Chapter 40: I don't think we are in Hell anymore not our Hell!

A new year has started and Fang was having the time of his life. He defeated Adam and brought a new order to both heaven and hell, sinners are getting redeemed into heaven like the dream Charlie always wanted and it was all thanks to Fang for sharing the truth. All of hell treated him like their savor and protector ever since he became a God of Hell. Right now Fang is in Paris that is in the world of the living and he was telling his sister Marinette all about what went down in Hell.

It's been a long while since Fang visited Marinette and wanted to check up on her to see how she was doing in which she was doing absolutely fantastic. She finished school early, moved in a nice apartment with Luka, and is now working her way up to becoming a famous fashion designer that is even bigger than Gabriel who is well you know dead. Fang told Marinette everything that has happened in Hell and let's say Marinette was shocked, horrified and sad but most of all happy to see that Fang was all right but didn't like how he told her about him almost dying and his friends getting hurt. But then Marinette squealed in absolute joy when Fang revealed something personal to her and it was him proposing to his girls during SinsMas but also discovering that Loona, Charlie, and Vaggie are pregnant while the other girls nothing came up yet.


Fang: Hehehehe, that's right your gonna be aunt soon Mari.

Marinette: Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, congratulations!!!(Marinette saids and hugs Fang for becoming a father soon)

Fang: Thanks I needed that.

Marinette: I can't believe you didn't tell me sooner, I would have made my future niece or nephews little baby clothes. Speaking of babies I know Loona is going to have a girl but what about Charlie and Vaggie?

Fang: Nothing came up yet and the other girls didn't get anything about being pregnant yet but I am sure they will discover it sooner or later.

Marinette: When you get the chance, I want to see them with my own eyes. I'm going to be an aunt, this is so exciting. But I also happy that you got to see your parents in heaven, how are they doing?

Fang: They are doing fine though mom is embracing me about her future grandchildren and I plan to take the girls to meet mom and dad someday.

Marinette: That is so sweet. How did the girls take it after you proposed to them?

Fang: You really wanna know.

Marinette: Uh will there be you know that kind of stuff you and them do together?

Fang: They did it to me a lot....I mean a lot. So best not to know these things.

Marinette: Point taken.

Fang: Enough about me, whats been going on here besides you and Luka as well as your fashion career?

Marinette: Well for starters me and Luka are doing great so far however our formers classmates dream careers well they went down hill after what happened with Lila, they tried to get me to help them but I refused but when Alya tried to use force well lets just say she got a restraining order that if she came near me again she would get into a heap of trouble.

Fang: I thought they were already in trouble?

Marinette: They are still but they still try to get me to get their dream careers and I wouldn't help them not after what they did to you including us. Then one day Alya went too far.

Fang: What happened?

Marinette: She broke into my house and destroyed my room along with some rough designs but not my actual designs but not only that but she also caused a scene when my parents were taking care of the customers. After what happened she got taken away by the new chief of police that the mayor hired to take Sabrina's dad's place and was giving ten years in prison for assaulting, breaking entry, threats, cyberbullying, and much more. Hopefully time in prison will help clear on the mistakes Alya made.

Fang: Or she'll probably end up dead, a lot of people attend to get killed in prison.

Marinette: I rather not think that. The others got restraining orders and followed suit that they come near me they will end up like Alya.

Fang: It's good that you taking care of yourself and those idiots getting what they deserve. I'm proud of you sis.

Marinette: Thanks.

DING!(Text on Phone)

Fang: Hm?

Marinette: What is it?

Fang: It's Charlie, she wants me at the hotel for something. I might as well get going.

Marinette: All right, take care of yourself big brother. I love you.(Marinette saids and hugs Fang again as he did the same)

Fang: Love you too sis. Till next time.(Fang saids and opens a portal back to hell)

Fang leaves through the portal while giving Marinette a wave goodbye for now but will be back to see her again. He arrived later back in hell and at the Hazbin Hotel, the new version after the old one was destroyed in battle against Adam.

Fang: Might as well go see what my beautiful princess soon to be my wife is doing.

