Chapter 6: Spring Broken!

Blitz was in his van singing a loud song that was getting on Loona's nerve while Moxxie covers his ears from the singing that his boss was doing and for Millie she was sticking her head out the window enjoying the air. They were heading towards work and pulled into their parking spot when all of sudden a pink car came in and parked into Blitz's spot. Blitz slams the breaks and the van skids to stop. The radio goes off and Blitz looks at the car parked in his spot and wasn't going to have it.

Blitz: Sucks 4 Life? Oh you suck fo life, do you?! Listen up, you unoriginal pink cum dump! You have three goddam seconds to get your tits out of my parking spot!

The female with the horns came out of the car and revealed herself in which Blitz see's who it was and it was someone he knew a long time ago.

Blitz: Oh, shit Verosika!

Verosika: Blitz.

Blitz: I should have known you'd be here. I could smell fish for miles, which is odd because I believe the nearest ocean is...three rings down!

Verosika: And I should have known you'd be here when I hear the amber alerts.

Blitz: Oh yea? I'm surprised they let your fat ass out of rehab. I can see you're still a drunken whore, clutching onto that Beelzejuice bottle like it's the last cock in Hell!

Verosika: They let me out because I'm still famous. And rehab is for sad, loser wash-ups. Also your sister saids Hi.

Blitz: Why are you parking here?! This is the only parking spot my company has! So take your tampon race car somewhere else!

Verosika: Actually prick, it has my name on it.(Verosika saids while looking at her name written on top of Blitz's parking spot name that is spray painted)

Loon looks outside the van's window and couldn't believe who she is seeing talking to Blitz.

Verosika: I'm doing a bit of freelance for one of the infinitely more successful companies in the building...

Loona: No way...

Verosika:...And they wanted to have me come in this week to lead their team during spring break.

Blitz: A week?! No no you are not parking here for a fucking week!

Verosika: Aww, you made Blitz? You gonna run off leaving someone else to pay for the hotel room, steal their car and run...

Blitz and Verosika:..Run three rings to Wrath and Max my credit cards on shitty horse riding lessons?!

Blitz: Goddam it whore, you will not let that go!

Verosika: Choke on a sandpaper cock.

Blitz: Hold on! You better move that pussy wagon right now, or I am gonna...

All of sudden a shadow hover over Blitz in which he looks up and see's a female hellhound growling at the imp.

Hellhound: You'll what?

Blitz: Or I'll...uh...uh..I' HR!

Blitz/Hellhound/Verosika: Hahahahahaha!

Verosika: Anyway meet my new hellhound, Vortran. Unlike you she actually does her job well.

Blitz: Oh big deal you got a hellhound, well I got something better than your puppy here.

Verosika: Oh yea wha....

All of sudden Verosika stopped talking and heard music coming by and she wasn't the only one who heard it.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Pulling into the parking lot while driving on his wolf bike came Fang himself and parked next to the van and got off in which both Verosika and Vortran faces turn red when they look upon the HellWolf in front of them who stood tall and was big as well as muscular but also hot. Vortran tail was wagging fast while Verosika heart skipped a beat.

Fang: Is there a problem here that I should know about.

Verosika:(BA-DUMP!❤️)...ooh hello tall and sexy.(Verosika saids in thought while taking a good look at the HellWolf from head to toe)

Vortran:(BA-DUMP!❤️)....I have found my alpha!!! Oh gosh breed me!!!(Vortran saids in thought while blushing at Fang)

Blitz: Say hello to my newest employee I hired weeks ago, Fang Hunter. He's a HellWolf.

Veroiska and Vortran: HE'S A HELLWOLF...FUCK ME DADDY!!!(All said in thought while blushing and smiling at Fang with hearts in their eyes)

Loona: Grrr...those bitches better stay away from my future mate.(Loona saids in thought while glaring at the two girls)

Veoriska: Hello tall dark and good looking.

Fang: Hey.

Blitz: Thats right bitch meet my HellWolf! He's gonna take that car of yours and smash it into pieces!!

Fang: Uh Blitz what's going on here?

Blitz: These two bitches took our parking spot get rid of them.

Fang: Seriously your complaining over a parking spot, yea I am not doing that.

Blitz: Wait what?

Fang: It's stupid, you're complaining over a parking spot I mean really act your age Blitz. Say aren't you that pop star in hell, Veroiska was it.

Verosika: Ooh so you heard of me handsome.

Fang: Verosika Mayday, I heard your songs. Got to say your voice is not half bad.

