Chapter 35: The Show Must Go On!
From inside his office Vox was watching the gang at the hotel getting ready to fight the exorcist as well as their leader Adam in which Vox was going to enjoy watching the people he mocks especially Alastor get his ass handed to him by the angels and hope that he gets killed in the fight along with Alice in the process.
Vox: No fucking way. They're gonna fight! Oh my god hahahahahaha, oh it looks like your little hotel didn't work out so well hahahahahahaha. Oh Alastor and Alice I cannot wait to watch you get FUCKED hahahahahahahaha.
Meanwhile at the hotel, all the cannibals who were armed and ready to fight were gathered around to await Charlie to give out her big speech with her friends at her side.
Charlie: Sigh...I wish my mom was here to see this.
Vaggie: Cannibals seem ready to fight.
Lute: Are we though?
Sir Pentious: Fear not damsels!
Fang: Pentious? What the fuck are you wearing?
Sir Pentious: My military outfit Mr.Hunter, I've been saving it for a special occasion. Don't worry my dears I will have the staff ready for victorious combat!
Lute: Huh?
Vaggie: I agree with Fang on the subject, what are you suppose to be?
Sir Pentious: General Pentious, reporting for duty! I will turn to these rat scallions into soldiers in no time!
Charlie: Thank you Pen.
Nifty: What can I do to help?
Fang: I am glad you asked that question Nifty. If you see an angel wearing a black mask with white eyes and an eye X on their face stab it and if you encounter one with golden wings also stab it. Here take this angelic dagger and you will know what to do to when the battle comes.(Fang saids and gives Nifty a dagger)
Nifty: How would I know what they look like?
Fang: Here's a picture of them so you get the idea of who to kill.(Fang shows a picture of the exorcists to Nifty)
Nifty: Oh now I see now, thank you Fang!(Nifty saids and runs off while texting out her dagger)
Charlie: Great job explaining that to Nifty.
Fang: Sure thing and if it was you who gave the advice to stab an angel she would have gone over to Angel Dust who is talking to Cherri and she would have stabbed him. Getting her the wrong idea.
Charlie: Riiiight. That would complicate things.
Vaggie: Listen up sinners! We got twenty-four hours before the extermination begins, lets get work. Fang along with me and Lute here will give you all the instructions on how to kill the exorcists, so pay close attention to what we say.
Lute: And remember they will show no mercy meaning you will have to strike them back hard before they can make their attack and end you.
Fang: Gather around fellow cannibals and we shall teach you all there is to know. Pentious you and your egg boys get this place boarded up and add anything that will keep this place safe.
Sir Pentious: YES SIR!
After hours of training and learning about how to kill an exorcist followed by getting the hotel ready for war, Charlie made her appearance to stand in front of everyone to give out her big speech to her friends and fellow allies.
Charlie(Mic): Hello, I want to thank everyone for coming even people who aren't staying here yet, Cherri.
Cherri: Look I can't help it ok especially when I get to tag team with this fuck head here and this sexy hot of a wolfman.(Cherri saids to both Fang and Angel)
Charlie(Mic): Tomorrow the exorcist angels we face a hell ready to defend itself and win!
Vaggie: Yea! Yea will will tell him baby.
Charlie(Mic): Yes! And we are, we are going to win. But in case we don't we...I want you all to know that getting to know you has been the biggest honor of my life. Whatever redemption really means I know you all tried, I have seen the good in all of you and it's...I'm just...I love you all so much and...and live tonight however you want because...
Nifty: We'll going to die hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
Fang: Oh Nifty....what the hell are we going to do with that psychotic craziness you have.
Vaggie: Alright lets give it up for not dying, love not dying! Uh Drinks?
Inside the hotel everyone was having drinks and celebrating for being alive until tomorrow where they will face the angels and Fang will stop at nothing to destroy Adam for all the damage he has caused to not only heaven, but also earth, and hell itself.
Sir Pentious: Here's to being alive today and not dying tomorrow!
