Chapter 39: SinsMas!
Today was the day of SinsMas where all of hell celebrates and acts on their birth sin. Fang was told all about SinsMas thanks to Loona and the girls and the holiday is like Christmas but different because it's in hell. Fang is excited to celebrate the holiday with the ones he loves however he has a surprise for he girls most likely Loona first because she was Fang's first lover and wants to make this surprise special. He plans to tell his other girls after he's done with Loona. Right now Fang was decorating his house with Lute, Loona, Octavia, and Vortran.
Fang: Hard to believe a holiday like this existed in hell?
Loona: We have it once every year and things sometimes get too intense but you will learn to deal with it, trust me babe I know these things.
Fang: If you say so, hey Via can you hand me the Satan ornament that has to go onto top of the tree.
Octavia: Sure thing hun. Now where is...oh here it is.(Octavia saids and gives Fang the ornament)
Fang: Thank you, now for the finishing touch and perfect! Heh, this reminds me of those Christmas horror movies I used to watch.
Lute: It is kind of creepy but it's SinsMas, what can you do.
Vortran: All the decorations in the dinning room are set up, alpha.
Fang: That's awesome. You girls did an amazing job.
Danni: Got to admit SinsMas is not that bad, I didn't like Christmas that much when I was growing up but this holiday is cool.
Fang: Oh come on Danni, your Christmas couldn't be that bad.
Danni: You really wanna know.
Fang: Lay it on me.
Danni whispers to Fang about her Christmas back in her world and after she finished Fang can see that Danni had a sucky ass Christmas even back when she was a small toddler.
Fang: Damn, you really had horrible Christmas.
Danni: Don't remind me.
Lute: How's the baby doing, Loona?
Loona: She's doing just fine though she's kicking a little but nothing too serious.
Fang: If something happens just let me know and I will take you to the hospital.
Loona: I appreciated you looking after me babe.
Fang: I do what I can to keep my number one girl happy as well as the rest of you.
Lute/Octavia/Vortran: Awwwww!❤️
Ring! Ring!
Fang: Hello?
Blitz(Phone): Hey Fang! Merry SinsMas!
Fang: Oh hey Blitz.
Blitz(Phone): Hey Listen me and the others are celebrating SinsMas here at work and I was hoping you and Loonie can come on down and help celebrate if your not too busy.
Fang: Let me ask her. Hey Lune, your dad wants to know if you want to come into work and celebrate Sinsmas with the others.
Loona: I guess.
Fang: We will be right over in about an hour.
Blitz(Phone): Great! Also Stolas is here and he wants to know if his daughter would like to join in the celebration as well.
Fang: Did you get that Via?
Octavia: Yea I did and sure I will be there as well.
Fang: You catch that Blitz?
Blitz(Phone): Yup, see you three later bye bye.
Fang: Well looks like me and Loona as well as Via are doing something today. Lute, you Danni and Vortran will be all right while we are gone?
Lute: Of course, and also we are planning to watch some holiday movies in which we invited the girls if that's ok.
Fang: Not at all, I will be home soon and we all can celebrate SinsMas together. Ready to go girls.
Octavia and Loona: Yes honey.
Fang using his magic opens a portal to the IMP office and once he stepped through along with the girls behind him, he looks to see the whole office decorated for SinsMas and he to admit the office looks outstanding and all ready for the holiday.
Fang: Wow, they did a outstanding job of getting the whole office decorated.
Loona: That's Blitz for ya because last year he went over board and it took us hours to get the whole office cleaned up. And don't me started on the horse decorations that he put up for SinsTine.
Fang: SinsTine?
Octavia: It's earth's version of Valentine's day.
Fang: Uh something tells me I don't want to know about that holiday.
Loona: You really don't want too.
Soon Blitz along with Stolas came into the office as well as Millie and Moxxie who were having a fun fight together that left Fang confused onto why they are fighting but he shrugged it off because it's properly has something to do with SinsMas.
Millie: Happy SinsMas Fang!
Moxxie: Happy SinsMas Fang!
Fang: Happy SinsMas to the both of you, and just wondering why are you to trying to kill each other?
Millie: It's part of the SinsMas spirit, we hellspawns like to play rough and get wild which attends seeing who gets the upper hand in fights. So far I am getting the upper hand.
Moxxie: Heh, we will see about that honey.
Millie: Oh yea bring it!
Moxxie: I'm gonna bite you Millie!
Millie: You always make me watch old musicals when I wanna watch Cleaver Hand 6 Ultimate Cleavage!
