Chapter 9- Fight Fire with Gasoline/ UND CERTAINLY NO COLD VARS!

Blueballed for forty years...


Even despite the traps, the sheer number of ghouls was just too much to really prepare for. Ghouls piled over themselves, ammo was running low, and morale was just starting to drop. Muzzle flashes lit up dark rooms, the undead Nazis on the unfortunate end of an ambush as the sound of gunfire rang anew. Pip and Y/N walked out of the room and turned opposite directions, clearing the hallway of any stragglers. The pair gazed out the windows to see the burning remains of the lawn and zeppelin in the distance, both mildly upset over the monetary losses they'd had as to not think of the personal losses.

"This could be going better," Y/N said, sighing slightly as he wiped sweat from his forehead.

"Ya got that right," Seras agreed, joining them. Luckily their casualties had been minimal, nearly negligible considering the absurd force they were against.

"Thank fuck for a lack of trigger disconnect..." the American said, chuckling nervously.

"Trigger disconnect? That's what you're thanking right now?" Pip asked, raising an eyebrow. Y/N gently punched the Frenchman's shoulder.

"Second best friend to a Brit and a Frenchie. Imagine you're some eighteen year old soldier who hasn't seen a woman in months and your primary weapon fires only as fast as your ability to work a shaft," Y/N joked, rechambering a shell.

"Excuse you?" Seras asked, blushing slightly.

"Yeah yeah, you two lovebirds can work out your frustrations after we've filled these bastards with lead and fire," Pip teased, causing both of his comrades to blush.

"It's not like that!" Seras and Y/N said simultaneously. The Frenchman laughed at how easy they were to read. The vampire was the first one to change subjects.

"So, not to ruin the mood, but who's the giant scythe-wielding lunatic outside?" Those words were like an ice bath. He stared out the window and his eyes narrowed.

"Zorrin Blitz. EVERYONE, IT'S JUST AN ILL-" An 'explosion' cut him off as several individuals appeared to have several limbs cut off, or even just flat in half at the waist. Y/N was the first to break the illusion, having experienced this when she constantly tortured him in an attempt to create their ultimate soldier. The werewolf did his best to fight off the ghouls that ambushed them in their dazed state. Some of their men died from being shot, while others had been killed by their own brains trying to convince them that the fake injuries were real, leading to heart attacks and aneurisms. Y/N was only growing more upset by the minute when he saw Pip facing the wrong end of a Mauser C96 (Mauser Broomhandle). The American was able to move his friend out of the way and tore out the German's spine through his throat. Seras came out of the hallucination and started moving who she could to a safer location.

The Hellsing soldiers were backed into a room and finally free from the illusion, though unable to really move. Pip helped Y/N tend to wounded, sparing a glancing glare back at the only remaining hallway for the enemy to come from. They're all just waiting for the next wave, licking the injuries like cornered animals. Pip looked at Y/N and grinned weakly.

"Definitely could use zat drink right about now." Both men chuckle at each other before Y/N falls silent first.

"I'm gonna go out there, Seras will stay back to hold the line. You cover me. Once I'm out there, I'll transform and start doing some real damage, maybe get our asses through this. Hopefully that bitch of a bodybuilder doesn't show up..." he said, standing up and walking to the door. Pip grabbed his arm, stopping him.

"And if you don't come back?"

"Remind them that the French had a thing for executions," Y/N said, and Pip nodded. The two friends separated, not realizing it would be the last time they'd ever see each other. Seras watched with a deep-seated fear growing as he walked out of their saferoom. He was unarmed, already beginning to shift into the massive wolf. It was truly a sight to behold, as the wolf was so tall he stood half way to the 15 foot ceiling. It was odd, however, that he was so small. He was much larger in Brazil, closer to that of a standing Arctodus, the short-faced bear and was still larger than that on all fours. It wasn't until he got to the door that Seras and Pip noticed that Y/N was shrinking. He vanished into the dark of the doorway with a loud, nearly deafening howl. 

Pip and Seras kept their rifles aimed down the hall, ready to fire. They waited for a few minutes before they had more... issues coming their way as the giant woman returned, only now at a much more reasonable size. She had grinned at the sight of the vampire and human and made a mad dash towards Seras, removing the blonde's left arm and gravely injuring Pip.

"D-Damnit!" the Frenchman coughed, spitting blood all over his already stained uniform. Seras did her best to cover his wound, stop as much blood as she could, but they both knew it was pointless.

"Listen... drink my blood... at least you'll live... and... kick her ass..." Pip mustered all his strength to speak.

"N-No! No you'll-" Seras protested, only for Pip to grab her by the collar.

"Seras! Listen to me! You need... take it... save... him at least..." Pip sighed, his breath leaving his body alongside his life. Seras cried out, leaving Zorrin to laugh at their misfortune.

"Ze Major varned me not to engage, but you're just as veak as- GAAAAAH" Zorrin cried out, feeling an intense pain in her shoulder and nothing below that. Looking behind her, she saw nothing but the bodies of her subordinates lying mutilated on the ground. When that happened, she couldn't say. It was so silent she hadn't even realized they were being mauled. Turning back towards the vampire, Zorrin stared into the icy eyes of a grey wolf. Its fur was matted and stained with blood, chunks of muscle, and half rotten innards. In its mouth, was her arm. Actually, the same arm she removed from Seras.

"YOU! VE HAF BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU!" To her surprise, and subsequent horror, the wolf began to increase in size, towering over her. Zorrin's arm might as well have been a toothpick. She'd never felt such fear. Even when the Major was threatening to have her 'removed from duty'.

"Vait... you're him! You're zat boy ve had locked up!" Zorrin exclaimed, her legs giving out. Her arm exploded as the monster's maw closed down on it with the force of a dinosaur. Behind it, Zorrin saw Seras standing up, her uniform stained completely red with the blood of all her allies and her missing arm replaced by dark tendrils of some vampiric magic.

"Oh, you're fucked now."

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