Chapter 38: The MasterMind!

Located in the coldest part of hell lies the mansion of Andrealphus. Andrealphus is the brother of Stella and the former wife of Stolas and mother to Octavia. After Stella and Stolas divorced due to their relationship problems, Stella moved in with her brother where the two find ideas to get rid of Stolas and take everything that belongs to him. Inside the mansion Stella and Andrealphus having some tea together while also thinking of a new way to get rid of Stolas for good.

Andrealphus: seem rather to be in good spirits today?

Stella: Oh yes! Stolas has had his heart shat on by that little imp cretin he was seeing!

During time the before the end of the war and before the whole mess with Adam and extermination day, Blitz and Stolas have been having some difficulties with their relationship which caused the two split until they can come to their senses. 

Andrealphus: Oh?

Stella: Yes, I believe he finally learnt that filthy little beast was only using him to gain access to his grimoire! Hahaha! Fucking moron.

Andrealphus: PSSSSHHHH!!!! Gain...gain access to..cough to his what?

Stella: That fancy book thing.

Andrealphus: wait..wait...wait..wait! Stolas was letting an imp use his Goetia given grimoire and you didn't tell me?

Stella: Why do you care?

Andrealphus: Because! We have been trying to figure out a means to usurp your horny ex-husbands's power, and this whole time you knew about the incredibly illegal thing he was doing and you didn't think it might be a good idea to LET ME KNOW?!

Stella: WELL DON'T YELL AT ME! Now you fucking know.

Andrealphus: You lucky you are hot, Stella.

Meanwhile at IMP, Blitz was in his office playing with a doll of Moxxie but not before doing an interview with some imps who want to work for IMP.

Blitz: So the four of you aaare....Remind me again?

Imp: We're interns, sir! We're looking for cool business to work for.

Blitz: Yea yea yea, I know what interns are, I'm not an idiot okay? But I can't really afford new employees at the moment.

Imp: Oh, interns work for experience, sir.

Blitz: Come again?

Imp: Experience!

Blitz: Ohh, you mean for free.

Imp: Experience?

Blitz: Well, I can't argue with free kiddo, you're hired!

Moxxie: Sir! You need to see this.


Blitz looks outside his window and looks to see a group of demons in cloaks and they look like the friendly type. One of them came down with a scroll and said that Blitz along with his crew are being charge for breaking demon law.

Reaper: Employees of the illegal business of I.M.P, you are hereby arrested for breaking demon law, surrender yourselves!


Moxxie: Blitz, what are we gonna do?



Blitz came busting out of the office where Loona was texting Fang about her day while also telling him that she's fine and so is the unborn child until she gets interrupted when Blitz hopped onto the desk and started to delete all the files off the computer. But instead Millie did the deleting for him and that was basically destroying the computer with an ax.

Guard 3: Come out with your hands up, we are going to beat you!

Loona: WHAT?!

Guard 3: But only a little!

Loona: FUUUUCK!!!!!

Loona took a beer out of the desk and poured it all over the papers inside and then took out a lighter to set the stuff on fire. Before she did she saw a picture of her with Fang as well as the others and took it out so she doesn't loose it.

Guard 3: There's no where to run you little red shits!

Loona: Fuck...fuck...fuck...fuck...fuck!

Guard 3: We are going to beat you! But but only a little. May..maybe a lot. Just come out!

Blitz: Loona what's taking so long?!


Blitz: Give me that stupid lighter!(Blitz saids and throws the lighter into the desk with the papers inside and whole thing got set on fire)

Moxxie: The shredder is jammed!!!!

Blitz: Then figure it out, Moxxie!!!

Guard 3: Come out with your hands up!

Loona: Fang pick up pick up!

Fang(Phone): Loona whats going on?

Loona: Fang we need help now!

Fang(Phone): What's going on?!

Loona: I don't know we are being arrested which I don't even know!!! Fang, I'm scared please you got to help us...I don't want to do anything to me nor our child.

Fang(Phone): I'm on my way!

Loona: Please hurry...

Loona ended the call and she along with Blitz, Moxxie, and Millie left the office and into the hallways but stopped when they looked to see the guards throw a smoke bomb into the window. Everyone covered their mouths to avoid the smoke.

Blitz: Cough! C'mon guys. Cough!

Moxxie: Blitz, they will see us!

Blitz: Well, we can either run, or we can face the music.

