Chapter 3 The Nightshift
You groaned, rubbing your shoulder as it ached. Truthfully you're starting to regret taking the nightshift and working the morning shift back to back.
Tomorrow was now today, and now here you were standing in the cafeteria trying to work out the knots in your shoulder. This job is almost threatening to kill you before you find your missing person.
I should probably make my way towards the front.
You hummed in thought beginning the track back. Today was pretty normal. Your body was just sore from all the lifting you had been doing. All this running around felt like training for something bigger.
Passing the cardboard cutouts you almost ignored them like every other day. But one caught your eye today. You hesitated, looking back double taking.
Most of them were normal. Some were of Captain Foxy, some of Bonnie and Chica, some were the Halloween event props, but one almost felt like it was staring at you. You held your breath staring at the white pupils ahead.
It was that shadow Bonnie again. Staring at you from the corner, working his way out of a grave. You let your breathing become shaky, what was that doing there? You've never noticed it before. Hidden amongst the other cut outs almost like it never wanted to be seen, except by you in this moment. You wanted to walk towards it. (Why?!)
Over here...friend...
It's voice startled you. Your head turned around wildly looking for its source. It was coming from the cut out. You were shaking, unable to stop, but you found yourself beginning to walk towards it.
You drew closer and closer to the roped off area with the intention of ducking under the red rope to see the rabbit. What are you doing?
"(Y/N)!" You jumped, someone called your name bringing you back to reality. Hastily you turned to look behind you seeing your manager not too far away. They had their arms crossed seeming disappointed in you.
"I've been trying to reach you. Is your fazwatch broken?"
You turned to look fully at them, glancing at the watch on your wrist.
"It was acting up yesterday too." You sighed.
"Sorry I got distracted."
"You know I can always get someone else to cover for Vanessa," your manager came closer looking worried, "i don't want to exhaust my only floater. We need you during the day shift too."
You shook your head hastily. You can't give up this opportunity! You're just tired, Freddy was right you're stressed out. That had to be what was going on right now.
"I'll be fine. I'm happy to work." You smiled.
"Okay if you're sure." Your manger beckoned you to walk with them. You trailed just behind as they marched towards one of the many security offices.
"The night shift is different than the dayshift. Unlike day where we have multiple guards at one time, you're going to be the only human here after hours."
You nodded off to the side listening closely. You didn't like the idea of being the only one here, but maybe given the company's past no one wants to work nights. (Though they tried desperately to cover that up.)
"Your job as a night guard is to do some patrols. You will also have other duty's as making sure the glamrocks are in tip top shape. With no one in the building we normally have Vanessa do a quick scan on their systems. If there's any issues escort them to the charging stations and a mechanic will deal with the problem in the morning before we open." Your manager lifted their badge off their shirt scanning it against a button shaped like Freddy's silhouette.
"I'm going to give you a badge, hold on to it and don't loose it. It will give you clearance to roam around with out issues. If you don't have it you can't get into a security office."
Your manager motioned for you to follow them inside and you did. You peered up at the monitors in the room. They were all on, showing black and white images of places around the pizzaplex.
You snapped out of your curiosity hearing a party pooper go off followed by your managers irritated grumbles.
"I hate these things. Why do we even put them in these?" They scoffed. Then turned towards you handing you a pass. You took it looking at the badge closely.
Security. Level 7.
You flipped it over to see if anything was written on the back finding nothing.
"Remember this badge is like gold. It's just you here, loose it and you'll have no way of getting anywhere after hours." Your manager reminded you one last time not to loose your badge. You looked back at them.
"One more thing. There's a list of things you need to complete before your shift is over. It has nothing to do with being a guard, it's more like minor maintenance on the glamrocks and ensuring that there isn't any left over trash littered about. You know dumb corporate stuff."
Your manager handed you a clip board, there was a laminated page against it showing the list of things you had to get done before 6 am. You glanced over each bullet point.
•Go to each security office. Ensure everything it's in its place and nothing has been taken.
