🌻 Past Poetry x Songs 🌻

Final Copies 😃

Love In The City At Twilight: 8.10.15

Saw her standing on corner in the LES
A street walker was how she was dressed
But I knew that she had a lot more class 
Who was this girl and what was her past?

Smiled at me then asked if I had a light
Gave her one without a second thought
Stood there and continued to zone out 
What was bothering this lady so much?

Took a drag and started looking around
Searching for someone she couldn't find
After an hour she just gave up her search
Who was this lady looking so eagerly for?

Finishing her drag then put out the cigarette
Seemed so upset or was that disappointment
Looked at her and those eyes began to dance 
I finally understood what she was hoping for

Coming down the sidewalk was a young man
Dressed so casual it really suited him well
Was so anxious thought she might combust
He walked up and took her into him arms

I knew that I was intruding on this moment
So walked away heading towards Central Park
Lights were bright reflecting off the fountain 
Tonight was beautiful I saw love at first hand


Summer At Coney 8.8.2015

Sitting on the shore at Coney Beach
Soaking up the wonderful blinding rays 
Watching little kids playing hide n seek 
All of a sudden a man blocked my way

A bit taller than any of the average guys 
Stood there and just looked down at me 
He had dark hair that matched his eyes
Wanted to escape and hide in the ocean

The stranger finally decided to speak 
Asked if I would mind sharin' my spot 
Had an accent had to be from the city
Gave him a smile and said of course not 

We sat there and watched the sunset
Said he was just visiting for the holiday
Told me he was actually from the West
Whispered well that's a real fuckin' drag

He asked what brought me to the Island
We stared at the waves hitting the shore
Told him that I was a native of Brooklyn
Guess we found what we were looking for


I Won't... 8.7.2015

I won't be pushed, won't be shoved
You can't throw me under the bus
I won't be fooled, won't be used
You can't pull the wool over my eyes

I won't conform, won't succumb
You can't throw me under the bus
I won't surrender, won't play nice
You can't pull the wool over my eyes

I won't be your puppet, won't give up
You can't throw me under the bus
I won't submit, won't let you in
You can't pull the wool over my eyes


The Girl At The Evergreens 8.7.2015

Saw a girl in the Evergreens
Had very light pale features
Looked kinda like a real ghost 
Wandering amongst the graves

Didn't think to disturb her
As she mourned each name
It was a bit of a real mystery 
Why was she in so much pain?

Gliding by as if she was floatin'
Leaving behind her a single rose
Placed on every lonely tombstone
And said her dearest condolences

Finally finishing her heartfelt task
She decided to sit down on the grass
Recited a tale from beginning to end
When it was over she up and vanished


Rough Copy 1: 7.31.2015
Heaven must sound really beautiful <3

In the 70's some legends had died
Like Hendrix, Joplin, Louis, Morrison
Murcia, Zettner, Alexander, Bolin,
The King, Marc, Keith, and Sid

The 80's came right after that
We had taken from us too soon
Bon, Bonzo, Lennon, Steve
Marley, Rhoads and Cliff

When we hit those wonderful 90s
Said our final goodbyes to 
Stiv, Clark, Thunders, Nolan, Freddie
Zappa, Kurt, Rory, Garcia, and Sonny

The 00s came with it the greats passed
We'll miss you Harrison, Rick, Entwistle, 
Joe, Finn, Joey, Dee Dee, Johnny Ramone,
Cash, Kane, Barrett, West, and Ron Asheton

Reaching the new century 2010s
We had to finally let go and lay to rest 
Quaife, Lord, Manzarek, Reed, Scott,
Tommy Ramone, Bruce, King, and A.J. Pero

Rough Copy 2: 7.31.2015
Heaven must sound really beautiful <3

In the 70's legends passed away
Like Hendrix, Joplin, Louis, Morrison
Murcia, Zettner, Alexander, Bolin,
The King, Marc, Moon, and Sid

The 80's came right after that
We had taken from us too soon
Bon, Bonzo, Lennon, Currie, Took
Marley, Rhoads, Nico and Cliff

When those 90s hit said our final goodbyes 
To Bators, Clark, Thunders, Nolan, 
Mercury, Zappa, Kurt, Sonny, Sterling,
Buxton, Rory, Garcia, and Fogerty

Lost greats in 00's still dearly missed today
Harrison, Rick, Finn, Cash, West, Kane
Barrett, Darrell, Strummer, Entwistle,  
Joey, Dee Dee, and Johnny Ramone,

Reaching the new century 2010s
We had to finally let go and lay to rest 
Quaife, Lord, Manzarek, Reed, Scott,
Tommy Ramone, Bruce, King, and A.J. Pero


Final Copy 8.7.2015
Heaven must sound really beautiful <3

In the 70's legends passed away
Like Henrix, Joplin, Louis, Morrison
Murcia, Zettner, Alexander, Bolin,
The King, Marc, Moon, and Sid

The 80's came right after that
We had taken from us too soon
Bon, Bonzo, Lennon, Currie, Took
Marley, Rhoads, Nico, Lynott and Cliff

When those 90s hit said our final goodbyes 
To Bators, Clark, Thunders, Nolan, 
Mercury, Zappa, Kurt, Sonny, Buxton,
Sterling, Wendy O, Rory, Garcia, and Fogerty

Lost greats in 00's we still dearly miss today
Harrison, Rick, Cash, Dimebag, West, Kane
Syd, The Rev, Strummer, Ron, Finn, Entwistle,  
Joey, Dee Dee, and Johnny Ramone

Reaching the new century 2010s
We had to finally let go and laid to rest 
Quaife, Lord, Manzarek, Reed, Scott Asheton,
Tommy Ramone, Grey, Bruce, King, Pero


Relationships: 8.7.15

When it comes to your relationships 
The only thing that really matters 
Will always be your own happiness
Don't go listening to all the others

Don't go out and date an individual  
Only because your friends approve
Do it cause you absolutely wanna 
Find your soul mate and fall in love


I Never Wanted: 8.6.15

Never wanted materialistic whatnots
Just wanted to find honest true love 
Now everything is bought with cash 
And I don't fucking want that shit

Where's the passion
Where's the romance
Where's the meaning
Where's the chivalry

Money only gets you so far in this world
It won't ever fucking buy you happiness
Yes you can get things to fill your voids
But you'll never feel absolutely complete


Him: 8.6.15
(Aka prequel to Boy With Eyes Like Worn Leather)

He decided to go away 
To try and get clean

Came back home 
Started to perform

Looked so happy 
Really full of life

Don't know what 
Drove him back

But he started 
Using Junk again

Was completely clueless 
Of his private problem

Wasn't till I got the call
I knew something was wrong

Told me he overdosed 
And then passed on

I was heartbroken 
Thought he beat the habit

I guess those demons 
Were just far too strong

The loss along with another 
Had me quit my addictions

I miss him everyday 
Can't wait to see him again

Used to always say hey you 
And Seph I miss your face

I still hasn't hit me yet 
That he's or she's gone

Like I still hoping 
They'll pop up outta nowhere

I know it won't happen 
Have trouble with denial

Can't play his song 
Or look at photos without crying

Its a shame after death 
Everyone stopped talking

If they were still here 
They would've disapproved

Cause they wanted us 
To stick together no matter what


Insanity Peak: 8.6.15

I gotta get away 
I gotta get away 
Before I go insane 
Before I go insane!!