Fang: I really don't get any of this?(Fang saids in thought)
Fang watches the two tackle each other straight into the meeting room where Stolas along with Octavia and Loona are sitting.
Moxxie: Well you snore all the time! Arrrgh!
Millie: I will wreck you!(Millie saids and takes out a sword)
Moxxie: Not if I do first!
Moxxie starts to shoot Millie with the gun he pulled out while Millie was dodging the hits and laughing with excitement along with Moxxie who was enjoying himself. Soon the two wrestled some more until both hugged with smiles on their faces.
Millie: Hahahahaha! Happy SinsMas!
Moxxie and Millie kissed for a second until Moxxie pulled out a rocket launcher and shot Millie out the office window that left Fang in shock as well as Stolas.
Moxxie: Happy SinsMas, honey!
Fang: What the fuck was that?
Loona: It's like that as well babe but don't worry I don't do that sort of thing, it's fucking nuts.
Octavia: And chaotic.
Stolas(Whisper): And just between you and me Fang, I am also new to this holiday that Blitz told me about.
Fang: At least I am not the only one.(Fang saids in thought)
Blitz: Listen up, chuckle-fucks! Today we got Stolas and his daughter Octavia here in the office. So I want each of you red asses on the best behavior as possible. Except for Fang he's always on his best behavior and he's dating Stolas's daughter so he will be fine with the two.
Moxxie: Uh, sir? Besides everyone in this room, you are literally the only one who needs to adhere to that.
Blitz: And that's detention Mox, Millie punch him.
Millie comes from behind the board and punches Moxxie in the gut and then kisses him on the cheek.
Moxxie: Oof! Aw!
Fang: Wait Millie how did you, you know what never mind.
Blitz: Good, happy SinsMas, Mox. Now Loonie, Stolas wants to know what we do here at work. I want you and Fang to teach him as well as Octavia how to secretate. Show them how it is done.
Fang(Whisper): Did your dad tell you about any of this?
Octavia(Whisper): Unfortunately he did, I got text from him saying he wants to learn about what you guys do at work and he thinks it would be a good idea if I would to know about what you do. Can you show me.
Fang: Sure and it's not that hard to solve. Loona if you would.
Loona: Ring ring, hello? I.M.P., yea, we can kill that asshole, wanna schedule an appointment? Thursday cool? See you then dipshit. Click. It's easy as sin.
Fang: It's something like that Via. Don't worry we will do a test run so you will get the idea. That is if we get a call from a client.
Octavia: I see.
Loona: Hey Blitz, can me and Fang come with you guys while Stolas and Octavia are on the phone today?
Blitz: I mean..I guess just watch yourself because well your carrying my future grand daughter. So it would be a good idea for Fang to tag a long, your gonna need someone to watch over you besides me and he is going to be a father soon.
Loona: REALLY YESS!!!!
Fang: Hehehe whoah easy my puppy.(Fang saids and pets Loona on the head)
Loona: HE CALLED ME HIS PUPPY!!!❤️(Loona saids in thought with a huge blush on her face)
Fang: I think we should let Stolas go first so that Via will follow the idea of what you have in mind Blitz.
Blitz: That's a brilliant idea! What do you think Stolas?
Stolas: I guess it wouldn't hurt to try something new.
Blitz: Great! Come with me outside the office and towards the front desk so we can get you started.
Stolas: So what must I do?
Blitz: It's simple you just sit down by the desk and await for the client to call. Once the rings you pick it up and answer it. Just follow what Loona said and you will be all right.
Stolas: Oh I see, so just sit here and wait for the phone to ring. It's that simple?
Fang: Yea pretty much though watch because some clients can be real assholes.
Octavia: Really?
Fang: Mhm.
Blitz: GASP! Oh it's ringing, quick Stolas answer it, answer it! You can do it Stolas come on, answer the phone!
Stolas: Uh hello? This is I.M.P. what can we do for you ma'am? Hmm...yes yes we can kill an asshole for you immediately. Yes the money, you can bring it here. Thank you for your time ma'am see you then. So how was that?
Blitz: You nailed it Stolas!
Fang: That was good, Stolas very good. You get the idea now Via?
Octavia: Though what did the client want?
Stolas: Well she said she will explain the idea when she gets here my dear owlette. I have to say that was quite fun. I might get the hang of this position.
Everyone looked towards the door and saw a sinner woman with red hair and a small scarf around her neck come into the office meaning this woman has to be the client that Stolas was talking too on the phone. Fang was senses a bad vibe coming from this woman and he didn't like it.
