Scrambled Eggs (HH Episode 3)
We open up on Charlie, Vaggie, Razzle and Dazzle putting up a banner that reads "Happy first week, Sir Pentious!".
Charlie: That looks perfect! Aah! I am so excited that Sir Pentious is staying at the hotel!
Vaggie: Um, Pentious was just trying to take over the city with his weird steampunk bullshit a few days ago.
Charlie: Well, I haven't seen him try to pull any of that here.
As if on que, Sir Pentious comes in, rolling a new machine into view.
Vaggie: What the hell is that?
Pentious: Oh, hello, purple female. It's my new invention, the Skin Flayer 11,000! I'm really looking forward to shooting the other residents.
Charlie: What? Why?
Pentious: Everyone is being too nice. Obviously it must be a lie. I can sense that they are planning to kill me, but when? How? I must be prepared! Ooh, the new parts of my machine are here.
Pentious slithers over to a collection of boxes containing a bunch of weapons that are wheeled in by Odette and Clara.
Odette: *holds out clipboard* Sign, please.
Sir Pentious signs the clipboard while Clara wheels in the boxes.
Odette: Thank you for your business. Enjoy your Carmine purchase.
Odette and Clara walks out of the lobby as Sir Pentious takes the crate full of parts and weapons for his machine. As he slithers back, Vaggie realizes whom he's buying from.
Vaggie: Carmine? As in, Carmilla Carmine? You are buying parts from an overlord?
Pentious: Uh, of course. She's the top weapons dealer in Hell.
Vaggie: Okay, well that stops right now.
Vaggie takes Pentious' boxes away.
Pentious: Hey!
Vaggie: You absolutely cannot build weapons in this hotel. No one is trying to kill you. People are being nice because they want you to feel welcome.
Sir Pentious looks at Vaggie with a wry expression. He peeks over his machine to scowl at the other residents and workers. Husk was downing a bottle in the bar, who flips off Sir Pentious. Angel was standing near the bar on his phone and does the same. Niffty was dusting a corner of the wall and looks at him with a sinister-sounding giggle. Crystal was sipping some wine and happily waves to Pentious. Jesse was tuning his guitar and sipping a shot of liquor as he gives a thumbs up to Pentious.
Pentious: Hmm, I have my doubts.
Vaggie: Well, it's true. You have to trust us.
Pentious: But I don't.
Charlie: Well, why don't we focus on that for today's activities?
Vaggie: Not before we lay some ground rules. No more building weapons, no more plotting against other guests, and you need to get rid of these things.
Vaggie points at Egg Boys who were on the crate of weapons. Two Egg Boys were having a tug-of-war over a laser and accidentally set it off and blow a hole in the roof, much to Vaggie's frustration.
Vaggie: Oh! *points at the ceiling* What did I just say? What did I just say?
Pentious: What? Not my little egg boys. *hugs Egg Boys* They do my evil bidding for me!
Vaggie: Do you want to stay here and redeem yourself?
Pentious: *narrows eyes* Yes.
Vaggie: Then no more eggs.
Pentious: *with tears in his eyes* All right, eggies. You've got to go. I *sobs* can't keep you anymore!
Egg Boy: Okay, boss.
They all follow Vaggie as she wheels Pentious' boxes away.
Pentious: No, don't resist. This is how it has to be!
Sir Pentious begins crying as he watches his Egg Boys walking away. Charlie, looking awkward, pats his shoulder. We then cut to Alastor in his room, eating a deer carcass with a knife and fork while jazz music plays in the background. Suddenly, the jazz music stops with a record-scratching sound when Vaggie came by with the Egg Boys behind her.
Vaggie: Alastor!
Alastor: Do you mind? I'm in the middle of breakfast.
Vaggie: Pentious' eggs are all over the place, and I need you to get rid of them.
Alastor: *throws away knife and fork, stands up and summons microphone* Oh, well, in that case, I'd be delighted to!
Vaggie: Humanely!