I got to get away
Get the hell away
Before I go insane
I have gone insane!

You're Too Young: 8.6.15

You drink like a professional
But you don't know the songs
You're making a fool of yourself
You can't come, move along

Asking what this is
Asking who they are 
Go home little one
You're too square for us

You did look really interesting
Its such a fucking shame it is
Should've done your homework
Before venturin' into the Lion's Den

Asking what this is
Asking who they are 
Go home little one 
You're too square for us

Listen here you narcissistic prick
Go on and hit the fucking Skids! 
Call your mama you've gotta get  
Cause you can't kick it with us kid

Asking what this is
Asking who they are 
Go home little one 
You're too square for us

You act like you're tough shit 
Don't know the wonderful sound
I can see you're only full of it 
Then, honey ya can't hang around

Asking what this is
Asking who they are 
Go home little one 
You're too square for us


Queens For New Beginnings: 8.6.15

She met a guy on the outskirts of the city 
Had Cerulean eyes and seemed really cool
Introduced himself said his name was Nicky
But boy did he play her like a damn fool

Caught him with some other chick 
Ran outta there as fast as she could
The scene she left behind made her sick 
Why do they always turn out no good!?

Needed some distance from the situation
So she could finally be able to breathe
Winded up at Grand Central Station 
Bought a one way ticket to Queens

Subways seem kind of at peace 
When all the world is fast asleep 
The train was engulfed in black
She knew there was no going back

Got off the train at the next stop 
Just wanted to get really far away 
Didn't know or care where she was
Wanted to find a new place to stay

Nowhere to go, no one to even call
Gave up everyone just to be with him 
Tears fell as she slid down the wall
Guess it was for nothing in the end

Got up off the sidewalk's cement floor
Started walking with her head held high
Dried her eyes and smiled a little bit more
She knew that she was gonna be alright


Battery Park After Dark: 8.6.15

They stood there facing each other
He turned away after something she said
She tried to grab his hand to comfort him 
But he slapped away her pitiful gesture

He looked sadly back into her eyes
Said so that's it and asked her why?
She just shook her head and just sighed
Then walked away from the heartbroken guy

He decided to take a trip to Battery Park 
To think about the current dilemma
It was almost always deserted after dark
He needed to some solitary at this time

Fell in love with someone else
That has always been his curse
They never seem to ever stick
Why's it always have to be like this?

Saw a bench and sat down to rest 
Since his heart was already broken 
He didn't care that he looked a mess
It was clear to anyone who saw him

Tugged at his dark hair in frustration
Why does this always fucking happen?
He thought as he took off his fogged up shades 
Finally giving into the built up agonizing pain

Why do they always fucking cheat!?
He screamed at lonely desolate  street
Stared at the moon expecting some answers
But all he got was nothing just silence

He sat awhile drowning in self loathing 
Heard footsteps and saw a girl walking 
She was pretty but too good to be real
So he ignored this beautiful individual

She walked up and said Hey? Excuse me?
At the sound his heart skipped a beat 
Her voice was so angelic it could be a sin 
He felt himself want to let go and give in

He gazed up at this stranger  
And forgot how to even speak
She had hair the colour of Amber
Eyes like the sky and skin of Ivory

She introduced herself as Harry
Then asked again, if he's saving the seat.
He shook his head no, introducing himself as Ramone
And offered her to come, sit and so he wasn't alone.

Never seen you around here before 
Are you new in this town he asked
No I born here but then we just left
She said trying to catch her breath

She asked him how about himself 
He felt exposed at that very moment
Swore he shouldn't have took off his glasses
Saw his hesitance and offered him a cigarette

He explained what had just occured
She looked at him with pure disbelief
But you seem like a really great guy 
That is why I was left by my girl on this night

Laced her hand with one of his 
She stared at him with a smile
Confused Chestnut to eyes of Sky
Little by little he started to feel alright.


My Baby 8.6.15

When my baby's depressed 
It makes me feel really blue
Cause I can't help with her stress
I am helpless I dunno what to do



Inspired by: She Belongs To Me x Showdown 
The Ramones x New York Dolls

Titles for Poems/Songs 8.6.15

*Streets Of Manhattan
I liked all the things I saw 
When I visited that state 
It was like hitting a wall
Oh how I miss that place

*The High Rise Of The Delaware
Spring has everyone fallin' in love
For me it does nothin' but drain
Each fittin' perfectly like a glove
While I'm just waitin' for the rain

*Walking The Canal
Sometimes I liked to walk the tow
I've known it well since I was a kid
It was a natural therapeutic road
Wish I could go back I sure do miss it

*LES Comes Alive At Night
Did you ever get caught down town 
The scene becomes so fuckin' wild 
When the lights have all gone down 
It's like somethin' has it all riled!

*Broadway & Park Babes
You all know those kind of chicks 
The ones with fame in their eyes
Do anything to get into the cliques
Its so sad really I wanna just cry 
Desperate enough even to turn tricks
Oh god it really make me wanna be sick

*The Bridge
Walking this piece of history
Saw a person all decked in black 
Seemed like to me a real mystery 
Said to them how's it going Mac?


Riverside Drive: 8.6.15 (Sequel to Battery Park After Dark)

Years later I saw her again
Standing there downing some gin
Hello stranger she said would you like some
I replied No thanks this time I brought my own

She changed a lot since the last time
Looked a wreck and lost her smile
Was gonna asked her how's it goin'
But just stood there and stayed quiet

Traded her dress for a pair of jeans
Asked what brought me to this street
Wasn't afraid to answer her question
But still uncertain so I didn't speak

I took a swig from my bottle
She sighed and did the same 
Asked her what's the matter
But she didn't say anything

Finally after awhile she decided to spill
Told me she has been living in hell
Looked so distraught and soft spoken
I held her close and said it's okay to be broken


*After seeing a picture of Joey Ramone it was on a Ramones fan page I liked he was at Central and bam the quote just came together lol

The most beautiful people are those who battle their demons daily but still lend a helping hand and manage to wear a smile.

