Chapter 33: Welcome to Heaven!
Fang was in his penthouse explaining on what is going to happen today and that was him going to a meeting in heaven with Charlie and Vaggie, which both Loona and Lute as well as Danni listened to the whole conversation and all three of them were both shocked and worried. Loon fears what might happen to Fang while Danni shivers in fear after what Fang told her about Adam and his exorcists and Lute fears for Fang but also Vaggie and refuses to let her sister figure end up in the same situation again.
Fang: Sigh look I know you girls feel upset and scared but I need to do this, for Charlie's sake. But I promise I will be all right and come to you.
Danni: We know but I just can't bare to loose somebody else. I lost so much Fang and I don't want anything happening to you.
Lute: If you go then it would be best I go as well.
Fang: No, by the time you get to heaven, Adam will spot you and kill you on sight. I don't want to see you in the situation of how I found you Lute.
Lute: I know...but still...
Fang: Girls I will be fine and if something goes wrong and if this fails let it be known that I love you as well as the girls and I will do what I must to keep you all safe.
Lute: You promise you will come back.
Fang: Of course I will. You can't get rid of me that easily.
Danni: Ok...but please take care of yourself and watch out for Charlie and Vaggie, I like those two a lot even after they aloud me to stay in their hotel. I gotten to know hell a lot after my touring, and I am quite used to it.
Fang: That's good to hear.
Lute: If this fails I want to let you know Fang I will stand by your side all the way.
Fang: Spoken like a true warrior. I will be happy to have you by my side.
Loona: Fang...can we talk in private...
Fang: Of course.
Loona took Fang's hand and the two of them were out on the deck alone. Loona looked up at Fang with a sad look and decided to hug him in worry. Fang knew that Loona was more worried about him and he knows how his hellhound feels about him but he knows he must do this and if Adam and his exorcists invade hell then he wants to make sure that Loona and his girls remain safe and out of danger.
Loona: Please don't go...
Fang: Loona you know I have to go. I promised Charlie I would be there to support her and Vaggie will be coming as well.
Loona: I just don't want to loose you.
Fang: You're not going to loose me, I am just afraid I might loose you and the girls. You all gave me something that I always wanted, a family. I couldn't stop my parents from dying in that accident years ago but now I want to protect those who I care for and that is you Loona as well as my friends that I made here.
Loona: Sigh...your stubborned but I love you. Just watch yourself up there and if those asshole angels give you trouble, kick their asses.
Fang: If things don't go as planned then I will take action.
Loona: That's my HellWolf. And there is something else I wanted to tell you and I was going to tell you after this shit is over but I think I can tell you now.
Fang: What is it?
Loona: For the past couple months I wasn't feeling so good and I kept on barfing like none stop and been craving sweets as well as pickles and that is when I went to the hospital which I was brave enough to go back too after you gave me support.
Fang: Loona what are you trying to tell me? Wait...wait a minute I know those stages...Loona are you....are you really?
Loona: I took a test and it came out positive....Fang...I'm....I'm pregnant.
Fang's eyes widen like huge dinner plates while inside he was filled with excitement and joy which he looked to see Loona smiling at him with tears of joy as well as having her hands on her belly showing that what she said is true. Fang was going to be a father and Loona is going to be a mother.
Loona: 😢sniff....hehehehe...Fang your going to be a daddy.
Fang grabbed Loona and swung her around in joy while she laughs at seeing Fang all happy that he was going to be a father and will take full responsibility of being there for his child or children.
Fang: I love you so much Loona! And I will take full responsibility for this.
Loona: Really!
Fang: Yes and I want to be there for when our child or children will be born. I can't believe I am going to be a father. Does anyone else know?
Loona: Just you, I plan to tell the others soon if we somehow survive.
Fang: You will, I promise you Loona. I won't let anything happen to you or I future offspring. I will fight and destroy those who oppose a threat.
Loona: That's what I like to hear from you.
Fang: I better get going, but I want you to stay here and I will be back as soon as I can.
Loona: I know you will and I understand. Good luck sweetie, I love you.
Fang: I love you too Lune. And I will love our little boy or girl or both.
Loona: Don't worry I will also see if we are having twins or just one.
Fang: That's my girl.
As soon as they went back inside Loona went into Fang's bedroom to await for him to get back while Fang tasked both Danni and Lute to keep Loona safe because he told them that she is pregnant that shocked them but proud of Loona but also jealous because they too would want to bare Fang's child as well but they know Loona comes first and needs to be kept safe. Fang then opened a portal to the hotel and appeared into Charlie's bedroom who was packing stuff for the trip to heaven.
Fang: Hey girls I'm here and was in the middle of something and whats with all the luggage?
Charlie: Oh hey honey and no I was just getting my stuff together for our trip to heaven. Ok I have my warm weather clothes and my cold weather clothes, I have light jacket, flat jacket, and rain jacket, wait does it rain in heaven?
Fang: Not that I know of? But don't you think your packing a little too much stuff I mean were't not going to be there for a long time.
Vaggie: He's right babe, we're are only going to heaven for a few hours.
Charlie: Fang, Vaggie, we are going to heaven for a day and I just want to be prepared and it's our last chance to convince heaven a soul can be redeemed.
