Chapter 10 Startling Discovery

Make it stop.

Vanessa laid on the floor, curled up in the fetal position. Arms wrapped tightly around her legs shaking.

I can't keep doing this.

Her eyes closed as she tried to stop the shaking. Alone in the darkness of her home Vanessa laid on the wooden floor. It's cool surface a comfort to her warm shaking body. An anchor to what was real.

I can't go on like this.

Her eyes stared at her own reflection in her long mirror. (Which resided across the room, taken off the wall propped up just enough to stand tall enough.)

She felt so distant. Like she was staring at her self from so far away. Her own body laid on the floor yet somehow it didn't feel like it was just her own. Like someone, or someones, we're home inside her mind banging on the walls of her brain.

She shuddered at the thought clenching her eyes shut trying to level her uneven breathing. Her new therapist called not that long ago asking to reschedule her appointment. She said she wanted to see her sooner, there were some discrepancies or something she wanted to talk about.

All the others said that too before they disappeared. The gaps in her mind were jarring and large. There were times she'd be standing somewhere and not even remember how she got there.

Like last night.

Vanessa peeled her eyes opened to stare at the floor. She doesn't remember coming into work. But she vaguely remembered talking to you. Maybe about covering for her when she had her sessions? It was fuzzy.

Then she couldn't remember again, it wasn't until this morning did she find herself midway through her rounds alone in the long hallways.

I think I'm calm enough now.

Vanessa heaved a sigh trying to push herself up off the ground. She felt dizzy.

"Are you?" Vanessa looked around wildly. There was a voice that wasn't her's inside her own mind. Her green eyes quickly looked back and forth around the darkened bed room finding no one.
"I'm right here silly."

Vanessa's gaze snapped to the mirror finding someone, or something, standing in it. It looked like her. But it wasn't her.

"Y-you're not real." She gasped slowly scooting backwards as if that would help her get farther away from the hallucination.

"Every time I try to talk to you when I take control you do this." The reflection placed her hands on her hips. Jutting one side out shaking her head dramatically.
"It's a shame. You make yourself forget everything we've done together. All for him. How long will it take you to realize that I am you and you are me?"

The reflection paused then swayed on her feet. A grin stretched out against her face, wide and unhuman, as she held her hands behind her back. She looked like a happy child.

"That sounds like a rhyme! I am you and you are me, I am you and you are me, I am you and you are me!" She continued to repeat the phrase. Vanessa backed herself up further, right up until her back hit the wall where she was cornered forced to stare ahead at the mirror.

This can't be real.

Vanessa swallowed thickly forcing herself to shut her eyes trying to recall what her therapist told her when she'd have attacks like this.

I wanted to get away from what I saw.

"But you can't get away. Because he's right here with you." The reflection whispered. Vanessa opened her eyes quickly with a gasp.

Her sight of the mirror was obscured by comedic rabbit feet, the shoes of an exaggerated costume. Slowly she lifted her eyes, following along the curves and stitches of the crudely made suit.

A pair of purple eyes stared down at her, mouth of the mask stretched so wide it looked forced. Teeth yellowed at the top. His whiskers as twisted as he looked.

He tilted his head to the side, and then swayed into a long exaggerated wave towards her. Like he, it, was happy she was looking at him.

Vanessa wanted to scream. She pushed herself as far back up against the wall tears threatening to fall from her eyes as she shook in fear.

"You're not real! You can't be real!" Vanessa gasped between tears that started to roll from her face. The rabbit before her tilted his head, smile the same but his eyes looked alive. They moved following her every movement as she pushed herself more and more against the wall. Like a scared kid.

"Oh poor lonely Nessa." Her own voice mocked her inside her head.
"Loosing to her insanity!"

The reflections voice laughed at her and Vanessa shook her head hastily. It's not real! It can't be! She destroyed it! She destroyed the glitch!

"No my dear." A smooth rich voice left the rabbit. His human eyes looked down at Vanessa with an uncanny resemblance to a breathing person.
"You merely became my host. And with your help my family will return to me."

Vanessa hastily shook her head no. Defiant. She felt helpless but still found the strength to say no. She pressed herself up further against the wall continuing her hastily head shake.

"Aww silly billy!" Her own voice mocked her again.
"You don't get a choice. We can't disappoint him now can we?"

Suddenly hands reached out from the darkness behind her. White gloves hastily sewn together reaching out towards her face on either side. One hand covered her eyes, and before she could scream the other clamped over her mouth keeping it shut.

"You are me and I am you. Vanny and Nessa are whole again for another night of play." Vanessa struggled as her voice laughed at her. Quickly her hands lifted to the hands covering her face trying to pry them away but it was no use. It was almost like one of the animatronics at the pizzaplex had her in its grasp and the as she may there was no escaping.