Outside the building, the cloaked guards surround the front entrance ready to capture the employees of IMP. When they looked to see it was them coming out, the cloak demons flew and started to grab the employees with rope until they looked to see it wasn't them but the new interns who wanted to join IMP.

Imp: Is this part of the job?

Behind the building Blitz along with the others walked quietly towards the car to get away before the guards find them and capture them.

Blitz: Get.In.The.Van. Hurry, hurry, hurry. Ok c'mon, c'mon, c'mon we got it.

Moxxie: Where are we going?

Blitz: Anywhere but here. Get ready for a life on the run gang.

Blitz starts up the car but instead of driving away he accidentally crashes the car into a light post. Luckily the car survived due to it's a car that was gift from Fang since the old car blew up.

Moxxie: I fucking hate you so much, Blitz.

Reaper: Freeze, criminals.

By the time Fang arrives he looks to see Blitz along with Moxxie and Millie being chained up along with Loona and saw the cloak guards and the demon police put a muzzle on her and that ticked Fang off. He watched them leave but not before he grabs one of the cloak guards and slams him into the wall.

Fang(Demonic): Tell me where they are taking them and I won't kill you.

Guard: I'm...not allowed..GULP?!!!!(Guard saids then gets choked by Fang)


Guard: They...they are being trialed for the crime....for stealing a powerful Goetic heirloom for personal use in the mortal realm....

Fang(Demonic): And by who told of that crime. ANSWER ME OR DIE BY THE HANDS OF THE GOD OF HELL!!

Guard: Your...your Fang Hunter....The God of deepest apologies your grace....I didn't know...GULP?!!!


Guard: It was Andrealphus. He is the brother of Princess Stella and the ruler of the frozen Cocytus lake. It was told that IMP was responsible for stealing the the Goetic heirloom, the grimoire. Also the ones responsible for the assassination attempt to kill Prince Stolas.

Fang(Demonic): The Grimoire was returned Stolas and Imp had nothing to do with his assassination. They are being lied too and deceived and I am going to get some proof. And you are not going to tell anyone about this or I swear..I WILL DESTROY YOU JUST LIKE HOW I DID WITH THE CORRUPTED ANGEL KNOWN AS ADAM!

Guard: have my word....

Fang: Good now get out of here before I change my mind.

Fang let the guard go and went to think on why the brother of Princess Stella, Stolas's ex-wife wanted to have IMP arrested unless this was a trick to lore Stolas because Stolas has been declared of being a target for many demons who were hired to kill him. The Loo Loo Land incident, The incident at the harvest moon festival, and the incident where Stolas got captured until he saved by Blitz.

Fang: Time to get some answers and I know just the person to ask for. Now that I have the powers of creation and destruction, I have the power to do anything and that is bring people back who I encountered and killed. So I think I shall bring back the one known as Striker, he knows something and he is going to tell me everything.

Fang uses his new powers to resurrect the bounty hunter known as Striker, the same Striker that Fang disintegrated during the attempt to kill Stolas at the harvest moon festival. Fang looked see the body of Striker appearing before him and when Striker opened his eyes he looked to see that we was alive again but stoped when he looked to see Fang.

Striker: YOU?!!!!

Fang: Hello Striker welcome back from the dead.

Striker: Dead, what are you.....wait now I remember you killed me!!!

Fang: I did but now I brought you back because I want answers.

Striker: What makes you think I will tell you anything?

Fang: With a snap of fingers I will reverse of what I did and you will go back being dead. A lot has happened Striker and I have the power to do anything.

Striker: What is it that you want?

Fang: Tell me who gave you the order to kill Stolas and why. If you tell me what you know you will be rewarded and I will spare your life.

Striker: How do I know this isn't a....GULP?!!!


Striker: Ok...ok...ok...I will tell you...

Fang: Who sent you to kill Stolas and why is being targeted? Also why is the brother of Princess Stella claiming that Imp is the one responsible for trying to kill Stolas?

Striker: I will tell you what you know if you pay me.

Fang: Would this amount change your mind.(Fang saids and hands Striker a check)

Striker:......Wow that is a lot of zeroes. All right the one who sent me to kill the prince was Princess Stella.

Fang: His ex-wife?

Striker: Yea she wanted the prince dead after finding out that he slept with an imp which caused a lot bull-shit between the two but in the end Stella being the bitch she is hired people to killed Stolas so that she and her brother can gain Stolas's family fortune along with the access to his fancy book. By my guess her and her brother are using Imp so that they can lore Stolas into a trap so that he will take the fall and he will loose everything that his owns.