~Persephone© 8.5.2015

You: 8.5.15

The tears in my eyes start to fall
When I hear Dark Side Of The Moon
Actually every song especially The Wall
Cause they'll always remind me of you

I remember when you introduced me to Floyd
Used to sing them together up in your room
Was a great thing helped me fill the void
Now that your gone they bring me gloom

The day you went up to Heaven 
Hey You played on the radio 
I heard it and felt your presence
Was your way of saying I gotta go

Can't watch any episodes of LOST
Especially the last one where they all died
Cause at that time you were so distraught
Seeing the show now would make me cry

You loved the toon Invader Zim
Asked me if I would draw them 
I did and still have that picture 
But it just makes me depressed

Walked on the canal when it froze over
Explored those ol' Industrial Park ruins 
Stood in the river and watched the sunset
Now those places feel empty and abandoned

Always teased me about my crush 
Used to tell each other our secrets 
Helped me see I was always good enough
These are the memories I'll never forget


Dutch: 8.4.15

Met him in a snowed in parking lot
had hair like the early morning sun 
And eyes blue like the skies above
A bit reclusive but knew he was fun

Hung out on the living room couch 
I could tell he felt really out of place 
Being surrounded by all these strangers
So walked him back to the parking space

Met again months later in the Summer
Found out he was a really creative guy
He had friends who also became mine 
Gone on adventures and had good times

Stayed out passed our normal curfews
Went swimming in the surrounding creeks
Sunbathed on top of the bar roofs
Oh how I love the people I fucking meet

Cracked jokes about his adorable haircut 
Cuddled when he slept over just as friends
Helped him when he stupidly broke his hand 
Guess I loved him right from the beginnin'



Hair like a blazing inferno
Eyes like the roaring sea 
Skin like the Sahara's sand 
And she was staring right at me


Untitled Bits N' Bobs

I'll always say I'm done 
Then the cycle will begin again
Its sick but still I come back 
Does this ever fucking end


I want the trees to turn 
See the leaves start to fall
Littering red, orange, yellow
All around painting the scene


Let's go to Coney Island
Ride the rides and see the shows
Go to Rockaway or Brighton Beach
Surf the waves, or explore the deep
Hop on to the Staten Island ferry
To see the museum or Lady Liberty
Catch a taxi to Grand Central Station
Take a train to Queens, Kings, or Brooklyn
Head to Bronx for Poe, Yankees, or the Zoo 
Time and Madison Square are really interestin' 
There's also Chrysler, Hard Rock, Rockefeller Center
Paramount, Empire State and Chelsea Hotel
Maybe visit Central, Battery or Riverside Park
Oh there's so much to see where do we start?


How..: 8.4.15

What's it like in New York City?
Is it everything you'd hoped it'd be?
Are there subways on every street?
Are the people nice to everyone they meet?

How do you like it in Hollywood 
Is it as glamorous as you'd thought 
Are the roads really paved in gold?
Is it filled with beautiful unknowns?

I grew up in the bad part of town 
Then moved to the industrial part
Seen my share of violent crimes
Learned to fight at an early age 
And have grown accustomed to loud noises
I think I'd be able to hacked it in the city

When I see how people dressed in the 70s
They remind me of kids I grew up with in the 90s
They didn't just dress like em they read the comics too 
Grew up with Archie, Casper, Josie and Scooby-Doo
TV was a delicacy for the upper class so was internet
Us kids from the neighbourhood
We had to entertain ourselves with whatever we had
Whether it was water balloons or listening to the radio
That was our fun that was our entertainment


The City: 8.4.15

Let's fall in love 
In this beautiful City
Let's be in awestruck
With its timeless beauty

Nothing to be afraid of 
Let's fall in love

You and me, we can
Marvel at the lights 
Get reacquainted
With the sights

Nothing to be afraid of 
Let's fall in love

Walk the park after dark 
Wander ruins and just talk
Take a trip over the bridge
Go stargazing on the ridge

Nothing to be afraid of 
Let's fall in love

Let's go dance in the streets
Cause this place never sleeps
Let's fall in love, let's fall in love
With breathtaking New York City


Moon: 8.4.15

Oh blue moon in the sky
Can you tell me your story?
What are the heavens like?
Is the sky a canvas like it seems?
Are the stars really bits of magic 
Or just big balls of cosmic gas?
How can you be so mystically beautiful?
For something that comes out in the dark?
You give me a sense of peace 
And a fill me with love in my heart.


Dear Harvest moon 
The colour of the sun
You take my breath away
To you I am forever drawn 
Maybe that's my intuition
You heighten my senses
Make me freaking restless
Recharge my worn out soul 
I can't wait til it is Autumn


Bring It Back!!: 8.4.15

Remember when Beatles, Zeppelin, and Stones
Were conquering the Airwaves
While Stooges, Dead Boys, Dolls, and Ramones
Were tearing up the fucking stage?

Bring it back!
Let's bring back Rock N Roll!

What ever happened to that wonderful music
Of Blondie, Dylan, Joplin, Reed, and Hendrix?
What happened to when when Rock was real
Not like the shit you hear now on the radio!!

Let's bring back the soul!
Let's bring back Rock N Roll!

Queen, Alice, Bowie, and T.Rex had a lot of sass
Who, Motörhead, and Zappa kicked fucking ass!
Pink Floyd and Doors could take today music
And play fucking circles around it!

Let's bring back the soul!
Let's bring back Rock N Roll!

What is this fucking shit played on the box!?
That they classify today as being Rock?
Where'd Plasmatics, Rattlers, Heartbreakers go?
When did music lose it's passion, heart, and soul?

Bring back Rock N Roll!!!


Blue Eyes: 8.2.15

She's got these big blue eyes
Which have my heart beat skip
Always makes me wanna smile
I'm so lucky that this girl is mine

Her hair is like raven feathers
Cut short but in a cute little bob
Looks like something from the 20s
But it works and compliments her

Has a crazy style of a fashion sense
Wears all these groovy kinda patterns
Sports many varities of kooky earrings
And whacky different types of makeup


The Odd Couple Poem: 8.2.15

I like my clothes all black
Yours are a rainbow assortment
Completely different in every sense
What can I say but opposites attract

We do have some share of similarities 
Well for the most part they're the same
Like our love for comic books, makeup and art
But even those are different in our opinions

I'm rocking out to Ramones, Dolls, and Stooges
She's head banging to Copper, A7x, and Maiden
I like jeans, sneakers and band t-shirts 
She likes cute tops, flats and skittles skirts

She's obsessed with Jareth from Labyrinth
I'm singing Rock 'N' Roll High School with Riff
Like big gentle teddy bears guys 
I prefer tall dark mysterious boys

We may seem like an odd couple
In the eyes of all the others who see 
Wouldn't change a thing about this
Cause I'm her's and she's my lady


Spades, Hazel, Ace, x Rigs: 8.2.15

Poured some Hazel onto the Spade
Cooked it up by lighting an Ace
Used a belt to secure your arm
Mainlined the Rig to feel it all

This China is driving me insane
Take the pin outta my skin
Stop shootin' it in my veins
Don't wanna be hooked again

The euphoric fix is making me sick
I just wanna puke it all away
Can't you see it's time to quit
Gotta stop this before it's too late

This China is driving me insane
Take the pin outta my skin
Stop shootin' it in my veins
Don't wanna be hooked again

Trying not to give into this addiction
It's hard when you're already strung out
You crave the feeling of being zonked
Better stop before you're too far gone

This China is driving me insane
Take the pin outta my skin
Stop shootin' it in my veins
Don't wanna be hooked again

It's not easy to give it all up 
Sometimes the help will pay off
Other times you'll just kickback
Or end up buried under ground


Grand Central Terminal: 8.2.15

I wanted to see you one day
Was always a dream of mine 
When I was but a little child
Saw pictures and wanted to go

Finally got the chance years ago
Ran those forty something blocks
Wasn't tired I was however excited
Opened your doors and my eyes widened

Stood there in shock and awe 
In reality you were more beautiful 
With your many grand staircases
And lights that adorned the walls

