
I shoot the TV with CROW-1.

Millie: Nice shot Pup!

Y/N: Thanks Mills. Give me another Mox-Mox.

Moxxie sweeps the flaming debris off the sand and puts another TV on. He switches it on to show the 666 News logo.

Y/N: Next channel.

He switches the channel and cringes back in case I shoot. This channel has a scantily dressed Betty Boop with massive milkers and a pitchfork bouncing. I just do a next motion with my gun. 


Y/N: As much as I wanna shoot it, I loved Looney Tunes too much growing up. I'll let this one slide.

Moxxie switches the channel to one of those depressing ones about saving puppies. I shot that one cause I NEVER liked those things, especially the ones that had "Amazing Grace" playing in the background.

Millie: You're on a roll Y/N!

Millie gives me a rewarding kiss on the cheek, making Moxxie cutely pout. Loona was sleeping but a piece of debris from the TV hit her, making her wake up. Her cup fell over due to the entire area shaking.

Loona: Guys... do you feel that?

Blitzø: Oh shit! Is that a hellshake?

Y/N: Should've been called a Hellquake.

Moxxie: That's possible?

Millie: Alright! Don't panic, Moxxie!

Millie grabs his arms to "calm" him down, which makes his tail stiffen in surprise.

Moxxie: I'm not-

Moxie holds up finger quotes to emphasize his point.

Moxxie:- "panicking," because hellquakes don't happen.

Loona sharts shaking Moxxie...


...before she bitch slapped him into the wall. He gets crushed by a mass of black tentacles crashing through the wall. This weird supervillain looking motherfucker uses two tentacles to hoist himself through the hole he made. This....made me and Loona get on all fours and growl at him like we're fucking attack dogs....which we kinda are at this point. Like do you know how many bastards we've mauled when they broke in or hurt the Imps?



Man: Do not be afraid!

Blitzø: Please tell me you got that insurance thing.

He grins as he extends his tentacles, making me do that biting growl you see wolves do.

Y/N: Start talking or I'm gonna bite those fuck sticks off!

Man: I am Loopty Goopty!

He does a loop-de-loop with his tentacles and ends up on the other side of the room with us.

Loopty: Dastardly inventor of all things loopy and loopiiiiiish!

Loona: Coulda just used the door, dude. Doesn't need to be this whole thing.

He gets a little too close to Loona, making me growl. Fuck me I'm a dog at heart.

Loopty: I am eccentric and must therefore do eccentric SHIT!

Blitzø: Ugh! This old fuck reeks of the living world. Did you just die?

He does this weird ass dance. When he stops, Blitzø smells him and cringes.

Loopty: YEEEEES! Moments ago, in fact! Which is what brought me HEEEERE!

Loona was just tapping away on her phone and I decided to be nosey. She's scrolling through Sinstagram, specifically Ethan's posts of us at Ravewater.

Loona: Just sayin'... the front door would've gotten you here fine.

Loopty: Shut up, dear furry!

Loona and I growl in anger. He takes out a picture of some potato looking ass guy with a big nose in a hospital bed.

Loopy: This is the man I'm gonna need you to kiiiill!

Blitzø: Not even a shit's length of time in Hell and already plotting revenge. I can respect a man with that sort of passion! I'm Blitzø, the "O" is silent.

Loona gives me a kiss and a little ass-on-crotch action before she just walks away, not being paid enough to deal with this shit. Blitzø just shakes the confused guy's hand.

Loopty: What "o"?

Blitzø: Aww, thank you. Now, what's the tea, sis?

Loopty: The TEAAAA?!

Y/N: He means what's the wire on the guy you want zotzed?

Loopty makes an "oh" face. What? 20s slang is pretty cool and I think he understands that better than modern slang. Hell, even I don't understand it sometimes.

(A/N: Fun fact, it took me about 4 months to figure out what Rizz is. This was before I FINALLY got TikTok)

Moxxie: LOSING... OX--!

