Chapter 5: Loo Loo Land!

The story takes years ago where inside a mansion the bird demon known as Stolas was asleep with his wife Stellan until he heard his daughter from her room and it sounded like she was frighten.

Octavia: Mommy! Daddy!

Stolas: Mmmm....Via is calling us, Stella.

Stellan: Yawn! get up.

Stolas yawns and stretches and goes over to his daughters room where he finds her hiding under her covers shaking and scared until he enters the room to see what is the matter with his little girl.

Stolas: Via? What troubles you, my owlet?

Octavia: Daddy! Daddy!..😢sniff....(Octavia saids while getting out of bed and running towards her father)

Stolas: What is the matter Via?

Octavia: I had a dream! A really bad dream!

Stolas: Yawn!...A nightmare.

Octavia:😢sniff....I was looking all over the palace, and...I couldn't find you anywhere! You weren't there!

Stolas: There there, Via, it's okay. You're okay. When you're scared, and you don't know where I am, you must remember..No matter what happens to me, I will never be far away..from my special little star fire.(Stolas saids while wiping his daughters tears away and comforting her)

Stolas summons that magic book that will allow to travel to the human world and flips open the pages. Stolas uses a spell to open a portal and took his daughter into the portal where Octavia saw stars until her father started to sing to her.

Stolas:🎶 It always seems more quiet in the dark. It always feel so stuck, how silence grows under the moon. Constellations gone so soon, I use to think that I was bold. I used to think love would be fun, now all my stories have been told except for one. As the stars start to align, I hope you take it as a sign that you will be okay, everything will be okay and if the seven hells collapse although the day could be my last. You will be okay, when I'm gone, you'll be okay and when creation goes to die you can find me in the sky upon the last day and you will be okay. 🎶

After he finished his song, he smiled and saw his daughter asleep and tucked her in so that now she will have pleasant dreams but all of sudden Octavia opened her eyes now in her teenage years and heard her parents arguing while her dream came to an end.

Stella: I can't believe you slept with an imp in our fucking bed!

Octavia woke up from her mothers loud shouting in which things have been getting out of hand with her father and her mother and it was starting to put a tole on the owl girl.

Stelas: It was unexpected! I didn't have time to go to a motel!

Stella: A motel?!! Like a fucking plebian?!!!

Octavia gets out of bed and dressed in her clothes while grabbing her phone as well as some ear pods so that it can distract her from her parents yelling at each other. She enters the kitchen where she see's her mother Stella yelling at her husband Stolas for sleeping with an imp. Octavia goes to sit down while looking at her mother holding an imp in her clutches.

Stella: You want to fuck this one too?!(Stella saids at Stolas then throws the imp at him)

Stolas: No! Of course not!

Stella: You're a goddam embarrassment! I'm not spending another moment looking at your pathetic, Imp sucking face!(Stella saids in anger then storms out of the kitchen while smashing things in her way)

Octavia: Oh geez...

Stolas: Hm? Oh good morning, Octavia! Did you sleep well, my owlet?

Octavia: Was that a serious question?

Stolas: Mm..hmm. What's that you're listening to?

Octavia: This song called My World is Burning Down Around Me. It's fuck you dad.

Stolas: Oh..

Octavia: It's a band dad.

Stolas: Ooh! How charming...

Stolas takes a zebra steak from the fridge and goes over to feed it to his monstrous plant who ate the whole thing whole until Stolas heard his daughter spoke about him and his wife.

Octavia: So, you two done screaming for the day?

Stolas: know what I haven't done in a long, long time? I haven't taken you to your favorite place in all of Hell! Why don't we go to Loo Loo Land?

Octavia: I'm not five anymore.

Stolas: You always were so happy when I took you to Loo Loo Land! What do you say we go there again, have a day, just the two of us?

Octavia: I'd...rather kill myself.

Stolas: There we go! Anything but staying in this house. Now, I'll arrange our security.

Octavia: Security for a theme park?

Stolas: We are rich, and we're hot. People want our money and our bodies!

Octavia: Argh....our money maybe.(Octavia saids while eating a bowl or cereal while her dad calls about security)

Stolas: Speak for yourself, princess. Now I am calling the only man who can fuck me!

Octavia: What.....?

Stolas: Who can protect me! Being part of the Goetia family is rather valuable, you know.

Octavia: Someone put me out of my misery...