Huge windows encased in iron
Over looking the city around it
Halls like that of a majestic palace 
Pillars cut from the finest marble

Chandeliers hung on chains overheard
Your ceilings painted with constellations
Tourists and locals fleeting all over
Trying to catch their trains to go home


I want a...: 8.2.15

I want a boy who'll take me home to mama
And say this is my girl ma, she's the one!
Instead of just dating me for freaking kicks
Seeing who can get me into bed the quickest

I wanna order and eat Chinese takeout
In a 5 story apartment walk up
Listen to the train, far in the distance
As I sit and watch the city from my loft

I wanna ride on the subway train daily
Or hail a taxi in the overcroweded city 
Eat some authentic international food 
Get in touch with my ancestral roots


Fun  (written July 16 finalised 8-1-2015)
(I dunno what the hell this was 😅)

You make me wanna do wrong
I'm so tired of being good, anyways  
Gotta always hold my damn tongue 
Oh fuck it's really hard to behave

I wanna have fun with you
Oh all the things we could do

I wanna be your dog 
And you can be my master
Let's get down and dirty
We can always shower after

I wanna have fun with you
Oh all the things we could do

Come on let's be crazy and wild
Don't treat me like a damn child
Do you wanna cuff me to your bed?
Oh baby I love fucking with your head

I wanna have fun with you
Oh all the things we could do

Don't want no fake rubber toys
What the hell do I look like, boys?
Maybe a blindfold and some lace
Ah yeah baby yours or my place?

I wanna have fun with you
Oh all the things we could do

Are you into black leather?
Or do you prefer Spandex?
Either doesn't really matter
But you better use a Latex!

I wanna have fun with you
Oh all the things we could do

I like to bite, I like to scratch
Honey would you strike my match?
I'm begging you, on my knees
Baby please oh please come play with me

I wanna have fun with you
Oh all the things we could do

Let's go have some fun doll!


You Look Like Sin: 7.31.15
(Oh lord!!😂)

You look like sin 
Make my skin fucking crawl 
I wanna taste you again 
Oh baby give me a call

Those eyes are like fire
Burning to my core 
Erupting my desire 
Oh God do I want more

Your body is just beggin'  
To be fucking dominated
Can't control these urges
You make my body surge!

Those eyes are like fire
Burning to my core 
Erupting my desire 
Oh God do I want more

That alluring bedroom voice
With your sensual pillow talk
Makes me weak in the knees
Fuck I can barely even walk

Those eyes are like fire
Burning to my core 
Erupting my desire 
Oh God do I want more


Wild Child Stuck In Bile: 7.31.15

I miss when hair was long, crazy, and wild
Now they have these things called shape ups 
Which makes me really fucking depressed
When did growin' your hair go out of style?

I want to have messy hair 
Don't wanna be perfect
Do I look like I fucking care
We were all born to be different

Guess I'm just kinda old fashion 
But what happened to the passion 
They call this shit today now style 
God I need something to make me smile

I want to have messy hair 
Don't wanna be perfect
Do I look like I fucking care
We were all born to be different

I miss the wacky expressive clothes 
Now all these people look like clones
Where are those awesome shoes 
This generation is a fucking snooze

I want to have messy hair 
Don't wanna be perfect
Do I look like I fucking care
We were all born to be different

The music makes me grit my teeth
Doesn't anyone know how to even sing
Everything's computerized enhanced Whatnots!
And it really needs to fucking stop

I want to have messy hair 
Don't wanna be perfect
Do I look like I fucking care
We were all born to be different

I need a time machine 
Cause this era just ain't for me 
I wanna go back to the creative times
Wouldn't that be fucking nice?

I want to have messy hair 
Don't wanna be perfect
Do I look like I fucking care
We were all born to be different


I want long wild hair back 
Sing to old school tunes 
I wanna hear vinyl records 
Wear silk button up shirts
I want some leather pants 
To see some real sneakers
I want to go to the dances
Wear colour wired glasses
I wanna buy elevator shoes
Hear those original Blues
Rock out to real Rock N Roll
Let it fill my creative aged soul 
I want to hear it played so loud 
To stand up and be really proud 
I want to wear a kooky looking sash 
Back when life was a real fucking gas
Boy do I really miss Cash


Cigarettes: 7.29.15

When you finally up and left
I chain smoked my cigarettes
And binge drank a six pack 
Still you didn't come back


Sex, drugs x Rock n Roll: 7.28.15

Sex, drugs x Rock n roll
Now be a doll and do as ya told
Sex, drugs x Rock n roll
Is it everything ya dreamed of?


Get Outta My Head!!: 7.23.15

I don't want you in my head
At night can't even fucking sleep
Your memories still taint my bed
While the scent lingers on my sheets

It's like some opiatic dream
And I just wanna get clean

I want these thoughts to stop
This subway train is destined for hell
Hey conductor let me get off!!
I want to finally get fucking well!!

It's like some opiatic dream
And I just wanna get clean

Cause you're poisonous which I despise
Can't take you coursing through my veins
If I continue you'll be my fucking demise
Don't you see you're driving me insane?

It's like some opiatic dream
And I just wanna get clean


Love Is Musical: 7.23.15 (Incomplete!!)

He reminded me of Joey Ramone
Tall, sweet, comical, creative, and shy ya know
Seemed okay hanging around his friends
But with strangers he was much more reclusive
Positive even when dealt the shit end of the stick
Maybe that's why me and him really click

I fall in love too fucking fast
With the most randomest misfits
Wouldn't trade them for all the gold in the world
Cause I'm just an old fashion Rock N Roll kinda girl

He reminded me of Johnny Ramone
Worked to the bone and was really smart
Portrayed as a hard ass but had a good heart
(Had a secret soft side and was really smart)
Liked being on his own, not one to follow the crowd
Always wanted some kind of form of stability
Met a girl, fell in love and the rest is history

I fall in love too fucking fast
With the most randomest misfits
Wouldn't trade them for all the gold in the world
Cause I'm just an old fashion Rock N Roll kinda girl

He reminded me of Dee Dee Ramone
Was an outsider, made friends with unknowns
Had a rough life and wrote about it in his songs
Was also really kind to almost anyone he met
Lived life to the fullest with only a few regrets
And I don't wanna let go of him just yet

I fall in love too fucking fast
With the most randomest misfits
Wouldn't trade them for all the gold in the world
Cause I'm just an old fashion Rock N Roll kinda girl

She reminded me of Cherie Currie
Cute, rebellious, with hair bleach blonde
Could curse you out and still be smiling 
One look and I knew I was fucking done
She picked me when everyone else wanted her
Unlucky in love's what made our bond stronger

I fall in love too fucking fast
With the most randomest misfits
Wouldn't trade them for all the gold in the world
Cause I'm just an old fashion Rock N Roll kinda girl

My girl reminds me of Debbie Harry
And I am her funsized Joan Jett
I knew I loved her that day we met
Just what I need to get through hell
She's the girl I never wanna forget
That's gotta be why we get along so well

I fall in love too fucking fast
With the most randomest misfits
Wouldn't trade them for all the gold in the world
Cause I'm just an old fashion Rock N Roll kinda girl


Was reading interviews and lyrics to other songs while listening to Blondie, Ramones, And New York Dolls when brainstorming this it actually came together while washing my hands and thinking about my ex lover who does remind me of ehem with his actions and stuff :3

-It's an assumption I compiled from like interviews with them that I've seen and read and how others portrayed them so if it's a wrong description I apologise...