Fang: You also have to convince the higher ups otherwise your plan will not work.
Vaggie: And there's Adam, fucks know he is going to be there as well. Still want payback for what that son of bitch did to me.
Charlie: And I know you will but I need you two to be there to support me if things get out of hand. Can you do that for me.
Fang: You know I can Charlie, I love you and I will do anything to keep those close to me safe. I made your dad a promise I won't let anything happen to you.
Vaggie: You know I always support of what you do Charlie and like Fang said we're with you all the way.
Charlie: YES! 💋(Charlie squeals and kisses both Fang and Vaggie)
Vaggie: Say did you text the girls of what you are doing Fang?
Fang: I did and their reactions are not that good but they support me and want me to come back in one piece.
Vaggie: That's all right they are not the only ones worried about you.
Charlie: Me and Vaggie are also worried about you.
Fang: You girls are not going to loose me, I am just scared of loosing you.
Charlie and Vaggie: Oh Fang.(Both said and hugged Fang with love)
Fang: Thanks for the support, I love you girls so much.
Vaggie: We love you too Fang.
Fang: We better going, the portal to heaven should be arriving soon.
Soon Fang along with the girls headed down stairs and looked to see Angel bursting through front door of the hotel looking annoyed and pissed.
Angel: Yawn! Fuck...
Nifty: Hehehe you look messy. What happened to you?
Angel: Some stupid prick stole all my crack that's what and the other answer is everyone, twice. At least Veroiska pays a lot better than Val ever did and at least she doesn't work me over time.
Fang: Word of advice keep the stuff you own in a place where people cannot get it otherwise they are just going to jump you and take the shit you have on you and leave in a ditch.
Angel: Argh....thanks for the advice WolfMan.
Angel: Ahhh?! What the fuck is up with that wall?!
Fang: I know that explosion anywhere.
Cherri: You better hot stuff! What up huns hahahaha!
Angel: Hahah! Holly shit, Cherri Bomb! Long time no see baby.
Cherri: Angie you bitch, you been texting me depressive shit all day and I figured we can tare ship like old times. It's been fucking forever, here doll face hold this.(Cherri saids and gives Charlie a bomb)
Charlie: DAH?! Oh my god..oh my god...oh my god?!
Vaggie: Nope give me that!(Vaggie saids and throws the bomb outside)
Angel: I love seeing you Cherri but I'm too tired, I need to pass out.
Cherri: Oh you can sleep when you are doubled dead fuck head, come on! What's you really need is a recharge, a re....
Charlie: A responsible night out on the town! That is a great idea. Hi, Charlie. That's my wall you just blew up and it's so nice to meet one of Angel's friends. He never brings anyone around.
Cherri: I wonder why.
Charlie: Yea me too. Anyway, Angel and everyone else have been working so hard and I think they deserve to have a little fun.
Cherri: Whoah whoah they?
Charlie: Yea, hi everyone Angel and his friend are taking you all out for a night of fun and relaxation.
Cherri: Wait I am only here for...MPH?!
Cherri didn't finished her sentence as Fang gave her a big smooch they left Angel along with Charlie and Vaggie's jaw dropping to the ground until Fang releases from Cherri who had a big blush on her face.
Fang: Do it for me Cherri and of course you will get paid for doing this for Charlie. Speaking of which here's your payment if you keep these guys entertained while myself and the girls here go to a meeting.(Fang saids and gives Cherri a stack of cash)
Cherri: First that was sexy of you to do which I want more~And second let's go!
Charlie: Make sure they have the best time tonight, anyway the portal to heaven should be opening right about....OOH NOW!
Fang sees the portal which Charlie throws Vaggie in that gave him a laugh and then Charlie went in the portal herself before Fang goes in himself.
Fang: Later guys and we will be back soon, also go wild on your night out.(Fang saids and leaves into the portal)
Cherri: You know we will Wolf baby.
Angel: You and him are thing?
Cherri: We sure are and since he has a harem I am officially a member of his group. I cannot wait for him to fuck my brains out.
Sir Pentious: Well well if it isn't my arch nemesis, have you come to meet your fait in battle Cherri Bomb.
Cherri: Oh great this asshole again and for your shitty question apparently I am going out with Angel and I got to drag your sorry asses along but I am only doing it because my sexy WolfMan is paying me for it.
Sir Pentious: Oh we're going out for fun? I didn't think this would happen since you and I are arch rivals. What do I do? What do I wear?(Pentious saids while laying a hand on Cherri until she squeezes it hard)
Cherri: First don't fucking touch me dick head ever again and second your fine just the way you are and thirdly the only one who gets to touch me is Fang Hunter.
Sir Pentious: Yes, understood. Wow she's got a hard grip.
With Fang and Charlie and Vaggie they arrived into the heaven and walked upon the golden floor until they came upon the golden gates of heaven itself that left Charlie in awe while Vaggie looked annoyed. Fang decided to change into his human form to avoided panic in heaven since HellWolves are extremely powerful demons and dangerous.
Charlie: You guys look at this place! It's soo clean, isn't that amazing.
