Chapter 41: Lady Blanc!
It's been over two weeks since Moon was born and everyone including Fang's other girlfriends were so happy to see the little puppy though the girls couldn't wait until they have a child of their own but for now they are happy that Fang was starting to become a father to his first born child. Fang loved his daughter so much that he took her to meet her grandmother and grandfather up in heaven and lets just say Fang's mother squealed with absolute joy when she looked upon her grandchild while Fang's father congratulated his son on becoming a father. Loona was the happiest the most because she always wanted her own family and now she's got one, she has given birth to a beautiful daughter and soon to be married to her handsome and powerful God of Hell along with the others who look forward to being Fang's future wives. Fang is going to have his hands full but he will handle it like he always has. While he was in heaven when he took Moon to meet his parents, Fang took it upon himself to propose to Emily and lets just say she cried tears of joy and said she would love to be Fang's wife.
For Stella well lets say she is doing absolutely fantastic and since her memories were erased she no longer remembers the bitch she was before because now that she was returned to her proper age after Fang freed her from those spells and shit stuff her brother and family put on her, Stella was becoming a proper young woman and was already bonding with the girls even Octavia because now Octavia can see that this new Stella is a whole lot better than the one she hated. Stella soon started to develop romantic feelings for Fang after he helped her out and gave her a new home and after having a conversation with the girls, they all agree to allow Stella to be part of the harem as well as another wife for Fang.
Fang was in the human world with Loona and Moon, where the three of them went to Paris to see Marinette. Fang wanted Moon to meet her aunt for the first time and Fang did promise Marinette that when his child is born he would take Moon to see her talented aunt. Inside the apartment Marinette was holding baby Moon in her arms with Loona at her side, and both of them are just loved by the cute little puppy who was smiling at her aunt and mother.
Marinette: Whose a good girl! Whose a good girl, you are!
Moon: ~Giggle~
Marinette: Oh my gosh she's so adorable!
Loona: That she is.
Marinette: She looks just like her mommy though has some of father's features.
Fang: Hehehe, Loona was thinking we should have another child so that Moon wouldn't be alone because her other siblings are not born yet.
Loona: We're are still discussing on what we wanna do. For now we want to focus on this little pup here..(Baby Voice) Isn't that right my wittle puppy.(Loona saids and tickles Moon)
Moon: ~Giggle~
Marinette: Awwww!!! That way she giggles like that is making my heart burst. I just want to hold you in my arms all day. I can't believe I am an aunt to this little ball of fluffy cuteness.
Fang: I told you would, Mari. Since were here I have a request.
Marinette: What is it?
Loona: We were wondering since your a famous fashion designer like Fang said, we were wondering if you would design some baby clothes for Moon sure there are some in hell but we figured someone like you would be interested in designing clothes for our daughter.
Fang: And of course I will pay for them.
Marinette: Fang of course I will, and don't worry about payment. I will do it for free since were family and so is this little cutie pie.(Baby Voice)..Does my wittle niece want her favorite aunty to design her some new clothes.
Moon: Giggle!!!
Loona: We will take that as a yes.
Marinette: Little Moon is going to look so pretty in her new clothes I will be making her!(Marinette saids and holds Moon up into the air)
Fang: Hm? Sniff..sniff...sniff.
Loona: Babe, you ok?
Fang: I smell something.
Loona: Did Moon just, I mean she was already change babe.
Fang: No it's not her, I smell something and it's magic related.
Marinette: What do you mean by....
Marinette's words were cut off as a white portal appeared in her apartment. Loona got up and took out her weapons while Marinette stood up and held Moon close to her and Fang he senses something and the portal he was seeing looked familiar until he looked to see someone coming out the portal who was dressed in a bunny like outfit.
Bunny Girl: Oof looks like I made it and.......oh was I disturbing something important?
Loona: Uhhh ok who the hell is this chick and why is she dressed like the Easter Bunny?
Marinette: Wait a minute she looks she looks different, your'e not Bunnix?
Loona: Who?
Fang: Bunnix is the miraculous holder of time, she can open portals to multiple time lines while using the miraculus of rabbit which is a pocket watch. Though this girl standing before us is not Bunnix because I already know who Bunnix used to be before she...
