Chapter 31: Cherri Bomb!

Fang was brought into the guest room with Mayberry and Martha behind him and once they were all inside the room together, Mayberry went on to tell Fang why Martha was living with her and why the sudden change between them.

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Fang: Sigh..all right May, what is going on here? I thought you and her hated each other after what she did to you back when you were alive. 

Mayberry: Well here's the thing.....try not to freak out but I sort of made an error of what I asked and for Martha being here with me is because well.....she was my childhood friend. 


Mayberry: She's my childhood friend that I have known for years...we haven't seen each other since we moved away. I been trying to find her and reconnect with her ever since but when time went by I thought I would never see again and so I moved on with my life and got married before I was cheated on when I saw my ex-husband sleeping with an unknown woman and I completely lost my temper. 

Fang: You mean to say...that Martha, standing behind you is your childhood friend which you never seen in years until one day you caught her sleeping with your ex-husband until you went on rampage and try to kill her due to your blinded rage.

Mayberry: I was too blinded to see that the woman sleeping with my ex-husband was actually Martha herself and then when she came to Hell she explained everything to me and soon we were reunited and decided to live together since she didn't really have a home to go too, so offered her to stay with me.

Fang: Ok you know what I am so lost here. First you asked me to kill her because she ruined your life then all of sudden you find out that she was your childhood friend that you haven't seen in years and now all of sudden you two made up after every you been through. Did I also forget to mention that she is man-slaughter. Her whole house was decorated with skins of human body parts everywhere in her home. What makes you think that this is the same childhood friend you knew way back then. Don't get me started on dickhead of husband and her little monsters. 

Martha: I never wanted that......

Fang: What is she talking about?

Mayberry: Sigh...well you see it turns out we were both deceived. It turns out Martha found out that my ex-husband has been cheating on not only me but also Martha as well which her life wasn't that much better than what I had. She went through abuse as well as torment when she told me that her family was killed in fire and was taken in by her relatives who treated her like crap and basically made her into their maid where she was forced to work day and night for years until she was old enough to leave the shit-hole. She spent her life trying to rebuild her life but she couldn't find a decent job nor afford a place to stay until she got into porn. 

Fang: Something tells me I am not going to like what I am going to hear. 

Martha: I had no choice, I was broke, left for dead on the streets so it was the only option. My relatives took all my families fortune and spend on shitty ass junk while I got nothing in return. Then one day when I got a job as stripper, May's husband found me and took me home with him and he.....he drugged me into having sex with him and I couldn't control myself no fight back the drug he gave me. I was a completely different person. 

 Fang: You were drugged. 

Martha: And this wasn't the only time I was drugged.....No I was drugged more when my ex-husband who I don't even remember marrying found out about the drugs that May's ex-husband used on me and decided to use them on me again. Over the years I was a different person and no longer felt like myself....I...I...did such awful things....and all those people I killed were done by my own hands.....I just wanted to forget everything and that is when I found out that May was actually my childhood friend that I too have been searching for years to find until I met her at a bar in Hell and the two of us reunited and she offered me to live with her and I couldn't be any happier. 

Using his magic, Fang can see and listen that Martha is telling the truth even going so far to look through her memories and everything she said was true including the abuse as well as the drugs even having no memory of what she was until it all came clear to her.

Mayberry: I just couldn't leave her to suffer after what she has been through all this time, Fang. I know you have this feeling that you don't trust her but please for me, can you try to give her a chance. I don't want to loose her again. Even though she did terrible things back when we were alive but it wasn't her fault. 

Martha: And I am sorry for trying to kill your friends...even though imp Boss was a jerk and an asshole. 

Fang: That's something we both agree on. Also I used my magic to see if your were lying to me or not in which you weren't. You really did suffered so much pain and was abused as well as used against such awful people. Things are a lot crazy right now soo...I guess I can cut you some slack, you deserved it. Sorry for slicing off your head, I didn't know the truth until now. 

