Chapter 25: Aiding a Fallen!

Fang was in his room meditating on his new powers that he got from killing the demon lord during a suppose mission from Lucifer in which he has been trying to tap into the god like powers that he was suppose to get like the orb just said he would but sadly nothing happened yet. Fang spent his time solving the secrets on how to unlock this power and it could help even the odds against Adam and his controlled exorcists. Ever since Tiki and Plagg told him about what Adam did in how he corrupted all of heaven and captured God himself, the HellWolf knew that Adam needed to be stopped though he also needs to find a way to free the souls who became Adam's loyal servants.

Fang: Sigh...still nothing. Man, who would of guessed unlocking god like powers would be this hard to crack. I think this has to go somewhere deep within in order for the powers to kick in.

BUZZ! BUZZ!(Fang's phone buzzing)

Fang stopped what he was doing and looked to see he got a message from someone and it was Octavia. It's been a while since both Fang and Octavia talked or hang out with other. Fang opened the text messages and texted to see how Octavia is doing.

Fang(Text): Hey Via, hows it going?

Octavia(Text): so great I afraid...😑

Fang(Text): Whats going on?

Octavia(Text): Oh the usual, dad is hardly spending time with me and ever since he and mom split things got really boring here recently.

Fang(Text): That's Stolas for you. know why don't you and I spend some time together just the two of us. I got nothing to do and I just finished a nice relaxing meditation.

Octavia(Text): Really!....I mean sure I would love to spend time together. What do you have in mind?

Fang(Text): It's a area that I found in the human world, it's where I go to relax and to get away from everything. I am sure you will like it.

Octavia(Text): Well if it will help me get rid of my boredom then I will go.

Fang(Text): All right I will pick you up at your place, I'll freshen up and be on my way.

Octavia(Text): I will be waiting for you.

After Fang ended the text with Octavia, he went to get ready for the day. He decided to changed up his look since he wore the same thing for months now. He wore a long sleeve shirt with black pants and a star like belt. When finished he opened a portal that allow him to take him to another part of Hell using his magic that he mastered last month. He arrived at the location of where Octavia lives and he must admit the mansion was not half bad.

Fang: Not that bad of a place. Stolas really does know how to live a royalty life here in hell. I think I should definitely make myself a mansion, one that I can have my girls live in together once everything settles down of course.

Fang while admiring the mansion and its garden looked to see the front door open and out came Octavia who smiled seeing Fang waiting for her but blushed at how handsome he looked in his outfit. Octavia walked down the steps and greeted the HellWolf with a sweet smile.

Octavia: H...hi Fang...

Fang: Hey Via. You ready to spend time together.

Octavia: Yea. Here I brought my dads grimoire.

Fang: I don't think we need that Via, you forget I have a magical ring that will allows us to enter the human world.

Octavia: Fuck...I forgot that you had that. Mind waiting here while I put the grimoire back.

Fang: Take your time, there's no rush.

Octavia: Thanks.

Octavia soon came back out after putting away her dads book. Fang using his magical ring, opened a portal to the human world and took Octavia's hand that cause her to blush more without Fang knowing. Truth is Octavia developed a huge crush on Fang after getting to know him as well as being her friend along with Loona. Every night, Octavia always dreams about being with Fang and wants to feel loved. Once the two of them enter the human world, Octavia looks to see where she was and it was a sight that made her look upon the area in awe.

Octavia: Wow....

Fang: This is where I like to getaway from everything. It's peaceful and quiet just the way I like it. Not to mention it has this amazing view even when the stars are out.

Octavia: It''s beautiful.

Fang: Nothing like the site you saw back in Los Angeles right.

Octavia: No..this is more amazing to see.

Fang: I figured that you would like something like this so I decided to take you here to see the beauty around here.

Octavia: I am definitely taking pictures of this for Sinstagram.

Fang: Go right a head you deserve it.

After taking pictures of where they are, Fang took Octavia on a stroll around the forest area where Octavia saw the beauty of nature on Earth. She was amazed of how everything in earth's forest could be so breaking. Fang smile at seeing Octavia enjoying herself and thought about taking her to a secret hidden area that he only knows about.