Fang: I take that your the client that was on the phone call?
Sinner Woman: That's right the names Karen and I heard you can kill someone immediately?
Blitz: Oh yea! Yes, we sure can!
Karen: Good. Because it's Christmas.
Blitz: It's SinsMas, lady get it right.
Karen: I can't stand the idea of my fucking ex-husband enjoying this sacred holiday with my daughters when he fucking left me for another man!
Stolas: Oh my...
Blitz: Oh, well that sounds like something that can happen from time to time.
Karen: And he probably cheated on me.
Fang: Hmmm..
Loona: Something up babe?
Fang: This woman's story is not right. I sense negativity as well as obsession within her. She's also lying under her lips.
Octavia: How do you know what she is saying is true or not?
Fang: You forget I hate liars always have and also I'm reading her mind and everything I see inside her head is more twisted and disturbing.
Loona: we just get rid of her?
Fang: Not yet I want to see where this goes.
Blitz: You know lady that's not really worth killing someone over, I mean am I right? Cheating isn't really that big of a deal anymore is it?
Karen: Isn't that what this business does? He doesn't deserve to live that heinous lifestyle and poison my daughters with it.
Blitz: Uh-huh. Look I don't think this is a job we want to take on.
Moxxie: Really?
Karen: And why not he deserves it. Selfish backstabbing men like him don't deserve to live.
Blitz: Argh...alright fine we'll do your shitty job, but you're paying us double, bitch. Fang open a portal for us so we can get this job done.
Fang opens a portal and soon Blitz along with Moxxie, Millie, and Loona entered the portal and before Fang goes in he went to have a small chat with Stolas.
Fang(Whisper): Keep an eye on her, what she said is not true. I read her thought and it's sickening.
Stolas(Whisper): Judging by the way she is acting kind of makes sense.
Fang(Whisper): Stall her until we get back and I'm not going to do her shitty job until I see this for myself.
Stolas(Whisper): I will do what I can.
Fang: Thanks, Stolas. I will be back soon Via.
Octavia: I know you will.
Fang then goes through the portal to meet up with the others. Now it was just Octavia and her father alone with the client who was looking around the office to find something to read.
Karen: Don't you have any reading material anywhere? Are we suppose to wait here and wait? How long do they take?
Octavia: Arrogant bitch.(Octavia saids in thought while not liking the client's attitude)
Stolas: Sigh..they take their time, it's a difficult business I imagine.
Karen: You imagine, huh? Well they should hurry up if they excepted people to just stick around without anything to do. What a shoddy business operation!
Octavia(Whisper): The clients really are assholes like Fang said.
Stolas: Ooh well here's an idea for you ma'am, you can shut the fuck up.
Octavia: Pfff....
Karen: GASP! Rude.
Stolas: Is it always like this for Blitz? Like every single day.(Stolas saids in thought while also not liking the client)
Meanwhile with the others they exist the portal and arrived in the human world where it's snowing as well as cold but also Christmas. Fang looks around and see's the neighborhood covered in snow as well as Christmas lights all around the block.
Blitz: Brrrrhhh...ahhhh, it is cold as shit! What is this?
Millie: Do humans have SinsMas too?
Fang: No Millie this is Christmas it's completely different from SinsMas. And the reason for the cold and snow Blitz is because it's the middle of winter and it get cold in December as well as January. Luckily your not in Alaska otherwise you would have freeze your asses off.
Moxxie: You know of this holiday Fang?
Fang: I do, I used to celebrate it back when I was alive with Marinette and her family. We always had the great times back then.
Millie: BLAGH!(Millie throws up)
Fang: Uh Millie you all right?
Moxxie: You ok, babe?
Millie: Oh yea...cough..cough..must just be the cold.
Blitz: Ok, let's just hurry up and kill this son of bitch so we can get the fuck back home.
Blitz moves towards the window on the house with his gun out and stops when he looks and see's the ex-husband with his new lover as well as his daughters smiling.
Fang: The ex-husband and his daughters look very happy especially that the ex found a new lover to help raise the girls. I can see that he did a great job taking care of them and with the help of his new lover, those girls have bright futures. When I get back to hell, I'm killing the bitch.(Fang saids in thought while looking at the happy family)
Moxxie: Sir? This may be out of turn...but I feel like this one isn't worth the money.
Millie: What?
Moxxie: I don't think I wanna be part of this one, sir.
Loona: You ok, dad?