Alastor: Hmm. Well, that's a lot less fun *eyes glow red and the x appears on his forehead*, but I suppose I can take care of that on my outing today. *walks out of the room*
Vaggie: Great! *looks at deer carcass* That looks disgusting.
Alastor heads down the stairs and stops near Jesse and Crystal.
Alastor: Jesse, I was heading out for a walk and I was hoping you could join me.
Jesse: Really? What for?
Alastor: Oh, nothing too crazy. I just thought that you'd want some time away from here. Crystal as well.
Jesse: *sets his guitar down* Well, I guess I could use a break. Especially from Niffty after last night.
Cut to a flashback of last night when Jesse was laying in bed until he stirs awake and freaks out at the sight of Niffty with a wide smile.
Niffty: Whatcha dreaming about?
Cut back to the present where Jesse shivers at the memory.
Jesse: Bloody hell, she needs to calm herself.
Crystal: I'll come along! I actually have a new dress I made that I wanted to try on.
Crystal runs upstairs to change.
Alastor: That she made?
Jesse: She occasionally makes new dresses. Everything she wears, she made herself.
Crystal comes back downstairs in her new outfit.
Crystal: *does a twirl* So, what do you think?
Alastor: My my, you look simply lovely!
Jesse: Rad, mate.
Crystal blushes and smiles.
Crystal: Thank you. Now, let us be off!
The three head out with the egg boys while the others start their training exercises.
Charlie: Hi, guys. Thanks for coming! It's been brought to our attention that there may be a little, tension in the hotel.
As Charlie explained, everyone is hating each other or on edge. Sir Pentious grabs Niffty with his tail and makes to shoot her with his ray gun, but Vaggie snatches it out of his hands before he can.
Vaggie: Tension that can be counterproductive to what we're trying to do here.
Charlie: We think that this group could really benefit from,
The background goes to yellow and Charlie and Vaggie go flying up into the air.
Charlie: Trust exercises!
Vaggie: Trust exercises. *begins falling* Ah, shit!
Vaggie falls on the floor as the yellow background cracks and breaks. Charlie pulls Vaggie to her feet.
Charlie: Vaggie, we rehearsed this. *sighs and looks to everyone else* We're doing trust exercises!
Husk: So, uh, what's with the whole, uhh, this? *gestures to the stage behind Charlie and Vaggie* I'm not about to put on some show for these fucking chumps.
Angel: Oh, I will *puts feet on Husk's legs*, but it's cash up front, and I know that one *points at Pentious* can't afford me.
Pentious: Gross! I'd never think of it, spider!
Vaggie: Right, well, let's get started. Charlie?
Charlie: Actually, I thought maybe you could take the lead on this one. I trust everyone, so maybe you know better on how to build it properly! *walks over to stand by Husk, Niffty, Pentious and Angel*
Vaggie: What? Uhh, I don't know if I'm qualified, uh...,
Charlie: Oh, come on. It'll be easy! I'm sure you can handle this.
Vaggie: Yeah, um, *looks at them. All of them are looking grumpy except for Charlie and Niffty* Sure, I can handle this. No problem.
Vaggie takes a deep breath and walks down one side of the stage.
Vaggie: *drill sergeant style* All, right, so we are starting with trust falls! Each of you are going to share something vulnerable with the group about yourself and then fall backwards, while the rest of the group catches you. Got it? Who wants to go first?
Charlie: *raises hand* Ooh, ooh, me me me! Me! Me! Me!
Vaggie: All right, get on up here.
Charlie runs past Vaggie and onto the stage.
Charlie: I, I love you guys. Like, really, really love you. *falls backwards*
Vaggie runs forward and catches Charlie.
Vaggie: Gotcha!
Charlie: That... felt... good! Angel, why don't you go next?
Angel: Fine. *walks onto the stage*
Vaggie: This time everyone needs to catch him, okay? Unless you want me to hurt you.
Vaggie takes out a spear as a means of discipline for the others to come closer to the stage.