Everyone: CHEERS!
Alastor: Ah the celebratory night for a courageous last stand. It's been a surprising thrill to witness these souls find connection, almost makes one sentimental ain't that right my dear sister.
Alice: Indeed my brother, hows about you Nifty?
Nifty: I really like them Alice, they let me put on a roach puppet show without booing.
Alastor: An enjoyable collective to be around. I admit one could get a custom.
Nifty: Speaking of custom, I made these for the two of you.(Nifty saids and puts two roach crowns on the radio and music demon heads)
Alice: Aw why aren't you sweet, Nifty. I love it.
Nifty: I dubbed thee, King and Queen Roach.
Alastor: Oh to understand your twisted little mind.
Alastor/Alice/Nifty: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
Alice: Sigh...that was good.(Alice saids in thought)
Husker: Last day of afterlife. And your not off checking out nor spying on any hunks abs?
Angel: Eh, you fucked one cannibal pool boy, you fucked them all.
Husker: I guess you have changed.
Angel: Charlie said to live the night however we wanted. So pore me fresh one! And let's get to living.
Fang watches Husker and Angel becoming good friends which he is pleased to know then looks over to see Sir Pentious move over towards Cherri and it looks like he wants to make amends with his former rival.
Sir Pentious: Miss Bomb, Cherri.
Cherri: Yea?
Sir Pentious: I want to tell you that despite our rivalry in the past and the battles we fought while trying to kill each other I just want to say I wish you the best of luck tomorrow and that the rivalry we both had no longer exist and for that I now see you as my friend. A friend who actually showed me a great time during the club we went to and I am happy to see you with a friend that I made here at this hotel.
Cherri: Wow, um thanks that was cool of you to say.
Sir Pentious: I also wish the best of luck with Fang, he's a good and proud warrior not to mention a total badass, ass kicking machine.
Cherri: Heh, that he is. Though there is probably more to him. I say he is also something else but I cannot place it.
Sir Pentious: He is full of wonders and treats all of us as his companions.
Fang: Hehehehe, I know you will be worth being redeemed Pentious. I know my idea will work and your following the steps already.(Fang saids in thought while smiling at Pentious and Cherri bonding)
Fang looks over to see that Charlie and Vaggie were no where to be seen until Lute told him that they headed upstairs. Fang went to follow them until he came upon the two hugging each other as well as hearing Charlie's small sobbing.
Fang: Charlie...
Charlie: 😢sniff...Fang....I.......
Fang: You're scared aren't you.
Charlie: I'm sorry...I am scared. What if we loose and what if....what if...what if..
Fang: Vaggie she needs us both.
Vaggie: Mhm.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Fang: No matter what happens tomorrow, know this I will fight to keep those close to me safe. Even if it means I loose my life and if I die, I will die with honor. If I don't make it, tell the others that I love them and tell Loona that I am sorry.
Charlie: 😢sniff......I..I just care bare to see you gone from our lives.
Vaggie: If...if you don't make it...we will always love you, Fang.
Fang: And so will I.
Lute: Me too.(Lute saids while making her appearance)
Fang: I have something here for you, Lute. Made it out metal that I got from dimension that I went too months ago.(Fang saids and holds out a box that he kept hidden)
Lute: What is it?
Fang: Something that your gonna need for the battle tomorrow, I forged it myself.
Lute opens up the box and what was inside was armor that left Lute in awe as well as seeing new swords made of angelic steel.
Lute: Fang...I don't know what to say.
Fang: Your gonna need this more than anything, Lute.
Vaggie: I say it looks awesome.
Fang: And don't worry about Nifty, I told her not to accidentally kill you because she knows about that armor and knows not to kill an ally.
Lute: Sigh...that's good to know.
Fang: Charlie, there's something I need to tell you.
Charlie: What is it?
Fang: If we do make it out alive, there is something I would want to do and I made this a promise to your father.
Charlie: Which is?
Fang: When this is all over, I plan to help look for your mother, Lilith.