Vaggie: Yup super cool, heaven wow and I used to live here.
Fang: Not what I expected but it's all right.
Vaggie: By the way why are you in your human form?
Fang: I just don't want to cause a scene.
St.Peter: Hiyah! Welcome to heaven. Can I get your name please.
Fang: He must be St.Peter that Lute, Tiki, and Plagg told me about.(Fang saids in thought)
Charlie: Ooh uh uh uh, Charlie Morningstar.
St.Peter: Charlie Morningstar...hmmm...Charlie Charlie Charlie...I am not seeing you on my list here, that's so odd.
Charlie: Uh my dad got me this meeting so maybe try....
Fang: Sigh..excuse me sir.
St.Peter: Hm? Oh yes what can I do for you and what is your name?
Fang: Fang Hunter is my name and as for my question I think you may have the wrong book. Don't you have a book that schedules meetings because that's what we came here for.
St.Peter: Why didn't you just say so? Silly me, hmm let me see here of yes here we are. There is a meeting with the Seraphim's with a Morningstar.
Fang: That's us, and Charlie here is the Morningstar and we are just here to support her while she is doing the meeting.
St.Peter: Why of course, as a matter of fact the head Seraphim should be here right about....
St.Peter we can take it from here.(A female voice saids from above where Fang looks to see two angels coming down to greet Charlie. One was tall and the other one was small)
Sera: Greetings daughter of the Morningstar, I am Sera the high Seraphim of heaven. You're gifted to be here.
Fang: So she's the one I should be aware of and the one who gave Adam the order for the extermination to happened, best to keep an eye on her.(Fang saids in thought)
Emily: EEEE! Hi, I'm Emily. The other seraphim, though you can call me Em, Emmy, E, or whatever you want. I got by whatever, hehehe welcome to heaven.
Fang: Ah so this is the angel that Tiki and Plagg mentioned as well, she's quite beautiful. Reminds me of mixed version of Charlie and Marinette.(Fang saids in thought)
Emily: I also welcome your lady friend as well as.........oh my.
Emily stops talking and stares at Fang in awe as well as causing the angel herself to blush at the most beautiful sight she has ever seen. Emily looks at Fang from head to toe and saw that this handsome boy in front of her was making her heart skip a beat.
Fang(French): Bonjour, Mademoiselle Emily.
Translation: Greetings miss Emily.
Emily: OH GOSH HE'S SO HANDSOME!!!!🩵(Emily saids in thought)
Fang plated a small kiss to Emily's hand that made her whole face turn shades of red and smiling at the same time while Charlie and Vaggie looked jealous but know that Fang was only being polite.
Emily: Oh oh...well aren't you charming.
Fang: You may call me Fang, Fang Hunter. Also a pleasure to meet you as well High Seraphim or do you prefer Sera.
Sera: Sera is fine.
St.Peter: Now dearly beloved it is my pleasure to say onto thee. Welcome to Heaven!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Fang: Wow that was some introduction there. Had to admit heaven is so different from what I read in the bibles but it is quite nice and a lot of souls here are having fun and are at piece. I wonder....
Charlie: Fang, Emily is going to give us the tour of heaven you coming.
Fang: I will join you some other time, I want to have some time for myself.
Charlie: Well ok, we will meet back at the hotel that we are staying!(Charlie saids and leaves with Vaggie and the two angels)
St.Peter: Say did you say your name was Fang Hunter, correct.
Fang: Yes, that's right.
St.Peter: Hmm are you related to a Miguel and Selina Hunter?
Fang: That's.....those are the names of my mother and father.
St.Peter: Oh I see then you must be their son that they have been talking about for the past couple years.
Fang: Are they here?
St.Peter: Of course they are, kind of sad they died in such a freak accident but they were good people and were brought into heaven.
Fang: Can you take me to them.
St.Peter: I certainly can!
St.Peter took Fang into town too see his parents that he hasn't seen in years after the accident and was later taken into Marinette's family. Fang was both excited and yet nervous to meet them again but he always thinks about them even in his dreams and thought one day they could reunite again in the afterlife. St.Peter took Fang to the park and there the HellWolf looked upon two people with angel wings and halo's above their heads as well as laying down and having a romantic picnic until St.Peter called for them.
St.Peter: Pardon my intrusion Mr. and Mrs.Hunter but there is a certain someone here to meet you two.
As soon as St.Peter stepped away, Fang made his appearance and lets just say his eyes were showing tears of happiness while Miguel and Selina gasped in pure shock that caused them to shot right up from their spot and looked upon who was standing in front of them. Selina covering her mouth as stream of tears were coming down her face and moved towards Fang slowly.
Selina: F......Fang. that you...
Fang: H...Hi mom. I'm here.
Selina burst into tears and hugged Fang with so much love that she's missed over the years but now is finally reunited with her lost boy. Miguel couldn't believe his eyes, his son was here and he is all grown up.
Selina: 😢sniff...I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!!
Fang: 😢sniff...I missed you too, I missed you both so much. I thought about you every single day for the past couple years.
Miguel: Son.....
Fang: Hey dad.
Miguel without further ado brought his boy into a bone crushing hug with tears of his own. Fang smiled and hugged his father back.