Angel: Somethin' about myself, huh? How about this? I LOVE to suck-
Husk: I swear to fuck if you say dicks!
Angel: -popsicles, ya sicko! Get your mind outta the gutter!
Angel falls backwards. Husk catches him.
Angel: But, you know, dicks too!
Husk drops him.
Angel: *to Pentious* All, right, new guy, you're up.
The room goes dark and a melodramatic music plays. A spotlight shines on Pentious.
Pentious: I... don't want to live without my minions. Nobody catch me! *falls backwards*
Vaggie and Charlie catch him together.
Pentious: Damn it.
Vaggie: That's great. Wow, you are slimy. *drops Pentious* Okay, good job. Uh, Niffty?
Niffty runs past them onto the stage, giggling manically.
Niffty: Sometimes, I kill mother-bugs in front of their children as a warning to others!
Upon hearing this and seeing Niffty, the others were disturbed by her sadistic nature. Niffty flings herself off of the stage, but the others actively move out of the way to let her fall on the ground in the face. Despite that, Niffty seems to enjoy that.
Niffty: Yay! Pain!
Niffty, giggling, runs back onto the stage to jump off again. Charlie and Vaggie walk off to talk privately.
Charlie: I don't know if this is really working the way we'd hoped. Maybe we should-
Vaggie: Honey, you have to trust me here. I got this, okay? I'll figure something out.
Angel then shows up behind them.
Angel: If you're in the market for some ideas, I've got just the thing for some "trust buildin'".
Vaggie: *sighs* What do you have in mind?
We cut to a street in the city where Alastor, Jesse, and Crystal are seen walking with the Egg Boys following close behind.
Egg Boys: Oh, boy! What's the plan, boss? I like your suit! What are the antlers for? Can I touch your staff thing? Are those your ears or is it your hair? I can't tell!
Alastor's eye twitches as he walks down the street, a pained smile on his face. Jesse and Crystal whisper to each other.
Crystal: How did Pentious put up with these guys?
Jesse: I haven't a bloody clue.
Suddenly, a shadowy figure appears in front of them and reveals himself as the overlord, Zestial.
Zestial: Hark, Alastor. How fare thee this day?
Alastor makes a radio static sound effect, looking slightly scared. Crystal and Jesse jump a bit from surprise.
Egg Boy: Who's that, boss? Want me to rough him up for you?
Alastor: Follow in silence if you value your shell! *taps Egg Boy's shell with his cane before turning back to Zestial* Greetings, Zestial!
Zestial: Ah, the weather doth become this fine day.
As they walk, many demons cower at the sight of them both.
Alastor: Indeed, looks like we might have some acid rain this afternoon!
Zestial: If our luck doth hold! I do revel in the screams. *looks to Crystal and Jesse* And thee might not but beest Crystal and Jesse.
Crystal: *bows respectfully* It's a pleasure to meet you, sir. *smiles*
Zestial: The pleasure is all mineth.
Zestial takes her hand and kisses it politely. Crystal blushes in response.
Crystal: T-Thank you.
Jesse: *politely shakes his hand* Nice to meet you, mate.
Zestial: Of course. We has't hath heard about thee and thy friend here.
Jesse: Oh, is that bad or...?
Zestial: Nay, of course not. In fact, we has't been meaning to speaketh to thee two for some timeth Now.
Jesse: You mean, the overlords?
Zestial nods in response. Crystal gets really excited in response.
Crystal: Jesse, this is great! You're on your way to the top!
Jesse: Hehe, didn't think it'd be like this. But I guess all young rockstar's have small beginnings.
Zestial: Indeed. Anyway, How art thou Alastor? It has been an age since thou hath graced us with thy presence. Some hath spun wild tales of you falling to... holy arms.
Alastor: *laughs* Oh, I just took a well-earned sabbatical, nothing serious. Though it's fun to keep everyone on their toes! *laughs as a laughing sound effect plays from his microphone*
Zestial: *chuckles* There too hath been rumor of thy involvement with the princess and her recent flight of fancy. Tell me, *cloak flares open briefly* how dost thou fall in such folly?