Mayberry was brought into tears and hugged Fang that he understands and she wasn't the only one, Martha smiled with happy tears and thanked Fang for giving her a second chance. After the two let go of Fang and wiped their tears away, Martha did something that caught Fang off guard but also shocked him. Martha grabbed Fang's face and smashed her lips onto his that made Mayberry blush at seeing what Martha was doing but the site of it was making her hot.

Martha: May was right you are good kisser.~

Fang: Uhhhhhhh..........

Martha: She also told me that you have a harem going on. Mind if I join in, after all she told me how you know how to treat a lady with respect and know how to give them a good time. When she showed those pictures of you in human form, I have to admit I find you very attractive.~

Fang: Ok this is absolutely nuts?!(Fang saids in thought)

Mayberry: I don't mind her being with you Fang. She wants to start fresh and what better way is too be with someone who understands a woman's feelings and their emotions. You treated me with such kindness and respect, I couldn't be more happy to finally found a man who loves me for who I am and now I want Martha to have that as well. 

Martha: If you can except me minus the stuff I did back on earth. 

Fang: You may have done the most shitty ass crap back on earth but you were only drugged that was caused by those two men who used you and May. But now that you finally free of them and you want to start over, you don't look like the same woman I killed so I guess it would be all right if you were in the harem. As long as you stay away from drugs for good. 

Martha: EEEEEEEEE!!!!!❤️ 

Martha smashed her lips onto Fang again that caught him off guard again but just let things happen and he kissed her back. 

Mayberry: Save some of those lips for me darling!

Martha caught off the kiss and soon Mayberry kissed Fang on the lips in which he kissed her back followed by groping her butt cheeks that made Mayberry moan. 

Mayberry: Ooh darling you know how to make a woman like me feel so good. 

Fang: i try not to show off too much. 

Mayberry: You know the night is still good and since it's Halloween hows about we give you a treat.~

Fang: Oh Satan more Snu Snu.(Fang saids in thought)

Mayberry and Martha smirked and grabbed Fang's arms and threw him onto the bed where the HellWolf looked to see both women stripping off their clothes until they were completely naked that made Fang's inner wolf want to dominate them.

Mayberry and Martha: Like what you see darling.~ Are you ready for your treat. 

Fang: I am gonna to die of Snu Snu....

(🍋Lemon Alert Short)(Don't wanna go full lemon for this chapter)






Fang(Demonic): SATAN!!!!


Martha came and couldn't feel her legs so she went unconscious but had a drooling smile on her face with heart shape eyes. Mayberry was next in which Fang grabbed her by the ass and fucked her from behind that made her moan with pleasure. 

Mayberry: Yes! Oh Yes more darling I want more!!!

Fang(Demonic): You want it all the way in you!

Mayberry: Yes stick it all the way up!!! I want to bare your children!!! I want to be a mother!!!❤️ 

Fang(Demonic): THEN TAKE IT!!!!

Fang speed up the process and Mayberry was loosing the feeling in her legs followed by drooling with her tongue sticking out and heart shapes in her eyes. 


Fang fucked her even more until both were about to reach their limits and Mayberry was almost close to loosing the feeling in her two legs followed by her whole body.

Fang(Demonic): I CAN'T HOLD IT!!

Mayberry: Cum inside me!!! CUM IN ME, MY LOVE!!!❤️ 

Fang(Demonic): FUCK!!!

Mayberry: I'M CUMMING!!!! KYAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!❤️ 

Fang: Path....path....these girls they're going to kill me from Snu Snu.(Fang saids in thought before passing out)

(Lemon End)

After a crazy night of sex, Fang cuddled Martha and Mayberry into his arms where the two smiled with love and joy until all three past out into slumber. The next day Fang woke up from his nap and saw the girls still sleeping peacefully so he got up and took a fast shower and then made the girls some breakfast before leaving and he texted Lute of where he was last night and she understood but was jealous that she didn't get to have Snu Snu last night, she's been waiting for Fang to come back home and pleasure her some more. Fang decided to get himself something to eat before going home so he stopped by a cafe and ordered himself an omelet as well some bacon to relax after he crazy night. 

Fang: Sigh...finally some peace. I really needed this, I need a break away from the girls for a while they almost drained me. I love them but they need to learn how to control their sexual nature. 

