Chapter 1: Welcome to Hell, Fang Hunter!
Fang Hunter was just an ordinary guy living a perfect life except he lost his family in a car crash years ago and now has to live on his own. Fang lives by himself in his penthouse in Paris where he goes to school with his closest friends who befriended three years ago when he came to school. He likes hanging out with his friends Marinette, Nino, Luka, Chloe, Juleka, Nathaniel, and Kagmai except he doesn't hangout with the people who share a single brain cell who like the Akuma class who just listen to lies and fake stories from a bitch named Lila Rossi.
Fang hated the girl with all his might and so did his friends who didn't believe in the lies that Lila spilled however one said that her lies don't hurt anyone and that person was Adrien who is the son of the fashion designer Gabriel Agreste who knew about the lies and didn't say anything because the guy was a coward and an asshole who doesn't know about what goes on in life. Fang also hated how the Akumaclass always get on his nerve saying that he did awful things to Lila why she just plays drama queen using fake tales and crocodile tears. He was treated as an outcast in school but those who still his friends stood by him to the end which made Fang happy that people still stick by him.
Fang also hated the super villains Hawk Moth and Mayura because whenever those morons show up they always interrupt Fang's peaceful days when he just wants to relax and hangout with his friends. Luckily the heroin Ladybug and her team were there to deal with them while a certain porn star cat and his lame ass puns did nothing to help and always just flirts with Ladybug that makes her annoyed. Fang would just like to take out a pistol and shoot Cat Noir in the dick for being useless and possibly have both Hawk Moth and Mayura's blown up.
When the insults as well as the bullying started well the Akumaclass don't put up much of a good fight since Fang is stronger and more skilled then them. Adrien couldn't stand up against him due to the fact that Fang studied in many forms of martial arts and kung fu as well as karate. The insults he can deal with since they don't pay no mind to him but when he gets framed for something he didn't do, that is what ticks him off and the so called principal believes in the tales of a liar then the victim and so does the teacher who both are idiots just like the Akumaclass.
Then soon things came crumbling down when Fang's account for his money was hacked by one of the Akumaclass thinking he stole money from Lila and had it transferred to her account while also being insulted online thinking he was a criminal and did such awful things but then the worst came when Lila texted Fang that he lost and that she took everything away from him just like her other victims who didn't believe in her lies. She insulted him, she manipulated him, she shunned him from both school and online but most of all she insulted his family and that was the last straw. Fang now full in rage and hatred took out his fathers old pistols that he got years ago before he died and had them loaded with ammo for a purpose and that purpose was to end Lila Rossi for good.
Fang headed out of his penthouse and headed to school while hiding his two pistoles under his shirt and when he gets to class, he is going to make sure Rossi never sees the light again and his those Akumaclass try anything well he will enjoy shooting them but wont kill them no just to make sure they don't try something up their sleeve. What he wants is Lila dead and he might even do her victims a favor of ending the bitch.
When he arrived at the front door of the school, he looked to see everyone eyeing him in which he sent them a death glare that scared them so they back off and asked one of them where Lila Rossi was in which she was in class with the other students were. He headed up the steps but before he can go to the classroom he was stopped by the principal.
Damocles: Mr.Hunter report to my office now.
Fang: Get the hell out of my way, I got someone to meet.
Damocles: Mr.Hunter go to my office now or you will be expelled!!!
Fang: Hows about you shut the fuck up old man!
Fang grabbed Damocles by the collar and delivered a hard punch to the mans face followed by a kick to the gut for being a useless principal. Fang then threw Damocles into the wall and gave the man a kicked to face that knocked him out cold.
Fang: Some principal you are, betting Lila told you something well thats about to end here.
Fang continued on while some of the students filmed him attacking the principal in which he didn't care, he arrived at the classroom where Miss Bustier was about to teach when Fang forced kicked the door down that alarmed everyone in the room.
Bustier: Fang what is the meaning of this?!
Fang: Hello to you to teacher.
Fang looked around the class room and see that his friends weren't in the room yet but looks to see Lila being shielded by the morons that Fang wants to beat the crap out of.
Alya: Oh look the bully is back, well your just in time because the police are on their way here.
Fang: Might I tell what did I do now.
Alya: You know what you did!!!