7.21.15: The following are untitled Bits N Bobs

I don't like to sugar coat shit 
I like it real not fucking fake 
When people put their soul into their works 
Throwing in real experiences and language
Not afraid to put actual curse words in it
And not care if it does or doesn't offend
I like that, the raw stripped to the bone feeling
It's very rare but when it happens its beautiful


I used to be shy and still am kinda keep to myself 
But I will let you know if you're pissing me off 
Since I'm I mix of God knows what nationalities
My accents combine and each emotion has a voice
When angry I sound like a native New Yorker
Cause of my roots coming from there and Sicily
Happy turns me into a babbling English bird
Thanks to my ancestors coming from the Isles
Creative brings out the German and French
Sometimes the Native American or Lithuanian 
I can speak Spanish, French, Latin, and German
Not all very good but enough to get by


I hate today with this segregation
Its like you need a right of passage 
You gotta hide who you really are 
You're either a fan of the new stuff  
Or a poser for enjoying the classics
No such thing as being anything in between 
You must like or follow the now trends 
If not they ridicule you to no fucking end 
What is this new conformist shit seriously 
No one's a like we all have our own personalities


I'm sick of the jokes 
Of being put down 
For my beliefs 
I don't sit there
And badmouth yours do I?
No, so don't sit there 
And sneer at mine 
Shoving yours down my throat
Won't make me conform like you hope
I follow my heart and make my own decisions
Don't say I'm wrong and fucking ignorant
I know the words I was raised on the book
So go force someone else on your hook 
I believe in the maker and the taker as well 
Who the fuck are you to say who is and isn't going to hell
He loves us all even those who fall from his grace
Still he cares cause each individual is uniquely placed
We all have a purpose and we're not just a waste of space
Take your Catholic ways and go back to the Middle Ages


Seeing The Real You 7.20.15

I got the pleasure to see the real you
And baby I love that side too


Fred The Fruitfly: 7.20.15

There's a fly on my mirror 
I'm gonna call him Fred 
He can be my new best friend 
Oh how happy I try to pretend


I Believe: 7.18.15

I believe in miracles 
I believe in faeries
I believe in magic 
I believe in you and me!!


*inspired by: 
I Believe In Miracles

Creeps: 7.18.15

I use to love this blonde haired boy 
Let's just call him ol' Trenton Troy
Thought I finally got it right, you know?
But man oh man was I fucking wrong!
He dumped me on the side of the road

But you were just another wolf 
Playing the part of the sheep
Boy you had some damn nerve 
Boy you're such a fucking creep

Fell into love with this Skater kid
Let's call him Jasper of the Skids
He liked living life in the fast lane
And I just could not live up to it
So he gave me the fucking slip

But you were just another wolf 
Playing the part of the sheep
Boy you had some damn nerve 
Boy you're such a fucking creep

I was crazy for this Adventure guy 
Let's call him Brighton Beach Bly
He was looking for a perfect woman
So I tried hard to pass his lil' test 
But again I was dropped like the rest

But you were just another wolf 
Playing the part of the sheep
Boy you had some damn nerve 
Boy you're such a fucking creep

Once loved a Rebellious Rocker chick
Let's call her Joyleen from the Styx
Thought she was the only one for me
Turned out I was just a 2nd place trophy
Not someone she truly fucking wanted

But you were just another wolf 
Playing the part of the sheep
Boy you had some damn nerve 
Boy you're such a fucking creep


Spring: 7.18.15
(I wrote this with my wife ❤)

*The flowering are blooming in the sun,
the skies are blue and fluffy white
I made it this far and have might strength
I'm ready for the next fight...


Animals and plants are being born 
And Birds are everywhere
No time to be sad or mourn
Cause Spring is finally here

The flowers are blooming in the sunlight
The skies above are blue with fluffs of white
Mother Nature welcomes all the new life 
And the sun kisses the moon at night

We can have a picnic on the grass
Watch the clouds and day slowly pass
Lay under a weeping willow tree
And enjoy the beautiful scenery

The flowers are blooming in the sunlight
The skies above are blue with fluffs of white
Mother Nature welcomes all the new life 
And the sun kisses the moon at night

Butterflies are flying in the air 
And you can hear music anywhere
Everyone seems to be falling in love 
You can tell Spring has finally sprung

The flowers are blooming in the sunlight
The skies above are blue with fluffs of white
Mother Nature welcomes all the new life 
And the sun kisses the moon at night

~Persephone & Sapphyre©

Cornucopia Of Love: 7.18.15

She was a skater girl
And He was a skater guy 
They go together like PCP and Cyanide

It's a free love kind of a thing
You probably wouldn't understand
And we won't let you in anyway

She was a Punk chick 
And he was into NOFX
Mixed like Lithium and XTC

It's a free love kind of a thing
You probably wouldn't understand
And we won't let you in anyway

The girls dated different guys
And the boys hooked up many times
They all went their own separate ways

It's a free love kind of a thing
You probably wouldn't understand
And we won't let you in anyway

Lithium and XTC had a scrap
And PCP and Cyanide had a fight
They left their love in the past

It's a free love kind of a thing
You probably wouldn't understand
And we won't let you in anyway

Xtc hooked up with Lith but that didn't last
Cy and Pcp dated but that didn't work out
But who knows what the future will hold

It's a free love kind of a thing
You probably wouldn't understand
And we won't let you in anyway

L and X fooled around a few times
And P and C flirted a lot 
But neither seemed to read the signs

It's a free love kind of a thing
You probably wouldn't understand
And we won't let you in anyway

P liked L and X liked C
And the boys liked both ladies 
P and X dated while C and L just waited

It's a free love kind of a thing
You probably wouldn't understand
And we won't let you in anyway


1 They fell in love at a young age
2 They fought constantly 
3 But still kept in touch to this day
4 And the other's seemed to last 
5 But that didn't last too long 
6 They all met again years later
7 They called it the cornucopia of love

Me vs You: 7.18.15

All you do is fight with me
Turnin' my world on its head
I Can't stand this anymore
Get the fuck out of my bed!

Always crawling through my mind
You're like a damn parasitic disease
Constantly poisoning my thoughts
Can't I just have a day of peace

I would probably strangle you 
If I ever had another chance to
You wanted drugs and those whores
Well honey ya got it now leave me alone!!


Summer: 7.18.15

I wanna just bask in the rays 
Even if it's just for one day
Let's go lay on the vast beach 
See how far the ocean can reach

Let's go have some summer fun
C'mon baby and soak up the sun
Let's go play like kids in the water
Standing here we're just getting older

I wanna feel sand between my toes
Listen waves crash against the shore
Catch hermit crabs in the ocean 
C'mon baby let's do somethin'

Let's go have some summer fun
C'mon baby and soak up the sun
Let's go play like kids in the water
Standing here we're just getting older

I wanna build a castle and collect shells
Play some volleyball with the locals
Dive in the deep and surf those swells
C'mon baby, vamonos!