Marinette: Before she joined Lila and her sheep, I took away her miraculous because she wasn't being herself and for that her future self doesn't exist well she does but she doesn't have the rabbit miraculous.
Bunny Girl: That's right, I am the new holder of the rabbit miraculous, call me Arctic Hare.
Fang looked at Arctic Hare closely and smells her scent and then his eyes widen at who is behind the mask of the rabbit miraculous.
Fang: Manon?
Arctic Hare: Eep!
Marinette: Manon? Wait a minute.....MANON IS THAT YOU?!!!(Marinette saids and looks at the rabbit hero more closely)
Arctic Hare: Uhhhh...Manon whose Manon...I don't know any...
Fang: You can't fool me Manon, I know that scent anywhere. At least your not the red headed shorty who got on my nerves.
Loona: You two know this Easter Bunny knockoff?
Arctic Hare: HEY!
Moon: ~Giggle~
Arctic Hare: AWWWWWW!!!! What a cute little puppy!❤️
Fang: To answer your question Loona, yes me and Marinette know her. Me and Marinette used to babysit her while her mother is working. She was a little trouble maker but likes to have fun.
Arctic Hare: You know me? I mean sure Marinette knows me since she was my former babysitter and even gave me the the miraculous of the rabbit after the former holder was stripped from it but how do you know me and what the heck are you?
Fang changes back into his human form that left Manon aka Arctic Hare in absolute shock because standing before her was her former babysitter who died at the hands of the corrupted police officers all because of Lila Rossi. But now he was standing before the rabbit heroine in which Arctic Hare was building up tears at seeing someone she had missed.
Arctic Hare: F...Fang.
Fang: Long time no see Manon.
Arctic Hare burst into tears and hugged Fang which he smiled and hugged the girl back. Fang knew how much Manon liked him and was always there to make her smile as well as acted like an older brother figure towards her.
Arctic Hare: 😢sniff..I..I don't understand I thought you were...
Fang: There are a lot things you must not know, and yes I still you know...but changed into something else. I cannot tell you because it's top secret and the only one who knows is Marinette as well as the Kwami's.
Arctic Hare: Whatever it is..I understand. I just can't believe it's you. I missed you so much. After what happened...I couldn't go out nor speak to anyone.
Fang: It's all right but I am pleased that you are doing better now. Though what brings you here to this time? Don't tell me that miraculous got stolen again by someone new.
Marinette: They aren't stolen are they?!!
Arctic Hare: No no the miraculous are fine Marinette, all of them are.
Marinette: Ooh thank goodness. But if the miraculous aren't stolen, why are you here?
Arctic Hare: I need your help, an alternate timeline got ruined and I need help to restore it. It won't affect this time because this alternate timeline shows a completely different version of our world.
Fang: Great and I just got back from a parallel universe two weeks ago. Now there is an alternate timeline.
Arctic Hare: There are parallel universes!!!
Loona: Not the time for that now, what happened in this timeline you are talking about?
Arctic Hare: Right, something happened that caused the whole world to collapse like some kind of cataclysm. I need your help to find out what happened and what caused it otherwise the timeline will get destroyed.
Fang: I will go.
Arctic Hare: Sorry but I need...
Fang: I am not putting my sister in harms way again, I will be going and that's final unless your tough enough to bring down someone like me.(Fang saids and sends a glare at Arctic Hare who feels a cold chill down her spine)
Marinette: I trust Fang, and I refuse to go to another alternate timeline not what happened with Cat Blanc. I still have the nightmares of that horrible place and him.
Loona: Whose Cat Blanc?
Fang: A story for another time babe. Arctic Hare, let's go.
Arctic Hare: Very well.
Fang: Marinette, watch over Moon and Loona for me until I get back cause I know Loona will be doing the same.
Marinette: Of course, I will not allow anything to happen to my niece.
Loona: I will just shoot them if they try something stupid.
Fang: Save that as a last resort honey.
Arctic Hare: Wait she's your and that cute puppy there's a lot I don't know.
Fang: And it's a good thing that you don't. It's for the best.