Blitz: Yea, I'm all right Loona.
Fang: Guys we're not killing this man, he's innocent.
Millie: Wait how do you...
Fang: The bitch lied. I read her thoughts Millie. She's the cheater not her ex-husband. She cheated on him, used him for his money, and if he didn't give her what she wanted she will take her anger out on her daughters. I can read these girls thoughts and I see them being treated awfully by their former mother. She abused them and further more she only cares about them if they do her bidding.
Moxxie: Holly shit...
Fang: She's a cheater, a scumbag, an abuser, a thief, and a complete psychopath. And the one thing I hate more than people like that are liars.
Blitz: Wow, that bitch fucked up a lot.
Loona: What do you wanna do?
Fang: Let's go back to hell, and then I'm gonna kill the bitch or just throw her out the window. It will be our little SinsMas special event, throwing a crazy ex-deadbeat wife out a window.
Blitz: Can we a least take her money.
Fang: Be my guest.
Fang opens up a portal back to hell where Blitz along with Moxxie and Millie go back in as well Loona but stop when she looked to see Fang looking at the happy family celebrating Christmas together in which brought back the good times when he first celebrated Christmas with his parents as well as Marinette and her family.
Loona: Hey, you ok babe?
Fang: Yea, I'm all right. You know we should do what they do, spend the holidays with family and loved ones. It just brings fund memories.
Loona: I would like that and we can do it when our daughter is born.
Fang: I like that.
Loona: Come on let's go home.
Fang and Loona arrived back in the office where they see Stolas and Octavia annoyed by the client who was getting on their last nerve.
Octavia: Finally...this crazy nut job wouldn't stop complaining. She was driving us nuts!
Stolas: Are all the clients this bitchy Blitz?!
Blitz: Uh sometimes they are, you'll get used to it.
Karen: It's about time you got back! These two wouldn't bother to anything I asked them like bring me coffee, rub my feet, give a massage, cook something up for me while I am waiting, what kind of servants do you....GULP?!!!!(Karen saids then stops when she is grabbed by the neck)
Fang(Demonic): You said enough. Now, GET THE FUCK OUT OF OUR BUILDING!!!
Fang decided to throw Karen out the window that made everyone smile and laugh at seeing the bitch get what she deserved.
Blitz: Wow that really was a special SinsMas event, we should do that every year in case one of the clients gets on our nerves.
Fang: Sigh..finally that insane bitch is gone. Now let's get this SinsMas party started.
Everyone: HELL YEA!
Soon the party started with fun games and drinks followed by dancing which Loona and Fang danced to song then came Octavia who danced with Fang as well which brought a smile and tears from Stolas at seeing his daughter so happy. Fang was having a lot of fun and even more fun when Loona invited her's and Fang's friends that made at Bee's party to enjoy the holiday. While everyone was having fun Fang stood to side and held out a small box and looked towards Loona talking to her friends and Fang thought it would be the time to tell the girl he loves how he feels about her.
Fang: I think it's time I tell her. I will soon tell the others after words just hope they will except.(Fang saids in thought)
Octavia: Hey you ok?
Fang: Yea I'm good just taking a breather that's all.
Octavia: Same here. By the way how's she doing?
Fang: You mean Stella. She's doing fine since she doesn't remember anything or us, her training of becoming a better person is going quite well. She's acting more polite and more compassionate than what she used to be.
Octavia: That's good to know.
Fang: Though there's something you need to know.
Octavia: What is it?
Fang: A week ago I discovered that she had magical bounding placed onto her like someone forced her to become what she is. I believed this happened when she was little. I traced the source and it came from her brother.
Octavia: Wait you mean my uncle made her this way? You know selfish and cruel?
Fang: Probably to make her more like him. Though not completely like him. She had a lot of negative emotions inside of her so I got rid of it. Now she is more relaxed that bounding are removed for good. I also think he messed with her again process.
Octavia: Is that even possible?
Fang: It could be. He must of forced her to grow in order for her to achieve the proper age for marriage. By the time I revered everything that her brother did to her, she returned to her normal and proper age.
Octavia: How old is she?
Fang: Somewhere around 19 or 22. Basically the same age as you.
Octavia: Ok that's going to be hard to process.
Fang: Here I got a picture of her of what she looks like now and yes this is her true age.(Fang saids and shows Octavia a picture of Stella now reverted to her young adult years)
Octavia: Oh my Lucifer....
Fang: Yea like said, she changed back into her true age.
Octavia: She kind of looks like me?
