Chapter 13: Seeing Star!
Stolas Pov:
In the great expanse of the neither, there exists boundless amounts of magnificent phenomena. The great brilliance of an exploding star, the nimble dance of space dust through a nebula. But once every one thousand years, our corner oof reality is treated to an incredible sight. From the deep elder recesses of the cosmos, the tears of a forgotten colossus begin to form. Tears made of the hopes and dreams of every living thing that never came to be. Condescended and sent shooting across the night sky in a dazzling final display. What appears to mortal beings as a meteor shower, we can see for what it is, Azathoth's tears.
End Of Pov now Flashback:
Stolas was telling this to his daughter Octavia when she was younger in which she enjoyed the stories of what her father was telling her about the cosmos as well as the tears.
Stolas: Did you enjoy that my little owlet.
Octavia: Hehehe..daddy, can we go see it someday?
Stolas: Yes dear, I promise. When the day comes, nothing will be able to keep me from being there with you. Good night owlet.(Stolas saids while tucking his daughter into bed then leaving the room)
Octavia: Good night...hehehe.
End of Flashback
Many years later Octavia now as a teenager smiles and gets dressed while marking her calendar that today was the day of the meteor shower. She heads towards the kitchen to greet her father while smiling that this was going to be a great day.
Octavia: Hey dad! Dad? Daaaad?(Octavia saids while seeing her father wasn't in the house so she went looking for him until she heard his voice from a room)
Stolas: Yes I know! It will be there shortly..of course they're being careful!
Octavia: Dad, whats going on?
Stolas: Apparently, your mother can't exist somewhere two minutes without the entirety of her possessions before she...what? No! I'm not turning her against you...Yes ugh!(Stolas saids to Octavia then to her mother who was screaming at Stolas on the phone)
Stella(Phone): I better not have to see your fucking face AGAIN!
Octavia: Dad...this is going to be done before tonight...right?
Stolas: What? Oh...I hardly think so, knowing your mother, this will take all weekend. Stella don't be gentle about it now! Break whatever you have to, to get it all in there!
Stella(Phone): What?!! What did you just tell them to do??
Octavia: But tonight...we're suppose to..
Stolas: Darling, can we not talk about this now, your mother is being a real B.I.T.C.H.
Stella(Phone): WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY YOU......*************?!!!
Stolas: Well how was I supposed to know you could spell? I have never seen you read!
Stella(Phone): I'm going to take everything! Everything you own!
Octavia now frustrated for how both her parents are acting and Stolas forgetting about the day that Octavia is waiting for decided to return to her room while angry at her dad for not keeping the promise they made long ago.
Octavia: ARGH?!!!....
Ring! Ring!
Octavia: WHAT?!!
Fang(Phone): Uh bad time to call?
Octavia: Oh Fang sorry...I am just....
Fang(Phone): Let me guess mother is out of control and daddy did something to make you angry.
Octavia: don't know that half of it.
Fang(Phone): Wanna tell me what was the problem?
Octavia: Apparently tonight was the night that my dad was suppose to take me to see the tears that fall from the sky in the human world.
Fang(Phone): Tears in the sky?
Octavia: Basically falling rocks from space.
Fang(Phone): Oh you mean the meteor showers, yea I have seen those before very beautiful when they pass by the earth. I take that your dad either forgot or he's dealing with something important.
Octavia: I get the feeling it was both.
Fang(Phone): What do you plan to do?
Octavia: If he won't come, then I will have to go myself.
Fang(Phone): Want me to tag along with you.
Octavia: Nah, I just need time for myself away from my dad. I'll be taking the grimoire with me.
Fang(Phone): Should I know, where you might find the meteor shower?
Octavia: I heard it is happening in Los Angeles.
Fang(Phone): You know your dad will know that you are gone, and he might come look for you.
Octavia: Like I care, but if you came I don't mind seeing the tears with a friend.
Fang(Phone): All right just watch yourself and make sure no human see's you.
Octavia: I will be careful, at least there is someone who cares. Thanks Fang.
Fang(Phone): Any time Via. If I know you, you might take some pictures on the way there.
Octavia: You could say that, bye.
Fang(Phone): You to Via.
Octavia shuts off her phone and takes her backpack then leaves the house along with the book that belongs to her father to enter the human world without him knowing but soon he will. Meanwhile back at IMP Fang was watching Loona throwing weapons at Blitz because let's just say something Blitz did made Loona very angry so Fang was sitting on the coach with Moxxie and Millie just came walking in minding their own business.