Demon Waitress: Would there be anything else sir?

Fang: I will take a coffee with two sugars and cream. 

Demon Waitress: Of course sir. Though you want stay indoors. 

Fang: Why's that?

Demon Waitress: Sigh...that stupid turf war shit battle is still going on outside and many sinners and demons a like are going nuts. Some of them are killing or setting each other on fire.

Fang: Whose winning so far?

Demon Waitress: Well ever since the sinner Sir Pentious disappeared from the turf wars, his rival Cherri Bomb is making achievements to gain her own territory. 

Fang: Cherri Bomb? Wasn't that the name of a song from earth?

Demon Waitress: They had song about her? 

Fang: How long have you been down here for?

Demon Waitress: 300 years. 

Fang: Damn. I guess some sinner and demons don't know how much earth has change. What does this Cherri Bomb specialize in?

Demon Waitress: Mostly bombs that she throws to her enemies or most likely anything that makes a huge bang or blows up. She's one of those devaluation sinners who likes to make explosions and blow stuff up.

Fang: I see. Thanks for telling me. 

Demon Waitress: My pleasure, let me go fetch your coffee.(Demon waitress saids and goes to get Fang's coffee)

After a while Fang had his coffee and left the cafe to head back home until his ears and senses were picking up something and it was close so he went to investigate. When go to the location in which led him into ButcherTown, he looked to find sinners and demon having braw and attacking each other for turfs. 

Fang: What the fuck? Geez it feels like a nuke hit this place. 

Demons/Sinners: Come and get some baby!/Bring it on bitches!/Hold still so I can stab!/Not if I stab you first dick-head!/ DAHH?!!! I'M ON FIRE!!!

Fang: Wow this town is really messed up. 


Fang: Hm?

Fang looks up and towards the buildings where he see's a group of sinners shooting their weapons at a moving target who was jumping from roof to roof while also throwing what it appears to be bombs. Using his teleportation magic, Fang went up to the tallest building that wasn't completely destroyed to get a better view of who the sinners are attacking until the HellWolf's eyes landed on a girl dressed like a punk with a pony tail and has only one eye. 

Sinner Girl: SUCK IT BITCHES!!!!


Fang watches the girl from distance where the idea came to him and what the waitress said to him back at the cafe. The girl he was watching kicking and beating the crap out of some the sinners while also blowing their asses up with those bombs of hers made Fang realize that this was Cherri Bomb in which the bombs that the girl was throwing at her targets made sense to him. 

Fang: So that is Cherri Bomb. Hm, might as well get some more information about her.(Fang saids and takes out his phone to get some info about Cherri Bomb)

Fang found some info about Cherri Bomb where he discovered she died in 80s and ended up in hell to make a name for herself where she's none stop party gal who likes to have fun and cause destruction wherever she goes when using her bombs that she made herself. She used to work for Valentino until she quit and now she focuses on being the best. She's knows hand to hand combat, a weapon professional with incredible enhanced strength including athletic skills. 

Fang: Not bad for a sinner. It also looks like she is close fiends with Angel Dust. She also made an appearance during turf war against Sir Pentious while she was battling him with Angel Dust at her side. This was months ago and she is still trying to reclaim her turf, now that Pentious is no longer fighting the turf wars. 

Fang decided to follow Cherri where he saw her taking down more sinners who try to get to her but none of them weren't quick enough to stop her nor try to kill her. Fang was impressed of how the girl sinner outrun the sinners who tried to get her so that she can reclaim her turf, the way Cherri Bomb moved with such athletic skills almost reminded him of Marinette when she is battling Akuma's as Ladybug. He looked to see Cherri Bomb finishing up the last sinner who tried to stab her but she was quick to counter attack the sinner and gave the asshole the worst beat down of a life time.

Fang: Not bad.(Fang saids in thought while looking down at Cherri Bomb who proceeded to walk away after beating the shit out of the sinner until Fang saw another sinner moving quietly behind Cherri Bomb and holding a knife)

Cherri Bomb was feeling thirsty and decided to go for a drink at a bar after her fun day until all of sudden she heard footsteps and looked to see a sinner running at her with a knife and she was going to take action until the sinner got the dropped on him when he gets crushed by Fang who landed on top of the sinner that caught the attention of Cherri Bomb.