Miguel: We missed you son, forgive us for not being there for you.
Fang: It's ok dad, and I wasn't alone. After what happened to you two, Tom and Sabine took me in and helped raised me.
Selina: And they did a good job of taking care of you. But wait how are you here? Why are you eyes not blue and GASP! Wait are you.....
Fang: Let's talk, there's a lot I need to tell you both.
For the next hour Fang explained everything to his parents about how he died, the manipulation of his former classmates on earth, the liar, his time in hell, the people he came to know as friends as well as falling in love with so many girls in which Miguel and Selina were sadden and shocked of what they found out but angry at those who betrayed their son for lies however Selina was happy that her son was doing all right and keeping those close to him safe and more happy that her little boy is a grown man and has such lovely women in his life.
Selina: I am so happy that you are doing all right sweetie. Also pleased that my sweet little boy found himself such charming and strong women. I can only imagined what my future grandchildren will be like.
Fang: Speaking of grandkids, Loona my first girlfriend told me the news that she is pregnant but there is no news on how many kids we are having yet.
Selina: KYAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!! I am so happy for you sweetie!!!! I am going to be a grandmother! I want to meet your future wives especially the one who is pregnant with your child.
Fang: I am sure one day you will meet them.
Miguel: Congratulations son, I am proud of you. I am also sorry that you lost your life.
Fang: it's fine dad really.
Selina: So you're a demon now.
Fang: I did kill and that is considered a sin. I have become a HellWolf, it's one of the most powerful demons of hell.
Miguel: But if you are demon now, what brings you into heaven?
Fang went to explain the reason in which both her parents gasped in utter shock of what is really going on in heaven as well as how Charlie Morningstar is trying to get sinners redeemed into heaven to avoid extermination lead by Adam and the exorcist. Both parents knew who Adam and his soldiers were and didn't trust them but now knowing they were nothing but killers and liars, they both agree to not go near them and keep the stuff that Fang said to them a secret.
Miguel: So heaven is corrupted and filled with lies. How can nobody see that?
Fang: Adam caused everything in heaven to be kept silent of the truth even tricked his way into heaven.
Selina: And God himself is his prisoner inside a magical box somewhere in heaven.
Fang: Which I attend to find soon but not now, because there is a meeting happening with Charlie and the Seraphim's. I need to be there and support her.
Selina: You were raised well son, and you always put those you care about first. When you somehow end all of this, will we see you again.
Fang: Of course mom, I will come back and free heaven from it's corruption.
Miguel: That's my boy. Go, we will keep this secret and not inform anyone else.
Fang: Ok, and it was really nice to see you both again and I promise to come back so that we can spend more time together as a family.
Selina: I love you sweetie.(Selina saids and hugs her son as well as Miguel)
Fang: I love you too mom.
Fang leaves the park while waving his parents a goodbye for now and goes to the hotel that he, Charlie and Vaggie are staying for the day. Fang arrives at the door of the room and knocks and Vaggie opens it to see Fang.
Vaggie: Hey your back.
Fang: Sorry I kept you two waiting. So how was your tour?
Charlie: Oh Fang I love heaven! Did you know they have a ice cream shop where the sprinkles are made of rainbows!
Fang: Uh those are probably just regular rainbow sprinkles Charlie, they have them back on earth.
Charlie: Emily is going take me to a zoo where all the animals are actually soft, you two wanna come.
Vaggie: I need a break, but hug a koala for me.
Fang: I just got back from walking around heaven so I am good for now, but take a selfie of a dinosaur if they have one here.
Charlie: OMG can you imagined an actually koala or even a dinosaur! KYAH see you two later, love you!(Charlie saids and leaves the room)
Vaggie: how was your walk in heaven?
Fang: I didn't go for a walk, I actually went to meet my parents.
Vaggie: Your parents? You met them, what are they like?
Fang: They are amazing and I know you girls would love them. I told them all about you and they would like to spend time with each of you.
Vaggie: Do they know that I was?
Fang: Yes and they don't blame you, they blame the shithead who started all of this.
Vaggie: That's good to know. Still it was nice that you got to meet your parents after so long.
Fang: Yea, it was.
Fang: Sniff..sniff...we got company and not the fun kind.
Vaggie opens the door and the one person she and Fang didn't want to see was Adam the manipulator of mankind and not the creator of mankind. Fang glares at the idiot angel and plans to kill the asshole but doesn't want to cause a scene in heaven so he held back his strength for now.
Adam: Hey there Vegasaurus!
Vaggie: Charlie will be back soon, you need to get out now.
Adam: I'm not looking for the blonde babe, I am looking for you.
Vaggie: Why?
Adam: Maybe because you left the band. You tried for a solo carrier or I guess it is more of a duet.
Vaggie: Really because I have no idea what you are talking about?
Adam: Do you really think, I wouldn't recognize one of my top girls just because you are out of uniform. You were on the front lines, I wouldn't forget a bad bitch like you. It is why I named you after the best thing ever, Vagi.
Fang: That's stupid.
Vaggie: I agree and it's pronounced Vaggie.