Fang enters the hotel and looks to see sinners checking into the hotel while some of them wait by until the others are finished. Half of them went up to Fang for an autograph or a selfie with a HellWolf now the God of Hell who singly defeated the corrupted angel and defended all of hell with his might. Fang then looked over and saw Charlie standing by the stairs while holding some strange box in her arms.

Fang: Hello my princess.

Charlie: Hi sweetie! You get my text?

Fang: I did, so what's the occasion?

Charlie: Well I was helping my dad clear out his room back home when all of sudden I found this strange box in his closet and I have no idea what's inside of it nor why dad has it.

Fang: Did you ask him what it was?

Charlie: I did but he said it something he kept away but forgot what it was. I asked mom but she doesn't know either. Could be something interesting.

Fang: Or it could be something that wants to eat your face off.

Charlie: Yeeaaaaaaaa....lets just take this to my room and we will know what's inside.

Vaggie: Hey Charlie, hey Fang. What's going on?(Vaggie saids while walking towards the two)

Fang: Charlie found this strange box in her dad's closet and plans to see what's inside and if your gonna ask no both Lucifer and Lilith have no idea what's inside not even us.

Vaggie: Should I be concerned about it?

Fang: Best to come along just in case something comes out the box and tries to kill us.

Vaggie: I'll get my spear.

Once inside the bedroom, Charlie placed the box on the counter and waits to see if she wants to open the box or not. Fang and Vaggie stood by her to make sure something would happen.

Fang: what?

Vaggie: I don't know what's in that box, but something tells me we shouldn't look through it until we know it's safe or not.

Fang: I agree though I don't sense anything dark related or anything at that matter coming from the box. But I don't want to take the chance.

Charlie: Well I have idea on how we can settle this.

Angel: Settle what?(Angel saids while coming in along with Alastor, Alice, and Nifty)

Alastor: What seems to be happening? I was just on my way to broadcast something on the radio until I heard some commotion going on inside dear Charlie's room.

Fang: Charlie found some odd box in her father's closet and has no idea what's inside and she plans to take a peek.

Charlie: Just for a little while.

Angel: Uhhh...should we be concern?

Fang: Vaggie said the same thing, best to be.

Alice: I am sure it's nothing to worry about, it could be the king's small collection of rubber ducks only it's the smaller ones.

Charlie: We might not know until we see for ourselves so I came up with a better solution. I'll flip a coin. Heads I look inside and tails I don't look and we just trash it.

Charlie takes out a coin from her pocket and flips it and once she grabs it and looked to see what she landed on, it was heads meaning that she plans to look inside the box.

Charlie: Looks like it's heads so I'm going to look inside.

Vaggie: Charlie I really think you shouldn't.

Fang: Maybe it would be best if I did it just in case something goes wrong.

Charlie: Vaggie, Fang it will be fine, I'm just going to take a quick peak and that is all. What could happen?

Charlie started to open up the lidd of the box and brace for what happens next as well as everyone else except for Alastor and Alice who remained calm. Once the lid was removed, Charlie looked inside and saw nothing but emptiness.

Charlie: Huh?

Vaggie: Babe is everything ok?

Charlie: Theres...there's nothing absolutely nothing.

Fang: Really?

Charlie: Yea and wow it's deep, deeper than any box I've seen....aaaaaahhhhhhh?!!!(Charlie saids then gets sucked into the box)

Fang and Vaggie: CHARLIE!!!!

Angel: What the shit?!

Alastor: Hmm, seems like this is not an ordinary box my dear sister.

Alice: Nope it is not brother.

With Charlie who got sucked into the box later reappeared in a whole new version of Hell that looks similar to her's but different in which Charlie is in a Parallel Universe where everything looks the same but different. Charlie got spit out of the red box that came from this new universe and landed on the ground.

Charlie: Ow?! What the Satan was that?

Vaggie 2: Charlie what happened?!

Charlie: I don't know Vaggie all of sudden I got sucked through the box and then the next thing I know is that I came out again weird.

Charlie gets up from the ground to meet eyes with Vaggie when all of sudden Charlie's eyes widen like dinner plates of seeing Vaggie but she was different and not just her but also her friends coming down the stairs.