Loopty: He was... my business partner! You see, I was not always an old man!

Loopty goes on this dramatic rant about how he was "betrayed" by his business partner, Lyle.

Y/N: Hate to break it to ya pal, but that's not really evil. He just seems lucky is all.

Loopty: It's evil towards meeee! Now, get your crimson asses up above and send that heartless, no-good son of a bitch to Hell, where he belongs!

Y/N: I'm black.

Moxxie: Everything... is going... dark--

Blitzø: Eh, y- y- y- You do know, Poopty–

Loopty: Looooptyyyy!

Y/N: He'll just be down here with you for the rest of your eternal damnation. Seems counterintuitive going with logic. 

Loopty: Oh, trust me...

Loopty summons a whole ass armory from his back: a pistol, a rifle, a fucking MISSILE LAUNCHER, and a circular saw.

Loopty: I'm counting on it.

Moxxie: That's kinda hot!

I should help him before he dies.

Me and the Imps were on a tour bus. I was in my human form while they just threw on wigs and disguises. Fuck Millie looks good in hers. Then again, she looks good in just about anything.

Tour Guide: And to your right is the home of famous inventor, Lyle Lipton!

The crowd "oohs" and takes pictures with their cameras and phones. Me and the Imps jump off and get our weapons out: Blitzø grabs his flintlock, Moxxie gets his assault rifle, Millie gets her dual swords, and I get BALROG III. We hop the fence and land in badass poses, me and Millie smiling like feral predators.

Y/N: Let's waste this old bastard!

Tour Guide: And here you'll find four tacky stalkers about to attempt a murder! Things like this could happen to famous people all the time!

We sneak to the window and get a good look at the guy. He's in a hospital bed with an IV in his arm. A heart monitor sat on a shelf next to the IV bag and a TV sat on his right. Lyle holds a framed picture and looks at it sadly.

Y/N: Damn...he looks worse than the picture. Maybe killing him won't be a bad thing, he'll suffer otherwise.

Moxxie: I...I agree. The machine really did a number on him.

Lyle kissed a picture frame and ran his finger over it lovingly. Damn, I didn't think the guy had a special woman in his life, brutal. Lyle then puts the frame down and grabs the tube from his IV bag and begins tying it.

Y/N: Oh shit he's doing the job for us.

Lyle finished tying the noose, tightening the knot.

Moxxie: Should we go and help him?

We chow down on popcorn as we watch Lyle put the noose around his neck. The noose suddenly glows white and a pulse erupts, sending all of us flying back and blowing away Blitzø's sock-cat puppet. I adjust my eyes to the close-ranged flashbang to see a bunch of...oh shit.

Y/N: It's ugly orphan children!

Blitzø: Who the fuck are they?

Moxxie: Oh, no! Sir, those are...

Cletus: Cherubs, Mr. Lyle!

Lyle: I hate filthy, stinking orphan children!

Collin: We're here to convince you not to kill yourself, sir. To grant you a blessing, on behalf of those in Heaven... benefited by your amazing... technological advances.

Blitzø: Oh, HEEEELL no!

Blitzø tries to shoot the window but I beat him to the punch by kicking it in. He jumped through the second one though....

Blitzø: Don't listen–

....but he miscalculated where the floor was and ate it big time. Moxxie was the only civilized one of us and used the door with Millie peeking.

Moxxie: Lyle Lipton, it is our–

Moxxie glances at Blitzø before looking back at Lyle.

Moxxie: ...humble opinion that you should continue the process to commit die.

Y/N: So chop chop with the emo kid impression!

Millie: I mean, what do you expect to do with all this money now you're old... and gross?

Y/N: I mean hookers will do anything for the right price and this old, limp-dick, shriveled nutsack.

Keenie: Are you serious?

Keenie moves his bedsheets to reveal his wallet, which Cletus takes and shows to emphasize her point.