Meanwhile at IMP, Blitz was in his office playing with mini dolls of his employees Millie and Moxxie while his actual employees were outside minding their own business.

Blitz: Oh, Blitz! You're such a good boss! Yea, I really want you, sir. Me too! Let's four way!

While Blitz was enjoying his weird moment all of sudden the moment came to an end when he heard his phone ringing and it got the imp mad.

Blitz: WHAT?!

Stolas(Phone): Why, hello my big titty Blitzy.

Blitz: What the fuck!

Octavia(Over the Phone): What the fuck dad!

Stolas(Phone): Language everyone! I have special request.

Blitz: Aw...geez look, I just had a chemical peel, so you'll have to find someone else's face to plant that feathered ass.

Stolas(Phone): It's for my daughter.

Blitz: Ah, well, make sure washes it.

Stolas(Phone): No! No no no no. I'm taking my daughter to Loo Loo Land, and I was hoping you brave little Imps would accompany us!

Blitz: We're assassins, not bodyguards, kay? Don't invite us to shit unless someone's gonna die.

Stolas(Phone): I'll pay you.

Blitz: Pay me what?

Stolas(Phone): Money.

Blitz: DONE! Fang, M n' M get in here! We're going to Loo Loo Land!

Moxxie: Loo Loo Land?

Fang: What the hell is Loo Loo Land? You know what don't tell me I will know once I see it.

Millie: LOO LOO LAND!?(Millie saids while smashing her end out of the doors window with a big smile on her face)



Fang: Take it easy Loona, and drink some of the coffee I made for you it will help with the stress!

Loona: I think I will do just that thanks!

Fang: No problem! So anyway what is Loo Loo Land?

Moxxie: Oh it is just an amusement park in the greed ring a lot of greedy imps who live there and it's also just some soppy ass rip off the king of hell Lucifer's Loo Loo World. Ehh...and their mascots they give me the creeps.

Fang: I didn't know Hell had amusement parks?

Millie: Oh you are gonna love it Fang! When do we leave sir!

Blitz: Right now Millie! We have been hired to be Stolas's and his daughter bodyguards and we are getting paid for it.

Fang: Something tells me that this isn't going to be a whole lot of fun. I betting that this amusement park is nothing more than a waste of time.(Fang saids in thought)

Fang told Loona about Loo Loo Land in which she told Fang all about the place on how it was the worst place in all of Hell. Fang groaned at what Loona said about the theme park and wasn't going to enjoy it one bit because if something pisses him off or doesn't find to his liking well he'll just blow up the whole theme park that made Loona smile to see the wolf that she likes blow something up. Fang will send a video to Loona of him doing it. Fang decided to take his bike since he can't fit in the van that Blitz has so he followed his boss with Millie and Moxxie tagging along. When the all arrive at the place, Fang saw what theme park looks like and five worlds came to his mind and it was This place looks like shit.

Fang: Okay now I see why Loona saids this place looks like crap because it does.

Fang then looks to see Blitz parking the van and out came two owls that was both Stolas and his daughter Octavia. Fang can see that Octavia wasn't too please to be here either. He then looked to see Moxxie and Millie dressed up as security guards to make sure that they keep both owls safe while Fang himself does as well.

Stolas: Oh my and who is this Blitzy?(Stolas saids while looking at Fang coming towards them)

Blitz: Oh meet our first HellWolf, Fang Hunter. Fang this is Stolas.

Fang: Hey.

Stolas: My when the news got out there being a HellWolf in town, I didn't believe it at first but now I can totally see it.

Blitz: Better believe this guy is the best assassin we have on the team.

Stolas: That is good we could use the extra muscle for security.(Stolas saids while walking towards the theme park with Blitz)

Fang: Hey, names Fang.

Octavia: Hey, Octavia is my name though I usually go by Via for short.

Fang: Cool name, I can tell that you are not going to enjoy this because hells know I am not.

Octavia: You too?

Fang: I seen theme parks that are ten times more better than this trash-hip back in the human world. If something doesn't suite my interest well I will just blow up this whole place.

Octavia: Hehehe, you know that would be an interesting site to see. Though hells know my dad will embarrass me while I am here.

Fang: Judging by how he is acting, I can already tell.

Octavia: I rather do something else then coming back here.

Fang: You know if you ever get the chance, hows about come and hangout with me and my friend Loona. I am sure we can give you much better time.