Let's go have some summer fun
C'mon baby and soak up the sun
Let's go play like kids in the water
Standing here we're just getting older


Park: 7.18.15

The first time I saw him
Taking a drag on his cigarette 
Asked him if I could have one 
He said sure you need a light?

He looked so mysterious 
Against the wall in the moon light
With his eyes the colour of cinnamon
And his hair as black as the night

Wearing jeans and black shades 
Seemed to read like a poem to me 
I was kind of afraid to go near him
But I felt drawn to that stranger you see

I took the cigarette from his hands 
We leaned against the wall and talked 
Told me he liked comics and horror movies
Guess he wasn't how I thought he'd seem

Kind of shy to tell him my name 
He told me it's alright and grabbed my hand 
Looked into his eyes and it felt right
I fell in love in the park that night


Fall: 7.18.15

The smell of pumpkins spice
And leaves all over the ground 
Its the signs that it is finally Fall 
Which I always love to welcome

As an Autumn baby I love this time 
Birthday at the middle
Halloween and Thanksgiving around the corner
I'll be sad when its all over

The colours orange, yellow, and red
Litter the ground and paint the skies overhead
Time for haunted hayrides and horror mazes
And kids getting excited for trick or treatin'

The sun shines bright and sets later at night
Its not scorching hot the climate's just right
You just need a thin jacket or a sweater
Oh how I love the Autumn weather


Winter: 7.18.15

Come cuddle with me dear
The weather is cold outside
But if you stay right here 
Baby I'll stay warm tonight

Let's snuggle by the fireplace
Watch the snow fall out the window 
Stay in and drink hot chocolate
Cause we've got nowhere else to go

The snow is really coming down 
I don't want to venture out  
Isn't it beautiful when it covers the ground?
But I wanna stay you wrapped up on the couch

Let's snuggle by the fireplace
Watch the snow fall out the window 
Stay in and drink hot chocolate
Cause we've got nowhere else to go

Let's read some Christmas stories 
Til the fire slowly dies down 
Cause baby its cold and snowy
And you're all I need right now

Let's snuggle by the fireplace
Watch the snow fall out the window 
Stay in and drink hot chocolate
Cause we've got nowhere else to go


Sin: 7.18.15

I miss you, I don't want to but I do
You don't know how hard I have 
To fight myself not to give in

Oh god I'm such a fucking basket case

I wanna beg you to come back 
But baby I'll always refuse it 
Stuff it back down deep inside

Oh god I'm such a fucking basket case

I'll treat it like its a deadly sin
You know how to put a smile on my face
but also to make me feel regret and pain

Oh god I'm such a fucking basket case


Inspired By:
All Screwed Up

Love Story: 7.18.15

He was standing there
The music was really loud 
Asked him to dance 
He smiled and said let's go

We danced around 
In our own private little world 
Ignoring the crowd 
I felt like a very lucky girl

When the dance was over 
So was its magical spell 
We both went our separate ways 
After saying our farewells

Ran into him a few years ago 
He was shooting up Brownstone
I didn't recognise this new man 
But in my heart I knew it was him

Said hello how have you been?
He said terrible, explainin' the events
I felt so pissed off and depressed 
Who in the hell would do this to him

He took a swig from the bottle 
And a drag on his lit cigarette
Told me not to worry he'll be alright
I told him too late I'm spending the night

I kissed his temple and said I love you
He held me close like I would disappear 
We stayed like that until he fell asleep
But I couldn't seem to doze off like him

Things were hell as he tried to stay clean
He would curse, fight and scream at me 
But I stayed by his side 
Cause I knew he would survive

I left in mid December 
Things kind of started to disassemble 
He chain smoked and drank tons of Jack Daniels
But I stood my ground and stayed away

We met again years after that 
Found him passed out in the gutter
I couldn't leave him out there all alone
It broke my heart so I took him home

He opened his eyes and asked if he died
I said no baby you're still alive 
I kissed him and he surrendered to me
And the rest well that's history

Its not easy loving an addict 
but I'm gonna take on this raging sea


Rain: 7.17.15

I saw her standing in the rain
She look so sad and in pain 
Her sky blue eyes were dulled grey
And her running make up painted her face

Oh her lovely smile was now a frown
Her golden hair was now mousey brown 
Wore bracelets to cover her arms 
But I knew what was goin' on

The world seemed to slip away 
For that poor girl caught in the rain 
No body warned her of the dangers to come
No body warned her about unrequited love

Now her hearts in pieces on the ground
And she's trying to figure it all out
Cause he left her here all alone 
No one told her she'd have to fix it on her own


Rock N Roll Love: 7.17.15

She was a Rocker girl
And he was into Punk 
She was an alcoholic
And he shot up junk

They said they were soulmates
That it was love by chace
But they didn't end too great
Guess it was just a passing glance

She was into The Rolling Stones
And He digged The Sex Pistols
She was screaming in the front row
He was the one putting on the show

They said they were soulmates
That it was love by chace
But they didn't end too great
Guess it was just a passing glance

He treated her like his Queen
She treated him like her King 
Were inseparable in the beginning 
But hey things do change

They said they were soulmates
That it was love by chace
But they didn't end too great
Guess it was just a passing glance

Now they're fighting all the time
Cause she fucking different guys 
But he has many women on the side
Oh Baby don't ya love the Rock N Roll life

They said they were soulmates
That it was love by chace
But they didn't end too great
Guess it was just a passing glance


Peace: 7.17.15

You make my heart skips a beat
I can't seem to speak
Late at night I can't get get no ZZZs
Cause when I close my eyes you're all I see

God I need some peace 
Oh Baby please
Take me outta this misery

My mind needs some ease 
C'mon Baby I need to sleep 
Why must you always tease 
Even in my dreams?

God I need some peace 
Oh Baby please
Take me outta this misery

I don't wanna break this lease 
Ah Baby, tear at my seams 
Can't have no damn peace 
I'm about to fucking scream

God I need some peace 
Oh Baby please
Take me outta this misery


Inspired by a picture on the net and kids using electronics: 7.17.15

When I was your age 
There weren't any cellphones
We played in the sandbox 
Or listened to songs on the radio

Kids had respect for adults
Now they just scream assaults
We played outside with a ball and bat 
But now kids are all just spoiled brats

There were appropriate cartoons on TV
Now kids that age are watching shit MTV
Boys and Girls had a thing called cooties 
Now kids that age are having sex already?