Y/N: Me PERSONALLY, I wouldn't let my band-for-band champion worthy wallet get swiped by some baby back bitch Cherubs, but that's just me.

Keenie: He can help spread his wealth around with the people of the world! And do so much good with it! And be so fulfilled!

Lyle: Nnnooo!

Bro said that like a pouty child. Keenie grabs the wallet from Cletus and throws the money into the air.

Y/N: AND you letting them make it rain with your money, going out sad Lyle. You should kill yourself dawg.

Keenie: Stop bullying him!

Collin: He could pay for new hospitals and schools!

Lyle: Why won't you let me die?

Y/N: SEE, he wants to die! So let me bust a cap in his white flabby ass!

Cletus: Killing is wrong no matter what!

Y/N: So the Crusades and Inquisitions were wrong?

The Cherubs are speechless that I'd bring up one of MANY dark spots in Christianity.

Y/N: Gotcha bitch!

Blitzø: Whether killing is wrong or right, sounds like ya need help offin' yourself there, buddy. Moxxie, what do we got for this fella?

Moxxie names all of the weapons he brought while throwing them to Lyle and Blitzø, who catch a few. 

Moxxie: I have some assault weapons, crossbow, hunting bow, Tommy gun, old-fashioned shotgun, revolvers in three colors, chainsaws, katanas–

Collin: He's classier than that!

Blitzø: You're right. Y/N, show him the executive treatment.

Y/N: I got two pistols, one of which is fat as fuck; 2 submachine guns, 2 assault rifles, 2 machine guns, 2 gauntlets, one that explodes and one that's hydraulic powered; and 2 automatic shotguns. If you don't want those, I can turn into a wolf and maul you, burn you to death, shock you to death, peck your brain out as a giant crow, make a shit ton of crows go inside you Mortal Kombat style, or drown you while you watch me swim in my mermaid form so you can go out with a beautiful show.

Lyle: Oh...that mermaid option sounds quite ni-

Collin: There are still plenty of reasons to live, Mr. Lyle!

Millie: Yeah right. Smells like he ain't been out of bed in months!

Millie sniffs Lyle before getting sicker than a dog and throwing up on the floor. Moxxie pats her back in worry.

Cletus: Life can be beautiful at any age!

Keenie: And we'll show him!

Cletus, Collin, and Keenie: Yeah!

Blitzø, Moxxie, Millie, and Y/N: NOOOOO–!

The baby back bitch Cherubs take Lyle to a hill overlooking a forest and a lake. It's admittedly a nice place for a picnic.

Cletus: Look around, Lyle. God's gift of nature is a wonder to behold, regardless of age! Or wealth!

Collin: If you were to end your life, you'd be missing aaaaaall of this!

We all appear in various costumes. I opted for a lumberjack while Blitzø was a tiger. M&M however.....

....let's just say we were in the bushes for a GOOD while. 

Blitzø: Mm-hm. You're gonna buy that load of shit from a baby and the sheep it fucks?

Blitzø makes a suggestive gesture with his fingers, indicating sex. Keenie covers her mouth and gasps, Collin blankly stares in disbelief, and Cletus gives a disappointed look.

Keenie: That is so inappropriate!

Y/N: Suck my left nut you baby back bitches.

Millie: Kiss our ass prude!

Millie flips a double bird. I take Moxxie into the woods, making him look scaroused. Blitzø shoves Lyle aside in the face and sits next to him.

Blitzø: Aaaanyway, take it from me, a fellow genius. Nature is no picnic up close.

3rd pov
Blitzø gives Lyle a pair of binoculars, letting him see an adorable group of bunnies and squirrels. The critters are torn apart by a pack of wolves.

Lyle: Ohhhh, noooo!

Collin tries to take the binoculars away, but Lyle keeps an iron grip despite his old age

Collin: S-Stop looking!

Lyle: I CAN'T stop! I've never wanted to die more than I do now!