Octavia: Really you would do that.

Fang: Sure, you seem like a chill girl who likes to do things her own way. Here I'll give you my number.

Octavia: Wow thanks Fang.

Both Fang and Octavia exchanged numbers and for once Octavia was feeling better now that she has a new friend who thinks like she does. Though the moment ended when her father waves to her to follow him into the theme park.

Fang and Octavia: Misery.(Both said in thought then enters the park)

Blitz: Now remember this is work and work only, me and my crew are not here to satisfy your perverted bird needs all right.

Octavia: we have to...?

Blitz: Okay yea hold on right there, sweetie. If you fucking my little ass in that park, I swear to...

Stolas: You are so cute when you are serious!

Octavia: I am literally gonna be sick.

Fang: You and me both, those two are sick bastards.

Moxxie: Oh, crumbs! I knew today would be a lot! What do you need?(Moxxie saids while pulling out pill bottles and sharp needles)

Octavia: That was figurative, old man.

Moxxie: Oh, right.

Fang: Moxxie get rid of those, I don't think you will need them.

Moxxie: Hehehe uh yea right good point. But she said it was literal.

Fang: Moxxie she was being sarcastic honestly.

Millie: Wow!! I haven't been to this place since I was a tot! It hasn't changed a bit.

Fang: Geez I wonder why?

Fang looked around and saw that this place was falling apart as well as all the attraction look like they were malfunctioning that could cause some scenes.

Millie: Oh look!!! It's Big Woobly!!(Millie saids while looking at the messed up dinosaur)

Fang: What a piece of junk?

Moxxie: That is...deeply upsetting.

Millie: Oh, come on! It's fun! You've never been here?

Fang: Nope, and I arrived here days ago and never seen or heard of this place until now. Besides the amusement parks I seen back in the human world were a whole lot better.

Moxxie: Me either, theme parks always disturbed me. Especially the mascots.

Fang: Oh you mean like that one in the ugly messed up apple costume.

Moxxie: What do you.........

Well, hey there!


Fang: Hehehe, got that on video. So sending this one to Loona.(Fang saids while recording Moxxie screaming in terror of the mascot)

Millie: Oh my gosh! It's Loo Loo!!

Loo Loo: I'm Loo Loo! Welcome to Loo Loo Land! If y'all get hurt here, just try and sue us!

Stolas: Look Via! It's Loo Loo!

Octavia: I have a question.

Loo Loo: Well, ask away, little girlie! A hyuk a hyuk a hyuk!

Fang: He sounds like cheap knock off of the Disney character Goofy.(Fang saids in thought)

Octavia: Is is true this park is just a really shameless spin-off of Lucifer's far more popular Loo Loo World?

Loo Loo: No?

Fang: I find that hard to believe.

Octavia: This place reeks of insecure corporate shame.

Stolas: Why don't we go check out the rides?

Loo Loo: That chick's creepy, huh?

Blitz: Eh wait till her dad tries to diddle your holes.

Loo Loo: What's that mean?(Loo Loo saids while looking at Millie and Moxxie who just walk away)

Fang: You really want to know.

Loo Loo: Uh should I?

Fang: I think it is best you don't.

Fang then walks up Octavia to tell her something that could lighten the mood for her.

Fang: Hey wanna see something cool.

Octavia: What do you have in mind?

Fang: Take my phone and record me, because this is going to be classic.

Fang takes his mark and looks at the apple mascot minding his own business until Fang found the right moment to strike while Octavia records of what is going to happen.

Fang: He wines up the shot. Form looks good. SOO LONG APPLE FACE!!!

Fang runs and kicks the apple mascot hard and the guy went flying into the air and far away from the theme park while screaming at the top of his lungs.


Fang: And he's out of here!

Octavia: Hehehehe, you know that was cool and yet funny at the same time.

Fang: I thought giving you something laugh about would even the mood.

Octavia: Well it was great the entertaining.

Fang: If there is something not to your liking just bash it and smack it or better yet blow it up.

Octavia: I think I might do that. Better catch up with my dad and your boss.

Fang: After this, this theme park is going up in flames.

Moxxie and Millie headed down the pathway to try out some games but not before Moxxie saw what Fang did to the mascot that brought a smile on the imps face that he no longer has to see that creepy apple mascot again.