Charlie: Fang, I've tried but I don't understand why she isn't calling me nor answering my texts, it's been seven years.
Fang: Well maybe it's because she's not in hell, Charlie.
Charlie: What?
Fang: Well think about it, she hasn't been seen since she and your father split up and she wouldn't leave for a reason but after what Lucifer told me, there has to be another reason why she left in the first. There's no sign of her anywhere in hell which could only mean she could be in another place.
Lute: She's in heaven.
Charlie/Vaggie: What?
Fang: How do you know that?
Lute: Because that's where she's been for the past seven years. During my deep undercover missions I over heard Adam as well as Lilith having a conversation or more like making a deal about keeping the princess and the king of hell alive while Adam was aloud to kill the sinners. Lilith feared that her people are too far gone to be redeemed and so she abandoned all hope to save them. So she asked to live in heaven while sparing her daughter and Lucifer from being killed.
Charlie: She's been in heaven this whole time.....but..but why won't she call back nor answer my texts?
Lute: Nobody knows why, but I think it would be wise to allow her to tell you herself.
Fang: If we survive I will find her and ask her about these questions. It was wrong for her to leave why her daughter was suffering. But now that the truth about Adam came to the light, Lilith will see that her deal with him broke and that everything was a lie. Charlie I vow to find her and bring her back here rather she likes it or not.
Charlie: Thank you, and I would want to speak with her. She has a lot to explain for what she has done.
Vaggie: For now we need to focus. Let's get some rest and be ready for battle tomorrow.
Fang: Vaggie's right. Lute thank you for giving me this information.
Lute: Of course.
The four of them headed to the bedroom and hop into bed where Fang cuddled them into his arms. Fang allowed the girls to sleep while he remains awake thinking of the prophecy and hope he can fulfill it in the name of the creators of the universe.
Fang: I promise to fulfill your duty. I will not allow Adam to win.
Fang takes out his phone and saw all the text from his girls and his friends all wishing him good luck and asked that he comes back alive. Fang smiles and texted them all saying that he will do what he can to make sure not worry them. Fang texted Loona saying that he loves her and would love to be the parent of their first child if he comes back that is. Loona texted him saying that she loves him and asked Fang to look out for himself and don't die.
Fang: I want to be there for when we have out kid, Loona. I want to be a father, it's all I ever wanted and it was to have a family of my own.(Fang saids in thought then goes to sleep with the girls he's with)
Next day...Extermination Day.
Up in heaven, ever since Adam was declared public enemy in all of heaven due to his lies and manipulation. The angels set out a warning to all of heaven that if they find Adam bring him in as well as his exorcist for questioning but Adam and his angel soldiers were able to escape before anyone could apprehend them. On the farther side of the city located in heaven Adam was giving out his orders to the exorcist that he is still doing the extermination with or without heavens approval now that heaven turned its back on him.
Adam: Extermination is here bitches! We're going down there and exterminating demon ass. Now that all of heaven knows about well you know, we are on our own. Meaning they would sure to find us and lock us up forever but who cares they are a bunch idiots anyway.
Exorcist 1: What's the plan the sir?
Adam: Prepare to slaughter every sinner in that shit hotel and you all remember Vagi as well as Lute.
Adam: Awesome to you girls in good shape and ready to fight but anyway whoever brings Vagi or Lute's head would get uh.....I don't a million heaven bucks that I stole while the angels weren't looking how about that.
Exorcists: YEAAAAA!!!!!
Adam: One more thing, the wolf guy who humiliated me during the court session, he's mine. The rest of you kill the others. Ladies, lets fuck shit up. ATTACK!!!!!
Back in hell Charlie along with her friends and allies were armed and ready to fight. They all looked up and saw the portal to heaven opens up. Lute wearing her armor was ready to show those bastards the torment that brought upon her even if she had to kill those who are being used by Adam. At V tower, Vox coming into the room with a bucket of popcorn sat down next to Velvet and Val who looked at Vox with a boring expression but Velvet hidden behind her boredom worries for her HellWolf.