Fang enters the portal with Arctic Hare and the two of them arrived in the room filled with portals that lead to many verities of time periods.
Fang: What do you know so far about this timeline?
Arctic Hare: From what I gathered an incident took place and it caused the world to fall apart honestly I am still new to the hero business but getting that training I need from Marinette who now goes by Lady Luck.
Fang: So she changed her name, sounds nice but we need to focus on the problem at hand.
Arctic Hare: Yes, I will be dropping you off, and once you find out what you know try to fix the situation that is if you can.
Fang: I can do anything my powers are a lot stronger, trust me I know what to do.
Arctic Hare: Heh, there is a reason why you were my favorite babysitter and Marinette was my second. Good luck, Fang.
Fang: I'm gonna need it.
Arctic Hare opens the portal to the timeline and once Fang steps out of the portal, he comes face to face to what looks like Paris but it looked completely destroyed and the city itself was underwater and the Eiffel Tower completely decimated.
Fang: What the hell happened here?
Arctic Hare: Like I said before find out what caused this and try to undo the damages otherwise this timeline will get destroyed completely.
Fang: All right, I will find out who has done this if they are even around.
Arctic Hare: I leave everything to you Fang.(Arctic Hare saids and leaves into the portal)
Fang: much destruction...Paris, the people...what the hell could have caused all of this?
Fang went around the area to find any clues to what happened to this world. So far everything was underwater and some of the buildings were either destroyed or submerged. Fang decided to check underwater first. Fang retracted his wings and dived into the water where he saw something he didn't like seeing, it was the people who lived in Paris but there were all turned to stone and had looks of fear on their faces.
Fang: Holy shit....all those people..they turned to stone but how? Wait what's that over there by the legs of the Eiffel Tower?(Fang saids in thought then looks over to see something near the Eiffel Tower)
Fang swam over towards the location and looks to find a big black gash on the ground but also someone standing before it and it was known other than Hawk Moth of which Fang eyes glowed red with hatred and anger of seeing what caused this world to end up like this.
Fang: YOU SON OF BITCH!!!! YOU HAD SOMETHING TO DO WITH THIS!(Fang saids in thought with anger and punches Hawk Moth who is a stone now turned into nothing but dust)
Fang began to calm down after destroying whats left of Hawk Moth and headed back to the surface to calibrate on what he discovered.
Fang: So it was an Akuma that caused this to happened, though it had to be a very powerful one for it to destroy the world like this. Though who did Hawk Moth Akumatized that allowed that Akuma to do all of this?
???: 😢sniff....sniff.....
Fang ears picked up something close by and it sounded like someone who is upset. He then looks towards the source of where the sound was coming from and it was up top of what used to be the Tour Montparnasse. The God of Hell spread his wings out and flew towards the nearly submerged building and once he landed on the top he looked to see a person who looked like a cat but was in all white.
Fang: Who is that? She looks like like Cat Noir but in white? Hey are you all right?
As soon as the girl cat turned around when she heard the voice she gasped in shock of what she was seeing behind her but for Fang he gasped in horror because he knows that face and it was the face of Marinette, his sister but she looked completely different and why is she like this.
Fang: Oh my Grrr...I am going to kill Hawk Moth all over again for what he did.(Fang said in thought)
Lady Blanc: Who....😢sniff...who are you?
Fang(Whisper):I don't know if she knows me in this timeline but what do I got to loose. Besides I need to answers.
Lady Blanc: Who....who are you and what are you?
Fang: Fang, my name is Fang Hunter.
Lady Blanc: no it can't be....that's can't be him.....he's....I SAW HIM DIE IN MY ARMS?!!!!
Fang: Another version of me died?!(Fang saids in thought)
Fang looks and see's Lady Blanc bursting into tears meaning what she said just now was the truth, though Fang wants to know what happened to his other self and how Marinette became like this and he knows it's Hawk Moth's doing but doesn't know what caused Marinette to do these things.
Lady Blanc: 😢sniff...I saw his body destroyed and blood everywhere....I held him into my arms...until....until everything changed....I changed.....IT WAS ALL HAWK MOTH'S FAULT!!! He took away someone I loved and now every time I hear his name it brings back that horrible memory.
