[The scene opens up with a city shot that pans down on Imp City. Yelling can be heard in the background. Loona can be seen reading a magazine called "IMP GOSSIP" with Verosika Mayday on the front page and drinking out of a glass bottle. She places the bottle on an open page of Stolas's grimoire and rolls off the table. The page of the book glows and creates a portal to the human world. A tree falls through the portal, along with a severed head. Moxxie peers out of the fallen tree, carrying a chainsaw followed by Mason holding a weed wacker that's dripping with blood. Blitzo walks into the office with Y/N by his side.]
Blitzo: Woo, that was a fuck ton of lumberjacks!
Y/N: Yeah, I'm still picking some blood out of my teeth. (Picks his teeth with his claws)
Mason: (Grabs some guts off of him and drops it on the floor.)
[Millie crawls across the floor, with an axe between her teeth. Anna comes in holding a lumberjack head and having a crazed smile on her face. ]
Anna: Hell Yeah!
Millie: I'm still so jazzed up!! (High fives Anna.)
Moxxie: Well you better stay jazzed, (Points finger guns] Babe, because guess where I'm taking you tonight?
Blitzo: Don't you dare finish a filthy pun in my presence Moxxie. Besides, drinks are on me tonight. Let's hit up the new dive down the street.
Moxxie: Actually sir, it's our one-year marriage anniversary. So I'm taking Millie to Ozzie's in the Lust Ring!
[Millie's eyes sparkle and she squeals in delight.]
Millie: [gasps] Ozzie's?! No way! That place is always booked!
Moxxie: Yeah, well I've been planning it for quite a while.
Millie: Moxxie!
[She jumps into Moxxie's arms and kisses his face before they both start French kissing and making out. Blitzo rolls his eyes.]
Blitzo: (Turns to Y/N and Loona)
Blitzo: The two of us tonight! How 'bout it?
Y/N: Oh. Sorry, Uncle. But it's my six-month anniversary with Loona, Verosika, and Octavia and I wanted to do something special for them. (Turns to Loona) Babe, close your eyes.
Loona: Fine. (Closes her eyes.)
Y/N: Now open them.
(Loona opens her eyes and they widen when they see a diamond choker necklace.)
Loona: How did you-this must've cost you a fortune!
Y/N: Yeah, I had to take some solo assassin jobs, But it was definitely worth it.
(Loona looks at Y/N with love and lust in her eyes.)
Loona: You sweet wolf~
Blitzo: (Sighs and looks at Mason) What are you guys tell me, that you're going on a date? (Chuckes, but than see's Mason smile nervously.) Oh, come on!!!
Mason: Well, I got me and Anna tickets to see that new movie that came out yesterday and knew she really wanted to see it.
Anna: (Gasp) Oh, Mason!~ (Grabs his face)
(Blitzo looks at all the PDA around him and groans in disgust.)
Blitzo: Ugh. Can...can you guys not?
Moxxie: I'm sorry sir. Maybe another time?
Blitzo: No, it's fine! I-I can come with the two of you, help you celebrate your boring as fuck monogamy.
Moxxie: Uh no. The reservation is for us.
Blitzo: Uh huh.
Moxxie: Just us.
Blitzo: Mhm.
Moxxie: Without you there. Explicitly without you there.
Blitzo: I wear something nice. It's a big deal after all. [hugs Moxxie and Millie tightly.] See you lovebugs later!
[He whistles on his way out. Moxxie growls.]
Millie: Relax sweetie, don't let him get to you today. Let's just go home and clean this blood off.
[She drags her finger down from Moxxie's chest and makes a seductive purring sound. They walk offscreen.}
Blitzo: So, everyone is going out tonight,...but me.
Mason: Well, how about you go out?
Blitzo: By myself?
Loona: No, dumbass, he means go out on a date.
Blitzo: What?!
Y/N: Yeah, I mean don't you think it's time you get back in the saddle. Seriously, (Points at Mason) Mason got a girl-friend before you and that's just sad.
Blitzo: (Growls)
Anna: Why don't you just ask Stolas?