Millie: Look at all of this stuff Moxxie!

Moxxie: You really like this place, huh?

Millie: I love this place! My parents would bring me and my siblings here when they could swing it. Money wise.

Moxxie: Yea the prices do seem rather criminal. I mean that much for a novelty cup that use one time.

Millie: Cause it's Loo Loo Land!

Blitz: Listen to your hoe Mox.(Blitz saids while drinking from an apple cup and wearing a Loo Loo hat)

Fang looks at Blitz in annoyance as well as Stolas who was making his daughter uncomfortable while showing her a Loo Loo land t-shirt.

Fang: I should have stay in the office building then coming to this place.(Fang saids in thought)

Blitz: Anyway hows about me and Fang take the first watch while you two have a little fun.

Millie: OOH!!! We gotta do my favorite ride!!

Moxxie: Oh yea which one?

Millie: That one! The Lawsuit!!(Millie saids while looking at the rollercoaster)

Moxxie: Oh crumbs!

Fang: I suggest getting a barf bag after you're done!

For the remaining time Blitz and Fang were keeping an eye out for anyone trying to attack both Stolas and Octavia until Fang sniffed about five imps hiding in the shadows and went to do his job. He attacked and slaughtered them like animals and none of them were no match for him. After he was done, he went back to Blitz who was still keeping guard of Stolas and his daughter.

Stolas: You know it's quite thrilling to see you on the job Blitzy.

Blitz: Save it bitch I am woking.

Octavia: You both need to get a room.

Fang: I second it.

Blitz: Hey I am not a day hooker! I am not a prude!

Fang: You sure are acting like one.

Stolas: Oh look Via! You uses to cry tears of joy at this show!(Stolas saids while pointing towards a circus that sent chills down his daughters spine)

Octavia: Oh no......

Octavia started to have flashbacks of when she was younger and saw this show in person that didn't make her cry tears of joy but tears of fright and horror that will haunt her for all time.

Fang: Robo-Fizz, thats a stupid name to call a clown.

Octavia and Blitz: I hate that fucking clown.(Both saids while glaring at the clown in the posters)

Once both Stolas and her daughter entered the tent with Fang while Blitz waited outside to make sure no one gets close to Stolas the show began. Fang can see it in Octavia's eyes that she wasn't going to like seeing that same clown again. Fang sat next to her and looks to see that show starting and out came the clown himself.

Robo-Fizz: Hey hey hey hey implings! It's me, the Robotic-Fizzarolli!

Fang: Now I can see why Via hates this clown. Would be enjoy to see this hunk of junk torn to pieces.(Fang saids in thought while not liking this clown)

Robo-Fizz: Shipped from Big Ozzie's factory to bring you a wonderful show celebrating Loo Loo Land, spelled with O's, to avoid lawsuits! H h h h h h h Hit it!

Fang: Well I know where this is going good thing I brought some ear plugs.

Octavia: Got anymore.

Fang: Always brought spares here.(Fang saids while giving Octavia ear plugs so she doesn't have to listen to this clowns song)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


Loo Loo Land, Loo Loo Land
Everybody sing along with the Loo Loo band
Every boy, every girl
Every woman, every man
Loves Loo Loo Land!

Loo Loo Land, Loo Loo Land
Everything is beautiful in Loo Loo Land
Ugly children holding hands
In Loo Loo Land!

Everybody's friendly
And nobody is mean

About a magical, fantastic place
Called Loo Loo Land!

Sing along with the Loo Loo band
Every boy, every girl
Every woman, every man
Loves Loo Loo Land!

As soon as the song ended both Fang and Octavia took off their ear plugs while listening to the cheers of kids clapping for the robotic clown and so was Stolas. Octavia was glaring at the site of the clown and so was Fang until he decided to make things more entertaining. Fang without anyone knowing used a spell to summon a cannon next to the clown and when the clown turned around and saw the cannon well he didn't know what was going to happen next.

Fang: Canon Feu....(Fang whispers the spell)

Robo-Fizz: What the who put a can.........


The Audience now laughed at the site they seen in which Octavia looked towards Fang who smirked meaning that he had something to do with this that made Octavia smile and enjoyed seeing the clown get shot with a cannon who is now on the ground covered in cannon ash. Blitz saw the whole thing and laughed like hell.

Fang: Now that is what I call a performance.

Octavia: You did that on purpose didn't you.