Veroiska: Oh I so want him in bed with me.(Verosika saids in thought)

Fang: Sorry if Blitz here is giving you trouble, he's a little wracked in the head.

Veroiska: Oh everything is quite all right just trying to remind this imp that this is my parking spot now.


Verosika: Well me and my hellhound need to get going, nice meeting you Fang. I must say for a HellWolf you're quite strong, makes me wonder what you can do.

Fang: I can do a lot of things.

Verosika: I look forward to seeing it. And if you wanna talk some more here's my number. See you around Fang.(Veroiska saids then gives Fang her number as well as wink before leaving)

Loona: WHY THAT FUCKING BITCH!!!! FANG IS MINE I CALL DIBBS ON HIM!!!(Loona saids in thought while glaring and growling at Verosika)

Vortran didn't say anything but just blush and wagged her tail before Verosika called her name and goes to her leaving Blitz and his employee's alone in the parking lot.

Fang: What were you and her arguing about?

Blitz: She and I used to date a long time ago. Ugh, I wasted so much time with a bag of holes like that.

Loona: You know Veroiska Mayday?!!

Millie: Was it before or after she became a pop star?

Moxxie: You dated a pop star?!

Fang: I can tell things didn't go so well between the two of you?

Blitz: Okay, why are you all acting like that's such a shock?

Loona: Uh hello, it's Veroiska Mayday?

Millie: It's you?

Moxxie: I she blind? Suffering from some form of brain damage?

Fang: She's not blind Moxxie, though I surprised that Blitz dated a pop star like her.

Blitz: Okay look you all making this into a way bigger deal than it needs to be. I don't pry into your stupid personal lives.

Moxxie: You do that all the time, sir!

Millie: Come on, you kinda do that.

Loona: You totally do that.

Fang: You sure do Blitz.

Millie: What was sex with her like?

Moxxie: Millie!

Millie: What?! It's a pop star! You'd wanna know what sex with Michael Crawford was like.

Moxxie: I uh...touche.

Blitz: We never sex because the bitch wouldn't allow it don't know why and I don't care. Look let's just drop it! Millie find a temporary spot for the van. Okay Looney, Fang, Moxxie, lets go handle this shit.

Loona: Hey Fang can see that paper that Veroiska wrote her number on.

Fang: Sure.

Loona took the paper and tore it to pieces but she didn't know Fang saved the pop stars number into his phone. Fang can see that something is bothering Loona and he already knows what it is.

Fang: She's jealous I know that look in her eye, also I can tell she has feelings for me. I will tell her when the time comes, she is a remarkable hellhound and very beautiful one at that.(Fang saids in thought)

Fang: You all right Lune?

Loona: I'm fine Fang, I just didn't like how that girl was looking at you.

Blitz: Awww! Look at my little looney being a big girl!

Loona: Shut up, da....urgh! Blitz!(Loona saids while pushing Blitz out of the way)

Fang: Heh...did you almost called him dad.

Loona: I didn't you must be hearing things?!(Loona saids while blushing with embarrassment)

Fang: Hehehe okay whatever you say Lune.

Loona: God that smile is hot.(Loona saids in thought)

While walking Fang accidentally bumps into someone in the hallway in which was Voresika's hellhound Vortran who looked behind her and saw Fang standing over her since he was taller than her in which caused her to blush.

Vortran: Oh...H...hi..F..Fang.

Fang: Oh hey your Voresika's hellhound am I right?

Vortran: Y..yes I am....I'm Vortran...

Blitza: Listen big girl, where is your bitch bag of an employer?

Vortran: Oh she's in her office. There wasn't room on the second floor, so they rented one here on this one. It's cheaper.

Blitz: OH COME ON!!!

Vortran: Sorry man.

Vortan took another look at Fang and was having dreams of him mating with her and giving her puppies that made Vortran blush of the idea then walks away while Loona can see that the hellhounds eyes that she was thinking the same thing as her.

Fang: You all right Loona?

Loona: Yea..I'm fine.

Fang: There there my precious hellhound, I know you are fine.(Fang saids while petting Loona on the head that was making her blush while also feeling good of being pet)

Loona: Mmm...bow wow...yelp?!(Loona saids then covers her mouth)

Fang: Did you just say bow wow?

Loona: I..I..I....

Blitz: Oh no you don't bitch.

Moxxie: about you let me go in and try to reason with her? I don't really listen to what's classified as pop genre music, so her status to me is name recognition my opinion, her music is a bit derivative of...

Blitz: Moxxie, shut the fuck up!

Moxxie: Alrighty then.

