Chapter 29: To Kill a Riddle!
Fang was in his penthouse getting ready to celebrate Halloween tomorrow with Charlie and the others until his phone rang and he checked and looked to see it was Lucifer. Fang answered the phone and listened to what the king of hell has to say.
Fang: Another mission?
Lucifer(Phone): That's right and this one I am depressed to get. This guy cheated himself out of death and he is becoming a major pain in my ass. I'm been trying to get his soul but he always manages to slip away until I found something that could not only hurt him but also find a way to get his soul here.
Fang: Just who I am hunting this time?
Lucifer(Phone): He's on the list, under the name Tom Riddle.
Fang: Tom Riddle? Oh yes here he is. What's his story?
Lucifer(Phone): In his world, he was known as the dark lord of the wizard world. Yes he's a wizard who took up the name Voldemort in which is kind of stupid for name. Anyway he found a way to make himself immortal by using these dark artifacts called horcruxes. Each of these horcruxes contain part of his soul, it explains why I couldn't get his soul into hell, son of bitch.
Fang: I see. So you want me to hunt down these horcruxes first then focus on taking down Riddle or Voldemort? Wow that name really does suck.
Lucifer(Phone): Yes, I also pinned point of where to find them, I will send you a map so you can track them down and destroy them. I also found where that son of bitch is going.
Fang: Where?
Lucifer(Phone): Not too long an old wizard from a magical school spoke of prophecy about a child born of two wizards destined to defeat the dark lord and by my guess he is going to that child's home and kill him. However he wont know that his horcruxes will be gone and after you hunt them down and destroy them, head to the location of where Riddle will be going and thats is when you end him.
Fang: Sounds good to me. I been itching for months now to use that gun you gave me again. By the way what do these horcruxes look like?
Lucifer(Phone): There are six of them, a diary, a ring, a tiara, a locket, a cup, and a snake. I will send you the images of them as well along with the map and location of where the dipshit is going to look for the child of prophecy.
Fang: Gotcha.
Lucifer(Phone): Oh one more thing, I will also give you a bonus if you hunt down his followers as well. Those guys are a real pain in the ass always talking about their precious dark lord, blahhh.
Fang: Considered it done your majesty.
Lucifer(Phone): I knew I can count on someone like you.
The call ended and Fang got the information along with the map and images of what the horcruxes looked like and where to find them all.
Fang: So these are what I am after. All right let the hunting begin.
Lute: Yawn!....Hey babe.(Lute saids while waking up from her nap)
Fang: Good morning Lute. Sorry I didn't know you woken up.
Lute: It's all right, whats you doing?
Fang: Got a mission to go on. Got to hunt down a dark wizard and destroy some objects that is making him immortal.
Lute: A warlock.
Fang: That's right. Got the information down and the locations of where to find the dark objects. I wont be gone for that long, it will be a quick job.
Lute: I will be waiting until you get back, and I will watch over Danni. Something tells me she might actually awake this time.
Fang: I know I can feel her aura returning to her. She will soon gain conscious soon.
Lute: Good luck and stay safe hun 💋.(Lute saids and kisses Fang on the cheek)
Fang: I will and thank you.
Fang opens a portal to the dimension of where to find Riddle aka Voldemort thanks to the information that Lucifer gave him. He waved Lute bye and then left into the portal and into the world of magic and sorcery. When Fang arrived to the other side, he arrived in the city of London. He's been to London with Marinette a couple times and knows his way around the area but he didn't come to this world for site seeing, he a job to do and he was going to get it done.
Fang: All right lets start with the diary first. It saids the diary is located in Wiltshire, England in a place called Malfoy manor. That's my first stop.
Fang uses his teleportation magic to take him directly to the location of where the diary is being kept and when he arrived he looked to see the manor itself and it looked that nobody has lived in it in years.
Fang: This is Malfoy manor? It looks abandoned? Though do not want to take any chances.
Fang moved into the garden but saw a magical borrower around the area but that didn't stop the HellWolf he just simply walked through it like it was nothing. He then waved his hand around the manor to see it anyone was home in which the goods news is that nobody was in the manor probably off somewhere who knows where. Fang went into a window opening and when he got inside he looks to see where the diary is being kept.
Fang: Now if I was diary where would I be?
Fang looked around the library area and he couldn't find it there, checked the bedrooms nothing along with the dinning room, and kitchen still nothing until he checked the main office room that belong to a Lucius Malfoy. Fang looked around the room until his eye caught onto a certain diary that was being kept inside a desk. He looked at the diary and turned it around and it revealed the name of Tom Riddle.