A bear swats the wolf to the ground and goes for the kill, but it gets crushed by a tree felled by a lumberjack. A beehive falls on the lumberjack's head, making him throw his chainsaw in the air to get it off. The chainsaw comes back down and cuts both of the man's arms off. He screams in agony before his body is skewered from behind by the antlers of a charging stag. Lyle and Collin look in horror as does Blitzø before becoming smug. 

Y/N and a wobbling Moxxie come out of the woods, confusing Cletus.

Cletus: Where did you two come from?

Y/N: What kind of question is that? I was making this pussy purr.

To add emphasis, Y/N picks Moxxie up and uses his tail, which he morphed into one like an Imp, to spread Moxxie's ass to show the Cherubs the white substance dripping from his ass. Moxxie blushes and tries to cover himself, but Y/N's tail was long enough to spread his ass while tying his wrists.

Keenie: Why are you people so inappropriate?!

Collin just faints and Cletus covers his mouth in horror. 

Scene change
Lyle's hospital bed was smashed through the wall of a mall courtesy of Cletus.

Lyle: Oh, Lord! Where are we now?! Let me perish!

Keenie: We're here to show you another thing life is worth living for: childhood wonderment!

Keenie motions to a crowd of cheering children, one of which is sitting on a Mall Santa's lap.

Lyle: Why... look at those sweet, disease-ridden vermin. Th- Their joy comes from innocence, unspoiled by the burdens of adulthood... and their middle-class existence! Such simple joy they have. It is inspiring. Thank you for showing me this.

Collin smiles but Lyle's moment of realization is ruined by the I.M.P employees.

Blitzø: Hey dipshits!

The Cherubs and Lyle look to see the I.M.P employees in Christmas themed outfits. Blitzø was an elf, Moxxie was a grumpy reindeer, Y/N was a sexy reindeer (no shirt and reindeer antlers), and Millie was a sexy elf. 

Y/N picks up Millie and leaves with her. 10 minutes later, he comes back with a dripping wet Millie.

Y/N: Sorry boss, I had to stuff Millie's stocking.

Blitzø: I don't really care where you cum in the living world. Those baby bitch Cherubs get all Christian mom on you so fuck all you want. You wanna do the honors?

Y/N: Sure. Hey kiddies, wanna see whose lap you're sittin' on?

Y/N rips off the Mall Santa's outfit to show a Gnome-looking man with a pink #Cuties" shirt and underwear. He makes a Gnome noise that scares all of the children and makes Lyle cry like a baby. Collin and Keenie cover his eyes as Cletus pushes him out of the mall.


Y/N: Call me Chris Hansen cause-

Blitzø: 'Cause the booty warrior's coming for ya?

Y/N: No! Because I caught the predator!

Scene change
Lyle was in his bed next to a crude wooden sign that said "L♡VERS' LOOKOUT" with "I guess..." written under it.


Cletus: Lovers' Lookout, sir! We're here to remind you about possibly life's greatest joy of all!

Lyle: Money!

Collin: No! Love.

Lyle: I've never been in love before. I imagine it's quite nice!

Collin: It's not too late, sir! You can still find–

The Imps come wearing drag outfits.

Y/N is wearing a pair of jeans, black Converse, and a red letterman jacket. The jacket is open to show he's shirtless. Y/N's hair was messy and his face and neck were covered in black kiss marks courtesy of M&M. They also had a certain white substance dripping down their lips.

Y/N: Moxxie why do you pull off women's clothes better than men's clothes?

Blitzo: HA! Nice try, ugly.

Blitzø pulls out a megaphone and yells into it.

Blitzø: Hey horny lovers, who wants to FUCK this hunk right here?!

The cars beep their horns, people get out and cheer, it's just all around horny pandemonium. Though not as much as his first Spring Break as a demon.

Blitzø: Now who wants to FUCK this old man?!

All of the cars speed off, leaving Lyle dejected and deflated. An angry Collin gets in Blitzø's face on the verge of crying.