Alastor: That is for me to know. But please, do guess, I'd love to know the theories!
Zestial: *chuckles* T'would be grander folly by far to assume the workings of your mind, Alastor. Thou hath been naught but an enigma since thy manifested in this realm!
Alastor: Coming from someone as ancient as you, I take that as quite the compliment!
They walk into an alleyway with a row of elevators heading up. As they pass by the camera, it glitches out when Alastor looks at it. As they get on the elevator, the Egg Boys attempt to follow, but Alastor blocks them with his cane.
Alastor: No, no. I have a very important task for you. Stay here and guard the front until I return.
The Egg Boys salute and the lift begins its ascent.
Egg Boy: Oh, look. Frank is up there.
He points to the elevator where one of the egg boys is seen knocking on the glass.
Another Egg Boy: We have names?
The elevator reaches the top, and the gang all step out. Crystal noticed Frank and picks him up.
Crystal: Hey little guy, need some company.
She hugs him which causes him to smile and fall asleep.
Jesse: Aww, how sweet.
The two jump when two more overlords step in, towering over them and walking past.
Jesse watched with amazement while Crystal looked nervous.
Crystal: Woah, these guys seem serious. Jesse, I'm a little nervous.
Jesse: Believe me, mate. I may not look it, but I'm nervous too.
???: Oh, hello there darlings!
The two turn around to see the overlord of Cannibal Town, Rosie.
Rosie: You two must be new here. *smiles with a smile of sharp teeth*
Crystal: Woah! I like your smile, it's like mine! *smiles*
Rosie: *giggles* Well you got to have teeth like mine with all the flesh you feast on. What's your name, little one?
Crystal: I'm Crystal. Though, I'm an imp. Not a cannibal sinner like you.
Rosie: Oh yes, I remember now! The Imp Sorceress that's been all the rage lately.
Crystal: That's me!
Rosie: You look so adorable, darling! Simply beautiful! Especially in that dress.
Crystal: Thank you, I made it myself.
Rosie: You certainly got talent, young lady. *towards Jesse* And you must be Jesse! My, you look simply handsome up close.
Jesse: Hehe, thanks Sheila. Though if you're trying to get with me, you've got competition with my girlfriend.
They all laugh as they step into the meeting room and sit with the others. They all sit down, and they here metallic sounding steps coming from the head of the group. Arms dealer, Carmilla Carmine.
Carmilla: Welcome, Hell's sovereign overlords. I've invited you all here because you represent the controlling powers of our city. Together, you own millions of souls. Souls at risk with the new extermination schedule. *pounds fist on table* We need to discuss what can be done to minimize the impact to our interest.
Zestial takes his seat.
Carmilla: Zestial, so good to see you, my friend.
Zestial: *summons teacup and saucer* Enchanted as always, Carmilla.
Carmilla: *notices Alastor* Alastor?
Alastor: Yes, I know I've been absent some time. I'm sure you've all been wondering!
Carmilla: ...Not really. But welcome back in any case.
Alastor narrows his eyes and looks offended in Carmilla's general direction. Carmilla then noticed Jesse and Crystal and smiles.
Carmilla: Jesse and Crystal, glad you could join us. I've been meaning to speak with you two.
Crystal: We know, Zestial was kind to inform us.
Jesse: Speaking of which, what's that all about?
Carmilla: Well as you know by now, we was your fight against Sir Pentious. The power was one thing, but the amount of respect you two have garnered is what has us. We thought about it and are thinking of letting you two join our ranks. Being an overlord has it's benefits. Respect among the community, plenty of resources, territory of your own, and potential allies. What do you two, think?
Crystal: That does sound pretty nice... Jesse, what do you think?
Jesse: I don't know. Don't get me wrong, its a rad offer. And would make us both respectable figure heads among the imps and hellhounds. But my intention was to rock and roll, bringing joy to demons across Hell. Like Queen Lilith once did. I never had intentions of becoming a leader of any sorts.
