Chapter 37: The Queen's Return!
Two months have past since the battle ended in which all of hell knows the truth. About a month after the battle was won, Fang The God of Hell gave out a big speech to all the citizens of hell about what Adam did and that what he said about sinners being redeemed into heaven that was suppose to happen was the truth and he meant it. Every sinner and demon a like listened to what Fang said and they were lost for words until Fang showed them proof the redemption is a possibility, he showed them Sir Pentious a former sinner got himself redeemed into heaven and it left many sinners mouth hanging down that they all know who Sir Pentious was and that he was the first sinner to be redeemed into heaven. After explaining the rest of the information to them all Fang told them they have a choice to either stay in hell and live the lives they want or be redeemed and be with those who miss them as well as want to make amends.
Like Fang said this was a choice, true he may have become the god of hell but he will not force anyone to do anything this was their choice. Everyone has a choice. The sinners spent two months thinking of what they wanted to do until a miracle happened. Another month later more than ten to twenty then a hundred sinners decided to asked to be redeemed into heaven because they wish to undo the mistakes they made in the past that wasn't their fault and had no control of themselves since it was Adam's doing who twisted their minds. Charlie's dream came true and she finally has people staying at her hotel with Fang helping them to get redeemed. Weeks later after doing the activities that Charlie tasked the sinners to do at the hotel, more than forty sinners got redeemed into heaven while the others were still learning but soon they too will be redeemed into heaven. God was impressed of the work that his granddaughter is doing as well as Fang and that everything was changing for the greater good of both worlds.
During the past two months Fang has earned the respect of every demon and sinner in hell even the Overlords themselves see him as their savior, their protector. Though things got out of hand when the he became too popular and his penthouse was surrounded by fans mostly women who want him in which his girls got furious and that living in the penthouse was no longer an option until it hit Fang. Since he gain the powers of a god along with creation and destruction he took it upon himself to make a new home one where he and his girls can be happy together and away from glory.
He constructed a brand new home and put barriers around it in case something goes wrong or someone tries to seek in. The girls were amazed of what their boyfriend did however they still liked their homes in which Fang respected them to let them live in their own place except for Lute along with Loona, Octavia, Danni, and Vortran who decided to move in with Fang. Charlie and Vaggie liked the idea of moving in with Fang but they had to run the hotel but promises to visit time to time when they have the chance.
Fang accomplished a lot during his time in hell however there was one thing that Fang needed to do and that was to find and bring back the one person that Charlie as well as Lucifer miss with all their hearts, the queen herself, the one known as Lilith the mother of Charlie and ex-wife of Lucifer. After what Lute told them that she was in heaven, Fang made it his soul purpose to find Lilith and reconnect her with the two people who want her back in their lives.
Fang who was in his new bedroom at his new place was on top of Octavia where the two were having passionate love together because Octavia wanted to bare Fang's child as well ever since the girls found out that Loona was pregnant with Fang's child all the girls agreed to bare Fang's offspring and he said it himself that he will take full responsibility of being a parent and it made the girls happy that they have a guy who will do anything to make them happy. Also the girls forgave Fang after what happened at the battle but unfortunately Fang was dried out after having sex with all the girls and all agreed to share him even Alice who is no longer a virgin.
(Short Lemon 🍋)
Octavia: Yes...yes..oh my Satan I can't wait anymore stick it inside me Fang!!!!
Fang who was giving Octavia the tongue on her lower half smirked with his demon wolf eyes and did what his girlfriend asked for. He lined his manhood up to Octavia's lower half and thrust right into her making her moan with loud pleasure.
Fang: Via are you sure you wanna bare my child?
Fang(Demonic): AS YOU WISH!
Vortran: Don't forget about me alpha!
Fang(Demonic): You're next after I am finished with my owl princess.
Octavia: OH YES!!! MORE I WANT MORE!!!~
Fang thrust faster into Octavia who was now drooling with lust until Fang got her on all fours and banged her from behind that made her moan even louder and Vortran who was fingering herself couldn't wait to have her alpha's puppies.
Fang(Demonic): VIA I AM CLOSE!!!
Fang(Demonic): VIA I'M...?!!!
Fang(Demonic): FUCK!!!!