Fang: Though with different feather color. I think this will be the start of her new life.
Octavia: I think I can give the new her a chance. However I will never forgive what she used to be, never.
Fang: I understand.
Octavia: Hey what's that you got there?(Octavia saids and looks at the small box Fang has)
Fang: It's nothing.
Octavia: Wait is that...GASP!
Fang: Sigh...yea. I plan to tell Loona. But also all of you.
Octavia: Well I have one thing to say to you.
Fang: What? Mph...
Octavia kisses Fang on the lips in which he did the same. They later separated and looked into each other's eyes and that's when Octavia spoke.
Octavia: If your gonna ask me the question my answer is yes, yes I will.
Fang: Via...
Octavia: I love you so much Fang and I will be honored to be your wife along with the others. Though I think you should tell Loona and put a ring on her before you do us. I will wait.
Fang: Oh Via you are truly a remarkable person.
Octavia: Hehehe, I know 💋. And so are you.(Octavia saids and kisses Fang once more)
Fang looks over to Millie who wasn't feeling so good and headed out of the office in which Fang followed her outside. He looked down the hallway and saw her breaking down into tears for some reason until Fang spotted what looked like pregnancy test next to Millie and it came out positive. Fang put the pieces together and went over to Millie.
Millie: 😢sniff.....
Fang: Millie.
Millie: 😢sniff...Oh Fang...what are you doing here?
Fang: So this is why you were acting differently as well as throwing up.
Millie: I...I don't know what to do...
Fang: Hey take it easy it's going to be all right. It's ok to be shocked about this everyone gets the idea when something like this happens.
Millie: I'm just...I don't know how I am going to go through with it.
Fang: Well if you need help, I will be more than happy to lend you my assistance.
Millie: W..what?
Fang: If you have trouble with this, I will help you. Your my friend Millie and I don't want to see my friend upset and have the issue of doing this alone.
Millie: will help me.
Fang: Of course and I know Moxxie will do the same. He loves you Millie and wants to be there by your side. He doesn't know doe he?
Millie: No....
Fang: Then why don't you tell him. I'm sure he'll understand.
Moxxie: What would I understand?
Both Fang and Millie looked to see Moxxie standing behind them but then Moxxie looked down and saw the pregnancy test and picked it up and once his eyes saw the sign that said positive his eyes then looked towards his wife.
Moxxie: M...Millie are you....
Millie: Mox...I...I just....I didn't know how to tell you....and if you don't wanna....
Millie: Mox? OOF?!!(Millie saids and gets hugged by a crying Moxxie)
Moxxie: 😢sniff why didn't tell me sooner! Oh my gosh this is the happiest day of my life no our lives!!!
Millie: Wait your not mad or that you think this is mistake?
Moxxie: No of course not honey. Truth is I thought this for a while now and I hoped that one day you and I would settle down and raise a family of our own. It might get difficult but I will always be here to support you and take care of you. I love you Millie, I love you so much.
Millie burst into tears and hugged her husband. Fang watches with a smile at seeing the two imps together and filled with love.
Moxxie: So thats why you been not feeling so good lately. Man I should I have seen it coming.
Millie: Do you promise to be here when we know our baby?
Moxxie: Of course I will honey.
Fang: And your wont be alone. I will also help out, just think of me as your future child's uncle.
Millie: Well you do look like the uncle type. Thank you, Fang.
Fang: My pleasure, Millie. And who knows maybe your future child would grow into something great just like his or her's mommy and daddy.
Moxxie: 😢sniff...I'm going to be a daddy!
Millie: Mind giving me and Moxxie some time alone Fang.
Fang: Sure, I need to head home with Loona and Octavia anyway. Happy SinsMas you two.
Millie: Happy SinsMas, Fang.
After the party at work, Fang along with Loona and Octavia headed back home and once they arrived Fang asked Octavia to wait for him inside while he has along time with Loona. Octavia smiles and goes into the house.
Loona: Babe?
Fang: Shh don't say anything just yet just follow me.(Fang saids and opens a portal back into the human world)
Fang takes Loona's hand and now the two of them were back in the human world except they were in the middle of open field with the half moon shining along with snow falling down above them. Loona found the area to be quite beautiful and romantic.
Fang: What do you think, Lune?
Loona: Looks romantic especially with the moon out well half moon. Is there a reason why you brought me here?
Fang: I wanted this to be special and to have this moment with you alone.
Loona: Aww that so sweet.
Fang: Sigh...Loona there's something I want to tell you. I thought it over and I made up my mind. I want you to listen to every word I say to you.