•Preform nightly checkup routine on the glamrocks.
•Pick up any trash left over. (A clean environment is a happy environment.)
You lowered the clipboard unable to read the rest. Is this what Vanessa has to do every night? No wonder she's tired.
"Any questions?" Your manager gazed at you curiously and you shook your head no. Everything seemed pretty self explanatory. It was a lot of busy work, but nothing you couldn't multitask while poking around.
"I think I've got it. Don't loose the badge and finish the list before 6 am." You tucked the clipboard into your arm, stuffing your badge into your pocket for safe keeping. Your manager nodded.
"Perfect. Just remember it's only supposed to be you and the robots. No one else should be in here after hours and if they are call the police. The animatronics can deal with intruders in your behalf. Don't get involved." Your manager looked serious. There was a sharpness to their tone that worried you.
"Got it." You nodded. Maybe you should ask if something happened.
"Did something happen recently with an intruder?"
Your manager looked at you, their eyes narrowed lips pierced. They were hesitating on telling you, but after a moment they caved.
"About 3 weeks ago Vanessa said she saw a rabbit inside the pizzaplex. Or well more accurately someone dressed as a rabbit. She couldn't go into details but she went to see what it was. There wasn't anything there but she still shared it to management. We've got footage of her talking to them, but she has no recollection of it. Just be careful. The company doesn't have a good past with costumed rabbits."
You listened quietly, looking off to the side in thought. Someone dressed like a rabbit roaming around after hours. Vanessa talking to them and not remembering? Odd.
"I'll be careful." You offered a reassuring smile.
"I used to be a cop, I know how to handle myself so don't worry."
"That's good to hear." Your manager heaved a sigh. Their trust in you was a surprise the longer you worked here. You've been promoted so fast like someone had a close eye on you wanting you to rise in the ranks quickly. But what matters most is that you had everyone's trust now. You could get away with poking around with your clearance levels. This badge was going to be useful if they left you keep it.
"Thank you, for doing this tonight. Vanessa really appreciates it, she's been having a hard time lately."
"I know, it's the least I can do for her." Your voice was soft, filled with worry for someone you considered a friend. Though now you watched your manager lift their arm to check the time. They smiled at you clasping their hands together.
"Well it's about that time now. I better get going." They nodded inching towards the door. They seemed nervous as the time counted down.
"See you in the morning. Oh and as far as your original shift for tomorrow is concerned don't worry about coming in till tomorrow. You need some sleep."
Your manager waved goodbye with those last words leaving you completely alone. You sat down on the swivel chair in the room gazing up at the monitors above. Scooting forward you placed the clipboard down thinking.
Where to start first?
You watched your manager leave the pizzaplex, the last person inside leaving you for the night. You knew that lockdown happened at midnight, maybe that's why your manager was so keen on leaving. It was only 10 now, they talked more then they meant to, but still it was a scary thought. To think that in 2 hours you'll be locked inside with no escape.
How anyone could get in here is a mystery to you, but when there's a will there's a way. You've learned that in your career path. Your eyes flickered over each camera, gazing at each screen curiously. You could see all the animatronics in their rooms. All doing their respective things.
Roxanne was in front of her vanity. Sitting down with a hairbrush in hand gently combing through her hair giving her self affirmations.
"You are the best, everyone loved you today. You're the star of the show, everyone wants to be you! You have the best hair. I am the best." With each stroke of the hairbrush she spoke and you couldn't help but feel sorry for her. She always had self image issues. (Another example how just how advanced this new AI in the animatronics was. It was interesting. They're more human than the humans you've dealt with in the past.)
"One, two! One, two!" Chica's voice caught your attention and you turned your head towards the monitor showing her room. She was wearing a head band, jogging in place with one hand holding a weight lift. The other had pizza she wasn't supposed to have. Stuffing it into her face as she continued her counting.
Why is she exercising?