Vaggie: Here they come. Get ready everyone, we fight together. Now for your souls!
(That's Lute in black armor next to Nifty)
They all looked to see Adam and the exorcist descending from the portal and charging with great force.
The exorcist charge and attacked the cannibals where they too attacked and started to stab follow by feasting on the angels flesh. The others charged in and attacked with Vaggie and Lute leading the way in which both of them tag teamed and took down many exorcists heading their way. Above the hotel Alastor and Alice looked upon the angels coming out of the portal and begin their plan of action.
Alice: Well brother shall we have some fun.~
Alastor: I couldn't agree more with you Alice. Let the slaughter begin, hahahahahahahahaha!
Alastor uses his demon like powers to put a shield around the hotel to keep the remaining angels out while also using their own weapons against them where the shield had angelic weapons stabbing and slicing exorcists in half.
Adam: What the fuck?!
Exorcist 1: It would seem that have some sort of shield sir?
Exorcist 2: And they are using our own weapons to kill us!
Adam: Oh really? I didn't see this giant fucking shield in front of me you dum bitch, no shit! Also that's how they kill us with our own weapons? Fucking weak dude. Where the shit is that fucking wolf at?
Inside the shield Cherri and Angel were shooting and blowing up the exorcist that were still inside and they were having a blast.
Cherri: Hey Angie this is the best shit fucked battle I have ever been too lets do this every year!
Angel: I am way ahead of you, Cherri! Hahahaha eat it fuckers yeaa!!!
Sir Pentious: All angelic weapons fire at will!
Husker: Hey! Yelling when fighting doesn't help?!
Nifty: HAHAHAHAHAHAH! Stab stab stab stab stab!(Nifty stabbing the dead exorcists falling to the ground)
Charlie: Alastor's shield is working!
Vaggie: Trying to focus sweetie!
Lute: Vaggie duck!(Lute saids and stabs an exorcist in the gut)
Vaggie: Thanks!
Charlie: We might actually have a chance!
Vaggie: Still trying to focus babe. Where's Fang at?
Lute: Where else would he be, waiting for you know who to come.
Charlie: Fang, be careful.
In the sky outside the shield, Adam grew pissed about what he is seeing and decided to take action.
Adam: I'm fucking over this. Arghhaaaaaa!
Adam using his strength punches the shield with his might and the next thing everyone see's is the shield disappearing leaving Charlie and her allies defenseless.
Charlie: No!
Adam looks down and see's Alastor smiling at him along with Alice. The manipulator or mankind smirks and flies down to meet the two while in V tower Vox watches on the television to see the two siblings facing off against Adam.
Velvet: Argh.....
Val: And here he goes again...
Alastor and Alice walked up to Adam with their devilish smiles but also ready to show this angel fuck face not to mess with the radio nor music demon.
Alice: Seems like we got his attention.
Alastor: Looks that way. Adam, manipulator of mankind and soon to be the next man to die.
Adam: Who the fuck are you two?
Alastor: Alastor, pleasure to be meeting you, quite the pleasure.
Alice: My name is Alice it's so not a pleasure to meet a fool like yourself. You are much more chunky from what I have heard.
Alastor: We're about to end your fucking life.
Adam: Nice voices, don't you two know that jazz and classic tunes are for pussies!(Adam saids and swings his ax guitar at the two)
Alastor: No no no.
Alice and Alastor uses their powers to attack Adam but with his guitar ax he ends up destroying the tentacles coming at him but that wasn't going to stop the siblings from destroying Adam.
Adam: You two really think you can take me on! A mortal soul is no match for me edge lord!
Alastor: You should know better than anyone what a soul can accomplish when they take charge of their own fait.
Adam gets hit with the attack that was brought by Alice followed by Alastor who then summons a little shadow demon to attack or distract Adam.
Adam: Ohohoho you think you're tough shit huh.
Alice: Tougher than you chunky boy, hehehehe.