Adam: Anyway you sure fucked up didn't you. After your little incident down in that fucked up shit-hole and how you failed to do your job, you think someone as worthless as you landed Lilith's little hottie, grants on that. Though I got to admit it's hot as fuck. But I wonder what your bitch would think if she found out if you you are actually one of us hmm.
Fang: She actually knows.
Adam: Wait what?
Fang: Charlie knows of what Vaggie used to be and she forgave her for it even if Vaggie killed thousands of her people she still forgave Vaggie and they still love each other.
Vaggie: Yea so good luck trying to convince her, asshole.
Fang: Also if you try to ask Vaggie to join your little boyband again, the answer is no. Let's face it your nothing special Adam just a fucked up piece of shit who doesn't care for anything that goes on in life nor anybody.
Adam: Oh you really think that don't you.
Fang: Think no, I know I do.
Adam: You wanna go pretty boy.
Fang: Heh I can easily kill you without breaking a sweat. Especially someone who is a nothing but a fat slob.
Adam: When extermination comes, you will be the first one I kill.
Fang: I like to see you try. Even for someone who is an abomination to his creators.
Adam: H..How do you......?
Fang: Heh wouldn't you like to know. Now I think it's about time for you to take your leave, here let me escort you out.
Adam: Hey were not done talking?!
Fang: We are now, and lastly GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!
Fang kicked Adam so hard out of the room that he went flying in such great speed.
Fang: See you in court fatass! Now that the trash is taken care of, Vaggie are...MPH!
Fang gets cut off as Vaggie smashes her lips onto Fangs who excepted the smooch and soon both him and her landed on the bed where Vaggie was on top of Fang and he was on the bottom.
Fang: Heheh what was that for?
Vaggie: For sticking up for me and for getting rid of that asshole. I love a guy who had the guts and attitude to show that fucked up angel whose boss. Also you saying those words to him was hot.~
Fang: Somebody had to shut him up, he was getting annoying.
Vaggie: Extremely annoying.
Fang: You know Charlie won't be back for a while, wanna make out until she arrives.
Vaggie: Hehehe, you don't have to tell me babe, I was gonna do it with you anyway.
Fang: You really are a badass woman.
Vaggie: Oh shut up and kiss me.
Fang: Will do.
Hours later Charlie arrived back to the bedroom with Vaggie and Fang waiting for her because it was time for the meeting with all of heaven and the angels as well as Sera who will be listening to what Charlie has to say. Charlie and Vaggie get settled in while Fang stood as a bodyguard. Charlie was getting her notes out until the fat angel arrived that brought Charlie misery.
Charlie: him again.
Adam:🎶 What up baby!🎶 Saw that you went to my manager, low blow Karen.
Sera: We are gathered here today to determine rather or not a soul in hell can be redeemed into the heavenly realm by means of this Hazbin Hotel. Princess Morningstar.
Charlie: Thank you Seraphim. Cough cough, the dictionary defines redemption as...
Adam: Objection! Lame and unoriginal.
Sera: Sustain. No further dictionary references please.
Charlie: Right ok uh um....hmmm...
Adam: If you have actual evidence then show it already.
Fang: Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
Adam: I don't have a mother.
Fang: Well maybe you need one right now because you in due for a spanking on the bottom.
Emily and Angels: Pfff......(All covered their mouths to avoid laughing)
Adam: Why I alda....
Fang: Shhh! We are in a meeting right now. As for Charlie's answer we have a someone right who is making progress and is still learning.
Adam: Oh really who?
Charlie: Ang....
Fang: Sir Pentious.
Charlie and Vaggie: Sir Pentious?(All said in thought)
Adam: The who now?
Charlie(Whisper): Fang, why did you say Sir Pentious? I was going to do Angel Dust.
Fang(Whisper): Charlie I know what you going to do but trust me using Angel Dust is not a good idea, and I think Adam knows about Angel and will try to use everything he knows to make sure your idea doesn't work. So for now lets go with Sir Pentious.
Vaggie(Whisper): He does have a point. Lets use Angel as a last resort.
Charlie: Sigh all right.
Sera: Who is this Sir Pentious you speak of?
Fang: He's an inventor, he likes to build and is always around his little egg boys who follow his orders. When he first came to the hotel he had some ups and downs but with Charlie's help the guy is making progress on becoming a better person and he is already making friends with the hotel guest that are staying at Hazbin Hotel.
Adam: And you think he's totally worth of being redeemed?
Charlie: Well if you know so much, what do you think it takes to get into heaven?
Adam: well...uhhhh...
Sera: Is everything ok, Adam?
Adam: Give me a fucking minute ok.(Adam saids and writes something down on a piece of paper)
Adam: Here's what it takes to get into heaven. Have a look for yourselves.(Adam sids and throws the paper to Vaggie)
Vaggie: Act selfless, Don't steal, Stick it to the man. Are you fucking serious?
Adam: Uh yea, sure got me here didn't it. Right Sera.
Sera: He was the first human soul in heaven.
Fang: Bullshit if you ask me and what he said are lies.(Fang saids in thought)
Charlie: Well I bet Sir Pentious is doing all of those things right now.
Adam: Then lets fucking see it, brah.
