Chapter 11: Eliminate Vaatu!
It has been two weeks now and Fang was in his penthouse waiting to hear back from Lucifer about the job to go to another dimension and kill a dark spirit named Vaatu who is about to be released from his prison. Fang was checking his phone to hear a call or text from his client with Loona sitting on the bed looking at her phone since Fang invited her over.
Loona: So what is this thing you have to do again babe?
Fang: Lucifer gave me a job to hunt down and kill four guys on a list he gave me in which each of them cheat themselves out of death and it's my job to hunt them down and kill them so that they can be sent to hell and the king himself can deal with them personally. If I do the job, I get paid a lot of money.
Loona: And whose is the first target?
Fang: A dark spirit named Vaatu. Lucifer texted me the details last week about who this Vaatu is. He's a dark spirit who's been locked away in a spirit tree for thousands of years due to the chaos he's down in the physical world basically thats another name for the human world. Anyway he was locked away by a powerful being called The Avatar who can control the four elements water, earth, fire, and air. Right now Vaatu is about to be set free, it is my job to destroy him. Lucifer gave me this weapon and bullets to kill the bastard as well as the assholes I will kill next.
Loona: Uh wouldn't this Vaatu guy just go to the hell in that dimension?
Fang: Thats what I need to talk to Lucifer about once he calls back.
Loona: Say can I ask you's kind of personal.
Fang: What is it?
Loona: I know that you and I are a couple and everything but it's just that I been seeing you text those other girls time to time and I...I just well..I mean do you like them.
Fang: Why would you ask me this?
Loona: I see how they look at you Fang, and I see how you treat them well and I just...I just fear that you leave me...(Loona saids while showing tears)
Fang: Hey look at me. I will never do anything like that to you Loona. I love you with everything I have and nothing is going to change that.
Loona: You mean that.
Fang: Of course and if I do be in a relationship with other girls, they are gonna have to know one thing.
Loona: What is that?(Loona saids while wiping her tears)
Fang: That you Loona are my first girlfriend and could be first time.
Loona: W...what.......(Loona saids with her eyes widen and tail wagging)
Fang: Once I get back from my job, how would you like to loose your virginity.
Fang: Hehehe you damn right I am serious Lune. That is if you wanna have it or not.
Loona: Are you kidding me it's what I always wanted!!! When you get back I want you to fuck my brains out, I want you ravage me like an animal.
Fang: Ooh little miss hellhound is feeling horny isn't she.
Loona: You damn right I am wolfie.
Fang: Also don't worry about Blitz finding out, I put a magical barrier around my penthouse so if he looks through the window he won't see a thing.
Loona: That's my sexy HellWolf. And if you do get more girlfriends, they need to know that I am the alpha of the group.
Fang: You sure are Lune.
Loona: When you get back, I will be waiting for you.
Fang: I know you will, I'll take pictures while I am on the job.
Loona: You know how I enjoy seeing you in action Fang.
Ring! Ring!
Fang: Hello?
Lucifer(Phone): Mr.hunter, today's the day that you hunt down your first target, also if you gonna ask if Vaatu would end up in the hell of that dimension he is from well he wont because the bullets I gave you for your gun will allow that being too be transported to this hell so once you shoot Vaatu he will turned into pixie dust and be delivered to me and for your award you will get paid as promise once you completed the task.
Fang: Oh good that was something I was gonna tell you but it looks like you beat me to it. Also one more thing how am I gonna get to that dimension even if I have the ring that allows me to travel to other worlds. How will I know which world I should go to?
Lucifer(Phone): Oh yes I forgot about that, you see the dimensions are labeled by number so in order to get to that dimension just hold the ring up and say these words Earth-AG174 and that will take you to that world where Vaatu is located.
Fang: Okay got it thank you, your majesty.
Lucifer(Phone): Happy hunting Mr.Hunter.
Call Ended
Fang: Well looks like it's time to hunt a dark spirit. I will be back soon babe.
Loona: And I will be waiting until you get back sexy. I might have to slip into something more conformable when you get back home.(Loona saids with a flirt smirk on her face)
Fang: I am looking forward to it.
Loona: I love you. ❤️
Fang: I love you too.
Fang gave Loona a kiss on the lips then held up his dimension ring and said the words Earth-AG174 and soon a portal opened to that dimension where Vaatu is located and when Fang entered with his armed gun he looked to find himself a some mystical realm that looked nothing like earth meaning that he was in the spirit realm like Lucifer told him about.
Fang: So this is the spirit realm, huh.
Fang looked around until spotted something in front of him that looks like some kind of red tree and there are two beams of light connecting to each other and it was giving off such energy and power.
Fang: That must be where Vaatu is prisoned and it looks like he is about be released. Better get a closer look before I engage.