Loona: Ok.
Fang: Loona from the moment we first met you were this absolute stunning hellhound that I have ever laid eyes upon, at first I didn't know what it was when we saw eye to eye but I knew deep down something inside me burst into a lot joy. I couldn't stop thinking about you nor I couldn't stand of seeing you get hurt which made me realize that you Loona mean a lot to me and I want to always be there to protect you. I know you can handle yourself but I want to be the one to protect you if you are in the most difficult situation. What I am trying to say is I love you Loona with all my heart and soul, I want to be with you for the rest of our lives. I want to be there when our child in born, I want to grow and raise a family together and I always want to see you smile and be happy. You're everything to me Loona and I don't want loose you.
Loona: F...Fang....
Fang: Loona I been waiting for this moment for a long time and I think it's about time I tell you how I truly feel about you. I love you Loona and I want us to be together forever but I want you more then just my girlfriend, I want you to be so much more.
Fang got down on one knee in which made Loona gasped as well as tears building up in hers of what Fang is doing and she couldn't be any more happier than ever.
Fang: Loona, my beautiful hellhound, the love of my life, the mother of my child, will you do me the honor of becoming Mrs.Hunter, will you marry me.(Fang saids and shows the ring to Loona whose tears dripped down her cheeks at seeing the beautiful wolf like ring in front of her)
Loona: YESSSSSS!!!!!! YES YES YES YES!!!!!(Loona screams with joy and hugs Fang)
Fang: SHE SAID YES!!! HELL YEA BABY!!!(Fang saids in thought)
Loona: 😢sniff...I love you so much.
Fang: I love you too.
Loona kisses Fang on the lips as he did the same. He then places the ring on Loona's finger symbolizing their engagement. Loona cried more tears of joy and hugged Fang yet again.
Loona: I been waiting for this...😢sniff you made it happen. Thank you, Fang.
Fang: Your welcome. I can never live a life without you Loona.
Loona: Neither can I.
Fang: Happy SinsMas, Loona.
Loona: Happy SinsMas, Fang.
Fang: Wanna head back because I have to tell the others, I plan to propose to them too.
Loona: Let's stay here for a while, I like this.
Fang: Hehe, ok just for you.
Loona: I thought about a name for our little girl.
Fang: You did? What?
Loona: I will tell you when she is born.
Fang: Very well. Just know I don't judge.
Loona: Good. By the way do you have rings for the girls?
Fang: I do though I had to get a bigger box for all of them. Their the same ring just like yours.
Loona: It is beautiful. Did you make it yourself?
Fang: Sure did.
Loona: Not only handsome, strong, powerful, a god of hell, and a hellwolf but also very creative. Considered me impressed.
Fang: You are going to make a fine wife.
Loona: And you a perfect husband.
Fang: Hmmm....
Loona: What is it?
Fang: I haven't got any messages nor calls from both Korra or Asami. It's been months now and nothing has came up from either of them. I told them how to use the phones I gave them and I just never got anything back from them. I called and texted them so many times and yet no answer.
Loona: Maybe they're busy. I mean Asami does have that company you told me about and Korra has that Ava whatever she calls herself duties. They're probably super busy.
Fang: You may be right.
Loona: Or they did something like oh I don't know got their phones crushed or that Asami took her's apart to see how it works while Korra got angry about something and took her anger out on her phone.
Fang: Hehehehe yea if that would have happen I would go to their universe and give them a spanking a really hard one.
Loona: Or you will take them to the bedroom and do the bad thing with them.
Fang: Or I might do both.
Loona: Hehehe your crazy but in a good and sexy way.
Fang: So are you, my cute little puppy.~
Loona: You know when it's just us only you and only you can call me puppy.
Fang: Seems fare.
After a while the two headed back home where Fang opens the door to the house and looks to see all his girlfriends and new girls together having a SinsMas party. As soon as they all looked and saw Fang coming in, they all got up and tackled the HellWolf to the ground.
Fang: Hehehe Happy SinsMas girls. Sorry to kept you waiting.
Verosika: Don't worry FangiBoo you didn't miss anything, we were just about start with games.
Alice: My brother and the others wanted me to tell you they say hi and Happy SinsMas.
Fang: Thank you Alice.
Alice: Anytime darling.~
Charlie: We were about to play spin the wheel and guess what your playing.
Vaggie: And no you can't back out of it. Once the arrow stops on whatever you land on, you have to do it. Though you can ask somebody to do the challenge or do it yourself.
