Chapter 22: The Confession!

Charlie and Vaggie were in their room sleeping peacefully but more than that, both of them were dreaming of a certain someone. And that certain someone happens to be Fang Hunter.

Charlie's Dream:

Charlie was in her bedroom getting a relaxing massage by a certain HellWolf who was wearing not shirt and was in his human form while showing off his wolf ears and tail. Charlie was on a table bed naked and was enjoying the pleasure of feeling Fang's touch.

Charlie: Sigh......ooh a little to the left...mmmm...yes that is the spot...❤️

Fang: I am pleased that you are enjoying yourself my princess, your beauty and kindness brings a warm feeling in my heart. It brings a smile that someone like you enjoys my massages.

Charlie: Oh don't know how long I wanted this but I think we should take things to the next level of our relationship.

Fang: I have read your mind my dear Charlie.

Charlie: Take me handsome wolf, make me yours.

Fang: Charlie.

Charlie: Oh Fang make sweet hellish love to me!

Fang: As you wish m'lady.

Charlie: Ooooh Fang!!!❤️

Vaggie's Dream:

Vaggie was being pinned down by Adam who was about to shove his weapon near Vaggie's throat and end her life.

Adam: Time to die bitch! No one can save you now hahahaha!

Vaggie: It can't end like this.......

Adam was about to deliver the blow to Vaggie when all of sudden a large fist with claws rammed through Adam's chest and out came his heart and lots of blood. Adam turned around and the last thing he saw was his head being bitten off and ripped to pieces. Vaggie saw what happened and looked to see her savior.

Fang: Nobody messes with my Vaggie. I told you one day Adam that I would cut out your heart.

Vaggie: Fang!

Vaggie gets up and engulfs Fang into a hug where he hugged back and the two of them looked into each others eyes for a minute until Vaggie smashed her lips to Fang's and the both of them were in heat.

Vaggie: You deserve a much better award for saving me.~

Fang: I will except any awkward from you my warrior of hell.

Vaggie pushed Fang to the ground and ripped off her clothes and his and both had a full on make out session until Vaggie wanted more.

Vaggie: Take me right now, I want to feel you inside of me.

Fang: For you I will do anything.

Vaggie: OOOHH YESS!!!!❤️

End of Dreams

As soon as the dreams end both Charlie and Vaggie's eyes shot up and both of them screamed of what they just dreamt about that caused the girls to blushed crimson red and sweat a lot.


Charlie: Path...path...Vaggie please tell me you didn't have the same dream as me...

Vaggie: I..I don't know though I think mine was different.....why what was yours about?

Charlie: Um...this might sound bizarre and please don't be upset but I was having a dream about was nice at first but got so hot and I didn't know what happened after.

Vaggie:.....uh....not gonna lie but I had dream about him as well...

Charlie: Wait you dreamt about Fang too! What was your dream about?

Vaggie: He killed an angel in order to save my life and then you know.

Charlie: Vaggie, let's be honest with each other because I been getting these thoughts and dreams for a while now and well do you think we might have feelings for Fang.

Vaggie: You mean like romantic feelings?

Charlie: Mhm...

Vaggie: Well...Fang is a nice guy and he knows how to treat girls with respect and he did looked handsome as a human...and the way he's been treating us makes me think that he is something special. I still love the spear he gave me and ever since we started to get to know him more I just don't know what to do.

Charlie: Me neither but I agree with you about one thing, Fang is always there for us when we need him the most and he likes my idea of redemption for demons. Ever since we met, he's been nothing but honest with us and offered to help with the hotel and it brought happiness to my heart.

Vaggie: And he's not like other men, I mean I despise men but for Fang he is different from the others and grew up mature which is good in my book.

Charlie: Not to mention how amazing he looks when he is in human form..those eyes..

Vaggie: That smoothing voice...

Charlie: Those muscles....

Charlie and Vaggie: What a guy......eep?!(Both said then closed their mouths of what both of them just said)

Charlie: Where the hell did that come from?!

Vaggie: Okay maybe some breakfast would help babe.

Charlie: Yea breakfast sounds good.

Vaggie: I'll make the coffee.

Charlie: I'll take two sugars please.

Vaggie: Hehehe sure babe.

As soon as Charlie and Vaggie got dressed and cleaned after a shower, both of them headed down to the kitchen where they saw Angel along with Husker, Nifty, Alastor, Alice, and Sir Pentious eating breakfast in which the girls looked to see a full table filled with delicious food.

Angel: Well good morning you two enjoyed your night?

Charlie: Wow! Who made all of this, it looks so good!

Vaggie: You didn't make this didn't you Alastor?

Alastor: Oh no my dear, by the time we got down to the kitchen the food was already prepared. Must admit this is truly a delicious breakfast that I had ever had the pleasure of eating.

Vaggie: At least he's not eating a dead animal corps.(Vaggie saids in thought)

Alice: Indeed brother, who ever made these pancakes are truly wonderful. It brings a smile to my face. Mmmm.

Husker: The meat is well cooked and the coffee is just right just the way I like it.

Nifty: SO YUMMY!(Nifty saids while eating the food)

Sir Pentious: Sigh...the tea is refreshing though I am pleased that whoever made such a charming breakfast I have to give him or her credit though thank goodness none of my egg's were turned into omelettes.

Vaggie: Hey there's a note.(Vaggie saids and see's a note on the fridge)

Charlie: It saids, thought you guys could use some good food for breakfast. I stopped by for a while to make this food for all of you until I was getting ready to go out somewhere. Hope you all enjoy and I will be back later on, Fang Hunter. Ps, tell Pentious I didn't use his eggs because they would probably taste raw if eaten.