Fang came inside Octavia a lot until the girl passes out from wild sex and now it was Vortran's turn who didn't bother to wait when Fang grabs her and pounds her from behind like he did with Octavia.
Fang(Demonic): I WILL OH I WILL.
Fang speed up the pace and thrust all the way into Vortran who moan and drooled all over the place until both her and Fang were at their limits.
Fang(Demonic): HERE IT COMES!!!
Fang(Demonic): VORTRAN!!!
(Lemon End)
After Fang finishes with Vortran he puts her and Octavia into bed and kissed them on the forehead before going into the bathroom to take a shower because he has something to do today and thats looking for Charlie's mother. He leaves the bedroom and goes into the dinning room where he looks to find Lute sitting on the couch while on her phone and Loona in the kitchen where her belly gotten bigger meaning soon the baby will be born and Fang will be the father of that child.
Fang: Loona I thought we talked about this. You should let me cook breakfast while you go rest. I don't want anything happening to our child or you.
Loona: Fang, I'm fine really. I appreciate you being here for me I do but I'm a big girl I can handle things.
Fang: I know you can but since your pregnant I want to be the one to take care of you. I'm trying to be a good parent it's how my parents raised me to be. It's always a man's job to do the work while the woman who is pregnant with an unborn child relaxes.
Loona: You are so sweet. That's why I love you so much 💋.(Loona saids and kisses Fang on the lips)
Lute: Hey where's my morning kiss?(Lute saids while pouting)
Fang: Hehehehe, I didn't forget you my precious Lute.
Fang goes over to Lute and hugs her from behind that made her giggle until Fang kisses her on the lips where Lute wrapped her arms around Fang. Lute appreciated for what Fang has done for her and after the battle was won and she forgave Fang she decided to remain in hell with him since she swore that she will stay by his side no matter what and Fang excepted her choice and was allowed to visit heaven and see her friends again which Lute liked. After they break from the kiss, another girl came from behind or more like went through Fang and gave him a big smooch on the lips and it was Danni.
Danni: Hehehe, morning honey.
Fang: Good morning to you too Danni and next time don't do that, you know going through my body like that because it's kind of creepy.
Danni: Sorry just wanted to surprise you. By the way last night was even better than the last times we had passionate love.
Loona: Sucks you girls had all the fun while I am carrying a baby.
Lute: Yea but your lucky that you have a child being born but soon we will all have one. Isn't that right our demon god.
Danni: More look Sexy God.~
Fang: Ok ok girls calm yourselves. Anyway why don't you three sit down while I get on making breakfast.(Fang saids and goes to make breakfast for the girls)
Danni/Lute/Loona: He is going to be my husband.❤️(All said in thought while thinking of Fang has their future husband)
Lute: Hey Fang are you doing what I think your doing today?
Fang: You already know the answer to that, Lute.
Loona: I know what you are doing babe but what if she doesn't you know want to come back, I mean it's like Charlie said she's been gone for seven years.
Fang: If things don't go as planned I will do things by force if I too. I will dragged her sorry ass back down here rather she likes it or not. Charlie and Lucifer miss her and Lilith has to see the big picture in everything that has been going on.
Danni: Now that the truth about Adam has been exposed I think she would see that everything that she tried to do was nothing but false promises and that the deal she made with him was a trick in which he was still going to kill Charlie and possibly Lucifer due to his twisted and sick little game.
Fang: Though I am not sure Lilith knows or anyone told her about it but I am sure when I find her I will reveal everything to her and surely she can see that her daughter and Lucifer want her back in their lives. Lucifer has already gotten over his past and is starting to act like the king his suppose to be. And Charlie finally fulfilled her dream of getting sinners redeemed.
Loona: Still shocked that redemption is possible and that it was suppose to happen.
Fang: Mhm. All right girls breakfast is ready!
Loona/Lute/Danni: good.(All said while drooling over the delicious breakfast that Fang cooked)
Fang: Make sure to save some for Via and Vortran when they wake up. I got to get going, I will see you girls when I get back.
Loona: Aren't you forgetting something?
Fang: Hmmm...have my wallet, phone, keys, what else am I missing oh yes how could I forget.
Fang goes over and smashed his lips onto Loona where their tongues wrestle for dominance as he did the same for Lute and Danni. Once released, the girls had heart shapes in their eyes as well as blushes on their faces.