Moxxie then goes into the room where Veroiska is having a conversation with her two imp friends until Moxxie came in to talk to her.

Moxxie: Hello, miss Veroiska, was it? I work for IMP and it is actually rather important for us to retain the singular parking spot space we were assigned because...

Coco: Aw, look at the little one. He's got wittle bow tie!

Moxxie: Please don't condescended me, ma'am I...

Josh: Want a kissy little guy.

Moxxie: A kind offer, but...I am married.

Veroiska: Hey, why don't you send a little message from me back to your limp bitch boss?

All of sudden the pop star and her friends turned into their demon forms and attacked Moxxie where Blitz looked and saw it happen.

Moxxie: Don't touch that?!

Blitz: Moxxie, don't let her access any of your holes!

Moxxie runs out of the room covered in kisses as well as his clothes almost being torn off from his body even feeling dizzy.

Moxxie: I..I'm gonna lie

Blitz: Oh, this won't stand! Fang get in there!

Loona: WHAT?!

Fang: Really Blitz?

Blitz: Yea really get in there and settle this, I am sending in the big guns.

Fang: Argh fine if it would make you shut up.

Loona: I am going to kill Blitz after this!(Loona saids in thought)

Fang enters the room where he saw Veroiska with two girls and two boys and when Verosika saw Fang coming she blushed of seeing the HellWolf.

Veoriska: Fang! Have you come to see little me and if you want I can allow to work for me.

Fang: Thanks for the offer but..

Josh: Ooh whose this guy.

Ace: Hey wolfie. Hows about a kissy.

Fang glared at these two morons and grabs them by the neck and choked them that left their eyes dead until he threw them into the air and delivered a hard punch to both of their faces that made them go flying out of the building.

Fang: Keep those two on a leach. I don't date men.(Fang saids while cracking his knuckles)

Veroiska/Apple/Kiki: That was so hot!!!!(All said in thought while blushing at Fang)

Fang: Now that those two morons are dealt with, I was wondering if you would give my dickhead boss his parking spot back so he can get over himself.

Veroiska: As much as I want to FangiBoo, it is my parking spot now, but I can exchange it for a price.

Fang: Let me guess you want me working for you or you just want to have sex with me because I can read what you are thinking right now.

Veoriska: How did you know about that?!

Fang: Wait you were, I was just guessing.

Veoriska whole face turned red that she exposed what she wanted in which Fang saw how cute the pop star looked when she gets embarrassed.

Blitz: All right! That's it! Fang go wait outside.

Fang: Whatever. Oh and Veroiska your two boys probably need to go to the hospital because I don't think they will be walking anytime soon.

Veoriska: That's okay FangiBoo.

Fang: I seriously don't like being called that.(Fang saids in thought)

Blitz: If you're gonna be shitty to my employees, then I challenge you to a fucking challenge! Fuck, I said that twice.

Kiki: this imp starting a demon duel?

Veoriska: Hehehe, I think he is! What's the game then, Blitz?

Blitz: Ever year, you STD spreaders go up topside for easy pickin's while spring break is a prime time for crime of all kinds! So I succu-bitches can't fuck as many people as we can off by the end of the day.

Veroiska: Oh, you're serious? So I guess if you win you want the parking space back?

Blitz: That's right.

Veroiska: Ok, but say if my team win, we get the parking spot and..Fang your HellWolf works for me and becomes my bodyguard as well as takes me on date.

Vortran: YESSS!!!!(Vortran saids in thought while Loona glares with a vicious look on her face)

Loona: Grrrrrr!!!...OVER MY DEAD BODY!!!!(Loona saids in thought)

Blitz: DEAL!

Loona: Blitz?!!!!(Loona saids in thought)

Verosika: Well then game on..bitch.

Blitz: Oh it is game on and don't worry Fang will get more kills than you will. The guys is a natural.

Verosika: I can tell he is, especially looking at the hunk of a wolf body he has.

Inside the IMP office Loona and Fang sat together while Moxxie and Millie sat on the other side and Blitz giving out his speech to them about the duel.

Blitz: Okay everyone turns out we have a demon duel with this bitch.

Millie: So..

Blitz: So if we win we get the parking spot back..and uhh well Fang there is something you need to know.

Fang: If its about me working for Veoriska and becoming her bodyguard as well as taking her on a date, I know already I sharp hearing. I heard everything.

Blitz: Oh.....

Loona: BLITZ!!!!!

Loona leaped and started to strangle Blitz until both Moxxie and Millie pulled her off him while Blitz tries to catch his breath from being strangled to death by his adopted daughter.