Fang: Heh, nice try asshole. But it was really stupid to pull a stunt like that.

Cherri: Whoah what a body.~❤️(Cherri saids in thought while admiring the HellWolf)

Fang: Idiots. 

Cherri: Who are you tall, dark, and sexy? 

Fang: Fang Hunter, and you are the famous Cherri Bomb I been hearing about. 

Cherri: Oh I wouldn't say famous more like extremely famous. Wait a minute you say your name is Fang Hunter as in like the Hellwolf. Holly shit I can't believe I am meeting a total badass like you!!!

Fang: Seems like you know of me.

Cherri: All of hell knows about you, big fans of yours by the way. Wow you are even more handsome and sexy in person especially in your other form. 

Fang: Thanks I been getting that a lot lately. 

Cherri: So what brings you here handsome? 

Fang: Oh I am just taking a day out for myself after a crazy night I had until I saw you in action with those sinners. Got to admit you have impressive skills with hand to hand combat and you reflexes are half bad either. 

Cherri: Hmm, maybe I can show you my other reflexes sometime.~

Fang: Heh, I don't think my girls wouldn't like that. 

Cherri: Girls? You're taken?

Fang: I have a harem relationship going on and I just got myself another girl to add to the group last night and possibly some others. 

Cherri: Damn this guy is something else, not only sexy in both forms but also easy on the eyes with the girls not that is a man right there.(Cherri saids in thought)

Fang: So where you heading before almost being ambushed by this sinner here?

Cherri: I thought about getting myself a drink after having my fun with these assholes. Care to join a hot bitch like me. 

Fang: Eh why not. Might as well have something else before heading home. 

Cherri: Oh before we go I just want to one last thing, after another battle to claim a turf I always leave with a bang. In other words I am going to blow something up. 

Fang: Yea and how are you going to do that because you just used the last of your bombs during the chase?

Cherri: Huh? Oh shit...that was my last bomb. Man this suck ass. 

Fang: Not to worry I got you covered. 

Fang conger up a bomb similar to Cherri's only this one was much bigger than her smaller bombs that she carried around with her. When the sinner saw the bomb in Fang's arms she gasped in shock and yet she was filled with such extreme excitement.

Cherri: How did.....

Fang: You wanna ask questions or do you wanna blow something up. This will show the sinners who are idiots in the world not to mess with someone like you. So care to light this sucker up. 

Cherri: OH FUCK YEA!!!!

Cherri took out a mash and lid up the bomb and Fang using his HellWolf strength threw the bomb into ButcherTown where nobody was paying attention until the bomb itself landed in the center of the town and the next thing that happens is that a large explosion happened.


The explosion took out half of the town but all the sinners and demons got caught in the crossfire and the remaining were able to escape the destruction. Cherri jaw dropped to the ground of what she has seen while Fang while the back of his head knowing he may have over did it a bit with the bomb making. 

Fang: Ooh I think I went over board with that bomb?

Cherri: That....was........FUCKING AWESOME!!!!!!

Fang: Huh?

Cherri: I been waiting a long time to create an explosion so massive that it can nearly take out half of this shitty town. Oh Satan that was the most extreme site I have ever seen in my life. Fang you really know how to make a chick like me, very happy. You know what hows about I treat you to a drink, my treat. 

Fang: Uh ok. 

Cherri takes Fang to Hell 666 in other words a club but with great entertainment as well as beverages. Fang ordered the sangria while Cherri got beer and the two of them chatted with one another about their lives and how they both ended in hell in the first place. Fang found out that Cherri was killed during a riot that took place on earth in the 80s and she got shot in the eye but a gang member in which Fang felt bad for what happened to Cherri in which reminded him of how he was shot down by police officers who took the words from a lying psychopath. Cherri knows the news of what happened to Fang when he was alive and she took disliked that the Rossi girl even though she never met her but after hearing the bad shit that Rossi talks about other people and their lives made Cherri want to toss a bomb in the bitches mouth and watch her head explode. 

