CHAPTER 9: Doodlebob's last stand. (part 1)
We see a portal open up as Kai, Felicity, Leela, the Maximals (In vehicle mode) & I.M.P went through and arrive at the front of the Goetia Palace, which (OBVIOUS to any fans) is Huge to Kai & his friend's eyes at seeing it for the first time
Blitz then looked at the humans & Maximals
Blitz: ok everyone, just stay here. It'll only be about 5 minutes.
Felicity crossed her arms with a angry pout
Felicity: (mumbles) that's what my mom said when she left me at that liquor store for 5 days.
Then Kai placed his hand on her shoulder, which made her smile as they see Blitz barge through the door and went inside
Stolas: (off-screen) Blitzy?!
Leela sighed in embarrassment at knowing it's not going to end well
Kai: we're F***ed.
Then they see the maximals transform into robot mode as Moxxie sees Optimus Primal accidentally step in the waters of a fancy looking fountain, then Millie & the human teens notice them causing a mess too
Moxxie: (fearful eyes) wha?! Optimus get out of the fountain!!
Primal got out of the fountain
Optimus Primal: sorry.
Millie: no no no no no, Cheetor!!! watch the plants!!!
She yelled in a scared way at seeing Cheetor accidentally step on some plants
Cheetor: my bad!!!
Kai: (sigh) this is really going to be a disaster when this Stolas comes out here.
Felicity & Leela nod in agreement, and then...
Everyone turns and sees Stolas & Octavia with shocked eyes at seeing their plants (Fountain included) being damaged/destroyed by the Maximals, who are also shocked at seeing Stolas & Octavia as the two then notice the humans & M&M
Leela: Moxxie did it.
She blamed at said imp while pointing at him
Moxxie: WHAT!!??
He screamed in shock, then they see both stolas & Octavia have stern looks in their eyes
Octavia: going on? Why are you humans in hell?
Stolas: and what are these robots doing here making a mess in my garden?
They both asked sternly, then blitz ran up in front of the goetias
Blitz: Stolas, Just let me explain why we're here. And you can trust the humans & the maximals, they're friends.
Dinobot scoffed and crossed his upper servos (arms)
Dinobot: allies is the preferred term I use.
Blitz glared at him and then looked back at the goetias as he and Optimus Primal explain everything
Stolas & Octavia were informed about the maximals being alien robots from a planet called cybertron & are from the future and were flung into the past 4 million years ago, which calmed down after hearing that from both Blitz & Primal.
But then they were caught off guard when they were also told that their enemies, the Predacons, also came here with them. Then Stolas & Octavia became the Maximals' new allies so they can fight Megatron & his predacons if they find a way to enter any of Hell's rings.... IF Megatron has any plans to conquer it and change history and stuff like that
But then they were caught off guard even more on WHY the maximals & their allies came to Stolas & his daughter when Rupture showed them footage of Doodlebob coming to life, which shocked Octavia to her very soul
Then as Rupture asked stolas if he had a erasing spell that can defeat doodlebob, Stolas answered ''Yes'' to the maximal mechanic as he smiled and the two start working together to build & program the doodblebob erasing weapon (which is just a giant metal pencil with the erasing spell programmed into it)
And now were here with the humans, I.M.P, Goetias & Maximals searching for Doodlebob
Rattrap: ok, where could that doodle-butt possibly be?!
Then Cheetor noticed something offscreen
Cheetor: maybe he's in that poorly drawn pineapple house.
(Ignore the flowers in the background, and pretend theirs grass instead of sand)
Kai: come on, girls. Let's go.
Leela just hid in a bush while shaking fearfully
Leela: (whispers) I'm not going in there.
Then Kai & Felicity went in the bush with Leela
Kai: don't worry Leela. Me and Felicity are with you.
Felicity: yeah. Let's get that poorly drawn bastard.
Then they stood up (while inside the bush) and started walking while I.M.P, Stolas & Octavia, even the maximals stood watching them head towards doodlebob's doodle-house
Rattrap: I bet 50 shanex on something anti-climatic will happen to them.
Cheetor: I bet it will go smoothly.
Then as Kai, Felicity & Leela were getting close to doodlebob's house, what they didn't expect was that Doodlebob prepared a trap for them, which was a hidden pit because it was camouflaged, a pit that Kai & the girls fell in while screaming and crash onto the bottom while groaning in pain
Felicity: (groans) yeah, I should've seen that coming.
Doodlebob: Me a-hoy, minay.
The teens looked up and see Doodlebob, who is holding Dinobot's sword
Doodlebob: me oy noy menoy ay ee un mamoy
Kai & Felicity stood up with stern looks
Felicity glared at doodlebob, then looked at Leela, who is laying on the ground
Felicity: come on, Leela, help me and Kai give us a boost.
Leela: (deadpan) can we just stay in here where it's safe?
Kai: no, you and Rupture were the ones who brought him to life by accident, and now it's our job to fix it.
Leela: ugh, fine.
Then as they climbed up to the top, they see doodlebob grab a grenade (of which he stole back at the Axalon) and threw it into the ditch, which made the humans widen their eyes in shock & fear as they hear the grenade beep repeatedly
Kai: oh my GOD, RUN!!!!!
They climbed out and ran far away from the ditch as the grenade blew up, creating a pillar of smoke until it died down, then they see Blitz & the others have shocked looks on their faces after seeing Doodlebob throw that grenade in the ditch
Stolas: wow, you were right about Doodlebob and for coming to me and my daughter earlier today, he really needs to be stopped.
Optimus Prime: (sternly) no matter the cost.
Then they hear & see doodlebob scream while raising Dinobot's sword like a tuskan raider until he ran away
Doodlebob: me a hoy, minoy.
Then he continued speaking his gibberish while running away as The Maximals & their allies gave chase to the sentient drawing, but what they didn't know is that Tarantulas was watching the whole thing while he was in his dirt bike mode, then he transformed into his robot mode as his mandibles made a smirky look
Tarantulas: (chuckles) interesting.
Then he contacted megatron
Megatron: (comms) what is it Tarantulas? Did you find anything to report?
Tarantulas: oh I did, Megatron... I did.
He said as his mandibles smirked sinisterly
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