Fang: You know I was gonna do that myself but letting Loona strangle you was so much better.

Blitz: Glad you enjoyed that fuck up show. Now listen I have a plan for us to win.

Moxxie: And what plan would that be sir?

Blitz: I will tell you if you shut the fuck up you assholes! Here's how we're gonna do this shit!

Fang looks to see a drawing of him along with Loona, his boss as well as Millie and Moxxie and Fang can see what Blitz was going to say that will be stupid.

Blitz: First we find a fuck ton of clients, we portal up, we have our fun murder time as per usual. We pile all the bodies into a big fucking canoe, we push the canoe into some water. We light it on fire to attract sharks and eagles and maybe a goose too. Fuck it, the kraken comes and eat the bodies. We win the bet! We rub it in that sloppy bitch's drunken whore ass face! Do you have any questions?

Fang: Yea I got one what the fuck was that goddam nonsense that came out of your mouth.

Moxxie: Agreed what was that nonsense?

Blitz: That wasn't a question.

Moxxie: That wasn't a plan.

Blitz: I'm sorry, but that was a flawless presentation of what we should so Moxxie. It's not my fault you've got a smooth little brain upstairs.

Moxxie: a what now?

Blitz: I'm calling you slow, Moxxie. God, why don't you learn to take criticism you talentless baby dick troll?

Moxxie: Well why don't you take an art class?

Blitz: Why don't you see how expensive they are?!

Loona: Hey is there a way I can come with you guys this time?

Blitz: Absolutely not I forbid it. Not gonna happen. Sorry sweetie. Spring break is no place for young vulnerable goth girls, you know what kind of freaks up there who drool all over you.

Loona: Well, I can blend in with humans easy enough, just let me tag along.

Fang: I can as well and I wouldn't mind Loona joining us, she could be a great help to us.

Blitz: Wait say that again?

Loona: I can blend in?

Millie: Do you have a human disguise? And you as well Fang?

Fang: Uh yea I used to be human and I can change into my human form whenever I want. Though I am surprise Loona you have a human disguise, I can tell you use magic to do it.

Loona: Yea I do, wait don't you guys have human disguises.(Loona saids to Blitz, Moxxie and Millie who are silent)

Fang: I am going to take that as a no.

Loona: You three have been screwing around on Earth this whole fucking time without human disguises?!

Blitz: Okay new plan! Looney can help Fang lure the humans to us and we'll take care of the rest. Okay how about that?

Millie: Flawless logic.

Moxxie: I think you're missing the biggest issue, sir. Isn't it crucial to have a client who demands enough kills to win this bet? We're not just going up to massacre.

Blitz: I got that covered, Moxxie.

Fang: Bets you he's going to draw a flyer and have people see it.(Fang whispers to Loona)

Loona: Oh I think he will.

Blitz makes a terrible flyer and hands it on a wall for people to see and when Moxxie told Blitz it wasn't going to work all of sudden hundreds of demons came up to the flyer with interest. After getting the clients Blitz had Fang open a portal to the human world where there at a beach area where the weather was nice and sunny. Blitz and everyone hid under the bridge to remain unseen while Loona and Fang go in to lure the humans.

Blitz: Now remember, we can't be seen, alright? Loose shots will likely cause a panic. So Loona and Fang can help with leading targets to a better spot to off them. You got the list, Looney?

Loona: Sniff..sniff... got it. Ready Fang.

Fang: You know I am.

Loona gets engulfed in blue magical aura and soon she changes into her human form that made Fang blush at seeing what Loona looks like as a human.

Fang: Damn she looks hot.(Fang saids in thought)

Blitz: Oh Looney, look at you! You look downright awful!

Fang: I think you look very attractive.(Fang saids that made Loona blush and smile)

Loona: Thanks so are you gonna...

Fang: Hehehe don't worry I was already going to change.

Fang engulfs himself in red aura and when he changes back into his human form, Loona's heart skipped a beat as well as her eye widen like dinner plates but also earning her a huge blush on her face when she saw what Fang looks like in human form.

Loona: HOLLY SHIT HE LOOKS SO FUCKING SEXY!!!!❤️ I thought he looked awesome as a HellWolf but damn he looks even hotter as a human, was this his human self before he became a HellWolf.(Loona saids in thought while blushing crimson)

Millie: Wow Fang you look gorgeous!

Moxxie: So this is what you looked like before being a HellWolf.

Fang: It's been a while since I seen my human self and it feels good. What do you think Loona?