You wanted to laugh at the sight. She placed the weight down, tossing off the headband to her vanity, before she picked up a guitar. Her fingers plucked the strings letting out a profound melody. (Very rock and roll of her.)
Now you were absorbed in your observations turning to look in Monty's room. Unlike chica's and Roxy's room where the camera was clearly pointed at them, the camera in Monty's was obscured. Hidden behind something as if who ever put it there knew he'd be mad if he found it.
He must like privacy.
You hummed at the thought watching the large gator pace back and forth inside his room. It was a mess. Things had been tossed about and it was clear it's been this way for a while. Everyone was too afraid to go into his home and clean it up. With every step he took he stomped.
"Ugh!" Monty picked up his dresser tossing it to the side in frustration. You jumped. He's never been that aggressive, at least not to you.
"That's not up to code Monty, don't do that Monty, be nicer Monty!"
Monty's voice raised a pitch above his own, and the way he was talking sounded like Freddy.
"Stop telling me what to do!" Monty shouted towards the wall as if Freddy was standing there listening.
"I'm not him! I'll never be him! Stop comparing us! I'm me! Accept that, ACCEPT THAT DAMNIT!"
You were stunned. Who was Monty talking about? Who was Freddy comparing him to all the time? (You also didn't realize that the glamrocks knew how to cuss. But it shouldn't have been that shocking they were advance AI's who learned through experience. Someone was bound to cuss in front of him or any of them really.) You frowned watching Monty's cries of frustration continue.
Poor Monty.
You tore your sight away leaving him to the privacy of his room. Your eyes now met Freddy's room. Freddy was standing over his couch, carefully rearranging the various sized plushes of himself against it. He was so thoughtful about where to place them. Two giant plushies were at each corner against the arm rests, and then various other sizes laid beside or in front of them. They almost took most of the couch up. (Leaving just enough room for someone to sit or lay down.)
His room was the nicest out of everyone's. Clean and tidy, but it wasn't that odd for him. Freddy was a rule follower. (And one of the things corporate had on that clipboard was about a clean environment being a happy one after all.)
Freddy was staring intently at each and every plushie. He seemed dissatisfied with how he had them aligned, he looked like he was debating about moving them. But then something caught his eye.
He glanced towards the camera. At first it was a glance, then he doubled back staring at the lenses straight on. Almost like he knew it was you behind the monitor watching him. You shivered at the thought quickly looking away to pick up the clipboard.
Wait what are you doing? You're in an office, there's bound to be paper work in here. The animatronics and your managers warnings distracted you from your real goal here tonight.
You had to poke around find something about your missing person. This game developers were adamant something was up here at the pizzaplex. (Hearing about that odd run in Vanessa had with a rabbit was proof enough about that.)
But they just wanted their fellow coworker and friend found. You didn't have much to go on. They all had different stories to what she looked like.
Brown hair.
Red hair! She had red hair!
They couldn't place it. But given the things they had told you, the horrors of their work place it was no wonder their memory of her was fractured. Though who has the right facts? Or were they all misleading?
One thing you did know was that you're looking for a woman. A smart woman well educated in technology. That they all agreed upon.
You pulled open the drawers. Paperwork was filling them to the brim. Half of it neatly stacked inside, another half crammed in with no thought behind it.
You pulled a few papers out, smiling when you realized the crammed pages were drawings from a child. Crayon scribbled on the white sheet mimicking the work of who ever was a guard here in the day time. You laughed a little flicking between each page.
You didn't know there was a working parent here, but it made sense one of your perks working in the pizzaplex was free entry to you and one other family member. (That was about it though, oh and 10% off at the gift shops. Not a great perk but the admission was expensive.)
You flicked between each page, only to stop seeing a child's drawing of themselves with a white rabbit. You gazed over the drawing frowning. The rabbit looked like something out of Alice in Wonderland. It's red eyes were wide looking down at the little girl with a bucktoothed smile.
It's eyelashes were sharp like knifes even in the drawing. The costume had patches as if it wasn't finished. You lowered the page leaning down to pull out more papers.