Fang saw how upset Lady Blanc looked and decided to do something that caught the girls attention. Fang reverted back into his human form but still has the halo above his head.
Fang: I know you have a lot of questions to ask me Mari, but it's me. I am here. This isn't a trick nor Hawk Moth's doing. I am really here, standing before you. What you saw was another side of me.
Lady Blanc: GASP! 😢sniff....there's no way....
Lady Blanc leaped towards Fang and landed in front of him and when she got close to him she can see that similarities however the eyes were different color and Fang has some kind of halo above his head that confused Lady Blanc but when Fang placed his hand on her cheek, she could feel the same warmness of what her Fang had. Admittedly she started to cry more and looked upon this Fang Hunter who was rubbing her cheek.
Lady Blanc:😢 came came back to me.
Fang: Mari what the hell happened to....MPH?!!!!!!!
Fang didn't get to finished as Lady Blanc grabbed Fang's face and plants her lips onto his that made Fang not only shocked but also very very confused onto why Marinette his sister was kissing him and on the lips. Lady Blanc wrapped her arms and legs around Fang's neck and back and continued to kiss him leaving the poor God Of Hell lost in his own thoughts until Lady Blanc pulled away.
Fang: Uhhhhhhh.....
Lady Blanc started to cry again and placed Fang's hand but on her cheek in which she started to confess on what happened.
Lady Blanc: 😢sniff...I..I thought I lost you. I am so sorry....😢sniff..I am so sorry. I..I tried to save you but...I was too late....he took you away from me...and he....his I.....please don't ever leave me again.
Fang: M..Mari what has happened here and why does Paris look like this, I know this is Hawk Moth's doing but I want to know what really happened here. Please tell me. But what are you doing with the miraculous of the destruction?
Lady Blanc: was the day of when me and Mister Bug found out who Hawk Moth was.
Fang: Wait Mister Bug? Whose Mister Bug?(Fang saids in thought)
Lady Blanc: It was during a battle against Hawk Moth, both me and Mister Bug discovered the identity to who the villain was and it was Gabriel Agreste. We chased him down to his lair where we discovered that he wanted to use our miraculous to bring back his wife Emilee who disappeared years ago but was kept beneath the Agreste mansion.
Fang: What happened?
Lady Blanc: After we discovered what he wanted Mister Bug attacked him because my partner was his son Adrien who hated of what his father have been doing for these past couple years and when we were out in the open.....Hawk Moth did something that caught us both off guard especially me.
Fang: What did he do?
Lady Blanc: He.....he captured you and used you as bait to lore us into the open. He figured out that you meant something for me and decided to torment you as well as beat you unless you give him information about me and Mister Bug but you wouldn't allow it. I have searched everywhere to find you but I couldn't find you until Hawk Moth revealed you in front of us and....I saw...😢sniff...I saw him hanging you from the Eiffel Tower all beaten and bruised as well as broken.
Fang: Oh shit....(Fang saids in thought while in shock)
Lady Blanc: I..I tried to save you but I was too late..Hawk Moth cut the line and you dropped to the ground...I held you in my arms trying to make you stay awake but died....😢sniff...and then Hawk Moth used my emotions and he...he Akumatized me into this....I went from being Lady Noire to Lady Blanc.....I tried to fight the control but in the end I destroyed everything and everyone around me even my partner as well as Hawk Moth.
Fang: I'm so sorry.
Lady Blanc: 😢sniff...I missed you so much. Please don't leave me again.
Fang: I won't but tell where is the Akuma now?
Lady Blanc: Inside my ponytail hair pin....why?
Fang breaks the hair pin and the Akuma comes out and without anything else Fang shot the Akuma with his laser vision that made Lady Blanc gasped in shock at seeing the Akuma destroyed by such power. Lady Blanc then changes back but still had the same cat like eyes as well as the white hair and cat ears.
Lady Blanc: W..what? Why do I look the same?
Fang: I guess being stuck in that form for so long too a huge affect on your physical appearance. But also looks like the miraculous is gone. It somehow merged together with you and it turned your whole appearance into something else.