The world became distant. Noises felt so far away. She was fading in and out of consciousness.

I can't breath.

She desperately tried for air but none filled her lungs.

"That's it go to sleep." The reflections voice whispered now outside of her mind and in the real world.
"When you wake up again, we'll be one step closer."

Vanessa's body slumped unable to stay awake any longer. She thought she did the right thing. She followed the instructions like they asked. She was a fool. If only she had been able to say something to you the other night.

Somehow she felt as though she could trust you more than anyone else in the pizzaplex. If only she could do something to stop this. If only.
"VANESSA!" You screamed sitting up right in bed. Sweat beaded down your forehead as you took deep breaths trying to come back to your senses.

I'm home.

You laid back down draping an arm over your eyes. Panting still from the nightmare you just had. It felt so real. There was a little boy again, only this time the two of you were on the roof. Huddled together you in the front bruised and bashed but still ready to save him.

Your flashlight shimmered on the red eyes of your attacker. She came closer, knife catching the light with a vibrant gleam. Her permanent masked smile almost seemed so real like she was smiling just as crazily behind it too.

The boy clung to you shaking in fear. And then like a knight in shining armor Freddy burst through the fire escape door. It almost broke of the hinges as he did so, yellow eyes looking at the rabbit with a furious nature.

"I can see you now!" He had said.
"I will not allow you to hurt them anymore!"

He lunged at her, and together they toppled over the edge. The mask had fallen off your attacker and at first you and the you cried for Freddy as if that would stop his decent. But then you saw just who it was pursuing you and the boy this entire time.

The very person you called friend. She was plummeting to her death and for a moment it's like she knew you were watching. Trying to reach despite the long distant now. She smiled almost relieved and then with a sickening crack her body hit the ground.

You had woken up after that. You lifted your arm off your eyes to look up at the ceiling. Her heart still pounded in your chest with anxiety but it was calmer now.

It's just a dream.

You reminded yourself. But it felt so real. Like the last dream you had about the pizzaplex. What was with that little boy? Well they're just dreams. Nothing more than that. Your subconscious made them up to process things maybe the boy was someone you saw in the pizzaplex and had worked his way into your dreams with the rabbit to help you process your clues.

That seemed to be the logical explanation at least. Sitting up you grabbed your phone squinting at the bright screen trying to distinguish what time it was. You don't even remember falling asleep after getting back but you guessed you had.

8:45 pm.

You rubbed your eyes at the numbers heaving a sigh of relief. You still had time to go to the pizzaplex and sneak in. Tossing your blankets off of you, you stood up stretching.

Getting dressed was the easy part, but getting there and finding a secret parking place was the hard part.

You sat in your car quietly unable to listen to the radio as you stared ahead at the pizzaplex off to the side. The back door was in front of you, just a basic silver door, but for some reason it felt almost taunting in the darkness like this. Regardless you made yourself get out of the car staring up at the large building before you.

The wind rustled the bushes that lined the parking lot behind you. At first it made you glance anxiously, almost like you half expected someone to be hiding back there ready to pounce on you.

Drawing in a steady breath you marched onwards towards the door. Hastily fishing your keys out you jammed them inside the lock ready to dash inside. It was a stark contrast to the day, instead of the bright fluorescent lights illuminating the employee tunnels, it was dim.

There was no one in sight and there wouldn't be for 10 more hours in total. You sucked in a breath marching forward following the map inside your head as you rushed along the pathways towards the food court. From there you'd make it to the main office.

This part was a walk in the park, if that park was a creepy metal and concrete tunnel underground for staff to walk through. But as for getting to the main office would be a bit tricker.

If you knew Vanessa she would be making her rounds until 10:30. She was a through person and no place would be left unchecked. She starts at the main office and works her way around. You just hoped using the level 7 badge given to you wouldn't alert her that someone opened a door.

Slowly you pushed open the door that led to El Chip's restaurant. Your eyes scanned around the back kitchen, then slowly you knelt down beginning to walk crouched towards the counter. You stopped as you reached the front, looking over the edge observing your surroundings.

There were security bot's sweeping back and forth close to the tables, but on a set path enough that they didn't stray from their back and forth motions.

If I want to remain unseen I better make sure I don't get in their line of sight. With out those flash lights they're blind.

You nodded to yourself at the thought and ducked down making your way to the exit that led out to the floor. Just as you reached the push doors you stopped freezing in place. Your breathing caught in your throat.