Fang: So that's why Loona and the others were arrested, they are being framed and used to lore Stolas out into the open.(Fang saids in thought)

Fang: So that's why you tried to kill Stolas with that Carmine weapon. You were hired by Stella to take the prince out.

Striker: That's right.

Fang: All right thanks for the info you're free to go.

Striker: Just like that?

Fang: Do you want me to snap my fingers and die all over again?

Striker: Uhh...forget what I said.

Fang: Oh one more thing. WHISTLE!

Fang whistles and soon came running towards him and Striker was Apocalypse in which left Stiker in shock of seeing his horse again.

Fang: I think your gonna need a ride. I took good care of her, though she still misses her old rider.

Striker: Apocalypse? You renamed her?

Fang: She had a name? 

Striker: Bombproof was her name but Apocalypse, hmm I like that name a whole lot better. Good to see you again girl.(Striker saids while petting his horse)

Fang: For giving me the information I needed you life is spared and the money is yours.

Striker: Well not only I'm alive again but also richer, I think I will use this money to get myself one of those fancy mansions along with a few other things. Got to say Hunter you get more impressive each day see you around partner.(Striker saids and leaves with Apocalypse)

Fang: Now then time to go pick up a certain stuck up princess and then expose the truth at the trial.

Fang changes into his demon god form and took into the skies and went towards the location of where to find the mansion that that guard told him about. The place where Stella and her brother live. Once flying for a while Fang looked to see a icy fortress and landed on the group meaning that this was Andrealphus home and Stella would be inside.


Inside the mansion Stella was mocking her ex-husband and that she couldn't wait to see the look on his face when he finds out what is going to happen to his little imp. Before she continued the doors of the mansion burst opened and caught the princess off guard.


Fang(God): Princess Stella. I've been looking for you.

Stella: Your.....your....

Stella didn't finish her sentence as Fang grabbed her with chains and tied her up so she wouldn't escape. He brought her face to his and Stella looked into the eyes of true fear itself.

Fang(God): You and your brother are going to be sorry for messing with my friends and I am going to enjoy watching you both crumble to the ground and loose everything you own. And I mean everything. I think it's about time for all of hell to see who you two really are. And be silent otherwise I will remove you tongue by force in the most deadly and painful way.

Stella: Gulp.......

Back with Blitz and the others, after they were arrested they were brought into trial. The guards placed Loona, Moxxie, and Millie on the right side while still being in chains and Blitz was being dragged towards the front.

Blitz: C'mon guys this is this all just one big misunderstanding. Uh, is this about the orphans? Cause they were already sick to begin with.


Blitz: Oh shit it's Satan...(Blitz saids in thought)

Satan: We are here to sentence the criminal imp, BlitzO.

Blitz: A..actually sir, the 'O' is....

Satan: Grrrr....

Blitz: Totally there! You nailed it, great job.

Bee: Loona? Oh shit Fang isn't going to like this.(Bee saids in thought while worried for Loona)

Satan: You and your crew are on trial for stealing a powerful Goetic heirloom for undocumented personal use in the mortal realm. How do you plead?

Blitz: Oh, this is about the book? Ha! I didn't steal that thing! I mean I tried, right? But since when is attempting a crime illegal, am I right?

Moxxie: Always.

Blitz: Point is! It was given to me, ok? I was allowed to use it.

Andrealphus: LIES!! Your honor, speaking on behalf of my aggressively attractive sister, I must testify that this BRUTISH imp was forcing himself on her husband, Stolas, who, unlike a responsible and handsome Goetic demon such as myself, was too weak and ashamed to come forward about it. The poor thing.

Blitz: WHAT?! Hey, I didn't force shit! MPH?!!!(Blitz screams before getting his mouth shut)

Andrealphus: This vile, hideous imp has put his kind to shame. Committing such hardened acts to GAIN THE UPPER HAND!

Moxxie: That isn't what happened?!


Yogirt: Um. Satan? Sorry. W..wh..what did we say about negative energies in our mind temple? Yea, remember to take deeep breaths.

Satan: Right, yea. Continue.

Andrealphus: Ahem. I'd like to add, your honor, that in addition to his unspeakable acts with our dear, beloved Stolas..

Vasago: Wait...wait..wait..wait..wait...wait..Where is Stolas anyway? Can't he speak on this himself?