Vaggie: Wait..Fang made all of this?

Angel: Wow give the big bad wolf credit, he knows how to make awesome breakfast. I wonder if he does lunch and dinner.

Husker: Wolf got some skills in cooking I give him that.(Husker saids while drinking his coffee)

Alice: My darling wolf made these pancakes, oh I shall give him a little thank you when he returns.(Alice saids in thought)

Alastor: Hunter did an excellent job if I do say so myself.

Charlie: He did this for us....that is most sweetest thing he has ever done.(Charlie saids in thought)

Vaggie: Just by looking at this food in front of me..makes me wonder what else Fang can do besides being strong and using magic.(Vaggie saids in thought)

Angel: Hey are you two just gonna stand around daydreaming or are you gonna sit and eat.

Charlie and Vaggie sat down and ate the food and as soon as the food hit their tongues they were blessed with how amazing the food tasted and all their life they never had such a wonderful and delicious breakfast like this and they want to thank the one who made it for them. After breakfast was finished both Charlie and Vaggie went to talk alone and confess that they have sudden feelings for the HellWolf.

Charlie: Vaggie.

Vaggie: Yea?

Charlie: Tell me do you like Fang more than just a friend.

Vaggie: Where is this coming....

Charlie: Vaggie.

Vaggie: Sigh.....I may have started to developed feelings for him a while back but I never showed it because I was too embarrassed. What about you?

Charlie: Same thing...I never met anyone like him before and he makes me happy and I can tell he does the same for you.

Vaggie: He does.

Charlie: So we both agree that we are in love with him.

Vaggie: I guess so.

Charlie: Think we should tell him how we feel?

Vaggie: It's best to get it out of our systems.

Charlie: Then let's go see him.

Vaggie: Uh we don't even know where he lives babe.

Charlie: No, but we do know someone who does. A certain hellhound.

Charlie took out her phone and looked through the list until she found Loona's number in which Loona and Charlie as well as Vaggie exchanged numbers if they ever wanted to hangout with Fang some time. Charlie went to text Loona about where to find Fang's place until the hellhound texted back to Charlie with the street address and what floor Fang's penthouse room is located.

Charlie: Loona texted me the address and where Fang lives, now we know where to find him.

Vaggie: Wait Fang did say in the note that he is going somewhere, he probably isn't at his place.

Charlie: One way to find out

Charlie and Vaggie soon left the hotel and headed towards the place where Fang lives and once they arrived at the location, the girls took an elevator up to the top floor of the penthouse and once near the door of the place Charlie went to knock on Fang's door.

Knock! Knock!

Charlie: Hello? Fang, it's me and Vaggie. Hello?

Vaggie: See he's not home.

Charlie: I don't think Vaggie. You think you can pick the lock?

Vaggie: Now we are just breaking into somebody else's home.

Charlie: Please Vaggie.

Vaggie: Sigh..fine.

Vaggie picked the lock on the door that took nearly five minutes and when the door opened both of the girls headed inside and saw the place of where Fang lived.

Charlie: Wow, so this is where Fang lives.

Vaggie: Not bad of place, at least he keeps it clean unlike some people in the hotel.

Charlie: Hey Vaggie look at this!

Vaggie looks at what Charlie is seeing in which was a portal that leads to who knows where.

Vaggie: A portal?

Charlie: I think Fang opened it, come on let's go.

Vaggie: Whoah whoah you wanna go through a portal that could to lead to who knows where and whose to say whats on the other side is not safe and could get us both killed.

Charlie: Oh come on Vaggie, Fang will keep us safe if something bad happens.

Vaggie: I still don't know about this Charlie.

Charlie: Trust me on this Vaggie and I don't want to wait to tell Fang how both you and I feel about him could be our only chance.

Vaggie: Sigh...just don't wonder off, lets try to find Fang first.

Charlie: Oh thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

As soon as both Charlie and Vaggie entered the portal it closed, and now when the girls arrived to where they were they looked to see where Fang went in which was the human world and the location was Paris France.

Vaggie: Wait the human world? Why would Fang come here?

Charlie: look at this place its beautiful!

Vaggie: Wait I know this place, we're in Paris.

Charlie: Wait Paris, as in like the city of love or is it lights I couldn't tell which. I have heard stories about this place and to actually see it in person is so amazing!

Vaggie: It is beautiful. Though why did Fang come here is he on a mission or something?

Charlie: I don't think so this could be something else.

Vaggie: Wait hang on I think I see him, yea he's running across the rooftops.(Vaggie saids while seeing Fang)

Charlie: Come on let's follow him!

Charlie and Vaggie began to follow the HellWolf from building to building while also avoiding being seen by the humans which could cause a scene. After a while the girls stopped and looked to see Fang landing on top of a bakery roof which confused the girls on why Fang stopped at a bakery.

Charlie: Sniff..sniff....mmm what is that sweet smell?

Vaggie: I think its pastries babe, all bakeries have that scent.

Charlie: Whatever it is I like it.

What the heck are you two doing here?(A male voice saids from behind Vaggie and Charlie)

Charlie and Vaggie: DAH?!!!(Both screamed and looked to see Fang)

Charlie: Fang? Wait how did you? Where did you?

Fang: I teleported and sensed something was following me in which happens to be you two. How did you two get here?

Vaggie: You left a portal open in your place.

Fang: Knew I was forgetting something, wait how did you get in my penthouse.