Fang: Hey wanna see something more incredible. I discovered it last month, found within a cave.

Octavia: Sure.

Fang: It's going to be long walk so would mind if I carried you there and don't worry I wont drope you.

Octavia: Um.....s..sure.

Fang smiled and gently put Octavia in his muscular arms that cause the owl girl face to turn crimson as well as feeling the HellWolf's muscles that cause her heart to skip a beat. Octavia had to admit Fang was not like other guys she met in hell. He was full of compassion and kindness as well as having a strong back bone. Standing up to others and keeping those close to him safe and that is what Octavia likes about him. Fang along with Octavia in his arms headed towards the location of where the cave was and after using his super speed, they both arrived at the entrance to the cave.

Fang: You good Via?

Octavia: Yea, wow that

Fang: Hope I didn't make you uncomfortable.

Octavia: No I enjoyed it and thanks for not dropping me.

Fang: Your most welcome, come on I want to show you this.

The two headed inside the cave that was pitch black but thanks to their magic they lit up some fires to help them see in the dark. Fang took Octavia down below where he can show her the most magnificent site he has ever found and it will blow Octavia's mind. Walking down a couple more they came to a stop and Fang allowed to go inside the tunnel first in which she walked in and came upon the site that has never seen before.

Octavia: Oh my gosh......

Fang: I found this place when I first came here last month. It was the perfect place for me to relax and chill with no one bothering me. The crystals down here make an excellent light source. I was planing on taking Loona here and show her what I like to do when I am alone. What do you think Via?

Octavia: I have never in my life seen such wondrous. Fang this place is amazing! If only dad took me to a place like this and maybe I would finally be happy but you made it happen.

Fang: I kind of figure you could use some happiness in your life after everything you been through between you and your parents. I care about you Via, I really do. Your something special.

Octavia:(BA-DUMP!❤️) really mean that.

Fang: Of course I do.

Octavia: Fang...there is something I need to tell you.

Fang: What is it?

Octavia: Sigh...I...I have this huge crush on someone and I don't know if he would feel the same way about me.

Fang: I think I know who she's talking about.(Fang saids in thought with a smile on his face)

Octavia: When I first met him, he was kind, compassionate, treated me with love and friendship, he showed me that there is more to life. But after spending time with him and getting too know more about him, I couldn't stop thinking about him because I fell in love with him and I just hoped that he....MPH!

Octavia didn't get to finish her sentence as she was kissed on the lips by Fang who held her close to him. Octavia fur puffed up and her whole face turned crimson but after a few seconds she embraced the kiss and wrapped her arms around Fang's neck.

Fang: You don't need to say anything else Via because I knew you developed feelings for me and I was waiting until you were ready to say anything.

Octavia: You knew....

Fang: It wasn't that hard to figure out Buho.

Octavia: Buho?

Fang: Its a nickname I decided to give you. Via, your beautiful, strong, filled with such wonders that I would like spend the rest of my life with sure you may have your ups and downs but your not alone in it because I want to be there for you. Truth is I always liked you and as for your feelings I except them because I love you Via with all my heart and I will treat you the same way as I treat my other girlfriends with love and compassion.

Octavia couldn't believe the words she heard and it made her heart thump fast but not only that but she was filled with love and kindness that made the owl girl burst into tears of joy that she confessed to the one she loves and he loves her. Octavia hugged Fang and the two share another passionate kiss.

Octavia: I love you too.

Fang: I promise to never let anything happen to you Via. I give you my word.

Octavia: I know you will. I am so happy that I have you in my life now.

Fang: Same with you. Oh and it looks like it's about time.(Fang saids while checking his time on his phone)

Octavia: Time for what?

Fang: Trust me this is a moment that you have been waiting for years Via. Its about to happen soon, so might as well head to the spot to watch.

Octavia: Um ok?

Fang took Octavia out of the cave but not before taking pictures for Sinstagram. He took her to the cliff side where thousands of stars were showing in the night sky that made Octavia look upon the sky in awe and it reminded her of the stories that her dad told her about.

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Octavia: Oh wow.....

Fang: I know right, back when my parents were alive my mother use to take me out at night to watch the stars in the sky. It was so breathtaking that every time I look upon the stars I start to remember the good times I had with my mother.