Vasago(Spanish): Que carajo?

Translation: What the hell?

Andrealphus: He...has not been informed of this trial.

Vasago: Why not? If this involves him, them he should be here, no? We need to summon him at once.

Andrealphus: Ok, Vasago. Shut the fuck up.

Vasago(Spanish): No me voy a callar, pendejo arrogante!

Translation: I will Not shut up, you arrogant idiot!

Andrealphus: Stella and I didn't want to put him through the trauma of facing his aggressor. Who, might I also add...dramatic pause...PLOTTED TO HAVE HIM ASSASSINATED!

Blitz(Muffled): WHAT?!!

Vasago(Spanish): Puta madre...

Translation: Motherfucker..

Moxxie: That wasn't him! We don't know who wanted Stolas dead, but it wasn't Blitz!

Blitz: Look, I am an assassin, ok? If I wanted to kill Stolas. I WOULD'VE DONE IT MY-FUCKING-SELF!

Everyone: GASP!

Moxxie: 😢sniff...We're gonna fucking die.

Blitz: Hang on, that's not what I meant, ok? I'm just saying I could've totally fucking killed Stolas myself. B..but I would never do tha...MPH?!!

Satan: What a disappointment.

Bee: This is bullshit, guys. I've met this imp dude before during a party that I went too, and he's a real wildcard, but he's a lot of fun and I think we should hear him out. It's probably not a big deal.

Bee met Blitz at a party where he saw him drink as much as anybody in which Bee sent pictures and videos to Fang and Loona all about it. The two of them were impressed but disgusted at the same time cause Blitz can get a little too crazy at parties.

Asmodeus: Yea! I'm sure he has a good reason for all of this.

Mammon: Oh shut up, you two.

Sitting below Bee and Asmodues was a demon wearing a royal fool but way more fatter than Adam but with four arms.

Mammon: We all know you enjoy slumming it with the lower class plebs. Unlike the rest of us, heh. Right, Levy? Hahahahaha.(Mammon saids to a demon girl with two heads)

Asmodues: Oh, you wanna fucking go, Mam?!

Bee: You're just pissy nobody wants to fuck with a flaming pile of clown shit. Also, suck a dick!(Bee saids and summons a dick like ice popsicle)

Mammon: What don't you buzz off back to your boyfriend, bitch!

Bee: Well my boyfriend happens to be the strongest and most powerful being in all of hell and he will wipe you out (Snap) just like that.

Asmodeus: I happened to agree he is powerful. I have seen what he can do.

Satan: Why don't we take a vote. Who wants to listen to hours of testimony?

Bee, Asmodeus, along with Moxxie, Millie and even Loona raised their hands for the first idea until Satan spoke about wanting to kill Blitz.

Satan: And who wants to kill this imp bastard and get home for lunch?

Everyone in the court raised their hands and all agree to kill Blitz which made those who don't want him killed speechless.

Bee: Oh fuck all 'a y'all.

Mammon: HAH! Suck it ya bloody...MPH?!(Mammon saids before getting dick popsicle shoved into his mouth by Bee)

Andrealphus: You should've remained in your place, imp. You see, this is what happens when lesser demons try to step out of line.

Satan: For the treacherous crime of stealing a Goetia's grimoire for illegal use, bringing harm to a Goetic prince, and accessing the mortal coil without clearance or procedure you, BlitzO and your crew are herby sentenced to death. And due to your bold actions against the laws of hell, your execution will be broadcasted across the seven rings. To remind all of imp-kind why our power must never be challenged again.

Camera's were shown and everyone in hell watches of what is going to happen at the trial. Blitz was shocked and scared at the same time but not just him but also his daughter along with Millie and Moxxie.

Blitz: No! Not them, your highness! It was me it was all me! can't except to teach anyone a lesson by killing all of us!

Satan: You dare try to tell me how to PUNISH?!

Yogirt: Uh, Satan! Heh, sorry. You know what, today is an amethyst and you're acting kind of ruby. Yea? Try some meditation, re-align your chakraaaaas.

Blitz: Look, all that hell is gonna see is you executing imps who are just trying to do their job! I'm the rogue here, not them!

Moxxie: Blitz, what are you doing?

Satan: Sigh...fine. I suppose I created imp-kind to be obedient. I see no reason to punish the dutiful. Just axe the mouthy one.

