15 - the calm before the *real* storm
After what happened, I decided it was probably best that I went out to tell Yori and Kae about everything. We liked to get together every few days to talk about life and gossip.
It's been a couple of hours since Akiyoshi left and I'm pretty bored. Somehow, I didn't feel sleepy despite being up all night...so I text Yori and Kae in our group chat.
Me: 'Lmao guess who almost died yesterday!!lets meet at our usual place for lunch?'
My phone buzzes almost immediately with a reply from Yori saying she'll be there, quickly followed by a similar response from Kae.
So I changed out of my pajamas into my jeans and a sky patterned shirt with the word 'reach' on it in white letters. It was a cute shirt that Yori had gotten me for my birthday last year.
I stare at my reflection in the bathroom mirror as I walk in to fix my hair.
Wow I was about to die yesterday.
Even better, I was about to sue someone for my loans! Too bad I didn't actually get hit.
My mind was starting to get confused with its own thoughts so I quickly left the house to get some fresh air, hopefully clearing my mind. I take the short train ride to the cafe near yori's place and feel better upon arriving at my destination.
"Mako! We ova' here bitch!" Kae waved dramatically from a hidden corner, drawing the attention of all the customers inside.
I cower my way over there sliding next to Yori and burrying my face behind her arm. "You're too loud Kae, you give second hand embarrassment."
"Get over it. Anyways tell us how you almost died! Did your brother find out about you and tried to kill you? Did you provoke some delinquents? Tell us child!" Kae clicks his tongue and slams his hand on the table, demanding some answers.
"Ok ok! I'll tell you just chill out, damn." I sit straight in my seat as Yori pats my head for encouragement. "Okay so I was out with Aki and some car almost hit me. It was like- this close." I show them with my fingers.
"Holy shit. You okay though?" Yori asks placing a hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah, you okay child? That must've been pretty shocking."
"Yeah I'm fine. In fact I was kinda wishing that it did hit me so I can sue and get money."
Both look at me with disbelief and worry. I immediately regretted saying anything.
"You're crazy! Don't try crazy shit like that okay?" Yori takes my head into her arms and hugs me. Kaede gets u from his seat and turns the hug into a group hug, which wasn't really doing anything good for me because my glasses were being crushed by everyone's affection.
"Uhh okay guys it hurts please let go." I mutter as they slowly let go of me and sit back down.
"Yeah yeah.. Anyways we're glad you alive. If you got hurt we would've been devastated!! So don't try some
funny shit, saying you want to get ran over..." Yori scolds while handing me a menu.
"Yeah yeah, anyways... Anything with you guys? I don't have anything else to talk about other than I did get interviewed and- oh!!"
I gasp when I remember that my article was going to be in Seasonelle. "Did I tell you the interview was for Seasonelle?"
"Oh my god! Really? Shut the fuck up." Yori's face lights up. "I'm so excited! Who's writing it?"
Im remember that Yori is a Seasonelle fan and that she probably knows all the writers names. "Uh his name is Kido."
"Oh! The hottie back at the convention! I'd fuck that!"
Kae adds.
I turn back to Yori whom looks deep in thought. I was under the impression that she'd know everyone's names off the top of her head.
"I don't remember seeing that name. Maybe he's new? Oh and I know this is really random but I got a job!"
Yori smiles enthusiastically. "Script writing for commercials. It's different but at least I get to be creative. I can just write books on the side like Kaede mentioned before!"
"Oh lord! Congratulations Yori! You a bad bitch i knew you could get up after falling down!"
"Yes! I'm so proud of you Yori!" I add.
"Thanks! In fact today was my first day! I'm going back after lunch time so get the waiter over here so I can order and eat quickly."
"Okay." I call the waiter nearby not really being bothered by my social anxiety after hearing the good news. I was glad for Yori, because despite being fired from her dream job, she still managed to have a positive outlook with her new job.
We order and eat and part our ways after talking. We didn't want to keep Yori from her new job. I get back home and relax while watching some anime in my room.