Vaggie 2: No I mean your hair babe it's different and whats with the red getup? Angel how many times have I told you not to dye Charlie's hair, you know that stuff can't come out.

Charlie: Wait Angel is that you?

Angel 2: You know it baby, big, tall, and full of sexiness.~

Alice 2: Hmm. I must say Charlie this is definitely a new look for you. I like it. Though I never really took you for the red type.

Alastor 2: There's a princess for you, always dying her hair and not looking into the box like she should. What a good girl our dear Charlie is.

Charlie: Wait what are you guys talking about? I didn't dye my hair nor change the color of my outfit this is how I always looked. But why are you guys look so different. I don't remember Alastor nor Alice being blue or red, Alastor is usually wearing red and Alice wears pink.

Angel 2: Uhh I have no idea what you just said Charlie because that's how you always looked.(Angel 2 saids and points behind Charlie)

Charlie looked behind her of what Angel said and was in complete utter shock when she looks to see herself but with dark hair and a blue suit. Both Charlies looked at one another and gasped in shock of seeing themselves but different.

Charlie and Charlie 2: GASP!/GASP!

Vaggie 2: TWO CHARLIES?!!!(Vaggie 2 saids in thought while seeing double)

Angel 2: Wow did not see this coming. Well there's only one thing to say in a time like this. Clone, robot, or a long long lost twin! Taking all bets and I also offer crack, cash, and porno!

Charlie: I am so lost right now.

Charlie 2: I'll say you look just like me? Though except for the hair and suit color. You even sound like me though if you are me can you like I don't know do something Charlie would do?

Charlie: Um ok then....My name is Charlie(Clapping)..I like to sing(Clapping)..and when we express our feelings it's the greatest thing(Clapping)!

Charlie 2: are me!

Angel 2: Oh great now there is two of them.

Vaggie 2: I'm confused right now, how the fuck is there another Charlie here?

Charlie: Wow she looks just like my Vaggie but different.(Charlie saids in thought)

Vaggie 2: Sigh...uh Charlie.

Charlie and Charlie 2: Yes? Oh sorry you mean..?

Vaggie 2: Charlie Charlie?

Charlie and Charlie 2: We're both Charlie.

Vaggie 2: Charlie Morningstar?

Charlie and Charlie 2: Same.

Vaggie 2: Argh...the blonde one. How did you get here?

Charlie: I don't know I opened a box that belonged to my dad and when I looked inside I got sucked in and ended up in wherever this is?

Fang: You're in a Parallel Universe, Charlie.(Fang saids while sticking his head out of the box)

Charlie: Fang!

Charlie 2 and Vaggie 2: Wait did she say Fang?(Both said in thought)

Fang: You all right Charlie?

Charlie: I am but what did you say before then?

Fang: By my guess Charlie we're in a Parallel Universe where everything looks the same in our universe but different. Which any case that Charlie over there with the blue suit is you.

Charlie: So she is me. But from a different universe? I never would of have know there could be other versions of myself?

Fang: The universe works in mysterious ways Charlie.

Alastor 2: Oh! So that's what's inside the box that we have, it leads to another universe that is based off ours.

Fang: Uh yea I just said that.

Angel 2: Oh man I betting in that universe those two come from the other me is probably even more sexier and hornier then me. I do my best dammit!

Charlie 2: Pardon me.

Fang: Yes.

Charlie 2: You said that you are from a Parallel Universe correct.

Fang: That we are.

Charlie 2: So there are other versions of my friends where you come from.

Charlie: Yea would you like to meet them!

Charlie 2: Oh my gosh I would love too!

Vaggie 2: Wait a minute just let me see if they are dangerous or not.

Fang: Some of them are jerks.

Vaggie 2 went into the box with her spear and when she entered the other universe she met her other self that left the other Vaggie in shock of seeing herself.

Angel: Wow Vagina, you never told us you had a twin.~

Vaggie 2: Shut it dipshit!(Vaggie saids kicks Angel)

Angel: OW?! What the fuck did you do that for you crazy bitch?!

Vaggie 2 jumps into the box again and appeared back in her own universe while telling her counterpart and the others to come out of the box. One by one all of Fang's and Charlie's friends popped out of the red box and into the Parallel Universe where they looked to see their counterparts.