Fang: Hmm maybe but it was worth seeing.

Octavia: Hehehe I guess you could say that.

Outside of the circus Moxxie took Millie around the game stands until Millie spotted a stuff plushie she wanted.

Millie: Oh look Moxxie! A Thing!

Moxxie: Oh, you like that thing?

Millie: Yessssssss! I don't really know what that thing is but I want that thing!

Carnie Imp: Hello hello! Step right up and win a thing!

Moxxie: Finally something I can handle.

Moxxie hands the money to the carnie and takes out the gun where he shot the target that was on the apple characters ass and when Moxxie hit the target it made Millie happy until the Carnie spoke.

Carnie Imp: Ooh strike one, little man!

Moxxie: But I hit it!

Carnie Imp: Hmmm...I don't know what to tell ya buddy. The target, see? It didn't go down. So, yeah! No go little man.

Moxxie got angry and threw another bill down and shot the target again but it didn't went down still.

Moxxie: The heaven's wrong with this thing?!

Carnie Imp: Oh man, a real shame, I tell ya.

Moxxie: Another!

Back at the circus, Robo-Fizz came out his trance after being shot with a cannon and went back to singing his song that caused both Fang and Octavia to hold their ears while Blitz fired a gun at an imp that was gonna kill Stolas.

Stolas: Oh! My, what aim you have Blitzy.

Octavia: Ugh! I can't do this anymore!

Fang: I am so out of here, this place is lame.(Fang saids as he and Octavia got up and left)

Stolas: Wait...Octavia!

Stolas chases out of the circus to catch up with his daughter and Fang with Blitz following behind until Robo-Fizz spotted the imp and laughed.

Robo-Fuzz: Mua hahahahahahaha hohoh! Is that Blitzo my sensors spot up there? I bet the kiddies are still running away from you, huh? Hahahahaha!

Blitz: The O is silent now!

Robo-Fuzz: Aww just like your audience always was when you told your lazy jokes here! Hahahaha!

Blitz: Bitch I make more money killing people than you do being cheap ass robo ripoff of an overrated sellout Jester!

Robo-Fuzz: Oohoohoo! Someone's salty! Real or not though, people love me! Does anybody love you..Blitzo?

Blitz: No. But I am really good with guns now. Dance bitch!

Blitz fires his gun at Robo-Fizz who dodged his bullets while laughing like a maniac and doing twirls around Blitz until the Fizz launched Blitz out of the tent and landed in a wagon full of inconvenient torches that caught the whole circus on fire. Soon out came burning robots who were melting due to the fire except for Robo-Fizz who wore a big smile on his face while on fire.

Robo-Fizz: Hahahahahaha!

Back at the carnie stand, Moxxie pulled out more money from his pocket and kept on shooting and shooting that same target over and over again but it still wasn't going down.

Carnie Imp: Wow! Man, you're really starting to make this sad. You know if you suck, you suck! Guess you won't win your honey here a prize...

Millie: Let me try!!(Millie saids and misses the target)

The carnie imp smirked and pushed a button that made the target fall over to make Moxxie look like a fool.

Carnie Imp: Ooh look at that! Lucky shot, baby.

Moxxie: Are you kidding me?! charlatan!

Carnie: Hey, uh get lost, pipsqueak. I'm talking to the lady.

Behind the three were Blitz and Robo-Fizz who the robotic maniac caught Blitz and threw him into the air until he landed on top of the Carnie Imp that left Moxxie and Millie in confusion when all of sudden they look to see the amusement park burn up in flames.

Moxxie: Sir?!

Blitz: Oh hey guys! You should probably go, uh make sure Stolas is okay, oh wait on second Fang is probably with him but just go just in case. For me I just got some unfinished business to take care of.(Blitz saids while both Millie and Moxxie look to see a crazy robotic clown covered in flames coming towards them and Blitz)

Millie and Moxxie run away while Blitz deals with Robo-Fizz. Blitz fires his gun at the wacky clown but the clown himself catches the bullet with his mouth and spits it out.

Blitz: Oh, what a mouth!

Robo-Fizz: Hahahahaha!

Blitz an Robo-Fizz fight each other while the while amusement catches on fire. Back with Stolas he was chasing after his daughter who was heading into a fun house. Behind Stolas was more imp assassins who were ready to strike Stolas when all of sudden they heard a growl behind them and look to see Fang cracking his knuckles.