Loona: Breed me right now.

Fang: What?

Loona: What?

Blitz: All right you two, you know what to do now fetch!

Fang: I got the girls, you get the men.

Loona: Don't let them kiss you.

Fang: I wont besides there is one girl I want to kiss but I will do it later on.

Loona: Who does he mean?(Loona saids in thought)

Fang and Loona headed towards the humans where Loona smirks at her first target which was a guy with shades and motions him to the alleyway where the guy get shot in the head by Blitz while Fang lured about ten girls who were full of drugs and drunk in which Millie shot and killed all of them. Loona lures another guy on the roof and tries to kiss Loona but gets hit off the roof by Millie and lands in the dumpster for Moxxie to close it. Fang lured almost twenty girls on the roof and all of them were focused on Fang and didn't know they were getting shot and killed by Blitz who gave Fang a thumbs up for good work.

Blitz: Let's see here Loona got nine and Fang got like ten...twenty so that makes thirty so we got over thirty nine kills brilliant people! I like to see that waily snatch orgasm kill that many...

Fang: Blitz looked towards the stage.

Blitz along with the others looked towards a crowd of people looking at someone coming towards them in which was Veroiska Mayday in her human form.

Verosika: Alright, spring breakers! Y'all ready to get fucked up and make some bitchin bad choices!!!


Fan boy: Verosika!!

Veoriska: This is your final boarding call. all aboard..oh Fang.

Veroiska launches two words on the screens on each side that saids Fuck you Blitzo and the other saids Fang my Alpha that caused both Blitz and Loona to glare at the pop star on stage.

Fang: Oh boy.(Fang saids while shaking his head)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Veroiska:🎶Pack your bags. Sun's out. Take a vacay, babe. Take it straight out to bone town.🎶

Fang looked to see all the humans in the crowd make out with each other as well as other stuff that was making him sick to his stomach and not just him but Loona as well. Fang can tell that Veroiska is using some kind of love mind control magic on the humans to give them her attention.

Veroiska:🎶 V'time, free time, baby, relax. Self-care, no hair, Brazilian wax. Horn up succu-bus to the beach. Catch some rays while catching some D.🎶

Blitz: God dammit! That bitch started her goodish matting call! Now she's gonna win all these sex maniacs! We gotta pick things up guys!

Fang: Vomiting guy next to you is on the list kill him.

Blitz: Great.

Vomit Guy: Oh, whoa! What are you? A leprechaun? Hahaha!

Blitz kills the vomit guy but cutting his head in the middle.

Blitz: Yea..pretty cool huh? But you sure as shit ain't gonna tell nobody! Alright you two go look for more targets and bring them here.

Fang: All right come on Lune let's go.(Fang saids while taking Loona's hand that causes her to blush)

Loona: He's holding my hand!!(Loona saids in thought with a smile on her face)

When head into the crow of fans all of sudden they both get shoved and separated from each other that they couldn't find where they are.

Loona: Huh? Fang! Fang where are you?!

Fang got lost in the crowd of fans until he spotted the front of the stage and when he got there he spotted a female human who shares similarities to Vortran in which it was her in human disguise.

Fang: Vortran?

Vortran: OH MY GOSH ITS FANG AND HOLLY HELL HE LOOKS SO HOT!!!!❤️(Vortran saids in thought while blushing at Fang's human self)

Fang: So this is your human disguise.

Vortran: Y..yea how do I look?

Fang: You look good it suites you.

Vortran: T..thanks..I like yours oh man he looks even sexier as a human.

Loona was looking for Fang until she spotted him near the stage but talking to the hellhound that works for Veroiska. Loona goes over until she gets stopped by one of the pop stars pervert friends who tries to flirt with Loona until she punches that lights out and moves towards the stage.

Veroiska: Now, who wants a piece of this!!

Veroiska tosses a bottle of beetlejuice that she has bean drinking on stage and it lands in the water where a golden showed as well as small fish that started to grow into giant monster.

Vortran: Hey um Fang...I have been meaning to ask you something...

Fang: What is it?

Vortan: Um by any chance do you have you know and maybe we could you know...

Loona: Am I interrupting something here?

Fang: Loona where were you, I was trying to find you but I got lost in the crowd.

Loona: So I was, these idiots are getting on my nerves. So what is going on here?

Vortran: Nothing, I was just having a chat with Fang here.

Loona: Well you can chat with him later because he and I have a job to do.

Fang: That's right, we can finish our chat another time Vortran.

Vortran: Hey whoah whoah we can finish up the chat yet this girl here is getting in the way. Besides he is't your property.