Octavia: You miss her don't you.

Fang: Always, she was a remarkable woman and I am sure that you and the girls would loved her and she would love to meet something like you Via.

Octavia: If only my mother was like that.

Fang: I guess being royalty has it flares. I am sure some day your mother would change and be a better person, she just needs to get over obsession of being royalty and forget about what Stolas did otherwise she will loose her way.

Octavia: You really think she could change?

Fang: Its a possibility. We might never know unless it happens.

Octavia: I am happy that I have something like you. You have a way with words Lobo.

Fang: Lobo?

Octavia: It means wolf in Spanish.

Fang: Ohh.

Octavia: Hehehe I figure since you gave me a nickname I should give you one.

Fang: At least its better what the girls called me.

Octavia: What would that be?

Fang: If I say it your gonna keep calling me it just like them.

Octavia: I am so gonna text Loona about what her and the girls call him.(Octavia saids in thought with a smirk)

Fang: Hey you remember the day you went to Los Angeles where you wanted to see the meteor shower.

Octavia: Sigh..yea unfortunately it didn't went so well but I did enjoy seeing the moon out as well as those fire works. Why you ask?

Fang: Look up into the sky and tell me what you see before your very own eyes.

Octavia looked up into the sky and just saw the stars but then all of sudden her eyes widen of what she saw next and she couldn't believe what she thought she couldn't see again since she was a child and it was the meteor shower or in her words the Azathoth's tears.

Octavia: GASP!

Fang: Turns out the meteor shower was scheduled to be shown on this month not the month of when you went to Los Angles. You got the months mixed up.

Octavia: 😢sniff.....

Fang: Via?

Octavia: Azathoth's tears, I finally get to see them again.

Fang: Is this your greatest moment.

Octavia: Oh Fang it is the greatest thank you!(Octavia saids with tears while hugging Fang)

Fang: Your welcome. Next time the meteor shower appears again I will let you know.

Octavia: I will be listening when you get informed. is just like the tears that dad showed me when I was little. To see them again it brings joy to my heart.

Fang: Yea.

Octavia: I love you so much Fang.

Fang: I love you too Via.

Both shared another kiss until Octavia saw something down below and it looked like smoke that was coming from the forest floor.

Octavia: Hey whats that down there? Is it a forest fire?

Fang: Oh no that is another thing I found, come on I will show you.

Fang took Octavia back to the forest and when they arrived at the site of where the smoke was coming from, the female owl looked upon of seeing a small pool with steam coming out of it which Fang smiled at seeing his favorite spot in the forest.

Octavia: What is this?

Fang: That Via is a spring, a hot spring. It's a heated pool where I like to bath and relax while watching the stars. It's both relaxing and soothing. And the temperature is exactly the same the last time I came here.

Octavia: A bath....

Fang: The water helps relax my muscles and its good for the skin.

While Fang was going on telling about the springs Octavia smirked and decided to try out the springs so she stripped off her clothes and got completely naked and when she dip her foot into the water she felt the warm soothing part that Fang mentioned and when she was fully in the pool she couldn't believe it herself that the hot spring was absolutely fantastic.

Fang: I was thinking of having a small party here with good friends of mine back in hell and....whoah.(Fang saids then stops at seeing Octavia in the spring wearing nothing)

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Octavia: Hehehe like what you see Lobo? You were right about one thing the springs are amazing and the warm water feels great.

Fang: Wow she looks even more beautiful then before especially when the moons out.(Fang saids in thought while blushing a little)

Octavia: Would you care to join me darling.

Fang: You don't have tell me twice. Though I will change into my human like form, don't want to smell like wet dog.

Fang changes into his human form while keeping his wolfish ears and tail out. He then began to strip off his clothes that made Octavia blush more and nose bleed when she saw her boyfriend's ripped body and ten pack.

Octavia: Oh my Satan I need him now!!!!❤️(Octavia saids in thought)

When got into the spring with Octavia she moved close to him and Fang held her towards his body. The two looked into each other eyes and smiled until they both kissed that soon turned into a full make out when Octavia moaned when Fang was kissing her good spots.

Octavia: I want you Fang.