Fang headed towards the site of where Vaatu is being released, Fang hid behind the rocks to hide himself so that no one can see him and once close enough he looks to see the dark spirit known as Vaatu come out his prison and looked exactly like the picture that Lucifer showed Fang.
Fang: So that is Vaatu, he may look big and scary but I am ten times more scary than this fuck face. Hmm looks like there are people facing him and some other guy. Though why is that girl I am seeing have such power inside of her, I guess she could be this Avatar person that Lucifer spoke of I am not sure.(Fang saids in thought)
Vaatu: Raava nothing could stop this moment! Harmonic Convergence is upon us again.
Fang: Whose Raava? Harmonic Convergence? I better text Lucifer about this stuff and whose the Avatar of this world.(Fang saids and text messages Lucifer)
Fang(Text): Your majesty, I need information about this Harmonic Convergence as well as whose is this Raava and who is the Avatar of this dimension.
Lucifer(Text): Harmonic Convergence Mr.Hunter is the modern name for a Mayan prophecy that said when the planet's aligned, the human race would enter a period where changing their calendar would enable them to experience peace and environment harmony in other worlds it's the time when Vaatu would be release from his prison and cover this world in darkness, he did this once a long time ago but thanks to this Avatar Wan person the first Avatar he was locked away for thousands of years until someone free him. Also the new Avatar goes by a girl named Korra, she is a girl with tan skin, black hair and blue eyes you can't miss her. Oh and Raava is the light spirit similar to Vaatu but she is the spirit who is fused with the Avatar. There's been one Avatar in each generation, when they die they are reincarnated into another person to restart the whole cycle.
Fang: Okay now I know the information and the Avatar of this world, time to kill a spirit.(Fang saids while getting his weapon ready for anything)
Fang looks behind the rocks where he see's the girl known as Korra who is the Avatar of this dimension having a conversation with the dark spirit.
Korra: I'm not gonna to let you fuse with Unalaq, you are going right back in that prison.
Fang watches Vaatu fly down to the man known as Unalaq and could be the one who released Vaatu from his prison try to fuse with him when Fang looks to see Korra shoot fire from her fist and aimed it at Vaatu.
Fang: Huh, I guess this Avatar can use the elements.
Fang then saw Korra use air on the guy Unalaq and threw his ass into some kind of light portal then told her two friends not to let Unalaq come back into the spirit world. The two boys told Korra that they will not allow Unalaq to come back into the portal to fuse with Vaatu. Fang then see's Korra's eyes glow white and charge at Vaatu.
Fang: I take that the glowing eyes are probably from this Raava spirit inside of her.(Fang saids in thought)
Fang watches an all out fight against Korra and Vaatu where he saw Korra using the four elements while also using that power where her eyes glow white against the dark spirit and let's just say both of them were putting up one heck of a fight. Fang saw Korra defending herself until he saw Vaatu fire some kind of energy blast at Korra that pushes her back towards the rocks.
Fang: For a spirit he's putting up one heck of a fight.
Fang continues to watch the battle and looks to see Vaatus trapping Korra in vines until she shot fire from her mouth to get her out of the trap then once again used the four elements to push Vaatu back once more then started to contain him so he cannot escape.
Korra: I'm locking you away for another ten thousand years, Vaatu.
Fang: Damn that is some deep voice probably from the spirit within that girl. I can something might happen if she fails to lock Vaatu away.
Korra after trapping Vaatu in the elements as a contaminate, she pushes him back into the tree to lock him away for another thousand year and once close she gets hit with water from behind and Vaatu is released once again. Fang looks over to see the guy called Unalaq appear again and next to Vaatu.
Fang: Well that sucked, might as well deal with this myself. I am getting kind bored of just hiding here and waiting for the right moment.
Korra looks to see Unalaq and Vaatu together in which she cannot let them fuse together and so she shot another fire blast at Unalaq but he defected it with water and when Unalaq and Vaatu were about to fuse together all of sudden two red beams as well as some kind of light came at Unalaq and shot him out of the spirit world.
Korra: Huh?
Vaatu: Who dares interfere this moment!
Both Korra and Vaatu hear a voice until something landed in front of Korra that looked like a giant wolf like creature but was holding some strange weapon in its hands.
Fang: Hey there, so you must be Vaatu nice to meet you. Not!
Vaatu: Who in the spirits are you suppose to be?
Fang: Oh I'm just a guy who was hired by my client to kill you son of bitch. He's paying me a whole lot of money for your carcass.
Vaatu: You dare mock me!!!
Fang: Mocking you? Was I doing that sorry I couldn't help it since you so god damn ugly for a spirit so enough chit chat just hold still so I can waste your ass.(Fang saids while holding his gun at Vaatu)
Korra: What is that thing? Did it just save me.(Korra saids in thought while in shock)
Vaatu: I will not allow a punny creature like you get in the way of me conquering this world in darkness!!!