Wasn't about who was or had what 
You made friends with everyone
Now its a like a discrimination test
Only the best and popular can pass



I've got voices in my mind
Spirits surround me all around 
I can realy relate to Mental Hell 
I have OCD as well


Noir vs Now: 7.14.15

While all these kids go out and party
I enjoy the classics 
Either reading a good book 
Or watching a movie by Charlie Chaplin

These kids all doing drugs
And getting fucking drunk 
Give me some Fred & Ginger 
And that's good enough

Watching the scenes 
And acting out what's on TV
But all I need is some Buster Keaton
And Marion Davies to satisfy me


Some RnR: 7.14.15

Let's Rock
Come on baby
Let's Rock
C'mon daring
Let's Rock

It's not that late
Why don't we stay awake
Until the daylight finally breaks

Let's Rock
Come on baby
Let's Rock
C'mon daring
Let's Rock

We don't have to get drunk
Or do all kinds of drugs
We could just swing to the sound

Let's Rock
Come on baby
Let's Rock
C'mon daring
Let's Rock

As long as you're by my side
And the music is blaring loud 
I'll be having a good time

Let's Rock
Come on baby
Let's Rock
C'mon daring
Let's Rock

We can dance on the floor
Come on baby don't be a bore
Get up and move c'mon baby let's groove

Let's Rock
Come on baby
Let's Rock
C'mon daring
Let's Rock

Let the music fill our souls
Don't you like to dance, honey? 
C'mon baby this is Rock N Roll

Let's Rock
Come on baby
Let's Rock
C'mon daring
Let's Rock


Fight Fight Fight: 7.14.15

Fight Fight Fight
That's all you ever wanna do
Fight Fight Fight
I'm sick of doing this with you

Strife Strife Strife
I'm tired of the abuse
Strife Strife Strife
Always being fucking accused

Fight Fight Fight
Can't have a normal conversation
Fight Fight Fight
Cause you always twist my intentions

Strife Strife Strife
Do you care at all that it's hurting me?
Strife Strife Strife
Would you feel better if you took my life?

Fight Fight Fight
I'm slowly losing my sanity 
Fight Fight Fight
But still you tear at my damn seams

Strife Strife Strife
Won't lay a hand on you and you know it
Strife Strife Strife
You use that to your fucking advantage

Fight Fight Fight
I love you with all my heart
Fight Fight Fight
But this shit has gotta fucking stop


*For Dutch

My City: 7.13.15

I grew up in a little city 
People sold drugs in the park 
Killed in broad daylight on the streets
Got out of that place and didn't look back

We moved to this suburb still close by
The problems followed us there
Was abused for years at a young age
Til we finally moved again

Today I'm back where I started
But its much more peaceful and clean
The neighbours are a bit snobbish 
But hey at least I can finally breathe



If the vocals make you wanna sing
While the guitars/bass make you wanna jump around
And the drums make you wanna play along 
Then that's the definition of good music to me

Inspired By: 
*New York Dolls

The music today makes my ears fucking bleed
It's nothing but computer enhanced voices
And words that sound like fucking gibberish shit

Inspired by:
-Crummy Stuff

Just a ragdoll
That's what I am 
They play with me awhile
Then throw men in the trash can

Inspired By:
-Who Are The Mystery Girl
*New York Dolls

You pretend not to care
But it's eating you up from the inside
You may have a blank expression on your face
But inside your heart is trying not to break

Inspired By:
-Jet Boy
*New York Dolls

I'd rather be weird 
Than a carbon copy 
Like the rest of you

Inspired By:
-Human Being
*New York Dolls

If your heart, mind, and soul
Isn't in it then don't do it 
Don't fucking go
You'll just set yourself 
Up for another let down

Inspired By:
-Little Bit O' Soul

Let's go have some fun!!
I'm sick of this house
Sick of these four walls
Feels like I have cabin fever
Need to get out before I go mental

Inspired By:
-Come On Now

You think you are this 
Beautiful unobtainable thing 
Sorry honey but your type is cheap
You're a dime a dozen, bitch
I can pick your kind up on the streets

Inspired By:
Puss N Boots
New York Dolls

I'm just an old fashion girl
I like those simple things in life
You'd see me reading a book by light
Or Staying inside drinking some tea at night

Inspired By:
Human Being
New York Dolls

I'd rather be torn apart 
By the Pet Sematary's living dead
Than spend another day 
With you stuck in my fucking head

Inspired By:
Mental Hell x Pet Sematary

I don't have any addictions anymore
I've already lost too many loved ones
Tryin' to sedate the demons with theirs
Alcohol is just bottled venomous poison
And Drugs are slowly committing suicide
Cigarettes give you all kinds of cancer
And I wanna just fucking survive

Inspired By:
It's Not For Me To Know

You could have anyone is this world
Why you so intent to take my love?
There's jealousy in your eyes
So that's why you want to take what's mine
I can see it you don't hide it very well
And neither do they with the want they display
Well I won't fight you can have them
Why fight for someone whose obviously 
Already made up their mind
No I won't waste any more of my time
You can take them away I'll admit defeat today
Cause I deserve better any way

Inspired By:
Showdown x She Belongs To Me
New York Dolls x Ramones

When everything blows up in your face
Don't come crawlin' to me
Cause I'll just turn my back on you

Inspired By:
Don't Bust My Chops

I miss you, I don't want to but I do
You don't know how hard I have 
To fight myself not to give in
To beg you to come back 
But I'll refuse it 
Stuff it back down deep inside 
And treat it like its a deadly sin
You make me happy putting a smile on my face
but also make me sad, filling regret and pain
Oh god I'm such a fucking basket case!

Inspired By:
All Screwed Up

I'm not as cold as I look
I hurt just like everyone else does
I just learn to hide it from your eyes
So you can't use it against me
And pick at my fucking scars
With your honey laced lies
You tear me apart inside
So I stay with a stone expression
So you don't see my depression
I won't let you have that satisfaction
My pride won't allow it so fuck off already
Stop trying and get the hell away from me

Inspired By:
Needles And Pins x Don't Come Close x Swallow My Pride

Muses: 7.10.15

My muses are those bands
That always help me through the storm
Inspire me all the time 
And remind me I'm not alone

I listen to The Beatles or Ramones
And unearthed lyrics spring forth 
Like the unspoken words are finally found
When all others just hear is nothing but sound

My muses are those bands
That always help me through the storm
Inspire me all the time 
And remind me I'm not alone

Whether its the vocals by Joey 
The fast strumming of Johnny's guitar
Wild pace bass playing by Dee Dee or C.J.
Or the crazy beat of the drums by Richie, Tommy or Marky

My muses are those bands
That always help me through the storm
Inspire me all the time 
And remind me I'm not alone

No matter what I listen to 
I always hear the unheard words to find
Like reading between the non existent lines
And opening up your creative mind

My muses are those bands
That always help me through the storm
Inspire me all the time 
And remind me I'm not alone

Then there's Joplin, Jett, and Harry 
Who say I can be pretty and still be one of the boys
Just cause I'm a girl or shorter than you
Doesn't mean I can't kick your ass

My muses are those bands
That always help me through the storm
Inspire me all the time 
And remind me I'm not alone

Finally Queen, Stooges, Dolls, and Who
Say fuck what other people think, Darling 
You be who the fuck you are 
Cause its all that really matters 
It's a waste to be a copy, don't blend in, stand out!!

My muses are those bands
That always help me through the storm
Inspire me all the time 
And remind me I'm not alone


May All Those Who Are No Long Here
May You All Rest In Peace 
And Continue To Inspire The World 
For Many More Generations To Come <3
RAMONES: Joey (1951-2001), Johnny (1948-2004), Dee Dee (1951-2002), Tommy (1949-2014), Richie Ramone (2015)
Janis Joplin (1943-1970)
QUEEN: Freddie Mercury (1946-1991)
THE WHO: Keith Moon (1946-1978) and John Entwistle (1944-2002)
THE STOOGES: Dave Alexander (1947-1975) Ron (1948-2009) x Scott Asheton (1949-2014)
NEW YORK DOLLS/THE HEARTBREAKERS: Johnny Thunders (1952-1991)

I want...: 7.5.15

I want the old days back
When people lived long lives
And no one was killed in a fight
What ever happened to those times?