Blitz: Loona honey...wait just a....shit!(Blitz saids while Loona was coming at him with the water container to hit him with)
Fang: Boss I don't know what you said to her but she looks very pissed.
Blitz: Looney, please can we talk...ow fuck! Oof..I mean wooow! Good throw honey! I..I'm so proud of youuuuuuuu.....
Loona: GRRRRR!
Loona taggles Blitz to the ground and stared to hit him with the pictures on the wall while Fang was recording his girlfriend kicking the bosses ass that made both him and Moxxie enjoy the entertainment until Millie ask what is going on.
Millie: What's this all about, honey?
Fang: I been meaning to ask the same thing.
Moxxie: Glad you two ask, Blitz finally talked to her about her attitude with clients.
Blitz: Fang shield me!
Fang: Hey I am not a shield Blitz and besides whats wrong with Loona's attitude, I have no problem with it.
Blitz: Well, I...I just think some small tweaks might help her be more of a uhh people person..ya know?
Loona: Grrr...I am a people person! If I am so terrible how about you just grow a pair and replace me!(Loona saids while grabbing Blitz from behind Fang)
Blitz: Okay..uh well..maybe I...maybe I might.
Loona: What?
Blitz: Maybe I will, little missy! Yea! That's right, its tough love time! So now you can, go to your Desk!
Loona: Grrrrrrrr....
Fang: Really Blitz? Instead of treating her like a people person, you almost sounded like you were treating her like a pet dog. Allow me to show you how you're suppose treat someone like her. Loona would you like to sit down with me at the desk and forget everything that our asshole boss said about a second ago.
Loona: Yes I would like that Fang.(Loona saids while wrapping her arms around her boyfriends)
Fang: See, she's just needs a better person to show how to be a great people person. Isn't that right Lune.
Loona: Yea what he said, at least he treats me like a people person.
Blitz: Well thats because he's your boyfriend in which I still approve of him being with you as long as he keeps my Looney safe and he treats you well. Because if doesn't...
Fang: You do realize you can't kill me right, your weapons have no affect on me.
Blitz: Shit forgot about that.
Fang: Besides I love Loona, and I wont do anything to harm her though if someone harms her well you know what happens.
Millie: Now that is love what right there, ain't that right honey.
While Blitz was recovering from Loona's attacks, Octavia came in acting liking a spy to avoid being seen in which she came too IMP to get the grimoire so she can travel to the human world. Octavia sneaks over towards Blitz's office until she looks to see Fang with Loona sleeping on his lap and Fang looking to see Octavia.
Fang: Grimoire is in his office behind the portrait, the code to the safe is 1234. Honestly he couldn't get a better code to put on that thing.
Octavia(Whisper): Thanks Fang.
Octavia goes into Blitz's office and towards the safe and when she opened it up and got the grimoire then said the words(Take me to see the stars). The portal opens and she was about to enter when all of sudden both Blitz along with Moxxie and Millie came in with their weapons until they saw the princess with the grimoire in her hands.
Blitz: Loona!!
Loona: Yawn! What is it, sorry I was sleeping. What happened?
Blitz: Stolas's daughter took the grimoire that's what!
Fang: Yea she took it to see the stars in the human world.
Blitz: What?! You saw her come in and didn't say anything!!
Fang: I called her and she told me everything. Apparently she got upset with her father again and decided to see a meteor shower that he was suppose to go with her tonight but he forgot and now she is upset and decided to go to the human world on her own to see the showers.
Blitz: Why did it have to be that owl again?! And what the hell am I suppose to tell him?!!!
Moxxie: Well...he seems to like you sir.
Fang and Loona: More like he is obsessed with.(Both said at the same time)
Loona: Jinx you owe me coffee babe!
Fang: Dang it.
Moxxie: Maybe he will understand that...
Blitz: Okay, my dick is goood but it's not that good, Moxxie.
Moxxie: Sir I don't think we really have a choice.
Blitz: So, what, you want me to just call him up and be like, "Heeey Stolas" So, your daughter came by took your book and teleported off to who the Fuck knows where, and we have no way of getting either of them back. Okay? okay good talk. Byeeee! Well that actually went better than I thought.
After the call Stolas came in his demon form and he did not look happy of what he heard over the phone.
Stolas: BLITZ!!!!!
Blitz: Oh fuck....