Kim: Yea you hired a gang to come after Lila late at night to kill her!!!
Fang: Hmm..last time I checked I don't even know where she lives though hiring a gang is something I never thought of doing.
Sabrina: So you admit you did it!
Fang: No you stupid four eyed moron I was being sarcastic, besides I was home all night finding out that my accounts have been hacked and my money all gone.
Max: Yea that was me because you stole from Lila.
Fang: And you just earned yourself a trip to the hospital Maxxy along with a few broken bones.(Fang saids with a glare that made Max pale)
Kim: Hey watch who you are.....
Kim didn't finish his words as he was grabbed by Fang who lifted him up and threw the monkey out of the classroom window shattering the glass. The Akumaclass was now frighten and hope the police come soon.
Fang: Wanted to do that for a long time. Now where was I.
Rose along with Max and Mylene were scared while Ivan walked towards Fang to teach him a lesson when he too was lifted off the ground and slammed onto the table knocking the guy out cold. Alix went to attack but ended up getting a fist to the face.
Fang: Heh they weren't so tough.
Fang: Oh go suck a dick bitch or better yet why don't you go fuck Damocles who is outside jacking it.
Bustier blushed with embarrassment and went to slap Fang in the face when all of sudden she was hit in the head with Fang's gun that he took out and later spanked hard in the ass with a ruler. Max, Rose and Mylene now wetting themselves left the room as fast as they can while leaving Adrien, Alya, Lila and Sabrina who fainted from the horror she seen.
Fang: Well looks like it just leaves you three.
Alya: monster!!!!
Fang: Monster well never been called that before, but it is Rossi who is the real monster you're just too blind to see it.
Alya: I wont let you hurt her.
Fang: Oh I am not going to hurt her. I am going to blow her brains out meaning I am just going to kill her with my twin pistols.
Fang takes out his pistols and aimed them at Lila who was now paling like ghost while both Adrien and Alya keep Lila safe.
Adrien: Fang this isn't...
Fang: You shut the FUCK UP!!!....I have had it with your stupid high road bull shit Agreste and its hard to believe that someone like you could be so cowardly makes me wonder that you like to defend bullies and liars who treat people like shit itself.
Adrien: Please just listen I was just trying to make sure...
Fang: Don't give me that crap about the Akuma's again because if one did showed up I would have taken it and shove it right up your ass or better yet feed you it like miserable scumbag you are. Who gives a shit if she gets akumatized because hells know I don't, I would have just shot her and be done with it.
Adrien: If you would have taken the high road none of this would have happen.
Fang: Your about five seconds to get out of my way before I shoot you right now.
Adrien: I wont let you harm Lila, she's not hurting anyone.
Fang: Oh but she did, if you all used your brains and looked up information about her claims and what she has done you will know.
Adrien: Fang just...
Fang: 1.
Adrien: You need to see that...
Fang: 2.
Adrien: Fang if you apologize then...
Fang: 3.
Adrien: Just put down the guns and let's talk like normal adults.
Fang: Can I just say something.
Adrien: What is it?
Fang: You're not ever a real adult and lastly 4 and 5.
Fang shoots Adrien in both of his legs that caused him to scream in pain that he lost bot of his legs and can no longer feel them.
Adrien: MY LEGS?!!!!
Fang: You don't deserve to walk and you can go fuck yourself or better yet go fuck your Ladybug sex doll you have in your room which is really gross by the way.
The police bust through the opening and pulled up their guns at Fang which earned Lila a smirk that Fang will be taken away for good so that she can get back to lying again but sadly it is never going to happen because Fang will not allow the liar to live.
Alya: Hah! You lost now you will be taken away forever for your crime.
Officer Roger: Fang Hunter you're under arrest, put down the guns and get on the ground now.
Fang: Heh like that is going to happen you sorry excuse of an officer, you're not even that much of cop.
Officer Roger: Get on the ground or we will open fire!!
Fang: Fine but can I say one last thing before you hall me off to who knows where. Alya you're a tabloid bitch who will have no future as a reporter because your blog is full of trash nonsense and Adrien your spineless dick who has no common sense not even that asshole father of yours who has no love for you. Oh and Lila.
Lila: What?
Fang: See you in hell, bye bye Lila Rossi.