Lady Blanc: What am I going to do?
Fang: Hey I think you look absolutely beautiful like this. The white hair and the blue eye cat like eyes are a nice touch.
Lady Blanc: R..really.
Fang: Of course though there is something I need to tell you.
Lady Blanc: As long as I am with you, I will listen to what you have to say.
Fang: All right here's what you must know about me...
2 hours later.
Fang explained everything to Lady Blanc as well as where he came from and why he came here. Lady Blanc gasped in shock that this was not her Fang Hunter but a Fang Hunter from another timeline except he's a demon wolf but turned into a god of hell after battling corrupted angels, died because of liar to everything from him, made friends with angels and demons from both heaven and hell but also in a harem relationship with other women and is a father to one who given birth two weeks ago. Also finding out that Fang is her brother in his timeline meaning that when she kissed him, he felt way off. But then was told onto why he came to her time and was to find out what caused the alternate timeline to collapse.
Fang: And that's basically it. I know this is a lot to take in but it's the truth.
Lady Blanc did something that caught Fang off guard and that is hugging him in a tight hug but with tears in her eyes.
Lady Blanc: I don't care. 😢sniff..I don't care if your from another timeline nor you being a demon from hell, I still want to be with you. I don't want to loose you again.
Fang: Mari....
Lady Blanc: Blanca, call me Blanca since there is a Marinette where you come from.
Fang: Blanca Dupain Cheng, hmm that's not a bad name. How old are you in this timeline?
Blanca: I'm 22 years old.
Fang: Wow, Marinette is only 15, you can pass off being her sister. But despite being her from another timeline I do think you are very beautiful and very attractive.
Blanca: You mean it.
Fang: Of course I do.
Blanca: Oh Fang~
Lady Blanc now Blanca took Fang's face and smashed her lips onto his where the two had a full on make out in which their tongues wrestled for dominance and Fang giving Blanca her ass a squeeze that made her moan but the moment was cut short when Fang senses the timeline about to be destroyed.
Fang: We got to go.
Blanca: What's wrong?
Fang: I thought I can fix this timeline but the damages to it is too great. There's not enough time for this whole world gets destroyed with everything on it.
Blanca: What do we do?
Out of nowhere another time portal opened up and Arctic Hare came out and looked to find Fang and Blanca.
Arctic Hare: And good you fixed her well sort of now all we have to do is...
Fang: Plan failed because now we have to go, this whole world is coming undo and soon there will be nothing. I thought I could fix it but the damages is too great. Take a look the world is already started to crack like literally.
Arctic Hare: Uhhhh...I see your point. What about this Marinette from this timeline?
Fang: I am taking her back with me, and her name is Blanca. That's her name for now on. And the answer is no I am not leaving her here to die.
Arctic Hare: I wasn't even going to say to leave her here.
Fang: Right sure you were. Come on Blanca I will take you back home with me.
Blanca: Thank you Fang and thank you for coming back to me even if you are from another timeline.
Fang smiled and soon Arctic Hare along with Fang and Blanca left the alternate timeline before it's destruction. They then headed back to the portal of their time and Fang has offered Blanca a place to live and she excepted because she wanted to be by Fang's side always. When they got back home Marinette and Loona looked to see Fang coming out of the portal along with Blanca that left Marinette in shock while Loona in question. Arctic Hare waved bye to them and disappeared into the portal.
Fang: Hey Marinette, hey Loona I'm back.
Loona: We can see that but who is that holding you hand?
Marinette: Why does she look like me but with white hair?
Fang: Sigh.....sit down and we will explain the details.
Both Fang and Blanca told the girls everything and lets just say they were pissed not at them but at the man who caused the timeline to fall apart and the whole getting destroyed but also killing Fang in that timeline and leaving a poor girl to suffer while trapped in her alternate hero form. Blanca told Marinette that she was the holder of the cat miraculous and the owner of the bug miraculous was Adrien though her Adrien was good person though had the same daddy issues and Lila didn't exist which was pleasing to Fang's ears. Marinette felt sorry for her counterpart and hugged her saying she was sorry for her losses and would like to help her out.