Fang: Less chit chat more getting your ass killed, so how would like to die shot in stomach or do you prefer I shoot you in the head whatever works. I want my payment after I'm done.
Vaatu grew angry and shot the same energy beam from his head in which Korra gasp in fear but for Fang he smirked and called out his block spell.
Fang: Bloc de Bouclier!
The blast hit but was blocked by Fang's magical shield that left Korra in shock as well as Vaatu that his attack got blocked by this wolf creature in front of him.
Vaatu: WHAT?!!!
Fang: Heh is that all you got, I seen better.
Korra: did you do that?
Fang: Ask questions later after I am done sending this shit bag to hell.
Vaatu: What did you just say you beast!
Fang: You heard me time to send your sorry ass off to hell, my client will be waiting for in which he plans to turn you into a rug carpet and who knows he might do things on top you that will make uncomfortable in which I don't give a shit.
Fang: Yea yea that's what they all, bye bye Vaatu. See you never.
Fang fires his HellWolf gun at Vaatu four times that caused Korra to cover her ears of the loud sound she heard but then looked to see Vaatu glowing and turning into pixie dust while screaming in pain.
Fang: I shot you with my gun here, and now you're being sent off to hell now in other words you are dead now so tootles. And don't worry my client will take good care of you while you are being turned into his personalize rug carpet.
Vaatu: I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE!!!! MARK MY WORDS CREATURE I WILL HAVE VENGEANCE!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!(Vaatu saids his lands words before his death and being sent to hell)
Fang: Well that was easy, I thought he will be all powerful I guess not.
Korra just stood still in both shock and in awe of what just happened. She saw her enemy get destroyed right before her eyes by this being this wolf creature in front of her and that bizarre weapon it carries got rid of Vaatu like he was nothing. She has so many questions of who this being is and where he came from. But then something caught her attention, the two portals are still connected.
Korra: The portals!
Fang: Hm?
Korra: I need to get to the portals up there, otherwise my world will be covered in shadows.
Fang: Very well and try not to freak out too much.
Korra: Why would I...
Fang didn't give her time as he changes into his giant demon form that left Korra's jaw dropping to the ground and her eyes widened like dinner plates.
Korra: DAH?!!!!!
Fang(Demon): I told you not to freak out! Geez do people listen these days. Now hop on and I will take you to the top of the portals so you can do your thing.
Korra got over her shock and did what Fang said, she hopped onto his large paws and he took her to the top of the portals being connected and once she touches them, both portal started to separate and the spirit world came out of the shadows.
Fang(Demon): Huh, the spirit world looks a whole lot better now, I might come here for a vacation someday.(Fang saids in thought)
Fang then looks to see Korra glowing blue as well as showing marks on her body that look like Vaatu's but it was the spirit of Raava instead. Korra lands in Fang's hands and he put her down on the ground and he reverted back to his normal HellWolf form. Fang mission was complete now and when he was about to leave Korra stopped him.
Korra: Wait!
Fang: What?
Korra: What are you and where did you come from? Are you a spirit?
Fang: Uh I'm a big wolf holding a big gun and do I look like a spirit to you?
Korra: I seen wolves before and I never met one who can talk and not mention do those things I saw when you destroyed Vaatu.
Fang: That's classified information, as much as I took care of the moron, I had to get back home. So nice to meet you and see you later.
Korra: Whoah wait a minute you can't just leave just like that! I have so many questions.
Fang: Maybe another time if I decided to come back or not. See you later Avatar Korra.
Fang opens up a portal to hell and gave Korra a smirk and a salute farewell and disappears without a trace. After he left and the portal closed, Korra couldn't process words of what she just saw.
Korra: But...but how did he....where did I am gonna explain this to everyone. Raava please tell me that you have any idea who that was?
Raava(Inside Korra): I am sorry Korra but have never seen that being before, but I sense great power within him and I also sense something else about him in which I cannot say.
Korra: was worth a try, but what was that thing he used on Vaatu, he called it a gun I never heard of something like that before.
Raava(Inside Korra): Maybe in due time you will know and who knows you might see him again.
Korra: If he does come back here, I want answers. Also how did he know my name?
Back with Fang, after he dealt with Vaatu and went to Lucifer's home to see if the spirit arrived in hell, he looked to find Vaatu being turned into a rug carpet and in front of the throne where Lucifer is sitting. Fang smirked at seeing how Vaatu looked ridiculous as a rug carpet and can tell but the screams that he was being humiliated.
Lucifer: Mr.Hunter good to see you and I thank you for bring me my new rug carpet isn't he just amazing the way he laid out on the floor.
Fang: Hehehe, I thought you were joking when you said you wanted to make him into rug carpet but I guess I was wrong, he does look way more embarrassed than he was before.
Lucifer: Wow he's such a chatter box isn't he.