Fang: See you later my loves.(Fang saids and then heads out the door)
Loona/Lute/Danni: Sigh.....that's our God of Hell.~
Fang flies over hell at seeing the rings along with the citizens who looked up and waved as well as cheered for the HellWolf who is now a god. Fang smiled and waved back to them though still trying to avoid the fan girls. Fang flew and arrived to his destination and it was the new Hazbin Hotel that Charlie along with her father and friends rebuilt.
Fang: Hard to believe after two months sinners are getting redeemed into heaven because of this place and for what Charlie has to offer. Even though I did help out. A lot has happened since and I like the sudden change.
Fang flies up to the top of the hotel and towards Charlie's bedroom window where he looks inside and see's his two beautiful girls talking to each other probably about the sinners coming into the hotel. Fang see's both Charlie and Vaggie smiling that the plan has worked and it only took two months.
Charlie: Can you believe it Vaggie! Sinners here at my new hotel and they are getting redeemed into heaven. And it only took two months, my dream came true!!!
Vaggie: I knew you could do it babe, though you did had some help in achieving this goal.
Charlie: Fang. Oh Fang he made my dream come to life and if it wasn't for his big speech to all of hell I wouldn't get so many sinners coming in here. How many sinners got redeemed, I lost count?
Vaggie: About forty got redeemed and now we only have fifty left. Though I am sure more will come soon. Like Fang said this is their choice they can live in hell or get redeemed into heaven now that they know that redemption is a reality.
Charlie: That's true.
Knock! Knock!
Charlie and Vaggie: Hm?
Fang: Hey mind letting me in.(Fang saids through the window)
Charlie and Vaggie: FANG!!!❤️
Charlie goes over and opens her window for Fang. Once inside the girls tackled him to the ground and give him hundreds of kisses on his face that made me smile and blush a little.
Fang: Hehe, nice to see you too. How you girls doing?
Vaggie: Were doing great even more now that your here.
Charlie: What are you doing here, sweetie?
Fang: I think you know why I am here Charlie and it involves a certain someone.
Charlie:'re going to find her in heaven aren't you.
Fang: Yea, and I will bring her here myself if she refuses to listen.
Vaggie: I don't think force is the best option honey.
Fang: I have no other option if my plan doesn't work.
Charlie: Just don't hurt her.
Fang: I will never do no such a thing Charlie, she's still your mother.
Charlie: Thanks. Before you leave we got something to tell you.
Vaggie: And it's exciting news.
Fang: What is it?
Both girls held their hands and looked towards Fang with smiles on their faces and place their remaining hands on their stomachs and gave them a rub which caught Fang's attention.
Fang: No fucking way....
Charlie: Mhm.
Vaggie: I think you know what this means.
Fang: Oh my gosh....holy fucking Satan....
Charlie and Vaggie: WE'RE PREGNANT!!
Fang: Excuse me for a second.(Fang saids and flies out of the window)
Charlie and Vaggie: Hm?
Charlie: Pfff.......
Vaggie: He's such a goof.
Fang: Sorry I had to get that out my system. When did this happened?
Charlie: About a couple weeks ago me and Vaggie weren't feeling so well and we been craving sugar sweets and that's when it hit us. We took a test and came out positive.
Vaggie: Loona's not the only one going to have a baby.
Fang: I..I love you girls so much. And like I said I will take responsibility for taking care of our future children.
Charlie: 😢sniff...I'm going to be a mother.
Vaggie: 😢sniff...Babe stop your gonna make me cry too.
Fang: Come here.
The girls with happy tears and smiles hugged Fang that they were excited to become parents when the kids are born.
Fang: Do you know what gender it is yet?
Charlie: Not yet but soon we will.
Vaggie: Hope it's a girl.
Fang: We may never know, Vaggie. It's a leap of faith.
Fang uses his magic to open a portal to heaven and with one last look at Charlie and Vaggie who wish him safe travels and come back soon. He smiled and kisses his girls on the lips before taking his leave into heaven. Fang leaves through the portal and enters heaven where he comes upon the same golden gates like before. Fang has been visiting heaven from time to time but to only see the improvements as well as seeing Sir Pentious who is getting along with the angels and made a new life in heaven along side his remaining egg boys who also joined him so he doesn't feel alone.