Blitz: Oh shit. I did not see that coming, look I'm sorry Mox, I did everything I could..

Moxxie: You know he means you, right?

Blitz: Fuck me...

Satan: Do you have any final words? We'll pretend to care.

Blitz: All I was trying to do was rise above the stupid fucking place..YOU ALL FORCED US INTO!

Moxxie: Your highness, please! Blitz just...

Blitz: Moxxie, stop.

Moxxie: Blitz, I can't let you.

Blitz: This big, red bitch never planned on hearing us out. Just...just take care of Loona and my future grandchild for me. And tell Fang that I am sorry.

Moxxie: 😢! I can't look Millie.

Blitz gets chained to the ground and his head towards the stone of where his neck is sticking out. Then came the executor with a big axe. Millie and Moxxie looked away with tears as well as Loona who was going to loose the demon who treated her like a father and her as a daughter.

Blitz: I love you all.


The doors of the court room slammed opened and a red aura and smoke appeared out of nowhere while some were wondering who the voice was but some who know it well lets just say a lot of shit is going to happen.

Andrealphus: Oh come on! Who fucking dares disturb.....AAAAAAHHHHHH?!!!!

Andrealphus didn't finish his sentence as a familiar sword came flying towards the ice owl and was slammed into the walls with the sword launched into Andrealphus right shoulder that left everyone in shock.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Fang Hunter's God Entrance)(Ps I am a huge fan of The Undertaker from WWE)

Out of the door came the one and only Fang Hunter in his God like form that left the court room in shock of who was appearing before them while Blitz along with Millie, Moxxie, Bee, Asmodeus, and Loona smiled at seeing him and the others paled who know who Fang Hunter is.


Satan: Uh.....whats up Hunter you looking badass as ever.

Fang(God): I have to come to this trial to reveal the truth. Blitz and the employee's of imp are innocent and I know who the real criminals are for the attempt to kill Prince Stolas. To show proof I bring you all my richness and mastermind of the whole killing Stolas however she is not the only one to be trialed.

Fang throws Stella who was in chains in front of the court and Satan that left everyone speechless while Andrealphus looked paled under the glare that Fang was giving him or it is the sword that in launched into his shoulder or perhaps both.

Blitz: Wait that bitch who Stolas who used to be his wife?

Satan: What is that you are trying to tell us?

Fang(God): You will see for yourselves and all of hell will know since this is being broadcast across the seven rings. But first I think two more people should see and hear what is about to happen.

Fang snaps his fingers and both Stolas along with Octavia appeared in the court room confused until they saw Andrealphus on the wall stabbed with a sword and Stella on the ground chained up.

Octavia: Fang? What's going on?

Stolas: Is that Stella's brother on the wall with a sword in his shoulder? Also why is Stella tied up in chains?

Fang(God): Your about to find out who are the one responsible for your assassination.

Satan: Hmm...this should be interesting, I will allow it.

Bee: You see that Mammon, that's my man right there.

Mammon: Oh shit.....

Asmodeus: Yea you mess with us you mess with the God of Hell.

Fang flew up to Andrealphus and took his sword out of him followed by grabbing the asshole by the neck and throwing him towards Stella and later chained up like her.

Fang(God): You both are a disgrace, disgrace to everything even your own family. For that I think it's about time everyone knows of who you two really are.

Andrealphus: don't know anything....

Fang(God): Actually I do, all thanks to a little cowboy who gave me everything I know about what you two planned to do. But first Blitz your free to go.

Fang snaps his fingers and releases Blitz and everyone else who were pleased to be free from their chains and Loona smiling with tears of joy to see her soon be husband one day.

Fang(God): Now than let us begin. Princess Stella and Andrealphus reveal your secrets, reveal your dark plans and reveal to all of hell that you two are the ones responsible for the attempt of killing Prince Stolas and framing IMP as well as using them to get Stolas out into the open so you can take everything he owns which includes his own daughter. NOW REVEAL THEA TRUTH SHOW EVERYONE YOUR LIES!!!

Fang uses his magic to take control of Stella and Andrealphus who couldn't fight what Fang shot them with and eventually they cracked and revealed everything and they mean everything. Stolas and Octavia gasped in horror of what they found out and not just them but everyone in the court room even Satan was shocked and pissed of what these two owl's have done. It was never IMP it was Stella and her brother who were doing the crimes.

Fang(God): Now you all see the truth behind these two. As for the book that Stolas has, it returned to him by BlitzO who didn't need it because he had me, someone who has access to the mortal realm or have you forgotten Satan.