"Hey you!" Vanessa's voice was sharp as she called out. You clenched your eyes shut afraid you've been caught. What would she say? What would she do? Should you tell her the truth?
"Hey security bot! Hello, I'm talking to you."

Vanessa sounded more agitated than you've ever heard her. She sounded incredibly impatient. It sounded nothing like her.

"You're supposed to be on patrol near Monty Golf! Why are you all the way out here?" She snapped, but got no response. She huffed you could almost hear her shake her head and roll her eyes.
"Why am I even talking to you, worthless piece of plastic!"

Vanessa huffed and stormed off. Slowly you opened your eyes again. Relaxing your body momentarily you shook your own head.

I'm not out of the clear yet. I still have to get to the main office.

Pushing open the door you peeked your head around the corner. The security bot was following Vanessa as she walked away leaving the perfect opportunity to move.

You took it. Quickly you got up and dashed to the closest place to hid again. Repeating this over and over again slowly working your way towards the security office. It was in sight now and at this point there had been no sign of Vanessa.

You pulled out the badge from your pocket sliding it against the Freddy silhouette waiting for the beep. It slid up and you quickly walked inside ensuring that the cost was clear before you started to open drawers.

You fished around in as many as you could for a few minutes ignoring the large monitors that hung over head. The office was a mess already, just like the other security office had been, you meddling with papers didn't seem so out of the ordinary in the room.

Everything you pulled out was worthless. Some papers were mechanic reports about how each animatronic was functioning. Others about missing personal items that people had to keep an eye out for. As well as the pizzaplex's equivalent of a no fly list.

Sighing you shoved close the 7th drawer. You leaned against one of the long desks running your hands over your face slowly.

There's nothing here about a white rabbit. Or any rabbit at all. At this point you'll take something about Bonnie!

"I-I don't even remember what happened." Monty's voice echoed unsteadily in the other wise quiet room. You looked up towards the monitors seeing that the gator was sitting down on freddy's couch. The others were in there as well all crowded around Monty who was just slightly out of frame.

You furrowed your brow curiosity, slowly taking a seat down at one of the swivel chairs.

"Nothing?" Chica sat down beside him gently patting his arm and shoulder.
"Monty you grabbed (Y/N) brutally. That doesn't sound like you, are you sure?"

Monty had his head in his hands refusing to meet the others stares.

"We over heard some of the mechanics talking this morning about your condition." Roxy had her arms crossed swaying her hips impatiently.
"They mentioned decommissioning you to find out what your problem is. So if you have something you gotta tell us."

Monty remained quite.

"You can speak to us Monty we are your friends. We want to help you. You gave poor (Y/N) quite a scare." Freddy stayed cautiously away from Monty. Somehow his voice agitated the gator.

"SHUT UP!" He roared standing quickly. Chica gasped as he left her grasp to march over to Freddy. He pointed an accusing finger at him teeth bared snarling.
"You act like you're better than all of us! You act like you're above us! Like just because your name is on the front of the building makes you better than US!"

Freddy's eyes were wide in shock. Roxy pushed Monty back partially giving the two distance.

"Hey! Where the hell did this come from?!" She gasped at her friend looking at him confused. He had that look he had when he grabbed you. You shuddered rubbing your bruised skin subconsciously.

"I'M SICK AND TIRED OF YOU AND YOUR BULLSHIT FREDDY!" Monty jerked as if he was about to tear into Freddy but Roxanne stopped him in time gripping his arm tightly pushing him back.

"Monty!" Chica gasped quickly getting up off the couch grasping his other arm keeping him back.
"You've got to calm down this isnt Freddy's fault he just wants to help! We all do!"

"SHUT UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP ALL OF YOU!" Monty struggled on the girls grips.

Month continued to roar. Then a sick smile twisted on his face.

"And (Y/N)," he laughed mockingly, "you think that you can actually have a relationship with her? You're not HUMAN! You can't love her! Not the way she needs it! You're PATHETIC! USELESS!"

Freddy's eyes darkened. There was a look you've never seen in them as he approached Monty.

"That is enough." Freddy's voice was frighteningly calm despite monty's cruel words. His eyes glanced towards Chica and the two seemed to share a silent conversation.

Chica lifted one hand to the back of Monty's neck. It was obscured by the camera and there was no telling what she had done. Monty's eyes dulled. The light in them died out and soon his body followed after slumping forward. She shut him off.

"Let's take him to the charging station so he can rest." Freddy tried to smile at his remaining friends.

"Freddy." Roxanne was dragging month back but stopped momentarily looking at Freddy.
"What's going on? We deserve an explanation."

"Yeah." Chica joined Roxy's side.
"You've been keeping something from us. We're okay with your interest in (Y/N) but if it means keeping secrets from us then.."