Collin: You know, you three are so utterly c-c-cruel! We're just trying to give hope to someone in need!

Moxxie: Oh... and you three are so superior to us just because WE want some selfish, greedy, authoritarian capitalist to keel over DEAD!

Moxxie holds up his hands for emphasis. Blitzø takes out a spray bottle labeled "Piss" and adjusts the nozzle.

Blitzø: You're makin' things too real now, Moxxie.

Blitzø sprays Moxxie, making him hiss. 

Scene change
The Cherubs took Lyle, who was wearing a bowtie with his hospital gown, to an opera show. They watch a woman dressed as a Viking with a unicorn for a lower half. Behind her is a well-dressed man playing piano. The Cherubs were all well-dressed for the event themselves.

Cletus: Behold! The wonder of art and music! Somethin' always there to comfort... entertain... and live for!

On the catwalk, the I.M.P team was watching the show from above. Blitzø shakes his tail and ass like a cat would.

Y/N: I'm confused. If it's a Viking singing, why does she have a unicorn? That's two different cultures.

Millie: I don't know but how do we make this bad?

Moxxie: We can't. There's literally nothing bad about opera. That's fact.

Blitzø turned to Millie, shaking his ass in Moxxie's face.
(Yes I screenshotted this because Moxxie's face is priceless.)

(You know what......meme)

Blitzø: Unless we ruin it somehow! Y/N, go for it!

With a mischievous grin, Y/N grabs the spotlight and moves it. Everytime he does, the singer stops to move, only for the light to move away from her.

Lyle: She's not very good.

Y/N laughs as he moves the light away faster, like a cat owner and a laser pointer. The Cherubs and Lyle look in suspicion as Y/N aggressively wiggles the light. He and the Imps gasp as it breaks off and falls towards the dancer, who hits her high note before getting crushed by the light. The audience screams as they get splattered in blood, but the pianist nervously swallows and keeps playing.

Blitzø: Well, at least we made it bad.

Y/N: A little scarring for life puts hair on your chest. 

The Cherubs angrily fly towards the I.M.P team.

Cletus: THAT'S IT! I HAVE HAD IT! You three monsters have messed with us enough!

Collin: D'ooh, we're just trying to do our j-j-job!

Moxxie: Well, so are we!

Y/N: Yeah! Now calm down before you need your diaper changed.


Cletus and co. summon golden crossbows, impressing Y/N. He wants one.

Cletus: We are saving that shitty old man's life, whether he wants it or not!

Blitzø: Well, someone wants that fucker dead, m'kay? And he paid in advance, and I spent it all on this...

Blitzø reaches into his coat and pulls out a jewel-encrusted green horse figure wearing sunglasses and a "MARE-AJUANA" cap.

Y/N: Really?

Blitzø: ...so he's gotta go!

Keenie flies into Blitzø's face.

Keenie: You all are such disgusting, loathsome beasts! Your kind is nothing but dirt that shitty dead people tread on! And now, you're trying to meddle with the lives of HUMANS?!

Millie pushed Blitzø aside to defend him and yell at Keenie. She held him and he just sat there awkwardly.

Millie: So are you! So why don't you shut your trap, you judgmental-

Millie pulls Keenie by her necklace and snaps it back

Millie: -cotton candy, tit-havin' BITCH?!


Cletus points at Y/N, who was laughing the entire time.

Y/N: Nothing nothing...it's just forcing someone to do something because you think it's right is such a Christian thing to do. Hell even Muslims were nicer than Christians and people see them as terrorists! The Jews just stay in the cut, so props to them. 

He looks at the 4th wall.

Y/N: No seriously. Back in....post Christianity ancient times, the Muslims allowed the people of areas they conquered to keep practicing their religion or convert to Islam. That's why during the Civil Rights movement in America, blacks converted to Islam because of how accepting the religion is.