Fang: Grrrrrrrr......Who wants to die first.

Imp's: Mommy........😱(All said while scared like hell)

Fang uses his guns to fire at the imps first which half of them hit the ground while finishing off the rest with his claws and laser vision until he looks to see all of them dead.

Fang: I need to blow off some steam.

Stolas: Octavia?

Octavia: Just leave me alone!(Octavia saids while heading into the fun house)

Stolas: Octavia!

Stolas heads into the fun house to look for his daughter when all of sudden he gets jumped by an imp who wrapped his arms around Stolas's neck.

Stolas: Umm..I think I'm supposed to be body guarded right now!


Fang shoots the imp off of Stolas while Millie and Moxxie come from behind and saw the whole thing.

Stolas: Ah that is better. Where is Blitzy? He's my knight and shining armor not you lit...

Fang: Say a word and you will never have sex with anyone ever again or I can just shoot your dick off. Now shut the hell up and go be there for your daughter for crying out loud.

Stolas: Uh...I think I will do just that.(Stolas saids then goes to find Octavia)

Fang: What's going on outside and why do I smell something burning?

Moxxie: Everything outside is on fire.

Fang: Let me guess Blitz started a fight with the crazy robot clown.

Millie and Moxxie: Yup!

Fang: You two go on ahead, I will keep Stolas and Octavia guarded.

Millie: Be careful Fang.

Fang: I will.

Moxxie: Oh and thanks for getting rid of the mascot.

Fang: No problem Moxxie.

Stolas headed into a room where he spots his daughter crying that made him upset and went over to see her.

Stolas: Octavia...I take it you are...not having fun.

Octavia: 😢sniff..I didn't even want to come here.

Stolas: I'm sorry sweetie..I thought you loved it here.

Octavia: When I was a kid and my parents didn't hate each other. My dad didn't float was a weird red dickhead the entire time.

Stolas: I'm sorry Via. I'm sorry for everything happening right now, I know it's a lot..I should have listened.

Octavia: I just want to go home. But home doesn't even feel like home anymore. You ruined it.

Stolas: You need to understand, your mother and I just...I felt..she's always been...I haven't been..we weren't in...I'm sorry I don't have the words.

Octavia: Are you gonna run off with him? And leave me behind...go away where I can't find you.

Stolas: What? No no no never. I'd never do that never. I think it is time to leave this place. You were right, you are too old for it.

Fang: Glad to hear you say that sir because this place is horrible.(Fang saids while seeing both Stolas and Octavia together)

Octavia: Fang..

Fang: Come on let's get the hell out of here like right now because the whole amusement park in now on fire.

Fang along with Stolas and Octavia headed out of the amusement park where everyone inside was going crazy and killing each other which Fang enjoyed the scene that he recorded everything and send it to Loona who have the video a thumbs up. Before leaving the park, Fang decided to do one last thing before everything ends.

Stolas: So what would you like to do now?(Stolas saids while carrying his daughter in his arms)

Octavia: Oh can we go to stylish of coals. They sell weird taxidermy there.

Stolas: Hmm...okay.

Octavia: Hehehe..thanks dad. You're okay sometimes.

Stolas: Thank you Via, thank you.

Then out of nowhere Fang looked to see Millie, Moxxie and Blitz flying out of the sky due to an explosion in the park and landed right next to him.

Fang: Where the hell have you guys been?

Moxxie: Our boss decided to ruin another good thing.

Blitz: Yea but it was worth it! That slutty toy clown had it coming!

Fang: Hey Via, wanna make this night even more better.

Octavia: How?

Fang takes out a control with a button on it and gave it to Octavia.

Fang: See that big red button push it and prepare to see the greatest entertainment ever.

Octavia smiles at what Fang said and pushed the button and soon the entire amusement park exploded into thousands of pieces. The explosion was heard throughout all of her and it was amazing.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Loo Loo Land exploding)

Stolas: Ooh I do enjoy a great show!

Octavia: Wow...

Fang: Hehehe, what do you think?

Octavia: It is perfect.

Fang: If you ever want to hangout as friends, give me a call or text.

Octavia: I would like that thank you Fang.

Fang: Anything for a new friend.

Blitz: Ooh pretty....argh...(Blitz saids while in pain and passes out)

Fang: Oh brother.

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