Blitzo: Are you kidding me? There is no way in HELL I would go out with the dick sucking bird!
Y/N: (Picks up Loona Bridal style and begins to walk out of the office with Mason and Anna following behind.) Alright if you say so. Well, I gotta go Verosika says she's taking me somewhere for out anniversary.
[The scene cuts to Hell's version of a subway.]
Intercom: Elevator 666 departing for Lust [in seductive tone] in 5 minutes.
[Moxxie fixes his bowtie, Millie walks on screen. They both walk off together and Blitzo peers from on the other side of a pillar. Millie and Moxxie sit down in a waiting area as Blitzo spies on them behind a newspaper and calls Loona.]
Loona: [voicemail] Yeah it's Loona. Whoever you are, go for it.
Blitzo: Hey Loonie, just wanted to let you know I'm not gonna be back home until real late. I got something important tonight.
[Blitzo ends the voicemail and smirks. The scene cuts to Y/N and Verosika who is taking Y/N to Ozzie's for their anniversary.)
Y/N Suit:
Y/N: Wow, you're really taking me to Ozzie's. You really go all out when it comes to anniversary.
Verosika: You're worth it baby. (Kisses his cheek)
(After being waved through by the bouncer, they're greeted by none other than the Prince of Lust himself: Asmodeus.)
Verosika: (Cheerfully) Ozzie!
Asmodeus: Verosika, my dear! Lovely to see you again.
(He leans down towards the two and gives her a professional kiss on the cheek.)
Verosika: Ozzie, this is my boyfriend. Y/N L/N.
Asmodeus: Well, Verosika has told me a lot about you and handling three girls. Not bad.
Y/N: (Chuckles) Thanks.
Asmodeus: (to a Hostess) Please, escort this lovely couple to one of our best tables. And give them a complimentary bottle of our finest champagne!
[The scene cuts to several flickering neon signs. Then it zooms out to the outside of Ozzie's and cuts to Moxxie and Millie walking inside the building. Blitzo attempts to walk inside but the bouncer Jesse pulls him aside.]
Jesse: Woah there, buddy. Got a reservation?
Blitzo: Oh yeah. I'm with those two.
Jesse: This club is for couples only.
Blitzo: It's what?
Jesse: No date, no reservation, no entry.
[Blitzo looks up and down]
Blitzo: ...Y-you know, [bats eyes] you have really nice eyes, daddy?
[He gets thrown into the lid of a dumpster, then shut inside. Blitzo pops up out of the trash.]
Blitzo: You fucking prude! [Flips him off.]
[He gets out and lies down on top of trash bags. He crosses his arms and smiles after he remembers what Anna.]
[It cuts to Stolas pouring milk into his cereal. He groans as it shows him sitting at an empty table. He carries his bowl to a couch and covers himself with a blanket. Stolas turns on the TV to "Hell-a-Novela" and slumps down.]
Gabriella: Why won't you love me Alejandro?
Stolas: That's a mood, Gabriella. [Eats spoon of cereal]
[The telephone rings. Smoke comes out and says "Blitzy is calling". Stolas realizes and scrambles over to the phone, spilling his bowl and getting stuck in his blanket in the process.]
Stolas: Helloo? Hello Blitzy!
Blitzo: Stolas, hey you-uh, shit... you busy tonight?
Stolas: Umm, why do you ask?
Blitzo: I was wondering if you... wanna come with me to a club tonight?
Stolas: Are you asking me on a date, Blitzy? [blushing]
Blitzo: I-yes, I suppose that is what's happening. How fast can you get down to Lust?
Stolas: I can be ready in 20.
Blitzo: All right, fantastic. See you soon.
Stolas: I'll see you Blitzy~
[Stolas pulls out an outfit, transitioning to him putting on eyeliner, looking in the mirror. He turns around and puts on blush. It switches over to Blitzo pacing back and forth on a street.]
Blitzo: Come on, come on, come on...
[Stolas arrives and steps through a glowing portal behind Blitzo.]
Stolas: Oh Blitzy, I'm here~
[A spotlight appears on Blitzo.]