Alastor: You lack discipline.
Alice: Control.
Alastor: And worst.
Alastor and Alice: YOU'RE SLOPY!
Adam: And your...
Adam didn't finish as more and more shadow demons sent by the siblings attacked the angel with greater numbers while Adam himself was trying to defend himself.
Adam: Fuck?! Fuck you red and pink piece of shits! Too much fucking red, pink. SHUT UP! OOF!!(Adam saids then gets caught by Alastor then slams him into the hotel sign)
Alastor: Hahaha! Portray.
Adam: ARGH! I am gonna ripped that shit eating grin off your faces, because both radio and musical tunes are FUCKING DEAD!
Adam slashes Alastor's microphone that left him confused until he saw what happened to his nd his sisters staff's.
Alastor: What just happened? Fuck....
Alice: Brother watch.....
Adam slashes Alastor from the chest and the radio demon went smacking in the ledge of the hotel.
Alice: Brother!(Alice drops her staff and runs over towards Alastor)
Vox watches the scene from his tower with joy that he is seeing the siblings getting beat by the leader of the exorcist army.
Velvet and Val: Satan give me strength....
Adam moves towards the siblings and was about to kill the both of them when all of sudden Adam's ax gets blocked by a sword and standing before him was known other than Fang Hunter who stood tall before the manipulator of mankind.
Adam: YOU!!!!
Fang: Did you miss me dipshit.
(Fang's Girls Thoughts)
The girls were watching the fight happening until they saw Fang facing off against Adam in which made them all cheer for their HellWolf.
Verosika: GET HIM BABE!
Octavia: Strike him down, Lobo.
Mayberry: Be strong honey!
Vortran: Come on babe you can do it!
Carmilla: I know you can win this beloved.
Danni: Don't worry Fang I will make sure your friends at IMP stay safe.
Loona: Fang....please don't die...I don't want our child to live without a father.
Back with Fang he was holding Adam back while Alice attends to her brother but is pleased to see her soon to be lover facing off against the dickhead angel who attacked them.
Fang: Alice take your brother and go, this fuck face is mine.
Alice: Very well, come on brother let's get our of here.
Alastor: Fang...
Fang: Yea?
Alastor: KILL THIS ANGEL PRICK FOR ME.(Alastor saids using what strength he had before disappearing with Alice into the shadows)
Fang: I plan to.
Adam: Hah! You think you can take me on please, your not even....
Adam didn't get to finish as Fang pushed his ax down then started to beat Adam to a bloody pulp that made everyone watching the fight at home cheer for the HellWolf beating the crap of out the corrupted angel.
Fang: You talk to much.
Fang: Good the maybe you will feel this next.
Fang grabs Adam's head and then slams his skull into the wall that causes an impact that shook that hotel for a while.
Adam: Ow...........
Fang(Demonic): Not so tough now are you, you bastard.
Fang and Adam charged at each other with great force where they both punched, kicked, stabbed, followed by using a lot of their skills to beat each other up. All sinners in hell were watching two beings kill each other in which they were voting for the HellWolf to win. With the battle below the hotel Charlie and the others were holding their own against the exorcist.
Sir Pentious: Ladies there are more coming on your rights! Get ready for them Lucia and Vaggafa!
Lute and Vaggie: Not our names but we got it!
Charlie: Sorry! Sorry! Sorry sorry sorry...
Vaggie: Now's not the time for that babe!
Charlie: Oh right! DIE MOTHER FUCKERS!(Charlie saids and shoots the exorcists with fireworks)
Vaggie: Really Charlie?
Husker: These fucking angels won't stop coming!
Angel: HAH!
Husker: Ok I walked right into that one.
Angel: Hold that thought.
Angel see's an egg boy cornered by an exorcist in which the spider sinner flipped over and shot the exorcist killing it in a second while saving the egg boy.
Angel: You all right squirt?
Egg boy: I nearly scrabbled myself.
Angel: Get somewhere safe.