Stolas: How could this happen?? Do you just let anyone waltz into your office and grab infinitely powerful artifacts? Why would she do this? How are we suppose to find her? Where would she go?
Fang: I know the answer sir, she and I had a talk on the phone. And FYI, it was your fault that she's gone.
Stolas: You know where she is! How is it my fault?
Fang: You forgot that tonight was the night of the tears that you were suppose to take her to see in the human world but you were too busy doing who know what and also for where she is now, she is in Los Angeles, that's where she went.
Loona: Ehhh...that place reeks of urine and desperation. I should know I just picked up the scent.
Fang: I will open a portal to the human world everyone. Also Stolas, you better make up with your daughter or else you will have to answer to my fists got it.(Fang saids while glaring at Stolas who paled under the HellWolf's glare)
Stolas: I just want to make sure my owlet is all right and I feel terrible for what I did.
Fang opens the portal to the human world, and when they all came through the portal they arrived at their destination in which was an alleyway that is located in Los Angeles.
Blitz: All right people, let's make this quick. In and out before anyone notices us here. Huh doesn't look that much different from hell?
Fang: Los Angeles sure has changed, good thing I never came here because it's filled with crazy fans and none stop violence. A lot of people get killed here all the time and the next you hear is people screaming and gun firing.
Fang: Like that.
Blitz: Alright, now let's get to work! Looney, Fang sniff!
Loona: How am I supposed to smell anything in this city?
Fang: There's a lot of scent coming from this city and some of it smells horrible.
Moxxie: Can't you do one thing right??
Loona: Can't you finally do something about how fat you are?
Moxxie: I'm not?!!
Blitz: You know it would kill you to put a salad in your body every now and then.
Moxxie: What...? But I'm not fat!
Blitz: Now! First things fist if we're going to do this the old fashioned way, we're gonna need disguises.
Fang along with Stolas and Loona change into their human forms. Millie claps for seeing their human forms while Blitz is shocked that Stolas has a human form.
Blitz: No chance you can conjure us a couple of those..can ya?
Stolas: Sadly, no...I'm afraid, without my grimoire, my powers are just a tad limited in the human world.
Blitz: What you can't memorize your fucking spells?
Stolas: Oh! Your memory's so great? What his phone number?(Stolas saids while pointing to Moxxie)
Blitz: Fuck you...
Stolas: Exactly.
They headed out of the alleyway and Stolas saw some nice red shades and took them without paying. A human came up to Moxxie with a cd demo that mad the imp smile and thanked the man but the guy ask if he could pay for it until Moxxie didn't have any money on him and begged Millie to help him get the money for the human's creative work. So they had to came up with a way to get the money while the others left them to find Octavia. Blitz was now in a costume store while Fang, Loona and Stolas were waiting outside until they see Blitz coming out of the store in his weird big ear human disguise.
Blitz: So...
Human Girl: KYAAAAAHHH!!! Look everyone! It's Hollywood star, Brennon Ragers!!
Blitz: What the fuck is a Breenon Rager...ooooh.(Blitz saids while looking at a billboard of the guy named Breenon Rager)
Stolas: Ooh dear...
Fang: Huh I kind of actually see the resemblance.
Now Blitz was being hounded by pauperizes and fans who were taking his pictures and wanting autographs. Blitz was getting squished in the crow until he decided to call for backup.
Blitz: Millie! Where are you and your whore bag husband?!
Fang: Sorry Blitz they are not here with us. Probably doing something they feel like doing.(Fang saids while on his phone)
Out of nowhere a black van parked on the side and came out some guards who were keeping the crowd from getting out of hand until a guy with a whistle went in to stop the crowd from doing something crazy. The fans dropped Blitz on the ground and made way for a producer to walk towards Blitz.
Producer: Mr.Ragers, we've been looking for you everywhere! You were suppose to be on set an hour ago!
Blitz: The fuck are you talking about?
Producer: Your guest spot on, Sweetie I'm in the House! We're taping tonight, now hurry up and get in the car.
Blitz: Oh! No no no no no no no! I'm not going anywhere with you! Jizz biscuit!
Producer: Very funny, Mr.Rangers..Now get in the car..pspspspspspsps..come on boy, come on.
Blitz: Get your fucking hands off me!! Loona! Stolas! Fang! A little help here??
Stolas: Excuse me sir! I'm Mr.Ragers agent and I don't believe you can just...ooohh you are strong!(Stolas saids while being grabbed by the guards same as Blitz)
Both Blitz and Stolas were shoved in the back of the van to be taken away to the studio.