Fang: Are you sure?

Octavia: Yes, I need you inside me. I want you to take now.

Fang: Never seen this side of you Via.

Octavia: I been waiting for this moment since I first met you. Make love to me Fang, take me as your woman.

Fang: I will do more than than.

🍋Lemon Alert!🍋

Fang carried Octavia to the edge of the spring and sat her down on the stones and had her legs spread. Without knowing Octavia gasp of seeing Fang starting to lick her lower half that was making her moan in pleasure.

Octavia: Moan~....F..Fang oh my this...oh my gosh....keep doing that.

Fang continued to eat out Octavia that was making her fur puff up as well as causing to become more hot as well as wet down below. Octavia went on moaning as well as feeling Fang's tongue and fingers penetrate her.

Octavia: YES! Oh yes more stick that tongue in me more!❤️

Fang: Your juices are delicious love.

Octavia: Path...path...try my breasts they are even better.

Fang grabbed Octavia's breasts and squeezed them that made her moan but then felt her lower half get fingered more as well as her breasts being sucked by Fang.

Octavia: Yes yes yes yes! Oh my satan this feeling feels so good!!!

Fang continued with the fingering and the breasts sucking until Octavia was almost at her limit.

Octavia: Fang! I'm gonna....I'm gonna cum!!!

Fang: Then cum you shall my princess.

Octavia: OH SATAN!!!!!

Octavia came on Fang's fingers and her breasts milk leaked out which Fang licked up that caused Octavia to moan again and smile.


Fang: Seems like you want more.

Octavia: Yes..I want the main course. I want you inside me Fang I want you to fuck me rough and hard.

Fang: As you wish princess.

Octavia turned around and pushed her ass up and showed Fang where to enter. Once Fang centered his man hood near Octavia's lower half, he slower pushed it into her that caused Octavia to gasp in shock as well as pleasure.

Octavia: IT'S SO BIG!!!!❤️ ❤️ ❤️

Fang: Argh..your so tight Via.

Octavia: I feel you inside me and it hurt a little but now it feels amazing! You can start now darling. Make me a woman.

Fang started to thrust in and out of Octavia that was making the demon owl moan in pleasure and lust. He tongue was sticking out as well as drooling of having her virginity being taken by her true love.

Octavia: Oh oh oh oh yea!!! Fuck me darling fuck me harder and deeper!!!❤️

Fang: Yes ma'am!!!

Octavia: Yes yes yes it feel soo good!!! Your man hood is hitting the right spot!!!

Fang flipped Octavia over and the two made out while Octavia was being penetrated and fucked for life. Fang then went back to sucking her breasts while she was screaming in pure pleasure and asking for more. She then felt her ass being spanked that made her moan again.


Octavia: OOH!~


Octavia: Yes spank that ass of mine make me your bitch!!!


Octavia: OH FANG I LOVE YOU!!!

Fang: I love you too!!!

Octavia: Oh my gosh I think I'm gonna cum!!!

Fang: Me too!!!

Octavia: Thrust more into me!!! Make me cum again sweetie!!!

Fang(Demonic): OH I WILL OH I WILL!

Octavia: I'm cumming! I'm cumming!

Fang: SAME HERE!!!

Fang thrust deeper into Octavia until she started to feel something coming into her lower half and Fang knew it what it was.

Fang: VIA I'M?!!!

Octavia: Inside me cum inside me!!! I want it all in me babe!

Fang: VIA!!!!


Fang came inside Octavia and there was a lot of seamen inside of her until it started to leak out of her while she was smiling and moaning that she lost her virginity and it felt amazing especially since it was Fang.

Octavia: Path...path...path...oh my gosh....I can't go on....

Fang: Path...damn...

Octavia: wow...that just...oh my gosh wow that was intense.

Fang: Tell me about it.

Lemon End!

After both have confessed their love for each other and had wild sex, the two of them bathed in the springs a little longer and kissed each other once more before starting to feel the heat getting to them. They got out and dressed though Octavia legs were feeling a little numb which was worth it because she had her first with Fang and it was the best first sex she has ever had.

Octavia: Thanks for carrying me babe.

Fang: Hey no problem, sorry if I went a little over board.