Blitzo: Wow. That's a bit overkill, don't ya think?
Stolas: [chuckles] W-well I-I just wanted to look a little nicer for you. This is our first real date after all.
[They both walk off together, holding hands.]
Blitzo: Oh yeah, I guess this is, huh.
Jesse: You again? Beat it, shithead-
Stolas: Ahem, do we have a problem?
Jesse: ...Oh uh, shit-uh my apologies your highness. Uh, please go right in.
[Stolas and Blitzo enter Ozzie's. Blitzo pops out behind the curtain and flips off the bouncer before going back inside.]
(Cut to the inside of Ozzie's where Y/N and Verosika, are being seated when the former encounters his parents .)
Y/N: Hey, mom and dad!
Millie: (See's Y/N and Verosika) Oh, hey sweetie!
Moxxie: What are you two doing here?
Y/N: Verosika brought me here for anniversary.
Millie: Awww, that's so sweet!
Y/N: Well, we won't intrude we're gonna hed back to our table.
[Verosika and Y/N head back to their table and sit down while waving at Moxxie and Millie.]
Y/N: By the way Verosika, I wanted to give you something.
Verosiak: Oh, really~
Y/N: Yeah, I always want you to have a piece of the love of feel for next to your heart. So.....(Pulls out necklace)
Y/N: Ta-Da!
Verosika: (Gasps with a blush as Y/N puts it around her neck.)
Y/N: So, what do you think?
Verosika: I'll give you a hint~ (Pounces on Y/N and starts to make out with him)
[Cut to Blitzo and Stolas entering Ozzie's and finding a table]
Stolas: (Gasps) Oh, MY! Oh no; no, but yes! Oh, Blitz, how romantic is this? What made you choose such a place to bring me?
Blitzo: [pulls out a pair of binoculars] Oh, it just sounded like- I just thought we'd have a blast here, you know? [Blitzo eventually finds Millie and Moxxie] gotcha!
Stolas: Oh, Blitz. What are you looking at?
Blitzo: [doesn't turn around] I'm looking at nothing; how about that?
[A waitress named Crane comes over to their table]
Crane: Can I get you two off- I mean, start you two off with some drinks?
Stolas: Yes! Um, perhaps some wine to share; do you prefer red wine or white, Blitz? Or perhaps some champagne?
Blitzo: [still not turning around] Yeah, whatever.
Stolas: [nervously chuckles] Well, perhaps all three. Why not? So Blitz, how was your day?
Blitzo: [finally looks at Stolas] Huh? Oh, good I guess. We killed a bunch of beardos
Stolas: THAT sounds fun! How did you kill them?
Blitzo: How? I-I-I mean, there was a lot of them, so I-bullets.
Stolas: Right, right... so, what made you decide to ask me out after all this time?
Blitzo: Uhhhhhhhhhh
[music starts playing and several dancers descend from the ceiling]
Fizzarolli: Ladies and gentlemen! I see some sexy faces around here tonight! [descends from the center stage] Welcome, welcome, to Ozzie's: Lust ring's number 1 place for all kinds of sick twisted fantasies. Put on display for all you 'Sleaze' and 'Sleazettes'. The gem joint of Asmodeus himself! C'mon, give him some LOVE!
Stolas: Did he just say 'Asmodeus'?
Blitzo: Oh, no fucking way. Not HIM! [hides behind a menu]
Fizzarolli: I am the one and only Fizzarolli. Some of you may recognize this dashing clown face from my numerous toy botic replicas across the rings of Hell. Gloriously designed by the big man himself and [rolls up a sleeve] ribbed for your pleasure tonight. We have a great lineup for you tonight: Verosika Mayday (She quickly stands up and waves to the crowd), Wet Dream, and 'The Squirters'!