Stolas: Blitz, we don't have time for this..Via could be anywhere..she could be in danger...
Blitz: Don't worry. I'm on it! Looney!! Fang!! You two go find Via! We'll catch up soon!
Fang: Sure whatever!(Fang saids while punching a crazy fan and Loona giving Blitz double middle finger)
Blitz: Yea! Way to be a team player, sweetie, you too Fang! They are both in great hands.
Meanwhile with Octavia, after she arrived in the human world, she's been asking direction on how to find the stars but no one would talk or look at her until she found something called Starstruck and thought it could help lead her to the stars. She took a tour bus that had the same name but it didn't take her to the stars then she tried walking down the streets to find the stars while keeping her appearance hidden from the humans until she saw some cool things to take pictures with her phone. Octavia was also thinking maybe she should have invited Fang to join her because she was lost and didn't know what to do.
Back with Blitz and Stolas, after Blitz was taken to the studio known as Starstruck, the producer and set team had to get Blitz ready to start the show while thinking Blitz was the real actor Brennon Ragers. Blitz panic that he was going on soon while Stolas calmed him down with some kinky words and pushed him onto the set. Blitz was panicking towards the crowd of humans in front of him while Stolas was trying to support him to gets things right so they can get back looking for Octavia. Until Blitz said something that made the crow laugh and the imp smiled that said more crazed up shit that made more people laugh but they were told to laugh due to the signs above their heads. Blitz gave a wink towards Stolas that caused him too blush then drink amount of water bottles he has in his hands.
Back with Fang and Loona, after they got out of the crazy crowd and after beating up some of them, they went off to find Octavia until Fang did promise to get Loona some coffee.
Fang: Here's your coffee babe.
Loona: Thanks Fang.
Fang: Anything new happening on Sinstagram?(Fang saids while on his phone and so was Loona who both walked down the street together with their coffee)
Loona: Same old stuff.
Fang: Whoah Lune, check out this poster. Star Ozizz, Souvenir Shop. Like the design. Hows about we get selfie with it.
Loona: I am down with that babe, smile.(Loona saids while her and smile for the shot and post the image on Sinstagram)
Fang: Good shot Lune you think..whoah wait a minute. Lune scroll down and tell me who do you see.(Fang saids while looking at the image of the same poster but with Octavia on it)
Loona: Oh shit that's Via.
Fang: Go on her profile and see if we can find out where's she's been next. She's been here already I can smell her scent.
Loona went onto Octavia's Sinstagram profile to look up where she went to next in which was a home that reminded Octavia of hers back in hell. Loon and Fang dropped their coffee and went to look for Octavia and go to the locations she's been and hopefully try to find her.
Fang: I hope she's at either of these places because this will probably takes hours to find her.(Fang saids in thought)
When they arrived in the location of where Octavia took the picture of her with the house she was gone until Fang and Loona checked the next picture of her at park next to a globe that saids StarStruck but they couldn't find her. The next location was by the HollyWood sign and Loona was getting frustrated until she spotted a girl who thought was Octavia but it was just a regular human girl. Fang looked at the pictures more and saw a lot more places to find Octavia and after hours of searching then came to the last stop that was Griffith Observatory. Loona was getting tired that she was almost about to past out until Fang gave her some water to help.
Loona: Path...path..she better be here otherwise my legs are gonna fall off soon.
Fang: This was the last picture she took, so she is bound to be here.
Loona and Fang walked around the place to find Octavia until both heard someone crying and looked to see Octavia sitting alone. Fang and Loona change back into their HellWolf and HellHound forms and go up to Octavia to see how she is doing.
Fang: Hey Via.
Loona: Sup.
Octavia: Oh Fang, Loona...😢sniff..hey. How did you two find me?
Fang: We saw your Sinstagram pictures and they help us led to your location.
Loona: Nice pics by the way.
Octavia: Oh...ha thanks...sniff...
Fang: How you holding up?
Octavia: I can't believe I was so stupid. I spent all day looking for a place where I could see some..dumb meteor shower. 😢sniff...and all I get is...THIS.(Octavia saids while looking at an empty night sky)
Loona: Yea..smog's a bitch.(Loona saids while taking out a cigarette but couldn't get the lighter to work until Octavia snapped her fingers to make a light)
Fang: You know I could have down that right with my laser vision.
Loona: Yea but I don't want my cigarette to burst into flame.
Fang: Hmm..true.