Loona: Well he is someone I can care about and I am his friend so hows about you back off.

Vortran: You do know if we win this bet that was organized by your boss and mine, Fang gets to work with us and not you.

Loona: Why you....

Fang: Geez this is not going to end well.

Vortran: When he's with us, he's not gonna even remember any of you, you sorry excuse of a hellhound!

Loona: Like hell he is!

Fang: Hows about the both of you shut the hell up or so help me I will kick both of your asses in the next week!

Loona and Vortran: S..sorry...(Both saids while looking sad)

Fang: Just stop arguing with each other, its giving me a headache.

Loona: Sorry...Fang.

Vortran: Yea I'm sorry too..

Veroiska: Now spring breakers as we continue this final day, I would like to welcome to the stage a very special and yet drop dead gorgeous guest man here today. Please give it up for Fang!

Fang: Wait what?

Veroiska: Oh wow he looks even sexy in human form..wait is that a ten pack he has!!! Oh my gosh I want that in my bed right now!!!(Veroiska saids in thought while blushing at seeing human Fang)

Vortran: I think she wants you to go on stage and sing a song?

Fang: Really?

Veroiska: Your bet your sweet and hot ass I do! Face it Fang there is no getting out of this so give these people want they want..well most importantly me of course.

Fang: Oh fuck me right now.

Loona and Vortran: I will be happy too!

Fang: What?

Loona and Vortran: I didn't say anything!(Both said while blushing with embarrassment)

Fang: Looks like I have no choice and its been a while since I did any songs before I died.

Veroiska: Good luck FangiBoo, I will be cheering for you.(Veroiska saids and gives Fang the microphone)

Fang: Might as well get this over with.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Wake Up by: Black Veil Brides)

Fang: WAKE UP!

Oh oh oh, oh oh oh, wake up
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh, wake up

All we know is time
That's slipping from our lives
A world that kept the truth
Hidden in the lies
Standing on a stage
Bleeding out our youth
Create a holy war
And sell it back to you

When Loona along with Vortran as well as Veroiska heard Fang sing in front of them all of them were in awe of what they were hearing.

We'll shout it from the tallest building

We won't let them turn away
We'll show them what they've made
We'll be here when their heart stops beating
We, the nation of today
Our hopes that never fade
We'll be here when their heart stops beating

Oh oh oh, oh oh oh, wake up
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh, wake up

Veroiska: KYYYAAAAAA!!!!❤️

Vortran: I want his puppies!!!!!❤️

Loona: Oh my gosh please fuck me right now Fang.

See it in our eyes
That we were never blind
I will fight for you
Until the day I die

We'll shout it from the tallest building

We won't let them turn away
We'll show them what they've made
We'll be here when their heart stops beating
We, the nation of today
Our hopes that never fade
We'll be here when their heart stops beating

We won't let them turn away
We'll show them what they've made
We'll be here when their heart stops beating
We, the nation of today
Our hopes that never fade
We'll be here when their heart stops beating

Loona along with Vortan and Veroiska have hearts in their eyes for seeing and hearing Fang sing this amazing song in front of them that was also causing them to feel hot.

We won't let them turn away
We'll show them what they've made
We'll be here when their heart stops beating
We, the nation of today
Our hopes that never fade
We'll be here when their heart stops beating

Oh oh oh, oh oh oh, wake up
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh, wake up
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh, wake up
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh, wake up

Fang: Wake up.

Verosika: Oh my amazingling handsome HellWolf you warmed my demon heart.

Vortan: I need him to fuck my brains out!!!(Vortran saids in thought while in heat)

Loona: I feel horny right now.

When Fang finished his song, the crowd went wild that everyone loved Fang singing especially Loona, Vortran, and Veroiska who fell over hills for Fang now. Veroiska gets on the stage and takes the microphone.

Veroiska: Did you all hear that, can this guy sing or what!!

Back in the water, the fish that emerge and turned into a monster came out of the ocean and looked towards the crowd of people in which everyone hears the monsters roar that also got the attention of Fang as well as the others who look upon the monster fish.

Fang: Oh you got to be kidding me.

Fang looks at the monster fish until he spots what seems to be Moxxie on the fishes tongue and it looks like the monster was going to eat him.

Millie: Fang! That thing is going to eat Moxxie!!!

Fang: Don't worry I will get him back, but how did he?

Millie: Uh one of those guys from Veroiska group took Moxxie and stuff him in a beer container where me and Blitz found him drunk.

Fang: Oh that figures, don't worry I will get him back.