Vaggie: Charlie asked me to pick the lock.

Fang: I'm definitely putting spells on that lock.

Charlie: We're sorry Fang, it's just we wanted to see you and thank you for the breakfast you made for us.

Fang: Well you're welcome, I am glad that you enjoyed it. Though something tells me there is something else isn't there.

Charlie: Uh well yea there is.....uh....Vaggie help me out here.

Vaggie: Fang you see well the thing is me and Charlie...we...we um....

Fang: You two okay?

Charlie: Oh totally! Hehehe totally fine.

Fang: You know I can sense your lying to me.

Vaggie: We can tell you some other time but why are you in the human world of all places?

Fang: I'm visiting someone, I made a promise to visit whenever I get the chance and now it's that time. She is someone very special to me and she's been like family to me ever since I lost my parents years ago.

Charlie: Who?

Fang: She was someone who stood by me during the whole Lila Rossi incident and was there the day I died here in Paris, I wanted to see her again and see hows she is doing.

Charlie: Oh so you are visiting someone that you know before you died. 

Vaggie: Wait so your not on a mission?

Fang: Not really no, I got no assignments from either my boss nor Lucifer so I am just enjoying my free time.

Charlie: If it is all right could we meet this special someone. Hope that is okay with you Fang.

Fang: I guess it wouldn't hurt since Loona met her already and the two got along famously. Though best to wear a human disguise to avoid attention. Here put these on.(Fang saids and hands the girls two rings)

Vaggie: What are these for?

Fang: These rings that I created myself will allow you to take on human forms. So you can blend into society. I working on making more for my team for IMP since Blitz, Moxxie, and Millie don't have human disguises. So go ahead girls try them out.

Both girls put on the rings and soon they were engulfed in a green glowing aura and after Fang looked to see Charlie and Vaggie as not as demons from hell but human begins while wearing their clothes that they had on the whole time.

Charlie: GASP! Oh my....I look...I look...I LOOK GORGEOUS!❤️ So this is what it feels like to be human.

Vaggie: Wow I haven't seen my human self in years.

Charlie: How do we look Fang?

Fang: You both look very beautiful, it's a good look for you.

Charlie and Vagge:(BA-DUMP!❤️)...he..he thinks we're beautiful.(Both said in thought while blushing)

Fang: Come on lets get going.

Fang held both Vaggie and Charlie in his arms and it caused the girls to turn red and their hearts beating faster and when they landed on top of the place where Fang was going to see the person he wanted to see, he changes into his human form and knocks on the skylight. After a while the skylight opens up and out came Marinette Dupain Cheng who looks to see Fang with a big smile on her face.

Marinette: FANG!(Marinette saids and engulfs Fang in a big hug)

Fang: Hehehe good to see you again Mari. How you been doing?

Marinette: I been good, though I still miss having you around here.

Fang: I know you do Mari, but I'm now and here to spend time with you as promise.

Marinette: Thats what I always wanted and don't worry my parents are out of town they wont be back in two days which means its just me.

Fang: I see, oh Mari I want you to meet some people, they are friends of mine from Hell and wanted to hangout with me. Marinette this Charlie Morningstar daughter of Lucifer and the princess of hell and her girlfriend Vaggie.

Marinette: So she's the princess that Tiki told me about, wow she's even more beautiful in person.(Marinette saids in thought while looking at Charlie)

Fang: Charlie, Vaggie, this is my sister figure Marinette Dupain Cheng. She's the girl who stood by me during the Rossi incident and both she and I became like siblings after her parents took me in after my parents died.

Marinette: It's lovely to meet the both of you. Anyone friends with Fang is a friend of mine even if either of them are from the afterlife. My name is Marinette by you can call me Mari for short.(Marinette saids with a sweet smile)

Charlie: YOU'RE SO CUTE!!!!!❤️❤️ (Charlie saids and engulfs Marinette in a tight hug)

Marinette: OOF!

Vaggie: She looks familiar like I seen her before but where though.(Vaggie saids in thought)

Charlie: It's lovely to meet one of Fang's friends who happens to be a sister figure to him. My name is Charlie Morningstar Princess of Hell but you can just call me Charlie.

Vaggie: Vaggie nice to meet you Mari.

Marinette: Likewise. Are you two Fang's other girlfriends since he told me he has more than one girlfriend back in the afterlife.

Charlie and Vaggie: Um......well.....

Marinette: Wait I know those looks, they are trying waiting to confess their love for Fang they remind me of myself when I confessed to Luka.(Marinette saids in thought)

Fang: So whats been going on after I left?

Marinette: Well for one thing the Agreste mansion was sold and is now being turned into a home for orphan children.

Vaggie: Wait Agreste as in like Gabriel Agreste.

Charlie: You know who that is Vaggie?

Vaggie: He was famous fashion designer in the human world though lost his wife long ago though no one knows what happened to him after words.

Marinette: They don't know Fang?

Fang: I never told them, the only ones who know are the guys I work for IMP and Emilee.

Charlie: Tell us what?

Fang: Best to talk about this inside its a long story and it must stay between us understood.

Charlie: Oh of course no problem.

Inside now Marinette's bedroom both her and Fang told Charlie and Vaggie everything about the miraculous, the superheroes, the villain aka HawkMoth also known as Gabriel Agreste, the Akuma's, the battles that were fought as well as Marinette being the leader Ladybug of the miraculous team and how Fang killed Gabriel for the madman he has become along with his assistant Natalie who used the miraculous of the butterfly and peacock to terrorized all of Paris to get the miraculous of creation and destruction that could grant a wish when merged together but comes at a terrible price meaning all of reality will be destroyed and many lives will be killed. Marinette and Fang showed the girls videos of what HawkMoth did when he uses his Akuma's on human beings that made Charlie gasped in shock and fear but also hatred as did Vaggie.