Crystal: And we do have other jobs. Especially me.
Jesse: Yeah, I don't know how she handles all those jobs.
Carmilla: Hmm, I understand. We'll be watching. And just know, the offer is always open. *smiles*
Crystal: Thank you for understanding.
Carmilla: *nods* Now, to the matter at hand. This year's Extermination was brutal, far more even than years past. We have assessed that about 16% of the population was lost *slide is projected onto the wall behind her* With the angelic legions now returning twice as quickly, I think it prudent we-
Suddenly she's interrupted by Velvette who bursts into the room and talking on the phone.
Velvette: Yes, I've got it handled, Vox. Are you doubting me? Really? Me? That's what I thought. *laughs* Yes, I know. They're all a joke.*laughs* Thank you, V. See you soon. Kisses, darling.*hangs up and sits down at the opposite end to Carmilla*
Carmilla: Nice of you to join us, Velvette. Will your... colleagues be joining?
Velvette: No, they have better shit to do than to listen to an old windbag who thinks she's tough shit. I'm here to represent.
Carmilla: Charming. So, as I was saying, we need to discuss-
Carmilla stops talking as Velvette waves her hand in the air.
Carmilla: Yes?
Velvette: On the subject of discussion...
Velvette takes out the head of an exorcist and throws it onto the table. The other overlords look at it and mutter to each other. Crystal and Jesse had shocked looks as well.
Crystal: What the?!
Jesse: Bloody Hell!
Zeezi: Holy shit!
Alastor: Oh! Tasty...
Carmilla: *narrows eyes* Where did you get this?
Velvette: We found it during Extermination day. If these Holy Rollers can be killed, the game has changed. *stands on top of table* We can take the fight to them. The boys and I have come up with a full assault plan--
Velvette stops talking and she and the other overlords look at Zestial, who is sipping his tea loudly and aggressively to drown out Velvette.
Zestial: If it be true thee and thy colleagues desire to war with such meagre proof, thou art far more... foolish than I bethought.
Velvette: *scoffs* Meagre proof? It's a dead fucking Exorcist. I'd say that's pretty fucking definitive. You going blind, old man?
Crystal: I'm with Zestial on this, Miss Velvette. We need more information.
Zestial: Precisely. We know not how this perished. Mayhaps t'was not by a demon's hand at all. If we rush to war without knowing, mightn't they purge all of Hell for daring an uprising?
The other overlords mutter in agreement. Velvette notices Carmilla's expression and smiles.
Velvette: Oh, I get it. So Grandpa is too pussy to fight, so I guess there's no point, right? *gets up in Zestial's face* Oh, what's the matter, Fossil? Too senile to make a real power grab for-
As the two glare at each other after the song ends, everyone else stares at the two until Alastor decides to break the silence.
Alastor: That was a productive meeting!
Velvette: Hm. Fine. Safe travels back to the nursing home, fuckers! *walks out the door* Kiss my arse! *peeks back in* Also, Crystal and Jesse. I'd like to have a word with you before you head back to that hotel. *slams the door*
Zeezi: *scoffs* What the hell? We literally just got here!
Odette: Mother?
The overlords all begin to get up and leave. All of them walk back towards the lift except for Carmilla, Odette, Clara and Zestial, who walk towards another room. Alastor notices this as he is walking towards the lifts. Crystal and Jesse stand with Alastor while Crystal sets Frank down.
Alastor: Hmm. Well that's interesting. *points at Frank with his cane* You, little egg creature. I have a job for you.
Frank: Oh. Yes, boss!
Alastor: Follow them!
Frank salutes and runs after the overlords who went into another room.
Alastor: Anyway, I'll be waiting outside for you two. Enjoy your talk with Velvette. *walks out the door.*
Crystal and Jesse nod to each other as they head to the hall. Once they head out, Velvette see's them and puts away her phone.
Velvette: Finally, glad you could make the time.
Jesse: So we finally meet, Velvette.
