"Gone Camping, Yes I'm Bringin' It Back!" 😉
Shaz: "Let's go camping!"
Tom: "I'm down, how about you guys?"
Mike, Ron, Ben, Joon, K: "Yes!"
John: "I'm not huge on camping..."
Andy: "C'mon, John, think of all the fun we can have."
John: "Alright I'm in."
Joon: *mumbles* "Well at least they'll be far away I'm the wilderness."
Shaz: "That's the spirit!"
Syd: "I'm always up for nature."
Shaz: "He is, it's one of the things I love about him." *hugs Syd*
Syd: "It's true Shaz has some art kink."
Shaz: *pushes Syd away* "Syd!"
Syd: *puts hands up* "It's true!"
Joon: *shrugs* "Hey everyone's got their quirks."
Mike: "I know Joon's!"
Joon: "I swear to God Mike!"
Kay: "Shall we go babe?"
Jim: "Oh yes there's nothing more wonderful than seeing nature with your lover by your side."
Kay: *blushes* "Oh go on."
Joon: "She's blushing!"
Kay: "Shut up Joon!"
Lily: "Will there be a Water hole?"
Keith: "Well I hope so."
Meg: "We call dibs on it first!"
Joon: "I don't wanna know what you and Roger plan on doing, Meg!"
Roger: "Hehe."
Jim: "We call the bathrooms!"
Kay: "Jim!"
Jim: "Haha!"
Stan: "Well that I guess I'm using the tree in that case."
Ron: "Can we go skinny dipping?"
Joon: *eyes widen* "Ron why must you ask these things!?"
Benmont: "Would you rather he ask or just do it?"
Joon: "Ben always the voice of reason."
Ron: "Next time I'll just do it."
Everyone: "No!"
Luna: "Can I bring Greg and Dee Dee?"
Shaz: "Sure the more the merrier!"
Greg: "Will there be room?"
Shaz: "If we gotta some people will have to sit on other's laps in the bed of the truck."
K x Joon: *raises their hand* "We volunteer!"
Shaz: *rolls eyes* "Why am I not surprised? Alright K and Joon you guys go sit I'm the bed with the boys."
K: *climbing into the bed* "I can deal with this."
Joon: *Climbing in too* "Me too man, the sky the road and the boys what's better?"
K: *sits on Tom's lap and rests her legs on Mike*"This trip will be groovy."
Joon: *sits on Mike's lap and rests her legs on Tom* "Right on dude!"
Shaz: "Syd are you gonna drive?"
Syd: "Sure."
Shaz: *turns around* "Right is everyone in?"
Stan: *yells from the bed of the truck* "And packed like sardines!"
Joon: "Haha, he loves it!"
Stan: "I'm not complaining, just saying!"
K: *sarcastically* "Would you rather they tie you to the grill of the truck, Stan?"
Stan: "Can they?"
Joon: "Sit down she was joking!"
Shaz: "We're not tying you to the front!"
K: *laughing* "He'd make a hell of a hood ornament."
Tom: *joining in* "Could you imagine the looks we'd get from passing cars?"
Joon: *slapping Tom's arm* "Shut up Tom, don't encourage him!"
K: "Haha, I think we already get enough strange looks cause Keith is always making faces at passerbys."
Stan: "True! *to the seat in front of him* Hey Emerson let's harass the passerbys!"
Lily: *laughing* "He's already beat you to it!"
Stan: "Take a picture Joon!"
Joon: "Smile Keith!"
Keith: *smiles the best he can with his tongue sticking out, as he pretends to be a dog*
Tom: *points to a passing bus* "Oh man, guys look!"
The Heartbreakers: "Nuns!"
Shaz: *warns from the front seat* "Whatever you're all thinking I suggest you don't do it!"
Joon: *tells from the back* "Oh god they're going for it!"
Shaz: *growls loudly* "Goddammit guys what did I just say?!"
Ron: *says nonchalantly* "It's just an ass you act like they've never seen an ass before."
Syd: *in haunting serious tone* "If we get pulled over for your shenanigans, you're all getting left on the side of the road."
Tom: *yelled from the back* "We'd just hitch back to the house!"
Joon: "What's is this obsession with men and mooning people?"
Everyone: "Haha!"
Greg: *groaning* "It's so hot out man! How can you guys stand it, dressed in long sleeves?"