Octavia: Hehehe it's all right though it was worth it. Thanks for being my first and thanks for giving me a great time. I enjoyed every moment of it.

Fang: I am happy that you enjoyed yourself love. What do you wanna do now?

Octavia: I am feeling a little bit tired right now and I need to rest my legs.

Fang: All right, I will open up a portal to back to hell.

Fang opened up a portal to hell and once back home, he took Octavia to her home and decided to climb up to her bedroom window and have her place onto her bed so she can get her rest. Fang smiled seeing his new girlfriend sleeping peacefully in her bed and gave her a kiss on the forehead that made the female owl smile before drifting off to sleep.

Fang: Sleep well Via. See you another day.

Octavia(Sleepy): G..good night...p...puppy...f...face..

Fang: OH YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!!!!(Fang saids in thought while annoyed)

Fang: She texted the girls about the nickname, sigh had to figured. I swear I am going to get back at them one way or another.

Fang soon left the mansion and headed into town to take a nice walk before heading home. While he was walking down the street minding his own business, all of sudden his nose was picking up something near by and it smelled familiar to him like he knows this scent. Fang ran down the street to find the source until he came upon an alleyway as well as some crumbled buildings and when he was close he looked to see and couldn't believe his eyes. It was the angel that he met during the meeting with Charlie and Adam. He saw Lute whose arm was trapped in ruble as well as bleeding from scars on her face and her mask destroyed.

Fang: Lute!

Lute: F..Fang...?

Fang: What are you doing here? What the hell happened to you?

Lute: Argh....Adam.....he...he....arghh!!!

Fang: Don't move, I will get you out of there.

Fang using his incredible strength lifted the ruble off Lute and held her up but looked to see that her arm was crushed and so many scars on her body. Fang wanted to know what happened and why Lute doing in hell.

Fang: How did you end up like this?

Lute: Adam...found out what I was...he..he and his minions the exorcists attacked me and tried to kill me and cut off my wings but I was able to escape but not before Adam shot his holly light at me and I ended up down here. He thinks I'm dead now.

Fang: Son of bitch. Best you come with me, I will treat your injuries and fix your arm and you tell me about the whole situation.

Lute: Argh..I don't think I can move.

Fang: Then I will have to carry you myself.

Fang scooped Lute into his arms and held her close and then Fang used his super speed to run back to the penthouse avoiding anyone seeing him holding an angel. When he arrived back in the penthouse he put down Lute and began to heal her with his healing magic. He started off with the scars followed by repairing Lute's shattered arm that took at least an hour to fix. When now fully healed Lute went on to inform Fang of what happened.

Lute: Fang, what I am about to tell you is something was kept secret from Heaven, nobody else knowns this except for a few people I know.

Fang: Lute if your talking about how Adam is the manipulator of man kind, the one who corrupted all of heaven, started the wars back on earth as well as get into the minds of the innocents I know already.

Lute: Huh?

Fang: I know everything Lute especially the information of you being a spy for Adam thinking that you are working for me but in reality your finding a way to stop him. Not to mention he tricked his way into heaven thinking he was a good soul which he is not.

Lute: Wait you know, how?

Fang: Do the names Tiki and Plagg, kwami's of creation and destruction ring any bells to you.

Lute: I knew those two for years! How do you know about them and they told you about what Adam did.

Fang: They did, also how I know them is because my sister figure back on earth is the guardian of the miraculous. They told me everything that has happened with Adam and how he destroyed the world that the creators of this universe have done.

Lute: You know about the creators of the universe?

Fang: Only what Tiki and Plagg told me, never really met them in person.

Lute: So you know that Adam is not to be trusted and needs to be stopped.

Fang: Yes which I plan to kill the asshole for making a fool out of Charlie. Tell me did you or did you not kill those sinners during extermination.

Lute: I lied about that. I lied so I can gain Adam's trust. I'm still pissed off of what he did to Vaggie.

Fang: Were you two close?

Lute: We were like sisters and after finding out that she spared a sinner and saw the error of her ways, I went to find her only to find Adam holding her halo and her wings. I was starting to think that she died.

Fang: She's alive and well, she's living in the hotel with Charlie. Charlie knows about what Vaggie did in the past and forgave her.