Velvette: Believe me, we've been waiting. I couldn't wait any longer myself, personally.
Crystal: I like your earrings. They're pretty cool.
Velvette: Yeah yeah, thanks darling.
Velvette then noticed Crystal's dress and starts quickly stepping around her, examining every detail.
Jesse: Um, the fuck you doing, mate?
Crystal: Hm?
Velvette: ....Did you make this?
Crystal: O-Oh! Yes I did! And the hat as well! Do you like it?
Velvette: Are you bloody serious? I fucking love it! It's simply beautiful, darling! The coloring, the accent's, the hat is just the cherry on top! This is summer fashion at its peak!
Crystal: O-Oh! Thank you! *smiles*
Jesse: Sounds like you found a new model.
Velvette: Model and designer! I am so taking you under my wing. No offense to my other employees, but they've been lacking so to say.
Crystal: Really?! I'd love to work with you! I love working with fabrics!
Velvette: The feeling is mutual, love.
Jesse: So, why'd you want to speak with us, sheila?
Velvette: Oh right, that! We've decided to hold a meeting that you're invited to.
Crystal: A meeting?
Velvette: Yes, a meeting. Did I fucking stutter?
Crystal: No.....
Velvette: Relax. Vox will let you know when we're free. Meet us at Vee Tower when that happens.
Crystal looks at Jesse who was deep in thought.
Jesse: ....Understood. We'll think about it.
Velvette: Very well, until then. Ta ta, kisses darlings!
Velvette takes the elevator down, leaving Jesse and Crystal alone. Crystal looks to Jesse.
Crystal: Jesse? Can you promise me two things?
Jesse: Of course, sister.
Crystal: One, please don't let Val near me in a bad way. He scares me.
Jesse: Oh, you didn't need me to promise that. I was gonna do that regardless.
Crystal: Good. And two, don't forget what Alastor said! "Don't forget where our loyalties lie." We need to be carful around the Vees. So please, promise me. That no matter what, we will stay friends.
Jesse: *nods* Of course! I've known you for two years now. No way am I gonna stop seeing you.
Crystal smiles and hugs him and he hugs back.
Crystal: Thanks, brother.
The two take the elevator down where Alastor was waiting.
Jesse: So, back to the hotel mate?
Alastor: Actually, you two can go on ahead. I'll be there soon.
The two shrug and head back to the hotel while Alastor stands there with the other Egg Boys. Meanwhile, back with the hotel crew, Charlie, Vaggie, and Angel were standing in the middle of a BDSM sex dungeon. Angel is looking satisfied with himself, Charlie is looking incredibly shocked, and Vaggie looks angry.
Vaggie: Angel! What the actual fuck?!
Angel: No activity requires more trust than BDSM, baby. No bond stronger than those formed through bondage! That's their motto!
Angel points to a poster on the wall, which does indeed read "No bond stronger than those formed through bondage".
Charlie: Angel, love the enthusiasm. But, umm, uh, hmmm,
Vaggie: What makes you think anyone would be into this?
Husk: You know, I, I don't hate this. *chuckles*
They look over to Husk who was purring and getting a back massage. Niffty zooms into frame wearing a dominatrix outfit and wielding a riding crop.
Niffty: I'm ready to punish some bad boys! *giggles*
Husk: *gets up* ...Never mind, I-I'm out!
A demon with snake hair comes up behind Charlie and starts giving her a massage. Other demons begin coming towards Charlie and rubbing themselves against her.
Charlie: Okay, hello there. Hi. Um. Hm. Hm.
Vaggie pulls Charlie away from the other demons.
Vaggie: Ugh! I can't fucking believe I let you drag us here, Angel. This is disgusting.
Charlie: It's no big deal, Vaggie. You know, maybe I can just help, uh-
Vaggie: No. I told you you could trust me, and I'm not going to let you down. *walks away from Charlie* I just need to teach them, the way I was taught...