Mike: *shrugs* "Used to it, I guess."
Lily: *pipes up from the middle seat* "Don't let him fool you he's just looking for an excuse to take his shirt off."
Luna: "Go on Greg take it off! You can join to if you want Doug."
Greg: "Thank God!" *takes off shirt*
Joon: *shields eyes* "Dammit Luna I don't wanna look at good looking sweating men while on an hour long car ride!"
Luna: *smirks* "Deal with it, payback."
Joon: *still has eyes covered* "Oh c'mon you're not still mad about that picture?"
K: *starts laighing* "Oh Lord I remember that!"
Luna: *points finger at Joon* "You were taunting me!"
Joon: *points back* "You loved it!"
Mike: "Do we even wanna know?"
K, Luna, x Joon: "Haha, no!"
Mike: "Fair enough."
Benmont: *mumbles* "Probably has something to do with Tom."
Stan: *blurts out loudly* "We all know Luna has the hots for him."
Luna: "Stan!"
Benmont: *chuckles* "Hah! I knew it!"
Stan: "It's Ben's fault!"
Benmont: "Stan you asshole!"
Tom: *drawls out* "He's always blammin' Ben, like some older sibling."
Stan: "You and Mike are the same way, Tommy."
Tom: *shrugs* "I don't deny it, I'm like that with all of them, hell we fight like siblings too."
Mike: *chuckles* "Yeah once me and Ron got into this fight about a song--"
Benmont: *laughing* "Mike punched Ron so hard it broke his nose, Hah!"
Ron: *Laughing loudly as he recants the story* "My nose was gushing blood... There was blood everywhere, Mike stood in shock, Ben was losing his shit during it and Tom was laughing his ass off in the corner while Stan was tryin' to find a towel, to no avail."
Joon: "Hah I did that once well punched someone!"
Stan: *taunts* "Joon you look as intimidating as a butterfly."
Joon: *gets defensive* "I've fought boys taller than you, Stanley, with just a slim jim!"
K: *laughing* "Oh my god!"
Lily: *whips around* "How in the hell?!"
Joon: "You know those thick slim Jim's right Lily?"
Lily: "Yeah."
Joon: "Those."
Syd: "Hah, alright guys we're about ten minutes away from there, Magi, Maria, Pete, Evry, Jimmy, Robby and Moonie will be meeting us up there."
Shaz: *to Joon* "And he'll be bringing ya know."
Joon: *looks confused at everyone staring at her* "What? Why should I care? I mean I've got these guys right here."
K: "Hah, Oh Joon, you're mean."
Joon: "Hey I'm allowed to be."
John: "He's still my best friend!"
Joon: "That's fine John, I'm not the type to make you choose!"
John: "Good."
Ron: *shouts from the bed* "Careful with the driving Syd, we almost lost Joon over the side!"
Joon: *bites back* "One more crack outta you and I'll throw you over the edge!"
Ron: "Hah!"
Joon: "Stop laughing so loud you'll wake up Megan and Roger!"
K: "Aren't they cute all cuddled up like that?"
Greg: *waving his hands* "Joonie give me the camera!"
Joon: *glares* "Call me Joonie again and I'll make ya eat the camera."
Greg: *brushes It off* "Hah, just hand it over."
Joon: *throws camera at him* "Here!"
Luna: *yells at Greg while he makes his way towards the middle of the truck* "Greg be careful!"
Greg: "I'll be alright Luna."
Luna: "Okay if you're sure."
Greg: *cheers ("Got it and I got Keith and Lily humming little songs...Keith gave me the finger... and Jim and Kay were all cuddled up reading a magazine." *turns around and heads back to his spot*
Luna: *whines as she makes grabbing gestures* "Greg come back."
Greg: *sits back down and teases Luna* "Did you miss me, Luna."
Luna: *wraps her arms around Greg and buried her head into his chest* "Mhmm."
Dee Dee: "What about me?"
Luna: *wraps her other arm around Dee Dee* "I have enough love for you both!"
K: "I'm glad it'll never be like that with us and the boys, eh Joon?"
Joon: "Too right K."
Shaz: *shouts from the driver's seat* "Guys we're here!"
Syd: *announces as they drive through the trees to a clearing with a an old sign* "Welcome to Park Whatchamacallit!"
Joon: *tilts head* Whatchamacallit? Like the candy bar?
Syd: Yes, like the candy bar, but unlike it this park isn't edible...