Loona: You know Via. Your dad's really worried about you.
Octavia: Right! That's why you're here instead of him. He couldn't be bothered to keep his promise and now he couldn't be bothered to come get me himself. He rather spend his time just screaming at my mom. Why does he hate her more than he loves me...?
Loona: Sigh..sometimes it's not as simple as that. This kinda shit gets messy. Everybody's got issues...especially dads and sometimes they fuck up...well, ugh all the time. That doesn't mean that they don't care.
Fang: She's has a point Via. For me I never got to spend any time with my dad or my mother, they both died a long time ago and I was left to defend myself but I know for a fact that they loved me and sure your dad may be a wacky and does weird things but I know deep down he loves you more than anything and he cares for you.
Octavia: If he cares, where is he?
Loona: He's somewhere down there.
Octavia: He's here?
Fang: He's looking for you Via. Also he wants to make up for the mistake he made. Just try to cut him some slack, he may not always get it right but at least he is trying.
Loona: Fang's right and it's way more important than you think.
Fang: And it looks like you get to see something after all look.(Fang saids while pointing to the sky where both Loona and Octavia see the full moon shining down upon them)
Octavia: Wow....
Fang: It may not be a meteor shower but it is still something more beautiful to see.(Fang saids while taking a picture of the moon)
Octavia: It is beautiful...
Loona: You ready to go?(Loona saids while holding her hand out to Octavia)
Octavia: Yea.(Octavia saids while handing Loona the grimoire and giving her a hug)
Fang: Sniff..sniff do you two smell smoke?
Fang, Loona and Octavia looked towards the city and saw a building on fire in which Fang facepalm himself knowing that Blitz did something stupid again. Soon the three of them left together and used the grimoire to open a portal and once they arrived to a quiet area they met up with both Stolas and Blitz.
Blitz: Loona!!! Oh Loona my sweet baby girl! I'm sorry! I'll never replace you no matter what you...
Loona: SHUT UP BLITZ!!!(Loona saids and kicks Blitz in the dick hard)
Fang: Ooh nice one babe. I think I heard a crack.
Loona: Asshole was embarrassing me.
Blitz: Argh.......
Fang: By the way what happened?
Stolas: Oh um lets just say Blitzy may or may not started a fire and ruined an act that was on a show while trying to save a little dog for being taken by a some people playing a happy family.
Fang: Sigh...Blitz you fucking moron.
Octavia: Dad...I'm so sorry...(Octavia saids while Stolas changes into his demon form and hugs his daughter)
Stolas: I'm just relieved you're okay!! I am so sorry for not keeping the promise but why come here on your own.
Octavia: I just wanted to see the stars you promised.
Stolas: The Azathonth's tears! Oh no! Oh my dear Via, I am so...
Octavia: I know dad, it's okay. You're here now.
Loona and Fang smiled at the two hugging until Blitz was about to hug Loona but didn't get the chance when Loona hits him with the grimoire. The next thing everyone except Blitz see were fire works shooting up into the sky.
Loona: What the fuck is that?(Loona saids while taking pictures)
Fang: They are fireworks babe.
Blitz:'s my acting career.
Fang: Right a career that you just ruined.
Blitz: Yea but it was worth it.
Fang: Hey Via, looks like you get to see some stars after all.
Octavia: It looks like I did, ooh look at that one! Did you see that one?
Stolas: I sure did my owlet. I sure did.
Blitz: Now where the fuck are M & M?
Back with Millie and Moxxie, during their time together they made a lot of money with their idea of singing songs that everyone loved but Moxxie went over board with buying so many things that he had to get a bigger bag. Millie check her phone and saw the text from Blitz and asked where they were and Millie told they were near the alleyway.
Millie: Come on honey, the portal is ready to take us home.
Moxxie: Errrgghh! Oh art is heavy!
A human came from behind Moxxie and handed him another cd that made the imp happy until Millie threw a knife at the humans head that killed him and gave Moxxie a scolding look until she took the cd from her husbands hand and threw it into the dumpster.
Millie: March mister!
Moxxie: Yes ma'am..
Millie smiled and decided to be nice and carry Moxxie back int the portal. Fang looked to see the two imps come back and see a bag full of junk and a dead guy.
Fang: Should I ask?
Millie: It's best you don't sugar.
Moxxie: All that wonderful art...
Fang: Moxxie grow up, it's just junk trust me none of that stuff is even good.
Moxxie: Awww...
Millie: See Fang gets it, honey.
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