Satan: Shit..the rings I gave you, I completely forgotten about them. BlitzO and your crew are here by declared innocent of charges and are free to go. Because it would seem we all found the ones truly responsible for the attempt of killing Prince Stolas.

Stolas: S..Stella....


Fang(God): Your mother became twisted Via, she couldn't let go of the past and in the end she became a vile arrogant dead beep of a mother who doesn't even appreciate anyone but herself. Just like her filthy idiot brother.

Octavia: How...could you mom....?

Fang(God): Stolas and Stella's marriage was forced by their own families. However despite everything Stolas still loves you Via, and all he wanted was to give you a normal life, a life you want to live away from royalty and pressure of the throne.

Octavia: Dad is that true?

Stolas: Of course it is my little owlette, I wanted nothing more to see you happy and live the life you want to live it. It's just your mother she's been nothing but cruel and selfish that it drove me to the peak that I wouldn't find happiness again. But you my sweet little girl, you kept me happy and that's all what matters.

Octavia: Oh dad....(Octavia saids and hugs her father)

Fang(God): Now I think it is time for your punishments and I will be the one to give them to you Princess Stella and you Andrealphus.

Stella: YOU CAN'T DO THAT?!!!

Satan: Unfortunately he can. He is the God of Hell now and quite frankly he out ranks all of us in this room and he has the authority to do what he pleases. I mean have you all seen what he did to the angel known as Adam. Still fucking hardcore by the way. Besides I like to see what he will do to the two of you.

Fang(God): As the God of Hell, I Fang Hunter stripped the both of you of your titles as prince and princess, you will no longer hold the property of being part of royalty, you will forever live without your abilities to use magic and you will loose everything you own and they will be given to Prince Stolas and his daughter Octavia. You have disgraced the both of them and all of hell for your crimes and for that I shall do what must be done.

Stella and Andrealphus gasped in horror as they were both stripped of everything leaving them on the ground weak and hopeless until they looked into the eyes of Fang who was giving them the look of wanting to kill them.

Fang(God): Now that you are stripped of everything I can continue. Andrealphus for your crimes you are found guilty and no you will not be killed cause that would be too easy however you shall be forever banished from this universe...PERMANENTLY!

Andrealphus: WHAT?!!!!

Fang(God): I discovered this realm a month ago while testing out my god like powers and it's place far worse then hell itself, you shall remained there for a thousands years and it's a place where you cannot escape or return back to where you came from.

Vasago: Pardon me, forgive me interruption great god of hell. But where is the place of which this idiot will spending the rest of his life in?

Fang(God): It is a place for discarded beings who have done the wrong doing, it's a junkyard located at the end of time. It's called THE VOID. Think of it as like a prison, a prison you cannot leave nor escape. Andrelphus you will spend all eternity in the void for the rest of you shitty ass life.


Fang opens a portal to the void and Andrealphus falls into it and finishing his words. Stella was scared of what her punishment will be since she was on the only one left.

Fang(God): As for you Stella.

Stella: PLEASE SPARE ME!!! I WILL DO ANYTHING ANYTHING!!! I will change, I will be kind to Stolas and I will cancel all my attempts to kill him, I will be a proper parent and I will stop being what I am today.

Fang(God): Interesting and very useful words for a former princess and a...LIAR!!!

Stella: W..what?

Fang(God): You think I am that stupid to fall for some cheap trick, I have met and dealt with people like you and one of them I killed and shot her in the head. You remind me of her and her twisted little games and for that I shall spare your life but you won't remember anything therefore as The God of Hell I will erase you memories of everything and everyone you encountered...FOREVER!

Millie: Uh isn't that a little too much?

Octavia: No she deserves for what she did and whose to say she didn't think about using me as a puppet for her own game.(Octavia saids with hatred towards her former mother)

Stella: O..Octavia...

Fang(God): ERASE!!!

Fang shoots Stella with a memory wiping spell that took away all of her memories and soon fell unconscious. The trial was in silent and no one and mean no one said a word until Fang spoken again.

Fang(God): I want to make something clear, to those who will dare bring harm to those close to me except for those I trust, if you ever and I mean EVER try to bring harm to those I love , I will destroy you no I will erase you from existence and you will not survive my wrath. Am I clear.

Everyone except Fang's friends and loved ones: YES SIR ABSOLUTELY!!!