Fang: And thats practically it girls.

Vaggie: Okay how the fuck did we not know about these things?

Charlie: I heard about lots of magical items but I never heard of these miraculous. I wonder if my dad knows about them.

Vaggie: Was Mr.Agreste out of his mind, if his former wife died why didn't he move on with his life?

Fang: I was thinking the same thing but he let lust for power corrupt his mind. Kind of reminds me of a curtain someone.

Charlie: Marinette, these things these Akuma's do they really turn people into slaves caused by your enemy.

Marinette: Yes they become HawkMoths slaves caused by their negative emotions. You see when HawkMoth senses a negative emotion he sends out his Akuma and it lands on a object that a civilian has and HawkMoth offerers them something but they have to do something in return for himself.

Vaggie: Your miraculous.

Marinette: Yes. But now that he is gone for good Paris is finally at peace thanks to Fang.

Charlie: Can anyone use a miraculous?

Fang: Only those of the living Charlie, us beings from either heaven or hell cannot use them.

Vaggie: That's a relief.

Charlie: I still think its sick that awful man did those horrible things to innocent people, I don't think he deserves to be redeemed as well as that Rossi girl.

Fang: Charlie here is working on a plan to get demons redeemed to avoid the extermination which we got one at the hotel she created known as Hazbin Hotel.

Marinette: Hows that coming along and whats the extermination?

Charlie: It's a slow progress but I am sure we can find some sinners who want to be redeemed.

Vaggie: The extermination is when heavens most deadliest angels known as the exorcist lead by an asshole who come down to hell to exterminate sinners and demons a like due to overpopulation.

Marinette: What? How could they do something so horrible?

Fang: Heaven is full of corruption Marinette don't know why in which I still need answers about. The extermination happens once every year and now the next one is coming in six months.

Marinette: Six months then that means...

Fang: Yea all hell is gonna break loose but I will not let some asshole who thinks he's great harm those I care about and I will destroy those who follow him.

Marinette: This angel sounds like bad news.

Charlie/Fang/Vaggie: He is.

Charlie: I tried to convince him about my plan but he's a total asshole who doesn't care about others and not to mentioned he's a huge jerk.

Marinette: I can probably already imagined it.

Fang: Like to change to the subject now, so how the Kwami's doing it's been a while since I spoke to Tiki.

Marinette: They are doing just fine Fang and Tiki would love to see you again.

Charlie: I am sorry to interrupt but what is a Kwami and who is Tiki?

Fang: Kwami's are tiny beings that existed since dawn of time and before mankind was ever created. They are centuries old and they were created the same time as the miraculous were created. Each Kwami has unique abilities and they help the holders of the miraculous become what they are.

Charlie: Are they older than the angels?

Fang: Much older. Why don't you bring Tiki out so they will know Mari.

Marinette: Sure, Tiki, Plagg you come out now!

Soon Charlie and Vaggie looked to see two small creatures coming out of hiding and when Charlie saw them she couldn't help stare at the most cutest creatures she has ever laid eyes upon.

Tiki: You called Marinette. Hm? Fang you're back!(Tiki saids and flies over to Fang to give him a hug on the cheek)

Fang: Nice to see you too Tiki. Hey there Plagg been a while.

Plagg: Sup wolfboy, heard what happened to you sorry for what those idiots did.

Fang: Thanks for your concern Plagg.

Tiki: Oh I see you brought friends with you. Wait I know of this aura, pardon me miss but are you by any chance the daughter of Lucifer?

Charlie: You know my dad?

Plagg: Short guy, can change into anything and likes to pull pranks as well as has a thing for rubber ducks yea we know him. Met him a long time ago.

Charlie: I didn't know you little guys knew my dad.

Tiki: Oh trust me we did, both him and Plagg enjoyed pulling serious and stupid pranks together. Though Lilith was very calm and polite.

Charlie: You met my mom.

Tiki: Sure did, she and I got a long famously. I must say I see her in you miss Morningstar.

Charlie: Oh please you can call me Charlie and this Vaggie.

Tiki: Hello!

Vaggie: Uh hi.

Plagg: Sniff...this one smells odd like...

Vaggie: Um...I'm gonna get some air real quick be right back.(Vaggie saids while getting a little nervous)

Marinette: What was that about?

Charlie: I don't know?

Fang: Mari why don't you show Charlie how to make pastries while I see whats wrong with Vaggie.

Marinette: Oh okay come on Charlie I'll show you where the magic happens. I even let you be the taste tester.

Charlie: Show me the magic!

When Marinette took Charlie downstairs, Fang along with Tiki and Plagg went to check on Vaggie where they saw her sitting alone and upset for some reason.

Fang: Whats the matter Vaggie?

Vaggie: It's nothing Fang...

Fang: Come on you can tell me I am sure I will understand.

Vaggie: No...I don't think you would.

Plagg: She was one of them, I know that smell anywhere.

Fang: One of what?

Plagg: What did they call them again dark angel? Creepy Angel? Dead Angel?

Fang: Exorcist.

Plagg: Yea thats it!

Fang: Vaggie?


Fang: Does anyone know about this?

Vaggie: No.....not even Charlie.

Fang: What happened?

Vaggie: It's too painful to talk about it.

