Special: Chupacabras!

Fang got word of another mission one that doesn't involve a crazy demon stalker in which he thanked Satan that he used his powers to erase the stalkers memories to forget all about him so that Loona doesn't have to get her paws dirty. Blitz told him, Moxxie, and Millie that they were going to Mexico to kill a wacky nut job who is talking about myths and fairly tales in which a victim who was shot to death blamed the man known as Gerardo Velazquez who thought the victim was Chupacabra. Fang uses his ring to open a portal to the location of where to find the creep.

Fang: We arrived.

Blitz: Great Fang. All right seems like this place is nice and remote. Won't take us too long to...

Bump!(Blitz gets bumped by a slow walking goat)

Blitz: WHAT THE F.....

Fang: What do you know we have guest? A whole bunch of them.


Blitz: What the fuck are these things?!

Moxxie: I wanna say these are earth goats, sir.

Fang: Goats are quite well known in Mexico and there is a lot of them.

Small Goat: BAAAAA!

A small goat hops onto Fang's shoulder. The Hellwolf looks over his shoulder and sees the small black goat standing on his shoulder, Fang smiled and gave the little goat a pat on the head.

Millie: Awww! It looks like that one likes you Fang.

Fang: Mhm.

Blitz: I don't care how great they are, they are IN.MY.WAY!

Fang: Did you just kicked a goat?

Blitz: He was in my way! As a matter of fact a lot of them are in my way.

Soon Blitz along with Moxxie and Millie started to beat up and kill the goats while Fang shakes his head at how stupid the imps are doing while the little goat looks at the scene in confusion.

Small Goat: Baaa?

Fang: Yea I know same here. But thats how they are. You will get used to it.

While the imps were killing the goats around them, inside the small house Gerardo heard a nose coming from outside and looked to see what was the commotion about.

Gerardo(Spanish): Que esta passando?! Que carajo?!

Translation: What's going on?! What the hell?!

Moxxie: Nice! Easy..easy goats! Easy!

Fang(Facepalm): Sigh...guys they are just goats, the more you kill them, the more they are going to annoy you and get in your way geez.

Small Goat: Baaaa!

Fang: Yea I know they are idiots.

Gerardo looks upon his goats being killed by the imps in which he gasped in horror and shock thinking that the imps were Chupacabras and while Fang on the other hand was a Hombre-Lobo, thats werewolf in Spanish.

Gerardo(Spanish): El Chupacabras! GASP! Hombre-Lobo!


Gerardo took out his shot gun and starting to shoot and the imps and HellWolf but the bullets did nothing to Fang however the imps on the other hand were in trouble. Blitz comes out of the dead bodies of goats and heard the gun shots.

Blitz: Shit! Scatter!

The imps began to scatter except for Fang who just simply just encore the gun shots and just kept on giving the small goat some attention which the little cutie enjoyed the pets from the HellWolf. Blitz ran while firing his gun and hopped on a slow moving goat.

Blitz: Run you stretched asshole!

Goat: Baa...(The goat collapse due the weight)

Blitz: DAMMIT!!!! ARGH?!!! What the? All right who the fuck threw a shoe at me?

Fang: I Believe it was that woman over there Blitz.

Wife(Spanish): Pendejo que te voy a arrancar la cabeza la Chupacabra de mierda esta...

Translation: You idiot, I'm gonna tear your fucking head off piece of shit Chupacabra!

Blitz: Argh?! Ay caramba, he brought the big guns. Come on gang, we lost the element of surprise, let's just get 'em tomorrow.

Fang: And whose fault was that. Geez this is like the second time already.

Moxxie: You got it, sir. Let's go Millie.

Blitz: Fang open a portal back home!

Fang: Yea sure whatever. Sorry little guy got to go.(Fang saids and put down the small goat)

Small Goat: Baaa!

Fang: Is it like this everyday? Uh...pretty much though this is the second time Blitz failed another mission and I had to take care of it myself.


Fang opens up a portal and soon both him along with Millie and Moxxie entered the portal while Blitz was behind them while also getting shot by Gerardo. Blitz went nuts and started to shoot everything in site.

Blitz's random firing hit a broken down tracker next to a container filled with gasoline but the shots didn't cause the whole thing to explode until the gun shots hit an out-house and that got the whole area blown up with goats flying all over the place.

Moxxie: How does an out-house explode?

Millie: We may never know honey, we may never know.

Fang: Here comes Blitz, and I think he is going to make it.

Blitz jumps and tries to get to the portal before it closes until he gets hit with a falling flamed goat and the imp went unconscious. The portal then closes.

Fang: And...he got hit with goat that was on fire.

Moxxie: What do we do?

Fang: Sigh...I will go save his ass tomorrow morning. Honestly the shit he pulls each time we are on a mission, I mean really.

