19 - spilled tea
(soundtrack above to accompany your reading)
"So, basically the morning after, he sent me a text for us to meet at the same bar after work. It was weird because at the morning meeting all I could think about was how much i fucked up the night before, and he was sitting right across from me? Anyways, long story short I went to go meet him."
Yori blushed as she told us about her scandalous past week as we sat a our usual cafe. Kaede's jaw dropped lower than we've ever seen it do, and I choked on my iced caramel macchiato.
"Ooo bitch! And then what?!" Kaede howled loudly, exited by the juicy gossip.
"Well...basically he said he thought I was cute, and that he really respected me and my previous works. He said that somehow as we were both heavily intoxicated, and we ended up that way. He apologized...and said that if I wanted to we could forget about it."
"Oh, so it's all over?" I asked her with a sigh of relief.
"Uh...about that...I kind of..."
"Well...he started charming me by showering me with complements, and then...that's when it all came back to me...the memories of that night..." She paused and took a deep breath. "I think I might kind of...like him."
Kaede chokes on his tea.
His loud cackles filled the small cafe and soon enough, we had all customers look our way. A stern faced waitress came our way to shut Kaede up nicely.
"Excuse me please remain quiet during your stay here, out of respect for the other customers."
"We're sorry." The three of us apologized at the same time, bowing in our seats.
"It's not like I'm in love or anything! I just kind of think he's cool, handsome...nice...ugh...i hate this..."
Uh oh.
Yori is a sucker for love, and though usually the love interests that she tells us about...she meets in...less sudden circumstances. She's a cheesy love story addict, and though this story might have a more 'mature' beginning to it, in her eyes it still had potential to become into something that could last longer than one night. Yori can convince herself that this is fate.
Kaede, still trying to suppress his laughter, tries to recover from almost dying by his tea.
"Kaede...I don't find it very funny." Yori's cheeks puffed up as she pouted away. "You would be feeling weird and anxious if you were in a similar situation..."
"Girl, I would gladly be in your shoes any day." Kaede clicks her tongue with sass."I could use some bomb dick, thank you very much."
"I dont think its about what happened, it's more about who it happened with. I mean sleeping with your boss isn't exactly your daily occurrence." I mumbled nervously, hoping I hit the mark.
"Right! Mind you, it's also not everyday that I have a one night stand with anyone in the first place..." Yori intervenes. "I don't want this to affect my work, but it kind of feels like it's starting to. I mean...he's good at separating work demeanor from bedroom...but.."
"...he kind of appointed me to a really big project even though I'm pretty much new to the company, and I'm thinking that our little secret has something to do with."
"Oh girl." Kaede begins. "Maybe? I think it's pretty obvious. I mean you just got the job! Be careful sis."
"Yeah what if he uses this against you? If things get out of hand just quit and get a job elsewhere buddy." I added.
Things for Yori seem to be getting crazier and crazier. First getting fired for turning in the wrong assignment, then getting hired quickly as a scriptwriter for commercials, and more recently, drunkenly sleeping with her boss. As much as I knew that it was hard for her to get a job in writing, I couldn't help but wish that it could be easier for her to drop her new job.
But that's just something I would do if if I was in that situation. I hate confrontation.
"Thanks. And if that does end up happening I think I will end up quitting. For now I'll just look forward to what comes from continuing to see him...."
"For...sex?" Kaede squeals as he fantasized about god knows what.
"N-no! For dates...and coffee...or dinner..."
"I don't know...I think you should rethink your situation..." I sigh while chuckling at Kaede's teasing suggestion. "Anyways, just be careful Yori... and keep us updated."
"I will!"
"You have anything good happen among this giant mess? Or is everything all bad?" I ask her, trying to get some good news out of her up lift her spirits.
Yori tilts her head and nods after remembering. "Well, honestly my new neighbor is kind of cute! He doesn't talk much, and he could use a little grooming but... his face is really nice to look at."
"Oh! Girl, show us some pictures!" Kae leaned into the table curiously.
"I don't go around taking pictures of my neighbors! That's kind of stalkerish...Oh but he does wear glasses, and he's pretty average in height...probably. It's kind of hard to tell because he kind of slouches."
"What's his personality like?" I asked, also curious about the man that has Yori interested.
"Um...well, a couple days after he moved in I dropped by to give him some of the strawberries from the batch that I recently harvested. He just uttered his thanks with a really heavy countryside accent."
"Also, can you grow mangos? I love me some mangos."
"Um...probably not."
I tried to picture what Yori's new neighbor could be like.
Reminds me of Kido's cousin. The stingy one that made a big deal of my book.
That's what first came to mind when I try to imagine him.
"Speaking of hot, and mysterious men, my bar's going to have a huge club event. It's going to be gay and drag queens will be performing, and y'all are invited. You're welcome."
"That sounds like fun, I could get drunk right now...maybe that'll ease my stress if only a little. Plus I could use some of that drag queen magic energy. Ya'll are really good at dancing around and lifting the spirits of sad people like myself." Yori sighs sadly. "Too bad tomorrow is a work day...I really need to go to my salsa class for destressing. Anyways, I hope your party is on the weekend...I get saturdays off."
"Of course. Some of us have lives too you know!" Kaede clicks his tongue.
"Hm. Why do you sound so offended though? It's not like you have a life." I added.
"You right." Kaede admitted without hesitation. "Anyways, I hear you were busy with your step brother yesterday. Ya'll gettin' along well I take it?"
"I mean I guess." I answer honestly. "He's nice, he got me a birthday cake, he eats my crappy food, and he accepted my fear of thunder."
"Yeah." Kae popped his mouth. "Because he doesn't know you're a grown adult."
"Shut up!"
"Now now children. Let's just finish up here before we end up getting kicked out." Yori announces as she takes out her bright red Prada wallet from her black Michael Kors purse.
After we finished up our drinks, we piled into Kaede's van and drove to the nearest mall. Yori and Kae agreed to have me pick something out for my birthday. I didn't know what to get, so we browsed around all the stores.
As I walked about, I kept my eyes on the ground as I usually do. It's a strange habit that I fail to break even when I correct it. Yori says that If I stood up straight and looked ahead, I wouldn't have such bad posture, and that it's just dangerous to not look ahead.
Well, jokes on her. I haven't fallen in 14 years!
Right as I thought that, I find myself walking into something. It was soft, and light.
As I open my eyes from the impact, I find myself on top of what seems to be...a woman.
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