Fang: Then let me see what happened. I want to perform a memory spell that will allow me to see what happened if you let me Vaggie.

Vaggie didn't say anything and just nod her head meaning to allow Fang to see what happened to her and why she was a exorcist. Fang took his hands and placed them on Vaggie's cheeks and then brought both there minds closer to each other.

Fang: Lieu de memoire!


Fang looked through Vaggie's memories and looked to see what happened. It was during the exterminations where hundreds of exorcists were coming down from the heavens slaughtering thousands of sinners and demons while many were fleeing for their lives. Fang then looked to see an exorcist killing a sinner with a spear and then she took off her mask to reveal a short haired Vaggie with two eyes and x on the one eye.

Fang: You were part of the extermination, you killed tuns of demons and sinners under the orders of Adam. You were one of the best of the exorcist and never lost a fight against any who dare oppose you. Though will all the killing something happened to you that changed you life forever.

Fang looked and saw Vaggie chasing a small child sinner who was running away from Vaggie and was trapped in the alley and looked scared of what is going to happen next but Fang saw something that changed Vaggie, he saw how afraid the child was and she couldn't bring herself to kill a child. She lowered her weapon and told the child to runaway.

Fang: You let the child go free after seeing what you did whats wrong. You saw the truth of what the exorcist are and you didn't want that.

Fang then looked to see Adam the leader of the exorcist come down behind Vaggie and cut out her one eye that left the former exorcist in so much pain but it wasn't enough until Fang saw what horror Vaggie went through and that was Adam cutting off her wings and removing halo before leaving her alone to suffer. Fang grew angry and will kill Adam for what he has done to Vaggie.

Fang: Adam saw what you did and destroyed you by cutting out your eye and your wings leaving you for dead. But there was hope for you until a certain someone found you and took care of you.

Fang looked to see Vaggie meeting Charlie for the first time and she saw how Vaggie was and treated her injury while both of them stared at each other like it was love at first sight. Fang then watched the memories of Vaggie staying by Charlies side and helping her in Hell but the memory of the past still haunt her.

Fang: Charlie took care of you, helped you, looked after you until you were healed and soon you developed feelings for her and vowed to protect her at all coast. Though the memory of your past still haunts you.

End of Memory.

Vaggie: 😢sniff....

Fang: Hey look at me.

Vaggie: 😢sniff...

Fang: You may have done bad things in your past but despite what you did Vaggie, you had a change of heart. You spared a sinner's life and it changed your ways and saw what the exorcist were as well as Adam. Whatever happened those years ago is in the past now.

Vaggie: But....what about Charlie....I..I killed thousands of her would she think of me....I..I don't want to loose her....she means so much to me.

Fang: Then you must tell her Vaggie, she needs to know and you have to be strong. She may feel upset once you tell her but when she see's the memory of how you changed your ways she will understand.

Vaggie: 😢sniff...are you sure..

Fang: I know for sure Vaggie.

Vaggie: Sigh....ok.

Fang: If I see Adam again, I will drive a sword through his heart for you and then disintegrate him into dust.

Vaggie: You would do that for me.

Fang: I care about you as well Vaggie. Your strong, shows respect for Charlie, and you have badass fighting spirit.(Fang saids to Vaggie who blushes for what he said to her)

Vaggie: Fang.

Fang: Why don't you go down and spend time with Charlie and Marinette. I need to speak with Plagg and Tiki for a while.

Vaggie: Ok..and Fang.

Fang: Yea?

Vaggie: Thank you...💋.(Vaggie and kisses Fang on the cheek)

Fang: You're welcome.

As soon as Vaggie leaves the only ones left outside were Fang, Tiki, and Plagg.

Fang: Now then I need to ask you both something.

Plagg: If were gonna talk about that loser Adam well hate to break it to you Fang but we hated the guy a lot. He was corrupted waste of space who thinks he deserves everything.

Tiki: He was by far the worst human being in history.

Plagg: He keeps on talking about being the original dick in which he is not though a lot of others think he is but in reality he isn't and isn't the first man.

Fang: Wait what do you mean he's not the first man?

Tiki: I think Fang should know the truth Plagg.

Plagg: Agreed.

Fang: What truth?

Tiki: Fang, Adam isn't the creator of mankind he never was because he is a creation himself.

Fang: I don't understand.

Tiki: Adam wasn't the first human neither was Lilith because there were thousands of humans created by two powerful beings who started everything even created the earth itself and the beings that live on it.

Fang: Wait you mean like rulers of a universe? Where the ruler is the creator of everything I always thought that was just myths.

Plagg: Oh it's all real Fang because the beings who started everything are our parents.

Fang: Your parents? I didn't know Kwami's had parents?

Tiki: Fang the beings our parents are the supreme rulers of this universe in which they started everything even the creation of mankind and womankind. They both wanted to see what life is like so they created a world and gave it life with living beings.

Fang: Did they created the angels?

Plagg: They did.

Tiki: They wanted to create a world filled with peace and prosperity but that all changed when their one creation turned on them and corrupted the world and caused chaos.

Fang: Adam.

Plagg: Adam became corrupted with power and lust and by doing so he started everything from wars, people who became mad with power and want to destroy others and even faked his way to heaven where he corrupted the angels thinking all sinners and demons cannot be redeemed but in reality they were all innocent souls who Adam corrupted their minds and made them what they are now.

Fang: Does God know about this? Was he a creation as well.

Tiki: God does know of what Adam has done, but Fang he is imprisoned.

Fang: Imprisoned? What do you mean imprisoned?