These were done by multiple different adults. You flickered between them all finding them to be similar to one another. Missing object reports. Complaints. But then you found one that made you pierce your lips.
It was a missing child report. You glanced over the words reading that the parent had been hysteric towards the guard demanding they find their kid.
The kid was found and returned back to their parent safe and sound. But when they gave a statement to who helped them the kid mentioned a white rabbit lady. You lifted the drawing up examining it again. Was that the same white rabbit as the one that led the kid back?
You put both pages together hiding them under the laminated page on the clipboard poking around more. There were more reports like that. Multiple different kids who belonged to different people saying the same thing.
The white rabbit lady led them back to either their parents or a staff member. You glanced over comments made by the guards. They were all skeptical. There was no rabbit at the pizzaplex anymore, they all said.
You took every report reguarding this rabbit, folding them and carefully hiding them behind the laminated paper on the clipboard. You'd put them in your bag when you get to it at your locker. These were interesting prompting you to re-familiarize yourself with the company's past again. There was no mention of a white rabbit, but there was a golden one.
Standing up you clutched the clipboard to your chest, checking your pocket to ensure that you still had your badge. You needed to check other offices. This was a level 4 clearance room. You wondered if the higher you went the more you'd find.
For now though you'll leave and do your job. At least get a head start. Leaving the room you walked along the halls. It's eerie out here by yourself. The music was still playing creating some sort of comfort in your loneliness. Though checking your fazwatch you saw there was only 10 minutes till lock down.
Staff bots littered most of the hallways now. Either they were cleaning or patrolling in places you could reach. None of them acknowledged you as you walked but you figured they had been alerted of your presence here tonight instead of Vanessa's.
You watched as the lights began to dim signaling there wasn't much time left until lock down. Then you'd be stuck here till 6 am. You yawned as you walked examining the halls. No trash littered about. Everything seemed normal so far. (Just no other people.)
Seeing the pizzaplex like this was almost intimating. If a kid was lost in this building this would be pretty scary. You're a bit on edge yourself finding yourself walking amongst what was lit verses just going about your normal paths. The shadows were unsettling especially with that nightmare that still lingered in the back of your mind.
You had to stop by another security office, grabbing the tablet as instructed on the list holding it in your free hand. It's soul purpose was to scan the bots inside.
Your job as night guard was just to make sure they were all in working order. The only animatronics you were not allowed to visit after hours were Music Man and Sundrop.
Music Man was asleep after hours. If provoked would launch into security mode. You knew that just as basic knowledge. Other than that, which you've never witnessed but you've heard stories from other coworkers about how they stayed over time and accidentally set him off and it was terrifying, he was a really sweet animatronic. He was mute and communicated either through his music or sign language. (Deaf kids or kids who had to know sign languages loved him for that.)
Sundrop was a unique animatronic. He was built for the daycare, to not only entertain the little ones while their older siblings or parents wandered about but also to protect them. He was special though, for he had two sides to him.
When the lights went off that activated Moondrop, he was a stark contrast to the fun loving sun you had briefly gotten to know. He was serious and almost even scary. The children didn't like him due to his harsh nature. (When the lights were off the children had to take a nap, and he made sure they didn't move about then it was nap time. You've heard quite a few things about him. Parents weren't pleased with his methods but they kept bringing their kids so who's to say if they care that much.)
The point of you not checking in on them was to ensure your own safety. If the lights are off in the daycare and moon caught you he wouldn't treat you as nicely as sun.
You stumbled over your feet in your step, gasping you nearly fell into a chair. Full circle you guessed, back right where you started the night. You sighed taking a moment to sit. You're exhausted. Maybe you should have said you couldn't work the shift to your manager.
No I've got to find leads.
You huffed at yourself leaning forward against a table. But your eyes burn. Your body aches and demanded rest. At least you could sleep in tomorrow. You didn't have to be at work till the next day. You slouched not paying attention to your surroundings.