The next day on earth, Blitz was starting to get his consciousness back after that failed attempt to get back to Hell. He woke up and found himself wearing some ridiculous costume. He then looked outside and saw that he was in a cage as well as being surrounded by people and Gerardo giving out a speech.

Blitz: Mmm, eughh. What the...F?!!!

Gerardo(Spanish): Vengan todos! Senoras y Senores! Pasenle, pasenle! Vengan a ver un Autentico Chupacabra!

Translation: Come on, come all! Ladies and gentlemen! Step right up, step right up! Come and see an Authentic Chupacabra!

Gerardo: Only a hundred pesos! To see a real chupacabra caught by ME last night.

Blitz: A chupa what?! Look buddy, I'll have you know that I am a dignified..

Gerardo: No hablo ingles.

Blitz: What? You were just speaking...(Blitz didn't finish as Gerardo shoved a stuff animal into the imps mouth)

Gerardo: Everyone! Watch this monstruo suck the blood from the goat!

Crowd: Oooh!

Blitz: Bleh! Urgh! Look asshole! The only sucking I do is on cocks...

Blitz: Bleh! Not that kind! Pussies...

Blitz: FUCK! Dammit I'm doing a bit! And cloacas, ah....Now if you don't mind I...


Blitz stopped and went to find his gun but looked to see Gerardo outside the cage spinning the imps guns while smirking.

Blitz: Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuk me.

Blitz the looks to see what looks like a weird looking taco van but it wasn't because out came two people who thought to be dead were known other than Agents 1 and 2. On how they survived well after the explosion of their entire base along with their men, both Agents were managed to escape the explosion before the whole DHORKS went up in flames and destroyed all evidence of the demons they encountered.

Blitz: Oh shit not these fucking assholes again. Wait didn't they get blown up after Fang destroyed their stupid base?(Blitz saids in thought)

Agent 2: Alright. We gotta secure the scene. We heard that there's a real "chupacabra" here?

Gerardo: Yes, over here! Hundred pesos please.

Agent 1: Senor, we are with the government or used to be...

Agent 2: I can't believe the government shut us down! What did we do wrong?

Agent 1: Not the time, anyway senor we are here to see this so called chupacabra.

Gerardo: Hundred, pensos.

Agent 1:Right. So uhhh...how much is that?

Agent 2: Five dollars and sixty nine cents.

Agent 1: Uhh, you have any cash on you?

Agent 2: Who has cash anymore?

Agent 1: You paid the tip with cash at brunch the other day.

Agent 2: Yea, that's all I had since we lost all of the money back at DHORKS. Why don't you pay him? I bought us the coffee this morning.

Agent 1: Are you really pulling that card in front of this fine man and his fine goats?

Small goat: Baaaa!

Unknown to the two idiot agents Fang arrived back to the location and looked to see Blitz in a cage dressed in a weird costume but also seeing the same agents that he thought he killed months ago.

Fang: Are you kidding me right now? I thought I dealt with those assholes already. Looks like I not only have to save Blitz but also finish dealing with these DHORKS.

Small goat: Baaa!

Fang: Hm? Oh hey there little guy good to see you again. Say I got something to ask of you. I know my dickhead boss and his imp buddies killed some of your goat friends but you think you can get him out for me. Saving his ass is getting too boring.

Small goat: Baaa!

Fang: You want sugar cubes, well its a good thing I have some right. There you go little buddy.(Fang saids and gives the goat small sugar)

Small goat: Baaa!

Fang: Thanks little guy, you help Blitz and I will deal with the agents, I have a bone to pick with them anyway.

Agent 1: Sooo, can you take caaard, or...

Small goat: BAAA!

The small goat leaped up and hits Agent 1's dick that caused the man utter pain to his balls.

Agent 1: AAAH?!! Ffff-uck, you stupid goat!


Small goat: Baaa.


Gerardo pulls out Blitz's gun and aims it at the two agents who aimed their weapons at Gerardo and asked to put down the weapon but the man wasn't going to listen. Then all of sudden the gun that belong to Blitz started to glow bright and started to burn Gerardo hands. He drops the gun and a single shot was fired.

Gerardo: DAH?!!! AAAAAH!!


The bullets hits the weather mill followed by the cage that Blitz was in then a car tire of the van that the DHORK agents drove and the last thing that happens in that the weather mill falls off and slices Gerardo in half killing him before he saids his final words.

Gerardo(Spanish): Estoy...muerto.

Translation: I'm......dead.

Agent 2: Oh dear god.

Fang: Well looks like the mission is completed and I didn't have to do anything but those DHORKS are dead meat. I better not let them get away so easily, might as well trash their ride.(Fang saids in thought and goes to destroy the agents van while they are distracted)

Agent 1: DEMON GUN!(Agent 1 saids as he and Agent 2 shoot the gun)

Fang: Got yourself into another mess I see, Blitz.

Blitz: Fang, oh thank Satan you are here. Get me the hell out of this fucking cage.