Cletus flies into Y/N's face, seething in anger. The hybrid, however, is relatively unfazed and struggles to keep his laughter in.

Cletus: I've had it up to HERE with you! You're not even a REAL demon you're even worse! You were a human who had a chance to repent and get into heaven, but you decided to spit in our lord and savior's face! Your heathen ways even attracted the curse of a Pagan, but you AND whoever kept you from the path of the lord deserve to burn for all eternity!

Y/N looks down and growls, fire licking his body. The Cherubs go from scornful and angry to fearful in a matter of seconds. The Hellhound looks up at Cletus with nothing but bloody murder.

Y/N: I am SICK and TIRED of people telling me I deserve bad things because I "strayed from the path of the Lord"! Well fuck YOU, fuck your RELIGION, fuck your BELIEFS, fuck your SALVATION, and fuck your AFTERLIFE!

Y/N summons BALROG and CROW I with malicious intent.

Y/N: And NO ONE, not even you BABY BACK BITCH MADE KIDDIE DIDDLING SUPPORTING CHERUBS, talks about the man that took me in! RRRRRREEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

Y/N shoots a fleeing Cletus and jumps off the catwalk after him.


Keenie tackled Millie, ensuing an intense fight. The piano player plays music to set the mood. While Keenie and Millie have a catfight, Collin and Cletus, who somehow escaped Y/N's wrath, start shooting at Moxxie and Blitzø. While Keenie and Millie fall off the catwalk, Moxxie jumps off and swings on a rope. He aimed his pistol at Keenie but decided to fire at a sandbag rope, making it slam into Keenie. He saves Millie and swings away just in time to dodge Collin, who was carrying Keenie while shooting her crossbow. Millie and Moxxie stare at each other lustfully and start making out before Millie takes out two guns and shoots while spinning in a circle. Y/N was having a gunfight with Cletus, who tried to run away because he ditched BALROG and CROW I for BALROG and CROW III, a pair of submachine guns he can use with one hand each. Cletus' dodging and M&M's lustful shooting cause a multitude of people to die, not that they care. It is during the carnage that Lyle has an epiphany.

Lyle: It's all starting to make sense now! Life is worth living because we only get one! We must cherish it! If creatures far beyond this living world are going through these lengths over my life, then certainly it's worth living! Killing myself is not the answer! Plus... I'm still rich! I can just buy all the things! 

Lyle pulls out two wads of cash in triumph, a big smile on his face.


The audience cheers for Lyle's declaration. Blitzø was running across the scaffolding from Cletus, who managed to escape Y/N by somehow successfully shooting him with a bolt in the shoulder. He jumps onto a piece of scaffolding suspended by a rope and goes to shoot Cletus, only to discover his gun is empty. Cursing himself, he throws his flintlock at a surprised Cletus.

Cletus: Oof! You fucker!

Cletus recklessly shoots his crossbow, severing the robe on the scaffolding. The rope not only held up Blitzø's scaffolding, but it was also the rope Moxxie and Millie were swinging from. The Imps and scaffolding fall onto the stage where a floorboard cartoonishly bends due to the pianist and his instrument being on the other side. The pianist sees this and takes his stool off the board before jumping off himself, sending the piano flying through the air. The Imps and Cherubs watch as the piano flies towards Lyle. He screams like a girl and moves to avoid the piano, but the piano cartoonishly changes course and crushes Lyle after being moved by a crow. it is then that Y/N comes out from nowhere laughing.

Blitzø: Good job Y/N!

Y/N: Thanks boss.

Moxxie: Well, well. Would'ya looook at that? You... did our job... for us. Heh!

Millie smirks and gives the cherubs two middle fingers.

Y/N: He's right. The baby bitch shot the rope and made them fall, gravity just did the rest.

Collin: Ohhhh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my Gooood!

Keenie grabbed Collin by his shirt and slapped him a few times.

Keenie: Get a hold of yourself, Collin! And do NOT use the Lord's name in VAIN!