Angel: Holy shit? I must be high or something or am I seeing double.

Alastor: Interesting it would seem we have entered a whole new world.

Alastor 2: Rights you are my handsome friend. I must say it's nice to have someone else here with such a charming devilish smile like mine around here.

Alastor: Ah, so you must be this version of me. Quite the pleasure to be meeting you quite the pleasure.

Alastor 2: As do I.

Alice 2: My this version of my brother looks like me. Though it's nice to know there is another me. Please to meet you other me who is pink.

Alice: Oh stop it, the pleasure is all mine. I always wanted another sister, it's gets soo boring when it's just me and my strawberry brother.

Alice 2: Same goes for my blueberry brother.


Fang: All right that's enough, I think it would be best to talk about what is going on. Let's all meet in the dinning room so we can discuss the matter at hand.

Charlie 2(Whisper): He looks just like him, Vaggie.

Vaggie 2(Whisper): I know.

Fang looks at the two versions of Charlie and Vaggie who were looking at hime for some reason but shrugged it off for the time being. Now that everyone is seated in the dinning room Fang went on to explain the situation.

Fang: All right everyone let's talk of what we all know so far. It would that we have a box containing your universe of which we do not know how we got it since it was found in Lucifers possessions.

Charlie 2: While we have a box that contains your universe and like you said this one was found in my dad's possessions. The only question is how did they came to be here is beyond us.

Vaggie: Ok this is getting confusing.

Vaggie 2: I agree with my other self.

Vaggie: Let's just make this more simply, why don't we call our world Universe A and your world Universe B.

Angel 2: Hey how come we can't be Universe A?

Angel: We called it first bitch, and besides this place feels more like B you know.

Alice 2: He has a point there.

Charlie: Wait if everyone here is identical to each other, why didn't the other me looked through the box but I did?

Fang: Well here's the thing about Parallel Universe, Charlie. Sure both universes look the same but the difference is that was opposite outcomes. Like for example you flipped coin and it came out heads which mean that you looked into the box. But for Charlie B here she must of landed on tails so she didn't look through the box.

Charlie B: Yea that's right.

Angel: Well I flipped a coin and it came out heads meaning all that money I won at the casino was totally worth it.

Angel B: Fuck! I could have made a lot of doe. Imagined what I could use that money for..

Angel: Heh sucks to be you.

Angel B: Hey lick my furry ass dipshit!

Vaggie: Ok I think I have seen and heard enough, where is that red box that has our universe in it. I want to go home and sleep because this stuff about universes and other versions ourselves is giving me headache.

Vaggie B: For once we both agree on something.

Charlie: Aww but Vaggie I want to spend some time and get know the other me. Besides this could be our chance to experience a whole new universe. Doesn't that sound incredibly amazing.

Charlie B: Yea why don't we go on a double date just the four of us.

Vaggie B: I guess it wouldn't hurt.

Vaggie: Sigh...fine but only for a day.

Charlie and Charlie B: YEEEEEEEE!!!

Vaggie: But if only Fang comes along cause I don't trust this universe one bit.

Charlie: If you don't mind him tagging along. He means a lot to us.

Vaggie B: Wait you two are dating him?

Angel: Actually he's dating more women, he has a harem going on.

Charlie: Yes but he's more than that, he's our fiancé. And the father of our future children.

Alice: Still waiting on mine and I to am his fiancé.

Alice B: She is one lucky lucky girl.(Alice B saids in thought)

Charlie and Vaggie B jaw dropped to the ground when they discovered that this Fang Hunter is engaged to their other selves and soon to be a father to their unborn children. Both looked happy for their counterparts but deep down they were sad because in this universe Fang Hunter no longer exist due to an incident that took place.

Charlie and Vaggie B: If only we could have that chance if he was still here with us.(Both said in thought while sad)

(This is Universe B version of Hell)

Angel and Angel B were walking down the street of the lust ring giving each other the eye until the first one spoke.

Angel: I got my eye on you bitch.

Angel B: Don't even think about it shithead, you be dead before you hit the ground.

Angel: Good point, you know what why don't we head to club and get wasted and fuck some horny guys while we pay them to fuck us.