Lute: Sigh..thats good that she's all right. I don't understand why God let Adam stay in heaven after all he has done.

Fang: Well thats because your God is a fake, created by Adam to fool everyone in heaven while the real God is imprisoned inside a magical box that Adam had to trap God inside and take over heaven.

Lute: WHAT?!!!!

Fang: Wait you didn't know about that?

Lute: No! All this time the God in heaven was a fake all these years and the real God is trapped inside a magic box. Argh...when I see Adam again I going to kill him!!!

Fang: Same here. Tiki and Plagg told me that there are people in heaven who know the truth. Emily and St.Peter.

Lute: Yea they knew for a long time but kept quiet to avoid being discovered. I thought I could avoid Adam from finding out but I was too late when his minions the exorcist who were innocent souls who were hypnotized by Adam ambushed me and found out some hidden secrets but not all of them since I kept the rest to myself.

Fang: Hypnotized? Thats how Adam is controlling the exorcists?

Lute: Yes. Unlike me I didn't fall for his tricks and lied myself into his group to keep tabs on how to kill him and what his plans are.

Fang: What about this Sera? Does she know?

Lute: No she doesn't, as a matter of fact she allowed Adam and the exorcist to kill the sinners due too over population thinking sinners were rising against heaven.

Fang: WHAT?!!! You mean that angel in heaven allowed Adam to kill sinners in hell just for believing in a fake rumor.

Lute: Yea and she bought it quickly. The only one who is smart enough to know the truth is her sister Emily. She should have been in charge instead of Sera.

Fang: Great not only do I have to be aware of Adam but I also have to be aware but also this Sera. Tell me something Lute, do you believe it is possible for a demon to get redeemed give me an honest question.

Lute: I wouldn't know. It's never happened before but it could be a possibility. That if the princess of hell hotel works.

Fang: Right. Do you have a place to stay since you can't go back to heaven since Adam will find you alive and try to kill you.

Lute: No...

Fang: Well you can stay with me I got plenty of room here.

Lute: You will let me stay with you.

Fang: Of course I will, I can't just leave out there with those sinners going completely nuts and who knows what they will do to you if they saw an angel in hell.

Lute: I might as be a fallen angel since I can't go back to heaven. I can't trust Sera anymore because she's someone I can no longer follow.

Fang: Then it's settled. You can stay with me and while here I will make some new clothes for you since your only outfit that you are wearing is pretty much torn up.

Lute: Yea. Never like the uniform anyway.

Fang: Why don't you go freshen up in the shower while I make you some new clothes.

Lute: How are gonna make me clothes?

Fang: Magic of course, it's how I made the outfit I am wearing now.

Lute: Oh. All right. I won't be long.

Fang: Hey take as much time as you need. You deserve to relax after the shit you been through.

Lute: I....thanks Fang.(Lute saids while blushing)

Fang: Sure thing.

Lute goes into the bathroom and strips off her clothes and hops in the shower and relax and it felt great to be cleaned and while in the shower she thought of Fang and how kind he was to her and it making her heart skip of beat because when she first met him, he was so generous to her as well as called her beautiful which caused to blush. After the shower, she found some new under garments and a new shirt to wear as pajamas. Lute smiled and put on the clothes and came out to see Fang in his human like form but with his wolf ears and tail sticking out.

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Fang: Wow.

Lute: What?

Fang: You look absolutely gorgeous well for an angel.


Fang: Mhm. Come on let's get some sleep.

Lute: You want me to sleep with you?

Fang: Well sure I don't mind, there's plenty of room because no way I'm letting you sleep on the couch.

Lute: Oh all right.

Once in bed Lute cuddle up to Fang and felt his muscles as well as his ten pack that made Lute blush crimson but shrugged it off and smiled at Fang.

Lute: Good night Fang.

Fang: Night Lute, if you need anything just let me know.

Lute: Sure, by the way here a little something for being nice to me and giving me a place to stay.

Fang: What?

Lute: 💋 really are a nice guy.(Lute saids and kisses Fang on the cheek before going to sleep)

Fang: It's seems an earned yet another girl in my life and she's a total badass.

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