Plagg: After Adam tricked his way up to heaven he jumped God and prisoned him in a magical box where God has been sealed for centuries. He took over heaven and made a fake version of God thinking that sinner and demons should not be allowed in heaven or be redeemed.

Fang: So that's why Satan told me heaven is full of corruption because Adam corrupted it.  What about the exorcist?

Tiki: They were innocent souls until Adam turn them dark and made them his slaves though there a few who broke from his control and became spies to figure out a way to destroy him.

Fang: Now I want to kill him myself. Wait what about the creators, your parents how did they take what Adam did.

Plagg: They hated him for what he did so they came up with prophecy.

Fang: What kind of prophecy?

Tiki: A being with magic and the heart of human being as well as the powers of a god and a demon would defeat the corrupted angel and bring a new order to the universe one who shows no fear nor death.

Plagg: Though the prophecy never came but some say it might come true.

Fang: Are there any other angels in heaven who didn't follow Adam?

Tiki: St.Peter, an angel named Emily though I do not know about her sister Sera.

Fang: Does Lucifer know about this?

Plagg: I don't think he does, we haven't heard word from him since he was sent to hell.

Fang: And Lilith?

Tiki: No one knows what happened to her?

Fang: Charlie saids she hasn't seen her in seven years. Can't believe that dickhead Adam started all of this crazy shit.

Plagg: They dubbed him Adam, The Manipulator of ManKind. If I wanted it my way I would have cataclysm him centuries ago.

Fang: Why didn't you?

Plagg: The guy was too disgusting to go near and I heard that he's been gaining weight.

Fang: Thats something you and I agree on. By the way who are the names of the creators of this universe?

Tiki: Our mother name was Talia, Empress of WomanKind. She created all of womankind on earth. You would like her Fang, she is the most beautiful being you have ever seen.

Plagg: Our father's name was Garrison, Emperor of ManKind. Strong, powerful, and very wise like Master Fu. He was the true creator of mankind.

Fang: Is it possible to contact them?

Tiki: Only the one who of the prophecy will have the power to communicate with them.

Fang: I see. Though tell me this how did Adam turn the exorcist who were innocent souls into his personalized servants?

Tiki: No one knows how he did but maybe someone who broke free from his control might know the answer.

Plagg: Unless you know one.

Fang: I've met one though she was different from the other exorcists. Her name was Lute, maybe if I see her again she can tell me how Adam turn the souls into his slaves.

Tiki: That could be helpful.

Fang: Should I tell Charlie and others about this?

Tiki: It's best to keep it between us until it is the right time to tell them.

Fang: Right, there's a lot going on.

Plagg: If you see that moron Adam again, cut his head off or rip out his heart.

Fang: I was thinking about doing that Plagg.

After the conversation was finished Fang decided to keep the information about the truth a secret for now until it feels like the right time to tell the others. For now he went downstairs to see both Vaggie and Charlie getting along with Marinette in which brought a smile on Fang's face to see the girls becoming good friends.

Charlie: So that's how macaroons are made.

Marinette: Yup though you should try my dads, he makes the best ones in all of Paris.

Charlie: Oh I would love too. Vaggie when we get back lets make some pastries.

Vaggie: Hehehe ok ok.

Fang: Seems like you three are getting along quite well.

Marinette: They are great Fang, and they even helped make some pastries. Though Charlie did have some trouble with the flour.

Charlie: Who knew flour could be so messy.

Fang: I know that feeling.

Charlie: Besides that these pastries are so delicious, would you mind if I bring some back home with me Marinette.

Marinette: Sure I will put them in boxes for you to take home. I am sure your friends would like them.

Fang: Those two are so much a like especially when they get all joy and happy.(Fang saids in thought)

Soon they spent the day together in Paris though Fang had to wear a disguise so no one could recognize him since he died in this city. Marinette took Vaggie and Charile to her favorite places in Paris even went to Andre's ice cream where Marinette told them that Andre can see love between others when using flavors of ice cream and when they tried the ice cream they both enjoyed it very much. Then they walked around and saw the sites and took some pictures and selfies as well as getting Fang in them. Charlie even bought herself a Ladybug costume that made both Vaggie and Marinette giggle that Charlie wanted to dress like a super hero. They spent the whole day having fun until the sun started to set over the city of love.

Charlie: It's so beautiful.

Fang: This was one of my favorite sites to see in Paris.

Vaggie: It is very interesting to watch.

Marinette: Did you two enjoy yourselves.

Charlie: We did, thank you for showing us a great time Marinette. Fang was right you are something truly special, I wish there were more people like you in hell.

Marinette: Thank you Charlie and don't give up your dream, I know for sure you can find a way to help your people. You have strong heart and care for those around you.

Charlie: 😢sniff....that was....

Marinette: Does someone need another hug.

Charlie: Yes please!

Both Charlie and Marinette hugged again that made Vaggie and Fang smile seeing the two becoming great friends. Once separated Marinette received a text from Luka saying if she wanted to got out for dinner.

Marinette: That must be Luka, he wants to invite me to dinner.

Fang: I knew someday you two would get together. Do you need a lift to his place?

Marinette: I can manage on my own. Thanks for coming to visit me Fang, come back soon.

Fang: I will, take care of yourself sis.

Marinette: Thank you. It was nice meeting you Charlie and you too Vaggie, lets hangout again some time.

Charlie: I would love too!

Vaggie: Sure I don't mind, your cool to be around.

Marinette: So are you. Bye you guys!(Marinette saids and leaves)

Charlie: Bye Marinette!

Fang: You girls ready to head back home.