Joon: I'm not stupid ya know I'm not gonna eat anything here unless there's Honeysuckles...Tell me this place has Honeysuckles!
Shaz: Yes..
Joon: *jumps up and drags K whom drags Tom whom drags Mike*
K: *chuckles* She really loves Honeysuckles...
Joon: You have no idea I used to explore the woods as a kid and pick bushes of them to drink! *looking for Honeysuckles*
Tom: Have you ever eaten the berries in the wilderness?
Joon: Plenty of times! *let's go of K's arm and disappears into a brush*
Mike: Joon?
K: Gyps you alright?!
Tom: Hey Joonie?!
Joon: *screams*
Everyone: *rushes over*
Lily: *somehow wielding a knife*
Keith: How did you get that?!
Lily: A magician never reveals their secrets...
Kay: What's going on?!
Joon: *rushes out and hides behind Tom*
Syd: What the hell just happened?!
Joon: *mumbling* I saw more than I wanted to see!!
Shaz: What do you mean you saw more than you wanted to see?!
Luna: Maybe it was two bears getting freaky?
Greg: *begins choking on his sandwich*
Dee Dee: *smacking Greg's back* C'mon man breathe!!
Luna: He'll be fine...
Jim: Hey man the bushes are movin'!
Lily: Come any closer and I'll cut you!!
Moonie: *comes out of the brush* Don't shoot I'm unarmed!!
John: *quirks brow* Keith, why are you naked?
Andy: When isn't he?
John: Touché...
Meg: *is losing it* He's what made you scream, Joon?
Roger: I thought you guys--
Joon: *blushes*
Roger: Oops!!
Shaz: *shielding eyes* Moonie can you please-- Put some pants on?!
Moonie: Sure love *disappears into the brush then reappears dressed*
Stan: Well this is awkward..
Joon: *punched Stan's arm*
Luna: I'm confused if you didn't scream cause Moonie was nude then why did you scream?
Joon: *groans putting her head in her hands*
Benmont: Luna, don't you get it he was, y'know...
Ron: Having sex!
Joon: *has run into the brush to get away from the embarrassment*
Shaz: Oh Lord now you've gone and embarrassed her...
Mike: Well we better go after her
Tom: Yeah odds are she'll be up a tree by now
K: Hah member last time?
Tom: *chuckles* Poor Mike was in that thing for hours!
Mike: Yeah and you all couldn't stop laughin' long enough to call the fire department to get me down
Tom: It was your own fault...
Mike: *gives the finger then smirks* Oh yeah well I remember a certain time someone got lost in a--
Stan: Oh that was great he was so pissed when he got out!
Ron: He looked like a lobster ready to be served had husks all through his hair! *laughing*
Tom: Then I kick your ass and you got up and swung at me and accidentally knocked out Benmont! *laughing*
Benmont: I saw stars for a few days...
K: Jeez you guys are horrible to each other... *starts laughing along*
Tom: *shrugs* Boys will be boys *winks*
K: *blushes* Uh yeah, hah now let's find Joon... *walks through brush and yells* Joon?
Stan: Joon?
Benmont: Joon?
Ron: Joon?
Mike: Gypsy?
Tom: Oh Joonie Joonie Joonbug where are you?
Joon: *from a distance* I'm gonna kill you, Tom!
Tom: Found her, looks like she's up in a tree
K: Well who's going up?
Everyone: *looks at Mike*
Mike: Why is it always me, Stan like climbing too, hell Tom can climb better than Me!
Everyone: *still stares*
Mike: *throws hands up in defeat* Fine! *begins climbing the tree*
Stan: Ten bucks says he chickens out.
Ron: Ten bucks says he gets stuck
Tom: Now fellas it ain't kind to be bettin' on our friend
K: Tom's right
Benmont: He is we gotta raise the stakes
Tom: That's right!
K: You guys are so--
Joon: *comes walking up* What are you guys doin'?
Everyone: *looks at Joon*
Tom: He was tryin' to save you *chuckles*
K: Wait you knew--
Stan: We all did *laughing*
Ron: *using Benmont as a crutch to keep from falling over* We just wanted to see if he'd do it!
Joon: You guys are such assholes!
Tom: Thank you, Thank you very much *winks*
Mike: *looks down from tree* WHY IS MOON ON THE GROUND?!