Cherri: So those idiot cops just simply took the words from that Rossi girl and just painted you as the target?

Fang: Yup, and for that I was gun downed by them before I took my revenge on Rossi when I shot her in the head and shot her boy toy model in the legs. 

Cherri: Damn that sucks. 

Fang: Tell me about it. 

Cherri: Say I heard you are the one who help my best bud Angel. 

Fang: Angel Dust? Yea I thought he could use a better job then working for Valentino, you know how that guy treated Angel like crap so I asked Verosika to give Angel a job and he's actually happy about his new job because Verosika pays really well and can get Angel what he wants. 

Cherri: It's great to know Angel is doing all right. 

Fang: Angel is good friend, though when he's not acting all kinky and everything.

Cherri: Hehehe, he's like that sometimes. 

Fang: I like to believe that. 


Female Sinners: BOOO!!!! 

Fang: What's with them?

Cherri: Sigh...every year they show the same shit where a guy comes out with a puppet to make people laugh but it's getting boring and not to mention the song performers are shitty and don't have any talent in them at all. 

Fang: Wow, life in this part of the city is fucked up. 

Cherri: You have no idea. 

Fang: I might have an idea. 

Cherri: What do you mean?

Fang: Just sit here while I take care of this problem.(Fang saids and puts down his drink and gets onto the stage)

Cherri: Don't know what he is doing but might as well sit back and watch. Yo another beer!

Female Sinner: Hey isn't that Fang Hunter?

Sinner: What's he doing?

Everyone watches Fang on stage and the thing they saw was the HellWolf knocking out the pathetic stage performer that made a lot of sinners and demons a like smirk at seeing the performer get knocked out then kicked off the stage. Then the next site they all see is when Fang gets engulfed into a magical aura in which he changes into his human form wearing a punk like outfit that made lots of women in the club even Cherri Bomb blush at the site they were seeing. 

Female Sinners and Demons: SO SEXY~!!!!❤️(All said in thought while huge blushes on their face)

Cherri: Hello daddy.~❤️ 

Fang(Mic): Something tells me this isn't what you all want to watch. But thats all gonna change right now. Now let a real performer give each and every one of you a greater time. 

Cherri: Ooh now things are going to get more interesting now.~

(Scream by: Usher)


I see you over there, so hypnotic
Thinking 'bout what I'd do to that body
I'd get you like ooh baby, baby, ooh baby, baby
Ooh baby, baby, ooh baby, baby
Got no drink in my hand, but I'm wasted
Getting drunk off the thought of you naked
I get you like ooh baby, baby, ooh baby, baby
Ooh baby, baby, ooh baby, baby

And I try to fight it, to fight it
But you're so magnetic, magnetic
Got one life, just live it, just live it
Now relax and get on your back

Cherri: KYAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!❤️ 

If you wanna scream, "Yeah!"
Let me know and I'll take you there
Get you going like ooh baby, baby, ooh baby, baby
Ooh baby, baby, ooh baby
If you want it done right
Hope you're ready to go all night
Get you going like ooh baby, baby, ooh baby, baby
Ooh baby, baby, ooh baby
If you wanna scream (Yeah, c'mon)

Kill the lights, shut them off, you're electric
Devil eyes telling me come and get it
I'll have you like ooh baby, baby, ooh baby, baby
Ooh baby, baby, ooh baby, baby
Girl, tonight, you're the prey, I'm the hunter (Hunter)
Take you here, take you there, take you under
Imagine me, whispering in your ear that I wanna
Take off all your clothes and put something on you

Everyone: FANG! FANG! FANG! FANG!.....

And I try to fight it, to fight it
But you're so magnetic, magnetic
Got one life, just live it, just live it
Now relax and get on your back

If you wanna scream, "Yeah!" Oh
Let me know and I'll take you there
Get you going like ooh baby, baby, ooh baby, baby
Ooh baby, baby, ooh baby
If you want it done right
Hope you're ready to go all night
Get you going like ooh baby, baby, ooh baby, baby, yeah
Ooh baby, baby, ooh baby
If you wanna scream

I'ma make you scream loud
La da, scream, la da (Usher)
La da, la da, la da, da da da
Hey, somebody scream out with me, oh

Cherri: Whoah....why do I feel so horny right now?