Fang: Bingo.
Fang uses his power to disintegrate the diary into dust leaving nothing but ashes. He checked off the diary on the list then teleported out of the manor and onto the next location of the next horcruxes. The next one was the ring, located in a old abandoned shack somewhere in the forest of Little Hangleton.
Fang: Wow, what a dump this location is? No wonder nobody would dare come to these places. This area reminds me of the Haunted Mansion movie.
Fang sniffed that someone was living inside the house near the graveyard so he didn't want to alert the human living there so using his invisible spell, he made himself completely invisible then moved towards the abandoned shack. He opened the door quietly and disable the invisible spell and looked around saw the inside of the place.
Fang(Whisper): Talk about a fixer-upper. This place needs a make out, and so does Malfoy manor. Now lets see where that little ring is located.
Fang uses his magic to locate the ring in which he felt a magical object coming from upstairs but not only that but he also sensed something else and it was a dark entity. He went up stairs and entered a room where he spotted the but it was being guarded by a large snake and Fang knew what that snake was.
Fang: Oh what do you know two horcruxes in the same exact room. Make things more interesting for me that is.
The snaked hissed at Fang then went to attack by was grabbed by the HellWolf with great force. Fang then ripped the snake in half and out came dark souls probably the souls of people that the snake killed along with a part of Riddle's soul. After Fang killed the snake, he destroyed the ring last leaving only three more horcruxes to go.
Fang: Three down, three to go. Hmm, the next one the cup is located in Gringotts located in a place called Diagon Alley. Lucifer said in the text that to find this Diagon Alley I would need to go back to London and head to a place known as the Leaky Caludron pub. Fang knew he couldn't go as his HellWolf form so he changed into his human form to blend in with the crowd. He teleported out of the shack and back to London and walked around the city to find the Leaky Cauldron. The HellWolf walked around the blocks until he spotted a sign that said Leaky Caludron and so he went inside and saw a group of random wizards having drinks and reading books while paying no mind to Fang.
Fang: I sense a lot of magic coming from the guest here. Might as well ask someone if they know how to get too Diagon Alley.(Fang saids in thought)
Fang walked towards the bar and tapped onto the man who was cleaning some glass mugs. The man turned around met Fang.
Man: Why hello there, welcome to the Leaky Cauldron. My name is Tom what can I do for you sir?
Fang: Hello Tom, my name is Fang, I am looking for a way to get into Diagon Alley, I have lost my things during a travel along with my wand and I was going to Diagon Alley to pick up new supplies and a new wand but I cannot get back in, is there a way I can access Diagon Alley another way in.
Tom: Oh why of course! And don't worry your not the only one who asked the same question. I had tons of wizards and witches coming and asking for a way into Diagon Alley. Please follow me and I will show you the way.
Fang: Thank you, most appreciated.
Tom: I never seen a fellow like you before around here?
Fang: Hehe, I get that a lot sir. I am someone who loves to travel the world and see new sites and experiences.
Tom took Fang into the back of the cauldron, Fang then see's the man took out a stick which was a magic wand and saw Tom tapping the bricks in some sort of password. The next thing Fang see's are the bricks moving and opening into a much bigger place behind it, revealing to be Diagon Alley.
Tom: Here you are sir, Diagon Alley.
Fang: Whoah.(Fang saids in thought)
Fang: Thank you so much, Tom.
Tom: My pleasure, have a nice day.(Tom saids and goes back to doing his job)
Fang enters through Diagon Alley and looked around and saw so many shops along with hundreds of wizards and witches walking in and out of the places which brought a smile on Fang's face that this is the first time he is seeing actual wizards and witches. He saw kids running around having fun and checking out the rare items in the glass but the more Fang wanted to see he still has to stay focus on the job at hand. He asked a witch near him and told where he can find Gringotts and the witched point towards the direction of where to find to the place. Fang spotted a placed that read Gringotts Bank and that was when he finds the place he has been searching for.
Fang: So this is Gringotts.
Fang walks into the bank and saw what appears to be goblins of some sort but these goblins were not like any goblins Fang knew about. These ones looked properly dressed and are hard workers. Fang asked one of the goblins about how to access a vault and the goblin told the HellWolf to go meet with the Head Goblin of Gringotts who was the goblin at the very end of the bank.
Fang: Cough...pardon me but may I have a moment of your time. If you are not too busy that is.
Head Goblin: What can I do for you Mr.?