Before I know it, I've finished a whole 12 episode season and the sun goes down without me knowing. The front door lock turns and for some reason I can hear it all the way from my room.
I close my laptop and waltz downstairs with a blanket. It was very late, last I checked on my computer before closing it, the time was 9 pm. I hadn't slept in a day yet I still had energy
I was pretty sure that big bro had probably already eaten especially since upon entering...
"Hey Makoto I'm home. You eat yet?"
"Welcome home and, yeah. Thanks. Me and some friends went out and I ate." I answer. Yeah I ate lunch, but I wasn't really feeling dinner. So I lied.
"Alright. I already ate too. Sorry I didn't text you or anything." He apologizes.
"It's fine. Everything worked out well in the end anyway." I shrug and chuckle. Taking a seat on the living room couch, pulling out my phone to act casual. I wanted to greet him as he came from work. I liked spending time with him.
Akiyoshi goes up stairs and comes back down in cozy clothes, he opens the fridge before grabbing the remote on the living room table and taking a seat beside me, with a cool beer in his other hand.
"You wanna watch something?" He asks turning on the television and flipping through the channels.
"Oh! Sure!" I cross my legs and sit up to pay attention to the channels.
Suddenly, before I even get the chance to tell Akiyoshi that any channel he wanted was fine with me, a loud sound from outside followed by the echo of light startled me. I jump a bit from the growling sound.
The sound of thunder.
If It wasn't for another near death experience I had with thunder, maybe I wouldn't be afraid, but...
I was.
I am.
I try to act normal, but when I speak my voice comes out in a tremble.
"A-Any channel is fine with me." I clutch to the blanket that's resting on my lap tighter, trying not to give myself away.
Being afraid of thunder is so lame.I always try to hide it. Yori and Kae are the only ones that know. Hell, not even mom knows.
I anticipate more thunder, yet the next strike is louder than the last, starling me again. My eyes close tightly and I begin to think that maybe leaving would be best.
"Um- actually, I think I'm going to bed, I have school tomorrow so-" I get up and start trotting my way back before Aki's hand grabs ahold of my wrist.
I have bad circulation, so his warm grasp felt nice against my cold skin.
"Wait. Are you...afraid of thunder?" He asks hesitantly yet in straightforward manner.
I sit back down and decide to be honest. I was living with the guy for fucks sakes, I couldn't keep everything from him (except my gender and age). I might as well reveal my greatest fear (other than going to jail, I'm terrified of that).
I trust Akiyoshi, and if he's asking me it must mean that he's willing to let me trust him, right?
"W-was it that obvious? I kind of am, I guess..." I confess, trying to sound cool about it.
"Err-" Akiyoshi looks at me and then back at the T.V. before he wraps an arm around my shoulders in a brotherly manner. "It's alright, everyone has something they're afraid of. S-so don't feel embarrassed or ashamed!!"
He spoke so awkwardly, it made him look lame.
Made me feel a little less lame.
I crack a smile at the awkwardness of his gesture, which had good intention.
"...thanks." I wrap my blanket around myself.
"So...how about we watch some comedy?" He chuckles at the sight of my visibly now-relaxed demeanor.
"Sounds good!"
No more lightning was heard, and the sound of the heavy rain against the roof of the house was drowned out by our laugher and the television.
Although there was nothing to worry about, I couldn't help but feel like this moment of peace was only temporary.
I felt that something was going to happen. Something big.
Shaking off the eerie feeling, I continued to have a relaxed night with my brother, until we fell asleep on the couch until morning.
I'm sorry I've been lagging, but I'm done with high school so for now, I can focus more on my wattpad (hopefully)
ESPECIALLY SINCE MY PUNK ASS FRIENDS DONT WANNA GO WATCH CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS WITH ME!! I have no friends so I will be free this summer!! (lol sorry I needed to rant a little, I love my friends)
Anyways thank you so much for reading!!
I'm feeling so inspired to finish all my voltage fanfictions for some reason! So you'll be hearing from me again v soon!
Stay frosty (even though it's summer;;)
Much love xx
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