Fang: Sure thing.(Fang saids and rips open the cage)

Blitz: Thanks, by the way I thought you killed those assholes at the place where they kept me and Moxxie hostage?

Fang: I did but apparently these two survived but not for long.

Blitz: Oh before you do anything to them, let me have some fun with them.

Fang: Knock yourself out, I will wait.

Both agents were trying to destroy the gun that Blitz had but nothing was happening and not even their bullets could harm it no matter how many times they shoot it.

Blitz: Hey dipshits! Remember me?

Agents: GASP!

Agent 2: It's him!

Agent 1: Get him!

Blitz: Hahahahahaha!

Blitz dodged the bullets and got his gun from the small goat who got it away from the agents who are distracted at shooting the imp. Blitz then jumped and climbed up the barn shed with people cheering for him.

Crowd: Chupacabra!

Kid: Yaaay! Me gustaaa!

Translation: Yaaay! I like iiit!

Blitz: Haha! Yea, bitch! I'm the fucking "chupra-ca-dupra". And I'm here to fuck you aaall.


Man: Oh my god, everybody run! He's got a gun!

Wife(Spanish): Aye dio mio!! Tiene pistola!!!(Wife screams while holding her dead husband while everyone else run for their lives)

Translation: Oh my god!! He has a gun!!!

Fang watches the scene and saw the goats attacking the people as well as eating off their limbs while also seeing a goat with a shot gun and shot Agent 2 in the leg. The goats then started to attack the agents and were not allowing them to escape.

Fang: Wow these little guys know how to follow orders, I think they can be useful in Hell.

Agent 1: We got badges, we're legit!

Agent 2: Agent 1! Get over here! We're important! Get out of our way! No! More goats!

Agent 1: Oh my god, run! What are you do....

SLAP!(Goat slaps Agent 1 in the face)

Agent 2: Do NOT trip, do not trip!

Agent 1: We need to get back to the......WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR VAN?!!!!

Agent 2: ITS DESTROYED?!!! HOW?!!!

Agent 1: More goats are coming!!!!

Agents: AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!

Fang: All right boys that's enough, I will take it from here.

The goats all backed off and moved away from the agents in which the two hugged each other in fear until their fear came to horror when they looked up at the eyes of the HellWolf who was glaring down upon the two agents who shivered in fright.

Fang: Remember me. I know you two know who I am.

Agent 2: Uh...hehe...hi there Mr.WolfMan...we were just um....

Fang: Oh you think I was going to let you two get away like last time, I don't think so.

Agent 1: We will do anything! Anything!

Agent 2: Yea we will quit doing this stuff forever we promise!

Fang: You two show such mercy for a couple of agents of DHORKS and also for a bunch LIARS!

Agent 1: W...what?

Agent 2: H...how...how did he.....?

Fang: There is one I thing I hate more then scumbags like you and that are liars. I hate them with a passion. But since you two are pretty much pathetic without your base and your tools to hurt my friends I will spare your lives.

Agents: Sigh....

Fang: After I erase your memories to make sure you forget everything of who you are and what you do and have no memory of anything related to mythology nor trying to find a way to Hell to kill us.

Agents: WHAT?!!!!

Fang shot them an memory erasing spell and after he was finished he knocked out the two former agents and threw them to a different part of the world where they will have no memory of being agents nor have memory of the demons they encountered.

Blitz: Hey Fang did you get rid of those asshole agents?

Fang: Sure did and they wont be bothering us anymore, ever.

Blitz: That's great now we can go home. I need to get out of this stupid costume its starting to itch.

Fang: Sigh another mission completed.

Fang opens up a portal and Blitz heads on back to Hell and so did Fang until he stops and looks at the see the same little goat who helped him out.

Small goat: Baa!

Fang: Hey thanks again little guy, you and friends did awesome work. You know you guys work great together with all that team work you pulled. I am very impressed.

Small goat: Baa.

Fang: Yea it would seem the job is finished and its time to go back home, thank again little guy. You know I should give you a name, that way I can come back and see how you are doing. Hmm..oh I know hows about I call Chirin. Yes I think that name fits perfectly with you.

Chirin: Baaaa!(Chirin cheers and cuddles under Fang's neck)

Fang: So long Chirin, see you next time.

As soon as Fang leaves through the portal, the small goat now known as Chirin walks over to the ledge of the barn shed and looks down among his fellows goats that things are going to change around the area and so Chirin becomes a leader of cult society while praying to the demons of Hell and too his new friend Fang.

Chirin: BAAA!

If you all want to know the name Chirin was also the name from an old anime movie from 1978 called Ringing The Bell. Chirin was a small lamb who lived with his mother until she was killed by a black wolf and Chirin made his sworn duty to avenge his mother and strike down the wolf who killed his mother. However while his time with the wolf, Chirin grew to care for the wolf after being trained by him and later became a fearsome beast, a ram with sharp horns and mean attitude.

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