Angel B: I been waiting for one of us so say that.

Angel and Angel B: WOOO-BABY!!!

Angel B: Angel A, you are one sexier mother fucker can you forgive a pornstar like me for distrusting you?

Angel: Aww how can I not, I love me. That is if you got the stuff?

Angel B: Always carry it around for special occasions.(Angel B said and takes out a huge pack of crack)

Angel: Lets get fucked and drunk whenever we want.

Angel B: Fuck ya.

Back at the hotel with the two Nifty's well they weren't really do that much but just dusting the whole hotel from top to bottom like any Nifty would.

Nifty and Nifty B: Hehehe, clean clean clean! This is dusty, so is this and this.

Nifty: Ooh the bugs are getting away!

Nifty and Nifty: But not for long hehehehehehe. Stab! Stab! Stab!

With Alice and Alice B, the two were in the bedroom listening to some music while also having some tea time which was pleasing for the two since they both enjoy the quite time and with no one interrupting their day.

Alice and Alice B: Sigh...bliss.

Alastor and Alastor B were in the radio broast complex on top of the hotel where both Alastor's were doing a broadcast together which both radio demons found each other's company to be quite useful.

Alastor B: Tell me something do you have a Vox where you come from?

Alastor: That I do and I take it you have one as well.

Alastor B: I did but not anymore.

Alastor: Ooh do tell, what happened to your Vox?

Alastor B: I simply turned him into a antique radio and using him to help broadcast my voice throughout the rings. All the radio's down there are all connected meaning I can translate my broadcasting to all of them.

Alastor: Interesting I might have to use that idea next time.

Alastor B: Please do, it makes it more fun. Care to join me in for a broadcast my handsome friend.

Alastor: I would be delighted too.

Alastor and Alastor B: LET'S BEGIN.

Now with Fang he along with the two Charlies and two Vaggie's were at a restaurant chatting with one another but Fang was seeing how Charlie B and Vaggie B were looking at him oddly in which Fang couldn't place it but to them they know but don't want to talk about it.

Charlie B: So um Charlie how did you and Vaggie met Fang here?

Charlie: We met him when he came to a meeting with my dad about going on a mission to other dimensions to hunt down those who avoided death. After words he came by the hotel to help out in which he did an amazing job and knows how to support what I have in mind.

Vaggie: Don't forget how he defended us against Adam as well as became a God of Hell. He even ripped Adam in half with his own bare hands.

Vaggie B: He did all of that? But how did he become a God?

Fang: During a mission to another dimension well it wasn't really a real mission per say but anyway I went to his shadow world kind of like hell where I killed a dark lord named Exgol and after I defeated him I gain the powers of a God however the powers didn't kick in because I needed to be tested to see if I was worthy of becoming a God and I was after I saved everyone and destroyed Adam forever bringing a new order for heaven and hell.

Charlie and Vaggie B : He is so different from him but still cares for those around him.(Both said in thought)

Charlie: Then two months later we opened a new Hazbin Hotel and we got sinners coming in and redeemed into heaven. My dream came true and it was all thanks to Fang who made it possible. And later both me and Vaggie discovered we are pregnant and cannot wait to become mothers.

Vaggie: I'm nervous but with Fang here and taking responsibility I will be all right.

Fang: I care about you girls so much and I will do anything for you.

Charlie and Vaggie B felt the same connection as to what their Fang said to them before he...before he was gone from their lives. It brought the girls into tears that didn't go unnoticed to Fang who saw the girls who were wiping their tears away.

Fang: Hey is something wrong?

Charlie B: It's....I need to use to the restroom be right back.(Charlie B saids and leaves the table)

Vaggie B: Charlie....

Fang along with his Charlie and Vaggie watch as both Charlie B and Vaggie B leave the table and go into the bathroom together.

Fang: Something doesn't feel right.

Charlie: What do you mean?

Fang: Those two have been eying me since we left the hotel.

Vaggie: They probably think you are like their Fang.

Fang: That's the thing, I never seen or sense my other self here. I get the feeling something happened in this universe and it's making both your other selves very upset.

Charlie: I'm gonna go ask them what is wrong.