Charlie: Yes but before we go there is something that me and Vaggie have to say.

Fang: What is it?

Both Vaggie and Charlie looked at each other and then grabbed Fang's hands where he saw the girls blushing at him meaning he knows what they are thinking.

Charlie: Fang we've been keeping something from you since the moment we first met you and now it's the time we told you.

Vaggie: Fang we....we...


Fang: Girls are you....

Charlie and Vaggie: WE LOVE YOU!

Fang: What?

Charlie: We love you Fang...ever since you met us something in our hearts wouldn't go away and we couldn't stop thinking about you because you mean so much to us.

Vaggie: Your not like other men, your compassion, strong, brave, and would do anything to keep those close to you safe...after what you said to me if showed me that you mean more to me than just a friend.

Charlie: We know that you are in a relationship with others but we were wondering if we could be part of it as well. You mean a lot to me Fang and I just...I just don't know what I do without you.

Vaggie: You mean a lot me as well...

Charlie: 😢sniff...I just don't know what to do Fang.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


You've already done so much
So many lives you've changed
So many souls you've touched
And in the end, if it's only me you've saved

There's something that I've been dying to say
More than anything, more than anything
Need you to know I love you more than anything
More than anything

At the end of song Fang places his hands on both Vaggie and Charlie's faces and looked at with a smile on his face that made both girls smile back with tears in their eyes until Fang did something that caused the girls to do the same. He kissed both of the on the lips showing that he loves them and will keep them safe.

Fang: I love you too Charlie and you as well as Vaggie.

Charlie and Vaggie: Fang ❤️.

Fang: I will protect you both with my life and keep those close safe. I wont let anything happen to either of you I promise.

Charlie: Let's go home.

Vaggie: Together.

Fang opens up a portal back to his penthouse with the girls at his side and as soon as they arrived back Vaggie decided to tell Charlie about her past.

Vaggie: Charlie there is something I need to tell you.

Charlie: What is it Vaggie?

Vaggie: Sigh...I been keeping something from you for a long time and I can't keep inside me any longer but please don't leave me after what I tell you.

Charlie: Vaggie was is that you have to tell me, I already fell scared.

Fang: I think it would be best to show you Charlie. I found out about this while you were with Marinette. Vaggie if you would allow me.

Vaggie: She needs to know.

Fang did the spell like before and this time Charlie was the one seeing the memories and it was during the exterminations where Charlie saw many sinners being killed by the exorcist but then saw something that shocked her to her core she saw Vaggie an exorcist who was killing sinners, Charlies people she couldn't believe that the girl she was dating and fell in love with was an exorcist this whole time. She wanted to be angry but Charlie saw something that changed Vaggie's life in which was that she spared a sinner child and told the child to run but later Adam came and cut Vaggie's eye out and sliced off her wings and removed her halo before departing. Charlie gasped of what really happened to Vaggie and saw that Vaggie betrayed her kind and turn a new leaf.

Charlie: Vaggie...

Vaggie: Charlie...I....I.....

Charlie: Why didn't you tell me?

Vaggie: I was so scared that you would leave me....I tried to forget everything that had happened but those memories never went away...I did so many bad things to your people and I lied to you about it and if you don't forgive me I understand...I don't deserve to be forgiven.

Charlie saw Vaggie showing signs of tears until she engulfed Vaggie in a tight hug with tears of her own.

Vaggie: 😢 could you feel this way...I thought you would hate me for everything that I have done.

Charlie: I can never hate you...😢sniff...I was just so scared that you will be like them and that you would leave me. I understand why you kept this to yourself but you could have told me and I would have understand.

Vaggie: Oh Charlie...

Charlie: I love you Vaggie and I don't care what you used to be, you are who you are now thats all that matters. Yes you may have killed thousands of my people but when I saw you spared that child's life you took the right path and made a new life of your own.

Vaggie: I..I love you too.

Charlie: No more secrets ok.

Vaggie: I promise.

Fang: I told you she would understand, Vaggie.

Vaggie: Fang.

Fang: Yes.

Vaggie: Thank you for everything.

Fang: My pleasure.

Charlie: Fang would you mind waiting outside for a while.

Fang: Sure I got to freshen in the bathroom anyway.

As soon as Fang left for the bathroom, Charlie looked at Vaggie with a smile on her face that confused Vaggie until Charlie spoke.

Charlie: Lets give him our love.

Vaggie: Wait are you thinking about you know what?

Charlie: Mhm. Lets make those dreams we had real.

Vaggie: Uh I don't know about this...

Charlie: Come on Vaggie, you know you wanna do it with him because I want to as well.

Vaggie: Well he is kind of hot.

Charlie: Ok you need to say it for real.

Vaggie: Oh fuck I give up he is dropped dead sexy.

Charlie: Hehehe there it is. Come on lets get out these clothes and show our new lover a good time.

Vaggie: Heh I always love it how you strip in front of me.

Charlie: Same with you.

Both girls began to strip off their clothes until they were both completely naked and when they heard the door opening from the bathroom, Charlie and Vaggie got into bed to get ready to have their first time with Fang.

Fang: Alright I finished so what.......whoah.....

Charlie: Like what you see.

Fang: Whistle.

Vaggie: I guess we will take that as a yes. So are you gonna join us.

Fang: You sure you both want this.

Charlie: We do, make love to us Fang.

Vaggie: I would want to experience real pleasure.