Blanca was filled with happiness again that Marinette offered to be a sister to her but was still shocked that Fang and her counterpart were a couple and not brother and sister which was weird around Marinette but it's an alternate timeline so things don't usually go the same way. Loona was ok with Blanca and the way she confessed her feelings about Fang, the hellhound would except Blanca part of the harem just like how the others excepted Stella. Moon looked at Blanca and gave the girl a happy smile and wanted Blanca to hold her. Blanca gushed over the cute little pup and was thinking of having kids with Fang since she dreamed of having a family as well as settling down.
Fang: All right it's time to go home.
Loona: Yea it's time for Moon's nap anyway. Thanks for having us over Marinette and look forward to seeing my babies outfits when you do them.
Marinette: Absolutely and thanks for stopping by to visit. I will see you soon Moon. Take care you little precious pup 💋.(Marinette saids and kisses Moon on the forehead)
Moon: ~Giggle~
Blanca and Marinette: AWWWWWW!!!!❤️
Fang smiled and opens a portal back to hell, Loona while holding Moon takes Fang's left arm and Blanca took his right, all four of them waved Marinette goodbye until next time and now they were all at Fang's place. Blanca was in awe of what hell looks like but also Fang's home.
Fang: Before we go inside, Blanca I need to do something to you.
Blanca: What is it?
Fang: In your time line you committed a sin even if you had no control over yourself, so now that you are in hell I would need to change your appearance. The form you have looks more human than cat like and it will draw a lot of attention.
Loona: In other words he's going to change you into a demon, like us. Though you will still be able to change back into this form whenever you like. I will give you some tips on how to do it.
Blanca: I see, very well. What should I do?
Fang: Just hold still and let me take care of the rest.
Blanca nods and watches Fang would his magic in which he shot Blanca with some magic that changed her whole form, now she looks more like a cat but in hell she will be known as a HellCat. She still has her same blue cat eyes and white hair however she has a cat like tail and cat like hands and feet but also a cat like nose.
(Artwork done by me: 95nicholasnm)
Fang: Done. You will fit just right in with the rest of us.
Blanca: Wow...I look amazing! Though I wont cough up hair balls would I?
Fang: No you won't.
Blanca: Sigh...thank goodness.
Loona: Not bad of a look. Anyway time for little puppy here to go to beady bye.
Moon: YAWN!
As soon as everyone step into the house they looked to find a note on the table. It said that Lute along with Stella, Danielle, Vortran and Octavia went out to have some fun at a party that Bee is throwing and will promise not to get drunk nor come back looking like crap. Fang smirked and rolled his eyes because he knows how the girls act when they are at a party. So now it was just him, Loona, Blanca and Moon who is being put in her crib to sleep.
Loona: All right Moon is put to bed. So what do you wanna do now?
Fang: Well I'm gonna grab a shower and head to bed.
Loona: All right I will stay up and watch tv and wait until the girls get back.
Fang: Heh or more like you sit around the house being lazy and just go on your phone to do whatever the fuck you want.
Loona: Hehehehe, you know me too well babe.
Fang: Did you make sure to give Moon her bottle?
Loona: I did, and she drank the whole thing. Next thing you know she's knocked out asleep.
Fang: Reminds me of you.
Loona: Yea but not that much.
Fang: Riiiight sure. Anyway, Blanca your room is down the hall to the right, next to mine and Loona's.
Blanca: Thanks, I think I will just get some sleep for the time being.
Fang: Very well.
As soon as Fang left for the showers Blanca had a different idea and that's not going to sleep in her new bedroom no she wanted to be with Fang and by be with him she wants to have fun with him and by fun she means she wants to have sex. It's been so long since she had it with her Fang but now she wants to do it with this Fang who took her in and gave her a another chance.
Loona: You know if you want him to fuck you, you better get on into his room and surprise him.
Blanca: W...what?!
Loona: Come on, you were totally giving him the fuck me eyes. So go on and have fun with him. There's plenty of him to go around.
Blanca: sure?
Loona: I'm still recovering from giving birth to Moon so I don't mind and neither does the girls. I texted them all and they gave their approval.
Blanca: Wow...thanks.