Fang: Hunter, Fang Hunter. I am here on business for my client. There is something in one of the vaults that he wants destroyed and it could be a real help if you can take me to it.
Head Goblin: And who is this client of which you speak, Mr.Hunter?
Fang(Whisper): Does the name Lucifer Morningstar ring and bells?
The head goblin gasped in shock of the name and looked around him so that his fellow goblins didn't hear him nor what Fang said.
Head Goblin: Follow me and keep quiet.
Fang: So Lucifer is known in this dimension.(Fang saids in thought and follows the goblin)
Head Goblin: What do I owe the pleasure from the king of hell?
Fang: It involves a certain dark wizard who is using these dark artifacts to make himself immortal and Lucifer has tasked me to hunt them down and destroy them. I already destroyed three of them and the other three are next. The fourth one is a cup and it is located inside a vault here at Gringotts.
Head Goblin: What kind of dark artifact?
Fang: Lucifer said they were called horcruxes.
Head Goblin: Horcruxes! Those artifacts are forbidden in the wizard world, so it will seem as the dark wizard who shall not be named wants to gain immortality. You said it was a cup, well there are a lot of cups in Gringotts though which one are you seeking?
Fang: It looks like this.(Fang saids and shows an image of the cup to the head goblin)
Head Goblin: I see, well your in luck because I know where such a cup is located.
Fang: Which vault?
Head Goblin: It is inside a vault that belongs to a witch known as Bellatrix Lestrange. She went mad and got herself locked up in Azkaban. Azkaban is a prison where all the mad and crazy wizards and witches go when they committed a crime.
Fang: Good to know.
Head Goblin: Fare warning the vault is guarded by a dragon known as a Ukrainian IronBelly though I am sure you never heard of such a dragon where you come from.
Fang: Dragons are only known is fairly tales though we do have dragon like demons in hell.
Head Goblin: Fare enough.
The head goblin took Fang on a ride down bellow the bank and into the darkest part of where the vault is located and when they came to a stop, the seats below opened and soon Fang and the head goblin fell but Fang landed perfectly due to his HellWolf strength and caught the head goblin before he hit the ground.
Fang: Was that necessary?
Head Goblin: This is where the vault is kept so don't ask why down here of all places.
Fang: True.
Head Goblin: What strength you have. What kind of demon did you turn into where you come from?
Fang: A HellWolf.
Head Goblin: That would make sense, those breed of demons are extremely powerful. Come, the vault is near also best to stay by me.
Fang: You have something to avoids being killed by this certain dragon you have down here?
Head Goblin: They hate the sound of clankers.(The goblin saids and takes out a clanker)
Fang: I see.
The two arrived at their destination until they stopped and looked to see the dragon that the goblin spoke of and Fang had to admit this was no dragon he has ever seen before. He seen dragon like demons in hell but never seen an actual dragon before not as pale as white like this one before him.
The dragon saw the two and was about to breath its fire until the goblin shook the clanker and it made a sound that the dragon couldn't stand. They watched as the dragon backed off for now and headed into a hallway where the horcrux is being kept inside the vault. They entered the vault and Fang uses his magic to find the cup and it was located at the very top near a lot of gold.
Fang: There it is.
Head Goblin: Fare warning. This is curse that was cast upon this vault, anything you touch will multiply like rabbits.
Fang: Noted.
Fang uses his super speed and runs towards the cup and grabs it before the coins and cups around him started to multiply. After he got what he wanted he ran out of the vault along with the goblin in his arms and closed the vault.
Fang: Well that was easy.
Head Goblin: Impressive for a HellSpawn.
Fang destroys the fourth horcrux and now that leaves only two more to go. He thanked the goblin for his help and teleported out of the darkness and back to the top of the bank. Fang offered the goblin some gold that he got from that dimension when he killed that dark lord Exegol and the goblin thanked Fang and kept him a secret so nobody knows. Fang checked off the list and now that leaves only the tiara and the locket. After leaving Gringotts and Diagon Alley, he continued on with his task.
Fang: The locket is next. Lucifer said it is somewhere in a cave located in Frankfurt, Germany.
The next hour Fang arrived at the site of the entrance to the dark cave that was surrounded by rocky cliffs side and rough ocean waves. Fang didn't care what the site looked like, he proceeded into the cave anyway. When entering the cave itself, it was pitch black like the night itself and Fang decided to use a light spell to brighten up the area so he can get a better look of where he is going and where the locket is hidden.
Fang: So that's where it is.