Y/N breaks the fourth wall again.

Y/N: Here's something to think about, Jesus and Jehova are fake names. The letter J wasn't invented until 1524. Hebrew stuff that used the letter J had the "yuh" (letter y) sound. So how can you give something a name when all of the letters aren't there?

Cletus: THIS... ISN'T OVER!

Keenie makes a portal for them to return to Heaven. They fly in...only to be immediately ejected after. In their confusion, they see a group of Cherubs descend, two sheep and two bees. In the middle of them is a deer Cherub. 

Deerie: Mmm, yeah, no, sorry, Cletus, but I'm afraid your actions resulted in the death of a human. I'm afraid you can't re-enter Heaven. Yeaaaah, noooo...

Y/N: I've only heard her say one sentence and I already hate her...

Cletus, Collin, & Keenie: WHAT?!?!

Deerie: Yeaaaah, mmmmm, sorry! Yeaaaah, no...

She said this in a condescending tone, making Y/N even more annoyed.

Collin: Is there... anything we can do?!

Deerie files her hoof.

Deerie: Yeaaaah, nooo! (chuckles) Noooo, no, no.

Keenie: Bu- But, we didn't mean to! We'd never! It was all–

She points to I.M.P, only to see that they've disappeared. 

With I.M.P
Blitzø: Welp, the old man wanted to live again and we didn't kill him, so we failed. Thanks to those fuckin' cherubs, he's probably up in Heaven now, so... It's a shame. All our client wanted was eternal revenge on his business partner. And now the two are forever separated, and now we gotta face the fire of fuckin' up.

Y/N: So what are we gonna tell Loopty?

Blitzø: Oh, I already sent him a text, and... we're in good hands, 'cause texts don't make people angry.

Blitzø holds up his phone, revealing the message in question. Loopty made it clear they'll die if they fail, but Blitzø sent "sorry" with a plethora of emojis. Moxie worriedly looks at the wall and moves just in time to dodge a metal escalator.


Loopty descends the elevator with a smile and his hands behind his back.

Blitzø: Loofaaaaa! We can explain everything. I was–

A second escalator crashes through the wall and crushes Moxxie. A now demonic Lyle Lipton descends.


Blitzø and Millie: LYLE LIPTON?!

Millie: I don't understand. We thought you went to Heaven.

Y/N: Heav-Millie, they fucking experimented on the poor! If he can get into Heaven cause of that then how come I'm down here?

Millie: Oh...good point puppy.

Loopty: Thank you for reuniting me with my best friend!

Lyle: The only question now is what do two old genius robotic inventors do now that we're in Hell?

On cue, Wally Wackford crashes through the ceiling.

Wally: Did someone say, I say, inventors?! Name's Wally Wackford, and I am lookin' for creative new people to exploi- I mean, employyyyy~

Blitzø: Everyone, STOP FUCKIN' UP MY WALLS! Moxxie's gonna have to fix all this shit!

Y/N, Millie, and Loona look at a trapped Moxxie, who was frothing out the mouth as he groaned in agony.

Blitzø: Oh, chill out, Moxxie. If you kiss my ass any harder, you'll go right inside me. Satan's balls! First we deal with Heaven's table scraps, now this?

Wally: I guess... you can say, you say, you have a... holey operation here, Blitzo!

Wally laughs as Lyle and Loopty scratch themselves awkwardly. Y/N just looks around, trying to avoid eye contact. Blitzø, however, was unamused by the joke.

Blitzø: Get out.

Wally continues laughing, doubling over onto the floor. Lyle and Loopty glance at each other awkwardly while Y/N nuzzles Millie, who he was holding.

Wally: Oh! I say, oh!

Blitzo: No, I'm serious. Get the FUCK OUT!

Everyone looks surprised at Blitzø's sudden burst of rage. Y/N and Millie look at the readers with a smile.

Y/N and Millie: THAT'S ALL FOLKS!


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