St.Peter: Hello again Mr.Hunter, welcome back.
Fang: Peter you can just call me Fang, there's no reason to call me Mr.hunter that's my fathers name.
St.Peter: Oh right sorry. A lot has changed for nearly two months now and all of heaven is starting to see the big change.
Fang: That's good news to hear.
St.Peter: By the way a certain someone wanted me to give you this.(Peter saids and hands Fang a note)
Fang: Of course. Mind letting me in.
St.Peter: Of course, you are always welcome into heaven after you helped saved it and brought back our father of creation.
Fang: By the way hows you know Sera? How did the trial go?
St.Peter: She was found guilty of all charges but instead of being sent to hell, God tasked her to community service until she pays off her debt. She was stripped of her title but she will get paid if she does a good job if not then no payment.
Fang: About time she does something for heaven.
St.Peter opens the gates of heaven for Fang who enters and see's all the angels enjoying themselves as well as seeing the sinners who got themselves redeemed into heaven reunite with their loved ones and families. Fang smiled at this before he heads to the location of where to meet a certain someone that was on the note that St.Peter gave to Fang. He arrives at the park where he spots that certain someone who was laying on the ground until she spotted the HellWolf with wings behind her. Fang looks to see Emily who smiled at seeing the god of hell back in heaven again.
Emily: FANG!!!!!
Fang: Hehe hey Em......MPH?!
Fang words get cut off as Emily kisses him on the lips showing that she misses him so much. After the battle with Adam came to an end and the truth was out both Fang and Emily got to know each other and spend time together until Emily confessed her feelings for him and he excepted her into his harem. They never did the thing though because wants to wait which Fang allowed since Emily was still new to being in a relationship with someone and wants to take things slow.
Emily: I missed you so much, darling.
Fang: I missed you too but it's been two months.
Emily: It felt like longer to me.
Fang: How you been doing? Also hows becoming the new head seraphim been treating you.
Emily: I am doing great thanks for asking and after becoming the new head seraphim all of heaven is starting to rebuild and those who got redeemed into heaven are finally reunited with their lost ones. I saw them bond and patch things up for their mistakes in the past. Their families gave them chances and soon they all became happy to be with them again.
Fang: Awesome.
Emily: So hows Charlie doing?
Fang: She's doing great more than great, she's pregnant along with Vaggie.
Fang: Yea and soon the others would want me to give them children as well.
Emily: I would love to bare your child too my darling.(Emily saids in thought while thinking of being a mother and having kids of her own)
Fang: Anyway I need to ask you something and it's important.
Emily: Of course it is in my power to help those in need.
Fang: Where can I find her, Emily. Where can I find, Lilith.
Emily: Lilith. Wait does Charlie...
Fang: She knows and she wants to see her as well as have her back home with her and Lucifer. They both miss her and wouldn't feel the same if she wasn't in their lives again.
Emily: Very well, I will take you to her. She doesn't know what happened so it would be best to fill her in.
Fang: I plan too.
The two flew together and arrived on the heavens beach that had a beautiful view of the sea it self which Fang never knew heaven had a beach nor an ocean but he shrugged it off as Emily took his hand and the walked across the shore line until they both stopped and Fang looked towards his front and saw a woman sitting on a beach chair wearing shades and a sun hat.
Emily: There she is.
Fang: So that's Lilith. Charlie's mother and Lucifer's wife.
Emily: Do you want me too...
Fang: No, I will talk with her myself. Alone, if you don't mind.
Emily: Sure, I got to get back and keep heaven happy. See you later, darling.
Fang: You too and thanks.
Fang walks towards Lilith and was about to say something to her until she cuts him off and spoke.
Lilith: I know why you are here and I know who you are.
Fang: It seems like you know what went down in heaven and what Adam has done.
Lilith: As long as he keeps the deal we made then everything will be fine.
Fang: Well that little deal you made with him was lie. He still went to hell and went to kill your own daughter. Do you know much suffering Charlie has been through with you not by her side. Do you even care for her anymore? Do you even like oh I don't know ever call or text back to her like she's been doing for the past seven years.