As she said this, Vaggie smiles with excitement when she has the perfect trust exercise for all of them. The scene changes to the group standing on a rooftop with half-destroyed buildings all around them. Everyone was shocked that the exercise has taken them to a live turf war battlefield with guns blazing in the background, demons screaming, and explosions booming.
Charlie: *shouting over the other demons' screaming* THIS IS HOW YOU LEARNED TO TRUST PEOPLE?!
Vaggie: *drill sergeant style* There is nothing stronger than the trust between comrades in arms. Buckle up, buttercups, because today you boys become men!
There is a loud explosion in the background, sending shockwaves that sways Vaggie's hair with a satisfying smile. Vaggie advances on Pentious.
Vaggie: You, *picks up Pentious*
Pentious: Wait, wait! I can't fight without my minions-
Vaggie: Are gonna survive together!
Vaggie throws Sir Pentious off the building before turning to Angel Dust.
Vaggie: And you,
Angel: D-don't you even think about it-
Vaggie: are gonna make this hotel work!
Vaggie picks up Angel and tosses him off next.
Niffty bounces next to Vaggie, her arms raised with excitement., and psychotically smiling with anticipation.
Niffty: My turn, my turn!
Vaggie picks up Niffty as Husk goes back into the inside of the building, not wanting to get involved and realizing how far this exercise has gone. Vaggie makes to throw Niffty, but Charlie snatches her up before she can.
Charlie: Vaggie! No!
Vaggie: This is the only way they'll learn, Charlie.
Charlie: No, it's not. *puts down Niffty* There are other ways. It just takes time!
As Charlie talks to Vaggie, Niffty looks back at Charlie, asking to be lifted. When Charlie ignores her, Niffty jumps off of the building herself. In the off-screen background, Pentious, Angel, and Niffty are being heard fighting against hordes of demons.
Vaggie: Time we don't have! How many Exterminations will have gone by before these idiots get their shit together? How many times will we have to watch your people be killed before we make headway? *turns away from Charlie*
Charlie: Vaggie,
Vaggie: I took charge today and it all went sideways. I'm supposed to make your dreams a reality. I'm supposed to protect you. *takes Charlie by the shoulders* I'm supposed to never fail you. *goes back to the edge of the rooftop*
Angel: *in the background* I BLAME YOU FOR THIS, YOU CRAZY BITCH!
Charlie: You didn't fail me. Vaggie, you're not-you're not-
Vaggie: If I can't help you, what's the point of me?
Charlie: *gasps* Vaggie, don't say that! You do so much! It's-
Vaggie: I'm sorry. I'd... I'd like to be alone for a minute.
As Charlie walks to the other side of the rooftop, an exhausted Angel comes out of the door, carrying a battered, but intact Sir Pentious, before he throws him onto the roof.
Angel: Made it!
Charlie: *walks to door* Let's go home, guys.
Angel: Ugh! I just walked up all those stairs!
As Angel pulls Sir Pentious back down the stairs, Vaggie stays on the rooftop by herself, looking at all the destroyed buildings around her. The scene changes to show Carmilla, Odette, Clara and Zestial all in a room together, with Frank spying on them from behind a pot plant. Carmilla mutters in Spanish as she pours herself a drink, before beginning to down the bottle instead of the glass she poured for herself.
Zestial: Carmilla, what troubles thou? Losing thy composure is unlike thee.
Carmilla: *sighs* It's nothing, Zestial, really.
Zestial: The felled angel... t'was by thy hand, was it not?
Carmilla: Let's not talk about it.
Clara: Mom, maybe he should know.
Carmilla: Nobody should know. I did what I had to do. I am not discussing this.
Zestial lays his hand on her shoulder, before singing in a soulful tone.
Back with Alastor, we see him waiting for Frank while the other Egg Boys rummage through the trach bin. The elevator door rings, and Frank walks out. He's bout to join the others when Alastor stops him.
Alastor: So, what did you hear?
Frank: First, the old guy w-was all, "Y-you're not yourself. You're the one who killed the angel," a-a-and, she was all , "♪ Whatever it takes ♪"
Alastor: And then what was the last thing?
