"I will try." Freddy muttered softly as they approached the doors to the pizzaplex from the employee tunnel. Monty shoved Freddy playfully on the shoulder.
"She's gonna love it." He wasn't sure if Freddy got what he meant but what did it matter? It will be hilarious either way.
Freddy walked out to the bright lights of the pizzaplex gazing at the families that passed by. He wished you were here today, but tomorrow he'll confront you about getting the rest you need. Seeing you wake up from that nightmare deeply concerned him. He just wanted to ensure you'll take care of yourself.
You're his friend and he wants to see to it that you'll be okay. (That's why he's so adamant. Or so he'll keep telling himself.)
There it was again. The annoying chime of your phones alarm prompting you to awaken from your slumber. It was your day off from the pizzaplex. But not a day off from your investigation.
You groaned rolling to the side, arm sticking out hand reaching out towards the sound. Where is it?
Finally you found your phone sitting up to slide the alarm off before resting your head back down against the pillow with a soft puff. Did you really have to get up? You're so tired, Freddy was right you need the rest. If you want to solve the case you've got to be in good shape to think. You can't think this tired.
It was a nice sort of sleep that made you not want to get up and disrupt it any further. It was dreamless. Nothing to worry about other than getting rest. But the wicked never rest and neither should the good. Sitting up you pushed your hair out of your face.
12 pm.
You huffed, you have to get some lunch now too. Great. You pushed the stuffed bear you had been cuddling to the side to focus on your phone to help prompt you to wake up. (These days it was like your morning paper.)
But as you stared at social media, mindlessly scrolling your mind flashed to the dream you had last night while resting in Freddy's room.
The shadow Bonnie was clear in your mind. It's out stretched hand meeting yours halfway. You took its hand. You had been brave enough to get close to it even if you were deathly afraid.
What did those sorts of dreams mean anyway? Well what ever it was it wasn't as odd as those reports and the drawing you had found. Did anyone know who this mysterious white rabbit was? Did she have a name? The children in each missing case when they were brought back never gave one.
She couldn't be a mascot of the pizzaplex, there wasn't a rabbit anymore. (There was a lot of rumors about Bonnie being taken away from the attraction.) So who was she?
"You can help us. Help us, please. He is back. Bad rabbit. I am good rabbit."
The shadow Bonnie's words rang in your head again. Bad rabbit. Who is he? Dream or not there could be something about it that could help you. You tossed the blanket off from your body to stand walking towards your desk.
As soon as you got home this morning you started looking into the reports. Searching for this female rabbit but nothing came up. No matter how you phrased it she never popped up. She did not exist.
You looked at each page on your desk, finding everything thrown askew about the wood surface. That game the shadow Bonnie mentioned. What was it? (As much as you tried to fight it instinct told you that you needed to listen to this dream. Whether you believe in ghosts or not these dreams you've been having were important. You've got to listen to your gut.)
Did he mean the VR game that caused someone to go crazy and another to disappear? He mentioned wanting your help. But now that you thought about it, did he mean your help in particular or the VR game?
You pulled out your computer from a drawer in your desk. Typing in to the search bar for YouTube. Then from there searching a youtuber by the name of Game Theory.
From what you've found this guy named Matt was trying to piece together the more of the games. Each one unique and having different twists and turns, thus thinking was interesting. If there was something usual about the VR game Help Wanted it would be here.
He had all sorts of videos, but none of them were what you were looking for. You almost stopped looking until a thumbnail caught your eye.
There in the middle of the video, was a white rabbit mask. Similar to the one that kid drew. Just to be sure you held it up matching them to one another. It was slightly different. But close enough.
You hastily clicked on the video, it was about the Halloween update to the game. He talked about all sorts of things. Who dreadbear might be, a secret to the foxy ride, but the most interesting was the mask and a game called Princess Quest.
That game sounded familiar to you, were there arcade copies in the pizzaplex that you happened to notice? The mask he focused on quite a bit. The way it was coded made it seem as though it was not meant to be in the game, whilst everything else fit perfectly into the dlc. He concluded saying that maybe it was the developers way of trying to mimic what Scottgames was trying to do with the other Five Nights At Freddy's games.
At the end he seemed excited to see where the franchise would go and hopes they'd shed more light on the truth of Fazbear entertainment. You folded your hands together in thought staring at the paused screen.
Was that mask meant to be in that game? Or was it a glitch. You remember the original game developers telling you about a glitch in the game. A malicious source of code that sent Jeremy to his insanity. (Going on your explain as a team they took it as a challenge, wanting to resolve the issue.)
Did it connect? You sighed looking down at the child's drawing only to jump, it changed for a moment. Instead of the white rabbit and little kid holding hands, the rabbit had a knife in her hand extending it out to hurt the child who only had one parent looking after them.
When you blinked it returned to normal making you hold your breath. You picked up the page holding it up to the light. It must of been a trick of the eye. But it sparked something inside you.
Quickly you looked through the reports filed by the day shift guards. Seeing who had come to them saying their child was missing.
All of them seemed like single parents or a guardian of sorts who was all alone with the kid. Certain comments that were recorded on the paper proved that. Did that mean this rabbit was targeting kids who only had one adult looking after them? But why?
To pick out the ones to kidnap. She's testing the waters to see how long it takes a parent to notice their kid is missing amongst the chaos.
Your blood ran cold at the thought. There was something bigger going on here, this was more than just a missing persons case. This rabbit, who ever she was, was connected in the center of it all. Something told you that if you wanted to find your missing developer you'd have to find the white rabbit.
I guess it's off to wonderland then.
You sighed at the thought closing the computer still thoughtful. This was a lot to think about. The pieces were falling into a place you didn't want to see. Things will only get worse from here. You're sure if it.
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