Vaggie: I will come with you babe. Mind waiting here for us Fang.

Fang: Sure, and I might as well ask around and find out what I know.

Charlie and Vaggie headed into the bathroom where both of them saw their counterparts but were hugging each other when they looked to see the two in tears.

Charlie B: 😢sniff...I miss him so much Vaggie.

Vaggie B: I..I know you do babe, you think your the only one who does.

Charlie B: Every time I look at that Fang, he reminds me of ours. He said he would do anything for them just like how ours did after he.....😢sniff....I wish I could have done something.

Vaggie B: It's ok Charlie, it's ok.

Charlie: You lost him in the battle didn't you....

Charlie and Vaggie B looked to see their other selves with sad expressions on their faces. It all made sense on why Charlie B and Vaggie B were acting different around Fang because their Fang Hunter is no longer around meaning he died in the battle against Adam.

Vaggie: You two fought against Adam and the exorcist in this universe too huh. Fang was there and defeated Adam but not the way our Fang did it.

Vaggie B: He killed Adam but in the end he lost his own life.

Charlie B: He...he sacrificed himself to save all of us....😢sniff....I wasn't strong enough to protect him....and in the end we lost him...we lost someone who was always there for us. 😢sniff....we were gonna have a wonderful life together but in the end gained nothing but sorrow and death. I miss him so much and I want nothing more than to hold him in my arms again.

Vaggie B: He...he was going to propose to us but he lost the chance....

Charlie: Oh my god......

Vaggie: We're....we're so sorry.

Charlie and Vaggie ran towards their counterparts and hugged them where the girls broke down into more tears and hugged their other selves for comfort and unknown to them Fang heard the whole conversation from outside the door and was left in shock and pity that he died in this universe while protecting his loved ones but leaving the poor girls to mourn the loss of someone they miss very dearly.

Fang: I can't have them be like this. I'm gonna do something nice for them and since I have the powers of creation and destruction at my disposal I can do anything and I think I know what must be done.

Soon after Fang's Charlie and Vaggie came out of the bathroom with their counterparts with tears stains coming down their faces and red eye lines meaning they were crying a lot for the loss of their beloved Fang Hunter but soon those sad faces will turn into happy and joyful faces when they arrive back at the hotel. When they arrived at the hotel Fang asked his Charlie and Vaggie to go inside while he has a talk with Charlie B and Vaggie B. Both nod in agreement and headed into the hotel where their friends are waiting along side their counterparts.

Fang: I want to talk to you two, and I know why you looked at me so odd lately. I just want to say sorry for what happened to him.

Charlie B: know.

Fang: Yes, I heard the conversation you two had with my Charlie and Vaggie.

Vaggie B: Listen we didn't...I mean we....

Fang: Hey it's ok I understand. How much did you love him? Your Fang Hunter.

Charlie B: I loved him for a long time ever since he first came to the hotel. He believed in me and kept for close as well as protected. I never met anyone like him.

Vaggie B: He gave me strength and courage but in the end I don't know what to do. Without him I am nothing...😢sniff....he's the only one who truly cared about us. I just wish we could see him again...

Charlie B: I want him's been a year since he died. For a whole year we mourned his loss and try to move forward but in the end we couldn't. I...I loved him. I loved him so much.

Fang: How would you like to have him back. Have him back in your arms again.

Charlie and Vaggie: W..what?

Fang: You forget I am the God of Hell, giving great and unique powers, powers that go beyond anything. With these powers I gain so much in my life and with it I used them to help people and even have the ability to bring back those who have lost their lives due to a tragic incident.

Charlie B: mean....we can see him again...

Vaggie B: We can have him come home....

Fang: I believe you two deserve some happiness in your lives. No one deserves to be alone. Now let's get your Fang Hunter back.

Fang changes into his god form that left Charlie B and Vaggie B in shock of seeing this Fang's god like form and wouldn't be surprised if their Fang could do something like that too. Fang uses the same tactics that he performed when he brought back Striker but this time he uses his powers to bring back his counterpart.

Fang(God): Fang Hunter, The HellWolf of this universe who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect those close to you, I now revive thee. MAY YOU WALK AMONG THE BEINGS OF HELL ONCE AGAIN!