Lilith: She's..she's better off without me. So is Lucifer.
Fang: Where the hell did you get that idea from? Charlie needed you the most to help support her while her father was trying to overcome his past mistakes.
Lilith: You don't know what you are talking about.
Fang: I do know that a mother should never abandoned their child. Charlie cried for you to come back and be with her. She misses you does Lucifer.
Lucifer: Luc...he doesn't care he never did. What makes you think he does now?
Fang: Because he told me himself. Despite his horrible past there was one thing that kept him calm and it was both Charlie and you. I guess you never knew about the real truth.
Lilith: I heard everything.
Fang: Right sure you did. I bet you only heard rumors and little information.
Lilith: Doesn't matter anymore, we both grew apart and nothing will change it. You're wasting your time.
Fang rolled his eyes at this woman and decided to take action. He walked up towards her and ripped off her sun hat and her shades as well as break her glass drink and places his hand grip on her head.
Lilith: What are you....?!
Soon Lilith began to see the lies, the manipulations of Adam's doing, the banishment caused by him and was the one who got her and Lucifer kicked out of heaven in the first place, then seeing the corrupted angel take over heaven along with Sera who both trapped God in a magical chest for many years. Then looks to see how Charlie and Lucifer look so miserable without a mother to help guide her daughter and a wife to be there for her husband who was left alone in silence until Lucifer revealed that he still loves Lilith and wants her back in his life and so does Charlie. Lilith see's sinners being redeemed into heaven all thanks to Fang and Charlie who did the impossible as well as seeing Charlie finding love in others but also still thinking about her mother and wants her back so much. Lilith while seeing this information had tears building up into her eyes that everything was becoming more clear now. Her daughter and Lucifer want her back into their lives and that they needed her more than anything.
Fang: Do you see? They both love you and want to be a family again like old times. You also see all the lies that you were told by Adam in which he is the manipulator and caused so much pain and suffering. Now that he is dead after I killed him, all of heaven is now safe and rebuilding along with sinners in hell who know the truth asked to be redeemed in which forty sinners got redeemed into heaven all thanks to Charlie and her dream to save her people who happen to be yours Lilith. Your daughter did something that you couldn't.
Lilith: 😢sniff...C..Charlie.....she suffered so much and I....wasn't there to help her...what have I done.....she will never forgive me.
Fang: True but she would be happy to see you again and the two of you can make up for lost times. Lucifer would like to see your face again. I can tell that deep down he still loves you and I know you still love him.
Lilith: What...what must I do?
Fang: Come back with me to hell, fix the your undoing with your family. Be there for them again.
Lilith: Sigh.....did Charlie really do all that.
Fang: She had help, wished I helped her fulfill her dream. You should be proud of what she has accomplished over the years.
Lilith took a moment and thought it over despite everything she now knows like the truth and the lies, deep down in her heart she still cares for her daughter and Lucifer even after she left and went to stay in heaven for seven years. But she now knows that they need her more than anything.
Lilith: I..I want to see them....please take me to see my Charlie and...Lucifer.
Fang: Good choice. Otherwise if you chosen the wrong answer I would have tied you up and threw you into a potato sack and drag your sorry butt back to hell by force.
Lilith: Hehehehe, I can see why Charlie loves you. I saw how you were there for her as well as defended her. She's chosen the perfect person to be in her life.
Fang smiled and opened a portal back to hell, before leaving Lilith changes into a dress so that she can look presentable. They both entered the portal and arrived inside the hotel. They looked to see that they were in Charlie's room. Fang told Lilith to stay while he goes and gets Charlie. Lilith looked around the room and saw pictures of her with Lucifer and a younger Charlie happy together and smiling which brought back the good times when Lilith and Lucifer were together as a family.
Lilith: I know that smile of yours anyway Luc. Charlie still as lovely even when you were so small. I promise to make things right with you both, I can't bare to loose you two again.
Soon the door of the bedroom opened and Fang came inside with Charlie behind him. Fang moved out of the way so Charlie can come in and when she stood back in her room she gasped of who was standing inside her room and after long seven years of waiting she was back.
Lilith: C...Charlie....
Charlie slowly walked towards her mother in which Lilith didn't move and allowed her daughter to come close to her while tears were building up in both of their eyes until Charlie stopped and looked up at seeing her beautiful mother that she has been wanting to see again for a long time.