Benmont: *has fallen over laughing with Ron tumbling after him*
Joon: Someone get him out of that tree!!
Pete: *appears with Magi x Tene* What's with all the shoutin' you know some us were tryin' to sleep!
Joon: They tricked Mike into the tallest tree...
Shaz: And now they can't stop laughing...
Syd: I'll go get him...
Shaz: No!!
Syd: No worries... I'm part squirrel...
Stan: But are you part flying squirrel?
Shaz: *glares at Stan*
K: *is losing it*
Tom: *nonchalantly* Mike's part Chipmunk...
T, St, Be, Ro, K: *begin laughing*
Joon: *is trying hard to hide her smile*
Syd: *serious* I'm going up!
Shaz: *crosses arms* Fine but if you get stuck I'm leaving you up there...
Syd: *chuckled x kisses Shaz on the forehead*
Shaz: *glares at him*
Syd: *winks at her before ascending the tree*
Ron: *shouts up* How's the view up there Mike!?
Mike: *gives Ron the finger*
Greg: *appears dragging Gene behind him who is latched onto Doug* I'm hungry!!
Tene: Did you know that tree bark is good for you?
Joon: Tene please don't--
Tene: *begins tearing off bark and eating it*
Lily: *appears with Keith* Why is Tene eating bark?
Keith: Why aren't we?
Lily: *gives pointed look* Babe I'm not gonna eat bark, when I have snacks back in the truck...
Keith: *grabs Lily's hand and drags her back to the truck* TO THE TRUCK!!
Lily: *chuckles*
Moonie: *walks up with a blonde* Do I even wanna know why they're up there...
Joon: Hey did you bring what I asked you?
Moonie: Oh are you addressing me?
Joon: No I'm talking to Bigfoot over there!
Stan: He's my uncle!!
Joon: *throws shoe at Stan*
Stan: Missed me!!
K: It looks like "you got lucky" Stan.
Ron: Nice *high gives K*
Tom: Yeah he did, But Ben wasn't so lucky!! *looks down at ground where a knocked out Ben lays and begins poking him with a stick*
Joon: Shit sorry Ben!!
Ben: *grabs the stick and breaks it in half*
Tom: He's fine!!
Ben: *gets up and beats Stan with shoe*
Stan: *trying to protect himself* OW! OW! BEN! STOP! DAMMIT! OW!
Ron: *laughing*
Tom: *recoding the whole thing*
Joon: *to Moonie* Now did you?
Moonie: Yes it's in the truck...
Joon: *runs off like quicksilver*
Shaz: What about Mike?!
Joon: *ignoring*
Magi: Wonder what she's so excited for...
Moonie: *shrugs*
K: He's being coy...
Pete: Tene stop eating that bark we're gonna go exploring!
Tene: *shoves bark into Greg's mouth and then latches herself to Pete's other side* Adventure!!
Pe, Te, x Ma: *disappear into the woods*
Gene: Y'know they're not gonna adventure...
Evry: *from distance* Do you know how awkward it was sitting on that thing's lap?!
Jimmy: *in distance* I thought it was comfortable...
Joon: *reappears with a giant Teddy Bear* Don't say such horrible things about Louis (Louie) Buddy Bo Dixon he'll hear you!!
Shaz: Evry!! *grabs the curly haired stranger into a bone crushing hug* I've missed you!!
Evry: You just saw me two seconds ago!!
Shaz: SO!! *continues to hug*
Jimmy: *chuckling*
Evry: James!!
Jimmy: C'mon Shaz, Evry can't breathe...
Shaz: *blushes and let's go* Sorry..
Evry: *hugs Shaz back and starts laughing* It's alright Shaz I've missed you too... *let's go and smiles*
Shaz: *smiles back*
Joon: *hugging her teddy bear looking very happy*
Shaz: *looks to Joon* You really brought that thing with you in the wilderness?!
Joon: Damn right I did!!
Shaz: *facepalms*
Joon: I've also brought freezepops!
Moonie: She's like a little kid on vacation... *he smiles then walks away with the blonde*
Joon: *rolls eyes*
K: Did you say freezepops?
Joon: Yes!! And I brought Mango ones for us!
K: *takes freezepop looking like a kid at christmas*
Joon: I only grabbed two, guys sorry but there's more at the truck...
Tom: That's alright you guys'll just have to share *smirks*
Stan: I'll wait till we get back I want grape...