Adam snaps his fingers as a bright orb of light appeared in the center of the room and there a vision of what is going on in hell has appeared which is taking place at a party.
Charlie: Honors may I prosent, exhibit A.
Back in hell Cherri invited the guys to a club where everyone was having a good time.
Cherri: Wooo! Isn't this the fucking best!
Husker: I'll admit consent is a good name for a sex club.
Sir Pentious: Nifty dear, what are you doing?(Pentious saids and sees Nifty sweeping the floors)
Nifty: I'm sweeping. Look how icky it is in here.
Sir Pentious: That's because we're in a club dear.
Nifty: Huh, I thought the hotel looked different?
Sir Pentious: Miss Bomb, I..I like to buy you a drink.
Cherri: Why? Didn't you say we were arch rivals?
Sir Pentious: Uhhh...ummmm...because I am buying everyone a drink!
Angel: Good I need a drink after today. I tell ya the pricks down here are getting out of hand, man what I would get to be on a tropical paradise right now.
Cherri: Angel enough with the sadness drama, don't let it ruin your not. Here take one of these pills that I got and you will be worried about nothing.
Husker: Here we go.(Husker saids and rolls his eyes)
Cherri: Oh look the Cat in the hat knockoff is so drunk that he is even judging us.
Husker: I ain't the one trying to get into heaven. Look you wanna fuck up your progress be my guest. I just...I just thought you were better than that.
Cherri: Thanks captain buzz-kill. Come on Angie, let's get fucked up it's been too long!
Angel: I...I don't's been a long night and I don't want to go too wild.
Husker: Hmph.
Cherri: Come on bitch, if you have been working that hard you deserve a little RNR and some THC or maybe some PSC or DMNT or fuck it lets see the night takes us.
Angel: I..I guess.
Sir Pentious: Cherri, I bought you a shot. B..Because I bought everyone another shot, hurray! Hahahaha!
Angel: Gulp gulp..fuck it lets do it!
Back in heaven everyone watches on what Sir Pentious was doing the whole time and clearly doesn't seem like the crazy type while a nervous demon who is trying to fit in with others.
Adam: Heavenly people are you all kidding me right, this is the sinner you think is worthy of being in heaven.
Fang: Despite his nervousness Sir Pentious is changing and changing in a good way. Sure he used to be villain who likes to blow up stuff with his inventions but that all changed when he started to live at the hotel with Charlie. He's been going to her training sessions all the time, trying to prove to Charlie that he someone worth of being redeemed.
Charlie: Exactly, I mean have you ever had a hard day at work and would want to spend time with friends and go out to have some drinks?
Adam: Uh we don't have hard days. It's fucking heaven. bitch. You seriously going to sit there and pretend this behavior is ok. What do you think?
Fang: I know what I think I say you never done a hard days work, I bet you just sit around all day being lazy and eat so much that you loose some of your memory and forget where you are and what you are suppose to do.
Adam: Hey that never....
Angel 1: Actually I have to agree with Mr.Hunter here.
Angel 2: So do I, no offense first man but you hardly do anything in heaven but just sleep all day while your troops train hard and day to get themselves prepared for battle.
Angel 3: There was was that one time where he was suppose to deliver messages to Sera but what we found was Adam past out in a restaurant with hundreds of eaten and uneaten burgers as well as hundreds of bills on his face.
Adam: But that was just...I was ummmm...
Fang: There you have it. But anyway Sir Pentious is going to make good decisions even though he messes up a couple times, he is still trying his best.
Charlie: Just give him a chance.
Sera: I don't know.
Emily: Come on Sera, let's give him a chance.
Sera: Sigh..very well the court will allow it.
Fang: Thank you Sera.
They all watch the orb again of the guys in hell having drinks as well as having more fun together.
Cherri: All right round twelve mother fuckers! Heels are coming off!
Angel: Hahaha oh yea! Keep them coming. Come on right here right here. Come to daddy.
Sir Pentious: It's wonderful to have friends hahahahaha!
Nifty: Hehehe everything is spiny.
Angel: Hehe I think you're done toots.
Nifty: Nooooo...give me give me give me!
Cherri: Oh come on bitch! She can have a little more.
Angel: She's like ten pounds of soaking wet...and oh shit where did she go?
Angel looks over and saw Nifty taking other sinners and demons drinks and put them into trash bags.
Angel: Dammit Nifty, sorry fellas, here next ones on me.(Angel saids and gives cash to the demons and sinners who fight over the cash)
Angel then saw Nifty gone again until he spotted her in the cleaning closet and was admiring the cleaning tools in which Angel was going to get her until Cherri stood in front of him.
Cherri: Angie, what the fuck are you doing? You're suppose to be relaxing not playing nanny.
Angel: Look she ain't used to this scene, look I just don't want her to end up in the gutter like I did.
Cherri: Psh, whatever nerd just catch up when you are done.
Angel: Stop you can't take that...god Nift...why are you being such a mess?!
Nifty: I...I...I'm the mess?! DAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!😭
Angel: Oh no...don't don't hey hey calm down...shhhhhhh....wanna play with the kitty.
Nifty: 😢sniff...yea.