Fizzarolli: But as everyone's warming up, I got a funny one for y'all: did any of you hear about the bat-shittery that happened at Loo Loo Land? [audience laughs] Ha ha ha, oh yeah, oh wow. I'll tell you what: I'd sure love to shake the hand of the crazy son of a bitch who decided to burn down that off brand shithole and then slap a fat subpoena in it, 'cause I am VERY MUCH looking to sue! [Both Stolas and Blitzo look away]
Y/N: (Chuckles Nervously) Oh, boy. (Hides behind his menu)
Fizzarolli: That robo me made us more money entertaining those kids than the ones we sell to get you freaks off, if you know what I mean. [giggles maniacally]
Random Fizzarolli Fanboy: Oh, I know what you mean! I have four of them!
Fizzarolli: (Uncomfortably) Okay, keep that guy FAR away from me. SO, without wasting any more time, our little opening act is a fresh one! Coming at us from a little imp from the Wrath ring, give it up for Moxxie... with no creative stage name whatsoever.
[The audience applauds, as Moxxie gets up with his guitar before kissing Millie on the cheek. Fizzarolli moves from his spot to another, as Moxxie takes the stage.]
Moxxie: Hello everyone -- [feedback from the microphone] Oh! [clears throat] Hi, thank you for letting me be here. It's an honor to play.
Wally Wackford: [off-screen] [drunk] Uh, hurry up, Bullet, and uh, SING, boy! I say, I say--
Moxxie: This song is for my beautiful wife, a surprise for our first anniversary. [Cut to Millie with a happy look on her face] I love you Millie. [Moxxie starts strumming his guitar as he begins to sing his song.]
(Pause at 2:43)
Blitzo: Hey, now. I've watched those two pork many times.
Moxxie: What?!
You stand up from your table.
Y/N/Moxxie: Uncle/?!?!Blitzo?!?!
Blitzo: And honestly, they make missionary look...relatively exciting. And that's not even taking into account the kinda shit Y/N gets up to when he does it with my daughter.
(Y/N bangs his head on his table in frustration.)
Y/N:: ...God... damn it... Blitzo...
(Continue the video till the end.)
Y/N: (Smiles at his parents love.)
Verosika: Oh, and Blitzo (O is pronounced).
(Verosika sits on Y/N's lap and shows off her necklace to the audience while slowly grinding on him.)
Verosika: For future reference, this is a real man.
(Verosika reaches her arms behind Y/N's head and pulls him into a heated make out session while he caresses her body.)
(They soon separate.)
Verosika: You could've had all of this, but you waste it.
(She gives you a love hickey, which you return with a love bite. Blitzo looks guilty and turns to leave with Stolas but Y/N stops him.)
Y/N: Blitzo...
(Blitzo turns and sees Y/N standing menacingly and glaring at him.)
Y/N: ...We need to talk.
Blitzo: (Nervous chuckle) What did you want to talk about, nephew?
Y/N: Oh...I don't know. How about the fact that you were (demonic voice) completely out of line tonight?!
(Y/N gestures towards Moxxie, Millie, and Verosika who are all glaring at him.)
Y/N: How many times did we tell you that you weren't invited to this?
Blitzo: A...a lot.
Y/N: You know, I was really looking forward to tonight. To show my first girlfriend how much I love and appreciate her for doing this. I'm sure Mom and Dad were too.
(Moxxie and Millie both nod.)
Y/N: You couldn't even grant us one quiet night out. Instead, you selfishly tried to insert yourself and used poor Stolas as an excuse to what? To fucking stalk us?! You know, this kind of behavior is not what an uncle does.
Blitzo: I-I...I'm sorry, Y/N. Really.
Y/N: Look me in the eyes and say that.
(Blitzo tries to look up and apologize, but he can't find the words and just looks back down somberly.)
Y/N: (Scoffs) You can't even do that.
Y/N: To be honest..I really thought you learned something about the way you treat people after we were captured by DHORKS.
(Blitzo looks at the ground with a guilty expression.)
Y/N: You may be my boss...but don't expect me to call you Uncle anymore.
(Blitzo glances up at Y/N, looking genuinely upset, while Y/N only returns it with a glare. Stolas walks up to Blitzo while summoning a portal to the outside of the club. He glances back at Y/N.)
Y/N: You deserve better. Tell Octavia I said "Hi" and give her this for me. (Tosses him a box with diamond necklace inside.)