Everything is being solved with violence
No body wants to talk about it
Loved ones are being taken way too early
Cause everyone wants everything

I want the old days back
When people lived long lives
And no one was killed in a fight
What ever happened to those times?

Money is the root of all evil
But jealousy is in close second
What the hell has this world come to
Is this what you all really wanted?

I want the old days back
When people lived long lives
And no one was killed in a fight
What ever happened to those times?

Drugs are another cause of loss
Along Suicide and Alcohol
Bullies, do you get off hurting someone?
And Killers, Does if fucking feel good 
When they're gone?

I want the old days back
When people lived long lives
And no one was killed in a fight
What ever happened to those times?

Mothers losing sons 
Fathers losing daughters
boys and girls losing parents 
The World is losing its children!!

I want the old days back
When people lived long lives
And no one was killed in a fight
What ever happened to those times?


Bits N Bobs

With all the beautiful mysteries in life 
We are left to wonder what there is to discover. 
Wandering down an unpaved road 
And exploring the wonderful unknown 
We start to discover the amazing hidden things 
That were right in front of us.

I love Spring.
Birthing beautiful flowers 
For the bees.
I love Summer.
Bringing the wonderful sun
And Fire flies.
I love Autumn.
It's breathtaking scene
Of colorful fallen leaves.
I love Winter.
The chilly mystical weather
With snow from it's skies.
~Sephy Aidoneus

I love the rain. 
It's a beautiful scene.
It makes us sleep 
And let's us dream.
Tis a wonder that we 
Get to rarely endure.
I wouldn't have it any 
Other way you see.
Actually that's a lie
I'd like some more.
~Sephy Aidoneus

You can't sit there a
And say everybody leaves
When you pushed away 
The ones who wanted to stay.

You'll never know what 
You're capable of if you 
Stay down when you're kicked.

If you think 
I'll play your 
Game of cat 
And mouse forever, 
Baby think again!

You may think 
I'm your dream come true
But baby I'm your worst nightmare
And I'm gonna destroy you
Bit by bit I'll tear you to pieces
Drag you down kicking n screaming
To the deepest pits of Hell!!

~Day Dream/Night Terror

You constrict my limbs, 
Like a snake does to its prey.
You bind my eyes 
Like a prisoner,
Before their slaughter.
You take whatever you please, 
From my body 
Like a robber with a grave.


Have you ever wanted 
To scream at someone 
Til you're blue in the face? 
I do.
Hit 'em where it hurts 
Then walk away?
Pass that point.
Walk straight up to 
The son of a bitch 
And use their head 
As a hacky sack?
Done it and do it again.
Do you ever feel 
Like you want to
Paint the pavement 
With their face.
You have no idea 
How many times.
They say never 
Dwell on the past, 
but never tell you 
If you leave it unharmed 
it'll come back 
To bite you in the ass. 

If I'd try to forget this feeling,
You'd just drag me right back in,
To that damned cage I can't escape,
You're like bad a habit 
I can't seem to fucking quit!

Silence brings the inner thoughts.
Inner thoughts makes way for the our insanity
Insanity which brings forth Inspirational Creativity.
Inspirational creativity that births many artists.
~Artistic View.

Where's that girl in the mirror I used to see?
The one who would smile at everything?
Those once bright eyes are now hidden by liner.
Her hair now doused with dye.
Skin that used to be tanned now caked in powder.
Oh what horrors has she seen unfold?
To change her appearance into something so cold.

Like a disease you infect me.
Coursing through these veins,
Each time it drives me closer 
and closer towards the edge.
People are surprised 
I have yet to become insane,
Eating at me and still 
I manage to have a smile on my face.
If you think you could break me, 
sorry honey its not that easy.
I'm not a damn porcelain doll 
I'm made of tougher skin.
The things I've seen, 
the things I've endured 
Should have never been.
But still I seem to keep 
My head held high.
Guess I'm stronger 
Than I seemed, huh?
~Break Me.

If vampires exist 
I think I might be 
One that survived, 
When the sun comes up 
It hurts my eyes,
Sleep all day 
And up all night 
Tossing and turning
Two wounds scar my neck 
What a big surprise,
Garlic doesn't make me scream, 
Itch or have me burning, 
Canines sharper than 
A normal being's kind
And my lust for blood 
Is beyond my mind

I don't like the person 
I see in the mirror
Who stares with 
Her kaleidoscopic eyes
Chilling me to the soul 
With her piercing gaze
Reminding me of the person 
I once have been

Twas a beautiful autumn day 
That I first laid eyes on him. 
A loner among the vast crowd. 
A shadow hiding from the rays. 
No one paid this fellow no heed, 
Not even a welcome to the stranger 
From other parts. 
This poor wandering soul 
So scared in a place unknown. 
I myself was always taught 
To welcome everyone. 
Though shy as I am, 
When meeting new comers 
I am never once unfriendly. 
With my sister beside me 
We walked right up 
And greeted the shadow. 
The look of awe I will never forget 
For as long as I live his face lit up 
Like a hopeful kid on Christmas. 
We all exchanged names 
And from that day forth 
The three of us became friends.


"I want you.
To feel your touch,
Igniting fire trails 
Wherever it has been.
Your tantilizing lips, 
Forbidden but yet  
Tempting me to taste them.
Seeing your eyes 
Blown wide with sin,
Euphoric enough to 
Have me aching for more.
Hearing those erotic sounds,
Pleasure and pain is enough 
To have me give in.
Inhaling that scent,
Leaves me a slave 
At your mercy."


If I swore that I missed you 
That would be a lie 
Cause as soon as I kissed you 
I knew we were just meant for goodbyes.

You're always the fuel 
That feeds my fire. 
But we'll be forever 
Poisonous for one another.

You don't know nothing baby, 
No nothing at all
Say you want to leave me, 
Well darling there's the door

They say you don't know 
What you got til its gone 
But how can I appreciate 
Peace if you're still here

If you don't go soon honey, 
You'll regret it I fuckin' swear 
Toss your stuff out a window
Kick your ass down the stairs

I said just get out baby, 
I don't want you anymore
You used to leave my heart 
In pieces upon the tiled floor

Put me down to get your kicks 
But that's not happenin' no more
So long my little nightmare 
I hope you're life's a livin' Hell

I thank God you don't have,
A soul left to fucking sell
Be learning from my mistakes 
And a makin' a new start

Cause baby see unlike you 
I have a love just like gold,
While you have a black heart 
That will always leave you cold.

I don't like when I'm used
Its worst than all the abuse
Get the hell away baby, 
Don't come around no more

I want you outta here
If you get lonely honey 
Then go on and run back 
To the booze, drugs, and whores.

+Get The Hell Away May 19, 2016 9:35:16 AM

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