Ron: I want cherry...
Joon: *chuckles* I'm sure you do Ron...
Ron: Hey I'm not as big a perv as I portray y'know!
K: He's right...
Joon: What?!
K: He's actually more perverted than he let's on...
Stan x Tom: *are losing it at this*
Ben: *unphased* I want lime did you bring lime?
Joon: *nods* Key Lime for Keys
Syd: *reappears with a startled Mike*
K x Joon: *tackle him with bear hugs*
Mike: *smiles and wraps his arms around the two girls as they head off in direction of camp*
Ron: Did that just happen?
Stan: Yup...
Ben: Mike just literally walked off with Joon x K... *chuckling*
Tom: *runs after* Hang on man, You can't just take the girls and run off into the woods like that...
Mike: *yells back* I Just did!!
Ben, Stan, x Ron: *follow after making little snide jokes as they do*
Shaz x Syd: *laughing*
Syd: So do I get a reward for being a hero? *wiggles brows*
Shaz: *hugs Syd closely* Moron...
Syd: *chuckles* I'll take what I can get...
Shaz: I love how everyone just looked over the fact that Tene shoved bark into Greg's mouth!! *laughing*
Greg: *walks off with mouth full* It's really not that bad actually...
Gene: *I'm distance* When we get to camp you're gonna brush your teeth I'm not kissing you if you taste like tree... *laughing*
Greg: Gene why must you be so cruel?
Gene: Thems the brakes Lake!
Dee Dee: *laughing*
Robby: *appears looking like a ghost* Guys do not use the bathrooms they're uh preoccupied...
Shaz: Robby!! *hugs the new arrival*
Robby: hello Shaz, nice to see you too... Did you not hear me?
Shaz: Too busy hugging you...
Syd: Oh for fuck's sake in the fucking John?
Shaz: Oh I'm sure he iniated it...
Robby: Shaz!!
Syd: *chuckles* Well shall we join the others?
Shaz: Yeah!! *loops her arms through Robby x Syd's arms and the three make their way to the campsite*
Joon: Haha I've never seen you so jealous before!
K: Yeah but Joon you don't know if he was running after us or Mike...
Tom: You'll never know. *winks*
Mike: *rolls eyes*
Joon: Wouldn't doubt it!
Tom: Hey!
Joon: *laughing*
Mike: Why are you laughing you would know, Joonie!
K: OH!! *high fives Mike*
Mike: *bows* Thank you...
Joon: *looks over Tom's arm* Where'd the other guys go?
Tom: Maybe they got eaten by a bear?
Joon: *gasps* Thomas!
K: Or maybe they we're taken off by a serial killer... You know like in Friday the Thirteenth?
Joon: Shut up K!
Mike: *hugs Joon* They're just jokin' Gyps...
Joon: *sighs* It's still scary...
Tom: Stan's probably gone to get his camera and record the other couples in the restrooms...
K: Oh God they'll never live that one down...
Joon: Well they shouldn't shag in such a public place...
Mike: It was probably Ron's idea to tape them...
T, K, J: *laugh*
Joon: Oh yes we're back to the campgrounds!
K: Did storming off earlier tire you out Joon?
Joon: Hell yes!! *makes a beeline for the clearing with everyone*
Shaz: *from distance* WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!
Joon: *halts everyone* What's going on?
K: Shaz sounds like she's shocked...
Shaz: I'm here with Syd, you can't just show up here...
Tom: Seems like a lovers quarrel...
Mike: *trying to look through the bushes* Shh!!
Stranger: Why don't you surrender and quit the carade?
Tom: *from bush* SURRENDER!!
Shaz: *yells back* NO!!
M, J, T, x K: *start singing Surrender*
Shaz: I swear to God--
M, J, T, x K: *walk out of the bushes laughing*
Syd: *walks back up oblivious at the scene* Oh hey BJ what's up, man?
Brian: Just enjoying the outdoors with friends...
Syd: Cool so are we... Who'd you come with?
Brian: *coyly* A girl I like...
Syd: *wraps his arm around Shaz* Me too... *smiles*
Brian: *fakes smile* So you guys huh?
Syd: Yeah I was pretty shocked too I swore she would go for Manzarek or Petty over there, but she chose me...
Shaz: *looks to the ground*
Brian: That's cool maybe you guys will get to meet my lady too...