"(Y/N)?" The person calling your name made you gasp. You kicked your feet up slightly causing the chair you were sitting in to tip back. I'm your struggle to stand you almost fell. The only thing keeping you from the floor was Freddy's hand.
You turned hastily to look at him eyes wide and heart beating rapidly. He had given you a scare, you didn't realize the glamrocks had free roam after hours. Hearing someone call your name when you should be alone scared you, and even worse you were worried it was that shadow Bonnie from your dream coming to haunt you again.
Freddy looked worried slowly tilting the chair back on all fours. But he didn't want to move his hand, instead he raised it to your shoulder. He smiled apologetically.
"I am very sorry. I did not mean to frighten you. I just did not expect to see you here after hours." Freddy leaned down to get a better look at you. You took a moment to catch your breath.
"It's okay, god that scared me." You pressed your hand over your heart in an attempt to calm down.
"I'm filling in for Vanessa tonight don't worry."
"Ah I see." Freddy seemed hesitant on removing his hand from your shoulder. But ultimately he had, taking a seat next to you.
"Your body is still experiencing shock from my sudden appearance. I advise you remain seated for a few more moments. Would you like some water? I am sure I can find some for you."
Freddy leaned forward looking worried as he examined you. You shook your head laughing a little at his worry.
"I'm okay really. I need to be more alert. Get the blood pumping." You lowered your hand smiling.
"But thanks anyway big guy. You're sweet."
Freddy looked away from you, his ears wiggling at the top of his head. You just hummed at the sight.
"I will still bring you some water. You must calm down, I do not want you to be anxious around me." Freddy stood up and before you could argue saying you didn't need it he was already on his way. He walked towards one of the many restraints in the food court, stepping behind the counter and getting a cup filling it with ice and some water before coming back. He held it out to you expecting you to take it.
You gave in taking it from him playing with the straw muttering a soft thanks. You didn't need it but you'll drink it to make him happy. You don't want to anger the 6'1 animatronic now do you?
"I am worried about you." Freddy sat down again as he spoke and you turned to look at him. Straw between your lips mid sip.
"Hmm?" You pulled back placing the cup against the table looking at him.
"You are exhausted. You should be taking care of yourself more." Freddy clasped his hands together resting them against the table.
"I do not want you to get sick."
You smiled again unable to help it as it crept over your lips. He was so sweet, he was so real. It's easy to confuse him for a human. But he was more human than anyone you've met honestly. (But you've thought that before haven't you?)
"I'm okay Freddy, really." You shook your head. Freddy opened his mouth to argue but the voice on the intercom beat him to it.
"Ladies and gentlemen boys and girls! The pizzaplex is now closed! Please make your way to the front of the building in the next 3 minutes to ensure safety. Thank you for joining us today, Freddy and the crew will see you tomorrow! And don't forget to pick up any merchandise on your way out. We hope you enjoyed your stay at The Mega Pizzaplex!"
You sighed swirling your straw inside your cup listening to the ice clink against the sides.
"I do not wish for you to feel bad." Freddy tried to speak again ignoring the reminder that the pizzaplex will close soon.
"I want to ensure your safety. Please allow me to escort you during your duties tonight."
You looked up meeting his blue eyes. You swallowed hesitantly. If he follows you, you couldn't snoop. Not that he'd realize immediately but Freddy was a rule follower. If he caught you breaking them and going places you aren't allowed to be he wouldn't be exactly happy. Even if he's passive aggressive about it.
"Freddy." You were about to argue but he firmly shook his head.
"I am no longer asking I have made up my mind. I will be walking with you." He sounded so sure of himself. You sighed in defeat. Oh well.
"I do not want anything happening to my favorite handler."
"Favorite?" You echoed back the word softly. You're his favorite? You didn't expect that. You didn't even know the animatronics could have favorite people. The thought made your face flush with embarrassment.
"Yes." Freddy smiled, his smile almost widening at the sight of your red face.
"I care a great deal about you."