Chica trailed off like she didn't want to finish her sentence. Freddy stepped over to help them lowering his head.

"Something is wrong with officer Vanessa. (Y/N) has been concerned about her so I promised that I would find the source of the problem." Freddy began to explain but his voice began to fade as he walked into the back with the girls explaining the situation as far as he knew.

You stood there in shock unsure how to process the scene you had just witnessed. There were so many emotions that rattled your bones deep inside you. Your heart pounded against your ribs. Though was that from fear or could it possibly be fluttering at the fact Freddy had an interest in you.

Monty is right though. He's not human.

You frowned at the thought shaking your head. That's not what matters. It's been a long night you think you've heard enough. What ever was going on with Monty was a piece to the bigger puzzle. Though was that something to do with the strange mechanic here last night or the white rabbit?

Or is the rabbit the fake mechanic?

You shook your head. You still had the theory Vanessa had let them in, who ever it was, on top of things. Slowly you snuck out of the main office, disappointed you didn't find anymore leads. (And worried for the glamrocks. Something was definitely going on in the pizzaplex.)

On your way back towards the food court you sighed walking normally where there were no cameras or staff bots. It almost felt like a normal day aside for when one of the two would give you a scare and have you crouch down to be unseen again. You crouched near the escalators, noticing a wet floor sign just ahead.

"Follow me!" You stopped. Someone else was speaking. It was neither staff bot or animatronic. It was a real person. Urging someone to follow them. (Like that strange voice in the wind tried to urge you.)

You peeked from over the railing on the second floor, and then you saw it. There on the first floor was the white rabbit. She skipped and swayed, her movements almost didn't seem human. It was like something was possessing her forcing her to move in contorted ways.

You shuddered at the thought, ready to chase after her for answers, only to stop once more. Following close behind was a little girl. She looked tired like she hasn't slept in days. Her hair was knotted, messy, the same as her clothes. (Which we're littered in stains.)

"Where are we going?" The little girl, she couldn't be older than 8 or 9, called after her guider. The rabbit said nothing continuing her long exaggerated skips.

Your heart stopped in your chest. This scene felt like it was out of time. Or maybe it was a repeat in history. You were watching a repeat of history. But it couldn't be one you'd allow to happen. Glancing at the wet floor sign you shimmed over to it in haste wanting it to see you.

"Do me a favor." You whispered knowing it recognized your voice listening to commands.
"Alert the glamrocks there's someone else here."

You're not sure that the automated wet floor sign would understand what you were saying but it gave a small ding in return. It's eyes at the top of its head, which looked like bear ears, squinted as if happy to accept such an important job then off it tried to scurry.

You're not sure how long it will take. The little girl had lost sight of the rabbit looking around lost.

"Hello?" She called out to no one in particular. You almost wanted to stand let her know she wasn't alone. But you waited hidden away behind the railing.




The floor began to shake with heavy footsteps and hushed urgent voices followed along side it.

They're here.

You sighed in relief quickly moving to hide behind a bush watching as Roxy, Chica, and Freddy all stood at the stairs seeing the little girl. She looked up at them, you're sure of it, gasping at the sight.

"A lost child?" You heard someone exclaim in shock. You can't stick around to see what happens next having to trust the crew to fix it. You heard the little girl gasp the name of each animatronic and rushed footsteps like she was rushing towards safety.

Once outside after the long trek back you heaved a heavy breath looking up at the sky. Oh god that was awful. You didn't expect to hear that conversation from the glamrocks. You almost felt like you had invaded their privacy by listening in but you couldn't help it.

You shuddered at the thought of monty's rage in slight fear. You've never seen him like that. But then again Freddy defused the situation.


Your mind repeated his name back to you and you took in deep breaths. What did Monty mean by interest? Did he mean romantic? Considering he made that comment about how they weren't human?

Why do I care so much?

You scoffed at yourself. But then there was the white rabbit. The first time you've seen her and you can't pursue her to ask questions or to find a new lead. One thing that was worrisome was the fact she was in the pizzaplex after hours, that Vanessa didn't notice, and that the little girl was with her.

Could she have been trying to kill her?

Your blood ran cold at the thought. If that was the case the rabbit that was tied to the missing person case made this a whole lot more complicated. The police needed to be involved then. The only reason you're here now doing their work is because they don't believe the developers and what they saw.

But you did. How could you not? They meant every word of what they had said about the strange events that had gone down during the beta testing and the day their friend went missing. You thought this was just going to be a run away person sort of case.

You spend a few months looking, you find them in some small town camping out trying to get away from the world reunite them with their friends and all is well. You never expected this to turn into something like this. And it was only going to get worse.

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