Fang then used a spell to summon himself a small boat and used it to get to the other side of where the light is being shown. He got off the boat and stand upon a small crystallize land and in the middle he saw a crystal bowl with dark like water inside.
Fang: Ehh there is no way I am drinking that stuff.
Fang took up the small shell like spoon and took the water and just dumped it out instead of drinking it and after hours later of getting the water out he found the locket that he has been looking for. He decided to take out his sword and destroy it with that and see what happens. He opened the locket first and then strike down the locket with the sword and the next thing he sees were souls fainting away like dust. He thought the sword works on angel's but apparently it works with other other things. Fang smirked that another horcrux has been destroyed leaving only one left to go.
Fang: Time to go get myself a tiara.
Lucifer said that the last horcrux is inside the castle called Hogwarts School of Magic where young wizards and witches go and train to become what they are now. Fang was told that the school had a lot of ghosts, paintings that move as well as teachers and staff keeping the place safe and secured so he needed another way inside. He discovered a sewer entrance that leads into the castle even though it sounded disgusting to go through the sewers it was the only way inside to avoid being seen. When he got inside the sewer he followed the tunnels that lead him into some sort of chamber that had statues of snake heads along with a statue of a mans head surrounded by water.
Fang: Why in the hell would they have something like this in their school? I'm betting that they don't know of this place. Sniff..sniff..why do I smell snake of all sudden?
Fang looked towards the head statue and smelt the scent of snake coming from it. He senses something within the mouth area and decided to see what was inside the mouth. Using his HellWolf like strength he tore opened the mouth and soon out came a giant snake with mean attitude and a pair of great big yellow eyes.
Fang: Oh great another big snake how terrific.
Fang: Heh, you don't look so tough. I fought beings more bigger than you are.
The giant snake grew angry and went to kill Fang until the HellWolf grabbed the snake by the snout and simply tore off the snakes top head leaving nothing twisting body. Fang smirked and threw the head into the water before leaving the chambers to head up to the castle.
Fang: Like I said you weren't so tough and now you're dead. I'm guessing that thing belong to dear old Riddle himself. He will probably won't miss the damn thing anyway nor his other pet snake after I am through with him.
Fang headed up to the castle and found himself inside a bathroom, he then casted himself the same invisible spell and moved within the halls of the castle. He walked by students who wore symbols on their robes, a lion, a snake, an eagle, and last was a badger. What Fang knows is that the last horcrux will be inside a room called the room of requirements and that is where he shall head towards. He followed down the halls of what Lucifer told him about in the text and when he arrived at the spot he looked and saw a door appearing in front of a stone wall and that is when that it was the door that leads into the room of requirements. Upon entering the door, Fang saw what was inside and inside was a lot of artifacts and junk scattered around the whole room.
Fang: You have got to be fucking kidding me. Well better start looking.
Fang uses his super speed to look through mostly everything inside the room to find the tiara and it took me over at least three hours until he felt a presence coming from a certain box nearby a small table. When get got close to it, he opened the small box and inside was the tiara that he has been looking for meaning that this was the last horcrux and the end of Riddle.
Fang: Finally. With this last horcrux gone, Voldey can never come back after I have dealt with him. Sorry Riddle but your soul is going straight to Lucifer rather you like it or not.
Fang destroys the last horcrux and then teleports out of the castle before anyone notices him. After taking his leave it was time to head to the last location and that was Godric's Hollow, where Voldermort is heading to kill a child of prophecy. It was night time and everything was silent until Fang arrived and hid in the shadows and saw a man with a snake like face walking towards a small house down the rode.
Fang: I arrived just in time. Better Call Lucifer.(Fang saids in thought)
Lucifer(Phone): Hey Fang, hows the job going?
Fang: Destroyed all of Tom's horcuxes now it only leaves him.
Lucifer(Phone): Awesome job. Can't wait to get my hands on that snake dip-shit.
Fang: Before that who is the child of this so called prophecy?
Lucifer(Phone): Hmm, he goes by the name Harry Potter son of Lily and James Potter. Cute little guy, loving parents destined for great things in the future.
Fang: I see, thank you for the information.
Lucifer(Phone): Happy to help.
Call Ended
Fang: Time to kill a certain snake-like asshole.
Fang watches Voldemort use a spell to open the door to the house and later heard a man shouting at the dark lord until the HellWolf saw the man with glasses probably James Potter go down but was not killed only stunned. Fang moves into the house and up the stairs to see Voldemort pointing his wand at a red hair woman aka Lily Potter and her infant son Harry.