Husker: The fuck is this?!(Husker saids with Nifty on his head)
Angel: She's wasted, just go with it.
Husker: R...really?! Fuck....
Sir Pentious: AHEEEE WOW! Hey soo I see the club has a sex room, so I was thinking maybe you want to a or maybe help me get someone to do a sex with me since you are with Fang Hunter who I think is a great friend to me and appreciates me for doing my best at the hotel that miss Charlie is running.
Cherri: Pfff...I am sorry did you say you want me to find you someone to have sex with you?
Sir Pentious: since we are rivals I thought someone as cunning and smart as you could help me with whatever I just said.
Cherri: Hmmm....all right but before the sex you need to at least talk to a chick and spend time with her and sooner or later you two can hit it up.
Sir Pentious: You really think so!
Cherri: Yea sure whatever. Buy us some more drinks and we will talk more.
Sir Pentious: I will do more than that I will buy hundred more drinks!
Sir Pentious: I will be right back with more drinks.
Back in heaven Fang looks at the list that Adam did and Sir Pentious did all of them in above.
Fang: As you can see Sir Pentious has done everything on your list, Adam.
Charlie: Exactly, he was selfless, he didn't steal, and stock it the one who was in arch rival and now is seeing her a friend.
Fang: Even though she doesn't see it but eventually she will.
Adam: Uh...well..then why isn't here yet? Hm?
Fang: Take a guess dipshit your the reason why sinners cannot be redeemed because of that fake rumor you spread.(Fang saids in thought)
Emily: Yea why isn't he here?
Charlie: Wait none of you know what it takes to get into heaven?
Sera: This questioning stops now, we know when a soul arrives. We know when they pass define judgment it is our job to ensure these souls are safe.
Fang: Pardon me but are you absolutely sure you know how a soul gets into heaven.
Sera: Of course I do.
Fang: Then give us a reason. Give us a reason on how a soul can get into heaven.
Sera: That question is not to be...
Fang: No you are going to give us an answer unless you don't know any answer at all. Just like fatso over here.
Adam: I'M NOT FAT?!
Sera: I know how a soul gets into heaven!
Fang: Then tell us how. How does soul get into heaven?
Emily: Sera you do know how souls get into heaven right?
Fang: I take it that you don't. However I know how souls can get into heaven.
Adam: Oh right sure you do.
Fang: I do and at least I am not an idiot who doesn't know what life goes on earth.
Angel 4: I say we listen to what Mr.Hunter has to say, if he knows how a soul can get into heaven then we shall heed his words.
Angel 1: I strongly agree, let us hear what he knows.
Fang: Thank you great angels of the court. There are many ways for a soul to get into heaven many ways. Like for example if a man saw a innocent being in danger and was being attacked by a group of thugs with weapons then he will have two choices to either call the police or act on his own terms and save the innocent being. So he would defend the persons life and keep the thugs away for that person to escape however with the good he has done he ends up dying in the process.
Adam: And goes strait to hell bitch!
Fang: No. He goes up to heaven in which he committed an act of heroism. He saved that persons life since his heart was pure and wise. He acted on his own terms and rushed in to save that person from being killed. This is a ticket for a soul to get into heaven.
Many angels in the room were thinking the same thing and were agreeing with Fang's idea that made Charlie smile as well as Vaggie even Emily was impressed. Sera was shocked of this knowledge while Adam was just being Adam.
Fang: And there are other ways too, in which I have a whole new list here on how a sinner like Sir Pentious can get into heaven if he followed these three steps.(Fang saids and throws a list to Emily)
Emily: An act courage, The love of friendship, and The ultimate sacrifice.
Adam: Are you fucking serious right now?
Fang: You damn right I am serious. If Sir Pentious can follow these three steps then it will prove that a sinner can be redeemed into heaven.
Angel 1: We will still need proof if this would work.
Fang: It will, it's a leap of faith.
Emily: I agree with Fang, I say we allow this to happen and if Sir Pentious can follow these steps, it will prove that a sinner from hell can be redeemed.
Angel 2: Mr.Hunter speak truthfully, I think giving this redemption a try would be interesting to see.
Charlie looks and sees many angels agreeing that redemption is possible in which brought Charlie a huge smile on her face that Fang did something that got the angels attention except for some like Sera and Adam who do not follow.
Sera: This meeting is adjured, I have heard enough.
Fang: Oh have you Sera or you just don't know that redemption is possible and just using that uprising rumor that Adam said to you as excuse to avoided the truth.
Adam: HOW THE FUCK DOES HE KNOW THAT?!(Adam saids in thought while panicking)
Charlie: Wait uprising? Hell is not uprising? They don't even know their way into heaven. Is that why you sent the exorcist to kill sinners all because of this rumor!
Emily: Sera is that true!
Fang: Of course it is Emily and I know you know about it too.
Emily: I been hearing rumors about it but never knew it was real until now. I wouldn't want those souls to be killed, human souls.
Sera: Emily thats enough!
Emily: NO! I waited long enough and I am taking a stand. Listen to me everyone all we known in heaven is a lie!
Sera: Emily stop!