Fang: As you wish m'ladies.(Fang saids as he takes off his shirt revealing his ten pack)

Charlie and Vaggie: HOLLY SHIT HE HAS A TEN PACK?!!!❤️ (Both said in thought while blushing at the site they were seeing)

Fang: Hope you both can handle someone like me.

Charlie: Oh my......

Vaggie: This is better than the dream....

(Lemon 🍋 Alert!)

As soon as Fang took off his remaining clothes, both girls blushed even more red when they saw what Fang was packing it even gave them both nose bleeds.

Charlie: Vaggie is he a god?


Fang goes over to the girls and smile at them then gave both of them kisses on the lips that made the girls wrapped their arms around Fang and soon a full on make session was taking place where their tongues were battling for dominance. Fang then lowers his hands towards the girls lower half and began to finger them that caused the girls to moan.

Charlie: Oh yes right there....your fingers feel so good.

Vaggie: I did this many time with Charlie but Fangs fingers are so beyond good.


Vaggie: MEE TOO!!!

Fang finger the girls lower half's faster until both girls felt they were going to explode in which they both did and their lower half's were dripping wet and it gave Fang the chance to eat the girls out starting with Charlie.


Fang: You taste delicious darling.


Vaggie: Try my breast they are all yours babe.

Fang sucked on Vaggie's breast that made her moan with pleasure and more wet then before until Fang ate her out and Vaggie screamed in pure delight.


Charlie: Hey wanna eat me out while Fang eats you out Vag.

Vaggie: You know I love your juices babe.

Charlie: Then its all yours.

Charlie sat on top of Vaggies face where her girlfriend eat her out that caused the princess of hell to moan in pleasure while Vaggie was being ate out by Fang who also started to finger her again.

Vaggie: MMMmmm....

Charlie: Oh Vaggie your tongue inside me feels amazing.

Vaggie: I love your juices Charlie you taste so good.

Charlie: FUCK YEA!!!!

After eating each other out the girls were ready for the main course in which Vaggie was up first where Fang position himself to get ready to enter Vaggie.

Fang: You ready for this Vaggie.

Vaggie: Be gentle with me.

Fang: I promise my demon amazon.

Fang slides his manhood into Vaggie that caused Vaggie to gasped and felt a little pain but soon relaxed and told Fang to move now.

Vaggie: Ah..ah....yes yes oh fuck yes this feels so amazing.

Fang: You like it Vaggie.

Vaggie: can speed up now. Fuck like a real woman.

Fang: Your wish is my command.

Fang started to speed up the sex and now Vaggie was screaming in pure pleasure.


Fang: I will I will!!!


Fang: You are awesome Vaggie!

Vaggie: Kiss me.

Fang and Vaggie made out and wrestled their tongues while Charlie was rubbing her lower half an enjoying the show but soon it will be her turn.


Fang: Me too I can't hold on!!


Fang: Are you sure!


Fang: Vaggie!!!


Vaggie came and gave Fang another kiss on the lips that she lost her virginity for real this time and it was absolutely amazing.

Vaggie: I love you Fang.

Fang: I love you too Vaggie.

Vaggie: Path...Charlie you can take it from here now. I'm gonna rest.

Charlie: Ready for me Fang.

Fang: You don't have to ask me twice my princess.

Charlie: Do it from behind.

Fang: Sure.

Charlie raised her ass up and Fang lined up to her lower half and the next thing Charlie felt was Fang's manhood entering her that caused the princess of hell to moan in pleasure.

Charlie: YOUR SO BIG!!!!

Fang: And you love it don't you.

Charlie: Very much.


Charlie: OOF!....ooh keep doing that as well my wolf.


Charlie: YES!!! SPANK ME!!!


Charlie: Ok I can wait anymore Fang I want it now.

Fang: Oh your gonna get it all right.

Fang then pounded away and now Charlie was screaming in the pleasure of having sex with her HellWolf boyfriend.


Fang: I will fuck you up princess!!


Fang pushed deeper into Charlie that she was almost losing the feeling in her legs and Vaggie was watching the whole thing from the side and she wanted to go another round but she couldn't feel her legs.

Charlie: Give me your lips.

Fang and Charlie made out the same way as Vaggie and the princess of hell was at her limit and so was the HellWolf.

Charlie: I'M ABOUT CUM!

Fang: Me too Charlie me too!


Fang: As you wish!

Charlie: I LOVE YOU FANG!!!

Fang: I love you too Charlie!!



Both of them came and both of them were tired out and soon after the sex was over both Charlie and Vaggie were feeling numb to the legs but it was worth it because they confessed their love for Fang and he made love to them with pure pleasure.

(End of Lemon)

Charlie: Wow.....path...path....that was amazing.

Vaggie: I never knew making love to someone like Fang could be remarkable.

Fang: I take that you two enjoyed yourselves.

Charlie: Very much, thank you Fang 💋.(Charlie saids and kisses Fang on the lips)

Vaggie: You were incredible handsome 💋.(Vaggie saids and kisses Fang on the lips as well)

Fang: You two were incredible.

Charlie: I don't think I would be able to walk for a while.

Vaggie: Neither can I.

Fang: Don't worry the numbness would go away as soon as you wake up in the morning.

Charlie: Yawn!

Fang: Seems like someone is sleepy.

Charlie: Yea.....cuddle me sweetie.

Vaggie: Me too.

Fang: Of course girls.

Charlie and Vaggie: I love you Fang.

Fang: I love you girls too, pleasant dreams.

Charlie: You too....puppy face.

Fang: Seriously...

Vaggie: Pffft....

Charlie: Sorry couldn't help it.

Fang: Yea whatever. Let's just go to sleep.

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