"And here i thought you couldn't be any sweeter." You laughed a little shaking your head. Freddy stood up, offering his hand to you allowing you to stand. You brushed off your jeans, grabbing your cup to take one last sip before tossing it into the trash on your way out of the food court.
You tried getting the most boring stuff out of the way. Following the list as best as you could until it was time to check the glamrocks. You fiddled with the tablet as the door slid open to Roxy's room.
"Learn to knock Vanessa!-" roxy growled agitated that someone had bothered her. But she paused seeing you quickly looking up at her apologetically.
"I'm sorry roxy! I was playing with the tablet I didn't realize the doors were still on motion sensor." You smiled apologetically with Freddy looming behind you.
"Oh it's you." Roxy smiled pleased with your presence. Hand on her hip.
"I didn't expect you to be here after hours. I bet you and Freddy just want an after hours racing match!"
You laughed a little trying to work the tablet.
"Oh you caught us! It's never a dull moment with you." You snapped your fingers in mock disappointment, before finally getting the tablet to work. You held it up scanning roxy. She laughed at you tail swooshing behind her in curiosity.
"Are you covering for Vanessa tonight?" She glanced behind you at Freddy raising a brow as he lingered off in the distance.
"Yeah. She had a doctors appointment today and couldn't make it." You hummed double checking the scans making sure you were reading them right.
"Huh," roxy looked at her nails rolling her eyes, "well to tell the truth I don't like her very much. She's kind of weird. You're lucky I like you other wise I'd of kicked you two out."
You looked up at roxy. Vanessa weird? Well she was different that was for sure. You smiled again nodding.
"Well thanks roxy." You stuffed the tablet back under your arm with the clipboard.
"You get some rest okay?"
You and Freddy left shortly after you shared a goodbye with roxy. Your mind wandered to what she had said. Well roxy was hard to please, you're lucky she likes you as much as she does. She's not afraid to tell someone where to go and how to get there.
Your next stop was chica, you made sure to knock this time before letting the door slide open revealing then chicken to you. She had food wrappers all around her as she sat on the couch, but she leapt once the door opened beak full of food.
"(Y/N)!" She gasped rushing forward. About to envelop you in a tight bone crushing hug. Freddy stopped her with a kind laugh.
"Chica please be careful, she is not feeling well." He patted her in the shoulder as she stopped rocking on her heels.
"Sorry." She laughed.
"I'm so happy it's you tonight! I missed you!"
"Chica we just saw each other a few hours ago." You found the laughter contagious as you got the tablet out to scan her.
"I know! That's forever ago!" She brushed her synthetic hair out of her plastic face.
"Are you going to be the new night guard for ever now?"
"No, just for tonight I'm filling in for Vanessa." You huffed fiddling with the buttons a bit more. This thing was more complicated than it needed to be.
"Oh," chica's shoulders slumped, "well I'm glad it's you tonight! Vanessa has totally been acting weird lately. I mean she is just so mean these days! Threatening to disassemble me when I get hungry! You know I love my food! Like come on!"
Chica was rambling beginning to talk fast as you finally fixed the tablet to scan her. It dinged and you glanced over everything. It seemed to be all in order. But now you had replayed her words in your head looking up.
"Vanessa threatens you?" You frowned. That didn't sound like Vanessa she was quite and serious but she didn't want to hurt anyone.
"Yeah! Crazy right?" Chica had both hands on her hips shaking her head.
"Well I guess you're done now right? I'll let you two get on with the night."
Chica waved goodbye enthusiastically and you waved back towards her beginning the walk towards monty's room. You looked down at the floor lost in thought. That's the second time Vanessa has been talked about in a negative light. Is she being that bad to them? You can't imagine that.
The door slid open to monty's room before you could knock causing him to turn sharply around angry to be disturbed. Similar to roxy, until he saw it was you. He pumped his fist.
""(Y/N)! Now it's a party!" Monty laughed loudly and roughly. You stepped into his room sharing his enthusiasm. (Over your time here you've spent the most time with Monty. The other handlers hated working with him, but you had to show him that this was a partnership and not that you were babysitting him. He respected you a lot more for that.)