Charlie: 😢sniff...Is really you....and..nn..not my imagination.
Lilith: grown so much...your so beautiful sweetie.
Charlie: 😢sniff...I....I.....
Lilith: I should have never left you or your father.....I thought what I did was for the best but after finding out the truth and the lies I was told....deep down you both still care for me and I never stopped thinking about you...😢sniff...I know you can't forgive me for what I have done to you...but I just want to let you know that..I....
Charlie: 😢sniff...I MISSED YOU SO MUCH, MOM!!!
Charlie embraces her mother in a tight hug while tears were streaming down her face as well as Lilith who held her daughter close and the two never let each other go.
Lilith: I missed you sweetie, I am so sorry for not calling or answering your text, I was so caught up that you both didn't need me anyone...😢sniff...Charlie...I'm so sorry.
Charlie: I always needed you mom was going through a lot of problems and he had a hard time letting go of his past...but he still loves you mom and I never want you to leave us ever again...😢sniff please don't leave me again.
Lilith: I will never leave you again...I love you both so sweet little Charlie, all grown up and became such a beautiful young woman.
Charlie: 😢 look beautiful too mom. You look just the same as the day you left. I can't forgive you now but I am willing to try and rebuild of family again.
Lilith: Of course.
Charlie: Fang....
Fang: Yes.
Charlie got up and went over to Fang and hugged him which he smiled and did the same to her. Lilith watches and smiles sweetly at seeing the two together.
Charlie: Thank you for finding her, thank you for bringing her back.
Fang: I kept my promise didn't I.
Lucifer: Charlie have you seen, oh there you are I was trying to find..........GASP!
Lucifer stops and looks at who was here with Charlie and Fang. After seven years apart Lucifer never thought he would see the woman who gave him love and comfort before the two of them split apart but now seeing her again made Lucifer regret everything he did and wants nothing more to have his family back that includes being with Lilith again. He drops his cane and stares at Lilith while she did the same.
Lilith: Hello Lucifer...I know what you are going to say. How could I have leave and never came back to you nor our daughter after all these years.
Lucifer didn't say anything and just slowly walked towards Lilith while she was expressing her inner feelings.
Lilith: I didn't have a choice...I tried to get our people to understand but they wouldn't listen...I plead to you so many times to help deal with the actions of our people to help find an answer but you didn't's the reason why I left in the first place. I know I left you and Charlie alone...but I thought you two would be better off without me there by your side...and I was wrong. I seen that now...😢sniff....I can't live to see you and Charlie like this any w..what are you waiting for shout, scream, say something please!!!
Lucifer stops and looks up at Lilith with tears coming out of their eyes until Lucifer places a hand onto Lilith's cheek that got her attention until Lucifer spoke.
Lucifer: I..I have never stopped loving you...I have missed you so much....your your as beautiful as that day we grew apart...but I don't want us to grow apart...I..I want you back...I..I love you.
Lilith burst into tears as Lucifer brings her face to his and soon both of their lips touched and later the two embraced into a kiss that made Charlie cry at seeing her parents together. Fang smiled and places a comfort hand on Charlie.
Lilith: I...I love you too...I'm so sorry for everything.
Lucifer: I know...I am too. I want to start over and I will make things right, I promise.
Lilith: Me too.
Charlie: Mom, dad....
Lucifer: Come over here sweetie...😢sniff before I cry even more.
Charlie with tears and a smile embraces her parents in a hug. Fang thought it was right for them to have some alone to time. He smiles and took his leave to give Charlie to be with her mother and father. Once outside he saw Vaggie coming towards the door and was about to open it until Fang stopped her.
Fang: It's best not to disturbed them, let them have this moment to bond again.
Vaggie: I guess that is for the best.
Fang: Come on why don't I help you and guys out with the guest staying here.
Vaggie: Thanks, I needed the help. But are you sure...
Lilith: I'm going to be a grandmother!
Fang: And that's our cue to leave. I don't want to experience Lucifer's tight hugs and trust me his hugs are hard that can break your spine in half.
Vaggie: You know what I happened to agree with you there.(Vaggie saids as she and Fang leave)
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