Fang opened fired at Lila and shot her entire body that was now filled with holes and then delivered the final blow to her head.
Fang: Sweet revenge.
Officer Roger: OPEN FIRE!!!
Roger and his men open fire and shot Fang and once he was down on the ground, the officers moved in and surrounded him. When news got out that Fang was shot by the police his friends rushed to school and saw Lila's dead body being taken away, Adrien who is taken to the hospital for his legs being shot, Kim and Ivan were being checked for minor injuries while the rest remained petrified and scared but what drew Fang's friends eyes was the horror of their friend in a stretcher while having lots of bullet holes in him.
Marinette: FANG!!!!
Marinette and her friends ran over to see Fang and once close they all gasp in shock and sadness that their friend was on the verge of death.
Fang: Cough....cough....hey....hey guys.....
Marinette: no no no....Fang....
Luka: Oh my god.....what happened....
Fang: Cough...I got my payback...I ended that bitches life forever....
Chloe: Oh Fang......😢sniff....we're so sorry.....
Fang: I know....cough!..cough!...but it was worth it.
Nino: Dude stop talking! You need to rest....
Fang: Rest...yea I think my time is already coming.
Kagami: Fang please 😢sniff.....please don't....
Fang: Thank you...all of you...for being my friends....I love you all...cough! cough!....promise me that you will not let bullies and liars stand in your way...promise me that you will fight back...
Juleka: We....we promise 😢sniff.....
Fang: M..Marinette....
Marinette: 😢sniff....F..Fang.
Fang: Be the best person you can be...keep the city safe from Hawk Moth....
Marinette: saids on the verge of tears)
Fang: I have always known....I know you guys are the heroes of Paris....hehe...the resemblance was quite easy to see...cough!..cough!....keep fighting my friends...keep...f....fight....fighting......
With those last words Fang eyes closed and his heart stopped in which broke the hearts of his friends who burst into tears especially Marinette who Luka was converting.
Marinette: Ahahahahahaha!!!!😭....FANG!!!!!
When news got out of what happen, Gabriel Agreste discovered his son was shot and headed to the hospital where the doctors told the fashion designer that his son will never walk again and will spend his life in wheelchair which brought upsetting to Gabriel. Lila however well turns out before his death Fang had files of Lila's claims and things she has done to other people from different parts of the world and when the police discovered it in his penthouse and checked to see the files were real in which they were. The files showed that Lila was a wanted criminal who lied as well as caused deaths and avoided being captured by the police.
After discovering the evidence, Officer Roger was fired from his job for killing an innocent man and stripped of his uniform. Damocles and Bustier were both fired by the school board for lack of teaching and the Akumaclass punished and sent to community service for ten years for their stupidity. All their futures crumbled to the ground. All the money that belonged to Fang after being stolen by Lila was given to the Dupain Cheng family since Fang was part of the family.
At the funeral, All friends of Fang came to say their farewells and will miss the person who treated them like family. He was buried right next to his birth parents and Marinette cried a lot that she will never see her friend again who treated her like a sister and him as a big brother to her. Tom and Sabine cried too because Fang was like family to them ever since he treated their daughter like a sibling. Fang's time in this world came to an end at coast of his own life, and now will be sent to a world where he can be at peace or so he thought.
Fang's bodies was now on a ground and his injuries disappeared and was later to gain conscious. He opened up his eyes and looks to see where he was in which he looked and saw that he was in some kind of dark area surrounded by flames and lava.
Fang: Okay? Where the heck am I? Wait a minute my injuries their gone...hang on a minute wasn't I just dead hours ago?
Ah I see you are awake thats is wonderful to hear.
Fang turned his head towards the voice and looked to see what appears to be a large demon with horns and wings but when Fang looked closer he realize that the being in front of him was Satan himself.
Satan: Welcome Fang Hunter of the human world.
Fang: You know me?
Satan: Of course I do, I know all about you.
Fang: Figures as much since you're the devil Satan himself.
Satan: Seems like you know me as well. What gave me away?
Fang: The whole dark appearance and the horns as well as the wings made perfect sense.
Satan: Huh a lot of people who come down here think I was some kind of flying dragon.