Fang changes back into a HellWolf and jumps into the ocean and swam towards the fish monster that has Moxxie. The fish monster took Moxxie and throws him into its mouth.

Blitz/Millie: Moxxie?!


Fang leaps into the air and towards the fish monster where Fang uses his incredible HellWolf strength to open up the beast's mouth and saw Moxxie. Fang grabbed hold of Moxxie while he is drunk. Fang throws Moxxie towards Blitz who catches him and now it was time for Fang to deal with the fish monster.

Fang: All right fish face, time to meet you doom!!!

Fang then changes into his demon form that left Loona, Vortran, Veroiska as well as the others in absolute shock of what they are seeing in which was Fang in his demon form that was taller than the fish monster but with huge sharp teeth, claws and but with a much badass look that made the girls blush at the site.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Fang's demon HellWolf roar)

Fang(Demon): Now we are talking!

Fang attacks the fish monster by clawing the creatures eyes out followed by ripping tunes of flesh and blood coming out of the creatures body and then unleashes a powerful number of HellWolf demon punches to the beast that caused it to die in a matter of minutes but then Fang uses his laser vision to finish the job. Now there was nothing more then a pile of fish gusts floating in the ocean.

Moxxie(Drunk): Ooh, Fang big!!

Millie: Wow he looks so awesome in that form!!

Blitz: I knew hiring him would be good for business. I might have him use this form when we go on bigger missions.

Voresika/Loona/Vortran:Take my virginity right now daddy!!!(All said with hearts in their eyes while also taking pictures of Fang in his demon form)

Blitz: Way to show off your inner monster Fang!

Fang changes back into his normal HellWolf form then back into his human form after finishing up the job with the fish monster as well as carrying an empty bottle of Beetlejuice he found in the ocean.

Fang: Is Moxxie all right?

Moxxie(Drunk): Hey Fang why are there three of you....oh I see they are your brothers....hehehehe.

Blitz: Yea he will be all right.

Veroiska: Hey Blitzo.

Blitz: Oh perfect. That must be the whores!

Veroiska: That was handled rather...obvious don't you think? And Fang you totally were incredible and your demon form so hot!!!

Fang: Thanks I guess.

Millie: Hey Fang whats that you got there?

Fang: I found it right after I killed that fish, it smells like Beetlejuice.

Millie took the bottle and smelt the bottle in which it was beetljuice and there is only one person who drinks beetlejuice and that is Veroiska.

Millie: I believe that this belongs to you miss Veroiska. Shame if anyone found out you guys were behind a giant monster fish in the human world.

Moxxie(Drunk): Oh, Satan! You all be so...fucked!!! Hehehehehehe!

Veroiska: Yea well, you three nasty ass gremlins will be in the shit for not being in disguises!

Moxxie(Drunk): A human called me a possum..I am not a possum!

Fang: Actually you do kind of look like one.

Moxxie(Drunk): Then I'm a possum!(Moxxie saids then faints for being too drunk)

Blitz: You know, we could keep this little B-movie scene on the down low if you agree to let us use that parking space.

Fang: Oh give me a break.


Blitz: WE FUCKING WON!!!!!

Millie: FUCK YEA!!!

Blitz: In your face bitch!!!

Veroiska: Come on, let's get out of here. Vortran!

Vortran: Well..guess it's time to bounce. Sorry about the whole argument thing.

Loona: Hey it's cool, sorry if I was rude and getting up all in your face.

Vortran: Hey it's no big, happens to us hellhound girls all the time.

Fang: By the way what was that thing you wanted to ask Vortran?

Vortran: Oh see Fang my friend Bee is throwing a crazy party for all hounds and I was wondering if you would like too come and of course you can bring Loona with you she seems like a chill hound to be around with.

Fang: As long as nothing gets too intense I will be happy to go to the party.

Loona: I guess it wouldn't hurt to go to a party.

Vortran: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!(Vortan saids while hugging Fang)

Fang: Hehehe your welcome.

Loona: Uh shouldn't you be getting back to your boss now.

Vortran: Huh? Oh right, here's my number Fang call me!!(Vortran saids while giving her number to Fang then going off with her boss)

Loona: Fang...

Fang: Yea?

Loona: Um about that thing you said...about kis.....

Blitz: Come on, Looney Tooney! Let's go back and park our fat fucking van in our fat fucking space!

Loona: Alright you bitch I'm coming!!

Blitz along with Millie and Moxxie went into the portal except for Loona and Fang because before they go back home, Loona wants to know about the question that Fang told her.