Emily: Charlie listen to me the truth is sinners, your people are actually suppose to be redeemed.
Charlie and Vaggie: WHAT?!
Emily: Yes, God himself wanted it to happened thats why he tasked your father to get sinners redeemed but Sera and Adam were the ones who were making sure that dream never comes true.
Vaggie: You son of bitch!
Angel 1: Have we been lied to this whole time?!
Sera: Stop please listen....
Fang: No it's about time you listen, open your eyes Sera you been deceived and you are disgrace to your creators. They would be ashamed of what you have done. Lying to all of heaven thinking sinners cannot be redeemed. All because of your fake fantasy threat that Adam told you.
Fang: And another thing you all should know about Adam, he's not the creator or mankind. He's the manipulator of mankind!
Charlie/Vaggie/Angels: What?
Adam: Oh shit.....
Fang: He was never the creator of mankind on earth, it was all a lie for him to gain power. He manipulated the humans on earth, he caused the wars, he causes the chaos, he caused everything. He gets into their minds and makes do what he pleases, he does it for sport and fun, it is the reason why every sinner in hell are so miserably. Charlie he is also the one who got your father banished from heaven which I told him everything and Lucifer is pissed.
Charlie(Demonic): YOU GOT MY DAD BANISHED!!!!
Fang: That's the only thing he did, the exorcists of which Vaggie was once one of them were actually innocent souls turned and twisted by Adam who hypnotized into doing his bidding.
Vaggie: I wasn't hypnotized?
Fang: Because you had the will so did Lute.
Vaggie: Lute!
Adam: That bitch is still alive?!
Fang: Of course she's alive, I save her and she's been living in hell away from you!
Vaggie: She's been in hell this whole time.
Fang: I'm sorry I didn't tell you, she's been through a lot Vaggie but she still cares for you even after Adam cut your eye and wings off after you protected that sinner child. Yea that's right Adam would go so far to kill a child, a child that didn't do anything wrong.
Adam: Grrrrr.....
Fang: And there is more, God the father of creation, the one you all been worship is nothing but a fake!
Everyone except Sera and Adam: WHAT?!!!!
Fang: The God here is a fake created by Adam himself, a machine to tell everyone in heaven that hell is uprising and that sinners cannot be redeemed but in truth the real God himself is locked inside a magical box that Adam has him sealed inside for many years. With my magic and my power I reveal thee truth!
Fang unleashes his magic and shows everyone even Charlie and Vaggie as well as Emily that Fang was speaking the truth all of it. Soon the angels all glared at Adam as well as Sera.
Fang: You two are a disgrace to your creators. Talia and Garrison would be disgusted of what you have done well they are disgusted of what you done Adam.
Emily: GASP! You know of the creators!
Fang: I do.
Charlie: The creators? The creators of what?
Fang: The creators of everything Charlie, us, God, the angels, the earth, human beings, life itself, even our whole universe. Their names are Talia, The Empress of Womankind and Garrison The Emperor of Mankind, the true creators of human kind on earth.
Charlie and Vaggie: GASP!
Charlie and Vaggie: NO WAIT!!!!!(Both said and sucked into the portal)
Emily: Charlie!
Adam: Hahahahaha later bitches! GULP?!!!!
Fang grabs Adam but the neck and looks at him with his demon wolf eyes that brought shivers down the corrupted angels face as well as Sera who Fang also glared at for what she has done.
Fang(Demonic): I will see you in hell on that day and when you show yourself I will kill you myself. The creators spoke of a prophecy that a powerful being will defeat the corrupted angel and bring a new order to both heaven and hell and I attend to fulfill their prophecy. WE WILL FIGHT AND YOU WILL DIE ADAM, THE MANIPULATOR OF MANKIND!
Fang then throws Adam into the wall hard that nearly broke his shoulder and then Fang went through the portal but not before giving one last death glare to Sera who now knows what reall fear looks like.
Adam: I am going to get that son of....
Angels: GET HIM!!!!!!!
Adam: OH SHIT?!!!!(Adam screams and flys away with the angels chasing after him)
Sera: Emily what have you done?!
Emily: I did what must been done, Sera. No more lies, no more manipulations, it is time for all of heaven to know the truth and luckily I had help who got everything on video and is being broadcast throughout heaven. You got all of that St.Peter!
St.Peter: Everything Emily, it's about time that moron got what is coming to him. Now everyone in heaven will know the truth.
Sera: Emily I....
Emily: No I am done Sera, I lived in your shadow for too long. As soon as we find our one true God he will know what to do with you. Peter have every angel search everywhere for this magical box, we must find our father of creation.
St.Peter: Can do!
Emily: I can't believe you would cause all this all because of stupid ridiculous rumor.
Sera: They were uprising!
Emily: They were not uprising! Charlie said hell is not uprising against heaven because they don't know their way into heaven. I can't believe you. And Fang he was right you are a disgrace to our creators and if they were here they would tell you the same thing.
Sera: Emily....
Emily: Never speak to me again Sera. And I know Fang will destroy Adam for what he has done. I believe him and his way of getting sinners redeemed just like how Charlie believes.
Sera: Have I truly failed my creators. Have I actually been wrong this whole time.
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