Vaggie: Charlie look out!
Charlie: DAH?!
The exorcist was about to kill Charlie when all of sudden the angel gets crushed by Fang who landed on top of the angel and ripped the exorcist head off.
Charlie: Fang your...GASP!!!
Fang: Path...path....Hey Charlie.
The girls gasped in horror of what they were seeing, Fang still standing but barley and had so many cuts and bruises all over himself but a mean deep cut on his chest.
Vaggie: What happened to you?!
Fang: Adam. I had him at first but I wasn't prepared for his holy light attack, argh geez this stings a lot.
Charlie: Adam's holy....
They all looked up and saw Adam shooting golden lights from his hands and fired the beams at them in which they got hit and moved backwards.
Charlie: What happened? I thought Alastor and Alice were supposed to handle him?
Fang: They thought they did but Alastor got himself injured and I told Alice to take him and go there's little they can do for us right now.
Charlie: Oh gosh no....
Fang looks up and see's Adam unleashing a huge holy light beam and has it pointed at Charlie and Vaggie in which using all his strength he ran towards the girls and made his duty make sure nothing happens to the people her loves even it meant him giving up his own life then so be it.
Fang: Girls I love you.....(Fang saids in thought)
Vaggie: Charlie get out of the......
Fang: MOVE!(Fang saids and pushes the girls out of the way)
Charlie: FANG WHAT ARE YOU......?!!!
It was too late Fang took the hit for the girls and was attacked with great and deadly power caused by Adam who smirked at seeing the HellWolf take the hit instead of the girls.
(Fang Girls Thought)
Veroiska: NO!!!!
Octavia: FANG!!!!
Martha: YOU CAN'T!!!
Carmilla: BELOVED!!!!
Danni: no.....not him...
Vortran and Bee: HONEY BUNS/ALPHA?!!!
All the girls watched what happened and burst into tears that they boyfriend is no more and wish for things to go back to the way they were. Loona stared at the television until her vision became blurry due to the tears building up in her eyes that caught her dad's along with Millie and Moxxie who gasped in horror at seeing Fang get hit by the blast. Loona wished this wasn't a trick nor a dream but it wasn't Fang got hit with holy light and all there was a large crater that goes deep down and no sign of Fang but only his sword lying on the ground.
Loona: promised...😢 promised you would stay alive....F...F....Fang. PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!!! PLEASE BE ALIVE PLEASE!!!!!
At the hotel everyone even Charlie along with Lute and Vaggie stared at the large crater which Fang stood but now there was nothing left of him only his sword. Charlie fell to her knees and burst into tears along with Vaggie and Lute.
Charlie: no no no...😢sniff...he can't...he can't be....this can't be can't....
Vaggie: C..Charlie......
Angel: did good did good.
Husker: Son of bitch....he sacrificed himself to save us....
Lute: 😢sniff.......
Cherri: No...not him....we...we were just started to get to know each other....
Charlie: F...F....😢sniff..Fang.......FANNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vaggie: Why....why would he do this?!!! 😢sniff...WHY WOULD HE RISKED HIS OWN LIFE FOR US?!!!! WHY?!!!!
Husker: Guys we need to do something about that feather freak otherwise we are not going to survive this long!(Husker saids looking at Adam shooting his holy light)
Sir Pentious looked up with tears that his friend was killed and vow to avenge him in which he looked to see Adam near his war machine and it got Pentious an idea. An idea to give his friends some time.
Sir Pentious: Of course! Everyone I need to you all tell you something.
Vaggie: Pentious now is not the time!
Sir Pentious: I know! I just wanted to tell you all that I love you and I thank you all for being my friends especially Fang.
Angel: What are you....?
Sir Pentious: REMEMBER ME!(Pentious saids and heads into the hotel and up towards his war machine)
Husker: What the fuck is that shit head doing?
Now inside his war machine along with his egg boys, Pentious was prepared for the worst and he was doing it for his friends and for Fang who gave his life to save the people he treasures.