Soon a large light appeared in front of Charlie and Vaggie B who shielded their eyes to avoid the light and as soon as the light dyed down both stared at who they were seeing in front of them and it was their Fang Hunter but instead of black fur, this Fang Hunter had white fur and blue eyes. The girls gasped of seeing their true love alive again and looked to see him breathing as well as his eyes opening.

Fang B: Argh...what? What happened? Last thing I remember was....Adam, he stabbed me through the chest after I stabbed him with my sword. Then everything went dark and I thought.....wait I'm breathing again but but how?

Fang: That was my doing.(Fang saids and changes back to his HellWolf form)

Fang B: Who are you?

Fang: I'm you from a Parallel Universe. I used my magic to bring you back.

Fang B: I guess that settles things. Nice to meet you other me.

Fang: Likewise but I think two people would want to see you, turn around.

Fang B: Hm? Gasp....C..Charlie...V..Vaggie. Is it really you.

Charlie B: 😢sniff......

Vaggie B: It''s you.....

Fang B: I....Girls I am so.......

Charlie B: 😢sniff...FANG!!!!

Charlie B rush towards Fang B and engulfs him into a tight hug along with Vaggie B who burst into tears of seeing their Fang again. Fang watches his counterpart get hugged by the girls and smiled at seeing this touching reunion.

Fang B:'s ok I'm here now. I am so sorry I missed so much.

Charlie B: Never leave us again. I can't....not again.

Fang B: I'm not going anywhere Charlie.

Vaggie B: We missed you so much.

Fang B: I missed you too girls.

Fang B reached towards his girls cheeks and softly rubbed them before leaning in and kissing both girls on the lips to show that he missed them and will always be with them for now.

Fang: Now you girls can have the life you always wanted.

Charlie B: Fang....I....I...

Fang: You are most welcome. By the way other me, were you gonna tell Charlie and Vaggie here something.

Fang B: What do you....oh I know what you mean. Charlie, Vaggie now that I am alive again and here with you I can finally say what I wanted to say for a long time now.

Charlie and Vaggie B: Yes...yes Fang.

Fang B: Oh thank Satan it's still in my pocket, will you girls make me the happiest HellWolf of all time, will you marry me Charlie and you too Vaggie. Let's make a great future together.(Fang B saids and holds out two rings for Charlie B and Vaggie B)

Charlie and Vaggie B: YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!

Both said and kisses Fang B passionately on the lips in which he smiled and placed the rings on his girls fingers. His counterpart smiled for him and his future wives in which now it was time for this Fang Hunter to return home along with his future wives. When Fang came back into the hotel along with his counterpart, Fang B's friends gasped in shock of seeing him again and alive. They all ran to him and hugged the white HellWolf while dark fur Fang and his friends watch the scene. After saying their goodbyes everyone headed back to their own universe and Fang closed the lid of the box and told his Charlie that he will keep the box safe.

Charlie: That was a very sweet thing you did for them Fang.

Fang: I couldn't let them feel upset, they needed this more than anything.

Vaggie: You really are going to make a great dad.

Fang: And you as well as Charlie are going to make great mothers.

Charlie and Vaggie: Awwww, thanks babe.❤️

RING! RING! RING!(Fang's phone ringing)

Fang: Hello?

Blitz(Phone): Hey Fang uh sorry to bother you but we kind of have a situation.

Fang: What's the problem?

Blitz(Phone): Well it's about Loona she's well um....

Fang: She's what? What's wrong?

Blitz(Phone): Loonie's water broke and she is going into labor so we're at the hospital now. Hello? Fang? Hello can you hear me? Did you get what I said? Hellooo?

Fang didn't bother with the phone because he took the skies and flew all the way towards the hospital because Loona is about to give birth their child and he wants to be there for when the baby is born. He arrives at the hospital and bust through the doors.

Fang: WHERE IS SHE?!!!!

Millie: HOLY SHIT!!!

Moxxie: You scared the crap out of us!!!

Fang: Where is Loona?

Millie: Down the hall to the left! Better hurry man.

Fang ran down the hall and arrived in the room where Loona was in the bed with Blitz by her side who was trying to calm her down.