If you wanna scream, "Yeah!"
Let me know and I'll take you there
Get you going like ooh baby, baby, ooh baby, baby
Ooh baby, baby, ooh baby
If you want it done right (Right)
Hope you're ready to go all night
Get you going like ooh baby, baby, ooh baby, baby
Ooh baby, baby, ooh baby
If you wanna scream (Scream, scream, scream)

Song Ended 

After the song came to an end, everyone in the club cheered on Fang who bowed for his performance follow by throwing his jacket to the crowd where hundreds of girls fought over until a female hellhound caught it and put it on in which the scent of it belonged to Fang. Fang then headed back to Cherri Bomb who was blushing and clapping the whole time she saw Fang perform. 

Cherri: WHISTLE! WHISTLE! Damn sexy never knew you had such an attractive voice.

Fang: A lot of hell heard my voice, I mean I did perform at Verosika's party, followed by Ozzie's, Harvest Moon Festival, and many more. It's all on Sinstagram. 

Cherri: Oh shit I didn't see them. I was too busy blowing up sinners and having fun that I never knew these were posted. Ooh like the outfits you wore though I think you will look sexy without any clothes on. 

Fang: Hehe, is the famous Cherri Bomb falling for me already?

Cherri: Hmm..? Maybe, maybe I am. The shit-bags down here are nothing compared to a guy like you Fang. 

Fang: That's what my girls tell me all the time. 

Cherri: I also heard that you are good kisser. I want proof.~

Fang smirked and rolled his eyes and then took Cherri Bomb in arms and have the sinner girl a passionate kiss on the lips that made Cherri's widen until she gave in and wrapped her arms around Fang's neck and the two had a full on make out until an hour later they both released. 

Cherri: really are a good kisser. 

Fang: Thank you for saying so, CB. 

Cherri: CB huh, I like it. Though only you get to call me that. 

Fang: Seems fare. 

Cherri: Wanna head back to my place, for some real fun.~

Fang: As much as I love too, unfortunately I need to head back home. After last night Snu Snu with four of my girlfriends, I need a lot of rest to recover. 

Cherri: Wow that must of drained you out so much you can't feel anything.

Fang: Don't remind me. 

Cherri: Well all right, I will wait until you are feeling like yourself again. 

Fang: Of course and thanks for the drinks. 

Cherri: Anything for my new and totally hot now boyfriend. See you around, HotWolf.💋(Cherri saids and give one more kiss to Fang on the lips before she takes her leave while shaking her hips to get Fang's attention)

Fang: life is getting even more amazing then ever. 

Fang leaves the club and heads back home, and once inside his penthouse, he plops down on the couch to relax his mind and his body until he feels a pare of arms wrapped around his neck and he opens up his eyes and looks to see Lute wearing nothing but a shirt on with a smirk on her face. 

Lute: Hey honey.~

Fang: Oh hey Lute. 

Lute: I'm been waiting for you until you got back. 

Fang: Yea sorry about that, you know how the other girls are and me. I didn't mean to make you wait.

Lute: It's quite all right honey. I will forgive you if you do something for in return. 

Fang: And what would that be? 

Lute: Give me some Snu Snu.~❤️ 

Fang: Oh shit......

Lute took off her shirt revealing her naked body and then took out her sword and sliced off Fang's clothes that made his eyes widen of seeing Lute acting like this even though he likes it but he still hasn't recovered from last nights Snu Snu with Mayberry and Martha which also included Dani and Loona.

Lute: Now it's just you and me now, baby. 


The whole day there was moans and pleasure followed by a HellWolf who was nearly drained, nearly meaning he was still alive. Lute smile big for getting such pleasure and like the others she too lost the feeling in her legs. 

Fang: I'm soo....tired.

Lute: Sigh.....that was awesome Snu Snu.

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