Sir Pentious: Eggs, activate thrusters and charge the death ray.
Egg boy: Yes sir!
Sir Pentious: This is for you, Fang Hunter and for my friends.
With the others, Charlie with tears still coming down looked up and saw Pentious's war machine taking off and it got the attention of her and everybody else minus Adam who was being distracted with his holy light.
Charlie: P..Pentious?
Angel: That crazy mother fucker?
Pentious moving towards Adam while he wasn't looking prepared the death ray that was fully charged up and ready to hit the corrupted angel out of the sky.
Egg Boy: Target in range!
Sir Pentious: FIRE!
The death ray was charged up and Adam while laughing at hitting targets stopped and looked behind him and saw the war machine coming towards him.
Adam: Huh what?
In a quick second Adam shot a holy light beam at the war machine killing not only the egg boys but also Sir Pentious in the process that left horror to everyones faces because not only they lost Fang but now Sir Pentious who both sacrifice themselves to keep their friends safe.
Adam: Hahahaha, that couldn't been ugly.
Charlie and her friends: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
Angel: Fuck.....first Fang now him....fucking dammit...
Charlie: no no no no.....😢sniff....not Pentious too...
Vaggie: Charlie....I'm so sorry.
Charlie: Grrrrr.....RAZZLE, DAZZLE!
Charlie called upon her two friends who then changed into fearsome beast while Charlie was engulfed in flames and changes into her demon form and summons a trident as her weapon.
Charlie: LET'S RIDE!(Charlie saids as she and Vaggie got on Razzel and Dazzel and rode up to face Adam)
Charlie: Go Razzle go!
Adam: Oh look who thinks their badass now? Two traitors and a lame ass princess all three came to die.
Adam with a fast attack slices off Dazzle's head with Vaggie still on board on him, both of them fall to the ground and crashed into the hotel.
Lute: Vaggie!
Lute goes down to check on Vaggie who gets up after crash. Both looked to see Dazzle dead but not until they get surrounded by exorcist armed with weapons and pointing them at the two.
Exorcist: Traitors.
Vaggie: Can't believe Adam has them under his control.
Lute: That's how it is, we can't do anything to save them. We just have to do what must be done.
Vaggie: I know. If Fang was...
Lute: Vaggie...he's gone....let's just do this for him, honor him. It's the least we can do for his last wish.
Vaggie: For Fang.
Charlie was about to go down and help the two when out of nowhere Adam surprised her and slapped the demon princess into the sign of the hotel.
Adam: Hehehehe pathetic. Risking your immortal life for sinners, that's some crazy shit even for Lucifer's brat.
Charlie: These sinners are my family!
Adam(Baby Voice): These sinners are my family. Do you even hear yourself?! You should have staid in your place girly just like that bastard wolf of yours. ARGH?!!!!!
Adam gets stabbed by Charlie who spins him around in a circle then throws him into the glass roof.
Charlie: AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! That's Princess of Hell to you pig! And you dare speak about my HellWolf like that again I am going to finish what he started and thats killing you! You took him away from me now I am going to make sure to put you in your place.
Adam: THE FUCK?! THAT HURT!(Adam saids while bleeding)
Charlie: Fang, I swear to make this asshole pay for what he did to you and Sir Pentious.(Charlie saids in thought while glaring at Adam with hatred)
Adam: Hehehehe, ok bring it on bitch!
Meanwhile deep within the crater lyes the body of Fang Hunter who is still alive but barley. His body had huge burns and his arms and legs could hardly move, however the only thing he can mouth was his eyes and his mouth since everything else wasn't looking too good.
Fang: Argh....C...Charlie....e...everyone.....I....I.....cough! cough!....I..I'm sorry. I thought I could keep you...all safe...but I was wrong...I...failed you...I'm sorry....
With his last breath Fang's eyes began to close and darkness took over. Then by some miracle Fang started to wake up, his eyes were blurry for a minute until his vision became clear and looked to see where he was and it looked like he was in space itself.