Blitz: There there Loonie it's going to be...


Fang: I'm here honey. I'm here.

Loona: Path...path Fang I knew you would's coming...the baby's coming.

Doctor Demon: All right ma'am I'm gonna have to ask you to push.

Fang: You can do this Loona, I will be here for you. Blitz best to wait outside otherwise Loona might kill you.

Blitz: Oh come on she won't do that to....


Blitz: On second thought I will just wait outside. Bye!(Blitz saids and runs out the door)

Fang: Just breath honey, and it will be over soon. I promise.

Loona: Path...path...ok.

Doctor Demon: All ma'am now push.


Doctor Demon: Good your doing good. I can see the head now just little bit more.


Fang: I may be a God of Hell but I am two seconds of passing out.(Fang saids in thought)

Doctor Demon: And here comes the baby!

After one last push Loona fell back on the bed after giving birth to the baby who cried when the doctor was wrapping up the puppy in a towel. Fang goes over to Loona to check up on her.

Fang: You did good babe, you did good.

Loona: Path...path...that fucking sucked....

Fang: Here drink this, it will help get rid of the pain.(Fang saids and gives Loona some healing potion)

Loona: Gulp..gulp...sigh....thanks babe.

Fang: Always come prepared. Hey doc, how's the baby?

Doctor Demon: Perfectly healthy along with the mother which is good. And congratulations it's a girl.

Loona: Can I...can I hold her..I want to see her.

Doctor Demon: Of course ma'am, here you are.

When the doctor handed the baby pup to Loona, the hellhound smiled down with tears in her eyes of seeing both her's and Fang's daughter in person in which she looked just like her mommy but with Fang's fur color and hair.

Fang: She's beautiful...she looks just like her beautiful mother.

Blitz: Hey is it all right to come inside?

Fang: Yea, you guys can come in and come meet your grandchild. She's perfect.

Moxxie: Awwwww.

Millie: Oh my gosh she's a cutie pie!

Blitz: 😢sniff....I am so proud of you Loonie. Hey there little pup, I'm your grandpa BlitzO.(Blitz saids and pets the baby pup)

Loona: Hey there sweetie, I'm your mommy and this is your daddy Fang.

Fang: She's got my hair and fur color. But looks more like you Loona. I like it.

Loona: Wanna hold her.

Fang: Yes, yes I would love to hold my daughter.

Fang holds his daughter in his arms and nuzzles his snout towards her where the baby pup looked at her father before giggling at Fang snuggling his head into his babies soft cheeks.

Fang: I vow to not let anything happen to you my little wolf hound.

Blitz: Yea and if any shithead comes near this precious pup will have to answer to me.

Millie: By the way what are you two going to name her?

Fang: Loona you said you have a name for her is that right.

Loona: I do. Moon, I want to name our daughter Moon. Moon Hunter.

Blitz: GASP! That means I get to call her Moony, Moony Moon.

Moxxie: I think it's a great name.

Millie: And it's sounds lovely.

Fang: Moon huh, I think it works well honey. My little Moon.

Moon: Giggling.

Fang: Welcome to the family Moon. And pretty soon you will have siblings on the way. That way you won't be alone.

Loona: In the mean time sweetie, you will get to spend time with mommy and daddy. We are going to have so much fun together.

Fang: We sure are.

Blitz: Come on guys lets give the three some alone time.

Moxxie: I think that would be very wise sir.

As soon as Blitz and the imps couple left, Fang was alone with Loona and their daughter Moon. Fang uses his magic to make the bed bigger so that he can climb in and snuggle with Loona and Moon.

Loona: I love you so much Fang.

Fang: I love you too Loona.

Loona: And of course we love you, my wittle Moon.

Moon: YAWN!

Fang: Aww she's sleepy. Let's gets sleep together as a family.

Loona: You know I might ask for another baby when Moon gets older.

Fang: We'll talk about it another time. For now Moon needs her mother and father.

Loona: She sure does. Good night babe.(Loona saids and goes to sleep)

Fang: Good night Loona and good night to you too Moon.

Moon and Loona: Zzzzz.

Fang: Hehehe like mother like daughter.

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