Loona: Before we go back, I want to know about that question you said.

Fang: Which one?

Loona: The..the one about there is one girl I want to kiss but I will do it later on. What did you mean by that?

Fang: Well lets just say I met a girl, who is absolutely amazing and she is everything that I dreamed of her being. She's a total badass, likes to chill, has this firing fury that she uses to take down people who get on her nerves and not to mention she has a great personality that I enjoy.

Loona: Oh...I guess she is also very pretty...

Fang: She is even her other half is more beautiful.

Loona: Fang listen there is something I want to...MPH!

All of sudden Loona's words came to a halt when she feels her lips being pressed by Fangs who kisses her on the lips that made Loona's eyes widen as well as increasing the blush on her face. The kiss felt warm and soft but also absolutely incredible. Loona didn't know what to do but just let things happen.

Fang: Mph...that girl I am talking about is you Lune.

Loona: R..really..

Fang: Mhmm and I know that you had feelings since the moment we first met, I saw it in your blood moon eyes. But also seeing you get jealous around other women was also obvious.

Loona: you....

Fang: Do I except your feelings back, heheh didn't that kiss gave you the right answer.

Loona: Fang...❤️

Fang: Hows about we head back home, and I can take you out on a date just you and me.

Loona: I..I will love that.

Fang: You want another kiss don't you.

Loona: Oh fuck yes!!!

Loona grabs Fang's face and smashed her lips towards his in which he wraps his arms around her waist while she wrapped hers around Fang's neck.

Loona: YES!!! I scored him first!!!(Loona saids in thought)

Fang: Go on home, I got to do something will quick.

Loona: All right I will be waiting until you get back..I can call you babe now right.

Fang: If it makes you happy then yes you can.

Loona: Don't be long.

Fang: I won't.

Loona enters the portal while blowing Fang a kiss. Fang smiles but then turns to see Veroiska and her friends surrounded by police.

Police: Put your hands up! You sick deviants!!

Veroiska: Alright, sluts. Get ready to suck a lot of pig dicks.(Veroiska saids while putting up her hands along with the others)

Police: Alright all of you don't move a single muscle or we will....

All of sudden the police officer was sliced in half and his body hit the ground that left everyone confused until a police car was thrown at the other cops followed by one being hit towards a police chopper that fell to the ground and exploded. Then everyone looked to see Fang in his HellWolf form jump onto a cop car and unleashed his mighty howl.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Veroiska/Vortran: FANGIBOO!!! MY ALPHA!!!❤️❤️

Fang: All right shit bags time to die!!

Fang attacked the policers one by one using his HellWolf speed and laser vision followed by his HellWolf strength that the girls saw him lifting a cop car over his head and smashes it on top of the remaining police officers still alive.

Veroiska: I am feeling so hot right now...

Vortran: Oh my alpha he is so strong.

Fang finished off the police and left none alive then walks towards the girls who were blushing with excitement that Fang helped them.

Veroiska: FangiBoo, I knew you will come and save me!!

Vortran: My alpha your my hero!!! My big tall and dangerous HellWolf hero!!!

Fang: You girls all right.

Veroiska: We are now thanks to you. But why did you help us?

Fang: I may work for Blitz, but I still think he is a asshole and the parking space who gives a fuck its just a parking space and also I want to say sorry for how my idiotic boss treated you, he has no common sense whats so ever. Someone as beautiful as you Veroiska deserves to be with someone who can appreciate you for who you are and not some imp who fucks men with feathers.

Veroiska: (BA-DUMP!❤️)He...he called me beautiful.(Veroiska saids in thought)

Fang: Well I am also here to give you all a trip back to hell.(Fang saids and opens a portal to hell with his ring)

Vortran: Oh I want to have so many puppies with him.(Vortran saids in thought while blushing)

Fang: Oh by the way, Veroiska, Vortran just to remind you both, you two look cute when you blush it makes you look adorable.

Veroiska and Vortran:(BA-DUMP!❤️ ❤️)He...he called us cute!!!! Now i want him even more!!!(Both said in thought while blushing and smiling at Fang's comment)

Fang: Time to head back to hell everyone, and your girls may have competition with other girls who will probably fall for me but I will sort things out in due time.

Veroiska: Does he know....

Vortran: I must know if I wish to bare his puppies.

Veroiska: I want a someone like him.

Fang along with Veroiska and her crew headed into the portal and back to hell. Fang now forming a relationship with Loona is going to be great though there are going to be other women out there who have also taken a liking to the HellWolf.

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