Loona: Sure, though you might want to buy a wheelchair cause when Fang doesn't like to hold back. He made all of ours legs go numb.
Blanca blushes hard after hearing that and rushes towards Fang's room. Once inside Blanca heard the shower from the bathroom meaning Fang was still showering so it gave Blanca time to get prepared. She stripped off her clothes and got completely naked and waited for her lover to be done.
Blanca: I am going to have him bare my kittens.~
After an hour later Fang came out of the shower wearing a towel around his waist. He was going to get dressed until he stopped and looked to see Blanca who was naked and smirking at the HellWolf and Fang knows what is going to happen next. His inner wolf can sense it.
Blanca: Hey sexy~ Care to join a little kitten like me.
Fang: Blanca?!
Blanca: That's right. You may look like my Fang but I will love either one so drop that towel and make me your woman. Take me here and now.~
Fang(Demonic): Oh I will Blanca...I WILL.(Fang saids and drops his towel exposing his body that made Blanca's whole face turn shades of red)
Blanca: OH MY GOSH HE'S SO SEXY AND BIG!!!!❤️(Blanca saids in thought while blushing hard)
Meanwhile with Loona she was on the coach watching some videos on her phone until she started to heard the noises coming from Fang's bedroom.
Loona: That chick better hang on cause Fang is going to unleash the big guns upon her ass.
(Short Lemon🍋)
Fang was pounding Blanca from behind while sucking on his nipples that was causing Blanca to squeal in pleasure.
Blanca: YES YES YES!!! Fuck me Fang fuck me harder and deeper!!!❤️
Fang: Your breasts are so soft!!
Blanca: Squeeze my boobs baby squeeze because they are yours!!!
Fang thrusted deeper into Blanca that was making the girl moan and drool. Blanca never experienced such pleasure such as this. This Fang was absolutely incredible and if he keeps on pleasing her like this Blanca will soon get pregnant and become a mother like Loona. Though it will take a lot of time and more sex until the miracle happens.
Blanca: Fuck this pussy fuck kitty pussy!!!
Fang: Yes ma'am!!!
Fang thrusted more into Blanca and she was already close to her limit and so was Fang.
Blanca: I'M ABOUT TO CUM!!!
Fang: too!!!
Blanca: Do it!! Cum inside me!!! I want your seed inside me, I want to bare your child I want to be a mother to that child!!!!
Fang: BLANCA!!!!
Blanca: Path...path...path....amazing.~
(Lemon End)
Loona: Yea she's definitely gonna need a wheelchair after that.(Loona saids while continuing to look at stuff on her phone)
Inside the bedroom, Blanca was staring at the ring on her finger that Fang put on her symbolizing that Blanca will also be Fang's future wife along with the others. Blanca was so happy, she was reunited with her lover and now she's going to be his wife someday. Life was going to be great for Blanca.
Blanca: I love you Fang.
Fang: I love you too, Blanca.
Blanca: Promise me to stay by me.
Fang: Always.
Blanca: It's a start. I am going to be Mrs.Dupain Cheng Hunter. And soon to be the mother of my future children.
Fang: You know it's gonna take a long time for you get pregnant right?
Blanca: I know, I am just thinking of the idea of what I would be like as a mother.
Fang: Did your Fang like the idea?
Blanca: He did.....I still miss him though.
Fang: I am sure he would want you to move on.
Blanca: I guess...
Fang: I will not allow anything to happen to you neither of you.
Blanca: Thanks.
Fang: Let's get some sleep..I think you went over board with clawing my back.
Blanca: Sorry but you over did it when you thrust so deep into my body....Loona was right about one thing I am gonna need a wheelchair. I can't feel my legs.
Fang: Yea sorry about that.
Blanca: Don't be, I find it sexy.~
Fang: Yea yea that's what the other girls said.
Blanca: Hehehehe. Good night my precious big bad wolf.
Fang: Good night kitten.
Blanca: Call me Pussy Queen.
Fang: Uh yea...No.
Blanca: Ok ok just messing with you.
Fang: Right sure you are. You really are different from Marinette.
Blanca: True but I am what I am. And I know you love it.
Fang: That I do.
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