Lily: NO! Please anything but Harry. Please take me instead.
Voldemort: Get out of the way, you stupid girl. The boy will die and you along with him.
Lily: Please spare him! He has done nothing.
Voldemort: Have it your way. Avada Ked.......ARGH?!!!!!!
Voldemort didn't finished his words as he was kicked through the window of the bedroom and his wand dropped to the ground that was later snapped in two caused by Fang who entered the room behind Voldemort and was the one who delivered a hard kick to the so called dark lord.
Fang: Yea I am not gonna let you do that. Are you all right ma'am?
Lily: Who...who are you?
Fang: A friend. Don't worry I will deal with this pathetic fool myself. Your husband is alive only just stunned. Best to go check on him and keep your son close. But do not leave this house stay inside until the situation is dealt with.
Lily: I...thank you.
Fang: Go, Voldemort is mine.
Lily did what she was told and headed down to check on her husband while Fang jumped out of the window and saw Voldemort getting back to his feet but couldn't find his wand.
Fang: Looking for something Riddle?
Voldemort: Who are you?
Fang: Wouldn't you like to know Tom, but enough chit chat my client wants your soul and I am going to enjoy finishing you off for good.
Voldemort: You have no idea who you speaking nor threatening.
Fang: Oh but I do. Your Tom Riddle, aka Voldemort. Seriously you chose that name for a dark wizard, pathetic if you ask me.
Voldemort: So you do know of me.
Fang: All thanks to my client. He's been after your soul for years now and now he wants it.
Voldemort: And just who is that suppose to be?
Fang: Oh just Lucifer Morningstar, the king of hell. Hehehe, did that help.
Voldemort now paled under the name of the demon king of the afterlife, he thought he could avoid Lucifer but it looks like he cannot.
Fang: Oh and if you are going to ask about how you cannot die, well hate to break the news to you Riddle but Lucifer tasked me to not only hunt you down but also hunt down your horcruxes and one by one I destroyed each of them. I am pretty sure you know what that means don't you.
Voldemort: THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE?!!!
Fang: Maybe for you but not me. Now than I think we had enough talking for one day so do me a favor and drop dead you son of bitch.
Voldemort gets shot with the gun that Fang hand on him and soon the so called dark lord looks to see his whole body vanishing into light particles and while almost being completely gone, Voldemort yelled out one last time.
Voldermort: WHO ARE YOU?!!!!
Fang: I am your worse nightmare. I am Fang Hunter and your demise.
Voldemort: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
Fang watches Voldemort die and his soul being sent directly to Hell where Lucifer is waiting for him. Fang smirked that his job was completed and that the Potter family were alive and well along with baby Harry who did not die this night. Lily saw what happened from outside the window and she gasped in shock that the dark lord was gone forever all thanks to her savior who protected her son and herself. Fang turned and saw Lily inside and waved that everything was all right and safe. Lily offered Fang inside while her husband rested on the couch after being stunned.
Lily: Is he gone.
Fang: Yes he is gone, he can no longer return or bring harm to others.
Lily: I was so scared, I thought I was going to loose Harry forever.
Fang: Well your not. I could imagined what your son will be like without his mother and father by his side. Nobody deserves to be separated from their parents.
Lily: Thank you, but who are you?
Fang: My name is Fang Hunter, I was sent to kill Voldemort.
Lily: Who sent you?
Fang: That is complicated but know this I am not your enemy, I was only doing my job. My client was after Voldemort for years and he tasked me to hunt him down and destroy him.
Lily: Well whoever you work for, has to be important. But I still thank you for saving me and Harry here.(Lily saids while Harry smiles at Fang)
Fang: Hehehe cute little guy aren't you.
Harry(Baby): Giggle!
Fang: As much I want to stick around, I must get back. My client is waiting for me and I must report back to him. Take good care of your son, he destined for great things in the future and give him the life he needs.
Lily: I will.
Fang: Oh one more thing if any wizards ask that are friends of yours give them this. It's from my client. It will explain the details on what was going on in your world.(Fang saids and gives Lily an envelope with a letter inside)
Lily: I will see to it.
Fang: Good, farewell miss Lily Potter, and you too little Harry.
Harry(Baby): B...b.....bye....F.....f...Fang.
Lily: GASP! My babies first words!
Fang: Hehehe, so long Harry. We might see each other again.