Fang: Sure is, sorry Vaatu but this is your punishment deal with it.
Fang: Are you gonna keep him under the throne the whole time?
Lucifer: Hm? No I actually might dance around him and use him to clean my boots off or maybe do something naughty.
Vaatu: NOOOOOOOO!!!!!
Fang: Have fun with him, oh and my payment.
Lucifer: As promise, $300,000 million as request for one kill. You will get more after I call you for a next mission.(Lucifer saids and hands Fang his money)
Fang: If I get paid like this, I'll be living in a mansion or a castle soon. See you next mission your majesty. Bye bye Vaatu enjoy your new home and your master.
Vaatu: Come back here come back and end me for good!!! I don't want this treatment!!! I rather be locked up in my prison then this!!!
Fang: Sorry can't hear you!(Fang saids while leaving Lucifer's home)
Fang leaves the home of Lucifer while hearing the screams of the former dark spirit which earned the HellWolf a smile of hearing sweet music to his ears but now he is heading back to his penthouse to see his lover Loona who is waiting for him to return. Fang came up to his penthouse and opened the door and looked to find Loona looking at him with a sexy look.
Loona: Hey handsome, I've been waiting for you~❤️
Fang: Hey Lune, I'm back and my job is complete as well as getting my payment from the king himself.
Loona: Good now it's just you and me. Now come over here and fuck me rough baby.(Loona saids with a smirk while showing half of her boobs and wearing her black panties)
Fang: AWOOOOOOO!!!!!
(Lemon Alert 🍋)
Fang goes over to Loona and takes off his shirt revealing his ten pack and muscles that Loona smirked and started to rub her hands all over and feel her lovers strong biceps.
Loona: Ooh you really look absolutely babe nice muscles and ten pack. Mama hound likes.
Fang: Hehehe these muscles and ten pack are now yours.
Loona and Fang started to make out next in which they made out for at least four hours until both of them caught their breath until Loona stripped her closes off and so did Fang. When Loona got a good look at Fang's member her eyes were glued to how big her man was.
Fang: Well what you waiting for Lune, it's all yours. Though give me some of that pussy.
Loona: As you wish my alpha.
Loona began to suck and lick Fang's member while Fang eats her out with his tough that was causing Loona to moan with pleasure.
Loona: Yes! Yes keep doing that baby I love it!!!❤️
Fang: You taste delicious darling.
Loona: Mmmmm...I could ask you the same thing wolfie.(Loona saids while continuing to suck on Fang's member)
Fang kept on eating out Loona until he can feel himself about to cum as well as Loona.
Fang: Loona...I'm....
Fang: Loona!!!
Loona: Fang!!! AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!
Fang came in Loona's mouth while she came on Fang's face in which he wiped himself off and Loona licking the cum off Fang's member.
Loona: Path..that was delicious but now I want more. So fuck me hard Fang, make me scream.
Fang got on top of Loona where he gave her a HellWolf devilish smile that was making Loona hotter until she feels Fang pushing himself into her. Loona let out gasp when Fang pushes himself into Loona's pussy and saw that was indeed a virgin but not anymore.
Loona: Argh.....
Fang: You all right Lune.
Loona: Y..yes...I am all right...we became one babe...please take me...make me your woman.
Fang thrust in and out of Loona that was causing her to moan with more pleasure than ever before now that her man was inside of her.
Fang: Oh I will Lune I will!!
Fang thrusted faster now and it was making Loona's eyes whole as well as drooling. She was feeling Fang's member going deeper into her that she started to make out with him more while also clawing his back and him nibbling her neck with his teeth.
Fang turned Loona over and thrust harder in doggy style while giving Loona some spanking to her ass that made her moan again only this time she has hearts in her eyes.
Fang: I will spank you as many time I want!
Fang: I love you too!!!
Loona can feel her time was coming as well as Fang until Loona got on top of Fang and started to bounce on his member. Fang grabbed hold of Loona's breast and gave them a squeeze where he can feel the soft pillows in his hands.
Loona: Fang..I..I can't hold on my much longer!!!
Fang: I to babe!!
Loona: Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Fang...I'm about to cum!!
Fang: Me too...
Loona: Do it inside me...fill me up with your warm cum...make me your bitch!!!
Fang: LOONA!!!
Fang and Loona: AWOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
Fang cums deep in Loona while Loona enjoyed the whole thing and the first time of her life in hell, she lost her virginity to someone who knows how to give her a good fucking. Loona who is now exhausted and can hardly move lays down on top of Fang.
Loona: hot.
Fang: Path...path...yea..tell me about it.
Loona: Thank you for being my first 💋.(Loona saids and kisses Fang on the cheek)
Fang: Thank you for being mine Lune.
Loona: Now all the bitches who would either become your many girlfriends will know that you were my first and I am number one.
Fang: You will always be number one babe.