Satan: Wow he did a better punishment than what I was thinking of doing, not bad Hunter.(Satan saids in thought)

Fang(God): Good, this trial is over. Also your name is Mammon right?

Mammon: Uh...yea it is...

Fang(God): Loose the weight fatty you look like a fat slob more fatter than Adam before his death.


Bee: SUCK IT BITCH! LOVE YOU BABY!❤️(Bee saids then towards Fang who waves at her)

Mammon: Hmph...

After the trial has ended Fang along with everyone he knows leaves the court room with Stella still unconscious in his arms because Fang has plans for her and it will help make her into a much better person then what she was before. Fang gave Stella to Stolas while he was being hugged by Loona, Octavia along with Blitz, Moxxie and Millie.

Loona: I knew you come and save us, 😢sniff your the best babe.

Octavia: You opened both mine and my dad's eyes, thanks for looking out for me.

Blitz: 😢sniff...Fang you are by far the best employee a guy like me could have. You saved my ass back there and I appreciate for what you did.

Moxxie: Your a true friend, Fang.

Millie: 😢sniff....We don't know what we do without you Fang.

Fang: Hey I am just glad that you all safe and sound, that's all that matters.

Stolas: Mr.Hunter, I can't thank you enough for what you did and for clearly Blitz's name as well as finding out that Stella and her brother are the ones plotting to kill me.

Blitz: Speaking of which, what are we going to do with the bitch now?

Fang: I actually have plans for her.

Moxxie: What would that be?

Fang: I can help change her to a better person. With my guidance and ideas I can mold Stella into a proper fine woman one who is not a crazy ass killing husband bitch psychopath. Since I erased all her memories she won't remember any of us not even Stolas.

Stolas: That...could be a brilliant idea. It would be interesting to see what Stella would become if she was more respectful and more compassionate.

Octavia: You really think you can do it, lobo?

Fang: I'm the God of hell I can do anything.

Loona: Your our God of hell.

Soon Moxxie and Millie took a taxi home and Fang decided to take Stella home with him as well as Blitz and Stolas since the two of them could use a break from all the shit that has been going on. Once home Fang put Stella in a guest room to sleep and went into the dinning room where Loona, Danni, Lute, Vortran along with Blitz, Stolas, and Octavia were waiting.

Blitz: Got to say Fang the way you spoke at the trail was fucking awesome. Never knew you had the commanding authority.

Danni: We saw the news and lets just say you being all charge and showing off your god like self was so hot.~

Loona/Lute/Vortran/Octavia: Very hot.~

Fang: Hehehe I attend not to show off that much of my godly appearance, I only acted like that because you guys were in trouble.

Blitz: Well I am glad that is over. By the way we should get ready because SinsMas is coming.

Fang: SinsMas? You mean Christmas right?

Loona: Actually down here babe it's called SinsMas. I will fill you in when the holiday comes up.

Danni: Oh by the way Loona, a package came for you.(Danni saids and takes out a package from behind her)

Loona: What is it?

Danni: It came from the hospital with no note just your name.

Loona: Really?

Blitz: Open it up and see what's inside because if it is bomb or another asshole hiding in a box again I'm killing it.

Loona opens up the package and out came what appears to be balloons by pink that left everyone lost except for Fang who gasped of what it means.

Blitz: Uhhhh...ok so it's not a guy in a box?

Loona: Is this some kind of...

Fang: We're having a girl.....

Loona: W.what?

Fang: We're having a girl....oh my gosh Loona we're having a girl.

Everyone: GASP!

Loona: W...we....we are 😢sniff.....(Loona saids with tears building up in her eyes)

Fang: We're gonna have a daughter.

Loona: 😢sniff...I love you so much.

Loona gets up and hugs Fang who does the same as the two were going to have a baby girl. The news made Blitz cry that he was going to be a grandpa. Stolas was happy for the couple on becoming parents while the girls even though they were happy they still wanted kids of their own and will soon get them and couldn't wait to be parents.


Fang: I KNOW!!


Loona: We got to think of some names.

Octavia: I can help I know some interesting names for a girl.

Danni/Lute/Vortran: SO CAN WE!

Fang: I can tell my mother in heaven in squealing with joy that me and Loona are going to have a baby girl. I think probably after the holidays I will take the girls to meet my parents, I am sure they would love to meet them. Just hope mom doesn't embarrass me in front of them....hell knows she will.

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