"Hey buddy." You hummed fiddling with the tablet. You think you're getting the hang of it now.
"Just gotta do some scans you know the drill."
Monty nodded about to say something only to pause seeing Freddy lingering in the doorway. Freddy didn't come any closer remaining out in the hall.
"I didn't know he was with ya." His enthusiasm died for a moment but he brushed it off ignoring his own comment to focus on you.
"So fillin in for her huh? Bummer I wish I had known before now. We coulda hung out."
You hummed looking at his dark star shades.
"I know, maybe next time okay?" You looked back at the tablet fiddling around with it again.
"I hope there's a next time. I'm getting real sick of Vanessa." Monty grunted crossing his arms.
You glanced at him urging him to continue with your eyes.
"She's been a real piece of work."
"I've heard." You shook your head sadly. You feel bad they don't like her. She wasn't a bad person right?
"Don't worry I'm sure she won't be that way much longer. She's got a lot going on."
"I hope." Monty rolled his eyes.
The tablet dinged and you looked back at the scan making sure everything looked good. You waved goodbye to Monty then started on your way towards Freddy's room. The last stop of the night.
"I suggest you rest before the lockdown is released." Freddy has been so quite this whole time and now his sudden voice startled you making you turn to look at him as the door slid open to his room. It wasn't too much longer till the end of your shift.
"How about i get your scan first then I'll rest." You lifted the tablet thoughtfully. Freddy hummed in acknowledgment.
"I sense you are bothered." His blue eyes watched closely as you fiddled with the tablet.
"Is it about what the others have said about Officer Vanessa?"
"Huh?" You looked up at him before sighing.
"A little. She's not that way with me is she really that bad to you all?"
"She wasn't at the beginning." Freddy looked at you intensely.
"She is a rule follower, anyone who disobeyed would be put in their rooms for "time out" as she put it at first. Lately how ever she had been more aggressive. She has threatened to dismantle us if we act out. I do not think she is bad though. I think she is a confused individual who is struggling."
You hummed looking at the tablet again as it dinged showing freddy's readings. You sighed in thought. You didn't like hearing how aggressive she's been lately, how she's talked to the animatronics. They were like people and not your typical robot. Maybe she was just tired these nights or maybe her therapy sessions were bothering her.
"Will you rest now?" Freddy's voice brought you out of thought making you look up at him.
"Huh?" You gasped trying to come back down to earth. He smiled at you.
"I said will you rest now? I have completed the scan like you asked, I am worried you will get sick if you keep going at this rate." Freddy moved out of your way motioning towards his couch.
"You may lay down here and close your eyes until 6 am. I do not mind your presence."
You flushed with embarrassment looking at the couch. His stuffed animals arranged the same as they were earlier when you saw him on the monitor.
"I can't sleep on the job." You laughed nervously.
"It is okay, you have completed your list correct? I see no reason for you not to rest now." Freddy gently placed his hand on your lower back urging you towards the couch.
You sighed in defeat caving in to his demands now sitting on the couch. You looked up at him setting the tablet down to the side with the clipboard. He smiled moving to grab a blanket offering it to you. You laughed taking it. No arguments here he wanted you to rest.
"I'm just going to close my eyes I won't sleep okay?" You laughed a bit more.
"That is fine. If you do fall asleep however do not worry I will wake you at 6 am." Freddy gently patted your head. You felt so small compared to him. You laid down as he went to do something else in his room closing your eyes. They burned and you couldn't fight them off for too much longer anyway. You guessed he must have down that.
Your mind thought over what you had found in the officer earlier in the night, images of the drawing lingered in your head. You may not have found what you wanted but it's something. Was there a bigger case involved here?
Your mind became blank the longer you had your eyes closed. Sleep was hanging over you enveloping you in its grasp.
Maybe you'll find something with these reports you had in your clipboard. Maybe...
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