Fang: Yea people do attend to call you that a lot or something else. Though how am I here, I thought I would be sent into heaven.
Satan: Actually I was the one who brought you here and you do not want to go to heaven because it is filled with pathetic fools and shit bags but here in Hell you can be free and do what ever you want.
Fang: So I am in Hell. And is heaven really that bad?
Satan: Oh yea it the worst, and the angels are corrupted and not to mention pig headed that makes me want out puke out flames.
Fang: Okay..
Satan: Also for you being here I have also seen your deeds and I have to say I am impressed with your skills and knowledge Mr.Hunter very impressed and not to mention you killing that human who many devils here wanted revenge on her for having them kill themselves for what that girl has caused.
Fang: There are others who have been manipulated by Lila Rossi.
Satan: Oh yea, plenty of them and when the news gets out that she is dead, the devils will celebrate their enemies lost.
Fang: But wont she end up in Hell as well.
Satan: Nah she's too rotten for Hell so that is why she is being sentenced to super Hell, its like Hell but filled with lots of the most terrifying beings and monsters ever so by the time she gets there she will already be torn lime from lime and eaten.
Fang: Damn wish I could see her get torn to pieces.
Satan: I'll send video, for now your new life will be in Hell. Also if you think of Hell as a waste land don't because this Hell has everything that Human world has including people who hire others for jobs and you can do whatever you want.
Fang: That sounds interesting.
Satan: Once you enter Hell, you will have to go under a change.
Fang: What kind of change?
Satan: You will have to become a devil race of any kind you choose.
Fang: Can I see list of races you have.
Satan: Certainly.
Satan pulled out a list of races in Hell. Fang looked over the list and checked to see which race he wants to become until something caught his eye.
Fang: What race is this one, HellWolf. Is that something similar to HellHounds.
Satan: Oh that is a good choice not many have chosen that race meaning you could be the first. You see HellWolves are powerful race of devils that their strength increase by the millions compared to a HellHound. Once changed you will gain abilities like no other that is if you wish to become one.
Fang: Hmm..I do like wolves their my favorite animals and to be able to do things that my normal body cannot do. I will want to become a HellWolf.
Satan: Excellent! Just sign these papers and prepare to be turned into the first HellWolf.
Fang read the papers and then signed them which pleased Satan for and then the next thing Fang knew his whole body started to take a new change where he grew over seven feet tall as well as growing huge sharp claws and fangs as well as a tail and black fur.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(HellWolf Howl)
Satan: How do you feel?
Fang: Whoah I feel incredibly strong in this form! I am going to like being a HellWolf.
Satan: Glad you enjoy yourself and of course you can revert yourself back into your human form, it is like a think it transformation.
Fang: Why would I need to revert back to human form?
Satan: Well here demons are given task to go to the human world for jobs meaning that they need human disguises to blend in so that they can complete their mission and get payed.
Fang: I see, wait you can go back to the human world?
Satan: Oh yea but it only works for people who go to Hell. Here take these rings because these will help you on your new life.
Fang: What kind of rings are these?
Satan: These are magical rings that allow you to travel to both the human world and another dimension. The ring with the red gem allows you to go to another dimension while the ring with the blue gem will allow you to open a portal to the human world.
Fang: Huh, that's kind of cool thanks.
Satan: I can't give you money because you need earn that yourself once you enter the city. Though in the city there are a lot of dip shits running around doing hells know what.
Fang: Thanks for the reminder. Though do I at least get something to ride around on I could use a set of wheels.
Satan: Oh yea no problem here, this bike is used for HellWolves and they are very fast.
Fang: Whistle! Now that is my kind of bike.
Satan: Oh check the pouch there is something else inside for you.
Fang: My fathers alpha wolf pistols sweet! Now we're talking.
Satan: Well I might as well get going got of shit to do, city is a mile drive away just followed the road with the burning flames.
Fang: Got it, see you around Satan. Time to enjoy my new whole life in Hell.
Fang started up his new bike and drove off to head towards the city that Satan spoke about but while he was driving he was thinking about his friends back in the human world.
Fang: I know that my friends will be all right back home, I just know they will be fine. Though if I have to make a stop at the human world I might check on them to see how they are doing but for now got to find a job for hire and get paid. Wonder the salary is like in Hell.
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