(Y/N sit back down next to Verosika and rubs his temples while she puts a comforting hand on his shoulder.)
Y/N: Sorry I brought our date to a halt, but it was time someone called Blitzo out on his shit.
Verosika: Me of all people should know.
Verosika: Besides (Leans into Y/N's ear) It was pretty hot~ (licks his ear which makes him blush.)
Asmodeus: Well, wasn't that something, folks? You know...I guess we could allow one sappy love song from the guy who told off that loser. If you're up for it, that is.
Fizzarolli hands you a microphone.
Y/N: Alright.
(Y/N gets up on stage while Verosika, Moxxie, and Millie cheer.)
Y/N: This one goes out to a beautiful and kind demon that took me here to night.
(Y/N looks at Verosika with love in his eyes.)
Y/N: I love you Verosika.
(Verosika looks at him with tears of happiness brimming out of her eyes.)
I love you too much
To live without you loving me back
I love you too much
Heaven's my witness and this is a fact
I know I belong
When I sing this song
There's love above love and it's ours
'Cause I love you too much
I live for your touch
I whisper your name night after night
I love you too much
There's only one feeling and I know its right
I know I belong
When I sing this song
There's love above love and it's ours
'Cause I love you too much
Heaven knows your name, I've been praying
To have you come here by my side
Without you a part of me is missing
Just to make you my whole I will fight
I know I belong
When I sing this song
There's love above love and it's ours
Cause I love you too much
I love you too much
I love you too much
Heaven's my witness and this is a fact
You live in my soul
Your heart is my goal
There's love above love and its mine 'cause I love you
There's love above love and it's yours 'cause I love you
There's love above love and it's ours if you love me as much
(After the song, Y/N hears a single person clapping, who reveals himself to be Asmodeus. He and Fizzarolli then stand up, followed by everyone else, giving him a large standing ovation. Verosika jumps up from her seat and leaps into Y/N's arms as they kiss passionately.)
[Cut to the outside of Stolas's castle, Blitzo drives Stolas back to his place, who bumps his head getting out of the van.]
Stolas: Thank you, for... inviting me out tonight. Despite everything that's happened, I... I enjoyed spending time with you.
Blitzo: [irritated look] Yeah.
Stolas: You know, I have some more wine in the house. Octavia's with her mother this weekend, so we could--
Blitzo: I'm not fucking you tonight, okay? I'm really just -- [sighs] I'm really not in the mood, Stolas.
Stolas: We could talk, or... watch a movie, or... maybe cuddle?
Blitzo: Stolas, don't act like what we have is anything but you wanting me to fuck you, okay? You make that really clear all the time. [voice breaking] But I just, I-I can't do it tonight, okay? [Both Stolas and Blitzo look at each other with sad looks on their faces.] I'm sorry.
Stolas: Okay. [sighs] Goodnight, Blitz.
Blitzo: Night.
[Blitzo drives away from the castle, leaving Stolas all by himself, shedding a tear, and sitting in front of his staircase, feeling some form of regret.]
[Cut to Blitzo, sighing and walking into his apartment. His shadow is seen past a wall of various photos of his coworkers. Blitz is scribbled out in all of the photos he is in. He attempts to knock on Loona's door, despite the warning signs, and finds a note taped on the door that says, "Tex invited me to a party, B back late, Don't wait up!" Blitzo, disappointed again, slumps onto his couch, pulls out his phone, and looks at various photos of himself. He comes across a picture of him and Stolas cuddling, swipes to a picture of him drinking bubble tea with Moxxie and Millie, then swipes to a photo of him with Moxxie joining I.M.P., swiping to a photo to when he first adopted Loona, then swipes to a photo with him and Verosika. He swipes to a picture of him and Y/N in a drinking contest which causes him to shed a tear. He than swipes a picture of him holding up Mason while the latter tries snipe a person in his house. Eventually, he swipes to photos of his younger self with a younger Fizzarolli (whose skin color and head tattoo is similar to that of Blitzo's. And finally, Blitzo stops scrolling when he gets to a photo with him and his sister and mother. This causes him to curl up and cry into a pillow.]
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!
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