Loona: Hehehe, yawn...cuddle me wolfie.
Fang: Sure
Fang cuddled Loona in which she wraps her arms around her wolf and drifts off to sleep and so did Fang who smiled that not only he got a girlfriend but he also had sex with her though he might have to do it again with some of the other girls who are gonna fall for him soon.
(Lemon End)
The next day on Earth-AG174, after what happened in the spirit world between Vaatu and the wolf being, Korra allowed the spirit portals to remain open for spirits and humans to live togther in peace after the battle was over. Korra told her friends and family about what went down in the spirit and who defeated Vaatu in which everyone thought she was making things up or that she was hit in the head hard by Vaatu but deep down Korra knows what she saw. When she discovered that Unalaq was captured, as well as that his memories were erased making everyone confused of how Unalaq lost his memory and hasn't have a clue who he is. Right now Korra was in a room with everyone telling them about what saved her and who defeated Vaatu and just disappeared in some kind of bizarre portal that it opened.
Korra: Guys I'm telling you I know what I saw was real you got to believe me.
Tenzin: Korra it's a little hard to believe that some wolf being that you mentioned came out of nowhere and destroyed Vaatu. This is something that I never read before.
Korra: Mako, Bolin, Asami, you guys don't think I'm making this up right?(Korra saids to her friends)
Mako: Korra when we arrived back in the spirit world it was just you there, we didn't see no one else but you.
Asami: Are you sure it wasn't just another spirit?
Bolin: Yea that's a little hard to believe, I mean did it even give you its name or what it was?
Korra: No, for some reason it knew my name, I wanted to ask it about how it knew me but it left in some strange portal that I never seen before.
Jinora: What did it want Korra?
Korra: It wanted Vaatu, it said that it's client wanted him destroyed and taken to well...
Tenzin: Taken to where Korra?
Korra: Pardon my language but it wanted to send Vaatu to hell.
Lin: Okay that is hard to believe, how could a spirit end in a place like that? And you mentioned that it used a weapon to destroy Vaatu correct.
Korra: Yes and when I saw it use it on Vaatu, I never seen anything like it. Though it has loud banging sound too it once he fires. It nearly blew out my ears drums.
Tenzin: Mother do you know anything?
Katara: This is something I never heard of Tenzin, I been around the world with Aang and I never heard of such of a being like this.
Korra: I know what I saw in the spirit world was real guys.
Ikki: Hey everyone there's some kind of wolf looking thing outside!
Everyone goes outside to see what it is until everyone stop and star in absolute shock of what they are seeing in person in which Korra comes out and see's who was outside and it was the same wolf she met in the spirit world who came back.
Korra: It's you again!
Tenzin: Korra you know what that is?
Korra: Tenzin, guys thats the wolf I was trying to tell you all about. The one who destroyed Vaatu.
Everyone except Korra: IT'S REAL?!!!!
Fang: Hey I'm not an it, I'm a he so watch it.
Everyone except Korra: IT CAN SPEAK?!!!
Fang: Argh...what's with people and the screaming I mean seriously.
Korra: What are you doing here? How did you find me?
Fang: Your scent wasn't that hard to pick up and you asked for questions so I am here to answer them for you.
Korra: Why now?
Fang: I got the day off today, so I have time for myself and besides this world has some strange energy I have been feeling and wanted to check it out.
Korra: Okay? So what are you exactly?
Fang: I'm a highly evolved race from another dimension, a race that is very powerful with powers beyond what you can do as well as having super natural abilities. I am known as a HellWolf.
Korra: HellWolf? Another Dimension?
Fang: I'm from another world does that help.
Korra and everyone: WHAT?!!!
Fang: Enough with the screaming already geez!
Jinora: He maybe telling the truth, I am sensing a lot of bizarre energy coming from him. It's strong and yet so mysterious.
Fang: What you are sensing is my magical energy that I was given to me before I became a HellWolf.
Asami: Before? You mean you were never like this creature?
Fang: I used to be human.
Now that got everyone in shock even Korra that the wolf being in front of them used to be a human being but how did he become this in the first place.
Tenzin: If you were human, how did you become this monster wolf creature.
Pemi: Tenzin!
Tenzin: I mean this wolf being.
Fang: Don't worry about it ma'am I been called a lot of things when I became this.
Mako: How did you end up like this? Did a spirt merge with you?
Fang: No.
Korra: Then how?
Fang: I became this after I died in my world.
Now everyone was in horror but more than Korra because she didn't understand how could this wolf being in front of her that used to be human who later died and became this HellWolf was beyond her.
Katara: How?
Fang: In my world, heaven and hell are real. You see when people die they get sent to two different places. If one who died had a good soul they get sent to heaven and did good deeds but if one who committed sins they are sent to the bottom known as hell itself. Hell is full of demons, monsters, and large cities for people who have done terrible things and its the same place where I sent Vaatu after I destroyed him.