Fang: Let me see the wheel.
Velvet: We all chose what to do and put it on the wheel.
Vanexa: Hope it's not too much Fang.
(Wheel Choices):
Act Like A Disney Character
Make out for 3 Hours
Tell A Secret
Confess An Embarrassment Moment
Flash Tits
Sing A Song
Do A Sexy Pose
Drink A Bottle of Hot Sauce
Lick The Person Next To You
Fang: You girls did these on purpose didn't you.
Cherri: What it's awesome and hot.
Lute: And since your here, you can go first Fang.
Fang: Sigh...might as well see what happens.
Fang spins the wheel and the arrow was going and going until it stopped and landed on(Make Out For 3 Hours).
Fang: Make out for three hours. Vaggie you said either I can do this or I can get somebody else to do it.
Vaggie: That's right.
Fang: All right you and Lute make out for three hours.
Vaggie and Lute: WHAT?!!!(Both said with huge blushes on their faces)
Cherri: Ooh! He got you two good.
Verosika: You heard him ladies pucker up and make out.
Both Vaggie and Lute looked at each other until they slowly kissed each other on the lips that made Charlie blush hard until she saw the two making out that left all jaws dropping to the ground.
Lute and Vaggie: Mmmmmmm.~
Fang: Damn. Well while they are making out for three hours whose next? Hmm...hows about you Carmilla.
Carmilla: I would be delighted, beloved.
Carmilla spins the real and the arrow goes all the way around until it lands on.(Spanking).
Carmilla: Hmm...who shall get a spanking? Velvet.
Velvet: Shit....
Velvet gets up and raises her booty up and then Carmilla who is smirking reared her hand back and then gave Velvet a hard spank on the ass.
Velvet: OWWWW?!!!! I thought you suppose spank not hit!
Carmilla: I did spank, I gave you a hard spanking.
Velvet: I'm going to next.
Velvet spins the wheel and the arrow lands on (Flash Tits).
Velvet: Ooh somebody is going to flash some titties tonight and that someone is Carmine. Come on bitch show everyone those tits of yours.
Carmilla rolled her eyes and lifted up her shirt revealing her amazing tits in front of her everyone who cheered for her while Fang gave her a howl that made Carmilla blush.
Charlie: I wanna go next!
Charlie gets up and spins the wheel and the arrow lands on(Act Like A Disney Character).
Charlie: Ok, Fang I want you to act like a Disney character.
Fang: Hmm there are a lot of Disney characters Charlie. Oh I know I'll do the character Roger Radcliffe from the movie 101 Dalmatians.
Vortran: Isn't that the dog movie?
Loona: Yea I have heard about it but never seen it.
Charlie: OOH! Can you do that song he did about that woman Cruella I think thats what her name was.
Fang: Oh you mean like this. 🎶 Cruella Deville, Cruella Deville if she doesn't scare you no evil thing will to see her is to take a sudden chill!🎶 🎶 Cruella, Cruella, she's like a spider waiting for the kill, look out for Cruella Deville.🎶
Fang's Girls: Pffff!!!!
Charlie: Hahahahahaha! That was brilliant Fang.
Fang: Thank you, thank you you're too kind.
Barbie: My turn bitches!
Barbie goes up and spins the wheel and the arrow lands on(StripTease).
Barbie: All right Vanexa get your purple furry behind and strip!
Vanexa got up and moved towards Fang who eyes widen at seeing Vanexa giving the HellWolf a striptease where the purple hellhound began to strip off her clothes in front of Fang. She even did a little dance while rubbing her body all over him that made the others jealous and yet very wet down below.
Vanexa: Like what you see sexy.~ Well all of this is all yours.
Fang: I got to keep my inner wolf locked up until further notice.(Fang saids in thought)
Vanexa: My turn to spin the wheel.~
Vanexa spins the wheel and the arrow lands on(Lick The Person Next To You).
Vanexa: Bee give this big bad wolf a lick.~
Bee: Don't mind if I do. Hey Honey buns.~
Fang: Hm?
Bee: LICK!
Fang: Did you just lick me?!
Bee: I did and you taste delicious.~ Stand aside because your Queen Bee has this covered.
Bee spins the wheel and the arrow lands on(Sexy Pose).
Bee: Hey honey buns get a loud of these buns here!(Bee saids and does a sexy pose)
Fang: You girls really love messing with me don't you.
Fang's Girls: Yup because you love us.