Frank: She killed the angel?
Alastor: Interesting. Lets keep this between us Shall we?
Frank: *unfazed* You got it, boss!
Frank salutes to Alastor. Back at the hotel, Charlie looks down after a disastrous trust exercise. Vaggie came on the balcony to see her.
Vaggie: *waves* Hey.
Charlie: *waves* Hey.
Vaggie: *sighs* I'm sorry I got so crazy today.
Charlie: *grabs Vaggie's hand* No, no, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I put pressure on you. We work as a team. I guess I just thought all this would be easier, but, we'll figure it out, together. I mean, look what your exercise did for them.
They look down to Angel, Pentious, and Niffty laughing amongst themselves after one crazy battle against the demons in a turf war.
Angel: *laughs* And then, when that buff guy started beating the shit outta you!
Pentious: *laughs* Yes, and with the dismembered arm, *laughs* Yes, that was... particularly unpleasant. *dejected*
Niffty: *giggles* I liked that part *giggles*
Husk: Well... hey, at least you can take a beating like a champ. *comes over and pats him* You did okay, new kid.
Pentious: ...Really? Oh well, I suppose I did get into a little of the old, rough and tumble today. *laughs* And uh, thank you for pulling me out of there.
Everyone laughs with enjoyment, but Niffty slightly ruins the moment when by continuously laughing manically, causing the other three to stop and witness her insanity. Jesse and Crystal walk in and smile at the sight of everyone enjoying themselves.
Jesse: What happened to you, lot? Its like you got back from a rock concert.
Angel: Eh, just a rough time that helped us bond, Red.
Crystal: Well that's good! I'll go make dinner! *rushes to the kitchen*
Pentious: By the way, Jesse. Please don't get mad, but I did upgrade your instrument in a way.
Jesse: What kind of upgrade are we talking, mate?
Pentious: *hands him the guitar* Simply hold it by the two necks, slide vertically, and pull.
Jesse looked at him confused but does as he said. As a result, the guitar splits in half and an axe blade pops out of each bases side.
Jesse: Woah!
Pentious: A little something to put your enemies on edge. What do you think?
Jesse: This is metal as fuck!
Jesse twirls the two axe blades and takes a few stances with them.
Jesse: Thanks, mate.
Pentious: I was hoping you'd like it.
Vaggie: Well, how about that?
The front door opens, and Alastor enters the hotel with the Egg Boys tailing behind him. Vaggie notices them and calls out to Alastor.
Vaggie: Alastor. failed to get rid of the eggs, I see.
Alastor: Yes, well, the little monsters prove to be rather useful.
Vaggie: Why don't you give them back to Pentious.
Upon hearing this, Pentious gets teary when Vaggie is allowing him to keep his minions.
Pentious: *teary* Really?
Vaggie: Yeah. After today, I guess I can trust you with them. But seriously, no more weapons.
Pentious gets emotionally and slithers down to hug his Egg Boys as Alastor walks away.
Pentious: Ahhh! My eggs! Yay. Ah, it's so good to have you back. *drops the Egg Boys* Now, go clean my quarters this instant!
At his command, the Egg Boys immediately scatters away as Charlie and Vaggie watched them leave.
Charlie: Maybe, things 'll move fast than you think.
At the end of the day, Pentious is seen getting ready for bed in his room with his Egg Boys in tow and pajamas.
Pentious: Ah! How was your day with Alastor, my minions?
Frank: It was awesome boss, I went to this meeting and there was a knife lady, an old guy, and a dinosaur, and the nice imp lady held me to keep me safe!
Pentious: Mmm, that's nice.
Frank: And the knife lady killed an angel! And I... was not supposed to talk about it.
Pentious: Oh, I'm so sure and maybe you'll meet Martians tomorrow, but now is time for sleep. Good Night Eggies.
The Egg Boys roll over to Sir Pentious and cuddle together as Frank yawns to sleep.
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