Bolin: Wait you mean the things Korra told us are true, your the one who took down Vaatu.
Fang: It was part of my job.
Mako: Job? They have people working down below?
Fang: Oh yea it's a madhouse down there. And trust me you wont live long enough to enter that place trust me a lot of souls who ended up in hell don't live that long.
Jinora: Wait a minute if you were sent there, did you by any chance...
Fang: For my being in hell, I was manipulated and lied to as well as deceived by people who I could trust but they fell under the spell of a psychopath who lies under her lips and caused more deaths than you could possibly imagined. She ruined my life, I lost everything even though I still had friends that looked up to me, but after lies and more lies I decided to end things for good.
Tenzin: Pema why don't you take the kids inside while we talk with him because I don't think they don't want to hear what comes next.
Pemi took her kids inside in which Fang knows that the kids would be better off not knowing what Fang is going to say.
Lin: When you said end things, you mean you well you know.
Fang: Yes I killed the one who ruined my life, because I was a victim to her causes and not just me but also as well. After I ended her, the police of my world were also manipulated by the psychopath thinking I was the bad guy but I was innocent so they took out their weapons and shot me down and killed me.
Korra: They...they killed you....
Fang: After I died, I thought I was going to be sent to heaven but instead I was sent to hell where the demon named Satan told me all about what goes on in heaven that they only except people who done good deeds but in reality they were people who manipulated others thinking they did good deeds so I decided to remain in hell and not get bothered with those heaven. Even if there are good souls in heaven I just don't want to get involved with souls who like to manipulate people.
Bolin: Did you just say demon like a real life demon!
Fang: Yes I just said that, demons and angels they're all real where I come from. Also for how I know about Vaatu and you Korra that was from my client Lucifer, the king of hell. He knows everything about other worlds especially the things Vaatu did in his time before Avatar Wan sealed him away.
Tenzin: A demon who is the king of the afterlife.
Korra: So he was the one who sent you here to destroy Vaatu.
Fang: Yes, Lucifer sent me on a task to hunt down and destroy beings who have cheat themselves out of death or have committed sins like Vaatu. He nearly covered the world in darkness as well as caused chaos among the spirits and the human race not to mention he actually took human lives that were never shown but the king of hell knows all.
Korra: Vaatu killed people...
Fang: Yes and I was tasked to kill him and bring him back to hell. Right now he is in hell with Lucifer being used as rug carpet.
Bolin: Wait he turned an all powerful dark spirit into a rug carpet seriously.
Fang: Oh yea, Vaatu is not happy about it not one bit.
Asami: Well at least we don't have to worry about a dark spirit trying to cover our world in shadows.
Mako: What kind of beings live where you come from?
Fang: We have a variety of beings living in hell, we have demon, hellhounds, imps, and sinners. Imps are hellborn demons that have the lowest ranking in hell's hierarchy but they are quite vicious and dangerous unlike my boss I work with whose a total nut case but the other two who I work with are nice. Hellhounds anthropomorphic demons that resemble canines or canine like carnivores they look like me but they are in the form of dogs. Sinners are a subspecies of demon that were all once humans who have committed sins before they died which resulted in them arriving in hell as their punishment in the afterlife.
Bolin: Okay uh am I the only one thinks that the afterlife is scary and yet chilling.
Mako: Bro you're not the only one who freaked out about this.
Fang: And of course there are the Overlords.
Korra: OverLords?
Fang: The OverLords are a class of extremely powerful and influent demons who reign over territories and sections of hell. Say if you fought one, you wouldn't last more than a second against them, trust me they are more powerful than the things you fought in this world even more powerful than Vaatu.
Lin: Should we be aware of them?
Fang: I don't think so, since both the heaven and hell in this world are not like mine there is nothing to worry about.
Mako: Okay then what makes us think that you wont try something.
Fang: I only hunt down and kill people who committed sins nothing more and besides none of you have done that. I only came to this world to kill Vaatu nothing more. I kill those who are scum in the world and myself and my employee's get hired by someone who ends up in hell and want us to go to the human world and take out those who ruined their lives.
Korra: Have you done that.
Fang: Lots of times, if you saw the woman Martha you would totally have nightmares. That bitch and her racked up family live in a house filled with human body parts everywhere it was not pretty.
Bolin: Guys..I think I'm feeling sick to my stomach.
Fang: Yea sorry about that.
Korra: Okay I like to change the questions now. How did you get here I am wondering?
Fang: With this ring I am wearing, the one with the red gem. This is a magical ring that allows me to take me to other worlds, it was given to me by the demon Satan himself who is also the one who gave me my super natural powers as well as turning me into a HellWolf.
Korra: You can travel to other worlds!
Fang: Yup but I only go to them for the task Lucifer gave me to do. The other ring I am wearing takes me to the human world.