Fang smiles then leaved Godric's Hollow to finish his job and that is hunting down all of Voldemorts allies. It took Fang about the whole night to hunt down and beat the living crap out of every dark wizard and have them be taken into wizard custody, many wizards asked how every dark wizard was captured but there was no note no signs nothing, because Fang didn't want to leave anything of himself known he simply dropped the dark wizards off somewhere so that the wizard of the authorities can take them to Azkaban. Once his tasked was completed Fang opened a portal back to hell and headed to Lucifer to see the results.
Fang: Greetings, Lucifer.
Lucifer: Fang! My boy you finally did it.
Fang: That I did sir, so where is the son of bitch now?
Lucifer: Right here! I even got him this cute little pen to play in.
Fang: Wait pen, what do you..........what the hell? Wait is that.....?
Lucifer: YUP! I turned the sucker into my little snake pet.(Baby voice) Ain't that right my little snaky boo.
Voldemort(Snake): HISSS!!!!
Lucifer: Aww how cute!
Fang: Wow, this is better than what you did to Vaatu.
Lucifer: Yea, and I am proud of it.
Fang: Will he be like this forever?
Lucifer: Absolutely! He lost all of his powers after you killed him and I decided to have him as my pet.
Fang: Well good like having him as your pet. See you never Voldey.
Voldemort(Snake): HISSS!!!!! HISSSS?!!!!
Fang: Sorry I don't speak snake.
After collecting his payment from Lucifer, Fang headed back home where he spotted Lute in the dinning room and sitting next to her was a full awaken Danni Phantom who looked sad while having some tea to calm her down after what she has been through. Fang saw the poor girl in tears meaning she knows what happened to her as well as her family.
Danni: 😢sniff.....😢sniff......
Fang(Whisper): How long has she been like this?
Lute(Whisper): After she woke up, she looked confused on where she was until I told her everything of where she was and how she got here. I told her what has happened to her after what you told me and after words she hasn't said a word since, I been keeping her calm ever since until you got back.
Fang: Hey.
Danni looked up and met Fang's eyes but then looked back down in sadness. Fang knee down to meet with Danni's eyes once more and he placed his hand onto hers to get her attention.
Fang: My name is Fang, I was the one who found you and saved you from those awful people who took everything from you.
Fang: I understand what you are going through trust me I know. I been in the same situation. I too have lost my family and I died at the hands of those who were deceived by lies. I too was alone and lost but I pulled through and made friends here who gave me a better life. I know this is a lot to take in, but I want to help you Danni. I really do.
Danni didn't say anything just burst out more tears and hugged Fang where he hugged her back and Lute patted the girls back to calm her as well. Fang wasn't going to let Danni be like this, he will help her and he will make sure nothing happens to her.
Fang: It's ok, let it all out.
Danni: I...I...😢sniff...I DON'T WANT TO BE ALONE!!!!!
Fang: You're not going to be, I will keep you safe. I made a promise that I would.
Danni: I...I missed them so much.....
Fang: I know you do but something tells me that they do not want you to be like this. They want you to keep on going.
Danni: I don't know if I can....
Fang: You will, I will see it done. Anything you need, you can tell me.
Danni: 😢 promise to never leave me....
Fang: I promise. And I can't leave you in the ghost zone with your enemies who knows what they would have done to you. So I decided to take you back with me.
Lute: And he will help you adjust just like how he doing with me.
Danni: I....thank you.
Fang: My pleasure. Hows about I cook something up after what you been through you could use some food in your belly.
Danni: S..sure. I am very hungry.
Fang smiled and went to cook up food for him, Lute and Danni. After cooking up a lot of food since Danni needs to eat a lot to keep up her strength, she thanked Fang and began to eat which she enjoyed the taste of real food for so long and it was delicious. She kept on eating until her stomach was full. After words Fang allowed her to shower while he and Lute clean up. Danni smiled and headed into the bathroom and showered to get cleaned up and smell better. Lute allowed her to borrow some clothes to change into until Fang designs some clothes for Danni to wear. Soon it was time for bed, Fang finished in the bathroom and got into bed with Lute but he looked at Danni who wore a black shirt and was rubbing her arm and looking shy.
Fang: Come on Danni, we got room.
Danni: Are...are you sure?
Fang: I don't mind, really.
Lute: His fur is soft and warm. Makes a great pillow to sleep on.
Without saying a word, Danni smiled and headed to bed where she cuddled up to Fang where the HellWolf held her close that made the ghost girl blush but smiled and feeling the soft fur next to her. She then closes her eyes along with Lute who both drifted to slumber.
Fang: Good night girls.
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