Time Skip:
Three hours have past and both Lute and Vaggie separated from their make out session where both girls were in heat and yet they both enjoyed the kissing even Charlie who found the scene to be quite hot. Vortran went next and did the hot sauce where she drank a whole bottle and then burst into flames until Fang cooled her down with milk. Octavia did the spanking where she got spanked in the booty by Loona. Vaggie did the tell a secret where she told everyone she accidentally dropped Angel's tooth brush into the toilet and forgot to wash it. Lute did confess embarrassment where she told everyone that when she was in heaven all the exorcist thought she was a boy due to her appearance which made everyone laugh and Fang giving Lute a pat on head before she blushed with embarrassment. Danni did the make out with Charlie where both girls made out that caused Vaggie to have a nose bleed. Verosika also did Striptease and gave Fang a face filled of the imps breasts that made everyone jealous and started to strip out of their clothes and give Fang their boobs that almost made him faint. Almost.
After getting settled and calmed as well as dressed it was Fang's turn again where he gets to go twice. Fang spins the wheel and the arrow lands on(Sing A Song).
Loona: Looks like it's time for some singing babe.
Charlie: I do enjoy his singing. Give us a good show honey.
Alice: I will be most pleased to watch you sing again, darling.
Fang: Very well and I got the perfect song to sing in front of my beautiful and yet sexy talented girls.
Fang Girl's: AWWWWWW!!!!❤️
Fang takes out a guitar and begins to play the song in front of his girls who all gathered around to see and listen to what Fang is going to sing for them.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
After the song all the girls wore smiles and tears after hearing that beautiful voice of their boyfriend did. Fang saw their faces and smiled that he decided to spin the wheel again and this time it landed on the one he wanted(Tell A Secret).
Vaggie: Ooh looks like you landed on tell a secret. Well Fang tell us a secret.
Fang: Well if you all must know the only ones who know this secret are Via and Loona. I kept this secret for a long while now and I think I am ready to confess to each and everyone one of you in this room.
Charlie: Well whatever it is Fang, will we except for what you tell us.
Fang: My secret is that I love all of you and I wish to make you all very happy even though I know that your lives are great but deep down you make me the happiest being in hell all of time and that is why I want to ask of you if you would like to be more than just my girlfriends.
Lute: F..Fang....
Vaggie....W..What are you.....
Fang got down on one knee and opened up a big box filled with engagement rings that made all the girls in the except Octavia and Loona gasped in shock but also with tears building up in their eyes as they looked towards Fang who spoke the words to them.
Fang: Will you make me the happiest HellWolf who is now a God of Hell and become my wives. Will you girls marry me.
Fang Girl's: YESSSSSS!!!!!!!
They all tackled and cried tears of joy and started to kiss Fang all over that made him laugh even Loona as well Octavia. Fang got up and put the rings on each of the girls fingers who are now engaged to him and soon to become the future Mrs.Hunter. Fang smiled that he was going to have a wonderful family with all the girls he met and care for and promises to be by their side no matter what.
Fang: Happy SinsMas girls.
Fang Girls: Happy SinsMas, our future husband!❤️
Meanwhile in Korra's Universe. Let's just say Loona's idea of what the two girls were doing actually did happen. Asami wanted to know how the phone worked so she took it apart piece by piece and ended up breaking it which caused the girl to gasped in horror that she ruined the one thing she could contact her lover.
Asami: Gulp.....Oh no no no no no no no! I hope Fang doesn't kill me for this. What the spirits did I just do? I should have never taken apart this amazing device now I can't even contact my SexyWolfMan. I just hope Korra doesn't do something bad to her's because if she then we're both doomed.(Asami saids with chills down her spine)
With Korra who in her room on Air Temple was twitching after she did something that made her loose her temper and in the end she caused the destruction of something that her puppyface gave her.
Korra: I...I....I'M SUCH A STUPID IDIOT?!!!! WHAT THE SPIRITS HAVE I DONE!!!! I let my anger get the best of me and now I can't even call nor message Fang. I completely shattered the whole phone. I hope he doesn't find out...if he does....spirits know what he might do to me. Ok just stay calm Korra and all you have to do is come up with a story and surely he will believe it. I mean it's not like he's gonna get all furious on me...hehehehehe......I hope he doesn't.
Both have Korra and Asami destroyed their phones due to their own mistakes and soon Fang will come back to their world to give both girls a lesson but to also help with a situation at hand in the next up coming chapters. Coming up next is Parallel Universe with a special ending that you will all like and it involves Fang and Loona.
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