Tenzin: A ring that can take you to another world and one to the human world. While in the human world, don't people who see you get frighten of your appearance.
Fang: Oh no, that's because while in the human world, I can revert to my human self so I can blend in. I used to human being before I became this.
Katara: Would it be all right if we see your human sorry but we do not know your name.
Fang: My name is Fang Hunter and sure one second.
Fang uses his magic to engulf him in a smoke until everyone even Korra looked upon what Fang looks in human form that made both Korra and Asami blush at the site.
Fang: This is what I used to look like before I became a HellWolf.
Korra: OH MY SPIRITS HE LOOKS SO SEXY!!! NO WAY IS THAT A TEN PACK!!!💙(Korra saids in thought while blushing crimson)
Asami: He's got to be the most handsome man I have ever seen in my life!!!❤️(Asami saids in thought while blushing crimson like Korra)
Bolin: Whoah dude you look so different from when you were a wolf.
Fang: In human form I used to have blue eyes now they are red. Red as the blood moon.
Lin: So this is how you get around in the human world, in which you used to be part of it before you died.
Fang: Yes. What do you think Korra?
Korra: Will you make love to me.
Fang: What?
Korra: What?
Fang: Uh what was that again?
Korra: Nothing I didn't say anything! Hehehe...(Korra saids while blushing with embarrassment)
Fang: Okay....does anyone else have something they want to ask.
Bolin: Um were you also the one who shot Unalaq out of the spirit world?
Fang: I am and used a memory erasing spell on him to forget who he is and what he did.
Lin: So that explains why he can't remember anything about himself.
Fang: Yup I seen a lot of crazed up lunatics in hell but that guy was loony. And other questions?
Asami: Are you very cuddly in bed?
Fang: Uh.....another question please.(Fang saids while changing back into his wolf form that made both Korra and Asami pout for some reason)
Mako: Cough!....Korra said that you used a weapon to destroy Vaatu, what was it?
Fang: Well in my world the human race don't have the abilities to control the elements like you guys can, we have weapons called gun think of them as like crossbows but they shoot out metal that can instantly kill someone or injured them anything but a strait shot. A gun is a weapon incorporating a metal tube from which bullets, shells, or other missiles are propelled by explosive force, typically making a characteristic loud and a sharp noise.
Asami: Are they used for killing?
Fang: Yes but also for defense, the police use them for combat against people who caused murder or are wanted men. I decided to leave my guns at home because having those weapons here would cause chaos it will bring more harm then good.
Lin: You did the right thing, I wouldn't want those weapons in my city.
Korra: Is that how you destroyed Vaatu.
Fang: The bullets I used were designed by Lucifer. When fired, the target will be transported to hell where Lucifer will deal with them while I get paid for each kill I make.
Mako: You get paid while doing this?
Fang: Oh yea I just made over $300,000 million for taking down Vaatu.(Fang saids that made everyones jaw drop to the ground)
Korra: Okay and what was that thing you turned into when you help me get to the portals.
Fang: That was my demon form, I only use it for emergencies only. There are many demons in hell who have one. And sorry I will not show you because it's not a play thing.
Tenzin: It would be wise not too, I don't want the kids or anyone freaking out.
Fang: Tell that to Korra who did. Her screaming nearly made my ears bleed.
Korra: Hey I didn't know all right! How was I suppose to react?
Fang: Try not to scream. Anything else?
Bolin: Are you strong?
Fang: Hell yea I am, HellWolves are the most powerful race of all demons. I have incredible super demon strength, I can shoot laser from my eyes, super natural abilities and so much more.
Korra: So basically speaking your very powerful so powerful that I couldn't beat you in a fight.
Fang: Hm..possibly. Any more questions?
Tenzin: Before you died, did you at least have a family.
Fang: I used to, my parents died in a car crash a long time ago. I was left to defend myself but I had friends who stood by me and I treated them like my new family. I am actually thinking of checking up on them to see how they are after my death. I just to make how they are holding up.
Asami: I think that is very sweet of you to do that.
Katara: Though I think it would be best to remain in the shadow. If they saw you now, it could put them in a shock.
Fang: I plan to do that. By the way since I told you my name what yours if you don't mind me asking.
Teznin: I am known as Tenzin, son of Avatar Aang, the avatar before Korra, this here is my mother Katara and inside are my children Jinora, Ikki, Meelo and Rohan and Pemi is my wife.
Lin: I am Chief Lin Beifong of Republic City.
Mako: I'm Mako and this is my brother Bolin.
Bolin: Hey.
Asami: My name is Asami Sato, but you can just call me Asami.
Fang: Interesting names, you guys can just call me Fang.
Korra: Hey Fang can I try something.
Fang: Uh sure what is it?