Fang: Whoah....what is this? Where am I? And I'm still alive but how?
Male Voice: Welcome, Fang Hunter.
Fang: Whose there? Where are you?
Female Voice: Do not be frighten my child, you are within The Realm of Creations.
Fang: The Realm of Creations? Never heard of such a place.
Male Voice: Well now you have, the realm that you are in is a place where everything was created from the stars, to the worlds beyond, everything.
Fang: Amazing.
Female Voice: It is truly remarkable isn't it.
Fang: But to whom am I speaking too? Please show me who you are.
Soon a bright light appeared before Fang in which he shielded his eyes from the light until it all dyed down and the HellWolf looked upon of who was speaking to him that left him speechless as well as in awe. Standing before him were two gigantic beings with such incredible power and in Fang's mind he knows that these two beings are something important.
Fang: No way.....
Female: I think you know who we are, Fang Hunter. You do know who we are, right.
Fang: You mean...your....
Female: Hehehehe, you are correct my child. I am Talia, The Empress of WomanKind.
Male: And I am Garrison, The Emperor of ManKind.
Garrison and Talia: Together we are the true creators of human life and life itself on earth as well as the creators of this universe.
Fang: The stories are true...I'm..I'm an honored to be in your presence.(Fang saids and bows to the creators)
Garrison: Rise, there is no need to bow before us. It would seem you have finally fulfill the prophecy.
Fang: I didn't sir, I failed...
Talia: What do you mean?
Fang: I sacrificed myself to protect those close to me in the end it coast me my life. However those who I know and love are still fighting the battle and I fear they might loose without my help. I thought I could fulfill the prophecy but I guess I couldn't.
Garrison: You didn't fail, what you did was test.
Fang: Test? What test?
Talia: A test that you are the chosen one of the prophecy in which you would do anything to keep those you love by heart safe in which you did something that would testify and prove that you Fang Hunter are our chosen, the one who will bring a new order to both heaven and hell itself.
Fang: But how do you know that I would be the chosen of the prophecy?
Garrison: From the day you were first born, we saw the future, your future. You brought piece between both sides and those you saved honored you with their lives.
Fang: Really.
Talia: Yes, and that is why you need to go back.
Fang: But I can't, I don't have the...
Garrison: You had the power within you this whole time, you have the power to change everything Fang Hunter. It was my fault that I given Adam knowledge that he used and twisted it for his own selfish needs. We created a prophecy that one day a being with magic and the heart of a human as well as the powers of god with demon like quietly will defeat the corrupted angel and bring order to the universe.
Talia: And you have god like powers, after you defeated that dark lord from that dimension you went too, the power would only appear to the being if his heart is worthy and you Fang Hunter are worthy.
Garrison: You will become a being so powerful that you will even able to do things no mortal, immortal or any kind would accomplished.
Fang: I...I can actually feel the power serging through me.
Talia: Then you must know that you have to return to your world.
Fang: Yes. I must.
Garrison: Don't think we will be gone, we will always be with you. No matter where you go.
Fang: Thank you, the both of you. If I see Tiki or Plagg again I will them you said hello.
Talia: I loved those two, such joyful little creatures they are.
Garrison: Now go, bring down the wrath of this corrupted angel and those who follow him.
Talia: Once you return you will become hell's very first powerful entity. You will not only be a HellWolf you will be so much more.
Fang: What would I become?
Garrison and Talia: A God of Hell. Now what will you do once you return home?
Fang: I will go back and finished what I started. I will face Adam again.
Garrison and Talia: And what would you do?
Fang: I will...
Back in reality Fang's injuries started to heal rapidly and later his body begins to glow in a crimson red aura followed by large black wings shooting out of his back but also a glowing red halo appearing on the top of his head. His eyes shot open filled with the instinct for combat and destruction. His whole HellWolf form started to go into a metamorphosis and changing him into something even more powerful, a god however not just any god but a God of Hell.
Fang(God): I will.....DESTROY HIM!
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