Shaz: *blurts out* Lady?!
Brian: Yeah, I told you I was here with someone I like *winks at Shaz*
Shaz: *glares at him*
Brian: I'll see you all later... *waves and walks off*
Joon: That was really awkward...
Syd: What was?
Joon: Oh uh-- *nudges Tom hard in the side*
Tom: Oh the uh bear we saw walking back he-- uh had--
K: --A horn!!
Syd: A horn?
Mike: Yeah you know like a Jackelope?
Syd: Ah, Cool... C'mon Shaz I feel like taking a dip...
Shaz: Can't we get some food first?
Syd: You just had a granola bar, and you're still hungry?
Shaz: Asshole...
Syd: *kisses Shaz's forehead* Yes we'll go eat first...
Syd x Shaz: *walk through a clearing and out of sight*
Joon: Oh boy this is gonna be one interesting trip!
Tom: It's about to get even better look! *points in a direction*
Stan: *running towards T,J,K, x M* Video record them you said! It'll be fun you said!!
Ron: *running next to him* Shut up Stan!!
Benmont: *running and laughing* I can't believe you dumbasses got caught!!
Stan x Ron: SHUT UP BEN!!
Mike: *yelling to the running three* Faster you guys they're gaining on you!!
Tom: Where'd did they get those fucking torches?!
K: Are those carving knives I see?!
S, B, x R: *speed up right passed T, J, K, x M*
[The one's chasing are John, Andy, Megan, Roger, Jim, x Kay]
T, K, J, M: *laughing*
K: Hey I wonder where Lily and Keith went off to?
Joon: Probably found a river to you know...
Keith: *from nearby bush* Close! But we decided on this bush instead!!
Tom: Hey it's what they are there for...
Joon: No it's not!!
Lily: We're not doing what you think!
Keith: Yes we are *throws out shirt*
Tom: *catcalls*
Mike: *whistles*
Lily: He's just stripping to prove a point we're actually eating snacks in this bush...
K: I believe it...
Keith: Here come the pants! *throws pants*
Tom: OW!! (The ow you make when catcalling)
Mike: *finger whistles*
K: *losing it at this point*
Joon: *laughing* You fucking guys are too damn much!! Ahahahaha!!
Tom: What if we got in on this?
Mike: We should...
K: Please do!!
Joon: *covers eyes*
Mike: Why are you covering your eyes Joonie?
Tom: Yeah s'nothing new *winks at Joon*
Joon: *still has face covered and groans* Goddammit, Thomas!
K: Less talkin' more clothes droppin'!
Joon: *whips her head up to look wide eyes at K like what did you just say?!*
Mike: Damn, she's demandin'
Tom: Yeah man, well better give her what she wants... eh?
T x M: *give each other a knowing smirk before staring directly at Joon x K*
Joon: NO!!
K: YES!!
Tom: *seriously* I'm gonna do it!
Mike: *encouraging* Hah go for it!
Gypsy: Nooo!!
K: Yes!!
Tom: Relax, Joonie Bug I'm kiddin'
K: *looks disappointed* Awe!!
Gypsy: Asshole... *starts walking again* Hey do you guys think there's snakes round here?
Mike: It is possible...
Tom: I think there might be some gators too...
K: I think he may be right...
Gypsy: *deadpans* We're in the middle of the mountains, Thomas... *laughing* You can't pull that stunt here...
Tom: *laughing*
K: *snaps fingers*
Gypsy: *walking into the tent opening* When we go back we should all take a trip down to Louisiana...
K: That would be really awesome...
Mike: We should go to that old cemetery, you know the haunted one?
Tom: Yeah, but I wanna go see that haunted mansion on Royale Street...
Gypsy: Oh you mean that one with the Doctor and his wife?
Tom: Yes! I heard you can still hear the cries of her prisoners and experience the torture chamber first hand...
K: *looks scared but intrigued*
Tom: *looks at K and wraps an arm around her shoulder* Don't worry darlin' I won't let anything happen to you
Mike: Would it be the other way around?
Tom: *smirks* You know I don't scare easy...
Gypsy: Oh!! We're going down that path now eh? Well I just hope we don't get busted down on burbon street...
Mike: I see what you did there!
Gypsy: *smirks*
K: *looking around* I wonder where everybody went...