Korra went up to Fang and started to scratch him behind the ear that caused the HellWolf to feel strange and by strange it means he laid on his back while rolling around in the snow and acting like dog while making sounds.
Fang: Bark! Bark! Awooooooooo!
Bolin: Pfftt....hahahahahahaha!!!!! Wow that is so not normal.
Mako: Hehehe.
Korra: Whose a good boy, whose good boy!
Fang: Hey I'm not really a dog you know?
Korra: Then why is your tail wagging and you were making puppy noises?(Korra saids with a smirk)
Fang: Grrr...never do that again.
Korra: I make no such promise puppy face.
Fang: Hmph..
Tenzin: Now that we know what you are and how you got here as well as how you defeated Vaatu. What are you gonna do now?
Fang: Like I said I got a days off from work so I am basically enjoying my free time.
Korra: So you got nothing to do?
Fang: Things got boring at my place and everyone is out doing their own thing.
Korra thought about something until an idea came to her head and looked at Fang who he looks to see Korra smiling at him knowing that she has something up her sleeve.
Korra: I know hows about I show you around my home, and call it as a thanks for saving my life.(Korra saids while wrapping her arm around Fang's)
Fang: Well okay, does this place have good food.
Korra: The best, you will love the antarctic hen, it's delicious.
Fang: Never had that before.
Asami got jealous and went over and grabbed Fang's other arm and snuggled into him that left Fang confused while Korra looked jealous that Asami is holding Fang's arm.
Asami: How's about I show around my company in Republic City, I even know an amazing restaurant in the city my treat.
Fang: Uh okay.
Asami: Wow your fur is so soft and fluffy.
Korra: Hey I'm the only one who gets to touch puppy face's fur.
Asami: Heh I don't see your name on him.
Fang: Oh boy this is gonna get out of hand...(Fang saids in thought)
Korra: Hey Fang.
Fang: Uh yea?
Korra: Do you have someone in your life, back in the afterlife?
Fang: I do her name is Loona, she's a hellhound. Why?
Korra: Just asking.(Korra saids while getting closer to Fang)
Asami: Is she pretty?
Fang: She is, not to mention strong, powerful, highly skilled in combat though don't get her on her bad side, you might live to regret it.
Asami: Do you think I'm pretty.
Fang: Uh yea I think you are very pretty Asami.
Asami: Aww you are so sweet.
Korra: Do you think I am beautiful Fang.
Fang: You are very beautiful Korra especially for an Avatar.
Korra: Heh I know I am.
Fang: Are these two falling me already, wow this is nuts.(Fang saids in thought)
The girls took Fang away while leaving just Tenzin, Mako, Bolin, Katara, and Lin alone.
Bolin: What just happened?
Mako: I don't even want to know.
Katara: It seems that both of them have found a liking to our new friend.
Tenzin: Sigh...I'm going to check on my family.
Lin: I'm taking the next boat back to the city, this is getting too weird for me.
Fang went with Korra and Asami around the south pole which Fang was in since Korra told him, and they did a lot of fun things together. Korra showed him some fun games to play as well as some of the food like the hen that Fang tried and it was delicious. Asami asked if he wanted to go on some rides with Korra tagging along and Fang couldn't say no because women can get scary when they are mad. Korra told Fang all about her world as well as the adventures she went on including her past life Aang and how ended a hundred year war. Asami told about her life and the company she owns after he father was thrown in jail for working with a terrorist who tried to take over Republic City.
The girls asked what Fang world was like before he died in which he gave them a long history about the different cultures, technology as well as the cities and towns across the globe that made Asami amazed of the futuristic tech while Korra was in all that there are other worlds out there besides her own as well as people who are heroes with powers. By the time the day was finished Fang had to return back to hell with the girls disappointed.
Korra: Do you have to go back now?
Fang: I am afraid so, I got to go back to work tomorrow, this was only for a day.
Asami: We understand. Though will you come back.
Fang: Sure I will, I got a magic ring to get me here.
Korra: That's great but before you go I want to give you something.
Fang: What is it Korra?
Korra while blushing stands on her tippy toes gives Fang a kiss on the cheek that left him in shock as well as blushing a little in which Asami pouted and did the same thing.
Korra: Why did you do the same thing I did?
Asami: Sorry it was instant. Oh and Fang.
Fang: Yea?
Asami: I don't mind sharing with someone like you and when you come back hows about treating me like a woman.(Asami whispers to Fang that made his eyes widen)
Fang: Uh.......
Korra: Hey Fang.
Fang: Yes Korra.
Korra: When you come back, hows about we get to know each other a bit better and maybe you show me a good time in bed. That all right with you puppy face.(Korra whispers to Fang who was now even more shock)
Fang: Okay....well, see you later girls.(Fang saids while opening a portal then leaving)
Korra: Sigh...what a guy. See you soon puppy face.
Asami: Due come back you sexy Wolfman.
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