Tom: *chuckles* We all know where Lily and Keith are... *points to truck*
K: *giggles*
Gypsy: *buries her head into her bear and stops* Well guess I can wait to nap...
Mike: *hysterically* You wanna take a nap on this beautiful day?!
Gypsy: *glares* Hey not all of us are the energizer bunny like you are, Michael...
Tom: I swear sometimes I think he's a robot...
K: A man after my own heart... *snickers*
Mike: Maybe I am
Gypsy: *rolls eyes* if you're a robot then I'm Lady Godiva!!
Tom: Then where's your horse?
Mike: And why are you wearin' clothes?
Gypsy: *buries her head deeper in the bear* Shut up!!
K: They've got a point you know?
New voice: Every time I see you guys you're always picking on each other....
Gypsy: *throws bear at Tom x Mike*
K: *side quickly steps to avoid the bear*
Tom x Mike: *are attacked by the giant teddy bear*
K: *looks down and begins losing it* How do you guys get taken down by a freakin' teddy bear?!
Tom: Wanna find out?
Mike: Holy shit how was she carrying this?!
Tom: Cause secretly she's Hercules...
Gypsy: *tackles the tall figure*
Mike: *looks over bear arm* By the way she just manhandled Todd, I can believe it!!
Tom: *looks up to K* A little help would be nice when you're finish laughin' hon...
K: Oh, I'm sorry! *somehow pulls bear off the boys*
Mike: *underbreath* She never was that excited to see us, before...
Tom: *deadpans* Didn't she attack you when you were rescued from that tree?
Mike: *rolls eyes* Not like that though...
K: You guys are jealous!!
Tom x Mike: *in unison* Are not!!
K: *laughing* Gyps let Todd up!
Todd: *hugging Gypsy* No, I'm perfectly okay being like this...
Gypsy: *relaxing into Todd's chest* He's more comfortable than the teddy bear!!
K: Oh boy wait till Keith sees this!!
Tom: Hah, we should take a group picture!
K: On the ground?
Tom: Yeah...
Mike: It's just dirt we'll go swimming afterw--
K: *Is already lying down next to the other two* C'mon then!
Tom: You know what this reminds me of... That Fleetwood Mac cover... *smirks*
Mike: *serious look* I'm not holding you like Mick did with Stevie...
Tom: Darn... You're no fun...
Todd: *opens arm* I will then come here!
Gypsy: *moves to the side*
Tom: *cuddles up to Todd*
K x Gypsy: *laughing*
Mike: *laughing* I'm recording this for when you're both sober... *lies down next to K*
Tom: I'm not drunk! *snickers*
Todd: I'm clean man! *winks*
Mike: *rolls eyes and smirks*
Syd: *walks up with Shaz* What are you guys doing?
Shaz: Isn't it obvious?
Stan: *appears* Hey we said no orgies in the woods!
Ron: *appears behind Stan with Benmont behind him all three looking worse for wear* What's goin' on?
Benmont: It's obvious they're recreating that Fleetwood Mac cover... Tom's supposed to be Stevie it looks like...
Stan: *laughing* He does kinda look like a girl...
Tom: 🖕
Ron: I never knew you and Rundgren were a thing, Tommy...
Todd: Oh yeah, didn't ya know me and him are secret lovers we just date women as a cover up but in these woods we don't need to hide our love!!
Gypsy: Oh my God Todd shut up!! *cracking up*
Shaz: I fucking knew it!!
Syd: You did?
Shaz: The eyes they give each other tells you!!
K: *losing it!*
Benmont: I always thought him and Mike had a thing...
Stan: *laughing* I'm sure they did...
Tom: Now wait just a minute--
Ron: I wonder who's who...
Benmont: *losing it* Ron you fucking asshole!!
Stan: I'm gonna say it's Mike the girl...
Mike: Hey!!
Ron: Maybe it's Tom... I mean look at that hair...
K: Hey! I love his hair!!
Tom: We aren't lovers--
Todd: Yes we are!!
Gypsy: Gives a new meaning to free love, eh Tommy...
Tom: *glares at Gypsy playfully*
K: *ruffles Tom's hair*
Tom: *looks at Mike*
Mike: Hey you guys brought this on yourselves! *laughing*
I may drop some characters or revamp this and add some more characters so lemme know who you wanna put in the story! And I will also start to work on
🌻W A L L S 🌻 look for an update soon ☺
~ LoverOfTheBayou 🐊
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